Software Formulated To Boost The Reliance of Windows

2002-01-19 Thread d24059

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2002-01-19 Thread mattd

  We Are the Freedom Urban Collective Knowledge
Expansion Division The Freedom Urban Collective Knowledge Expansion
Division (F.U.C.K.E.D) is Brisbane's latest and greatest
experiment in non-authoritarian Revolutionary Activism. Our
aim is to create a non-authoritarian society free of
relationships of domination, hierarchy and exploitation. F.U.C.K.E.D. will 
develop opportunities, situations and
environments through which the social, cultural and
economic domination of elites can be challenged, unsettled,
dismantled, and destroyed. This will be done by direct democratic means, by 
temporary autonomous zones in which a revolutionary praxis
can evolve that directly challenges the relationships that
support our social, economic and political elites. F.U.C.K.E.D. projects 
will include:-
7 various direct action campaigns;
7 affiliating with and supporting the Brisbane IndyMedia
7 maintaining the InfoZone that will include a bookstore, and a
zine, audio, video and book library;
7 creating radical Art, Culture and Zines;
7 to provide spaces for networking, interaction, workshops
and educational discourse;
7 as well as supporting experiments in squatting, community
building, the activist wharehouse and urban communal living. If this sounds 
like your type of thing, then please come along
and introduce yourself.
We meet 6:30pm every Tuesday, at 264 Barry Pde, Fortitude
We have lots of projects we want to do, so need lots of
practical people with some energy and iniative to help us.
The time to get active is now.

__ The F.U.C.K.E.D. Statement for Being To 
initially set up an autonomist zone for the purposes of
distributing information and ideas, promoting discussion and
organising direct action, and doing so by consensus
procedures. To further this we will work with groups whose
means and aims do not contradict our own. Our aim is
revolutionary change creating a non-authoritarian society
free of relationships of domination and 

Concrete anti-nato action.

2002-01-19 Thread mattd

MUNICH Every February the NATO Munich Security Conference takes place. This 
the official organiser of the conference is BMW's own Herbert Quandt
foundation. It's a meeting of administration officials of the NATO-member
states and about 200 military strategists, generals and experts on military
equipment - the alliance between capital and the military could hardly be
better demonstrated. For the participants of the Conference on Security
Policy the central themes are the planning of current and future wars, the
establishment of powerful, mobile armies, the development of new
billion-dollar weapons systems and this year (surprise, surprise!)
'Terrorism' and 'global security' which could mean anything really (just
ask David Blunkett). It's obvious that it is only the security of the US
and the EU and its capital that is being discussed at the conference. What
security does this system offer a Bolivian small farmer or Philippine woman
working 16-hour days in a branded-label textile sweatshop? How secure is
the future for the unemployed youth in the suburbs of Paris, or for a
refugee in a deportation prison at Frankfurt Airport? The conference has a 
pretty good track record. In 1998 US military
operations in Iraq were on the agenda and the question of using German air
force bases. Last year they talked about how the EU could join in with the
US Missile Defence System madness. A conflict of interests between the USA
and their European NATO allies call for their own EU-military block was
resolved in November last year, when the foreign and defence ministers of
NATO members took over the West-European Defence Union - this is being
replaced by the EU 'rapid deployment force'. By 2003 this new intervention
strike force of 60,000 soldiers is due to be available for 'assignment'
anywhere around the globe, which means the EU will have its own private
mobile army. Just to show some appreciation for all the effort over the 
years and all
the good work NATO are doing in Afghanistan a well known travelling circus
will be in Munich for a 'Carnival against NATO'. From 1st - 3rd February,
the Pink n Silver brigade will be causing a commotion in Munich while
others stuff custard pies in the faces of WEF (World Economic Forum) in New
York. email:[EMAIL PROTECTED] &


2002-01-19 Thread mattd

 For handing out leaflets: Five people were nicked in
 Usak, Turkey, for handing out anarchist leaflets.
 They've all been charged with being members of an
 'illegal terrorist organization' and were badly
 beaten before being moved to a high security prison.
 For wanting to learn in their own language: 526
 Kurdish students were detained by the Turkish
 military after handing in a petition to be educated
 in their native Kurdish language. Recently over
 20,000 Kurdish students have petitioned their
 universities requesting that Kurdish be recognised
 as an optional subject, many are being threatened
 with expulsion unless they withdraw their demands.


2002-01-19 Thread mattd

BLOCKS AWAY! Faslane in Scotland is home to all of Britain's Trident (nuclear)
submarines. Last year there were two massive sit down blockades where over
500 people were arrested. The courts still haven't dealt with all those
arrested at the first one in February and haven't even began to deal with
those nicked at the blockade last October. And those cheeky tridenting
protesters are coming back for more. The 'Block n Roll' is taking place
between 11-13th February and the aim is to have three days of rolling
blockades and actions. There's accommodation available, so why not go up
and join the court queue, or maybe try and provide us with a crap arrest.
Call the action line for more info 0845-458-8361 or email:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]* It's on late, so it 
must be good! The documentary 'Nuke UK' will be on
  Channel 4 tonight at 2:10am, it follows four members of Trident
  Ploughshares at the blockade last February.
* Three days of protest at Devonport, Plymouth at the beginning of
  February. The focus of the demonstrations is the arrival of the first
  Trident submarines to Plymouth scheduled to berth on Monday 4th
  February. One of the organisers told SchNEWS "The protest is against
  Trident and against the storage of large quantities of nuclear waste
  at the Dockyard, representing a significant threat to the 270,000
  people of Plymouth." Protests include a protest march and sit down
  blockades across all 5 gates of the Dockyard on the Monday. There will
  be accomodation on Saturday for people who want to go to workshops and
  discussion forums. Tel 07803620390 or e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]
* 'Challenging the arms trade' public meeting with Chris Cole who has
  recently published "A Matter of Life and Death", about the arms trade.
  7:30pm, Tuesday 22nd, in the Meeting House, 7 Victoria Terrace,
  London. Tel: 0131-669 5591, 
SCHOOL REPORT "Lately, our public servants appear to have gone 
particularly where our children are concerned. It seems that hardly a week
goes by without the announcement of yet another database to monitor
selected groups of children in some way - small wonder that the Data
Protection Commissioner has just announced her resignation" - ARCH. A 
government's wet dream of complete surveillance of their citizens is
making massive progress under Neo-Labour. At the end of last year we had
Connexions cards for teenagers (See SchNEWS 335), and at the beginning of
this year the government has sneaked into the Annual School Census the
personal details of pupils which is usually anonymous. The School Census is 
always carried out for statistical purposes but in
this year's forms schools need to supply names and addresses with all the
information which will then be stored on a central database. From starting
school each child will now issued with their own personal student ID number
which will follow them through their childhood (and possibily further).
ARCH (Action for Rights on Children) reckon this is a 'National Identity
Scheme' and want the DfES to halt the census until there is open honest
debate. But don't hold yer breath. or 01594-861107.

We can't keep meeting like this.

2002-01-19 Thread mattd

NEW YORK "The World Economic Forum is, in a way, a big cocktail party for 
the global
corporate elite. As an organisation, it has no power to actually set
policy, but it creates a space in which international "leaders" can hash
out their vision for the rest of us. In their own words, "they are fully
engaged in the process of defining and advancing the global agenda." More
specifically, it's our globe, but it's their agenda."
- NYC Indymedia website. Anti-capitalists will be descending on New York at 
the end of the month to
protest against the world's largest gathering of government and business
leaders, the World Economic Forum. (WEF). According to protest groups it
will be the biggest thing to hit New York since Sept 11th. It has switched
to New York from its traditional Swiss home of Davos for the first time in
31 years as a token of support for the City. The invitation-only meeting
last year attracted over 3,000 delegates, including Britain's Chancellor
Gordon Brown and Microsoft's Bill Gates. In fact you'll find a whole host
of SchNEWS' favourite corporations from BP to Boeing and Nestli rubbing
shoulders with media moguls and politicians. The decision to host the 
meeting in NYC was announced the day after the
election of Mayor Bloomberg, whose company, Bloomberg L.P., is a member of
the WEF. Politicians and business leaders are hoping that the event will
stimulate NY's lagging economy post Sept 11th - and the plan to divert
badly needed public funds into such an event and its security bill are sure
to benefit NY locals. The police, famous for their zero tolerance attitude,
have been given the green light for military-style tactics, traffic will be
halted around the hotel and a 'frozen zone' created, with the cops
announcing that since Sept 11th they're ready for anything. The WEF - the 
club who helped create the notorious World Trade Organisation
and the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade - say that their meeting
this year will focus on finding ways to "reverse the global economic
downturn, eradicate poverty, promote security and enhance cultural
understanding." Another World is Possible, one of the groups organising the
protests against the meeting, see it rather differently. "They'll be
looking to rescue failing corporate giants, exploit working people, clamp
down on dissent, and puree the diverse communities of our world into a
single, American-style consumer culture." After Sept 11th the world's media 
have been saying that the anti-capitalist
movement is dead - but with 100,000 at Brussels for the EU summit in
December, 50,000 in India during the WTO meeting in Doha - protests, big
and small, have continued around the globe. New York will show that it's
certainly business as usual for global resistance. Another World is
Possible say "The WEF is in for a surprise...the movement for global justice
is alive and well and growing, and ready to stand in the way of their
five-day corporate cocktail party!"* February 2nd will be the universal 
day of action against the WEF. To
  find out more information see at or
* WEF Counter-Summit and National Student Mobilization, January 31st to
  February 3rd at Columbia University in New York City, for more
  information see

Lard ass declares war on US.

2002-01-19 Thread mattd

TRADE BLOC N ROLL A major trade war between the USA and EU looks on the 
cards after the World
Trade Organisation (WTO) once again ruled against US corporate tax breaks.
Companies like Boeing and Microsoft have been cashing in on "illegal
subsidies" to the tune of $4 billion. So what's going on here is the US
preaching free trade to the rest of the world, whilst stuffing the pockets
of its own companies. This is the third time that the WTO have ruled
against US subsidies. One influential US businessman said if this isn't
sorted out "things could easily get out of hand". While Robert Zoellick,
the US trade representative said this could unleash "a nuclear weapon on
the trading 
...and finally... Lard of the Rings.
Want to be an activist from beyond the grave? Want to avoid yoThe British
Lard Marketing Board aim to change lard's bad image and promote the
benefits of lard. Sneaky tricksters have set up a spoof website complete
with a history of lard, lard merchandising and some exciting new recipe
ideas, such as "Roulard: Take a block of lard from the fridge and roll it
out to about half an inch thick. Sprinkle it with herbs, or parsley or
grass cuttings. Roll it up. Looks and tastes delicious on the cheese tray
at a posh dinner party." Alternatively lard has some non-culinary uses such
as: "Lard is excellent for adding a danger element to Scalextric tracks -
particularly those shiny-surfaced chicanes with the lumps either side."

If the prisons rocking,dont bother knocking.

2002-01-19 Thread mattd

Inside SchNEWS A Chiapas prison in Mexico felt the full force of inmates' 
unrest earlier
this month as 1,000 rioted against appalling conditions, beatings and
corruption. All credit goes to the Prison Warden Fidel Velazquez, a retired
military officer who oversees a brutal regime, he has denied all reporters,
families and human rights groups access to inside the prison. Family
members blockaded an access road in protest, facing around 200 anti-riot
cops armed with shields, clubs and assault rifles. Members of a civil
rights group joined the relatives in blocking access to the prison,
demanding the release of at least 100 inmates who they say are political
prisoners.* Dave 
Blenkinsop has been given 18 months for liberating 600 guinea
  pigs from animal abusers. Write to Dave Blenkinsop EM7899, HMP
  Birmingham, Winson Green Rd, Birmingham, B18 4AS.
* Prison Abolition or More Prisons? A conference on the abolition of
  prison. Saturday 26th January 10.30am - 5pm at Conway Hall, 25 Red
  Lion Square, London (nearest tube Holborn) email
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] or SAE to Prison Abolition Conference c/o
  BM Hurricane, London, WC1N3 
CHOC BLOC A red and black anarchist flag flew briefly from the top of the 
embassy in London last week. A group of anarchists calling themselves
"Those Pesky Kids" occupied the Embassy in solidarity with the people of
Argentina, who are protesting against the government and IMF imposed
reforms (SchNEWS 336). They gave the Argentinian Ambassador his very own
personal reception, giving him a box of Ferrero Rocher chocolates in a
parody of the classic advert "oooh, with these chocolates you are
really spoiling us." So what logical punishment did the pesky kids receive? 
Six protesters
received bail on condition they don't go within 100 metres of any embassy.
Still, at least the magistrate had the sense to drop another condition
imposed by police and allowed the defendants to talk to each other! 
Argentina was once heralded as the golden child of economic liberalisation
but has now plummeted into a state of poverty and chaos, saddled with $155
billion debt and unemployment levels of 18%. The economic collapse is due
to the expansion of free-market liberalisation and the imposition of IMF
enforced Structural Adjustment Programs including the relentless
privatisation of public services. These very same policies have caused ruin
elsewhere, from the privatisation of water in Bolivia to the chaos of
Railtrack in Britain. With the economy going down the pan, Argentineans are 
taking matters into
their own hands not only be taking to the streets but by creating a
bartering system, handling the equivalent of over $400 million a year, with
well over a million people involved (SchNEWS 319). The system is kept
highly regulated, avoiding the influence of existing power bases in
Argentina. It seems like the people of Argentina don't agree with Tony
Blair's belief that global capitalism is helping the world's poor.

Polish Anarchists battle nazi's and riot cops.ABC.

2002-01-19 Thread mattd

Welcome to next issue of Warhead, first one in this year. Previous year was
very busy for many of us here as struggle is intensifying and there are more
and more actions. Thanks to everyone that is supporting  this paper and
remember- struggle continues!
PS- This time again no grammar correction as there were not enough time for
Actions against budget cuts
With new government elected nothing is getting better in our country
(surprise, surprise) and parasites in parliament seats already forgot about
their promises. First thing which they offered were budget cuts in many
social services. This caused wave of unrest among students as their benefits
(ticket price reduces) were seriously limited. At the same time our
government is sending troops to Afghanistan and this operation will costs us
lot of money. Right wing students union organised some reformist protests
all over Poland to show that they are "against" it. Anarchists in few cities
decided to show our own opinion about those events. In Warsaw, Torun and
Bialystok students protests were joined by activists with red and black
flags and leaflets explaining our view. Of course leaders of students unions
were angry as they try to pose as "delegates" of all students and sit near
one table with ruling scum. Actions will continue!
Abolishing Borders from Below.
This is a title of new, English language paper , made by mostly Polish group
of activists living in Berlin. It is writing about an anarchist activity in
Eastern Europe. First issue is already out. New one should be available
soon. You can get copies from WARHEAD address (if you can, add 1$ for
Situation of squats, Troubles in Wroclaw- squat attacked
Situation of squatting in Poland goes better and better, although there are
still serious problems. Recently Wagenburg squat in Wroclaw was attacked
with molotov cocktails by group of few nazis. Luckily no one got injured,
but one of the buildings near squat was destroyed and police accused
squatters of arson(!). One nazi got caught by squatters and was beaten
mercilessly. In Bialystok there were again some pathetic attempts by nazis
to attack the place, but they were quickly chased off by squatters. Police
also recently left place alone (lets see for how long?). Only problem there
is really harsh winter. Krzyk squat in Gliwice is still existing, despite of
continuous threat of eviction and demolition.
Another anti-fascist charged
Another anti-fascists activist in Bialystok is charged. 19 years old
Slawomir "Lapa" Lapinski is charged for Grevious Body Harm as he was in
group of anti-fascists who got attacked in the middle of 2001 on the bus
stop by nazis. Antifa crew managed to defends themselves very well and nazis
were literally massacred. Later on they accused Lapa of throwing a brick in
head of one of them, what damaged his eye. As Lapa has previous sentence for
assault on nazi skinhead, he is endangered by 3-12 sentence for this act.
Till now we managed to collect most of the money for lawyer, although we
think that in future there will be need for more. He needs all our
solidarity as he is very stressed by all situation. You can send messages of
support in English, which will be translated into Polish for him. For any
offers of support contact WARHEAD.
Actions against the war
There were many actions against US imperial policy and war in Afghanistan
recently. In Bialystok activists during Food Not bombs actions distributed
leaflets against the war and put posters and signs. In Krakow there were two
actions, one outside US consulate (after few minutes participants were
attacked without reason by riot police, beaten and then 9 people were
detained and charged with "Active resistance to police". Similarly activists
sued police for unlawful arrest etc.) and second during Polish president's
visit in Krakow. There were also actions in Poznan (also disrupted by
police), Warsaw and few other cities. There is also web site in Polish and
lots of propaganda on the streets. As Polish government decided to sent
troops to Afghanistan in January there will be more actions.
Actions in Szczecin Shipyard
In Szczecin there was demonstration to commemorate workers rebellion which
inflamed whole Polish coast (including Szczecin) in 1970 and caused many
days of street battles with army and security forces. This time anarchists
wanted to show that present government is no way different from the one
which ruled then and that workers of the shipyards should rebel again. There
were up to 200 people present on action, mostly from Poland plus small
delegation from FAU/Germany. During march there were small scuffles with
police all the time, although no people got arrested or injured. Protesters
didn't manage to get into shipyard due to high number of police but got good
support from people who took part in 1970 rebellion o were witnesses to it.
Brussel and solidarity actions
Small group of Polis

No Gods,No Masters and Food not Bombs.

2002-01-19 Thread mattd

From: Scott Andrew Graham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
I picked up a flyer at the black rose yesterday...the comrades there
said it was still in the developing idea stage or something, anyway,
it reads:
Sydney anarchists are planning to organise an Anarchist & Autonomous
conference on the weekend of the 27th & 28th of April followed by a
couple of days of activities leading up to a celebration of Mayday.
This event aims to follow on from the success of the 2001 melbourne
"No gods, No masters " conference with the intention of creating an
annual regional conference. To revitalise the Anarchist/Autonomous
movement of Australia, and to create and strengthen links.
We are asking for expressions of interest to organise/participate in
workshops, discussions, events, and/or contribute art, music, energy,
ideas etc. To get involved please contact PO Box 691 newtown NSW 2042 or the e
group at [EMAIL PROTECTED] Hope to see you there " And erm, I hope 
they don't mind me putting on it the list :P Scott
Subject: Romania
Hi guys,
In Timisoara took place an anarchist action called "food, not bombs." It was
a good opportunity fom anarchists from other towns to meet and plan our
activities for the next months. Commarades from Yugoslavia came too. We made
posters and wrote grafiti, made food and gave it for free to the poorest
people in Timisoara with a short propaganda message attached to each plate
(like "one NATO plane = 1 milion cans with beens") and we went to a punk
concert and, of course, a party. It was great.
I told the commarades from Timisoara and Craiova about the Alternative
Network. Please contact them at [EMAIL PROTECTED] and [EMAIL PROTECTED] .D. 

Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | Saudis tell US forces to get out

2002-01-19 Thread Jim Choate,7369,636035,00.html


 Day by day the Penguins are making me lose my mind.

 Bumper Sticker

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::>/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

Slashdot | Airports As Secure As 802.11b

2002-01-19 Thread Jim Choate


 Day by day the Penguins are making me lose my mind.

 Bumper Sticker

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::>/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

bugging the chinese in seattle

2002-01-19 Thread Anonymous

China Says President's Jet Bugged -FT
(Reuters) - January 19 2002 02:53

LONDON (Reuters) - China has said its intelligence officers found more
than 20 spying devices in a Boeing 767 meant to become President Jiang
Zemin's official plane after it was delivered from the U.S., the Financial
Times said on Saturday.

Citing Chinese officials, the newspaper said it was unclear when the
aircraft was fitted with the bugs, said to be tiny and operated by satellite.

The devices were detected after the plane emitted a strange static whine
during test flights in China in September, shortly after it was delivered.
One device was found in a lavatory and another in the headboard of the
presidential bed.

The discovery came ahead of a planned summit between President Bush
and Jiang in Beijing next month. The Chinese president was said to be
furious about the find, the FT said.

The aircraft wa s made at the Boeing factory in Seattle and then fitted with
VIP equipment and upholstery by another company. The plane was under
surveillance by Chinese officials throughout, the newspaper said.

A Boeing spokesman declined to comment on the report.

Chinese officials said the security forces had launched an 
investigation into
possible negligence and some 20 air force officers had been held 
questioning, the FT said.

The U.S. and China clashed over espionage issues in April last 
year when
a Chinese fighter jet and U.S. spy plane collided over the South 
Sea, resulting in the death of the Chinese pilot and the grounding 
of the
U.S. plane in China.

Konformist: 'It Would Help Enron If You Made That Call'

2002-01-19 Thread Jei

Insider trading, US style... Heh heh heh. 
Seems like everything Bush ever did, was
either for the poll ratings or money. 

The selfish logic is infallible. It's all 
either for his political gain or hard cash
for his pals.

Well, Americans certainly got the president
they deserve, even if they didn't elect the
guy. Money buys it all.

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sat, 19 Jan 2002 06:59:36 -
From: robalini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Konformist: 'It Would Help Enron If You Made That Call'

Please send as far and wide as possible.


Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

'It Would Help Enron If You Made That Call' 
Bush Was Told
By Ed Vulliamy 
The Observer - London 

As he approaches the first anniversary of his inauguration, George W 
Bush is under siege. He has won the war in Afghanistan, but finds 
himself engaged in a new battle against a scandal that is threatening 
to dog his administration and tarnish his reputation . 
Bush and his administration have been revealed as entwined in a story 
of corporate greed and political manipulation by an energy firm 
called Enron, now under double criminal investigation. 
The scandal - in which the life savings and retirement funds of tens 
of thousands of employees vanished while a number of executive 
directors lined their pockets - reaches so high that John Ashcroft, 
the Attorney-General, has had to withdraw from the investigation 
because he received Enron money, and lawsuits are the pipeline to 
force Vice-President Dick Cheney for details of his contacts with the 
The day Bush took office - a year ago next Saturday - was as cold and 
comfortless as his victory; his motorcade braved driving rain and a 
gauntlet of demonstrations marking the most contested and ugliest 
election result in US history. After 11 September, the world changed 
and so did America's view of Bush. He became the only President since 
Franklin Roosevelt to maintain the support of over 80 per cent of 
Americans for weeks on end. 
But now the White House is laid bare by what rivals 
call 'Enronomics' - the political fable of the Enron corporation. 
It has long been reported how the Bush administration and family is 
beholden to the energy industry. Before the Afghan war, an 'Energy 
Task Force' favourable to the industry was the main concern for 
Cheney, who himself came to office from the biggest oil equipment 
firm in the world. 
Enron was just the kind of scandal a war would hide. The company 
plunged from a stock rating worth $60 billion - seventh on the 
Fortune list of US companies - into the biggest bankruptcy filing in 
US history, registered on 2 December. 
The ethical - maybe criminal - core of the scandal is that Enron 
trapped its employees into a 'stock-lock', whereby they were not 
allowed to sell share options bought by way of savings. When the 
company collapsed, they lost everything. Meanwhile, Enron's 
executives - blessed by inside information and foresight - made a 
killing by scrambling to sell shares before the price collapsed. 
The victims of Enron's rise and fall were regular employees who opted 
to join a savings plan by investing in their employer - and why not? 
With soaring energy prices and giddy profits, the share value 
quadrupled between 1997 and January last year. The catch was they 
were not allowed to sell. 
They were people like Pat Betteridge, of the subsidiary Portland 
General Electric company in Oregon, who remembers grand claims by 
Enron chief executive Kenneth Lay on a visit north: 'We like to think 
of ourselves,' he bragged, 'as the Microsoft of the energy world.' 
Betteridge used his $300,000 retirement savings to buy 3,500 shares - 
now worth not a cent. 'If I was hired to do electrical work and I 
botched it as bad as them,' he says, 'I'd either be doing time or get 
my licence yanked.' 
The beneficiaries of the company's surge to power were those who 
boarded the wheel of perpetual motion that binds the Bush 
administration to the energy industry. Then the company's brass even 
tried to make their fortune out of its fall as well. 
The Observer has dug into Enron's past to find that intimate 
connections with Bush and his Texan Republicans started long before 
the campaigns that brought them to Washington 
Enron is a Houston-based utility trading company that sells energy to 
consumers, industrial and domestic. It is one of the biggest of its 
kind in the world - a standing it owes in no small part to Bush's 
governorship in Texas. 
Texas's 1992 Energy Policy Act opened a regulatory black hole into 
which Enron moved and thrived, forcing established utility companies 
to buy energy from it. Meanwhile, in Washington, the Commodity 
Futures Trading Commission, under the presidency of Bush's father, 
allowed for an exemption in trading energy subsidiaries. The practice 
would be 

RE: Disease vectors.

2002-01-19 Thread Aimee Farr

Anonymous wrote:

> Agent Farr wrote:

I'm sure you think that's really funny.

> >This place has turned into a disease vector for anti-intelligence
> >propaganda. Some of you are "carriers."
> >
> >Governments opposed to the re-invigoration of our intelligence
> capabilities
> >and American spheres of influence are planting some of this crap. The
> >Russians made some direct threats of "relative measures" after the Pasko
> >protests (aimed at the FSB), citing the involvement of U.S. diplomats.
> Do you have any evidence to support this wild claim?

"I bet I can get her to fish that up" *rolls eyes*


MOSCOW - The Foreign Ministry of the Russian Federation sent a diplomatic
note of protest to the US Embassy in Moscow and expressed its discontent
with activities of the US consulate in Vladivostok, diplomatic sources in
Moscow reported to RosBusinessConsulting today.
The reason for sending the note was the participation of the US Consul
General and the US Consul for political and economic affairs in a
demonstration near the department of the Federal Security Service in the
Primorye region and the court of the Pacific Fleet and the Military
Prosecutor's Office. The demonstration was arranged by the public committee
in the support of military journalist Grigory Pasko on January 10. The
Foreign Ministry of Russia declared the participation of the US officials in
this event "a serous violation of international rules, which may cause
relative measures in response from Russia."  - RBC


Post 9/11, the policy actions in Russia resemble maneuver warfare, not
deliberative politics. Not just changes in regard to foreign policy, but
internal structural changes. Putin has been very busy in speaking to other
countries, and the press has been busy signaling diplomatic and economic
alliances: France, Poland, China, Germany, India, Vietnam, Brazil, Japan
(He looks like that super-hero guy in the red outfit with the lighting rods
on his ears. The fast guy. Every day, he's had a visit or a phone
conversation with another country.) A few weeks back, we had Russian
generals "going ballistic." (actual English words, in case you might miss
the undertone) This week, big headline: our missile endeavors are going to
ensure U.S. technological hegemony FOREVER!

In just a few months, Russia repositioned itself. They have OODA-loop
politics. (That sort of policy speed is probably on par with what military
might used to be.)

They are restricting foreigners, going through spy/treason mania, gagging
the press, they even have a new law against desecrating the national anthem.
Their new senate consists of powerful people nominated to represent small
regions from which they have no connection whatsoever. (None of this has
made the Washington Post, or I haven't seen it.) 75% of their politicians
take bribes, and the old KGB runs the country. I don't mean to mirror-image,
but it's disturbing -- it's like they *COPIED* our anti-dissent statutes c.
1917, and right before we entered the Cold War. (Espionage & Sedition Acts,
Smith Act, etc)

Russia is talking about re-nationalizing Soviet intellectual property and
"making lists," with punitive measures, forcing intensive R&D (Russian word
for espionage), especially in the military and oil sectors. (No more silly
embassy games for them, they will task their criminal networks.) Japan stole
entire industry sectors inside of 10 years.

While terrorism is mostly put forth as a dirty tool of policy, it strikes at
the heart of the social contract. Our response: "When all you have is a
hammer, everything looks like a nail." Terrorism makes us hit our own people
and focus on perimeter defenses, which gives subnational groups cohesion and
loads our defensive orientation. It would seem to offer a situation that
other countries can take advantage of in numerous ways. I hope our "War on
Terrorism" isn't masking the advent of another kind of warfare.

They want to undermine public opinion of our intelligence agencies, because
they are after our throat.


E-mail processors needed immediately!

2002-01-19 Thread w_stringer_earndirect

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2002-01-19 Thread n7549


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FW: ABC Omits U.S. From Human Rights Report

2002-01-19 Thread Jei

-Original Message-
From: media analysis, critiques and news reports
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of FAIR-L
Sent: Saturday, January 19, 2002 12:29 AM
Subject: [FAIR-L] ABC Omits U.S. From Human Rights Report

Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting
Media analysis, critiques and news reports

ABC Omits U.S. From Human Rights Report

January 18, 2002

On its January 16 broadcast, ABC's World News Tonight aired this brief item
about the annual report released that day by Human Rights Watch:

"The international human rights group Human Rights Watch has released its
annual report, and it says that several countries are using the U.S.-led war
against terrorism as a justification to ignore human rights. Human Rights
Watch says that Russia, Egypt, Israel, China, Zimbabwe, Malaysia and
Uzbekistan have all cracked down on domestic opponents in the name of

That summary is close to what the group's press release stated (1/16/02):
"The anti-terror campaign led by the United States is inspiring
opportunistic attacks on civil liberties around the world, Human Rights
Watch warned in its annual global survey released today."

But one country singled out for criticism by Human Rights Watch was
conspicuously absent from ABC's report: the United States, whose
anti-terrorism measures were described in the group's press release as
"threatening long-held human rights principles."

Among Bush administration actions that were identified as demonstrating a
"troubling disregard for well-established human rights safeguards" were "new
laws permitting the indefinite detention of non-citizens, special military
commissions to try suspected terrorists, the detention of over 1,000 people,
and the abrogation of the confidentiality of attorney-client communications
for certain detainees."

While ABC ignored this criticism of the U.S. in favor of pointing fingers at
other countries, the rights report actually drew a connection between the
erosion of human rights standards in the U.S. and overseas. As the London
Guardian reported (1/17/02), "dictators 'need do nothing more than
photocopy' measures introduced by the Bush administration, whose ability to
criticise abuses in other countries was thus deeply compromised, said the
New York-based Human Rights Watch in a devastating 660-page report."

ABC's exclusion of criticism of the U.S. did a disservice to its viewers.
U.S. human rights problems are the ones that are most likely to affect them,
and also those that they are most in a position to do something about.

ACTION: Please ask ABC to issue a correction to its original report about
the Human Rights Watch Annual Report to reflect the group's criticisms of
the U.S. response to the terrorist attacks of September 11.

ABC's World News Tonight
Phone: 212-456-4040
Fax: 212-456-2795

As always, please remember that your comments are taken more seriously if
you maintain a polite tone. Please cc [EMAIL PROTECTED] with your

RE: bugging the chinese

2002-01-19 Thread Aimee Farr

See also:
..."What else were they expecting from the Americans? That the plane will be
totally clean, like the new-born child? If they did such a stupid thing 
ordered a plane from the Americans, then they will get a flying spy center,
to carry the leader of the Chinese people on board. It would be better, if
the Chinese examined the plane again, maybe they would find something more
interesting there, taking into consideration the fact that the Chinese
already have the experience with spy planes. They should have ordered a
plane from Russia. We would get the money, and they would get a good plane,
with no bugs."

*rolls eyes* The Russians would never bug anythingand I'm sure their
military-industrial complex hasn't got the big eyes for China.

They knew about this way back (September?October?), yet they only start
bitching about it now?
Discuss events related to China. Will a new Russian-Chinese partnership
counter US influence in the world? Is China a threat to America? We welcome
any posts dealing with China's growing role in international politics.


> -Original Message-
> Behalf Of Anonymous
> Sent: Saturday, January 19, 2002 9:28 AM
> Subject: bugging the chinese in seattle

Make torture an option?

2002-01-19 Thread Jei

Heh. It is generally believed that people
will confess to anything under torture. 

Now the government will never run out of terrorists. :-)

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sat, 19 Jan 2002 02:52:46 +0100
From: Mario Profaca <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "[Spy News]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Spy News] Make torture an option?,1597,324751-412,00.shtml

Dershowitz: Make Torture An Option

* Civil Libertarian Believes Torture Will Be Used In War On Terrorism
* And He Wants Specific Procedures In Place
* Watch Sunday at 7 PM ET/PT

(CBS) Is there a place in the U.S. justice system for torture?

Alan Dershowitz, the civil libertarian defender of O. J. Simpson,
believes the law should sanction torture so it may be applied
in certain cases, such as terrorist acts.

In a report to be broadcast Sunday on 60 Minutes, Dershowitz tells
Correspondent Mike Wallace that torture is inevitable. "We cant just
close our eyes and pretend we live in a pure world," he says.

After the events of Sept. 11, with many al Qaida members in custody,
Dershowitz says he wants to bring the debate to the forefront. He gave
the "ticking bomb" scenario - a person refusing to tell when and where
a bomb will go off as an example of the type of case warranting torture.

The FBI has anonymously leaked to the press the belief inside the bureau
that torture may be an option in these trying times.  But Lewis Schiliro,
former New York bureau director, warns of problems with torture.

"If anybody had the ability to prevent the events of Sept. 11... they
would have gone to whatever length... The problem becomes, where do
we draw that line?" he tells Wallace.

Torture is prohibited by the U.S. Constitution, says Human Rights Watch
Executive Director Kenneth Roth, who also says its not reliable. He points
out that an Islamic terrorist, convicted in America for terrorist plots
he admitted to after torture by authorities in the Philippines, had also
admitted to being the Oklahoma City bomber.

"People will say anything under torture," says Roth, adding that
resorting to torture degrades humanity and the idea of democracy.
"We, in many important respects, become like the terrorists," he tells
Wallace.  "They will have won. Our democracy will have lost."

This is a naive viewpoint, says Dershowitz. "If anybody has any doubt that
our CIA, over time, has taught people to torture, has encouraged torture,
has probably itself tortured in extreme cases, I have a bridge to sell you
in Brooklyn."

 SPY NEWS is OSINT newsletter and discussion list associated to 
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2002-01-19 Thread YOUR-SITE3top




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Taking "Freedom" Out of the Freedom of Information Act? (fwd)

2002-01-19 Thread Jei

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2002 02:40:54 -0500
From: Matthew Gaylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Matthew Gaylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Taking "Freedom" Out of the Freedom of Information Act?

Taking "Freedom" Out of the Freedom of Information Act?

E-Legal: Taking 'Freedom' Out of the Freedom of Information Act?
Eric J. Sinrod
Special to

January 15, 2002

The Department of Justice recently changed policy with respect to 
when government information will be released under the Freedom of 
Information Act (FOIA). Abandoning the Clinton administration policy 
of releasing information unless it is "reasonably foreseeable that 
disclosure would be harmful," the new policy allows governmental 
agencies to resist FOIA requests whenever there is a legal basis to 
do so.


Subscribe to Freematt's Alerts: Pro-Individual Rights Issues
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Matthew Gaylor, (614) 313-5722  ICQ: 106212065   Archived at

China finds bugs on U.S.-made jet

2002-01-19 Thread Steve Schear

China finds bugs on U.S.-made jet
BEIJING (AP) — China has discovered 27 bugging devices in a U.S.-made 
Boeing 767 it bought for the personal use of President Jiang Zemin, 
published reports said Saturday.

RE: Disease vectors.

2002-01-19 Thread CDR Anonymizer

>> Agent Farr wrote:
>I'm sure you think that's really funny.

I have no idea, it apparently struck a nerve.

>> Do you have any evidence to support this wild claim?
>"I bet I can get her to fish that up" *rolls eyes*

The Moscow Times?  Now that is funny, since the claim was about 
this list being a vector for anti-intelligence propaganda and
Russian threats.

Re: Make torture an option?

2002-01-19 Thread Mark Henderson

> Dershowitz: Make Torture An Option
> * Civil Libertarian Believes Torture Will Be Used In War On Terrorism
> * And He Wants Specific Procedures In Place
> * Watch Sunday at 7 PM ET/PT
> (CBS) Is there a place in the U.S. justice system for torture?

Well, torture is already used in various forms in the U.S. "justice" 
system. Perhaps, CBS should be talking about that.

RE: Disease vectors.

2002-01-19 Thread Aimee Farr

> >[1]
> The Moscow Times?  Now that is funny, since the claim was about 
> this list being a vector for anti-intelligence propaganda and
> Russian threats.

Extortion is the polite term, it was just an easy source to Google up.

FC: Rep. Boucher: End liability protection for software firms (fwd)

2002-01-19 Thread Jei

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2002 12:11:55 -0800 (PST)
From: Declan McCullagh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: FC: Rep. Boucher: End liability protection for software firms

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2002 16:35:33 -0500
From: Henry Huang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Boucher: End Liability Protection for Software Makers

And so, the "only fix it if people find out about it" mentality of the software 
FINALLY begins to reap bad fruit, after decades of neglect.

A panel of experts assembled by the National Academy of Sciences has
recommended that the special exemptions from product liability lawsuits
given to software makers should be taken away.  Rep. Rick Boucher (D-VA),
in particular, is quoted as saying:

"The producers of software should be responsible for any flaws that the
software contains."

As much as everyone would like to see Microsoft sued into the ground, it
ain't gonna happen.  A much more likely scenario is that smaller companies
and producers of Open Source will quickly find themselves at the end of a
sharp lawsuit -- clearing the way for companies who can afford to pay out
lawsuits to continue as they are. Oh, the irony.


Additionally, Bruce Scheiner has some interesting comments to make about
Microsoft's attitude towards security, and how censoring bug information
hurts far more than it helps.


POLITECH -- Declan McCullagh's politics and technology mailing list
You may redistribute this message freely if you include this notice.
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RE: Disease Vectors

2002-01-19 Thread Aimee Farr


> But I must say that we are a pale imitation of our role in 1993-95, when 
> we published the RC-R cipher, blew the whistle on the NSA's proposal to 
> have Jim Bidzos "run over" in his parking lot, provided the Stealth 
> fighter blueprints, published the home address of notorious killer and 
> FBI agent Lon Horiuchi, and generally sought ways to undermine the NSA, 
> DIA, CIA, and other intelligence agencies operating in support of 
> America's New World Order.

I recognize that in the eyes of some, that might be a public service.

> Agent Farr, it is possible you will survive the upcoming trials and 
> executions. If you do, reflect on your sins.

I'll go reflect now. 

"Do not let your opponent see your spirit." -- Miyamoto Musashi  

Searchable Database #1924

2002-01-19 Thread Vincent Cinny
Title: Executive Guild Membership
 ApplicationResponse-O-Matic Form

 Dear Candidate, 
 You have been selected as a potential candidate for a free listing in 
 the  2002 Edition of the International Executive Guild Registry. 
 Please accept our congratulations for this coveted honor. 
 As this edition is so important in view of the new millennium, the 
 International Executive Guild Registry will be published in two different 
 formats; the searchable CD-ROM and the Online Registry. 
 Since inclusion can be considered recognition of your career position 
 and professionalism, each candidate is evaluated in keeping with high 
 standards of individual achievement. In light of this, the International Executive
 Guild thinks that you may make an interesting biographical subject. 
 We look forward to your inclusion and appearance in the International 
 Executive Guild's Registry. Best wishes for your continued success. 
 International Executive Guild 
 Listing Dept. 
 If you
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 your request
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 bottom of this email.



 International Executive Guild
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 fill out this form if you would like to be
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 publication purposes, please
 complete and send this form at the earliest
 opportunity. There is no
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Searchable Database #1924

2002-01-19 Thread Vincent Cinny
Title: Executive Guild Membership
 ApplicationResponse-O-Matic Form

 Dear Candidate, 
 You have been selected as a potential candidate for a free listing in 
 the  2002 Edition of the International Executive Guild Registry. 
 Please accept our congratulations for this coveted honor. 
 As this edition is so important in view of the new millennium, the 
 International Executive Guild Registry will be published in two different 
 formats; the searchable CD-ROM and the Online Registry. 
 Since inclusion can be considered recognition of your career position 
 and professionalism, each candidate is evaluated in keeping with high 
 standards of individual achievement. In light of this, the International Executive
 Guild thinks that you may make an interesting biographical subject. 
 We look forward to your inclusion and appearance in the International 
 Executive Guild's Registry. Best wishes for your continued success. 
 International Executive Guild 
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 International Executive Guild
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Konformist: Lee Markland on Cooper, Patriots

2002-01-19 Thread Jei


Please send as far and wide as possible.


Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

Lee Markland

Thoughts On Bill Cooper

Poor deluded Bill, poor deluded right wingers. Indeed there is a 
covert government, but it is financed, managed and controlled by 
persons with right wing (or as call themselves, conservative's).  The 
cable news networks, the major media, the large and multi national 
corporations are all conservatives, right wing and fascist elitists, 
who look down on their constituency of "conservative and/or 
Christians" as mere tools to use, by exciting their emotions.  

Adolph Hitler made mention of the short memory of the masses, and in 
that regard he was quite correct, as he used that short memory to 
gain power.

The bug a bear of the New World Order, first was publicly aired by 
George I (George H.W. Bush or Bush 41)

The New World Order is in reality the hegemonistic economic and 
military dominance of the world, not for the benefit of you and I, 
but for the benefit of the "conservative" corporations and 
international financial institutions that really run the world behind 
the scenes.

Ken Lay - Enron-George Bush are well known to the readers of this 
newsletter. Are they also aware that the biggest weapons makers and 
the only manufacturers of nuclear weapons in America are General 
Electic and Westinghouse, both of whom are run by "conservatives", 
ex: right wing "family values" man Jack Welch of GE, and GE owns and 
controls NBC, Westinghouse owns and controls CBS.  Rupert Murdoch (an 
arch conservative) owns Fox, he also owns Staples, the right wing 
London Times, the New York Post, Harpers Collins, the publishing 
house which was not going to publish Michael Moore's book, as well as 
hundreds of other newspapers, magazines and businesses.

Murdoch's influence is so profound that Tony Blair, the PM of 
England, when running for office, went to Australia, supplicated 
himself before Murdoch. Blair, ostensibly represents a "Liberal" 
party in England, Murdoch is an arch "conservative".

It is true that this country is, and has been run by "conservatives", 
even during the Clinton administration, and indeed Clinton's actions, 
the one's in which he was effective, versus his lip service, were 
totally conservative. At the top of the corporate conservative agenda 
was NAFTA and GAAT, and Clinton threw the full force and weight of 
the Presidency and the Democratic Party behind the NAFTA and GAAT 
agenda, thus betraying his labor constituency and labor all over the 
world.  In fact he was probably more effective and instrumental in 
pursuing the corporate labor agenda than Bob Dole would have been, in 
as much as he represented and controlled the so called "loyal 

It's a shell game. The current President is, with the consent and 
demand of apparently most Americans or at least "conservative, god 
fearing, family values types" propelling us hell bent for election 
into a jackbooted dictatorship.

The only reason so called "patriots" even support this drive to 
overturn the constitution, is because their phobias, fears, needs and 
religious superstitions have been evoked, and they are, by those 
phobias, fears and needs, the instruments of their own damnation.

They are being tweaked and used.  The same incidentally is true of 
most "liberals", who mimick the "conservatives" in their lack of 
memory and
critical reasoning skills.

Here is how I see the sad state of affairs. There should be a 
national consensus and a mutual concern that runs through the veins 
of all American's. If you listen to the right and left, you will hear 
almost indentical concerns and fears.  However humans carry along a 
lot of other baggage, baggage which should be trivial, and if the 
person possesses criticial reasoning skills, would be recognized as 

However these trivialities have emotional roots planted in 
superstition, religion and are watered by psychosexual fears and 
needs. Which is what really drives us humans, because after all our 
main purpose on earth our fundamental drive, besides survival, is to 
reproduce. Which necessitates copulation, which in turn is driven by 
hormones, which in turn requires the establishment of a belief or 
feeling of dominance, security, control, superiority and submission 
depending upon whether one is the male or female.

Poor Bill Cooper was afflicted with this patriarchial obsession and 
was a male supremacist, which also means that he had to be and was a 
misogynist, something that he adamantly denied, however to belie his 
denial, he was easily provoked into a vicious attack for something so 
innocuous as a woman telling him that she had no need to identify 
herself as a Mrs or to take up the husbands name and give up her own 
identity on marriage.

Bill was also, quite apparently, an apocalyptic Christian, 

RE: Disease vectors.

2002-01-19 Thread CDR Anonymizer

Aimee Farr wrote:
>> >[1]
>> The Moscow Times?  Now that is funny, since the claim was about 
>> this list being a vector for anti-intelligence propaganda and
>> Russian threats.

The irony of this name is not lost on me.

>Extortion is the polite term, it was just an easy source to Google up.

Reprints of Russian papers assume the oh so authoritative position.

[ISN] Criminal Charges Settled In Distributed-Computing Case (fwd)

2002-01-19 Thread Jei

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2002 01:16:36 -0600 (CST)
From: InfoSec News <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [ISN] Criminal Charges Settled In Distributed-Computing Case

By Steven Bonisteel, Newsbytes
17 Jan 2002, 5:05 PM CST
A computer technician at Georgia-run college who found himself facing
criminal charges after installing software for a volunteer
distributed-computing effort will face probation instead of prison.

David McOwen, once a systems administrator at DeKalb Technical
College, faces a year of probation and a $2,100 fine for connecting a
number of DeKalb computers to so that the spare
computing cycles could assist in a communal code-breaking challenge.
But McOwen's supporters, including the Electronic Frontier Foundation
(EFF), said today that an agreement reached with state prosecutors was
far better than the worst-case scenario: years in prison and hundreds
of thousands of dollars in fines and restitution.

"David never should have been prosecuted in the first place, but we're
glad that the state decided to stop," said Lee Tien, a senior staff
attorney at the EFF. "He very likely could have won if the case had
gone to trial, but trials cost money and you never know what will

Tien said McOwen, who was to face a criminal trial later this month,
will also have to perform 80 hours of community service "unrelated to
computers or technology." However McOwen will not end up with a felony
or misdemeanor record under Georgia's First Offender Act.

The criminal charges stunned many participants in
distributed-computing efforts, who frequently are also denizens of
university or college computing departments.

In early January 2000, when the San Diego Supercomputer Center of the
University of California was issuing press releases about its
number-crunching prowess via in an RC5-64
code-breaking challenge, DeKalb was suspending McOwen for
participating in the same event.

A suspension wasn't all McOwen faced. This spring, long after he had
resigned from DeKalb in the wake of the suspension, McOwen learned
that he was being investigated by the state attorney general's office
as a result of his participation. This fall, he was
officially charged one count of computer theft and seven counts of
computer trespassing.

Tien in a prepared statement said that the dispute centered on a on
whether McOwen had fair notice that the distributed-computing software
was prohibited at DeKalb.

"From what I can tell, the state would have had a hard time proving
beyond a reasonable doubt that David knew he wasn't authorized to
install the software," Tien said. "I can't help but feel that this was
a face-saving deal for the state."

Originally, the state had calculated that McOwen had drained hundreds
of thousands of dollars worth of DeKalb computing time since
installing the software early in 1999, arriving at its figure by
calculating that the software sapped 59 cents worth of bandwidth each

A pro-McOwen site is at

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[Spy News] Arafat in Israel's public relations trap (fwd)

2002-01-19 Thread Jei

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sun, 20 Jan 2002 04:41:35 +0100
From: Mario Profaca <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "[Spy News]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Spy News] [windows-1250] Arafat in Israel^Òs public relations trap

Sunday, January 20, 2002

Arafat in Israel’s public relations trap
By Abdul Rahman Al-Rashid

Was it not a false and ill-advised step on the part of the Palestinian
Authority (PA) to deny outright that it had links with the ship whose cargo
of weapons was seized recently by Israel?

Israel’s public relations machinery has converted the incident into a big
propaganda weapon. Though most Arab writers rallied round the Palestinian
Authority and emphasized its lack of involvement in the arms shipment,
Israel, on the other hand, is bent on using the matter against the

The mistake on the part of the PA was not that it bought the weapons and
made an attempt to bring them to the Palestinian homeland. On the other
hand, its hurried denial was a gross mistake. The denial made the PA fall
into the trap laid by Israel’s public relations officials who wanted to
capitalize on denial by PA officials rather than the actual capture of the

The Israelis were desperately seeking an opportunity to establish that the
Palestinians, including their chief, were a bunch of liars. Soon after the
capture of the ship, the Israelis announced the seizure of a lesser quantity
than what was actually seized. This was apparently a calculated move on the
part of Israel which was sure that the PA would deny. The next Israeli move
was to reveal the full details of the seized weapons while the Palestinians
held fast to their denial. The evidence produced by Israel was strong enough
to pose serious challenges to the Palestinian Authority’s credibility.

The issue would not have become so complicated if the PA had not attached so
much importance to the seizure of the ship. Arafat should have handled the
issue as the former American President Bill Clinton did regarding his
involvement with Monica Levinsky. While admitting that he had some kind of
relationship with the girl, Clinton denied having had illicit relations with
her. Thus he brought half the issue under control. He did not deny all the
charges but neither did he tell the whole truth.

Instead of making a total and complete denial, it would have been safer for
Arafat to have said that he was awaiting a full report on the issue. After a
week or month, he could have clung to the denial if he were sure that his
position was secure. The other option open to the Palestinian leadership was
to announce that the weapons belonged to the PA but that the ship was in
international waters and had not entered Palestinian waters when it was
seized. Or the leaders could have said the ship was being sent to some other
place where the Palestinian police were being trained.

The Israelis exhibited the captain of the ship, an official of the PA, who
admitted his role in importing the weapons. His statements were extremely
embarrassing to the PA leadership. Thus, the Israelis got a golden
opportunity to show that the Palestinian leadership was lying. Nobody can
deny the Palestinians their right to defend themselves. There are several
methods to establish that right, however, instead of resorting to outright
lies. In the worst-case scenario, and if the half-truth failed to produce
the desired effect, the whole truth could be told.

It would have been much better if Arafat had stated that the shipment
belonged to him and that he was forced to import the weapons in the face of
the Israeli challenges and moves which aim at destroying his authority in
the region. If he had made such a statement, Israel would not have been able
to make use of the situation so powerfully against him.

 SPY NEWS is OSINT newsletter and discussion list associated to 
 Mario's Cyberspace Station
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Best Rates #4F94

2002-01-19 Thread Wayne Simpson

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Israel blows up, but fails to stifle the Voice of Palestine

2002-01-19 Thread Jei

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sun, 20 Jan 2002 04:41:36 +0100
From: Mario Profaca <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "[Spy News]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Spy News] Israel blows up, but fails to stifle the Voice of Palestine

Sunday, January 20, 2002

Israel blows up, but fails to stifle the Voice of Palestine
By Nazir Majally, Arab News Staff

RAMALLAH, West Bank, 20 January — Israeli troops blew up the Voice of
Palestine radio station office here yesterday, but failed to stop it from
broadcasting. Palestinian officials called for international sanctions
against Israel

Part of the five-story Voice of Palestine building in the West Bank city of
Ramallah collapsed after Israeli troops, accompanied by tanks and
bulldozers, cleared people from the area before dawn and detonated

The blast sent flames, smoke and a shower of debris skyward, and Palestinian
officials said the force shattered windows in nearby houses. They accused
Israel of trying to undermine the Palestinian Authority and its
institutions. The army said in a statement it had carried out the operation
in retaliation for the "murderous attack" in the northern Israeli city of
Hadera two days earlier.

Israel has accused the Voice of Palestine, which broadcasts the official
positions of the Palestinian Authority, of transmitting provocative material
during the Palestinian uprising which erupted in September 2000.
Palestinians deny the charge and say Israel is trying to silence its media.

Voice of Palestine Director Bassem Abusumaya said the station had resumed
broadcasting news, songs and talk shows on FM frequencies used by private
radio stations. Palestinian television continued broadcasting out of Gaza.

The Palestinian leadership said in a statement the "cheap crime" perpetrated
by Israel was meant "to silence the Palestinian voice so the world won’t
know about the brutal crime the Israeli occupation has carried out against
our people". It called on the United Nations and rights groups to condemn
Israel’s action.

"The Palestinian Authority asks that the international community impose
sanctions against Israel so that it stops its aggression and crimes against
the Palestinian people," Nabil Abu Rudeineh, an adviser to Palestinian
leader Yasser Arafat, said.

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Armed With Handhelds

2002-01-19 Thread Jei

I thought the wireless protocols were proven 
insecure and easy to tap into a while back.

Soon to be public database I guess...
-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sat, 19 Jan 2002 12:26:53 +1100
Subject: [ParanoidTimes] Armed With Handhelds

Armed With Handhelds

* Using technology from Aether, state troopers at Logan Airport have
gained wireless access to the National Crime Information Center.

By Jennifer Maselli
Jan. 17, 2002

Massachusetts state troopers working at Boston's Logan Airport now have
wireless access to the National Crime Information Center thanks to
technology from Aether that delivers data to BlackBerry handheld devices.

Eighty troopers working at Logan are using the BlackBerrys to quickly send
information gathered from license plates or by talking to individuals at the
airport to the National Crime Information Center to check for stolen
vehicles, outstanding warrants, or previous felonies. When an inquiry is
made via the handheld, the data is sent through a wireless network to a
server at the Lake County, Fla., sheriff's office. Once data is received,
it's transmitted back to the device. Massachusetts is in the process of
upgrading its interfaces with the National Crime Information Center. Once
completed, it will use its own servers instead of the one in Florida.

This will let the troopers conduct more checks in less time, says a
spokeswoman for the Massachusetts Port Authority. Prior to using the
devices, troopers had to radio or telephone inquiries and then wait for a
response. The pilot program will continue for the next month or two. The
Port Authority then will decide whether to continue using the devices.

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RE: Disease vectors.

2002-01-19 Thread Aimee Farr

> Aimee Farr wrote:
> >> >[1]
> >>
> >> The Moscow Times?  Now that is funny, since the claim was about
> >> this list being a vector for anti-intelligence propaganda and
> >> Russian threats.
> >
> >
> The irony of this name is not lost on me.

I'm sure our diplomats were just observing, I didn't mean to suggest
otherwise. The Russians are looking for pretexts. (I note the two
very-public FSB radioactive busts post 9/11.) They have a good machine.


Re: CDR: RE: Disease vectors.

2002-01-19 Thread measl

On Sat, 19 Jan 2002, Aimee Farr wrote:

> Anonymous wrote:
> > Agent Farr wrote:
> I'm sure you think that's really funny.

Truth is seldom funny.

> They are restricting foreigners, going through spy/treason mania, gagging
> the press, they even have a new law against desecrating the national anthem.
> Their new senate consists of powerful people nominated to represent small
> regions from which they have no connection whatsoever. (None of this has
> made the Washington Post, or I haven't seen it.) 75% of their politicians
> take bribes, and the old KGB runs the country. I don't mean to mirror-image,
> but it's disturbing -- it's like they *COPIED* our anti-dissent statutes c.
> 1917, and right before we entered the Cold War. (Espionage & Sedition Acts,
> Smith Act, etc)

This is also a description of today's United States.  So, given that you
[appear to] believe this kind of behaviour is evil, what are *you* doing to
rectify our national attitude problem?

> ~Aimee

A black rose [agent] by any other name will still smell as rank...

J.A. Terranson

If Governments really want us to behave like civilized human beings, they
should give serious consideration towards setting a better example:
Ruling by force, rather than consensus; the unrestrained application of
unjust laws (which the victim-populations were never allowed input on in
the first place); the State policy of justice only for the rich and 
elected; the intentional abuse and occassionally destruction of entire
populations merely to distract an already apathetic and numb electorate...
This type of demogoguery must surely wipe out the fascist United States
as surely as it wiped out the fascist Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

The views expressed here are mine, and NOT those of my employers,
associates, or others.  Besides, if it *were* the opinion of all of
those people, I doubt there would be a problem to bitch about in the
first place...

Re: CDR: Re: Disease vectors.

2002-01-19 Thread measl

On Sat, 19 Jan 2002, xganon wrote:

> I, in particular (and many other Cpunk Movement members) 

*What*?  There's a "Cpunk Movement"?  Where are they moving?

J.A. Terranson

If Governments really want us to behave like civilized human beings, they
should give serious consideration towards setting a better example:
Ruling by force, rather than consensus; the unrestrained application of
unjust laws (which the victim-populations were never allowed input on in
the first place); the State policy of justice only for the rich and 
elected; the intentional abuse and occassionally destruction of entire
populations merely to distract an already apathetic and numb electorate...
This type of demogoguery must surely wipe out the fascist United States
as surely as it wiped out the fascist Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

The views expressed here are mine, and NOT those of my employers,
associates, or others.  Besides, if it *were* the opinion of all of
those people, I doubt there would be a problem to bitch about in the
first place...

Activate site now

2002-01-19 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: CDR: Re: One arms violent people with weapons

2002-01-19 Thread measl

14: Defense Mapping Agency (!= (NRO || NIMA))

On Fri, 18 Jan 2002, Meyer Wolfsheim wrote:

> Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2002 02:20:03 -0800 (PST)
> From: Meyer Wolfsheim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: CDR: Re: One arms violent people with weapons
> On Fri, 18 Jan 2002, F. Marc de Piolenc wrote:
> > > Von Buelow: Right, but actually it was astounding: There are 26
> > > intelligence services in the U.S.A. with a budget of $30 billion--
> >
> > 26? Huh? Okay - CIA, DIA, NSA, the State Department's intel/security
> > arm, the individual Armed Services... that brings us to 8. What are the
> > other 19. Maybe they're counting the Secret Service as an intel agency
> > (it isn't). But that's still only 9. Where are the other 17?
> There are 13 agencies/organizations in the US Intelligence community,
> according to the CIA:
> Central Intelligence Agency
> Defense Intelligence Agency
> National Security Agency
> Army Intelligence
> Navy Intelligence
> Air Force Intelligence
> Marine Intelligence
> Mational Imagery and Mapping Agency
> National Reconnaissance Office
> Department of State
> Department of Energy
> Department of the Treasury
> Federal Bureau of Investigation

J.A. Terranson

If Governments really want us to behave like civilized human beings, they
should give serious consideration towards setting a better example:
Ruling by force, rather than consensus; the unrestrained application of
unjust laws (which the victim-populations were never allowed input on in
the first place); the State policy of justice only for the rich and 
elected; the intentional abuse and occassionally destruction of entire
populations merely to distract an already apathetic and numb electorate...
This type of demogoguery must surely wipe out the fascist United States
as surely as it wiped out the fascist Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

The views expressed here are mine, and NOT those of my employers,
associates, or others.  Besides, if it *were* the opinion of all of
those people, I doubt there would be a problem to bitch about in the
first place...


2002-01-19 Thread Steve Schear

Toshiba has recently introduced a new 120mm disk capable of storing up to
30GB of data on a single-layered, single-side optical disk. Current DVD-RAM
technology can store only 4.7GB on a single-sided disk. With its 30GB
capacity, the read/write disk can record three hours of high-definition
digital video and Toshiba plans to propose the technology to the DVD Forum,
the international organization that sets standards for DVD-related
products. "High-capacity DVD is specially designed to store high-definition
digital images, for which the demand will emerge when terrestrial digital
broadcasting commences," says a Toshiba spokesman. Key to the new disk's
higher storage capacity is the use of blue-laser technology, which was
first developed by Japan's Nichia Chemical Industries. A competing product
using blue-laser technology is being marketed by Matsushita Electric, which
has unveiled a 50GB disk that stores data in two layers rather than one.
(NewsFactor 17 Jan 2002)