Link between Masons and NSA revealed!

2001-11-25 Thread Peter Wayner

Link between Masons and NSA revealed!

2001-11-25 Thread Peter Wayner

Ridiculous Airline Security Story N+1 and N+2...

2001-11-25 Thread R. A. Hettinga

--- begin forwarded text

Status:  U
Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2001 22:44:04 -0800
From: Rohit Khare [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Ridiculous Airline Security Story N+1 and N+2...
List-Id: Friends of Rohit Khare

Executive Summary: I am near my limit of anger with the random,
neutral FAA passenger profiling algorithm. I have every reason to
believe some programmer has coded some strictures into it which would
truly offend American civil society if translated from mathematics
back into the ugly politics from whence it came.

Soon after my last installment, I had to turn back around and fly out
of Denver. They made me X-ray my *shoes*... This time, the problem
was *too much* time on their hands. The second story is how I missed
the last flight back home on Thanksgiving eve because the security
supervisor wouldn't show up to process me at the gate in time. That
snowballed into a series of Catch-22 situations trying to find a lost
pair of glasses along the way.

First, Denver. A tip on avoiding the Disneyland-like lines at the two
main X-ray posts -- even though, strictly speaking, that's an insult
to Disneyland, since even they've instituted a take-a-number pass
system for the most popular rides.

Rather than take the train to one of the outlying concourses, ignore
the main signage and *walk* to Terminal A over a bridge on the
ticketing level. That's the X-ray post to Continental, British, etc.
Much less popular, even though many a savvy traveler knew that was
the way around United's silly carryon sizer templates (Contintental's
machines don't use them). Then take the train to wherever you really
need to get to.

A co-worker and I arrived at DIA together, and I was able to purchase
a new ticket, and even with the foolishness of fellow business
travelers in stocking-feet waiting for their shoes back, I caught up
with him in the same train car... he spent the entire time in United

Now, for the real outrage.

Today, I was warned about massive Thanksgiving delays at Sea-Tac, so
I cut short a beer with a buddy in Bellevue to race back two and a
half hours in advance. I returned the car, picked up a boarding pass
from a pliant robot kiosk, and got through security in a wink. Two
hours in advance... no problem, right?

Well, I was a selectee, presumably since it was a one-way ticket. So
I sat through yet another embarassing tearing-apart of my bags, and
this time they found a pocket screwdriver. A promotional pen-style
screwdriver that I've had for ten years (it's a NeXT repair shop :-)

1. They think you are not allowed to board with a three-inch,
1/8-inch wide screwdriver.

2. You are not allowed to ask the aircrew to hold it for you on the flight.

3. You are not allowed to leave the selectee table until a GSC
supervisor comes to look it over.

At this point, there's twenty minutes left tick-tock... now, the
flight is almost completely boarded. You're still waiting. And now
you suddenly realize you've lost your $400 prescription sunglasses.

4. You keep all your metal -- everything -- in your jacket at all
times, so that you can x-ray a jacket rather than begin to empty out
pockets. Your sunglasses have fallen out at some checkpoint.

At this point, you start tracing back your steps. It's 7 minutes or
so to push-back.

5. If you leave the selectee table, you will have to be searched all
over again when you return to the gate

6. They do not have walkie-talkies to ask security if your glasses
were stuck in the X-ray tunnel

7. See #3: You are not allowed to leave at all until the mythical GSC arrives.

Finally, a GSC arrives. Two minutes or so to departure, you haven't
been given any chance to run down and solve the mystery.

8. The screwdriver must be confiscated or bags must be checked.

9. Just because you have been flying with it all week means nothing.
We're supposed to randomly change what the FAA is looking for every
day. Parse that, if you dare!

10. Any carry-on bag may be gate-checked *except* those containing
forbidden carry-on items. Catch-22 #1.

So now you're finally free to run back to the X-ray post and miss your flight.

11. With about fifteen uniformed personnel of various stripes
(National Guard, Argenbright, Alaska, and United), none of the first
half-dozen people you ask claims to know about lost articles.

12. Before you can find a supervisor, the GSC has wandered back to
warn them you are carrying a screwdriver.

13. So at this point, instead of any sympathy for a harried traveler
asking for a supervisor, it's time for a lecture about having
committed two federal crimes, bringing a forbidden item into a
screening area, lying about it to a ticket agent, two fines at
$11,000 each -- which they take the pompous time to warn you adds up
to a potential total fine of $22,000 since you're not paying enough
attention to the supercillious bastard who won't admit to knowing who
to ask about lost 

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2001-11-25 Thread cynter


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Re: Link between Masons and NSA revealed!

2001-11-25 Thread Tim May

On Sunday, November 25, 2001, at 05:24 AM, Peter Wayner wrote:

Thanks! That's a very detailed and well-written article.

I was just skimming through a new book on the Masons; mostly I read 
about the period when cathedrals and castles were being built in Europe 
and the Masons operated as a union.

--Tim May
A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only 
exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves money from 
the Public Treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for 
the candidate promising the most benefits from the Public Treasury with 
the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy 
always followed by dictatorship. --Alexander Fraser Tyler

Slashdot | McAfee Will Ignore FBI Spyware

2001-11-25 Thread Jim Choate


 Day by day the Penguins are making me lose my mind.

 Bumper Sticker

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
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Re: Ridiculous Airline Security Story N+1 and N+2...

2001-11-25 Thread Max Inux

MY only question in regards to this topic are these:  How many members of this mailing 
list have been selected for search?  How many of these are NOT registered republicans 
or democrats?

While I was selected (both going and returning to Ca) I talked to people at the table, 
none of them were dems or repubs (I was registered libertarian, one guy was green and 
another libertarian). 

Is there algorithm really What are they registered to vote?

Max Inux

Re: Ridiculous Airline Security Story N+1 and N+2...

2001-11-25 Thread David Honig

At 10:08 AM 11/25/01 -0800, Max Inux wrote:
MY only question in regards to this topic are these:  How many members of
this mailing list have been selected for search?  How many of these are NOT
registered republicans or democrats?

You need to know more to answer your doubts.  You need to know
background rates.  FWIW I'm a registered lib and fly out of an airport
with a bronze sculpture of John Wayne monthly; I've not felt singled out.

While I was selected (both going and returning to Ca) I talked to people
at the table, none of them were dems or repubs (I was registered
libertarian, one guy was green and another libertarian). 

Is there algorithm really What are they registered to vote?

Certain flights are going to have certain demographics -are you
on a biz shuttle w/ dot-commers to SF or a grandma  kids flight 
to Disneyland? 

What fraction of citizens are registered as Demopublicans anyway? 

I'm not belittling your questions or claims but I'm pointing out
you have to look at how much others are hassled too.  I've seen
upper crust whitehaired women get hassled more than hirsuit me because
I have the fractional clue to remove metal from my person, and
don't wear steel-toed boots.  Or earrings, chains, rings, belt buckles, 

From what I gather, their pre-boarding 'random' checks are 
*quality control* on their regular magnetometer/screening points.




2001-11-25 Thread Mark


-Original Message-
Behalf Of Jim Choate
Sent: Saturday, November 24, 2001 9:12 PM
Subject: The Village Voice: Features: Assault on Liberty: Abandoning the
Constitution to Military Tribunals by Nat Hentoff


 Day by day the Penguins are making me lose my mind.

 Bumper Sticker

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   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
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2001-11-25 Thread sweinmann

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Re: Anonymizing Scam

2001-11-25 Thread Declan McCullagh

Nomen makes a reasonable point. There is nothing objectionable about
Lance selling accounts to the Feds (or with a
crypto-company selling crypto-ware to the Feds, not least since
they'll get the software or service one way or another). If you treat
'em the same way you treat any other paying company, and I suspect
that is the case with Lance, John's allegation of sucking up to
espionage and law enforcement agencies is uncalled for.


On Fri, Nov 23, 2001 at 11:10:08PM +0100, Nomen Nescio wrote:
 John Young writes:
  Below are strange statements coming from Lance Cottrell.
  Is there no anonymizer that is not sucking up to the TLAs?
  Worse, has there ever been?
 Are you implying that Lance Cottrell is making anonymous surfing data
 available to security agencies?  That is a strong accusation and if you
 want to make it, you should do so explicitly.  You are calling him a
 liar and a fraud.
 Nothing in the article you quote gives you any foundation for such
 a claim.  All it says is that agencies are using Anonymizer to browse
 anonymously, just like its other customers.  Any crypto technology, if
 it is truly useful, can be used by government agencies as well as others.
 One might as well accuse you of conspiracy since cryptome often serves
 TLAs:  You fraud!  You are saving people's access patterns to your files
 and making them available to the police!  How dare you!
 These accusations are as unfounded as those you made against Lance.
 Those who make such claims should provide evidence and not innuendo.
  One company that is still making money off privacy is, a San Diego-based company that offers
  anonymous Web surfing for $50 a year, or $5 a month. The
  company has 20,000 active subscribers, said President Lance
  We're still seeing very strong growth, Cottrell said. Most
  people are looking to prevent their boss, insurance company,
  spouse, ISP (Internet Service Provider) from knowing where
  they're going. 
  Even so, began a push six months ago to
  market its service to corporations, including law and investigation
  firms, and the U.S. government, he said. 
  Intelligence agencies have been using us for years, especially
  since September 11, Cottrell said. They use us to keep an eye
  on bad guy sites with covert monitoring. 
  The pattern: initial big deal about helping the public protect its
  privacy, then boom, a later revelation it was impossible to
  continue ...  well, the reasons vary, but the cover story is always
  the need for money, the Judas rationale.
  Meanwhile, the fabulous surfing data archive allegedly inviolate, or
  never retained, or no way to ever know who was using the
  service, that is the data all free-gift marketers aim to collect.
  Were any anonymizing archives ever trashed or truly protected
  against concurrent snarfing? Is Safeweb laughing like ZKS,
  like Lance? First, the US, then EU, then CN, all the way to
  What does this say about commercial anonymizing services,
  and remailers? And crypto, especially free PGP, and the honeypot

Re: HDCP break and DMCA

2001-11-25 Thread Declan McCullagh

What makes you, Incognito, believe the DMCA may criminalize the
publication of a scientific paper? What makes you believe that
Niels Ferguson's worry was not hyperbole, or a PR stunt designed
to garner press? What makes you think that a scientific paper
would generate even civil liability?

The DMCA may be a terrible law, sure, but let's keep criticisms
grounded in reality. The relevant section of the DMCA is only
a few pages long; let's hear how this could apply to scientists.


(Note Dmitry has been indicted because he and his company were selling
software to circumvent copy protection.)

On Sat, Nov 24, 2001 at 03:50:49AM -0600, Incognito Innominatus wrote:
 Congratulations to Ian Goldberg, David Wagner and other cryptographers
 for publishing a break of the HDCP standard for encrypting video data.
 This was intended to be used between HDTV decoders and displays, for
 example, to allow digital communication between them in encrypted form so
 that it could not be captured and shared.  The paper by Crosby et al at is a thorough break of the system,
 which unfortunately is not fielded yet so you can't use the exploit to
 steal HDTV.
 The big question is what about the Digital Millennium Copyright Act,
 which potentially criminalizes such research?  We heard a great deal this
 past summer about what a threat the DMCA was to legitimate cryptographic
 research, and about how the exemptions in the DMCA weren't worth
 the paper they were printed on.  One cryptographer, Niels Ferguson,
 refused to publish his break for fear of prosecution under the DMCA,,1283,46091,00.html.
 It would be interesting to hear the perspective of any of the researchers
 involved as to whether they are concerned about the DMCA.  Do they view
 themselves as creating a possible test case?  Or are they simply going
 to ignore the DMCA and go about their lives, doing their work on the
 assumption that such a bad law will ultimately not hold up in court?

Re: HDCP break and DMCA

2001-11-25 Thread Eric Cordian

Declan opines:

 (Note Dmitry has been indicted because he and his company were selling
 software to circumvent copy protection.)

Had they given the software away for free, or published code for the
crack, they might have actually done some damage to copyright holders.  
Instead, they charged enough money for it to raise the height of the bar
above casual and frivolous use.

Why this is viewed as an aggrevating circumstance by the DCMA, as opposed
to a mitigating one, is anyones guess.

Why don't people copy paperback books?  Because it is cheaper to buy them.
Not because the paperback book copyright police threaten you with life in

Eric Michael Cordian 0+
O:.T:.O:. Mathematical Munitions Division
Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law

Re: Bell Trial Transcripts

2001-11-25 Thread Declan McCullagh

On Sat, Nov 24, 2001 at 08:22:55PM -0800, John Young wrote:

Ah, thanks for buying these and placing them online. Kept meaning
to buy the transcript of my own testimony, but that never made its
way off the to-do list.

 Finally, I got to read Declan's testimony and he deserves
 a prize if what he said is true.

I think you'll find that, like most people, journalists are not
in the habit of lying under oath.


Re: CDR: CP archive problem?

2001-11-25 Thread measl

According to the registry, their record was modified yesterday (24

In addition, I am unable to reach either of their authoritative name
servers - their upstream may in fact be off the air completely.  With the
recent change in their record, it is possible they made changes to their
dns server addresses, and the new addressed were botched in the process
(something I went through several weeks ago - it appears to be quite
difficult to get the new registrars to properly move dns hosts).

I guess the next step would be email to their admins, and possibly a NANOG

On Sun, 25 Nov 2001, Steve Schear wrote:

 Date: Sun, 25 Nov 2001 13:23:30 -0800
 From: Steve Schear [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: CDR: CP archive problem?
 I've been trying to access for two days and have 
 getting DNS errors.  Anyone else on @home with the same trouble?  Might be 
 a good time to switch to alternate root servers.

J.A. Terranson

If Governments really want us to behave like civilized human beings, they
should give serious consideration towards setting a better example:
Ruling by force, rather than consensus; the unrestrained application of
unjust laws (which the victim-populations were never allowed input on in
the first place); the State policy of justice only for the rich and 
elected; the intentional abuse and occassionally destruction of entire
populations merely to distract an already apathetic and numb electorate...
This type of demogoguery must surely wipe out the fascist United States
as surely as it wiped out the fascist Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

The views expressed here are mine, and NOT those of my employers,
associates, or others.  Besides, if it *were* the opinion of all of
those people, I doubt there would be a problem to bitch about in the
first place...

Re: CP archive problem?

2001-11-25 Thread R. A. Hettinga

At 1:23 PM -0800 on 11/25/01, Steve Schear wrote:

 I've been trying to access for two days and have
 getting DNS errors.  Anyone else on @home with the same trouble?  Might be
 a good time to switch to alternate root servers.

I haven't been able to hit it for a week now. It's why I signed up to the
list again...


R. A. Hettinga mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience. -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

You are one of our winners10295

2001-11-25 Thread chris64

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Reciprocal Links

2001-11-25 Thread Gloria

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us.Thank you,Gloria 

Re: HDCP break and DMCA

2001-11-25 Thread Karsten M. Self

on Sun, Nov 25, 2001 at 01:23:42PM -0800, Tim May ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 On Sunday, November 25, 2001, at 01:09 PM, Eric Cordian wrote:

  Why don't people copy paperback books?  Because it is cheaper to buy

  Not because the paperback book copyright police threaten you with
  life in prison.

 Why don't people copy hardback books?

 Answer: they do! Go to any large copying center near a university and
 look for professor packs or HistCon 101 Course Materials
 consisting of copied material out of various textbooks, hard and soft.
 The deal is that the student takes the professor pack over to a copy
 machine and runs off a copy of each of the, for example, 400 pages.
 The student pays $20 or so and saves himself having to buy 10 books to
 read one or two chapters or sections out of each. The students are
 happy, the copy shop is happy, the professor is happy, and only the
 publishers and authors are unhappy.

First:  this is somewhat orthogonal:

  - Only a portion of the book is being copied.  This makes the
reproduction cost significantly different from the sale cost of the
authorized book.

  - Materials from many sources are being assimilated, raising total
costs; and the holding period for the materials is generally short
(the duration of a quarter or semester).  Production-quality
bindings and archive-quality paper aren't required.

Second:  where exactly is this occuring?  You seem to indicate smaller

I worked at Kinko's during the period 1989 - 1992, largely serving UC
Davis.  This was during the period Kinko's was involved in a large
copyright infringement suit (Basic Books v. Kinko's, ultimately lost by
Kinko's to the tune of US$1.3m) over the issue of Professor
Publishing, the coursepack preparation service.  As Tim indicated, this
was a core of Kinko's business model from the company's founding in
Santa Barbara in the early 1970s.

Kinko's, at least, of major copy centers, has significantly revised its
processes, both securing copyright clearance on more (most?) of the
materials, and deemphasizing the role of Professor Publishing within

At the time I left the company, there was a strong awareness for all
employees about making unauthorized copies (and you'll occasionally hear
stories about people who're denied service to copy materials they own),
at least when this is done behind the counter.  What customers did in
the self-serve area was largely unregulated.

 This was very common here in Santa Cruz, as recently as several years
 ago when I was doing a lot of copying of my own papers.

Care to name any of the shops at which this was occuring?  Kinko's,
AlphaGraphics (are they still around?), and other high-profile repro
shops tend to have fairly strong policies regarding unauthorized
copying.  The same tends to extend to copy centers run by colleges and
universities.  Smaller, privately held shops tend to play faster and

 There were signs up about not violating copyright law, but these
 professor packs were in clear violation.

 (Yeah, someone may say Maybe the professors made an arrangement with
 the publishers and authors. I give this a vanishingly small chance of
 being the case in more than 2% of all such course materials packs.)

In the case of Kinko's, the covered materials were most if not all in my
experience, with a sheet listing clearances added to packs by the time
I'd left.  There's also the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC:, formed in the 1970s, which has played a
significant role in recent photocopy copyright infringement claims as,
as its existence has removed any excuse for unauthorized copying
(Paul Goldstein, _Copyright's Highway_, Hill  Wang, 1994).

Peace.  Tim May excepted.

 What part of Gestalt don't you understand? Home of the brave   Land of the free
   Free Dmitry! Boycott Adobe! Repeal the DMCA!
Geek for Hire

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Moving beyond Reputation--the Market View of Reality

2001-11-25 Thread Tim May

For many years some of us have argued strongly for reputation as a 
core concept. Someone, perhaps even one of our own, even coined the 
phrase reputation capital.

Reputation is an easily understandable concept which explains a lot 
about how imperfect protocols in the real world nevertheless work. I 
won't go into what reputation is, even as defined by folks like us.

But there are many aspects of reputation which lead to problems:

1. The assumption that an agent or actor possesses a reputation. A 
kind of scalar number attached to a person, a bank, an institution, or 
even a nym.

2. When in fact different people have different assessments of some 
agent's reputation. Thus suggesting strongly that reputation is not 
something attached as simply as above.

3. All of the nonsense about how Alice's reputation has been harmed, 
deriving from the faulty notion of this scalar property attached to 

Aren't we stuck with reputation?

No, a broader ontology of objects and beliefs about them is a better way 
to go.

The reputation of the dollar is related to my belief, and the belief 
of billions of others around the planet, that for whatever reason a 
piece of paper with the right markings on it will in fact be accepted by 
billions of others, by millions of small banks and moneychangers, and 
even by the U.S. Government. And the related belief that loans, IOUs, 
promissory notes, bonds, and numerous other instruments denominated in 
these dollars will very likely be accepted or exchanged, blah blah, by 
millions or billions of other actors. Such is not the case with Monopoly 
money or even with E-gold.

Thus, what is the reputation of the dollar? Is it because of foolproof 
anti-forgery measures? Is it because of the laws of the U.S.? Etc.?

No, it is a kind of collective hallucination.

Before James Donald freaks out and cites Objectivist arguments that Some 
Things Are Real, etc., let me point out that collective hallucination 
is mostly a cute phrase. In actuality, our perception of reality is more 
than just an opium dream. Empiricism, falsifiability, Popper, all that 
good stuff. But our monetary system is vastly less provably real than 
the world of atoms and stars is. Because money is fundamentally about 
bets on the future: will something be exchanged for something else, will 
governments support what they print, what will the dollar be worth in 5 
years, etc.

All crypto is economics. All money is based on belief. All a matter of 
betting, of risk/benefit analysis. Related concepts, of course.

Even slightly flawed protocols still work, given the right embeddings 
in other systems. (For example, a common flaw cited with remailers is 
that if there is not enough cover traffic, traceability still exists. 
But exactly the same flaw exists with money: try getting untraceability 
with coins if only a few coins exist. Ditto for bearer bonds. Ditto for 
lots of things  where the protocol fails for small N but works 
reasonably well--in the betting sense--when a lot of actors are 
trading a lot of coins and currency.

The value of a monetary token is NOT something that is determined by 
precise mathematical protocols. It's a value based on _belief_ or 
_expectation_ about the behaviors of other actors, and about the future. 
Currency suspected of being counterfeit may sell for 10 cents on the 
dollar, to a sophisticated buyer, while currency suspected of being 
legit may or may not sell for at or near face value. (Even perfectly 
legit currency would sell at a discount in large quanties, probably, 
because a buyer would be a money launderer. Hence the discount for risk. 
That is, a market decision based on the obvious tradeoffs.)

Back to reputations.

Seen as part of a larger ecology of a market construction of reality, 
there are no fixed or absolute values, no fixed or absolute truths. Some 
assertions are many nines likely to be true, and some are even 
constructed to be true (*)

(* As in 2 + 2 = 4, though the streetwise person who says What's the 
trick? is realizing that even known to be true assertions may not be 
true, as in base 3. Magicians and con men have known this for a long 

Thus, there is no fixed reputation of either a person, an idea, or a 
unit of value. Everything is a matter of belief, of expectation...

Instead of an ontology of objects and their attached methods and 
property lists, including reputations and monetary values, we should 
be thinking in terms of these objects as just other actors, with each 
actor maintaining his own internal model of possible worlds (how he 
thinks the other actors will behave, what he thinks may be future 
outcomes, what his own goals and expectations are). Seen this way, there 
is no reputation or value that is universal. Everything is relative. 
Everything is seen through the light of internal states/possible worlds.

This is the market view of reality. There is no Reality. Just 
ensembles of actors, various facets, incomplete 

Re: The Crypto Winter

2001-11-25 Thread Petro

On Saturday, November 24, 2001, at 08:56 PM, scum wrote:

 Atheists who claim to be anti-theism are either (a) not
 atheists, or (b) mis-understand what theism is.

 If we spend a quality minute in the real world, one or two
 things of what capitalism is and what anarchism is not will be evident.
 life without government

Would you like to attempt to make a meaningful argument out of that?

Is this the result of you not knowing english well, or are you a 
bloody idiot?

Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly, while bad
people will find a way around the laws.
Plato (427-347 B.C.)

Re: Moving beyond Reputation--the Market View of Reality

2001-11-25 Thread Gabriel Rocha

On Sun, Nov 25, at 03:05PM, Tim May wrote
| Thus, what is the reputation of the dollar? Is it because of foolproof 
| anti-forgery measures? Is it because of the laws of the U.S.? Etc.?
| No, it is a kind of collective hallucination.
It is not a Collective hallucination unless you take into account
the fact that the dollar (substittute your local fiat currency here)
is nothing more than a piece of paper issued by the US government
with no guarantees whatsoever of its redeemability at any given
point in time.

| All crypto is economics. All money is based on belief. All a matter of 
| betting, of risk/benefit analysis. Related concepts, of course.

Money isn't so much a belief as it is a medium of exchange. I do
agree that it is the de facto medium of exchange because of the
belief that people put into the fact that they will be able to
exchange it for other things later on, but I believe that is
actually besides the point depending on how you refer to money.
Money as was the case 150 years ago was not really a betting idea.
Money was gold, gold was money and gold was not only money, it was
also a tangible item in and of itself. Perhaps during the times of
100% gold backed currency (I mean the Rothbard idea of banks being
nothing more than warehouses) there was  belief system somewhere,
but even then, money was actually gold substitute, the dollar
meant nothing more than a certain quantity of gold. Perhaps in
todays world you are right in the idea that money is nothing more
than a hallucination, I agree with that statement even. But I would
venture into saying that the world we live in today is a hystorical
exception, in no other time than in the last hundred (ok, hundred
and one, almost two) was money represented in such meaningless terms
as it is now, with nothing to back it up. (even gold was never
backed up by anything other than belief in its tradeability, but
then gold is useful and valued for others uses than trading.
What use is a dollar bill? Perhaps the Swiss Franc has artistic
value, but if you're not cold and in dire need of something to burn
for warmth, todays money is for all intents and purposes useles.)

| Back to reputations.
| Thus, there is no fixed reputation of either a person, an idea, or a 
| unit of value. Everything is a matter of belief, of expectation...
There is nothing fixed in this world, if you have no boundries set.
If everything is a belief or expectation, I would have to say that
some beliefs and some expectations are stronger than others...some
by orders of magnatude.

| Digital money is just one facet of this worldview.

I would still say that the reputation problem is one of the greatest
of the problems facing digital money, govenments aside. Perhaps the
problem should be referred to as bad PR instead. (Digital money needs a
better marketting department.) 

No offense intended, but other than a few points in the email, I
failed to miss the punchline. --Gabe

Churchill, Winston Leonard Spencer --On the eve of Britain's entry
into World War II:
If you will not fight for right when you can easily win 
without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be 
sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will 
have to fight with all odds against you and only a precarious 
chance of survival. There may be even a worse fate. You may have 
to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to 
perish than to live as slaves.

I Completely Forgot

2001-11-25 Thread c08VU72q0


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Re: Moving beyond Reputation--the Market View of Reality

2001-11-25 Thread Morlock Elloi

 There is nothing fixed in this world, if you have no boundries set.
 If everything is a belief or expectation, I would have to say that
 some beliefs and some expectations are stronger than others...some
 by orders of magnatude.

Are you saying that governments are providing a valuable service by propping up
arbitrary prohibitions and thus establish a value system against which we can
bang our heads ?

(of original message)

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Re: Moving beyond Reputation--the Market View of Reality

2001-11-25 Thread Gabriel Rocha

On Sun, Nov 25, at 05:24PM, Morlock Elloi wrote:
| Are you saying that governments are providing a valuable service by propping up
| arbitrary prohibitions and thus establish a value system against which we can
| bang our heads ?

If you got that out of the quote you left in the email I am lost ;-p
But as a general rule, no. Keeping in mind of course that value is
subjective, because arbitrary regulations are in fact very valuable,
ask the Kennedys. The problem with prohibitions (which are never
arbitrary) is that they make for an uneven playing field in the
great game of The free Market thus hurting the whole, but often
there are those (few though they may be) who profit from
prohibitions. --Gabe

Churchill, Winston Leonard Spencer --On the eve of Britain's entry
into World War II:
If you will not fight for right when you can easily win 
without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be 
sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will 
have to fight with all odds against you and only a precarious 
chance of survival. There may be even a worse fate. You may have 
to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to 
perish than to live as slaves.

Re: Registration Confirmation 77

2001-11-25 Thread alittel669

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Re: CDR: Re: HDCP break and DMCA

2001-11-25 Thread F. Marc de Piolenc

Tim May wrote:

 Answer: they do! Go to any large copying center near a university and
 look for professor packs or HistCon 101 Course Materials consisting
 of copied material out of various textbooks, hard and soft. The deal is
 that the student takes the professor pack over to a copy machine and
 runs off a copy of each of the, for example, 400 pages. The student pays
 $20 or so and saves himself having to buy 10 books to read one or two
 chapters or sections out of each. The students are happy, the copy shop
 is happy, the professor is happy, and only the publishers and authors
 are unhappy.
 This was very common here in Santa Cruz, as recently as several years
 ago when I was doing a lot of copying of my own papers.
 There were signs up about not violating copyright law, but these
 professor packs were in clear violation.

Really? Sounds to me like they fall under Fair Use. That provision
specifically exempts copying for research or education.

Marc de Piolenc

RE: Pricing Mojo, Integrating PGP, TAZ, and D.C. Cypherpunks

2001-11-25 Thread Lucky Green

Greg wrote:
 That's very warm and fuzzy and hippy-like, but if these 
 tokens are handed 
 out for free, then what, exactly, is their value?
 I think the Extropians did something like that, which ended 
 in some sort of 
 fiasco which some cypherpunks were involved in, though I 
 don't know the 
 details and was never a participant in that list/social circle.

I am unfamiliar with the Extropian electronic token experiment, but I as
the first person on the planet to have conducted an Ecash-to-fiat
currency transaction, I can assure you that somebody out there may well
be willing to pay real cash for freely minted tokens. (I was on the
Ecash selling side. The USD 35 for which I sold my Ecash beta tokens are
still in my filing cabinet).


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Re: Moving beyond Reputation--the Market View of Reality

2001-11-25 Thread David Honig

At 03:05 PM 11/25/01 -0800, Tim May wrote:
For many years some of us have argued strongly for reputation as a 
core concept. Someone, perhaps even one of our own, even coined the 
phrase reputation capital.

I recently posted how ground squirrels have rep cap.

Reputation is an easily understandable concept which explains a lot 
about how imperfect protocols in the real world nevertheless work. I 
won't go into what reputation is, even as defined by folks like us.

It seemed to be something like hits  false alarm (and probably
misses and correct rejections) counts for squirrels.  The same info 
is of use to neurons.  Various computer learning algorithms too.
An efficient use of persistant state, one would expect.

1. The assumption that an agent or actor possesses a reputation. A 
kind of scalar number attached to a person, a bank, an institution, or 
even a nym.

Two kinds of entities: one maintains reputations, the other doesn't.
Guess which is exploited to extinction? 


Again CPunks -or other analysts- are not *advocating* nearly as much as some 
might like to believe; instead IMHO there is a public discussion
going on about essentially inevitable trends we've observed.

Re: Moving beyond Reputation--the Market View of Reality

2001-11-25 Thread Tim May

On Sunday, November 25, 2001, at 07:30 PM, David Honig wrote:

 At 03:05 PM 11/25/01 -0800, Tim May wrote:
 For many years some of us have argued strongly for reputation as a
 core concept. Someone, perhaps even one of our own, even coined the
 phrase reputation capital.

 I recently posted how ground squirrels have rep cap.

I read that. I thought a better description was the more traditional 
one: squirrels can learn.

 Again CPunks -or other analysts- are not *advocating* nearly as much as 
 might like to believe; instead IMHO there is a public discussion
 going on about essentially inevitable trends we've observed.

I have no problem being characterized as an advocate.

But I also agree that many of the media frenzies are about things most 
clueful people knew were nearly inevitable.

(Just today there was discussion on CNN about how technical papers on 
cloning may need to be restricted. More forbidden knowledge. Cf. 
discussions in 1992 on medical information data havens. In the words of 
the Big Brother fan we heard from recently, The government should 
certainly follow and monitor anyone who buys books on cloning.)

--Tim May
The Constitution is a radical is the job of the 
government to rein in people's rights. --President William J. Clinton

Re: Pricing Mojo, Integrating PGP, TAZ, and D.C. Cypherpunks

2001-11-25 Thread Tim May

On Sunday, November 25, 2001, at 07:05 PM, Lucky Green wrote:

 Greg wrote:
 That's very warm and fuzzy and hippy-like, but if these
 tokens are handed
 out for free, then what, exactly, is their value?

 I think the Extropians did something like that, which ended
 in some sort of
 fiasco which some cypherpunks were involved in, though I
 don't know the
 details and was never a participant in that list/social circle.

 I am unfamiliar with the Extropian electronic token experiment, but I as
 the first person on the planet to have conducted an Ecash-to-fiat
 currency transaction, I can assure you that somebody out there may well
 be willing to pay real cash for freely minted tokens. (I was on the
 Ecash selling side. The USD 35 for which I sold my Ecash beta tokens are
 still in my filing cabinet).

I believe Greg may have been referring to a reputation market 
experiment, circa 1993. Each list subscriber was given some number of 
tokens and then a market in reputations was declared. People could buy 
and sell shares in the reputations of anyone, including themselves. The 
thought was that prices would go up on those reputations people thought 
the price would go up on. Issues of the real reputation were secondary 
issues (i.e., if people thought someone was a turkey, they probably 
wouldn't expect his rep to go up, despite the artificial nature of the 

I think the guy who wrote the market software was living in Salt Lake 
City at the time, but I could be misremembering. I don't remember his 
name, and my archives from back then are in a jumble.

One thing that was interesting was the opportunity to manipulate the 
market. I offered to buy tokens from others, for cash. One person sold 
me all of his tokens for the agreed-upon price of $20. I sent him the 
money and he mailed his tokens to me. I then proceeded to use my extra 
wealth to bid up the value of my own reputation.

The tokens were not cryptographically-strong forms of digital cash, but 
they worked for the intended purpose. (That is, no one tried to forge 
them, at least not successfully.)

--Tim May
The great object is that every man be armed and everyone who is able 
may have a gun. --Patrick Henry
The best we can hope for concerning the people at large is that they be 
properly armed. --Alexander Hamilton

Re: HDCP break and DMCA

2001-11-25 Thread Tim May

On Sunday, November 25, 2001, at 06:51 PM, F. Marc de Piolenc wrote:

 Tim May wrote:

 There were signs up about not violating copyright law, but these
 professor packs were in clear violation.

 Really? Sounds to me like they fall under Fair Use. That provision
 specifically exempts copying for research or education.

I strongly doubt this. Fair use is not about setting up alternate 
publishing schemes, but is about quoting relevant sections, collecting 
material for research purposes, etc.

If it were as broad as you claim, why would _any_ school buy textbooks 
for its students when it could make a photocopy for a fraction of the 
cost? Schools could simply digitize textbooks once and then distribute 
them on CD-ROM.

I'm not a copyright expert, but I strongly doubt what you say above.

--Tim May
That government is best which governs not at all. --Henry David Thoreau

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2001-11-25 Thread sysop

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RE: True Names: And the Opening of the Cyberspace Frontier

2001-11-25 Thread Lucky Green

[Redundant/inappropriate lists elided].

The page at Amazon. COM claims that the book in question will ship in
December of this year. I seem to recall having read announcements in
years past that the book would ship in the respective years. Methinks
that a mere claim of a future ship date in 2001 may be considered
insufficient proof that the condition of the wager has been met by at
least one of the parties to the wager.

Just my $0.02,
--Lucky, who will order the book once it ships. Which unfortunately has
yet to come to pass.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of R. A. Hettinga
 Sent: Saturday, November 24, 2001 5:18 AM
 Bearer Settlement List
 Subject: True Names: And the Opening of the Cyberspace Frontier
 --- begin forwarded text
 Status:  U
 Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2001 23:45:04 -0500
 From: Matthew Gaylor [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Order Now:  True Names: And the Opening of the Cyberspace
 [Note from Matt:  I made a small wager in palladium that Vinge's True
 Names: And the Opening of the Cyberspace Frontier would be 
 available to order prior to Jan. 1, 2002 with a well known 
 Cypherpunk.  And I
 won.   Acct# 101893.]
 At 3:03 AM -0700 8/13/01, Well known Cypherpunk wrote:
 Subject: Re: BTW-  I'll bet you...
 OK - Done deal, if you'll accept the modification that it be 
 and shippable by Amazon or other on-line bookstore within a 
 week after 

True Names: And the Opening of the Cyberspace Frontier
by Vernor Vinge, James Frenkel (Editor)

List Price: $14.95
Our Price: $11.96
You Save: $2.99 (20%)
This item will be published in December 2001. You may order it now and
we will ship it to you when it arrives. See larger photo

This item qualifies for free shipping on orders over $99! Click for
details Great Buy Buy True Names: And the Opening of the Cyberspace
Fron... with The Collected Stories of Vernor Vinge today! Total List
Price: $42.90 Buy Together Today: $31.52 You Save: $11.38

Paperback - 384 pages (December 2001)
Tor Books; ISBN: 0312862075 Sales Rank: 28,271

Subscribe to Freematt's Alerts: Pro-Individual Rights Issues Send a
blank message to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the words subscribe FA on the
subject line. List is private and moderated (7-30 messages per week)
Matthew Gaylor, (614) 313-5722  ICQ: 106212065   Archived at


--- end forwarded text

R. A. Hettinga mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation 44
Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA ... however it may deserve
respect for its usefulness and antiquity, [predicting the end of the
world] has not been found agreeable to experience. -- Edward Gibbon,
'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

Re: True Names: And the Opening of the Cyberspace Frontier

2001-11-25 Thread Declan McCullagh

I'm supposed to get a review copy mailed Monday. We'll see.


On Sun, Nov 25, 2001 at 09:59:24PM -0800, Lucky Green wrote:
 [Redundant/inappropriate lists elided].
 The page at Amazon. COM claims that the book in question will ship in
 December of this year. I seem to recall having read announcements in
 years past that the book would ship in the respective years. Methinks
 that a mere claim of a future ship date in 2001 may be considered
 insufficient proof that the condition of the wager has been met by at
 least one of the parties to the wager.
 Just my $0.02,
 --Lucky, who will order the book once it ships. Which unfortunately has
 yet to come to pass.
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of R. A. Hettinga
  Sent: Saturday, November 24, 2001 5:18 AM
  Bearer Settlement List
  Subject: True Names: And the Opening of the Cyberspace Frontier
  --- begin forwarded text
  Status:  U
  Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2001 23:45:04 -0500
  From: Matthew Gaylor [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: Order Now:  True Names: And the Opening of the Cyberspace
  [Note from Matt:  I made a small wager in palladium that Vinge's True
  Names: And the Opening of the Cyberspace Frontier would be 
  available to order prior to Jan. 1, 2002 with a well known 
  Cypherpunk.  And I
  won.   Acct# 101893.]
  At 3:03 AM -0700 8/13/01, Well known Cypherpunk wrote:
  Subject: Re: BTW-  I'll bet you...
  OK - Done deal, if you'll accept the modification that it be 
  and shippable by Amazon or other on-line bookstore within a 
  week after 
 True Names: And the Opening of the Cyberspace Frontier
 by Vernor Vinge, James Frenkel (Editor)
 List Price: $14.95
 Our Price: $11.96
 You Save: $2.99 (20%)
 This item will be published in December 2001. You may order it now and
 we will ship it to you when it arrives. See larger photo
 This item qualifies for free shipping on orders over $99! Click for
 details Great Buy Buy True Names: And the Opening of the Cyberspace
 Fron... with The Collected Stories of Vernor Vinge today! Total List
 Price: $42.90 Buy Together Today: $31.52 You Save: $11.38
 Paperback - 384 pages (December 2001)
 Tor Books; ISBN: 0312862075 Sales Rank: 28,271
 Subscribe to Freematt's Alerts: Pro-Individual Rights Issues Send a
 blank message to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the words subscribe FA on the
 subject line. List is private and moderated (7-30 messages per week)
 Matthew Gaylor, (614) 313-5722  ICQ: 106212065   Archived at
 --- end forwarded text
 R. A. Hettinga mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation 44
 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA ... however it may deserve
 respect for its usefulness and antiquity, [predicting the end of the
 world] has not been found agreeable to experience. -- Edward Gibbon,
 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

Increased Energy Levels

2001-11-25 Thread mainguy

Introducing GROW LEAN 15

As seen on NBC, CBS, CNN, and even Oprah! 

The health discovery that actually reverses aging while 
burning fat, without dieting or exercise! 

This proven discovery has even been reported on by the New
England Journal of Medicine. Forget aging and dieting forever! 


Would you like to lose weight while you sleep!
 No dieting!
 No hunger pains!
 No Cravings!
 No strenuous exercise!

Change your life forever! 

1.Body Fat Loss82% improvement.
2.Wrinkle Reduction61% improvement.
3.Energy Level 84% improvement.
4.Muscle Strength  88% improvement.
5.Sexual Potency   75% improvement.
6.Emotional Stability  67% improvement.
7.Memory   62% improvement.


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