crypto law survey questions

2001-09-18 Thread mmotyka

Eric Murray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote :

>Lots of media are running survey questions asking if
>the US should ban strong cryptography.
>Here is a more honest survey:
>1. Are you willing to ban strong cryptography so the FBI, CIA, NSA etc.
>can listen in on potential terrorists, and jail Americans that use
>strong cryptography?

>9. Terrorists do not always communicate digitally.  In fact there are
>rumors that Osama bin Laden communicates with his associates either by
>sending verbal messages with trusted couriers from families that he knows,
>or for longer distances, using paper messages sent via services like FedEx.
>Do you think that banning strong crypto in America will slow bin Laden
>down at all?
Very nice. 

We in the choir agree. 

Now how are you going to get those in congress ( who prefer to be 99.9%
fact-free ) to see it your way? 

You'd have better luck opening a restaurant called Porky's Kosher Pig
Hut next door to a mosque in Kabul.


Code Red seems to be back.

2001-09-18 Thread Bill Stewart

Seems like Code Red or one of its little friends is back.

I think breaking up Microsoft is a bad idea,
but there are days it would be nice to have their
Web Server and Email Worm-Propagators run by companies
other than the operating system company just so fewer people
would be running that dangerous dreck.  :-)

Somebody did a paper about a hypothetical "Andy Warhol Virus",
studying how long it takes to take over a server,
how many servers you can attack per minute, and
what it would take to coordinate an attack that really hit everywhere.
15 minutes is about enough to hit most of the net,
if you find holes in Apache and IIS that don't need manual tweaking,
and if you don't alert people by scribbling their pages with
"Hacked by Chinese" or "Reformatted by bin Laden" before you're done.
Our chief weapons are surprise, exponential growth and
dividing up target address space effectively,
with quick checks to make sure you don't waste time on infected machines,
and, purely optionally, an almost fanatical analysis of hosting center configs.

>Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2001 16:21:35 +0200
>Reply-To: Law & Policy of Computer Communications <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>From: "[anton.raath]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject:  Re: Net problems?  Local?
>Hosting companies and ISPs have been seeing Code Red-style attacks on
>their servers since early this morning. Pair Networks have reported
>receiving "over 8000 hits per second, from as many as one hundred
>thousand NT servers".
> > No problem here, although our bandwidth is as the bandwidth of ten,
> > because our hearts are pure. ;)
> > > I'm having trouble getting NYTimes, WSJ, Amazon.  Local outage?

Re: Code Red seems to be back.

2001-09-18 Thread Adam Shostack

On Tue, Sep 18, 2001 at 09:49:30AM -0700, Bill Stewart wrote:
| Somebody did a paper about a hypothetical "Andy Warhol Virus",
| studying how long it takes to take over a server,
| how many servers you can attack per minute, and
| what it would take to coordinate an attack that really hit everywhere.
| 15 minutes is about enough to hit most of the net,
| if you find holes in Apache and IIS that don't need manual tweaking,
| and if you don't alert people by scribbling their pages with
| "Hacked by Chinese" or "Reformatted by bin Laden" before you're done.
| Our chief weapons are surprise, exponential growth and
| dividing up target address space effectively,
| with quick checks to make sure you don't waste time on infected machines,
| and, purely optionally, an almost fanatical analysis of hosting center configs.

Someone else (Staniford?) did a paer on flash worms, which add a
pre-scan of the Internet for vulnerable machines, so that you start
higher on the exponential curve.  Its a good thing script kiddies
don't read the literature.


"It is seldom that liberty of any kind is lost all at once."

Re: crypto law survey questions

2001-09-18 Thread Declan McCullagh

On Tue, Sep 18, 2001 at 11:46:06AM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> We in the choir agree. 
> Now how are you going to get those in congress ( who prefer to be 99.9%
> fact-free ) to see it your way? 

Probably not worth the effort. They'll do what they want, no matter
what the crypto mavens say.

I wonder what's going to be in the emergency anti-terrorism bill that
Bush will send Congress on Wed or Thurs. Maybe not crypto restrictions,
but the language will likely bear a close read.



2001-09-18 Thread citizenQ

first On Tue, 18 Sep 2001, Eugene Leitl wrote:

> >  "According to intelligence officials, bin Laden is aware that the
> >United States can eavesdrop on his international communications but he
> >does not seem to care. To impress cleared visitors, NSA analysts
> >occasionally play audiotapes of bin Laden talking to his mother over an
> >INMARSAT connection."
> >

Then DCF writes:

>BTW, the perps used their real names and IDs and Osama doesn't even use a 
>telephone.  He communicates using couriers from his family's clan.

Obviously these statements are not equally true.

Spanish Flu, The benefits of masks

2001-09-18 Thread David Honig

At 02:21 PM 9/17/01 -0700, Tim May wrote:
>My real fear, so far unrealized, is a smallpox or influenza attack. 
>Smallpox killed 300 million in the 1900s (hard to believe, but this is 
>what experts are saying) and the flu in 1918 killed many millions just 
>in the U.S. (including some of my relatives).
>(The 1917-18 worldwide outbreak was believed to have been spread 
>worldwide by returning troops from WW I. Note that the disease vectors 
>of today are far more efficient.)

20 million

>If I hear the slightest hint of an outbreak of any virulent disease, 
>anywhere, I'll head out to the nearest supermarket, buy $300 worth of 
>groceries, and then hunker down to ride it out.
>As always, this is not a _prediction_, this is a statement about my 
>personal approach to insurance and preparedness.
>--Tim May

Tim, see _Science_ 7 Sept 01, vol 293, p1773-1777 "The Origin and Control
of Pandemic Influenza" and related research.

Summary: you want to stockpile specifically anti-influenza drugs like
'Relenza' or
'Tamiflu'.  They impede viral replication by messing with an enzyme it uses
to release itself.

The genetic engineers have been figuring out what makes virulent strains,
and where they come from.  Basically bird flu mixes with human flu.  Damn
chinese chickens.

Hey, at least wearing masks in public will become socially acceptable, as it
now is in south NYC...

news you can use: EFF CALL TO ACTION

2001-09-18 Thread citizenQ

(In the interest of self-consistency note that this also includes the "warrantless 
wiretapping" and "emergency powers for computer crimes" concerns which I don't think 
have been argued persuasively enough or with enough weight to overcome the proposal 
and which I don't think constitute the worst threats.  But there's more here of much 

Electronic Frontier Foundation ACTION ALERT
(Issued: Monday, September 17, 2001 / Deadline: Friday, September 21,


San Francisco, California - The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)
today urged governmental officials to act deliberately in the coming
days and to approve only measures that are effective in preventing
terrorism while protecting the freedoms of Americans. Your urgent action
is needed TODAY.

In a press conference earlier today, Attorney General John Ashcroft
indicated that he would be asking Congress to expand the ability of law
enforcement officers to perform wiretaps in response to the terrorist
attacks on the United States on September 11, 2001. Ashcroft asked
Congress to pass anti-terrorism legislation including "expanded
electronic surveillance" by the end of this week.

Ashcroft's comments come in the wake of the Senate's hasty passage of
the "Combating Terrorism Act" on the evening of September 13 with less
than 30 minutes of consideration on the Senate floor.

EFF believes this broad legislation would result in unintended negative
consequences for civil liberties of law-abiding citizens by making it
unnecessary for law enforcement officers to obtain a court wiretap order
before requiring Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to release e-mail
message header information and Internet browsing patterns of their
subscribers. The bill would also authorize local U.S. attorneys to
authorize certain surveillance orders.

The Combating Terrorism Act is presently a Senate-passed amendment to a
House appropriations bill. It is expected to be voted on in joint
conference committee this week, or early next week at the latest. The
House has already passed the "base" bill, while the Senate has passed it
plus the wiretapping amendment. The House delegates several
Representatives to meet with several Senators, who will collectively
decide what amendments the final, joint version will include. This final
version is then voted on by the full House and Senate. This only real
pressure point is the conference committee; whatever emerges will almost
certainly pass both houses near-unanimously.

What YOU Can Do Now:

* Contact the conference committee members and your legislators about
this issue AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Call them, and fax and/or email the EFF
letter below today. Postal mail will be too slow on this issue. Feel
free to use this letter verbatim, or modify it as you wish. Let them
know that you do not believe liberty must be sacrificed for security.
Please be polite and concise, but firm. For information on how to
contact your legislators and other government officials, see EFF's
"Contacting Congress and Other Policymakers" guide at: * Join EFF! For membership information

Sample Letters:

There are two sample letters below, one to the conference committee
members, and one to your own legislators.

Use this sample letter below to conference committee members or modify
it, and send to all of the following:


To be determined; conferees not publicly announced yet. Check the
web-posted version of this alert for an update tomorrow:


Name (State), Phone (202-224-), Fax (202-224-), Email

Patrick Leahy (VT), 4242, 3479, [EMAIL PROTECTED] Ernest
Hollings (SC), 6121, 4293, none Daniel Inouye (HI), 3934, 6747,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Barbara Mikulski (MD), 4654, 8858,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Herb Kohl (WI), 5653, 9787,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Patty Murray (WA), 2621, 0238,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Jack Reed (RI), 4642, 4680,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Robert Byrd (WV), 3954, 0002,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Judd Gregg (NH), 3324, 4952,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Ted Stevens (AK), 3004, 2354,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Pete Domenici (NM), 6621, none,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Mitch McConnell (KY), 2541, 2499,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Kay Hutchison (TX), 5922, 0776,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Ben Campbell (CO), 5852, 1933, none Thad
Cochran (MS), 5054, 9450, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dear Sen./Rep. [Surname] and Other H.R. 2500 Conference Committee

I write to express my gravest concern over aspects of the Congressional
response to the tragedies of September 11. While I share your grief and
anger in no uncertain terms, I do not believe that sacrificing essential
liberties in a vain hope of improving security is good for America or
the world. Security can be improved without privacy invasion, and we
cannot win an attack on freedom by attacking that freedom ourselves.

I specifically object to H.R. 2500 amendment S.A. 1562 sections 816,
832, 833, and 834, and any s

Re: IP: Osama bin Laden and crypto (fwd)

2001-09-18 Thread Subcommander Bob

At 05:19 AM 9/18/01 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>In other words these twits we pay to run our government violate the
>privacy of another individual by disclosing internal government
>(audio tapes) on an irrelevant conversation bin Laden has with his
>to third parties who have no business with it.

You should hear the tapes of Monica & Bill they have!

Re: dismisinformation

2001-09-18 Thread Rob Carlson

No, both are true.

Bin Laden, associates elude spy agency's eavesdropping
By Scott Shane
Sun Staff
Originally published September 16, 2001

James Bamford, author of two books on the NSA, was told by agency
sources that in the late 1990s, NSA officers would sometimes play a tape
of bin Laden talking with his mother to impress visitors holding
high-level security clearances. But early this year, Bamford said, a
source told him that the agency "had totally lost bin Laden's calls."

"They lost all track of him," Bamford said. "It could be that he uses
couriers for really important communications. Or it could be he's using

If it is true that the NSA can no longer monitor bin Laden's
communications - and the agency isn't saying - the loss might have
played a role in the failure of U.S. intelligence to pick up warning of
Tuesday's terrorist attacks. Officials have called bin Laden their prime


On Tue, 18 Sep 2001, citizenQ wrote:

> first On Tue, 18 Sep 2001, Eugene Leitl wrote:
> > >  "According to intelligence officials, bin Laden is aware that the
> > >United States can eavesdrop on his international communications but he
> > >does not seem to care. To impress cleared visitors, NSA analysts
> > >occasionally play audiotapes of bin Laden talking to his mother over an
> > >INMARSAT connection."
> > >
> Then DCF writes:
> >BTW, the perps used their real names and IDs and Osama doesn't even use a
> >telephone.  He communicates using couriers from his family's clan.
> >
> >DC
> Obviously these statements are not equally true.

"Tragedy sparks renewed interest in public service"

2001-09-18 Thread Declan McCullagh

Tragedy sparks renewed interest in public service
By Kellie Lunney

Many federal employees who have retired from public service are eager to 
return to work in the wake of last week's terrorist attacks, according to 
officials at the Office of Personnel Management. Other agencies, including 
the CIA and Coast Guard, have also reported a surge in interest among 
retirees and other people people eager to go to work for the government. 
"We have been getting a number of phone calls throughout our Employment 
Service Office from individual retirees interested in coming back to work 
to help out if they are needed," said Ellen Tunstall, assistant director 
for employment policy at OPM. Tunstall said OPM did not have specific 
numbers yet on how many people have offered to return. OPM has set up an 
e-mail address for federal retirees who are interested in returning to 
government service. Interested retirees can e-mail OPM at [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Those interested in applying for jobs with the federal government should 
refer to the USAJOBS Web site, OPM officials said. Under normal 
circumstances, re-employed federal retirees are required by law to take a 
reduction in pay or benefits if they want to return to government 
employment, but OPM announced last week that it is prepared to give agency 
heads the authority to grant waivers, and will respond to such requests 

Full story:

Re: SI - The End of Nations, Part 1

2001-09-18 Thread Anonymous Coredump

> I just switched to CBS, and there was Dan Rather crying on "Late Night"
> with Letterman holding his hand, as he explained to the public that we
> could expect a 5-10 year campaign to rid the world of evil, and we had to
> make sure this generation wasn't too "spoiled" to stay on board for the
> whole performance.

Of course, with 5000 week-old bodies lying in the WTC wreckage there's
not much doubt that at least some Americans are spoiled.

Re: dismisinformation

2001-09-18 Thread David Honig

At 08:25 AM 9/18/01 -0700, citizenQ wrote:
>first On Tue, 18 Sep 2001, Eugene Leitl wrote:
>> >  "According to intelligence officials, bin Laden is aware that the
>> >United States can eavesdrop on his international communications but he
>> >does not seem to care. To impress cleared visitors, NSA analysts
>> >occasionally play audiotapes of bin Laden talking to his mother over an
>> >INMARSAT connection."
>> >
>Then DCF writes:
>>BTW, the perps used their real names and IDs and Osama doesn't even use a 
>>telephone.  He communicates using couriers from his family's clan.
>Obviously these statements are not equally true.

Bamford's info is old.

Saudis detained photographing dam

2001-09-18 Thread Declan McCullagh 

Two Saudis detained in Fresno Co.
The Fresno Bee 
 (Published Monday, September, 17, 2001 4:55AM) 
   Two Saudi men were detained Sunday by federal and local authorities 
for failing to carry proper immigration documentation, the Fresno 
County Sheriff's Department reported. 

 The two men, who were not identified, were seen taking photographs of 
the Shaver Lake reservoir and dam Sunday afternoon by a resident in the 
mountain community. While driving toward Fresno, the men were stopped 
for questioning by sheriff's deputies along Highway 168 near Pine Ridge 
just before 7 p.m.   

Transcript of today's Ashcroft press conf

2001-09-18 Thread Declan McCullagh

Attorney General Remarks
Press Briefing
FBI headquarters
September 17, 2001

ATTY GEN. ASHCROFT: While the investigation is ongoing and still moving 
forward vigorously, we are beginning to learn
more about the attack last Tuesday and the plot to make it happen.

  As we have said before, we do believe that there are associates of 
the hijackers that have connections to terrorist
organizations that may still be in the United States. The tips we have 
received and the leads developed in the FBI field offices
have been extremely helpful in helping us assemble a list of individuals 
that might have information about these associates, or, in
fact, be among the associates. We are looking at the possibility that there 
may have been more than four planes targeted for
hijacking. But we are not able at this time to confirm that.

  To date the FBI has received more than 96,000 tips and potential 
leads: more than 54,000 on the website, nearly 9,000 on
the hot line, the toll_free WATTS line, and more than 33,000 leads that 
were generated in the FBI field offices. Obviously there
is still a great deal of information to be collected in order to understand 
the full picture of how last Tuesday's attack was
planned and the full extent of damage that the terrorists intended to cause 
is understood.

  Our effort includes talking to the numbers of people that may have 
information related to the case. That's why we have
forwarded a list of more than 190 people to national, state and local law 
enforcement agencies across the country and other
organizations that could be helpful in this effort, organizations like the 
airlines. We also have a responsibility to use every legal
means at our disposal to prevent further terrorist activity by taking 
people into custody who have violated the law and who may
pose a threat to America.

  The details that we have learned in the enormous destruction and 
devastation that was caused by last Tuesday's attack have
brought us to a turning point in our country's fight against terrorism and 
the preservation of the safety and security of our
society. On that morning last Tuesday the forces of terrorism attacked the 
citizens of our country with a ferocity that was
nothing short of a declaration of war against the people of America. The 
President of the United States has announced that we
will meet that declaration with a full commitment of resources and with a 
firm resolve to rid the world of terrorism.

  The fight against terrorism must be an overriding priority of the 
Department of Justice. I have talked this week about
possible legislative changes that we would need in order to be able to 
fight effectively against terrorism. And I'm pleased with
the cooperation from members of Congress and their ideas, their comments, 
their suggestions and their support for a package
which we would hope to have ready in the next few days. But this new effort 
requires more than just legislation.

  There are actions the Department of Justice can take now on its own 
to make sure the prevention of terrorism is a high
priority. That's why last night at my direction Immigration and 
Naturalization Service Commissioner Jim Ziglar signed an
administrative revision to the current INS regulations regarding the 
detention of aliens. The regulation previously allowed the
Immigration and Naturalization Service only 24 hours in which to decide 
whether to charge an alien that had been taken into
custody because of a violation. The revision announced last night expands 
the 24_hour time period to 48 hours, or to an
additional reasonable time if necessary under an emergency or in other 
extraordinary circumstances. This rule change will apply
to the 75 individuals who are currently detained by the INS on immigration 
violations that may also have information related to
this investigation.

  In addition, every United States attorney's office has reviewed the 
office's resources and structure in light of the growing
threat of terrorism. As a part of the new counterterrorism strategy, every 
United States attorney and every district of such an
attorney that hasn't already done so has been asked to establish an 
antiterrorism task force. At my direction last week, each
U.S. attorney's office identified an experienced prosecutor who will serve 
as the antiterrorism coordinator for that district. That
coordinator is to convene a meeting of representatives from the federal law 
enforcement agencies, and that would be the FBI,
the INS, the DEA, the Marshals Service, Customs, Secret Service, the ATF, 
or Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms.

  Together with those federal officials there would be the invitation 
to primary state and local police forces in that district. That
group, headed by the U.S. attorney, would be the antiterrorism task force 
in that U.S. attorney's district. These task forces will
be a part of a national network that will coordinate the dissemination of 
information a

The Hottest And Easiest Home Business Ever !!!!

2001-09-18 Thread inetbusiness2

Dear Friend, 

May I have your permission to send you FREE information 
of an exciting and very profitable SELF-RUN online business? 

It is truly the HOTTEST and the EASIEST home business today! 
Fortune 500 company. Fully Automated Internet Business.  
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It is NOT a chain letter, NOT an illegal get-rich-quick scam. It is a 
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This home business is for REAL! No Hype! 
Please click below to receive FREE VITAL INFORMATION: 


You will be glad that you did! 

Thank you and have a great day! 
With My Warmest Regards, 
James Ross

Mail System Error - Returned Mail

2001-09-18 Thread Mail Administrator

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This home business is for REAL! No Hype! 
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You will be glad that you did! 

Thank you and have a great day! 
With My Warmest Regards, 
James Ross

Mail System Error - Returned Mail

2001-09-18 Thread Mail Administrator

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You can make up to $14,000 per month in your spare time! 

It is NOT a chain letter, NOT an illegal get-rich-quick scam. It is a 
legitimate online business which has been around for over 16 YEARS! 

This home business is for REAL! No Hype! 
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You will be glad that you did! 

Thank you and have a great day! 
With My Warmest Regards, 
James Ross

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2001-09-18 Thread Mail Administrator

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Re: || Combating Terrorism Act of 2001 - Analyzed

2001-09-18 Thread Declan McCullagh

Relying on kuro5hin for political and legislative analysis is like relying
on the broadcast networks for in-depth reporting.


On Tue, Sep 18, 2001 at 07:57:55PM -0500, Jim Choate wrote:
> -- 
>  --
>   Drop acid, not bombs..1960's Anti-war Slogan
>The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
>Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::>/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
>-~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

Re: crypto law survey questions

2001-09-18 Thread Declan McCullagh

On Tue, Sep 18, 2001 at 05:40:27PM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Is it true that Gregg is giving up? Has someone told him that his ATM,
> his browser and his garage door opener would be outlawed?

Depends on whether you believe politicotalk or not. Gregg's comments
were heartfelt, IMHO. Sad that the only principles politicos seem to have
nowadays is the principle of limiting crypto, privacy.

> The talk of crypto regs came from more corners than just Gregg's. Why
> would the interest pass so quickly? Is it because they have faith in
> MSWindows, Carnivore and keyboard loggers?
> It will probably surface again soon.

Maybe. Then again, this would have been the time to do it, in this bill.
The fine print will bear reading.

Also, keep an eye out for Sen. Kyl, who complained about crypto last week.


Subject: Re: || Combating Terrorism Act of 2001 - Analyzed

2001-09-18 Thread citizenq

Actually I found the analysis more ... mature in outlook.  Less Wired.  Some stuff to 
agree with, some to disagree with.  Declan, did you read it?

>Subject: Re: || Combating Terrorism Act of 2001 - Analyzed
>Relying on kuro5hin for political and legislative analysis is like relying
>on the broadcast networks for in-depth reporting.
>On Tue, Sep 18, 2001 at 07:57:55PM -0500, Jim Choate wrote:
>> -- 

Soft Targets (Re: Saudis detained photographing dam)

2001-09-18 Thread Tim May

On Tuesday, September 18, 2001, at 10:59 AM, Declan McCullagh wrote:

> Two Saudis detained in Fresno Co.
> The Fresno Bee
>  (Published Monday, September, 17, 2001 4:55AM)
>Two Saudi men were detained Sunday by federal and local authorities
> for failing to carry proper immigration documentation, the Fresno
> County Sheriff's Department reported.
>  The two men, who were not identified, were seen taking photographs of
> the Shaver Lake reservoir and dam Sunday afternoon by a resident in the
> mountain community. While driving toward Fresno, the men were stopped
> for questioning by sheriff's deputies along Highway 168 near Pine Ridge
> just before 7 p.m.

Ironically, I did a piece for a hacker's list last week discussing 
hitting dams. As that list frowns on having articles redistributed to 
attention drawn to it, I'll x out some of it:

 From: Tim May <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sat Sep 15, 2001  09:37:44 AM US/Pacific
To: xx
Subject: Soft Targets

On Saturday, September 15, 2001, at 02:27 AM, xxx wrote:
Date: 14 Sep 2001 23:48:43 +0100
 From: x
Subject: objective view of future risks

I was asked today roughly:

What did I think were the chances of some other horrific terrorist attack
happening in the near future (1-2 months? 1-6 months? 1 year?) here in 
SF area.

I can think of lots of things that could happen.  I can think of what 
be attractive targets (the GG bridge, the Transamerica building), etc.
But I couldn't say whether I thought it likely, very likely, possible, or

Any thoughts?

There's been a lot of discussion in the various groups and lists about 
the many "soft targets" in the U.S. and Europe.

Leading the list seem to be the various dams. Not the most massive 
concrete dams, but the "stressed eggshell" dams. A kamikaze bomber can 
easily exceed the design parameters. Several have been listed, which I 
won't summarize here. The bang for the buck could be very high, with 
major cities lying below some of these dams.

(I saw one detailed analysis of a particular dam...I think it was in 
Kentucky...that is of this eggshell design. Several 50-story buildings 
are built below this dam, some miles down the river, and would not 
likely survive a 100-foot high wall of water.)

After the World Trade Center was targetted in 1993, those who continued 
to work there instead of getting out of Dodge paid the price.

Many of these dams are within such a short flight from airports that no 
effective scrambling of jets to intercept them is possible. We may see 
"no fly" zones around such dams, with SAMs defending the sites.

Sports stadiums are a different kettle of fish. A plane leaving SFO or 
Oakland could be on top of one of the crowded stadiums within a minute 
or two. No time to scramble interceptors. Again, maybe SAMs with 
carefully-programmed intercept orders. Or flights at nearby airports 
could be cancelled when the stadiums are filled with 50,000 fans. (This 
scenario has been discussed many times. "Black Sunday" is nearly 30 
years old. Thomas Harris knew about the hijacked jet scenario but chose 
to use the more complicated "rogue dirigible pilot" plot device.)

All the recent hoopla about banning nail files and metal utensils is 
closing the barn door after the horses (ridden by the four horsemen) 
have left. Commercial jetliners will probably not be used again for this 
purpose...but what of cargo jets and privately-owned jets? Anyone with 
enough money (Bin Laden, others) can buy or lease their own jets.

It's easy to hack soft targets, given the willingness to die. Quite a 
bit harder to get away alive and then survive the aftermath.


Is it hopeless? No, of course not. The New York Stock Exchange was 
vastly too archaic scheme whereby traders living in 
Connecticut and Long Island rode trains for hours each day so they could 
gather in one particular building and shout. Though "open outcry" and 
"market makers" have some technical advantages (and disadvantages), the 
overall scheme is archaic. And it's why the markets have been 
paralyzed...and will be for the foreseeable future. Count on lots of 
bomb threats emptying the trading floor. We as computer types should be 
endorsing further decentralization, further distribution of trading and 
computing resources. NASDAQ would not have been shut down...the only 
reason they did was out of sympathy with the NYSE, and for 
SEC/competitiveness reasons.

And avoiding soft targets is always advisable. Just as living in a beach 
house carries risks, so does working in an antheap.

--Tim May

Re: Subject: Re: || Combating Terrorism Act of 2001 - Analyzed

2001-09-18 Thread Declan McCullagh

The analysis, such as it is, was superficial. Some kuro5hin articles
are worthwhile and thought-provoking; this, alas, was not in that

Some problems with the article:

First, the bill did not pass "the legislature," just the Senate.
Second, the vote on the amendment was Thursday, not Friday. Third, it
was one session, not multiple "sessions." Fourth, it is hardly
"admirable that in this time of need partisan politics was [sic] put
aside" -- that's precisely what leads to bad legislation. Fifth, the
bill not not "been in the pipeline for two months" -- it was debated
in committee for far longer during hearings early this year. Sixth,
it does not "broadens the definition of wiretaps to mean monitoring of
communications over the Internet" -- Carnivore has already been used
under existing legal authority. Seventh, the constitutional analysis
is wrong -- the broadest protection of privacy found in the BoR is in
the Fourth Amendment, which isn't even mentioned, and which would be
used in a constutional attack on Carnivore.

The conclusion of this so-called analysis:

 "If we grant great powers to men of principle who we have trusted to
 lead us in times of national turmoil, and they don't loose [sic] sight
 of the righteous goal in front of them; then perhaps true good will
 come of this."

When "men of principle" are in the Senate? Leahy, who wrote CALEA?
What's this "righteous goal" -- supporting Bush in carpet-bombing
missions? What "true good" can come of this? What nonsense.

This is not a personal attack on the author, who I don't know and bear
no ill will toward. But if you really find simpleminded commentary
"mature," you're beyond contempt.


On Tue, Sep 18, 2001 at 11:48:22PM +, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Actually I found the analysis more ... mature in outlook.  Less Wired.  Some stuff 
>to agree with, some to disagree with.  Declan, did you read it?
> >Subject: Re: || Combating Terrorism Act of 2001 - Analyzed
> >
> >Relying on kuro5hin for political and legislative analysis is like relying
> >on the broadcast networks for in-depth reporting.
> >
> >-Declan
> >
> >
> >On Tue, Sep 18, 2001 at 07:57:55PM -0500, Jim Choate wrote:
> >>
> >> -- 

ghost of steve jackson

2001-09-18 Thread Subcommander Bob

And Microsoft has postponed the October launch of its latest version of
"Flight Simulator," which offers the ability to fly into buildings.

Well I feel much safer now.

Re: crypto law survey questions

2001-09-18 Thread Declan McCullagh

On Tue, Sep 18, 2001 at 01:00:48PM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Send it when you find it.

Gotcha. Also I posted a transcript of the Ashcroft-Mueller press conf
on the bill at


Re: Hey! I've Got A Good Idea...

2001-09-18 Thread mmotyka

Heavy Stuff. 

Puts to shame my GoodIdea of handing a basket of Official Major League
Baseballs to each airline passenger upon boarding. Let's see a homicidal
maniac with a toenail clipper stand up to that. 


Independent News - Insurers back away from 'act of war' let-out clause

2001-09-18 Thread Jim Choate


  Drop acid, not bombs..1960's Anti-war Slogan

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::>/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

Defiant Taliban hit back as clerics stand by bin Laden

2001-09-18 Thread Jim Choate


  Drop acid, not bombs..1960's Anti-war Slogan

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::>/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

Re: Code Red seems to be back.

2001-09-18 Thread David Honig

At 09:49 AM 9/18/01 -0700, Bill Stewart wrote:
>Seems like Code Red or one of its little friends is back.

This one supposedly uses both http servers and email (MS of course) to 
propogate.  Even read that visiting an infected web site can cause
client infection, but we'll have to await the autopsy.

In addition, it uses some fine currents-events social engineering
to get you to read it. - U.S. warned in 1995 of plot to hijack planes, attack buildings - September 18, 2001

2001-09-18 Thread Jim Choate


  Drop acid, not bombs..1960's Anti-war Slogan

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::>/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

Some Pakistanis Prepare for War (against America if they attack Afghanistan)

2001-09-18 Thread Jim Choate


  Drop acid, not bombs..1960's Anti-war Slogan

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::>/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

Interesting web log

2001-09-18 Thread Harmon Seaver

I see someone at was looking
at my resume today. Think they'll offer me a job?  8-)

Harmon Seaver, MLIS
Work 920-203-9633   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Home 920-233-5820 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: crypto law survey questions

2001-09-18 Thread Declan McCullagh

I managed to get an outline of the emergency anti-terrorism bill.
Wiretap, FISA, immigration, court procedure, etc.

But no encryption restrictions listed.


On Tue, Sep 18, 2001 at 01:00:48PM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Declan McCullagh wrote:
> > I wonder what's going to be in the emergency anti-terrorism bill that
> > Bush will send Congress on Wed or Thurs. Maybe not crypto restrictions,
> > but the language will likely bear a close read.
> > 
> Send it when you find it.
> > -Declan

Re: Transcript of today's Ashcroft press conf

2001-09-18 Thread Declan McCullagh

The copy I got had the date wrong, but it did happen today.


On Tue, Sep 18, 2001 at 05:41:05PM -0700, John Young wrote:
> What's up with the date on the Press Briefing, yeserday's
> or today's? Or pre-fabricated? Yes, the goddam Saudi dam 
> spies should be disappeared. School of the Americas 
> Comeback. Woolsey and Stew Baker and all the intel 
> snakes hoping to poison the well: Disappear the journalists
> like in Latin America, Middle East, Africa. Gregg's aide
> now says the crypto-paranoid senator will not seek legislation
> to rollback crypto. What violence will be done instead is
> what the intel groteques are pushing -- wet work.
> At 04:34 PM 9/18/01 -0400, you wrote:
> >Attorney General Remarks
> >Press Briefing
> >FBI headquarters
> >September 17, 2001

Re: crypto law survey questions

2001-09-18 Thread mmotyka

Declan McCullagh wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 18, 2001 at 11:46:06AM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > We in the choir agree.
> >
> > Now how are you going to get those in congress ( who prefer to be 99.9%
> > fact-free ) to see it your way?
> Probably not worth the effort. They'll do what they want, no matter
> what the crypto mavens say.
> I wonder what's going to be in the emergency anti-terrorism bill that
> Bush will send Congress on Wed or Thurs. Maybe not crypto restrictions,
> but the language will likely bear a close read.
Send it when you find it.

> -Declan

Re: Code Red seems to be back.

2001-09-18 Thread John Young

The worm hit Cryptome at 8:43 AM EST and is now sucking
at a rate of about 90% of the load. As others have noted,
the bulk of the hits appear to be coming from our own
ISP, either by design or by spoofing the origin. Our server
is on Apache but the worm generates endless errors
attempting to find holes in IIS.

Pervasive DDoS attacks are reportedly underway at gov 
sites. We are not seeing an unusual number of that type.

THE IRANIAN: Opinion, Afghanistan, Mohsen Makhmalbaf (Read this!!!)

2001-09-18 Thread Jim Choate


  Drop acid, not bombs..1960's Anti-war Slogan

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::>/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'- || How we can win in Afghanistan

2001-09-18 Thread Jim Choate


  Drop acid, not bombs..1960's Anti-war Slogan

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::>/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'- || Combating Terrorism Act of 2001 - Analyzed

2001-09-18 Thread Jim Choate


  Drop acid, not bombs..1960's Anti-war Slogan

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::>/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

Re: crypto law survey questions

2001-09-18 Thread mmotyka

Declan McCullagh wrote:
> I managed to get an outline of the emergency anti-terrorism bill.
> Wiretap, FISA, immigration, court procedure, etc.
> But no encryption restrictions listed.
> -Declan
Is it true that Gregg is giving up? Has someone told him that his ATM,
his browser and his garage door opener would be outlawed?

The talk of crypto regs came from more corners than just Gregg's. Why
would the interest pass so quickly? Is it because they have faith in
MSWindows, Carnivore and keyboard loggers?

It will probably surface again soon.


SI - The End of Nations, Part 2

2001-09-18 Thread keyser-soze

The Taboo on Foresight

To see "outside" an existing system breaches a convention that helps keep the system 
functioning. Every social order incorporates among its key taboos the notion that 
people living in it should not think about how it will end and what rules may prevail 
in the new system that takes its place. Implicitly, whatever system exists is the last 
or the only system that will ever exist. Not that this is so baldly stated. Few who 
have ever read a history book would find such an assumption realistic if it was 
articulated. Nonetheless, that is the convention that rules the world. Every social 
system, however strongly or weakly it clings to power, pretends that its rules will 
never be superseded: They are the last word. Or perhaps the only word. Primitives 
assume that theirs is the only possible way of organizing life. More economically 
complicated systems that incorporate a sense of history usually place themselves at 
its apex. Whether they are Chinese mandarins in the court of the empe!
ror, the Marxist nomenklatura in Stalin's Kremlin, or members of the House of 
Representatives in Washington, the powersthatbe either imagine no 
history at all or place themselves at the pinnacle of history, in a superior position 
compared to everyone who came before, and the vanguard of anything to come.

This is true for practical reasons. The more apparent it is that a system is nearing 
an end, the more reluctant people will be to adhere to its laws. Any social 
organization will therefore tend to discourage or play down analyses that anticipate 
its demise. This alone helps ensure that history's great transitions are seldom 
spotted as they happen. If you know nothing else about the future, you can rest 
assured that dramatic changes will be neither welcomed nor advertised by conventional 

You cannot depend upon conventional information sources to give you an objective and 
timely warning about how the world is changing and why. You have little choice but to 
figure it out for yourself.

Taliban concedes bin Laden may be involved

2001-09-18 Thread Jim Choate


  The future, as always, belongs to the dreamers.

 Heinz Pagels

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::>/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

SI - The End of Nations, Part 3

2001-09-18 Thread keyser-soze

Beyond the Obvious

The record shows that even transitions that are undeniably real in retrospect may not 
be acknowledged for decades or even centuries after they happen. Consider the fall of 
Rome. It was probably the most important historic development in the first millennium 
of the Christian era. Yet long after Rome's demise, the fiction that it survived was 
held out to public view, like Lenin's embalmed corpse. No one who depended upon the 
pretenses of officials for his understanding of the "news" would have learned that 
Rome had fallen until long after that information ceased to matter.

The reason was not merely the inadequacy of communications in the ancient world. The 
outcome would have been much the same had CNN miraculously been in business, running 
its videotape in September 476. That is when the last Roman emperor in the West, 
Romulus Augustulus, was captured in Ravenna and forcibly retired to a villa in 
Campania on a pension. Even if Wolfe Blitzer had been there with minicams recording 
the news in 476, it is unlikely that he or anyone else would have dared to 
characterize those events as marking the end of the Roman Empire. That, of course, is 
exactly what latter historians said happened.

CNN editors probably would not have approved a headline story saying "Rome fell this 
evening." The powers that be denied that Rome had fallen. Peddlers of "news" seldom 
are partisans of controversy in ways that would undermine their own profits. They may 
be partisan. They may even be outrageously so. But they seldom report conclusions that 
would convince subscribers to cancel their subscriptions and head for the hills. Which 
is why few would have reported the fall of Rome even if it had been technologically 
possible. Experts would have come forth to say that it was ridiculous to speak of Rome 
falling. To have said otherwise would have been bad for business and, perhaps, bad for 
the health of those doing the reporting. The powers in late fifth century Rome were 
barbarians, and they denied that Rome had fallen.

But it was not merely a case of authorities' saying, "Don't report this or we will 
kill you." Part of the problem was that Rome was already so degenerate by the later 
decades of the fifth century that its "fall" genuinely eluded the notice of most 
people who lived through it. In fact, it was a generation later before Count 
Marcellinus first suggested that "The Western Roman Empire perished with this 
Augustulus." 4 Many more decades passed, perhaps centuries, before there was a common 
acknowledgment that the Roman Empire in the West no longer existed. Certainly 
Charlemagne believed that he was a legitimate Roman emperor in the year 800.

The point is not that Charlemagne and all who thought in conventional terms about the 
Roman Empire after 476 were fools. To the contrary. The characterization of social 
developments is frequently ambiguous. When the power of predominant institutions is 
brought into the bargain to reinforce a convenient conclusion, even one based largely 
on pretense, only someone of strong character and strong opinions would dare 
contradict it. If you try to put yourself in the position of a Roman of the late fifth 
century, it is easy to imagine how tempting it would have been to conclude that 
nothing had changed. That certainly was the optimistic conclusion. To have thought 
otherwise might have been frightening. And why come to a frightening conclusion when a 
reassuring one was at hand?

After all, a case could have been made that business would continue as usual. It had 
in the past. The Roman army, and particularly the frontier garrisons, had been 
barbarized for centuries. By the third century, it had become regular practice for the 
army to proclaim a new emperor. By the fourth century, even officers were Germanized 
and frequently illiterate. There had been many violent overthrows of emperors before 
Romulus Augustulus was removed from the throne. His departure might have seemed no 
different to his contemporaries than many other upheavals in a chaotic time. And he 
was sent packing with a pension. The very fact that he received a pension, even for a 
brief period before he was murdered, was a reassurance that the system survived. To an 
optimist, Odoacer, who deposed Romulus Augustulus, reunified rather than destroyed the 
empire. A son of Attila's sidekick Edecon, Odoacer was a clever man. He did not 
proclaim himself emperor. Instead, he convened the Senate and!
 prevailed upon its toosuggestible members that they offer the emperorship and thus 
sovereignty over the whole empire to Zeno, the Eastern emperor in faraway Byzantium. 
Odoacer was merely to be Zeno's patricius to govern Italy.

As Will Durant wrote in The Story of Civilization, these changes did not appear to be 
the "fall of Rome" but merely "negligible shifts on the surface of the national 
scene." When Rome fell, Odoacer said that Rome endured. He, along with almost everyone 

Re: crypto law survey questions

2001-09-18 Thread Tim May

Q: "Do you believe people should be arrrested, tried, and jailed for 
writing in some form that narcs and cops cannot read? Do you believe 
whispering should be made a felony?

Q: If you answered "yes," would you be willing to take a bullet from 
citizens who don't agree? Will you volunteer to work in an office 
building that may be terminated by extreme prejudice by patriots?

Q: Do you understand that by repressing civil liberties, you have earned 

--Tim May

Re: The True Story Of The Attack On America

2001-09-18 Thread Steve Thompson

Quoting CJ Parker ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> "The World's Lamest Conspiracy Theorist" [TM]
> *

Who are you and what have you done with the real C. J. Parker?



Several eye-witnesses report seeing a missile strike the WTC before it went down.