Losing sales to paypal? [ua8kl]

2002-02-20 Thread qmwajmvxldxbzisb

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Your Client #4A1F

2002-02-20 Thread Walter Layton
Title: Dear Professional

Dear Professional,
Upon receipt of the following information, your business
information can be listed among thousands of highly successful executives and
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There are a variety of business publications that will list
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In many cases your acceptance into one or more of these
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For the traditional book publications it is important to
provide the company’s SIC code (Standard Industry Classification code). Some
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If you would like to be published in an on-line registry, you
would want to submit several “key words” that would enhance the search
capabilities for your organization. The more “key words” your listing
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Best wishes on your continued success.














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IHT: Too much surveillance means too little freedom

2002-02-20 Thread Jim Choate



James Choate - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - www.ssz.com

ScienceDaily Magazine -- Social Interactions May Be Traced Back To Carnivorous Behavior

2002-02-20 Thread Jim Choate




James Choate - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - www.ssz.com

A critique of RE: Pentagon Readies Efforts to Sway Sentiment Abroad

2002-02-20 Thread Gil Hamilton

Aimee Farr writes:
Lucky wrote:
[re: psyops]

Perception management.

I happened to have a bit of time on my hands, so I decided to spend a
few minutes trying to decipher Aimee's message (rather than simply
deleting them as I usually do).  A few comments follow - more related
to style and usage than content:

Japan's Asia for the Asiatics propaganda was a sign of military 
and was totally ignored by allied powers -- to our great loss -- and
surprise. In most countries, they just walked in (hell, they walked over

Hmm.  They presumably refers to Japan despite the disagreement in
number.  Still, I don't recall Japan having walked over France, so
I can't be sure - maybe you mean the Axis powers?.

  In the 40s and 50s, we also had Comintern agents agitating Asian
populations against the West. Warning signals were all over the place, and
we flat-out failed to see the significance, due to American notions of

Comintern - now there's a term that must be common in Aimee's Waco
law offices.  Don't you think it's a bit rude to require your readers
to go google an obscure term every other sentence.

And consider the phrase we had Comintern agents agitating...  One
wonders whom the pronoun we refers to here.

We [] failed to see the significance, due to American notions of
conflict.  Cause and effect are not obvious.

(BTW, according to Encyclopedia.com, Comintern was disbanded in 1943.)

Several far-sighted military commentators of the 40s-50s, which had 
guerrilla-political tactics, pointed to Asian attitudes (and even the
India-Pakistan conflict) as holding the key to the Middle East for the
U.S.S.R., and stressed that we needed to undertake a perceptual offensive 
combat anti-Western agitprop.

Asian attitudes and the India-Pakistan conflict gave the USSR the key
to the Middle East?  This sort of dense non-sequitur seems to be quite
a common artifact in Aimee's rants.

I have a axis map of 1950 here, hypothesizing conflict and guerrilla bases
in Asia as auxiliary forces to augment the technical inferiority of the
U.S.S.R. -- it is rather spooky, as it mirrors today's map, with China as a
new player. Certainly, the author did not foresee the possibility of 
terrorism, with world-wide range, or it's possible use as an auxiliary (or
even decisive force in being), but it fits nicely with the that line of

A map hypothesizing conflict?  And why would the U.S.S.R. want to
augment [its] inferiority?  One would expect that it would be far
more interested in mitigating its inferiority.  And the term decisive
force in being is a bit difficult to parse.

So, something like the Office Of Strategic Influence, has been called for,
in strength, for 50 years. These calls for change were ignored and not
supported by the military, who rarely considered populations as incipient
forces in being.

There's that in being construction again.  Alright, google tells me
that force in being is a DOD term of art.  I guess one needs to be
up-to-speed on all the spook-talk around here - no matter how obscure.

We made the same mistake in WW II, by failing to cultivate a climate
receptive to resistance. Indeed, to a large extent, we relied on communists
(like Tito) to fight -- a deal with the Devil in many countries, because
Britain was fighting for survival.

We...relied on communinists...to fight...because Britan was fighting
for survival.  Not sure who we refers to.  Having previously
identified herself as being a resident of Texas, the antecedent of we
certainly isn't obvious; were she instead known to be from the UK, the
antecedent would have appeared to be the British people.

Had we seeded ideas beforehand and
understood the political climate, we would have fought from a position of
strength, and minimized the rise of post-war communist influence and civil
wars. One of the great strengths of Comintern - HUMINT. They got there

I'm guessing we really means NATO, or western non-communist nations?
(HUMINT: Don't you just love tossing in those spook terms?)

In WW II, the British Royal Air Force did not want to dirty itself with
the SOE, even if it cost them their country. The idea of dropping in
civvies-dressed saboteurs, was just not gentlemanly for Sandhurst men. It
was deceptive and unethical. Had the SOE received more support, and 
stay-behind resistance, the SOE and the OSS would have likely deterred
invasions -- saving millions of lives. There was even resistance to
coastwatcher programs, which ended up playing a major role in the war.
(Todays coasts : American corporations.)

The way I read this stay-behind resistance, if seeded during the war,
might have prevented invasions.  Wouldn't seeding the resistance during
the war have been a bit late?

In what way are WWII's coasts similar to today's American corporations?

If Wingate's long range penetration (ala terrorism) is a new game, along
with Anti-Western 

Me a Passport

2002-02-20 Thread tezz

Content-Type: application/octet-stream;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
Content-ID: HSt09eq084




Re: When Nannies Rule the Net (kinda long, sorry) (fwd)

2002-02-20 Thread Declan McCullagh

Oh, yawn. Censorship because your ISP subscribes to some kind of 
highly-effective-blocks-only-spam? That's like arguing (in the U.S.) your 
dry cleaner violates your Fourth Amendment rights when checking your 
pockets before washing your trousers.

If you don't like it, switch to another mail service that does not filter. 
Last I checked, canada.com's mail service was free. If I ran it, I'd 
probably do the same thing.

About the only legitimate complaint you have, assuming canada.com discloses 
in the TOS, is that the filtering is overbroad. In a few years of 
experience with canada.com, I have found it to snare only spam.


At 01:57 AM 2/20/2002 -0500, Gary Lawrence Murphy wrote:
  D == Declan McCullagh [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 D This is true. Canada.com does monitor and filter the incoming
 D mail of its users for spam.

Thanks for the confirmation, but please, use the correct terminology.
Filter implies a passive sifting, like a coffee filter or an air
filter.  It has sweet tones of purity.

What Canada.com (and I presume from your accepting defense that
others do this too) is doing is _censorship_, which is, according to
my Oxford dictionary, the action of an official authorized to examine
printed matter, movies, news c, before public release, and to
suppress any parts on the grounds of obscenity a threat to security
c.  How can you describe it as otherwise?  How is this different
than tapping my telephone or reading my snail-mail?

 D In canada.com's defense, it does notify the sender that the
 D message was blocked as spam, and it has only blocked spam so
 D far, and no legit messages to that subscriber.

Let's be accurate again: At least those emails where Canada.com
notifies me would be classed as spam ... they _don't_ however, notify
_me_ that they've done this, and we don't know -- they _may_ be doing
other funky things with the contents of my email.

Who needs carnivore when you can get it for free from Canada's largest
and wealthiest communications company?

Excuse me, I'm just going to pop out to the mailboxes and go through
my neighbour's mail; he might have some spam in there, y'know.  Oops,
nope, no spam today, but, hey ...  _this_ is sure interesting ...

Gary Lawrence Murphy [EMAIL PROTECTED] TeleDynamics Communications Inc
Business Innovations Through Open Source Systems: http://www.teledyn.com
Computers are useless.  They can only give you answers.(Pablo Picasso)


2002-02-20 Thread danjuma mohammed

Dear Sir,


Firstly, I must solicit your strictest confidentiality
in this transaction. This is by virtue of its nature
as being utterly CONFIDENTIAL and “TOP SECRET.” Though
I know that a transaction of this magnitude will make
anyone apprehensive and worried, but I am assuring you
that all will be well at the end of the day. We have
decided to contact you first by your email due to the
urgency of this transaction, as we have been reliably
informed that it will take at least two to three weeks
for a normal post to reach you. So we decided it is
best using the email.

Let me start by first introducing myself properly to
you. I am DANJUMA MOHAMMED, a director general in the
Petroleum Ministry and I head a Six-man tender board
in charge of Contracts Awards and payment Approvals. I
came to know of you in my search for a reliable and
reputable person to handle a very confidential
business transaction which involves the transfer of a
huge sum of money to a foreign account requiring
maximum confidence. I and my colleagues are top
officials of the Federal Government Contract Review
Panel. Our duties include evaluation,
vetting, approval for payment of contract jobs done
for the Petroleum Ministry, etc. In order to commence
this business, we solicit for your assistance to
enable us transfer into your account the said funds.

The source of this funds is as follows: During the
last military regime here in Nigeria, this committee
awarded a contract of US$400,000,000.00 (Four Hundred
Million United States Dollars) to five construction
firms on behalf of the Petroleum Ministry for the
supply, construction and installation of Oil Pipeline
from Warri to PortHarcourt. During this process my
colleagues and I decided amongst ourselves to
deliberately over-inflate the total contract sum to
US$421,500,000.00 (Four Hundred and Twenty One Million
Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars) with the
main intention of sharing the remaining sum of
US$21,500,000.00 (Twenty One Million Five Hundred
Thousand United States Dollars) amongst ourselves. The
Federal Government of Nigeria has since approved the
sum of US$421,500,000.00 (Four Hundred and Twenty One
Million, Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars)
for us as the contract sum, and the sum of
US$400,000,000.00 (Four Hundred Million United States
Dollars) has also been paid to the foreign contractors
concerned as contract entitlements for the contract
done, but since each of the companies is entitled to
US$80,000,000.00 only, we are now left with
US$21,500,000.00 balance in the account which we
intend to transfer abroad into a safe and reliable
account to be disbursed amongst ourselves, but by
virtue of our positions as civil servants and members
of this panel, we cannot do this by ourselves, as we
are prohibited by the ‘Code of Conduct Bureau’ (Civil
Service Laws) from opening / operating foreign
accounts in our names, making it impossible for us to
acquire the money in our names. I have, therefore,
been mandated as a matter of trust by my colleagues in
the panel to look for an overseas partner into whose
account we would transfer the sum of US$21,500,000.00
(Twenty One Million Five Hundred Thousand United
States Dollars), hence we are writing you this letter.

My colleagues and I have agreed that if your company
can act as the beneficiary of this funds on our
behalf, you or your company will retain 30% of the
total amount of US$21,500,000.00 (Twenty One Million
Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars), while
60% will be for us (members of this panel) and the
remaining 10% will be used in offsetting all
debts/expenses incurred (both local and foreign) in
the cause of this transfer. Needless to say, the trust
reposed on you at this juncture is enormous. In return
we demand your complete honesty and trust. You must
however, NOTE that this transaction will be strictly
based on the following terms and conditions as we have
stated below, as we have heard confirmed cases of
business associates running away with funds kept in
their custody when it finally arrive their accounts. A
very good and recent example is the one of Mr. Peter
Hopwood, the President of Mileage Trading and
Investment Company at Number 121, West 55th Street,
21st Floor, New York 10022, and former Chairman of
OMPADEC (Mr. Patrick Opia), who we were reliably
informed that after the agreement between both
partners in which he was to take 15% of the money,
while the remaining 85% for Nigerian Officials. With
all the required documents signed, the money was duly
transferred into his account, only to be disappointed
on their arrival in New York and were informed that
Mr. Peter Hopwood was no longer on that address, while
his telephone and fax numbers have been re-allocated
to somebody else. This was how they lost US$18.5
Million to Mr. Hopwood. This is a very recent story
here in my country and everybody is aware of this,
some of the officials 

Re: Andy Rooney: Least of our worries

2002-02-20 Thread Sunder

On Sat, 16 Feb 2002, Matthew Gaylor wrote:

 Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2002 18:38:32 -0500
 Subject: Andy Rooney: Least of our worries
 From: David M Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 It's hard to know how to answer those who say it will be easy to 
 institute safeguards in such a way that a national ID won't 
 inaugurate a toboggan slide down the slippery slope into a police 
 state. Each exponent of the national ID is farther down the slope 

Let's face it, we're already in a police state; if you doubt this, you
haven't taken a commercial air plane flight recently.  Your national ID is
your SSN and/or driver's license.  If they need your records they can get
them easily.  I very much doubt most any judge is anything but unwilling
to sign any search order these days.

You can bet the facial recognition software is in use.  You can bet that
systems such as EzPass (auto toll payment via transponders) are being used
to track who goes where, and so on.

The real question is how to reclaim our rights.

Re: 911 attackers awarded a 10 for effectiveness

2002-02-20 Thread Optimizzin Al-gorithym

At 11:15 PM 2/19/02 -0800, Tim May wrote:

 911 attackers awarded a 10 for effectiveness

But if the Quebecois terrorists complain about unfairness, do we have to
give them a 10 too?

Never underestimate the stupidity of some of the people we have to deal

with, William A. Reinsch, Under Secretary of Commerce for the Bureau of

Export Administration, said while being grilled about whether terrorists

and criminals would be naove enough to use the technology being pushed
the Administration.

Whether Cops Can Monitor E-Mail Without Warrant

2002-02-20 Thread Optimizzin Al-gorithym

[An interesting line ---Any reasonably intelligent person, savvy enough
 to be using the Internet ... would be aware that messages are received
  in a recorded format, by their very nature, and can be downloaded or
  printed, said the court, --- might be read by (completely different)
courts thinking about copyright  digital rights technologies.]

Court to Decide Whether Cops Can Monitor E-Mail Without Warrant
   By Michael RubinkamAssociated Press Writer
 Published: Feb 20, 2002
PHILADELPHIA (AP) - The Pennsylvania Supreme Court has agreed to decide
whether police may look at a suspect's e-mail and instant messages
without first obtaining a court order.

The case involves a former Lehigh County police officer, Robert Proetto,
who used the Internet to solicit sex from a 15-year-old girl. Proetto is
appealing his conviction.

It's the first time any state supreme court has agreed to review
government access to private Internet communications, said Proetto's
attorney, Tommaso Lonardo.

It's a relatively novel question, said David Sobel, general counsel
for the Electronic Privacy Information Center.

After meeting the girl in an Internet chat room, Proetto e-mailed her a
nude photograph of himself. He also asked for a nude videotape of the
girl, according to court documents.

Proetto and the girl chatted often for about a week and Proetto
repeatedly ask her to have sex, documents say.

The girl reported Proetto to the Bristol Borough Police Department in
Bucks County. Proetto was arrested when he made sexually explicit online
comments to a detective posing as another 15-year-old girl.

Proetto was convicted of criminal solicitation and related offenses and
served six months of house arrest. His probation ends this month.

At issue is whether Proetto's e-mail and instant messages to the girl
should have been suppressed at trial. Proetto claims police violated the
state's wiretapping law by looking at the messages without first
obtaining a warrant. Proetto also claims his Fourth Amendment privacy
rights were violated.

Though federal law only requires the consent of one person before a
telephone call or Internet communication can be recorded, Pennsylvania
and 11 other states require the consent of all parties.

I think most people would feel more comfortable knowing the other
participant in a communication does not have the unilateral ability to
bring the government into that conversation without court approval,
Sobel said.

Pennsylvania's Superior Court took a different view, ruling that Proetto
had consented to the recording by the very act of sending e-mail and
instant messages.

Any reasonably intelligent person, savvy enough to be using the
Internet ... would be aware that messages are received in a recorded
format, by their very nature, and can be downloaded or printed, said
the court, likening an e-mail message to a message left on a telephone
answering machine.

The court also said the wiretapping law did not apply because police did
not intercept Proetto's messages as he was sending them, but after the

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court, which announced last month it would
consider the case, will decide whether the evidence should have been

At the time of his conviction, Proetto, who is in his early 30s, was
working as a police officer for the Colonial Regional Police Department
in Lehigh County. He was fired and now sells appliances, Lonardo said.

Mike Godwin, a policy fellow at the Center for Democracy and Technology,
said Proetto's case illustrates the difficulty of applying old laws to a
relatively new technology.

States have the freedom to raise the floor of protection for
intercepted communications, he said. It becomes a question of whether
Internet messages count.


Re: When Nannies Rule the Net (kinda long, sorry) (fwd)

2002-02-20 Thread Gary Lawrence Murphy

 D == Declan McCullagh [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

D About the only legitimate complaint you have, assuming
D canada.com discloses in the TOS ...

Which they do not.  If they do, I cannot find it.

If they had a policy statement saying we monitor your email and
filter what we believe is spam which then defines spam and further
promises, as their privacy statement does, never to disclose the
contents of my email to any human eyes without a supoena, then I'd be
happy.  I'd know where I stand and if I discovered they'd banned BCE
(their competitor) from sending me contract offers, I'd have recourse
to recompense.

I'd be happier still if they disclosed the regex's they used, but
that's wishing for too much.

D ... is that the filtering is overbroad. In a few years of
D experience with canada.com, I have found it to snare only spam.

Precisely my point: How about the one's you have not found?  How do
you know the filtering is overbroad?  My spam cans collect upwards of
a hundred spams a day through this account, so the filtering doesn't
work as advertised, so what is it they are snaring?  The simple fact
is, we _don't_ know, _and_ they make _no_ promises.

So, to summarize then, you have _no_ objections to my secretly rifling
through my neighbour's post _providing_ I then hand-deliver his post
for free?  Remind me never to share an apartment block with you.

Gary Lawrence Murphy [EMAIL PROTECTED] TeleDynamics Communications Inc
Business Innovations Through Open Source Systems: http://www.teledyn.com
Computers are useless.  They can only give you answers.(Pablo Picasso)

Re: When Nannies Rule the Net (kinda long, sorry) (fwd)

2002-02-20 Thread Declan McCullagh

This conversation has become tiresome.

At 11:49 AM 2/20/2002 -0500, Gary Lawrence Murphy wrote:
So, to summarize then, you have _no_ objections to my secretly rifling
through my neighbour's post _providing_ I then hand-deliver his post
for free?

If the neighbor agreed to it, I have no objection. I strongly suspect what 
canada.com does is permitted by their TOS. You have not shown otherwise. If 
you don't like it, get a real account somewhere else.


Re: American Dissident Voices: The Martyrdom of Wafa Idris

2002-02-20 Thread Sunder

That was one of the fines pieces of propaganda I've ever seen.  Right up
there with the stuff from Wag the Dog. :)  Whoever wrote that should be
hired by the whitehouse.  They've sure got talent.

 + ^ + :Surveillance cameras|Passwords are like underwear. You don't /|\
  \|/  :aren't security.  A |share them, you don't hang them on your/\|/\
--*--:camera won't stop a |monitor, or under your keyboard, you   \/|\/
  /|\  :masked killer, but  |don't email them, or put them on a web  \|/
 + v + :will violate privacy|site, and you must change them very often.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.sunder.net 

RE: A critique of RE: Pentagon Readies Efforts to Sway SentimentAbroad

2002-02-20 Thread Aimee Farr

 Gil Hamilton wrote:

  Hmm.  They presumably refers to Japan despite the disagreement in
  number.  Still, I don't recall Japan having walked over France, so
  I can't be sure - maybe you mean the Axis powers?.

 She could be referring to the Japanese takeover of French Indochina.

 Marc de Piolenc

Yes, I was referring to Indochina. The night of Pearl Harbor, Japanese
troops pretty much issued an ultimatum by surrounding French garrisons. The
Vichy government accepted Japan as a defensive partner, Roosevelt was
negotiating the Indochina issue, (but shortly thereafter froze Japanese
assets in the U.S.). The French presence drew off troops, so they probably
deserve more credit than they got. However, they should have fought and
taken to the jungle. As the allies should have fought in 1940, instead of
negotiating. They surprised us too, of course.


RE: Pentagon Readies Efforts to Sway Sentiment Abroad (fwd)

2002-02-20 Thread Aimee Farr


 In my opinion it is possible to spend too much time reading others works
 and not enough time thinking about them and ones own views. The reality
 is that if a single one of these papers had any real application to the
 real world problems they'd stand out light a nova in a eclipse.
 Unfortunately they don't, and probably won't since the sorts of research
 and dialog (and I use that term loosely) is limited.

 One would do better, for themselves and society, if they were to read to
 the point they think they understand the problem and then quit reading and
 start modelling. The solution(s) will not only be unexpected but they will
 come from unexpected sources.

Oh, be a little more tolerant. Faustine isn't coy, she's humble. She gives
her opinion, and some helpful refs to allow you to come to your own
conclusion. A sign of integrity: respect for other people's opinions, and an
acknowledgement of other people's work.


Re: When Nannies Rule the Net (kinda long, sorry) (fwd)

2002-02-20 Thread Gary Lawrence Murphy

 D == Declan McCullagh [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

D This conversation has become tiresome.
D At 11:49 AM 2/20/2002 -0500, Gary Lawrence Murphy wrote:
 So, to summarize then, you have _no_ objections to my secretly
 rifling through my neighbour's post _providing_ I then
 hand-deliver his post for free?

D If the neighbor agreed to it, I have no objection. 

Ok.  I know where you stand.  Please stand far from my mail.

Mr Jones, would you like me to fetch your mail for you?
Oh, yes please

and that gives me license to secretly open, inspect and reseal it?

I'm glad I don't live you your country; in mine, that is illegal. My
point is that this same scenario be illegal with respect to email too.

D I strongly suspect what canada.com does is permitted by their

You find it, and I will shut TF up:

Canada.com privacy policy: http://www.canada.com/aboutus/privacypolicy.html

   The canada.com Network collects personally identifying
   information about you only when you specifically and
   knowingly provide it to us.

   ... and implicitly, using this service satisfies this

Canada.com TOS: http://www.canada.com/aboutus/termsofservice.html

D You have not shown otherwise. If you don't like it, get a
D real account somewhere else.

This is not the point, now, is it.  I have, I believe, provided you
with the bits; you now have the TOS and Privacy Policy, and I have
read them both but can find no statement that says we reserve the
right to read your emails without your knowledge and to take action
based on the contents of your emails.  we reserve the right to censor
your emails should someone try to send you materials _we_ decide are

You find those two statements, or statements to that effect, and I
will be quite happy to admit I have no case.  As I stated before, my
_real_ mail host did try these filters, and when I asked for them to
be removed, they did so cheerfully and within an hour.  Canada.com has
not responded to my emails, and there is no profile option to opt
out of this censorship service, nor any mention that this censorship
even occurs.

We come down to a question that arose early in the 90's: Is disrupting
internet a crime?  In 1988 it was not, but by 1996 it was a serious
crime because people came to rely on Internet for life-critical
services.  My point is that _email_ can be at least as and perhaps
more life-critical than snail-mail, and should be granted the same
basic protections.

If Mr Jones _requests_ that I scrap any letters from his sister, then
that is _his_ decision, not mine.

Gary Lawrence Murphy [EMAIL PROTECTED] TeleDynamics Communications Inc
Business Innovations Through Open Source Systems: http://www.teledyn.com
Computers are useless.  They can only give you answers.(Pablo Picasso)

RE: Pentagon Readies Efforts to Sway Sentiment Abroad (fwd)

2002-02-20 Thread Sunder

Um, how do you think the USA got sucked into WWII anyway?  Sure Pearl
Harbor did the trick, but before that, the Brits were running psyops on us
trying to change our isolationist policies.

 + ^ + :Surveillance cameras|Passwords are like underwear. You don't /|\
  \|/  :aren't security.  A |share them, you don't hang them on your/\|/\
--*--:camera won't stop a |monitor, or under your keyboard, you   \/|\/
  /|\  :masked killer, but  |don't email them, or put them on a web  \|/
 + v + :will violate privacy|site, and you must change them very often.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.sunder.net 

On Tue, 19 Feb 2002, Eugene Leitl wrote:

 On Tue, 19 Feb 2002, Lucky Green wrote:
  So where is the news? Is it that the government is admitting to this
  well-known fact?
 Admitting to run PSYOPS against allies has novelty at least to me.
 Widespread realization of this results in loss of efficiency in
 communication (everything is assumed to be a lie a priori unless proven
 otherwise) and voter-driven change in policy (e.g. EU-US axis).

Scientific American: Feature Article: The Worldwide Computer: March 2002

2002-02-20 Thread James Choate


bulk hosting info

2002-02-20 Thread Tony Burton

Please reply with contact information. I am interested in your services.

Re: CDR: bulk hosting info

2002-02-20 Thread measl

John Walker
1600 Pennsylvalia Avenue
Washington, D.C. 53222

On Wed, 20 Feb 2002, Tony Burton wrote:

 Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2002 13:55:16 -0800
 From: Tony Burton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: CDR: bulk hosting info
 Please reply with contact information. I am interested in your services.

J.A. Terranson

If Governments really want us to behave like civilized human beings, they
should give serious consideration towards setting a better example:
Ruling by force, rather than consensus; the unrestrained application of
unjust laws (which the victim-populations were never allowed input on in
the first place); the State policy of justice only for the rich and 
elected; the intentional abuse and occassionally destruction of entire
populations merely to distract an already apathetic and numb electorate...
This type of demogoguery must surely wipe out the fascist United States
as surely as it wiped out the fascist Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

The views expressed here are mine, and NOT those of my employers,
associates, or others.  Besides, if it *were* the opinion of all of
those people, I doubt there would be a problem to bitch about in the
first place...

Freedoms revisited

2002-02-20 Thread Anonymous

Osama bin Laden Calls US Fight a Defense of Freedom 

(Remarks to National Religious Broadcasters Convention) (1900)

Al Queda's fight against USA, says Osama bin Laden, is a defense
of our freedom in the most profound sense: It is the defense of
our right to make moral choices -- to seek fellowship with God
that is chosen, not commanded.

This freedom is respected and nurtured in the nation's society of
laws, Osama told the National Religious Broadcasters Convention
in Nashville, Tennessee February 19.

Our system of government respects our freedom to make choices,
to accept the consequences and to maximize the potential that God
has placed within us, he said. The purpose of our system of
justice is not to crush that freedom or to override that freedom
but to respect it, to nurture it and through it, to unleash the
potential of every human being.

Osama said US administration has a different understanding of
choices. Because they fear that people with freedom will reject
their ideas, terrorists seek to deny us our freedom. He added
that US Government distrust personal choice because they have
abandoned every value except their own lust for power. In a
universe of choices -- a marketplace of ideas -- their way offers
us nothing, bin Laden said.

Peek-A-Booty released

2002-02-20 Thread Anonymous


Peek-A-Booty, cDc's much vaunted anonymity app, is vaporware no more - it 
went public at the landmark CodeCon conference in San Francisco's DNA 
Lounge on Sunday. 

Peek-A-Booty is designed to let surfers access sites blocked by government 
restrictions, and is essentially, a distributed proxy network. It uses a 
peer-to-peer model, masking the identity of each node. So the user can 
route around censorship that blocks citizens' access to specific IP 
addresses, because the censor doesn't know they're going there. If you're 
a Peek-A-Booty node, you might be doing it on their behalf. So the 
software isn't itself a browser, but simply requires the user to use 
localhost in the proxy field of their preferred browser. 


Re: DC to get spycams --no choice but to accept it

2002-02-20 Thread Michael Motyka

Meyer Wolfsheim [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote :

 On Thu, 14 Feb 2002, Tim May wrote:
  The notion that a Panopticon (everything being watched) is desirable is
  one of the weirdest mutations of political theory in the past century.
 Whether or not a panopticon exists isn't relevant to its usefulness in
 promoting good behavior -- what matters is that the people believe it
 This is why humankind has so persistently believed in the various
 omniscient and benevolent dictator god religious myths. Belief in an
 infallible panopticon is an evolutionary adaptation.
 I suspect that the last century has produced the greatest number of
 rational atheists, which may have resulted in the concurrent shift from
 relying on Allah to punish the wicked to inventing a need for Big Brother
 to do so.

I don't think it has anything to do with atheism or rationalism - both
of which I am quite fond of.

It has more to do with a human need for institutions which seems to be
present in 90% of the population. Sort of a literal agoraphobia. Isn't
there something regarding these personality traits in the Meyers-Briggs


My favorite is Zemmiphobia


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2002-02-20 Thread 6

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Got a High Rate Mortgage? We Don't!!!! mqbzo

2002-02-20 Thread Sally
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Re: Sheeple Land With Hands on Heads

2002-02-20 Thread Petro

On Monday, February 11, 2002, at 09:50 PM, Nomen Nescio wrote:

(Yes, I'm a few days behind in my mail).

 The ominous trend here is increased docility. The state cannot afford to 
 acknowledge that there is no defense from attacks by people who are ready 
 to sacrifice their lives. That makes state weak and unfit.

Crap. There are plenty of defenses against idiots who are willing to 
sacrifice their lives.

There are few defenses against *intelligent* people willing to 
sacrifice their lives.

 Odd as it may seem, several more real attacks would probably make the air 
 travel go back to normal - the absurdity of current make-believe would 
 come into the spotlight. The anti-

No, it wouldn't. We live in a mad world, all several more real 
attacks would do is get everyone to the point where they'd be willing to 
wear state-issued paper jammies while they flew.

Crypto is about a helluva lot more than just PGP and RSA...it's about
building the I-beams and sheetrock that will allow robust structures to be
built, it's about the railroad lines and power lines that will connect the
structures, and it's about creating Galt's Gulch in cyberspace, where it
belongs.--Tim May

Stop and Read This! (9341GcFj2-461RlCV4026vMHW1-890@28)

2002-02-20 Thread goodmoney430813

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Doomsday Shutdown

2002-02-20 Thread John Young

New York is a world of fanciful invention of people
aching to be more important so bear this in mind.

A fellow this evening claimed to have been present
at the session when the US and the Soviets agreed to
detarget one another, at Bolling AFB, thus closing
down the Doomsday Scenario two generations lived
with, through various administrations of the US and
the Soviets.

What was interesting about this story was the behavior
of the US and Soviet military officers who had control
of the weaponry which could determine who lived and 
who died for some 50 years, and not the transient
officials who headed governments.

According to the person telling the story, the USAF
officer heading the US's MAD program told him the day of
detargeting was the happiest of his life.

The Soviet colonel general who came to the US to arrange
detargeting was found, again according to this eyewitness,
watching the I Love Lucy Show and laughing his ass off. 
Boots off, wearing mismatched socks, mouth filled
with golden teeth.

The Soviet colonel general was also said to be relieved
that the standoff was over at long last. And that it was now
time to construct retirement facilities for no longer needed 
MAD officers.

Is there any way this event's particular circumstances can be 
verified? That detargeting occurred is known, but what of
the main officers' thoughts about no longer being ready to
unleash the dreaded armaments year after year, and their
relief at the passing of the nearly unbearable responsibility?

This is well beyond what the physicists and engineers of
the weaponry have disclosed of their feelings. The handover
of the weapons to officers in the field, though supposedly
restrained by a battery of controls, does raise a question
of what it was like to be in command of the weapons, to
remain ready to launch them even if nations' leaders could
not order an attack.

Do physicists and behavioral scientists address the effect
of commanding horrific weaponry -- not that of the launch
officers in control of the keys, but that of the officers who
must decide to issue the orders of launch when there is
no higher authority to say do it now?

The person who told this story said the US officers in
command are southerners, mean sons of bitches who would
have no reservation in launching mass killing weaponry. 
This didn't ring true: why southerners and not any other 
American? And what of the claim that the officer in command
claiming detargeting was the happiest day of his life? Why
would launching not be that if he was a mean son of bitch?

Re: CDR: A critique of RE: Pentagon Readies Efforts to Sway SentimentAbroad

2002-02-20 Thread jamesd

On 21 Feb 2002, at 1:03, F. Marc de Piolenc wrote:
 She could be referring to the Japanese takeover of French
 Indochina. The Axis powers met fierce, though poorly
 organized, resistance in their invasion of France. It was
 no cakewalk.

 It was a cakewalk.  The french bent over, asked the nazis to
 screw them, then proceeded to kill the french jews,
 fortunately with less efficiency than the nazis.

 James A. Donald

RE: Pentagon Readies Efforts to Sway Sentiment Abroad (fwd)

2002-02-20 Thread Steve Schear

At 12:06 AM 2/20/2002 -0500, Faustine wrote:
The new RAND works are creating the vocabulary we use to think of
these things just as surely as the old RAND works did: In Athena's
Camp, Strategic Appraisal, Strategic Information Warfare Rising, The
Emergence of Noopolitik: Toward an American Information Strategy, on and on.
The free pdfs are anyone's for the taking at http://www.rand.org.

Like this passage from the recent RAND study Preparing for Future Warfare 
with Advanced Technologies: Prioritizing the Next Generation of Capabilities

Though many in the defense community might readily
agree that the needs are indeed considerably different
from what they were in the past, defense planners are
finding it hard to get beyond the measure of success used
in the Cold Warhalting a massed armor invasion.


I will not comply!

2002-02-20 Thread Steve Schear

I'm not sure how many of you made it to RSA, but their authentication 
requirements rubbed me the wrong way for a conference originally dedicated 
to both privacy and security.  From the looks of things its gone beyond big 
S and little p to all S and no p.

To test their resolve and have a bit of fun while at it I decided to show 
up wearing Groucho glasses.  At first the processors greeted me with a 
nervous giggle, but when I insisted I be photographed with the glasses on 
the said I had to appear as I do on my driver's license.  So, I removed it 
from my wallet and 'lo I was wearing Groucho glasses on my DL as well 
(amazing what a photo-realistic printer and adhesive paper can do).  At 
this point they knew they either had to call security or let me enter in 
disguise.  They decided the latter and I entered mustachioed.  They asked 
that I continue to wear the glasses after entering.

When I approached the door monitors they challenged me and my 
credentials.  After inspecting the picture ID and verifying its likeness 
they stepped aside.  A few of you may have seen me on the show floor so 
attired.  My Groucho glasses were a hoot. I brought lots of smiles to 
people's faces. I think I had the best time ever at a conference.

If you'd like a .jpg of my ID card let me know.


RE: Pentagon Readies Efforts to Sway Sentiment Abroad (fwd)

2002-02-20 Thread Aimee Farr


  Faustine isn't coy, she's humble.

 And you're easily fooled.

Yes, but I can't help but be impressed by even the facade of intellectual
honesty in public discourse, especially one involving a professional cadre
which has diverted their professional energies into political means to the
extent this community has. The alternative is to become an unwitting


Annonymous Online Prescription Ordering5451

2002-02-20 Thread Pharmacists
Title: Untitled Document


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