Re: Big Bang Thought Experiment

2001-12-26 Thread mattd

jamesd>>>While issue of a purely fiat digital currency without state 
backing would be an interesting experiment, such a currency could never 
gain value, never become useful as a medium of exchange. <<

If it started as one unit of barter value that was level with the dollar 
and floated with it,then its scalable and could and should overtake the 
dollar at some point.(phase transition or slow fade of D?) Any interference 
punishable by APster,certain death.Many details remain but you seem 
mistaken on this,if its hopeless,why bother?

 >>However the niche market where most people expect the introduction of 
digital cash is internet transactions, where breaking the defaulter's neck 
is not a viable option<<

You must have APster justice.You have all the horsemen loose so there must 
be a rein or the masses will support the corrupt,rancid state's 
crackdown.Not that the crackdown will succeed entirely,new attempts will 
surely follow.
Huge bombproof remailers,APster backup of contract law and e-cash based on 
what you know best.The value of your labor.

"Four hundred billionaires now possess wealth equal to that of the 3 
billion poorest people on the planet. This capitalist system is inherently 
violent, oppressive and exploitative. Capitalism cannot be reformed, and 
that's why we need to abolish it."

MAY!Heard about Pittsburg PA?

2001-12-26 Thread mattd

Friday, Dec. 21, 2001 -

'May Day 3' defendants receive light
sentences in plea bargains.

All three had felony charges reduced
to misdemeanors. Each got 30 hours of
community service within six months of
probation. One had been charged with
aggravated assault on an officer. Another
had been charged with carrying an
incendiary device. (It was actually fire
juggling equipment.) The judge, Novak,
actually ruled to keep the incendiary device
charge. In the courtroom, none of the
arresting officers were on hand, only the

The unpermitted march on May 1 was
attacked by police, causing a melee just as
the march entered Market Square (where it
might have dispersed). They arrested ten,
one a juvenile. Several of those arrested were
beaten and pepper sprayed. The thuggery of
the Pittsburgh cops is clearly evident on
videotape. The nine arrested adults spent two
to three days in jail. Six of the nine, with
misdemeanors, were charged in May, receiving
fines and community service. One of these people
is to appeal his sentence in January, 2002.

The march had included anarchist black flags
in celebration of May Day - the international
labor holiday originating in Chicago in 1886.
It included a festive, spring celebration
atmosphere - some carried large paper flowers
on sticks. The march had been billed as a sort
of reclaim the streets action. Most of the 150
to 200 participants were young anarchists or

At subsequent hearings, people from the
anarchist WHAT Collective, the Mr.
Roboto Project (infoshop-space), Black
Radical Congress, the United Electricians,
Labor Party and the Thomas Merton (peace)
Center had come out to show support.

One observer complained that even though
light sentences were handed down, the
protesters still get criminalized for walking
down the street.

Most of those arrested were either anarchists
or IWW members.

-Duff (one of the 'Pittsburgh May Day 9/3'.)

** The A-Infos News Service **
   News about and of interest to anarchists
Tim when you were born,you cried and world around you laughed.When you die 
soon,you'll laugh and the world around you will cry.

Re: Tim May;Anarcho-phony,cheap fraud and despicable , coward.RIP.,,

2001-12-26 Thread mattd

 >>On Wed, 26 Dec 2001, mattd wrote: > If your neighbors are irritated by 
what your doing,you might examine what > your doing.
  Really? Why? Am I on their property? Using their property? Breaking some 
sort of public trust? The reality is that people get 'irritated' by the 
silliest things, two guys (or girls) kissing in public for example. Wanting 
to burn a flag or a bible. Going to a different church than they do..<<.

Pulling your dick,yeah,yeah.The question of "property"is one every opponent 
of CACL should know backwards.
As your a seppo try ... "property is theft!"
Not causing to much offense means you live longer and so you can irritate 
your neighbors longer.You have an inalienable right to irritate people:Smug 
little shits like declan and pompous,pretentious neo-nazis like 
tim  irritate me.I might have them APstered if I can raise enough BUM based 
e-cash.Care to chip in a proffr dollar?.)

Anonymous Barter?

2001-12-26 Thread mattd

 >> cash is not a solution, since it is observable. Anything observable 
is >> not a solution. > >Therefore murder, if not witnessed, never 
happened. If a body falls in the >forest...? You have a problem with simple 
sentences. Also, when you want to switch the arguments you must do it in 
more intelligent and coherent way. Payments should happen. The solution is 
to make them invisible. But let me do it in simpler terms: I owe Mr. Melon 
100 credits, which is well-established and provable (to me and him) in our 
private currency. Mr. Melon owns Mr. Nomen 50 credits. It is very easy to 
transfer my debt and then I can perform some task for Mr. Nomen worth 50 
credits. This happens often in real life. It's called barter and it is 
taxable, if it can be proved. Never converting anything to paper/book 
dollars makes it extremely hard to prove. People do favours to each other 
essentially on the same bases, sans bookkeeping or crypto. Once I did some 
programming for the guy and instead of paying me he gave his $2000 WW1 
rifle to the mutual friend who wanted it and he took it towards commission 
on a real-estate transaction he did for me. This is a rare. Software could 
make it more convenient. Just peg a credit to a dollar for the start. >The 
fact that party X commits a crime without being witnessed does 
not >eliminate the crime. It merely makes prosecution a bit harder. That is 
the whole point of crypto. Once I declare your breathing to be a crime (and 
I have a bigger gun than you do) you better conceal it. >to. Remember that 
multiple-issuer currencies have been tried before in just I am talking 
about single-issuer currency. >> whose reputation you can't instrument. But 
someone can start a business >> for reputation building. Again, hardly 
new. > >Not new? Name 5 prominent reputation brokers. Reputation 
services? >Reputation clearing agents? What manner of reputation do they 
measure? High-interest credit cards or store credit-cards (same as 
high-interest since they limit you to a single source) that young people or 
people with no credit can get, for instance ? Mortgage insurance for those 
with low down-payment ? Maybe Mr. Anonymous who frequents South Africa will 
mediate transactions between canadians and south africans, since he knows 
both sides, for a fee ? High-priced shysters introducing their clients to 
each other ? >> some fine Afghan pot is a small price to pay for getting 
out of the >> state's sight. > >You want work too hard to stay out of the 
state's sight. Of course. I never buy controlled substances from dealers, 
for instance. Always from end-users I knew for years. >(Incidentally, it's 
"Illusory Delusions." "Ilusional" isn't a word. It's You are just plain 
stupid, aren't you ? It takes some intelligence to do ad hominems, you 
know. I sometimes make this mistake, taking plain idiocy for misinformed 
insight worth arguing. Go to a bookstore, there is a shelve labeled 
"Reference", take a book called "Dictionary" and look up Illusion (two 
"l"s, not one): Main Entry: il7lu7sion Pronunciation: i-'l|-zh&n Function: 
noun Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French, from Late Latin 
illusion-, illusio, from Latin, action of mocking, from illudere to mock 
at, from in- + ludere to play, mock -- more at LUDICROUS Date: 14th century 
1 a obsolete : the action of deceiving b (1) : the state or fact of being 
intellectually deceived or misled : MISAPPREHENSION (2) : an instance of 
such deception 2 a (1) : a misleading image presented to the vision (2) : 
something that deceives or misleads intellectually b (1) : perception of 
something objectively existing in such a way as to cause misinterpretation 
of its actual nature (2) : HALLUCINATION 1 (3) : a pattern capable of 
reversible perspective 3 : a fine plain transparent bobbinet or tulle 
usually made of silk and used for veils, trimmings, and dresses - 
il7lu7sion7al /-'l|zh-n&l, -'l|-zh&-n&l/ adjective 

Re: Explosive smuggling (@#%$@# deleted)

2001-12-26 Thread Tim May

On Wednesday, December 26, 2001, at 05:53 PM, Dr. Evil wrote:
>> What does airport 'security' do about those sneakers that
>> flash upon heelstrike?
> They should be seized and destroyed by the fashion cops.

A clear Title 7 violation in these unfree Beknighted States, as it is 
negros who wear these shoes by about a 99-1 ratio (the remaining one 
percent being suburban white kids trying to be niggaz).

--Tim May, Corralitos, California
Quote of the Month: "It is said that there are no atheists in foxholes; 
perhaps there are no true libertarians in times of terrorist attacks." 
--Cathy Young, "Reason Magazine," both enemies of liberty.

How about emailing your ad to 2,500,000 people every day? Spam Free.All Opt In!

2001-12-26 Thread cynthia

How about emailing your ad to 2,500,000 people
every day? Spam Free. All Opt In!

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even a year. Just $49.50 forever!
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Super Promoter
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Re: Explosive smuggling (@#%$@# deleted)

2001-12-26 Thread Tim May

On Wednesday, December 26, 2001, at 05:44 PM, David Honig wrote:
> Was 'Reid' wearing Nikes?

As Osama told him, "Just do it!"

> What does airport 'security' do about those sneakers that
> flash upon heelstrike?

An ideal detonation device.

"Walk softly and carry a big stick."

"Click your heels three times and you'll be home."

"Toto, I don't think we're over Kansas anymore."

Me, I haven't been on a plane in over two years. And given the dangers 
and the police state measures, I don't expect to be traveling by air any 
time in the next few years. A good thing most places I want to travel to 
I can get to by car.

--Tim May
"Extremism in the pursuit of liberty is no vice."--Barry Goldwater

Re: Explosive smuggling (@#%$@# deleted)

2001-12-26 Thread Bill Stewart

At 01:53 AM 12/27/2001 +, Dr. Evil wrote:
>The solution to this problem might be greater use of high-speed
>trains, video conferencing, and other things to make air travel less

High-speed trains are almost as much fun to blow up as planes,
and muckers can do that by blowing up the tracks without
even having to get on the train.

Back when I was living in New Jersey and commuting to DC,
I usually took the train instead of the plane -
it took about 15 minutes longer, but was much nicer
(I lived closer to the train station, and most places I went in DC
were closer to the train than the airport, which made up for the
Metroliner being a bit slower.)  Now that they're adding an
hour or two to the plane trip, even the slow trains would be a slam dunk,
and they've now added an even faster train (though I'm not sure
if it stops in Central Jersey or just Newark.)

Here in California, if I'm going to Burbank it's still an hour or so
faster to fly than drive, but getting more ridiculous,
though for Orange County or LAX it's still a lot faster to drive.
But at least you can drive down the Grapevine without them
demanding that you take off your shoes, jacket, hat, pager,
cellphone, wallet, computer, wristwatch, screwdrivers, pocket knife,
nail files, scissors, car keys, and golf clubs
and unwrap all your Christmas presents.

Re: Explosive smuggling (@#%$@# deleted)

2001-12-26 Thread Dr. Evil

> No one has yet mentioned surgically implanted explosives.  
> You could carry more than a twat's worth.
> You'd need a mechanical or chemical trigger to avoid
> electronics-detection.  Think: punch yourself 6 cm left
> of the scar, to push the plunger.  

Yeah, there have definitely been cases of surgically implanted drug
smuggling, so surigcal explosives wouldn't be surprising either.  A
good plastic (haha) surgeon might be able to implant 10lbs or more,
easily enough to bring down a plane.  Breast implants would be the
obvious place to put it, because they certainly can't open up every
woman who wants to get on a plane with "augmentation" so what can you
do?  Even if they CAT scanned every passenger, and breast implants
showed up on the scan, what could they do about it?  "We're going to
have to cut you open and take a sample of that breast material."  This
is starting to sound like an Austin Powers sequel...  Except
unfortunately this could be a grim reality, not a joke.

I remember reading about a drug smuggler who was stopped because his
legs were "unusual" looking.  They opened them up and found out that
the purpose of his trip was "business".

The solution to this problem might be greater use of high-speed
trains, video conferencing, and other things to make air travel less

> What does airport 'security' do about those sneakers that
> flash upon heelstrike?

They should be seized and destroyed by the fashion cops.

Re: Explosive smuggling (@#%$@# deleted)

2001-12-26 Thread David Honig

At 11:49 PM 12/26/01 -, Dr. Evil wrote:
>effective against drug smuggling.  The risk is very real; a woman
>could carry several pounds of explosives.  "They" are aware of this
>but there isn't much they can do right now.

No one has yet mentioned surgically implanted explosives.  
You could carry more than a twat's worth.
You'd need a mechanical or chemical trigger to avoid
electronics-detection.  Think: punch yourself 6 cm left
of the scar, to push the plunger.  

A martyr is truly a great delivery mechanism.  

Was 'Reid' wearing Nikes? 

What does airport 'security' do about those sneakers that
flash upon heelstrike?

[no subject]

2001-12-26 Thread Tania Arostegui
Hi.  I am very interested in learning more about the Catch-A keychain version of the Catchman for wholesale purchase. Please forward me information on the product and the commission structure at your earliest convenience.MSN Photos es la manera más sencilla de compartir e imprimir sus fotos.

Explosive smuggling (@#%$@# deleted)

2001-12-26 Thread Dr. Evil

> And the current monitoring systems... Do they work to detect the
> presence of explosives in the physiological duct?

No, not at all.  There were a few articles on that grim subject pretty
recently.  Bottom line: There is no technology available today that
would work in a practical way to do this.  They are working on some
things that could do it, but they will all be slow and expensive and
they may expose passengers to X-rays or neutrons or something in order
to work.  One side "benefit" of these things is they will also be
effective against drug smuggling.  The risk is very real; a woman
could carry several pounds of explosives.  "They" are aware of this
but there isn't much they can do right now.

The way I see it, there are currently three risks to air travel which
are simply inherent in the current reality of the system.  One is
explosives or other weapons smuggled in the body.  Two is the risk of
the plane being taken down from an external weapon, like a missile or
even a big machinegun on the ground.  Three is the risk of pilot
suicide.  I don't see that there is a technological solution to any of
these attacks, and they are all real.

Weapons smuggled in the body: I'm not sure if this has ever happened
yet, but tons of drugs make their way around the world at a steady
98.6, so this is a real possibility.

A missile from the ground: Many shoulder-launched missiles go
"missing" every year, including ones from the US military.  Many have
been given to the Mujahadeen in Afghanistan while they were fighting
the Soviets.  Certainly the Pakistani ISI, and the Iraqis and Lybians
and North Koreans have easy access to these things.  Even if a
terrorist can't get a missile, I would imagine that a plain old 50 cal
machinegun, somewhere in the approach path of the planes, would
probably be able to do the job.

Pilot suicide: It is accepted by everyone but the Egyptians that pilot
suicide was the cause of the Egypt Air crash in 1999.  It is accepted
by everyone that the cause of the Silk Air crash in December of 1997
was pilot suicide.  How common is pilot suicide?  Those are the only
two that I know of.

We will end up doing many expensive and harmful things to achieve a
goal (perfect air safety) which is impossible to achieve.  Taking away
nail clippers is not the answer.

Re: Explosive dicks and assholes (was: C4 commercial web page)

2001-12-26 Thread Pier Carlo Montecucchi

<< I can see it now.  Airports everywhere employing teams of proctologists
 while passengers bend over for the safty checks.>>

And the current monitoring systems... Do they work to detect the presence of
explosives in the physiological duct?


Pier Carlo

- Original Message -
To: "Anonymous" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2001 5:25 PM
Subject: Explosive dicks and assholes (was: C4 commercial web page)

> On Wed, 26 Dec 2001, Anonymous wrote:
> > >Density: 1.63 g/cm3
> >
> > My dick, unerect, is about 12 cm long and has 3.5 cm radius.
> Thats a small dick.  I assume it has growth potential.
> But my recommendations are not to use your dick for the explosives.  Use
> your asshole.  You can stuff a whole wad of explosive materials up
> there.  And there is a precedent for that sort of thing.  Prisoners have
> been using their assholes for centuries to move contraban.
> I can see it now.  Airports everywhere employing teams of proctologists
> while passengers bend over for the safty checks.
> regards
> joe
> >
> > This makes for 37 cm3, or about 60 grams (2 oz) of C4.
> >
> > 60 grams can pierce the aircraft hull no problemo.
> >
> > So, the question is, how do you tell between plastic C4 dick and genuine
> > meat without close tactile observation at the security checkpoint ?
> >
> > Beware of arabs/israelis humping aircraft walls.
> >
> --
> The dot.GOD Registry, Limited

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2001-12-26 Thread gdsfi1854

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[no subject]

2001-12-26 Thread jim
Title: VenturaHwy Christmas Card


Happy Holidays
From: VenturaHwy.Net

Wishing you the best this Christmas

- VenturaHwy Staff & Support


15 Year Old Boy - $71,000 in 8 Weeks - YOU Can Do This TOO!!!

2001-12-26 Thread Four Roses

THIS IS NOT SPAM.  This message is sent in compliance of the new
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Parents Of 15 Year Old Boy Find $71,000 Cash Hidden In His Closet!!

*Does this headline look familiar? Of course it does!!*

You most likely have just seen this story recently
featured on a major nightly news program (USA).
And reported elsewhere in the world. His mother was
cleaning and putting laundry away when she came
across a large brown paper bag that was suspiciously
buried beneath some clothes and a skateboard in the
back of her 15-year-old sons closet.

Nothing could have prepared her for the shock she got
when she opened the bag and found it was full of cash.
Five-dollar bills, twenties, fifties and hundreds - all
neatly rubber-banded in labeled piles.

"My first thought was that he had robbed a bank", says
the 41-year-old woman, "There was over $71,000 dollars
in that bag -- that's more than my husband earns in a year".

The woman immediately called her husband at the
car-dealership where he worked to tell him what she had
discovered. He came home right away and they drove together
to the boys school and picked him up. Little did they
suspect that where the money came from was more shocking
than actually finding it in the closet.

As it turns out, the boy had been sending out, via E-mail,
a type of "Report" to E-mail addresses that he obtained off
the Internet. Everyday after school for the past 2 months,
he had been doing this right on his computer in his bedroom.

"I just got the E-mail one day and I figured what the heck,
I put my name on it like the instructions said and I started
sending it out", says the clever 15-year-old.

The E-mail letter listed 5 addresses and contained
instructions to send one $5 dollar bill to each person on the
list, then delete the address at the top and move the others
addresses Down, and finally to add your name to the top of the

The letter goes on to state that you would receive several
thousand dollars in five-dollar bills within 2 weeks if you
sent out the letter with your name at the top of the 5-address
list. "I get junk E-mail all the time, and really did not think
it was going to work", the boy continues.

Within the first few days of sending out the E-mail, the Post
Office Box that his parents had gotten him for his video-game
magazine subscriptions began to fill up with not magazines, but
envelopes containing $5 bills.

"About a week later I rode [my bike] down to the post office
and my box had 1 magazine and about 300 envelops stuffed in it.
There was also a yellow slip that said I had to go up to the
[post office] counter.

I thought I was in trouble or something (laughs)". He goes on,
"I went up to the counter and they had a whole box of more mail
for me. I had to ride back home and empty out my backpack because
I could not carry it all".

Over the next few weeks, the boy continued sending out the
E-mail. "The money just kept coming in and I just kept sorting
it and stashing it in the closet, barely had time for my homework".
He had also been riding his bike to several of the banks
in his area and exchanging the $5 bills for twenties,fifties
and hundreds.

"I didn't want the banks to get suspicious so I kept riding
to different banks with like five thousand at a time in my
backpack. I would usually tell the lady at the bank counter
that my dad had sent me in to exchange the money and he was
outside waiting for me. One time the lady gave me a really
strange look and told me that she would not be able to do it
for me and my dad would have to come in and do it, but I just
rode to the next bank down the street (laughs)."

Surprisingly, the boy did not have any reason to be afraid.
The reporting news team examined and investigated the so-called
"chain-letter" the boy was sending out and found that it was not
a chain-letter at all. In fact, it was completely legal according
to US Postal and Lottery Laws, Title 18, Section 1302 and 1341,
or Title 18, Section 3005 in the US code, also in the code of
federal regulations, Volume 16, Sections 255 and 436, which state
a product or service must be exchanged for money received.

Every five-dollar bill that he received contained a little 
note that read, "Please send me report number XYX".This simple
note made the letter legal because he was exchanging a service
(A Report on how-to) for a five-dollar fee.


Brand New For DVD Lovers! LREY

2001-12-26 Thread e39mpl1o30o3yme39nt

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Conventional DVD copying equipment can cost thousands of $$$Our revolutionary software cost less than the price of 3 DVD Movies! 
If you wish to be removed simply  Click Here

Explosive dicks and assholes (was: C4 commercial web page)

2001-12-26 Thread baptista

On Wed, 26 Dec 2001, Anonymous wrote:

> >Density: 1.63 g/cm3
> My dick, unerect, is about 12 cm long and has 3.5 cm radius.

Thats a small dick.  I assume it has growth potential.

But my recommendations are not to use your dick for the explosives.  Use
your asshole.  You can stuff a whole wad of explosive materials up
there.  And there is a precedent for that sort of thing.  Prisoners have
been using their assholes for centuries to move contraban.

I can see it now.  Airports everywhere employing teams of proctologists
while passengers bend over for the safty checks.


> This makes for 37 cm3, or about 60 grams (2 oz) of C4.
> 60 grams can pierce the aircraft hull no problemo.
> So, the question is, how do you tell between plastic C4 dick and genuine
> meat without close tactile observation at the security checkpoint ?
> Beware of arabs/israelis humping aircraft walls.

The dot.GOD Registry, Limited

Re: Tim May on the end of a rope.

2001-12-26 Thread jamesd

> > > Ahwell! Still if you want to lump stalinists,trots and
> > > anarchs together

James A. Donald:
> > The difference between Stalinists and Trots is that the
> > Trots were from the beginning more extreme, more brutal,
> > and more contemptuous of ordinary Russians. The original
> > point of dispute between Stalin and Trotsky was that
> > Trotsky though Stalin was too soft on the kulaks.

> Spain,jamesd,I thought we were talking about SPAIN! I know
> a bit about Trotsky's russian background,the betrayal of
> Makhno and Krondstadt,Its a huge separate issue

The Trots I encountered in Australia seemed remarkably
similar to the Trotsky that I found in the history books.
Perhaps that is why they called themselves Trotskyists.

The story of the Russian radical left is full of hypocrisy,
betrayal and murder. The story of the Catalonian radical left
is also full of very similar hypocrisy, betrayal and murder,
with the added twist that in Catalonia the anarchist
nomenclatura was sold by the anarchist leadership into the
hands of their enemies.

> There are major differences with real live anarchists and
> "commies".Trust me on this.I've attacked N.Klein and
> N.Chompsky myself for playing footsie with the
> ISO,degenerate MLers.Lump everyone together and you only
> fool yourself.

The differences that seem so big and important from the
inside, are small from the outside.  I notice that you
approvingly cite Huben's FAQ, whose central argument is that
the federal government is the rightful owner of everything in
the USA.

James A. Donald:
> > but after the incompatibility between anarchism and
> > socialism was demonstrated in 1936-1938

> By jamesd,sole expert on spanish
> anarcho-commie-fascism.Yeah right.

The abrupt change in the "anarchist" program after 1938
demonstrates that they saw, you see, what I saw. 

 James A. Donald

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2001-12-26 Thread Coollist Subscription


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Document Authenticity (was: Explosive dicks (was: C4 commercial web page)

2001-12-26 Thread Steve Thompson

Quoting Anonymous ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> So, the question is, how do you tell between plastic C4 dick and genuine
> meat without close tactile observation at the security checkpoint ?
> Beware of arabs/israelis humping aircraft walls.

This will be a simple threat to mitigate. 

The government simply needs to require that every male carry a Foreskin
Certificate of Authenticity.  Obviously for women, a similar certificate will
be necessary to authenticate breasts and pregnancies.  Particularly paranoid
regimes might also view moles and bunyans with suspicion and mandate further
security measures.  For the public safety, of course.



those little white men
practising their alibis.
-- Dean Russell