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2002-09-09 Thread Linda Augsburger
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Dermot Avon,a liar,an incompetent buffoon and Vic policeman.

2002-09-09 Thread Matthew X

Dermot Avon Fuckwit of the week.
by profrv(nospam)fuckmicrosoft.com 8:51pm Mon Sep 9 '02 article#33272

Dermot Avon enjoys lying,he told me he was from my ISP with a sickly 
smirk,then his little weasel mate,Conte told me they were Persons 
Impersonating Govt.servants or P.I.Gs.

The Deputy Ombudsman began an inquiry into the circumstances of the 
shooting of Gary Abdallah and after an eight-month investigation suggested 
that the two detectives at the fatal shooting appeared to have agreed to 
corroborate each other's false accounts (The Herald, 22 December 1989).


Gary Abdallah

Abdallah was wanted for arson in connection with a $300,000 fire at Simons 
Disco in Northcote.

He grew up as a young armed robber in the Flemington area and a member of a 
well known criminal gang which resided in his suburb and its neighbour, 
Ascot Vale.

Other members of the crew included Mark and Jason Moran, Graham Jensen, 
Frank Valastro, Mark Militano, Jedd Houghton, Victor Pierce, Peter McKevoy 
and Santo Mercuri.

Houghton, like Abdallah, was killed by police during investigations into 
the 1988 Walsh St police shootings.

On March 31, 1988, a bank robbery occurred at a State Bank branch in Oak Park.

The armed robbers left empty handed but shots were fired. Forensic records 
showed the gun used was definitely the same one used in the Walsh Street 
shootings. This robbery was linked to four unsolved recent hold-ups, police 
dubbing the perpetrators as the Flemington Crew. The gun used was retrieved 
next to tram tracks in Parkville's Royal Park Golf Course in 1990.

In late 1988, the TyEyre Taskforce into Walsh Street undertook a series of 
dawn raids on drug dealers, armed robbers and other known criminals in some 
way connected with the police shootings. Abdallah was one of the men at the 
top of the list of people police wanted to speak with.

Abdallah became a Walsh Street suspect on the evidence of the prosecution's 
key witness, Jason Ryan, whose statement was changed four times and finally 
thrown out by the court. Ryan, part of Richmond's feared crime family, the 
Pettingill's, claimed that Abdallah's part in the killings was to provide 
and drive the getaway car which the alleged killers had sought from his 
Carlton commission flat. The evidence was collected in an interview with 
Ryan conducted by Det John Noonan. He had taken Ryan on a trip out of the 
city, to Mansfield in the states north-east. It was there Ryan was 
interrogated and from his ever changing information and statements, Noonan 
initiated a case against his uncle, Victor Pierce, friend, Anthony Farrell, 
associate, Peter McEvoy and uncle, Trevor Pettingill.

Abdallah feared for his life after he heard rumours that the police were 
out to kill him. He had good reason to be fearful: Jedd Houghton was shot 
dead by police in a Bendigo caravan park in November 1988.

For two months Abdallah eluded the police. Raids were made on all known 
associates including his girlfriends family and the family of Jedd 
Houghton. News filtered back to Abdallah that police intended to kill him 
if they got to him first. He kept away from them until visiting Detective 
John Noonan at St Kilda Rd Police HQ on February 22, 1989 when he arranged 
a meeting with the task force head and his lawyer. Noonan told him that he 
was not wanted for the shooting, and Abdallah said he hadn't come in 
earlier because people were telling me I was going to be knocked [killed].

Leo Musgrave, a Melbourne justice of the peace who knew Abdallah and 
Houghton as young criminals in the inner western suburb of Flemington, was 
also anxious about the atmosphere after he saw Abdallah's name on police 
bulletin boards.

According to Roma Carew, the mother of Stephen Carew, a close friend of 
Abdallah, Musgrave warned her in December 1988 that if the police got to 
Abdallah first the bastards will kill him. Stephen Carew said Musgrave 
approached him twice and urged that Abdallah give himself up to police, 
promising to ensure that Abdallah got the warning.

Det. John Noonan (left) Jason Ryan and Victor Pierce (right)

Noonan assured Abdallah that he was not wanted in any relation to the case.

Abdallah's car, suspected of being used in the getaway, had been sold 
before the murders. It was later obtained by police although their tests 
proved nothing. He claimed not to have heard of the murders until the 
following day in the newspaper. Abdallah also said he never used telephones 
throwing police accusations that he'd phoned fellow suspects McKevoy and 
Pettingill out the window. Abdallah told Noonan that he didn't believe his 
friend Jed Houghton would ever have anything to do with Jason Ryan. 
Abdallah thought that Houghton couldn't stand him thinking that he was 
untrustworthy with a big mouth. Noonan sent Abdallah to arson over the 
Simons Nightclub incident. He was then bailed. Although Noonan assured him 
of his 

Saxotoxin sprinkled pretzels.

2002-09-09 Thread Matthew X

Who will risk experimenting with SAXITOXIN? It is 1000 times more 
toxic than a typical synthetic nerve gas such as sarin. It was used by CIA 
in 1950's as a suicide capsule. President Nixon ordered entire stock of 
of SAXOTOXIN to be destroyed.  There are plus point to SAXOTOXIN, it has 
been used in medical research. 
Checking on the structure of Saxitoxin in the Merck Index reveals that 
it  has a most interesting architecture. Three terminal NH2 groups, an 
ether  linkage and a ketone. Its stable in acid solution but decomposes 
rapidly in  alkaline media. It looks like very good food for anaerobic 
bacteria and I  suspect would decompose rapidly in the presence of 
acetogens and  methanogens. Try a sample of digested sewage sludge 
(anaerobic) culture with  some milk for a few days at 35 Celsius until 
gas is produced. Then add the  Saxitoxin at known dilution, sample and 
analyse for Saxitoxin every hour.  Within 12 hours I'll bet its all gone. 
Not sure of the specific test used to  confirm saxitoxin but I guess its 
capable of parts per billion.
Source in nature...

Capita Punishment UK Stasi.

2002-09-09 Thread Matthew X

Two in five face job vetting in drive to detect offenders
'The new Criminal Records Bureau predicts that within three years it will 
be making more than 11 million checks on past offenders, out of a 
working-age population of 29 million [in the UK]. The police previously 
made about one million criminal record checks a year ... The government 
drive means that a Criminal Record Certificate could soon become as 
essential for a job interview as a curriculum vitae and a suit ... Of the 
11,627,595 checks predicted to be made each year from 2005, only 3.2 
million will be on those who work with children. The other eight million or 
so certificates will be requested by people seeking to apply for work in a 
wide variety of other roles and professions. To reach these targets - which 
the bureau must hit if it is to become a self-funding body - employers will 
have to be encouraged to demand the £12 certificates from applicants' ( 
Independent )
The CRB has received a great deal of coverage in the UK media over the last 
two weeks, after it failed to clear a huge backlog of checks on school 
staff in time for the start of term. As the CRB is nominally a Home Office 
agency, the public has been given the impression that this was a civil 
service cock-up. In fact, the work of the CRB is performed by Capita, a 
private firm with a long record of botching government contracts
See also this Telegraph article, and this Guardian article

Capita punishment
'New Labour can't master the ever-faster waves of technology. All it can 
do is produce needless suffering and throw public money at bungling and 
rapacious corporations. In all the coverage of the Criminal Records Bureau 
fiasco, few journalists have noticed the boldness of the Home Office's 
ambition. At the moment, Capita, the out-sourcing company whose failure to 
deliver benefits or stop fraud has made it an old friend of this column, 
can't check the criminal records of teachers. Children are probably dying 
on the roads because Ministers are too scared of the post-Soham tabloids to 
allow them into the safety of the classrooms. Today's scandal, however, 
could well be dwarfed in the spring ...' ( Nick Cohen via Observer )
See also this article by Michael Mandel from 1997, this Observer report 
quoting Scotland Yard sources as saying that CRB checks are likely to be 
virtually useless in any case, as the police database against which the 
checks are made is riddled with errors.LINKS?

RE: bekliyorum tamam

2002-09-09 Thread asi798

Merhaba daha once sizinle bir kanalda gorusmustuk bu mail aracaligi ile tanismamiz mumkun mu acaba ?

RE: bekliyorum tamam

2002-09-09 Thread asi798

Merhaba daha once sizinle bir kanalda gorusmustuk bu mail aracaligi ile tanismamiz mumkun mu acaba ?

Open for a great deal on Printer Ink

2002-09-09 Thread Jennifer James

Dear Friend,

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to get more ink is always a hassle. Either you forget which model number you need or 
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 While I was flying down the road yesterday (only 10 mph over), 
I noticed a cop with a radar gun sitting on top of a bridge. 

The cop pulled me over, walked up to the car and asked me, 
What's the hurry? I replied, I'm late for work. 
Oh yeah, said the cop, what do you do? I responded, 
I'm a rectum stretcher. The cop said Whats.a rectum stretcher, 
and what does a rectum stretcher do? I said, 
Well, I start with one finger, then I work my way up to two fingers, 
then three, then four, then my whole hand, 
then I work until I can get both hands in there 
and then I slowly stretch it until it's about 6 foot wide.

The cop asked me, What the hell do you do with a 6 foot asshole?
I simply replied, You give him a radar gun and park him on top of a 

The ticket -- $95 dollars. 

The look on his face, PRICELESS

Thank you for taking some of your valuable time to look at our content. We appreciate 
every minute you spend with us. And we hope to continue to provide you with new and 
enjoyable content. If you have any questions or would like to be removed from our 
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unsubscription link below.

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2002-09-09 Thread Debra
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Secret Service crisis 2.

2002-09-09 Thread Matthew X

First Lady cancels USNWR interview over Secret Service cover story
President Bush and his wife are steaming over U.S. News  World Report's 
story about Secret Service protection for their twin daughters. White House 
spokesman Ari Fleischer calls the article a disappointing departure from 
the media's traditional role of respecting the privacy of the president's 
family, but editor Brian Duffy tells Howard Kurtz the magazine performed 
the usual balancing act between privacy concerns and whether the measures 
being taken are adequate to ensure (the twins') safety. (Washington Post)


2002-09-09 Thread 74maitl218
Title: ³Ì·s¥xÆW¬Ù¤u°Ó¦W¿ý


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Busy week in counterintelligence.

2002-09-09 Thread Matthew X

Petty officer took hard drives, data
In a case interlaced with theft, potential espionage and the Sept. 11 
terrorist attack on the Pentagon, a Navy submariner pleaded guilty 
yesterday to charges he improperly possessed defense secrets and stole and 
sold government-owned computer hard drives..( Union-Tribune, 7 Sep 02)
Sailor possessed military secrets
Navy submariner pleaded guilty to charges he improperly possessed defense 
secrets and stole government-owned computer hard drives, which he later 
sold on the Internet.( AP, 7 Sep 02)
Little Change in a System That Failed
The Central Intelligence Agency and the Federal Bureau of Investigation 
have proven remarkably resilient in defense of their own turf.( New 
York Times, 8 Sep 02)
When Playing the Field, the Game Gets Rough
THE conventional wisdom about what is troubling American intelligence, 
particularly human intelligence — the stuff spies do — is that the system 
is broken; that on Sept. 11 the Central Intelligence Agency just did not 
have enough language-qualified spy handlers on the ground around the world 
to do the job.( New York Times op-ed by Milt Bearden, 8 Sep 02)
Spy History 101: America's Intelligence Quotient
MOST of America's best-known spies — from Nathan Hale to Francis Gary 
Powers and from the Rosenbergs to Aldrich H. Ames — are remembered because 
they got caught or because they spied against their country.( New York 
Times, 8 Sep 02)
Getting the Intelligence Services a Vulnerable Nation Needs
If anything changed after Sept. 11, it was America's sense of 
invulnerability. Suddenly, this became a nation under threat, a nation 
without security. What needs to be done, what can be done — short and long 
term — by the intelligence services to protect the United States against 
future attack?.( New York Times, 8 Sep 02)
Eyes in the Sky, Ears to the Wall, and Still Wanting For more than 50 
years, providing the country with early warning of a nuclear missile attack 
from Russia has been the first priority of the American intelligence 
community. The system has worked well, thanks largely to billions of 
dollars worth of technical intelligence.( New York Times op-ed by James 
Bamford, 8 Sep 02)
Learning to Spy With Allies
What will Al Qaeda do next? One big problem in figuring it out has been 
that, in important ways, the terrorist network is more effectively 
globalized than the modern intelligence organizations that try to penetrate 
it( New York Times, 8 Sep 02)
Bin Laden's Guys Have Cloaks and Daggers, Too
FOR all the resources American agents are devoting to watching the myriad 
tentacles of Al Qaeda, one of the things they have been forced to consider 
is that Al Qaeda may be watching them.( New York Times, 8 Sep 02)
Pearl Harbor as Prologue
Why does intelligence fail? Remember Pearl Harbor( New York Times, 8 
Sep 02)
Trust No One: In New York, Everyone Is Suspect
now thinks we ought to keep an eye out for suspicious behavior and bring it 
to the attention of the experts who keep files on suspiciousness.( New 
York Times, 8 Sep 02)
Face It: Your Looks Are Revealing
In the last year, intelligence agents have been showing more interest in 
the work of the California psychologist Paul Ekman than ever before.( 
New York Times, 8 Sep 02)
The Real Me: The Online Version
It is no secret that the Internet offers a wealth of information. It's even 
known that much of what we used to call intelligence is freely available 
online. I decided to find out what I could learn about myself just by 
consulting Internet-based resources( New York Times, 8 Sep 02)
Book Contends Chief of A-Bomb Team Was Once a Communist
Adding a startling chapter to the long historical debate over the secret 
laboratory that developed the atom bomb in World War II, a new book 
concludes that its leader, Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer, belonged to the 
American Communist Party in the late 1930's and early 40's.( New York 
Times, 8 Sep 02) [Read review of book by CI Centre Professor Nigel West]
Trial alleges Guatemalan guard's deadly role
Myrna Mack knew the death squads were after her. The 39-year-old 
anthropologist asked neighbors to watch for intruders outside her home, 
began varying her travel habits and told a priest she feared for her life. 
They got her anyway.( AP, 8 Sep 02)
The US is expanding its Echelon spy network
STANDARDS.( Russia Weekly, 8 Sep 02)

Secret Service in crisis.

2002-09-09 Thread Matthew X

On a warm summer night last year, a 19-year-old woman sat in a crowded bar, 
engaged in a rite of passage familiar to countless college-age teens: 
persuading a bartender to break the law and sell her a drink. This was no 
ordinary teenager, though. She was Jenna Bush, the daughter of President 
George W. and first lady Laura Bush. The bartender was amenable to serving 
the young woman–until he spotted two agents from her Secret Service detail. 
Nervous, he approached the agents and asked what he should do. Use your 
best judgment, the agents shrugged. The bartender promptly asked Jenna Bush 
to leave. She was furious. A Secret Service agent familiar with the 
incident told U.S. News that Jenna berated her agents, then fled the bar 
into a dark alley. Sources say one of the agents chased Jenna, and she 
taunted him. You know if anything happens to me, she said, my dad would 
have your ass.

Not quite. After she called her father to complain about the incident, 
which is still widely recounted among agents, President Bush declined to 
side with Jenna. Laura Bush, however, was concerned about what Jenna and 
her twin sister, Barbara, view as repeated intrusions into their privacy. 
As a result, sources say, agents assigned to the protective details of the 
Bush twins have been ordered to pull back from traditional methods of 
coverage. Many agents say they regard this as a serious security risk. 
They have no concept, says one source who has protected members of the 
Bush family. . . . They act like they don't have any concept of world 
events and how vulnerable they are or can be.

Protecting the lives of families of top government officials has never been 
easy. By the same token, living under the controlling, intrusive, often 
overbearing, and seemingly omnipotent presence of agents can be stifling 
for political leaders and their families, especially for children. 
Presidents do what they can to strike a balance between protecting 
themselves and their families by acceding to the demands of agents, at the 
same time fighting for the right to have some semblance of a normal life. 
Some family members unused to the constant presence of armed law 
enforcement officers seek restrictions on agents' activities and guarantees 
of privacy. Others, more hostile, rebel and try to give their minders the 
slip, as Jenna's sister, Barbara, has done. Last April, Barbara's agents 
were lampooned by the Yale University magazine Rumpus after the car she was 
in sped through an E-ZPass lane as Barbara and her friends drove from New 
Haven, Conn., to a World Wrestling Federation match in New York. Members of 
her security detail had to wait in the toll lane on a bridge into 
Manhattan, then weave through traffic at high speeds to catch up. In Texas, 
Jenna evaded her Secret Service agents following class last fall, after the 
September 11 attacks, sources say. When she finally surfaced after several 
hours, a supervisor on her protective detail lectured the young woman and 
warned against repeating such behavior.

The Bush twins aren't alone. Secret Service sources tell U.S. News that 
shortly after 9/11, President Bush sought expanded coverage for other Bush 
family members through an executive order. But this June, President Bush 
changed his mind and ordered the Secret Service to discontinue the security 
details he had authorized for several family members. They are dictating 
coverage, says a Secret Service agent. And what's worse is we're letting 

Protective methodology. After September 11, Secret Service executives 
made significant additions to President Bush's security arrangements. But 
some agents worry that Bush's ranch in Crawford, Texas, with its vast, open 
spaces, poses serious staffing and logistical challenges, difficulties that 
give pause to even the toughest military-trained tactical teams in the 
service. Providing security for its protectees in remote locations like the 
president's ranch is regarded as among the most difficult challenges by 
Secret Service executives, agents, and officers.

How to best guarantee the safety of the president, the vice president, and 
their families is just one element of a larger debate among line agents, 
uniformed officers, and Secret Service executives about the agency's 
changing role and responsibilities. In the past year, Director Brian 
Stafford has implemented a broad new security theory known as protective 
methodology. Many agents and officers say this plan goes against the grain 
of time-tested Secret Service methods and practices and could expose 
protectees and their bodyguards to possible attack by reducing customary 
layers of protective insulation. The changes include cutting the number 
of posts where agents and officers stand guard, eliminating some technical 
assets like magnetometers, ballistic glass, and armored plating, and 
withdrawing Counter Sniper, Counter Surveillance, 


2002-09-09 Thread 74maitl218
Title: ³Ì·s¥xÆW¬Ù¤u°Ó¦W¿ý


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2002-09-09 Thread Matthew X

Rage against the machine reformation rumours.

Renegades of funk.

The revolutionary band Rage Against the Machine has announced today that 
they would be uniting again after the band disbanded to pursue separate 
careers over a year ago. We've been re-called by the Sony corporation to 
sell products to the masses. Said lead singer Zach de la Rocha at a press 
conference last Thursday. The band also announced that because they have 
re-united they are making some new changes to their old records. In this 
article they have asked me to include the new lyric sheets for some of the 
new songs and to name-drop their major brand name corporation, Sony. Who 
are now using the once revolutionary song Killing In The Name Of, to pimp 
the world the Sony corporation's video game machine, Playstation. The 
re-naming of their songs has spawned from this new revolutionary co-opt. 
The first song we want to change is Guerilla Radio. We decided to change 
it to 'Sony Playstation'. We were gonna change it to 'Sony Radio' but 
decided to go with 'Sony Playstation' as we thought this might be better to 
pimp Playstations said lead singer Zach de la Rocha. Their new lyrics have 
been dubbed by Maximum Rock and Roll as The most revolutionary new mantra 
the sony corporation has ever owned.

The new lyrics are as follow:

Guerilla playstation!

Transmission third world war third round.
Play Colin Mcrae Rally for full surround sound
No shelter if your looking for shade, most of our games come from Accolade.
As the polls close like I casket, all truth devoured
You'll see our ads in the shadow of power.
A spectacle monopolized, buy Sony II there's no choice disguised.
Is it Crash Bandicoot for those who burn and toil?
Or free toasters for the thirst for blood and oil
A spectacle monopolized we hold the reigns now close your eyes
For the fist-a-gon and Sony corporation
Who stuff the banks and staff the party ranks
Exports? Or housing for the poor.
None of the above fuck it plug in the chord

Lights out,
Sony Playstation
Turn that shit on

Lights out
Sony Playstation.
Turn that shit on!

Contact I hijacked the TV screen
Selling you Playstation and our CDs
Way past the days of protesting DC
Sound off. Now you'll never be free.
Who got 'em yo check the federal file.
All you Rage fans see they sold out in style
The army of pigs smiles then bins your file
Cause your on the idiot box and the radio dial

Lights out
Sony Playstation.
Turn that shit on.

Lights out
Sony Playstation.
Turn that shit on

With smashing lyrics like that they sell playstatoins to the poorest most 
oppressed RATM fans.
They have also announced that their song that was almost number one around 
the world was also going to be changed. Killing in the Name Of which was a 
major success world wide, is now being changed to Sellin' Sony Playstation 
the lyrics are as follows:

So I know that market forces.
Call for big corporate mergers
The call for big corporate mergers
Are because of market forces

Selling Sony Playstation
Selling Sony Playstation


Insight on the News Email Edition

2002-09-09 Thread Insight on the News


A new issue of Insight on the News is now online.



Folks, your elected representatives are getting down to the serious business of 
getting themselves re-elected. So you won’t want to miss Jennifer Hickey’s hard 
look at the difficulties Democrats are having finding a piece of the issues 
http://www.insightmag.com/news/268157.html. John Berlau has looked inside the 
White House’s new security system, and come away alarmed. So will you 
http://www.insightmag.com/news/268014.html. And Mike Waller has counted up 20 
reasons to overthrow Saddam. See if there are any you haven’t thought of 
http://www.insightmag.com/news/268091.html. These along with our usual array of 
cutting-edge articles, just look below. That’s it for today. Until next time, 
from the Bunker, I remain your newsman in Washington.



John Berlau tells us that critics express concern that an access-control system 
built in the final months of the Clinton administration leaves the White House 
vulnerable to security threats.




The media say the Bush team hasn't made its case for invading Iraq.  But 
statements by Dick Cheney make clear why the U.S. will invade Iraq and finish 
off Saddam, reports Mike Waller.


  Inside the 9/11 Intelligence Failure!

Read Bill Gertz’ “Breakdown”

And you’ll learn why intelligence services are called “blind, deaf and dumb.” 
And how they became “welfare bureaucracies” saturated with the doctrine of 
appeasement and incapable of effective clandestine operations.



Jennifer Hickey reports that with Republicans and the administration taking 
action on corporate ethics, the economy remaining tentative but above water and 
George W. Bush continuing to enjoy favorable job-approval ratings, Democrats 
find it difficult to give ground on union issues.




Stephen Goode writes that for the first time in more than a century, the 
Smithsonian Institution will share artist George Catlin's enduring portrait of 
America in the 1830s, comprising his many captivating paintings of Indian tribes 
and landscapes of the untamed West in which they lived.




Jamie Dettmer asks if the brouhaha about whether the United States should mount 
an invasion to effect a regime change in Baghdad has shifted the focus of 
media attention away from economic woes and corporate scandal and onto foreign 




Hans Nichols reports that as an influx of immigrants challenges what it means to 
be German, particularly within the Muslim community, politicians fumble with a 
potentially explosive issue.




Shvam Bhatia tells us that despite the hostilities between their two countries, 
M.V. Ramana and Zia Mian formed a friendship they hope can keep India and 
Pakistan out of a nuclear war.




Kelly O’Meara and Zoli Simon report.




Scott Wheeler tells us how the new Pentagon inspector general skewers Clinton’s 


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2002-09-09 Thread llxx1628o63

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San Diego secrets a go go.

2002-09-09 Thread Matthew X

Sailor gets 7 months in theft of secret Navy property
Petty officer took hard drives, data
By James W. Crawley
September 7, 2002
In a case interlaced with theft, potential espionage and the Sept. 11 
terrorist attack on the Pentagon, a Navy submariner pleaded guilty 
yesterday to charges he improperly possessed defense secrets and stole and 
sold government-owned computer hard drives.
Petty Officer 1st Class Bryan Moody was sentenced by a military judge to 
seven months in the brig, loss of pay and was reduced to seaman recruit.
Moody, an electrician's mate, formerly assigned to the submarine Helena at 
Point Loma Naval Base, likely will be dismissed from the Navy after he 
completes his sentence.
Despite describing the case as extremely troubling, Navy prosecutors 
agreed to lesser charges to keep classified information from being divulged 
during the court-martial and for Moody's cooperation in determining whether 
military secrets were compromised.
The primary importance in these cases is the damage assessment, said Lt. 
Cmdr. Shannon Kopplin. There is a competing government concern that's of 
equal or greater importance than confining someone (in jail).
As part of the plea bargain, the most serious charge, possession of 
classified information, was dropped in favor of a lesser count of 
possessing national defense documents. Moody could have been sentenced to 
more than 18 years on all the charges.
Navy investigators found dozens of computer diskettes, a secret Navy chart 
and three pictures that officials said were classified secret at Moody's 
San Diego home and at his former wife's residence in San Diego, after she 
called authorities.
The diskettes reportedly contained classified tests and exam questions 
about the nuclear reactors and submarine operations, both closely held 
naval secrets.
The chart, sources familiar with the case said, included information about 
efforts to track a Russian submarine off the West Coast several years ago. 
Navy officials, citing security concerns, refused to comment. The pictures 
showed Moody and another sailor inside the Helena's top-secret reactor 
compartment, sources said.
Between 1996 and June 2001, Moody stole from the Helena at least five 
computer hard drives, which the Navy was trading in for new equipment.
Moody sold three of the five drives on E-Bay to people in Illinois, 
Pennsylvania and Florida. Naval Criminal Investigative Service agents 
tracked down two drives, but one sold to a man in Florida was resold to a 
Texas used-parts distributor, which sold it to a firm in the Dominican 
None of the hard drives seized by the Naval Criminal Investigative Service 
contained classified information, and there was no evidence Moody had 
passed secrets to foreign agents, testified special agent Krista Pixley.
The Sept. 11 attack put an interesting spin on the case.
The chart had been sent to the Pentagon for review by Navy intelligence 
officers last summer. It was destroyed when the hijacked jetliner crashed 
into the building.
Moody argued that a lax attitude aboard the Helena allowed him to take the 
hard drives out of recycling bins and casually remove secret information.
I never viewed my actions as aberrant at the time, he said during his 
But, now, Moody said, I've harmed the U.S. Navy with my actions.

Presidential guards murder detail.

2002-09-09 Thread Matthew X

Guatemala Tries 3 Officers, Saying They Instigated '90 Killing
After years of delays and intimidation, three high-ranking officers who 
once commanded a presidential security and intelligence unit are being 
tried on charges that they masterminded the killing of a vocal critic of 
the military in 1990.( New York Times, 9 Sep 02)
Trial alleges Guatemalan guard's deadly role
Myrna Mack knew the death squads were after her. The 39-year-old 
anthropologist asked neighbors to watch for intruders outside her home, 
began varying her travel habits and told a priest she feared for her life. 
They got her anyway.( AP, 8 Sep 02)
Guatamala used PROMIS stolen Inslaw software to track and trace 
dissidents.The AFP still use it even though it's said to have a CIA backdoor.
The reminders of Canada's role in an espionage scandal in Israel have 
distant echoes of 40 years ago when Canada was researching North Vietnam 
for the UN and leaking information to the CIA through ASIS.Page 85.'Oyster' 
by Brian Toohey.

Refinancing, Second Mortgage, Home Improvement 2

2002-09-09 Thread jwsteph3

Offering FREE quotes for your refinancing loan, second mortgage,
debt consolidation loan, or home improvement loan.
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Fwd: Blofeld found near Corralito's stop licensed to kill stop eyes only stop

2002-09-09 Thread Matthew X

Subject: Blofeld found near Corralito's stop licensed to kill stop eyes 
only stop
Backgound for Infiltration purposes.
Adventures of Fluffy, American Dissident Cat;
(September 9) It's started again. Early in the morning some idiot starts 
ringing my doorbell. It was ringing and ringing and ringing, and I knew 
right away it was one of the Geriatric Gestapo of the Neighborhood Watch 
Association. They're the only ones that would do it - ring five or six 
times in a row like that. And sure enough it was - complaining about the 
Fluffster. Anyway Fluffy the cat was over at the golf club parking lot, 
where he likes to hang out with all the Cadillacs and their American flags 
that the Geriatric Gestapo like to put on their cars. The Fluffster has 
gotten into the habit of tearing the flags off of them.

To him, it's just something to play with. The flags are blowing in the 
breeze, and the cat gets on top of the cars. He takes his paws and grabs 
at the flag and his claws get stuck in the flag. Then in order to get his 
claws out, he will literally tear the flag right off the little wooden 
pole. His claws get stuck in there because they're all cheap little 
seventy-nine cent American flags - made in China, of course. They're just 
stapled on to the wood. So the Fluffster, in order to get his claws out, 
has to tear the flag off the pole. And people are thinking he's doing it 
on purpose. These oldsters are convinced that I've trained him to do it on 
purpose because I told them so. I've told them that the Fluffster is a 
duly enlightened cat, and he's doing his part to prevent the spread of 
Dangerous Blind Patriotism.

I put his little army helmet on today and he's all set. He's got a 
miniature army helmet I bought him through this cat mail order place. They 
sell all sorts of stuff for cats. The Fluffster actually seems to like it. 
It's a little green plastic helmet with webbing over it and it looks 
exactly like a World War II helmet and it has places for his ears. It says 
the Big Red One on it and it has a little elastic that goes under his 
chin. It doesn't seem to bother him and he doesn't try to pull it off, but 
then, of course, he's half stoned all the time.

He eats catnip incessantly. He'll go through a bag of it in no time. I 
used to give him just a teaspoon of organically grown fresh catnip a day. 
It's good for the cat's bowels and urinary tract. It evidently keeps them 
regular like bran flakes for people. I kept giving him more and more and 
then I thought I'll just give him the whole bag. He's an All American Cat. 
He's stoned all day on catnip. His eyes are always glazed over and he's 
having a hell of a time.

Catnip is to Cats what Jack Daniels and Prozac is to the Bush Family.

So he's out there this morning with his little helmet on, tearing the 
flags off the Geriatrics' Cadillacs. The old people actually believe me 
when I tell them that I've trained him to do this and that the Fluffster 
is doing his part so the Geriatric Gestapo don't succumb to Dangerous 
Blind Patriotism. And, of course, none of them want to hear that.

So now I've been told that for every seventy-nine cent American flag Made 
in China that he pulls down, we'll get fined five dollars. They're just 
fine happy and they just love it because the fines go into the clubhouse 
fund to support the geriatric exercise room where they're now learning the 
goose-step. Instead of aerobics, they have Goose Stepping 101. You don't 
know how wild the Neighborhood Watch Association seniors can get. (See 
previous story on Close Encounters With Neighborhood Watch)

Their biggest problem is that their brittle belief systems, from the time 
when they were young, are all calcified -- and they're collapsing all 
around them. Since their minds have long since atrophied, they go into 
this numb way of living, so they're just numb to everything. It's like 
All-Natural Prozac, and they all hang out with each other because they're 
all equally naïve and provincial. They all take the senior citizen shuttle 
bus to Wal-Mart for the Thursday double discount seniors' day. Loaded with 
their trading stamp booklets and every discount card in the world, they go 
driving around in their electric three wheelers. They bang into each other 
and their false teeth come out. More of them have lost their false teeth 
at Wal-Mart banging into each other than you can imagine. It's like 
Dodge-Em Cars or Bumper Cars in this place. And that's what it looks like 
because none of them can half see anymore. Their eye-hand coordination is 
pretty well gone. You go into the Wal-Mart and it looks like a bunch of 
oldsters playing Bumper Cars and then when one of them drives onto the 
other, they yell and cry out, Whiplash and I'm going to get my lawyer.

And they actually have ads on the back of the bus benches in front of the 
place from every ambulance-chasing lawyer in town. The one I love is 
called Rosenberg Rosenthal Rosencrantz and Rosenwitz. That's 

Party Naked!

2002-09-09 Thread letspartynaked

Let's Party Naked!



Let's Party Naked!

2002-09-09 Thread letspartynaked

Party Naked!



MMM, Sexy Teens!

2002-09-09 Thread Response


MMM, Sexy Teens!

These Finest young babes do things that would scare their parents!

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Raping Hot Girls And Wild Horses!!!!

2002-09-09 Thread marcie547520

Rape Sex!!!

CLICK HERE to access thousands of uncensored photos and videos right now!

.. Wilma had a very perverted idea, that gave her butterflies in her stomach.
She wanted to suck the sex-crazed beast's huge cock.
It was a part of her favorite fantasy, and so tempting that she couldn't resist
To be continued...


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Urgent Attention Needed

2002-09-09 Thread coker1

Dear Sir,

First, I must solicit your confidence in this transaction, which is
Mutual benefit. This is by virtue of its nature of being utterly
Confidential. I am sure and have confidence of your ability, and
Reliability to prosecute a transaction of this great magnitude.

In the past 2 years, I have employed very diligent bureaucratic means to 
divorce US$ 21,320,000 (twenty one Million, three hundred and twenty thousand 
U. S.Dollars) from the external affairs operation of the Federal Government of 
my country - in South Africa and the Central African Republic. My strategic 
position in the Government of my country and my relationship with 
corresponding key officials in the Governments of South Africa and the Central 
African Republic has afforded me the required Intergovernmental funds
transfer connections as well as the know-how that will ensure the success of 
an operation of this sizes.
For our safety, I have structured the transfer of the US$ 21,320,000 to
conform to the highest standard of International Banking Regulations and 
Financial Laws, Conversely, I require strictly, a foreign company duly 
registered and verifiable as having conformed to the basic operating and 
equity standards in its area of domicile, to receive the US$ 21,320,000.

Your role, in the above regard, will be to act as the beneficiary of the funds 
in question, as my official portfolio precludes me from legal
association with this money. You must however, note that this transfer will be 
guided by certain express provisions designed to ensure that your receipt of 
the above stated sum does not place me at a disadvantage or undermine my 
ability to receive my portion of the US$ 21,320,000. Firstly, the remittance 
of the money into your nominated account will be subject to Condition 
Precedent. That is, the crediting of your nominated account with the above 
stated funds will be
conditional and subject to a post dated credit confirmation date which you 
will comply. The postdating will allow my nominee and I adequate time to 
arrive in your country to set up the proper fund receipt mechanism for our 
share of the US$ 21,320,000

Finally, I am constrained by time in the execution of the above stated
transfer, therefore your immediate response in concession to the 
nature,requirement and conditions for the successful completion of this 
transfer,will be highly appreciated. At which time too, I will be more than 
delighted to illuminate whatever areas seem unclear to you in the 

I await your response at--([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Sincerely, E.C

I will divulge my identity and other pertinent details of this transfer to you 
in due course

Get Your Free Email at http://www.hknetmail.com

Balancing Linux and Microsoft

2002-09-09 Thread Steve Schear

Balancing Linux and Microsoft

For nearly two years, Bruce Perens was a senior strategist for open-source 
software at Hewlett-Packard  an evangelist and rabble-rouser on behalf of 
a computing counterculture that is increasingly moving into the mainstream. 
Part of the job description, he was told, was to challenge H.P. management.

His last day as a Hewlett-Packard employee was 10 days ago. The parting was 
amicable, Mr. Perens said, but he was fired  officially a termination, 
he noted. It came after a long, long warning, Mr. Perens explained. The 
thing that I did that was most hazardous for H.P. is the Microsoft-baiting 
I tend to do.


Take neem to Mongo's barbie.

2002-09-09 Thread Matthew X

West Nile virus reaches California
12:40 09 September 02 NewScientist.com news service
A Californian woman has been infected with West Nile virus, preliminary 
tests suggest. If confirmed, the case will mark the virus's spread right 
across the US just three years after the first human case in New York.
We have been anticipating the arrival of West Nile virus in California as 
reports of the disease have progressed steadily westward across the United 
States, California's State Health Director said.
The woman was treated for meningitis, a symptom of West Nile infection, in 
early August and had not travelled outside the Los Angeles region shortly 
before falling ill, health officials confirmed. The results of final West 
Nile tests are expected by the end of this week.
On Friday, Canada also reported its first West Nile case, in Ontario. Four 
other probable cases are also being investigated, health officials said. 

Cryptozoology in Corralitos.

2002-09-09 Thread Matthew X

...Cryptozoology often receives a bad rep because it is often practiced 
with little skepticism, or regard for scientifically supported facts and 
theories. Likewise, paranormal cryptozoologists do little to help the 
integrity of cryptozoology. It can, however, be a level-headed, interesting 
and possibly even scientific subject, if examined with open-minded 
skepticism and a scientific viewpoint.
Such an approach is the basis of this web site on cryptozoology. Ockham's 
razor, which basically states that the simplest explanation is probably the 
correct one, is a rationale that looms large here.
What's New with Cryptozoology?
The Myakka Ape Photos Loren Coleman's take on recent photos from Florida 
appearing to show an ape-like animal.

vibrators and dildos for adults 4291F-5

2002-09-09 Thread flexible_massager_7843k47

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2002-09-09 Thread chalkley2s4d2f2g1017v66

Good evening -

You get emails every day, offering to show you how to make money.
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And they expect you to listen to them?


If you want to make money with your computer, then you should
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Re: A message from Alan I. Leshner, AAAS CEO

2002-09-09 Thread Steve Schear

At 08:35 PM 9/9/2002 +0100, Peter Fairbrother [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I think it's actually quite reasonable: below is the proposed new list, and
except for malicious reasons I can't think why anyone would want to use them
outside a fully-equipped lab (with an on-site medical presence etc). Anyone
who does is showing negligent disregard for human safety. And his own.


After reviewing the list I don't deny the dangers inherent in experimenting 
with these items.  My objection has to do with the federal government's 

Over the past ten years I've made it a hobby to study the detailed 
legislative histories of several key constitutional amendments (e.g., the 
14th and 16th) and Supreme Court rulings on these amendments and their 
interpretations of the Commerce Clause and Necessary and Proper 
Clauses.  I've read the works of and discussed the findings with a number 
of Constitutional scholars (e.g., Larry Lessig and Eugene Volokh).  In 
general they support my conclusions and share a serious concern for the 
frightening lack of respect Congress and the Supreme Court have shown the 
Constitution and our liberties.  If I am right substantial portions of 
federal law passed since the Civil War (and especially since the FDR 
administration) have no basis in a clear reading of the Constitution.

I have no qualms with my state regulating many of my behaviors and 
possessions, but find the federal involvement unlawful and unacceptable in 
this area.  Most of my fellow citizens accept an almost unlimited federal 
involvement in our daily lives.  The Founders placed many safeguards in the 
Constitution to prevent this, but Congress and the Courts have found 
illegal circumventions. Most Americans would rather not know that their 
liberties have been and are continuing to be drained away by the 
unconstitutional practices of the supposed guardians of their 
liberties.  They believe that the current balance struck is the best under 
the circumstances.  In fact, they are frightened by (or consider mentally 
unbalanced or unpatriotic) anyone who would raise serious objections. I am 
left to protect my rights the best I can, even if it means violating 
unlawful regulations.

If you are one of the many you will probably find my ranting that of a 
loon.  If not, a good place to start your inquiry is with the recently 
published book, The Real Lincoln, by Thomas diLorenzo 
Its causing quite a stir in American historical circles.


Re: [dave@immunitysec.com: Unmask 1.0 Release Party at My House!]

2002-09-09 Thread Greg Broiles

At 02:55 PM 9/9/2002 -0400, Adam Shostack wrote:
Anyone played with it?


Subject: Unmask 1.0 Release Party at My House!
From: Dave Aitel [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I've released Unmask today - available at

I've been experimenting with it some this morning - it's a memory and CPU 
hog, turning 10-20K input
files into 20-30M data files, and using 300-500M of RAM and a few minutes 
of CPU time on a relatively fast
Athlon in the process.

Nothing interesting to report yet, other than a hunch that it'd be improved 
by rewriting some parts
in C, and/or using a resource storage format that's more appropriate for 
big data sets, like a database. It seems to want to keep everything in RAM 
at once.

Greg Broiles -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- PGP 0x26E4488c or 0x94245961