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TV dates to TIVO.

2002-11-08 Thread Matthew X
Upcoming TV:
Friday, Nov 8 from 5p-6p on Court TV: CI Centre Professor David Major and 
CBS Hanssen movie director Lawrence Schiller are interviewed by Catherine 
Saturday, Nov 16 from 8p-10p on History Channel: "Traitors Within" focuses 
on 1985--"the year of the spy" including when Hanssen began spying for the 
second time. CI Centre professors David Major, Oleg Kalugin and Paul Moore 
are interviewed.
More CI on TV
"He was the master spy, the perfect spy, the Le Carre perfect spy. And that 
means to be the perfect spy, you have to be the perfect spy for a long 
period of time. Not just once. And the longer he does it, the better the rush."
--CI Centre Professor David Major on Robert Hanssen
Mmm,H seems to be Sorging ahead of Philby in the top spy top ten.
A big plug from the west virginnie farmboys...
Statement by CIA Spokesman Bill Harlow
What do you do when your new book lands on the market with a resounding 
thud? One school of thought is to write something outrageous in the 
newspapers to try to attract attention to yourself and the book. Sadly, 
that is the course author David Wise adopted.(CIA Press Release, 8 Nov 02)
Click here to read the NY Times Op-Ed by David Wise
Click here to read the text of the letter from CIA Director George Tenet to 
Random House, Inc.
Council Attacks D.C. Surveillance Cameras
The D.C. Council yesterday lambasted the city police department's system of 
surveillance cameras, with several members saying vehemently that they did 
not want the technology -- now an entrenched part of D.C. police operations 
-- to be used at all.( Washington Post, 8 Nov 02)
The spy who came in from the cold
Copenhagen Municipal Court got an unusual dose of cloak and dagger this 
Tuesday, when the former chief of the East German Stasi testified against 
the Church of Scientology in a case involving the libel of a Danish 
journalist.( Copenhagen Post, 7 Nov 02)
The NOC list is in the OPEN!
Chancellor of Justice: Security Police can decide whether to publish Stasi 
Authorities in Germany have given SUPO access to two lists containing names 
of people believed to have collaborated with Stasi, the former East German 
espionage agency.( Helsinki Sanomat, 7 Nov 02)
Intelligence agencies are able to use the secrecy that cloaks their 
operations to conceal their failings...that's why we need anarchists to 
totally destroy the state.

FBI-INS in Boston.WTF is our Paul Revere.

2002-11-08 Thread Matthew X
At around 8 AM on Monday, November 4, one of the foremost activists in the 
Boston Palestinian community, Amer Jubran, was taken into custody at his 
Cumberland, Rhode Island home by agents of the Federal Bureau of 
Investigations (FBI) and the Immigration and Naturalization Services (INS).
He was transferred to an INS holding facility at the Adult Correctional 
Institution in Cranston, Rhode Island later that day, where he is being 
held while the INS investigates what they call 'violations of INS 
statutes', according to his friend and fellow political organizer Steve 
Kirschbaum. MORE ON...
REAL anarchists website got over 3 million hits in september.Get with the 
strength and FIGHT the POWER.

Pause for station identification.

2002-11-08 Thread Matthew X
The Republicans had a big victory on Tuesday night. It was a great victory 
for President Bush – and if you count the presidential election this is the 
first victory he’s had.
Things went so well that the Supreme Court took the night off.
Republicans had a big victory on Tuesday night. They say the problem the 
Democrats had was that they did not articulate their message – you know 
you’re in trouble when you get out-articulated by President Bush.
In Nevada voters rejected a ballot measure to legalize small amounts of 
pot. Voters decided that legalizing marijuana would send the wrong message 
to Nevada’s young gamblers and prostitutes.
Jeb Bush won in Florida, elected to another term as Governor. He said he’d 
fix those voting machines, looks like he did a hell of a job.
They say that Jeb is the smart son. What does that say about the family 
when the smartest one is named Jeb?
The President’s brother Jeb Bush won re-election for Governor in Florida. 
In fact he won so well that he didn’t need to use the crooked voting machines.
Wasn’t it uplifting though to see Walter Mondale come back just one last 
time for another ass whipping?
Republicans are happy! Jeb Bush won in Florida. President Bush was very 
pleased, he said he was happy but also amazed because not only did Jeb win, 
but he also had more votes too. AD BREAK...
November fundraising drive for Infoshop.org
posted by Reverend Chuck0 on Friday November 08 2002 @ 11:26AM PST
Support Infoshop.org and its ongoing efforts to give the rich and powerful 
sleepless nights...


Hey someone tell Leonard Peltier.

2002-11-08 Thread Matthew X
During American Indian Heritage Month, we celebrate the rich cultural 
traditions and proud ancestry of American Indians and Alaska Natives, and 
we recognize the vital contributions these groups have made to the strength 
and diversity of our society.
American Indians and Alaska Natives have played a central role in our 
history. In 1805 and 1806, Sakajawea, a Shoshone Indian woman, helped guide 
Lewis and Clark on their historic expedition to explore the uncharted West. 
This remarkable journey, known as the "Voyage of Discovery," would not have 
been possible without her efforts, and today she remains a proud symbol of 
American Indian courage and strength.
We are also grateful to the Navajo Codetalkers for their service during 
World War II. Participating in every assault the U.S. Marines conducted in 
the Pacific from 1942-1945, the Navajo Codetalkers relayed secret messages 
that helped our Nation and the allies secure victory. The Congress 
recognized these heroes by authorizing the President to award them 
Congressional Gold Medals, which I was honored to present last year. These 
examples of our true American spirit reflect our shared history and serve 
as reminders of the unique heritage of American Indians and Alaska Natives. 
Upon its completion on the National Mall, the Smithsonian Institution's 
National Museum of the American Indian will help educate all Americans 
about the lives, contributions, and culture of our Native peoples.
Education is essential to the future success of tribal communities. We will 
work together to ensure that our Indian education programs offer 
high-quality instruction and job training that contribute to the vitality 
of our Native American communities. We will also work to maintain the 
legacy of American Indians and Alaska Natives by preserving irreplaceable 
languages and cultural traditions.
To enhance our efforts to help Indian nations be self-governing, 
self-supporting, and self-reliant, my Administration will continue to honor 
tribal sovereignty by working on a government-to-government basis with 
American Indians and Alaska Natives. We will honor the rights of Indian 
tribes and work to protect and enhance tribal resources.
My Administration is working to increase employment and expand economic 
opportunities for all Native Americans. Several Federal agencies recently 
participated in the National Summit on Emerging Tribal Economies to help us 
accomplish this goal. In order to build upon this effort, my Administration 
will work to promote cooperation and coordination among Federal agencies 
for the purpose of fostering greater economic development of tribal 
communities. By working together on important economic initiatives, we will 
strengthen America by building a future of hope and promise for all Native 
NOW, THEREFORE, I, GEORGE W. BUSH, President of the United States of 
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and 
laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim November 2002 as National 
American Indian Heritage Month. I call upon all Americans to commemorate 
this month with appropriate programs and activities.
There is actually some babbling dingbat in the paper,saying save a spot on 
Rushmore for this wanker.Unfuckingbelievable.

Assassination politics by hellfire.

2002-11-08 Thread Matthew X
So this is what pre-emption looks like...
USA assassinates Yemeni citizens without trial or jury
uploaded 08 Nov 2002
Yemen, which is still under the shock of killing 6 members of al-Qaida 
organization on the ground of an attack said to be by the CIA, has urged 
its citizens who were driven to this organization ( al-Qaida) to give up 
violence, while some US press said that Yemen had before hand known about 
the attack and approved it.
In a speech he addressed to members of al-Qaida organization in Yemen on 
Tuesday evening, on the occasion of the beginning of Ramadan, the Yemeni 
President Ali Abdullah Saleh said" we call on all members of our homeland 
who get themselves involved with al-Qaida organization to announce their 
redemption and to give up their guilt committed against the homeland." He 
said that Islam "does not advocate violence and extremism, and if those 
(al-Qaida members) be Muslims and affiliate to this country then they have 
to return back to the right (path) and they will be then safe, having the 
same rights of Yemeni citizens as guaranteed in the Yemeni constitution."
On Sunday Yemen witnessed an operation attributed to the CIA and claimed 
the life of six presumed members of al-Qaida organization including one of 
its officials Ali Qaid Sanyan al-Harithi who has been chased for months by 
the FBI. Al-Harithi is thought to be the planner of the attack that took 
place in 2000 against the US warship "USS Cole" at Aden seaport which 
resulted in killing 17 American marines.
On the other hand, the Washington Post and New York Times said yesterday 
that the attack was made at the consent of the Yemeni government. The 
Washington Post quoted an American official as saying that a pilotless 
plane controlled by CIA fired the missiles which killed the six men saying 
"An administration official with knowledge of the attack said the 
CIA-controlled Predator was being operated under a presidential finding 
that authorized covert actions by the agency against Osama bin Laden's 
terrorist organization, and although civilians were killed in the attack it 
was considered a military action and not an assassination."
The same paper added that the attack was made at the consent of the Yemeni 
government and in collaboration with it. Meantime, the New York Times said 
yesterday that Bush last year gave vast authorities for the CIA to chase 
al-Qaida members in any place in the world. According to those officials, 
the US president has not in particular permitted firing the missile which 
killed al-Harithi as far as he had already given the permission to carry 
out operations of that sort for military and intelligence officials.
The yemeni's are learning what its like to live in occupied Palestine.Soon 
we may all be living there.Unless we fight hellfire with hellfire of our 
own before it's too late.

WTO,A distant mirror in the au governorgeneralship.

2002-11-08 Thread Matthew X
WTO protesters to defy ban
By Patricia Karvelas and Ashleigh Wilson
November 09, 2002
ANTI-WORLD Trade Organisation protesters are threatening to defy 
authorities and take to Sydney's streets during an international conference 
next week despite police refusing marching permits.

About 10,000 protesters are expected to go ahead with plans to bring the 
centre of the city to a standstill during the two-day WTO meeting at Sydney 
Olympic Park.
But the student activists have conceded they have no chance of repeating 
the scenes of Seattle and Melbourne, where anti-globalisation protests 
severely disrupted WTO proceedings.
Activists will protest on the WTO site at Homebush only on the second day 
of the meeting, confining action to the city on other days.
Jim Casey, a 32-year-old union activist and member of the International 
Socialist Organisation, said the protesters have had to be realistic.
"Certainly the fact that they've made it at Homebush is going to cramp our 
style," Mr Casey said. "But there's no point blockading a hotel when they 
are already inside."
Protesters said laws passed for the 2000 Olympics, which gave police 
increased powers to quell protests, were still current and had prevented 
them from deciding to block the meeting.
NSW Police inner-metropolitan region commander Dick Adams said peaceful 
gatherings would be allowed but would not approve "anything that will 
blockade streets or disrupt people".
Simon Butler, national co-ordinator of socialist youth organisation 
Resistance, said activists would go ahead with planned marches. "It's an 
attempt to intimidate people from protesting. People will hate the idea 
that the right to free speech is being denied to them."
The protesters, mainly students from Melbourne and Sydney, warned yesterday 
they would target the US consulate and the Department of Foreign Affairs 
and Trade.
The loose network of more than 130 protest organisers were determined to 
disrupt the city.
Mr Casey said that on the second day of the meeting protesters would be at 
the WTO venue from 7am to protest. He said he supported individuals or 
groups who attempted to gain entry and occupy the meeting. "I support 
anyone's right to attempt to get in and stop the meeting. But the idea that 
people are making bombs is not true."
Anne O'Brien, 21, spokeswoman for the "green bloc", said momentum for 
anti-globalisation protests was stronger than ever.
Matthew Skellern, national environment officer of the National Union of 
Students, said people would still attempt to disrupt the meeting.
"We don't want to be a small group of people who go to the site and get 
kicked round by cops, so I won't be going."
The protesters' grievances include the destruction of the environment, 
Third World debt, poor labour conditions, indigenous rights, world poverty 
and the effects of free trade.
They have also vowed to resist federal government plans to shut down or 
restrict access to activist websites that advocate violent demonstrations. 
The federal Government has announced it will review online content laws to 
crack down on sites that incite violence.
Protesters said they would move sites to overseas servers or set up 
duplicate "mirror" sites if required, making it difficult for them to be 
closed down.
Matt Skellern reminds me of liberal party creep,michael Kroger who sneaked 
into student politics as a,'moderate envoromentalist.'
Betty Windsors hemeroids bleeding...
Republic! We don need no steenkin' republic!
We need a motherfucking guillotine.
The queens rep in OZ is allaowed to rule by CIA decree for six months stretches.

Re: Did you *really* zeroize that key?

2002-11-08 Thread Sunder
> Back in the early days of compiler benchmarks, one fancy compiler noticed
> that the result of a lengthy calculation wasn't being used, and dutifully
> removed the calculations.  That calculation was, of course, the kernel of
> the benchmark.  The solution was to print the result.

Or you do something like using binary OR from both ends of the
memory chunk simultaneously, so when they finish, you're guaranteed to
have 0xff (all 1's) all over your memory.

This is off the top of my head, so bugs may exist, etc.

int zapmem(uint8 *mem, size_t size)

int i,j,a,b;

 for (a=0xaa,b=0x55,i=0, j=size-1; i

Free Porn Previews!

2002-11-08 Thread FreeLove

WOW! Tons Of Great XXX Porno!

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Amerikkkan led jihad on women.

2002-11-08 Thread Matthew X
Sneak attacks in war against women

November 08, 2002
WHILE George W. Bush's war on terror commands worldwide attention, his war 
of stealth against women has attracted far less comment.

Yet when it comes to family planning and abortion in the developing world, 
the Bush regime is adopting the fundamentalism of the Islamic terrorists it 
is pursuing.
At a conference in Bangkok last weekend, the US threatened to withdraw its 
support for a crucial UN family planning agreement. In a spectacularly 
delayed dummy spit, the US delegation objected to the final declaration of 
the 1994 UN population conference, which was held in Cairo.
After eight years, the Americans suddenly can't abide certain phrases 
("reproductive rights" and "reproductive health services") in the 
declaration on the grounds they can be interpreted as supporting abortion.
The Cairo meeting was a milestone. For the first time, it forged a global 
consensus that the best way to combat overpopulation and poverty is to give 
women more control over their fertility.
This is only common sense, but getting nearly 180 countries to endorse the 
declaration was no mean feat. The US helped draft it, but now says it will 
reaffirm it only if the phrases it dislikes are modified or deleted, 
reports The New York Times.
Asian delegates – including Indonesia – are, understandably, dismayed. So 
at a time when it is fighting fundamentalism, the US's social agenda has 
moved to the Right of that of the biggest Muslim nation.
Washington's hypocrisy is breathtaking. Despite frequent, niggling attempts 
to curb abortion rights in the US, it has been legal there since 1973. The 
abortion pill RU-486 was introduced in 2000.
Family planning experts and polls indicate that (based on 1992 figures) 43 
per cent of US women will have had a termination by the age of 45.
Now that Republicans are poised to dominate both houses of Congress, it's 
likely US abortion services will come under fresh assault. But it's 
improbable that a procedure millions of American women have had during the 
past 30 years will be outlawed.
Yet since he assumed office, the world's most powerful man has set out to 
deny the world's least powerful women a right his own constituents exercise 
This is a sickening double standard and Bush's approach has far more to do 
with political self-interest than deeply held principle.
In restricting abortions for poverty-stricken women living thousands of 
kilometres away, the former good-time boy can score brownie points with 
moral conservatives at home who have backed him politically and 
financially. In this light, he looks more like a cowardly than a 
compassionate conservative.
Nor is this his first strike against poor women. In July he blocked the 
release of about $60 million the US had already promised the UN Population 
Fund, the world's largest family planning provider, whose services include 
teen pregnancy and HIV-AIDS prevention.
Bush accused the fund of supporting providers involved in forced abortions 
and sterilisations in China, but State Department investigators found no 
evidence of this. Neither did a team of British MPs.
Even so, Bush refused to release the promised money – leaving the European 
Union to make up the difference. The US is the only country to have starved 
this UN agency of funds for ideological reasons.
This gratuitous attack on the UN followed Bush's reinstatement of the 
global gag rule in 2001.
That rule, lifted by Bill Clinton, requires non-government organisations 
receiving US aid to deny women any information about abortion, even in 
countries where it is legal.
Neither can these NGOs lobby governments for abortion law reform, nor use 
non-American funds to offer advice about or carry out abortions. Family 
planning experts have rightly argued that this not only stifles freedom of 
speech, it also prevents doctors from briefing patients with unwanted 
pregnancies on the full range of options available to them.
As one activist put it, it amounts to "exporting malpractice" – it would be 
unconstitutional if imposed in the US.
But Bush pressed ahead and his timing was heavily symbolic: reinstating the 
gag was his first act on his first business day in office.
The Australian Reproductive Health Alliance says some similar restrictions 
pertaining to abortion – which appeased devout Catholic Brian Harradine 
when he held the balance of power in the Senate – remain in our foreign aid 
This is immoral. For there is no doubt that denying women in developing 
countries access to safe abortions has dire consequences.
A new World Health Organisation study has found that more women die in 
Ethiopian hospitals from complications arising from illegal abortions than 
from any other cause except tuberculosis.
The US-based Centre for Reproductive Law and Policy estimates that 78,000 
women around the world die each year from unsafe abortions.
Campaigning for the mid-term elections, the Republicans presented 

Tasty precedent set to sue stockbrokers.

2002-11-08 Thread Matthew X
Ali's legal eagles fought his case on a shoestring and at some risk as a 
They may have kicked off a trend if not a feeding frenzy.
Investors queue to sue brokers
By Michael Bachelard
November 09, 2002
A JUNIOR real estate agent who spectacularly failed to get rich quick on 
the stock market has joined the string of disappointed investors suing 
their former brokers for millions of dollars.

Michael Paproth, who was 22 at the time and in his first job, raised 
$171,000 between June and December 1999 to play the market, partly by 
convincing his father to obtain an $80,000 mortgage on his house.
But by December 2000, the money was gone after $8 million of trades had 
been made in his name, and Mr Paproth owed his broker, Credit Suisse First 
Boston, $30,000.
Now Mr Paproth has become the eighth client of law firm Slater & Gordon to 
sue stockbrokers for losses, and the first to sue CSFB. He is seeking up to 
$300,000 in damages, plus exemplary damages of up to $200,000.
The claim comes seven months after a Victorian judge awarded Fijian farmer 
Liyakat Ali $1 million, including exemplary damages, when rogue broker 
Chris Martin of Hartley Poynton gambled away his life savings.
Mr Paproth's statement of claim, lodged in the Victorian Supreme Court 
yesterday, alleges that CSFB broker Jason Andor boasted he was one of the 
best dealers in Australia, that his 80 clients made $1000 a day, and that 
he was so good he had been headhunted into his job. All were lies, the 
claim says.
Mr Paproth invested an initial $36,000, then followed it up with $110,000, 
of which he had secured $80,000 by mortgaging his father's home. In 
December, 1999, he put in another $25,000.
The claim says Mr Paproth wanted "safe and secure" investments, but Mr 
Andor pushed him to accept a "trading" approach. Mr Andor allegedly traded 
more than $8 million worth of shares, and in one period charged brokerage 
fees of $152,967. He then allegedly charged Mr Paproth personal commissions 
of $21,000.
The suit accuses Mr Andor and his employer of failing to act in good faith, 
failing to provide full accounts, conflict of interest, excessive trading, 
or "churning", and misleading and deceptive conduct.
Slater & Gordon solicitor Cam Truong said since the Ali case changed the 
ground rules in the broker-client relationship, his firm had made up to 
eight claims, all but one against Hartley's, and taken 24 serious queries.
Challenger First Pacific Limited is also named in the action after it 
bought CSFB's retail brokerage arm in January. According to the statement 
of claim, it thereby assumed its liabilities.
Mr Andor stopped working for the company in mid-2001.
A Challenger First Pacific spokeswoman claimed the sale agreement with CSFB 
had "totally indemnified us against all costs".
CSFB declined to comment.

Naked Movie Stars . .

2002-11-08 Thread tnoplsn54plsto

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RE: Did you *really* zeroize that key?

2002-11-08 Thread Gil Hamilton
Peter Gutmann writes:

"James A. Donald" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>If the optimizer ever optimizes away a write to volatile
>memory, device drivers will fail.  Most device drivers are
>written in C.  If anyone ever produces a C compiler in which
>"volatile" does not do what we want, not only are they out of
>spec, but smoke will start coming out of hardware when the
>device drivers are recompiled.

The people who assume that any compiler which compiles their code gets
an obscure feature like volatile exactly as per the spec are probably the
same ones who assume that fixed-size buffers will never be exceeded.

I don't understand this extraordinary level of concern  As both James
and Perry have tried to point out, 'volatile' is *not* an obscure
feature.  Maybe it was obscure back in the mid-1980s, but every C
compiler I've seen in years supports volatile.  Its behavior has been
part of the C std for a long time now, and it's a critical part of a
large body of code on pretty much every platform.

It's interesting that you bring up the subject of "fixed size buffers"
being overrun.  That also results from ignorance and carelessness on
the programmer's part *not* from incorrect compiler implementation.

It's my job to be paranoid.  I will assume that an arbitrary compiler
gets a while() loop right (it'd be obvious if it didn't), but I won't
gamble my crypto keys over assumptions about the correct handling of
volatile in all compilers.

It sounds like the problem is more a lack of understanding of what
'volatile' means.  Nowhere in this thread (or from what I can tell,
the thread on vuln-dev) has anyone alleged that an actual compiler
didn't handle 'volatile' correctly.

- GH

The new MSN 8: smart spam protection and 2 months FREE*  

Re: Did you *really* zeroize that key?

2002-11-08 Thread Bill Frantz
At 10:50 AM -0800 11/7/02, Matt Blaze wrote:
>> At 03:55 PM 11/7/02 +0100, Steven M. Bellovin wrote:
>> >Regardless of whether one uses "volatile" or a pragma, the basic point
>> >remains:  cryptographic application writers have to be aware of what a
>> >clever compiler can do, so that they know to take countermeasures.
>> Wouldn't a crypto coder be using paranoid-programming
>> skills, like *checking* that the memory is actually zeroed?
>> (Ie, read it back..)  I suppose that caching could still
>> deceive you though?'
>And, of course, the very act of putting in the check could cause a compiler
>to not optimize out the zeroize code.  (Writing a proper test program for
>such behavior is very difficult).
>Like most programming language discussions, it's hard to tell whether the
>arguments support writing critical code languages that abstract at a
>higher level or a lower level.

Back in the early days of compiler benchmarks, one fancy compiler noticed
that the result of a lengthy calculation wasn't being used, and dutifully
removed the calculations.  That calculation was, of course, the kernel of
the benchmark.  The solution was to print the result.

You would probably be safer filling the area with the output of the rand()
function, and then calculating the sum of the words in the area.  If you
can pass the sum to an externally compiled function even better.  (Of
course this procedure doesn't leave the area zero.)

Cheers - Bill

Bill Frantz   | The principal effect of| Periwinkle -- Consulting
(408)356-8506 | DMCA/SDMI is to prevent| 16345 Englewood Ave.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | fair use.  | Los Gatos, CA 95032, USA

Re: Did you *really* zeroize that key?

2002-11-08 Thread Patrick Chkoreff
At 02:22 PM 11/8/2002 +, Vincent Penquerc'h wrote:

while (!is_all_memory_zero(ptr)) zero_memory(ptr);

Right, unfortunately the compiler might be insightful enough just to 
optimize that whole thing to skip() -- Dijkstra's null statement.

Even Welschenbach calls "ispurged" immediately after "purgevars" to make 
sure the memory is actually zero.  The ispurged routine is also defined 
using va_list, and if you turn on assertion checking it dies if the memory 
is nonzero.

The problem is you NEVER KNOW if the compiler is just being clever and 
optimizing the assertion away, e.g.:

sensitive = 0;
if (sensitive) abort();

The compiler will simply "know" to optimize this whole thing to skip().

However, it is highly unlikely the compiler will be able to see through 
va_list manipulations.  This problem is a real bear.  I guess you just have 
to check the assembler output, eh?

-- Patrick

Re: Aussies to censor web

2002-11-08 Thread Morlock Elloi
> A police ministers meeting in Darwin this week
> agreed it was "unacceptable websites advocating or facilitating violent
> action be accessible from  Australia".

This is just a CIA psyop to make US look good. USA and China.

(of original message)

Y-a*h*o-o (yes, they scan for this) spam follows:
U2 on LAUNCH - Exclusive greatest hits videos

Volksfront rising.The new fascist international.

2002-11-08 Thread Matthew X
The fascist international is alive and well(funded)...
Bespectacled, mild, polite: the new face of white supremacy?
By Rachel Swarns in Pretoria
November 9 2002

The burly white man strolled into court, flanked by nearly a dozen black 
police officers carrying rifles. The prisoner, polite and mild mannered, 
wore a checked shirt and wire-rimmed glasses.

But authorities say Thomas Vorster is one of South Africa's most wanted 
criminals - one of 18 Afrikaner extremists accused of plotting to overthrow 
the government.

Vorster, who was charged with treason this week, is believed to be a leader 
of a shadowy racist group called the Boeremag, or Boer Force.

Police say that he and his co-conspirators - including three white army 
officers - hoped to restore white rule in South Africa by seizing military 
bases, freeing jailed apartheid-era killers and chasing blacks out of the 

His arrest on Monday came six days after a black woman was killed in a 
bombing in Soweto that officials say was the first co-ordinated attack by 
white separatists since apartheid ended in 1994.

The police have not yet linked the Soweto bombings to the Boeremag, but 
they say the two plots clearly reflect a resurgence of white extremism.

Some white conservatives are hailing Vorster and the bombers as heroes who 
are simply trying to restore dignity and power to an Afrikaner community 
demoralised by affirmative action, crime and its own dwindling political 
clout, and still nurturing dreams of an independent Afrikaner state.

"They're freedom fighters," said Fred Rundle, of the Afrikaner Volksfront, 
a white separatist alliance.

"We don't want the whole of South Africa. We only want some piece of ground."

The political parties that represent most of the whites - the Democratic 
Alliance, the New National Party and the Freedom Front - condemn the bombings.

The Defence Minister, Mosiuoa Lekota, has emphasised that most white South 
Africans are loyal citizens.

In the 1994 attack, white separatists set off bombs in the hopes of 
stopping the country's first democratic elections. In the end, though, many 
white politicians accepted the election of Nelson Mandela as South Africa's 
first black president.

Hundreds of white farmers have been killed by blacks in recent years. The 
police say the killings are random, but many Afrikaners view them as part 
of a conspiracy to wipe out their community.


The controversial group known as the Blackshirts make their official debut 
in South Australia this weekend, in an effort to win support for their 
campaign for so-called family values and criticism of the Family Court. The 
group are best known for their black clothing, including masks, and their 
habit of protesting outside the homes of people they believe have breached 
community values on subjects such as paedophilia, adultery and fidelity. 
Blackshirts founder John Abbott spoke with Matt Abraham and David Bevan 
this morning and outlined how the group planned to win support in South 


Headless horseman of censorship.

2002-11-08 Thread Matthew X
TV tale of fight against Zionism angers Israelis
By David Lamb
November 9 2002
The holy month of Ramadan brings with it not only prayer and abstinence but 
the largest television audiences of the year as families break the daily 
fast with bountiful evening meals that last for hours and are eaten in 
front of TV sets.
Egypt's eight channels increase their advertising rates during Ramadan and 
vie for viewers by broadcasting soap operas and often-controversial series.
This year the controversy has gone international, with censors allowing the 
broadcast of Horseman Without a Horse, about an Egyptian journalist 
struggling against British imperialism and Zionism. The series, set in the 
Middle East between 1885 and the end of World War II, is billed as a 
historical drama, telling the story of Palestine from the middle of the 
19th century until 1948, when the state of Israel was founded.
"The series presents historical facts commenting on the beginning of 
Zionism," its director, Ahmad Badr Eddin, said.
Israel has expressed outrage at the serial, which is at least in part based 
on the notorious The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, which purports to 
reveal a Jewish plot to rule the world, recognised almost universally as an 
anti-Semitic fraud.

@media print {.nopr {display:none}}
Raanan Gissin, a spokesman for the Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, 
said: "As long as such vilifying lies continue to be propagated officially, 
there will be an impediment to peace. They are teaching a new generation to 
hate Jews."
The United States asked the Egyptian Government to scrap the 41-part 
series, saying it promoted hatred and would work against peace in the 
Middle East.
Egypt defended the series on the grounds of freedom of artistic expression. 
President Hosni Mubarak's spokesman, Nabil Osman, said it was immature and 
unintelligent to prejudge a work of art. The series did deal with the 
Zionist movement and the plight of the Palestinians, he said, but did not 
promote anti-Semitic or religious hatred and was not based on "the 
so-called Protocols".
"It is neither acceptable nor reasonable to selectively heap accusations of 
anti-Semitism on artists simply because they sympathise with the plight of 
the Palestinian people and thus are critical of Israeli policies and 
practices," he said.
Abdel Moneim Said, head of the Al Ahram Centre for Strategic and Political 
Studies, said in the Cairo Times that Arabs did not regard the series as 
"They see it as anti-Israeli. The whole Israel-Palestinian situation is 
distorting everything in the region."
Insane Jewish terrorist exposed in OZ...armed and dangerous.

There are terrorists and their supporters in OZ
by pr again 4:52am Sat Nov 9 '02

Apart from Joeseph (no)Gutnick and his money laundering mates there is this 
sick son of a bitch,WARNING...he is armed and extremely dangerous.Do NOT 

Gun ban for 'Hitler's son'
By Keith Moor

A TERRORIST group supporter who claims to be Adolf Hitler's illegitimate 
son has refused to give Victoria Police his weapons.

Michael O'Hara has vowed to continue the work of the assassinated leader of 
the Jewish extremist Kach group, which the US has listed as a terrorist 
O'Hara also runs an Australian website, which encourages Jews to kill Muslims.

He is armed and has ignored repeated demands by Victoria Police to hand 
over his unlicensed semi-automatic weapons.

O'Hara uses his Australian Jewish Defence League website to support fellow 
JDL leaders Irv Rubin and Earl Krugel, who are in jail in the US awaiting 
trial on terrorism charges.
The former Melbourne teacher and Frankston North swimming school operator's 
website calls the alleged terrorists "our glorious fighting brothers".
O'Hara's website also claims the Australian JDL will continue the legacy of 
the late Rabbi Meir Kahane, whose Kach group has been on the US State 
Department's list of foreign terrorist organisations since 1997.
Victoria Police is concerned enough about O'Hara to have spent the past 
three years investigating his activities. It has amassed a massive 
intelligence file on him.
ASIO is also believed to be taking an interest in O'Hara and is monitoring 
both him and his extremist organisation.
O'Hara was yesterday convicted over his attempts to raise $5 million by 
selling two guns he claims were owned by Hitler, one of which was 
supposedly used by the dictator to kill himself in 1945.
Using the name Zeev Gideon Korwan, O'Hara is the Australian head of the 
militant JDL.
JDL chairman Irv Rubin and prominent JDL member Earl Krugel were arrested 
by the FBI in December last year.
The FBI alleges that they were plotting to blow up the main mosque in Los 
Angeles and the office of an Arab American congressman.
O'Hara is listed on the JDL Australia website as JDL's international head 
of intelligence.

He uses the Australi


2002-11-08 Thread jzy


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Jiang Zemin agree's with Mongo.

2002-11-08 Thread Matthew X
>>>...Speaking in front of a hammer-and-sickle emblem in the Great Hall of 
the People, China's supreme leader yesterday told his communist comrades 
they had to respect property rights and investment income...<<<
China rolls out red carpet for capitalists
By Hamish McDonald, Herald Correspondent in Beijing
November 9 2002
Chinese leaders and delegates listen to the national anthem at the start of 
the congress yesterday.
Speaking in front of a hammer-and-sickle emblem in the Great Hall of the 
People, China's supreme leader yesterday told his communist comrades they 
had to respect property rights and investment income.
In a two-hour speech at the Chinese Communist Party's congress, held only 
every five years, the national president and party general secretary, Jiang 
Zemin, pointed to a future where private rights were guaranteed by law, and 
a vibrant business sector flourished alongside continuing communist rule 
and state-sector dominance. Mr Jiang, 76, who is expected to hand over his 
party job to a younger official during the congress, spelled out his vision 
in a report of which the less-than-handy title - "Build a well-off society 
in an all-round way and create a new situation in building socialism with 
Chinese characteristics' - reflects the growing conflicts and ironies of 
communist rule in a booming economy led by market activity.
The 2134 delegates, mostly wearing Western-style business suits with a 
sprinkling of military uniforms, listened intently as Mr Jiang urged them 
to "blaze new trails" in extending Marxism as the speech was broadcast live 
on all channels of Chinese state television. This party congress has been 
hyped to unprecedented levels by propaganda agencies. As well as countless 
red flags, the central Tiananmen Square outside the congress venue has been 
decorated with transplanted palm trees, electrically heated against 
temperatures now slipping below freezing at night.
Security has been just as tight, but one note of dissent in Beijing has 
been an open letter circulated this week by intellectual Lin Mu - a former 
secretary to the late party general secretary Hu Yaobang, who was purged 
for his liberal tendencies. Mr Lin called on the party congress to reassess 
the Tiananmen incident, rehabilitate the ideas of Hu Yaobang and his purged 
successor Zhao Ziyang, allow Chinese exiles to freely enter and leave the 
country and begin studies on how to shift to electoral democracy.
The congress is unlikely to take up the suggestion. Mr Jiang has ruled 
China for 13 years with an iron grip since the 1989 massacre of 
pro-democracy demonstrators gathered on Tiananmen, and his apparent 
political swan song was more notable for policy departures in the economic 
sphere than in political freedoms.
He said all investors at home or from overseas should be encouraged to 
carry out business activities to develop China, and all legitimate income, 
from work or not, should be protected. "It is improper to judge whether 
people are politically progressive or backward simply by whether they own 
property or how much property they own, but rather, we should judge them 
mainly by their political awareness, state of mind and performance," Mr 
Jiang said. Even private businessmen were building socialism "with Chinese 
characteristics", he said.MORE ON...

Proffr sentenced to 74 lashes.

2002-11-08 Thread Matthew X
Iran's hardline judiciary has sentenced an outspoken activist for reform to 
death, eight years in jail, 74 lashes and a 10-year ban from teaching, the 
Iranian Student News Agency reports.
Hashem Aghajeri, a university professor and a close ally of President 
Mohammad Khatami, was charged with insulting the Prophet Muhammad in a 
speech in August in which he said that Muslims should not follow religious 
leaders "blindly".
Aghajeri lost a leg in the Iran-Iraq war, but his criticisms of the system 
made him a target of hardliners.
His sentence is the harshest a court has issued for a reform politician in 
recent years.
Iran's judiciary has jailed dozens of reform activists, but none has been 
given a death sentence in recent years.
Slow hanging and now this could soon turn Iran into a trendy stop off for 
the S+M,B+D crowd. "We can do this the easy way or the hard way..."
"OOh! The ROUGH way!
Aghajeri, one of the country's most outspoken activists, had criticised 
Iran's leadership and called for the separation of state and religion.
He should have known that,THAT wouldn't fly...even in the Great 
Satan,ESPECIALLY in the Great Satan.
He was a member of the left-wing Organisation of Mujahideen of the Islamic 
Revolution.(note use of the operating word,'was'.)
He was jailed in Hamedan shortly after his speech and had to undergo 
surgery in prison, after his amputated leg became infected. Family members 
have said that his condition in prison is poor.Wardens say they will try to 
avoid flogging the infected limb as they have no desire to pass on blood 
borne infections like their neighbor Saddam.
Another reformist, Abbas Abdi, was arrested this week on charges of 
conducting illegal polls for other countries.This is seen as an encouraging 
trend to head off,government by opinion poll and,indeed,the unscrupulous 
practises known as 'push-polling,' such as the last two US elections.

ADULT ADV: Watch me and Amanda on our Web Cam

2002-11-08 Thread Rachel
Title: Xxxtasy Mail


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Women: Have The Best Sex Ever

2002-11-08 Thread yourhealth
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Curt Saxon of Corralito's,fire up your chainsaw!

2002-11-08 Thread Matthew X
Tim May used to reckon creeps like this could be evicted from the holy 
capitalists property,(or even governments,for that matter,private property 
is sacred to the free market anarchist.Still an anarcho-capitalist Mongo?

Worker control breathes life into ailing factories
November 9 2002
The Union and Force metallurgical plant is flourishing under workers' 
control. Photo: Reed Lindsay
Reed Lindsay reports from Buenos Aires on a rare - and controversial - 
success story amid the ruins of Argentina's economy.
For nearly a year, the workers at the Grissinopoli bread stick factory saw 
their weekly salary steadily decline from 150 pesos to 100 and then to 40.
Finally, on June 3, with the firm headed for bankruptcy, the workers 
demanded recompense. The plant manager offered 10 pesos to each of the 14 
employees, and asked them to leave the factory. They didn't budge.
"He closed the shutters, and we stayed inside," said Norma Pintos, 49, who 
has worked at the factory, in the middle-class Chacarita neighbourhood, for 
11 years. "We just wanted to keep coming to work."
But what began as a last-ditch effort to save their jobs, or at the very 
least to receive some back wages, turned into a dogged effort to gain 
control of the factory.
The workers began taking turns guarding the factory 24 hours a day, 
surviving by asking for spare change at the public university and selling 
empanadas, chorizos and home-made bread on the street.
Four months later, the city legislature expropriated the factory and handed 
it over to the workers. In October, Grissinopoli began producing bread 
sticks again.

In little more than a year, workers have seized control of scores of 
foundering factories across Argentina.

Even more remarkable than the takeovers has been the worker-led 
resuscitation of the factories, which in some cases are doing better than 
under their previous ownerships.
Apart from saving thousands of jobs and softening the precipitous decline 
of the nation's once formidable industrial production, the factory 
takeovers are defying hard-and-fast notions about the relationship between 
capital and labour.
They have also begun to alarm conservatives, who view them as a threatening 
private property rights. But in this crisis-laden nation of 37million, 
where more than half the population is below the poverty line and 34per 
cent of the workforce is unemployed or underemployed, the workers have won 
government sanction and strong public support.
As darkness descends over the murky Riachuelo River that marks Buenos 
Aires' southern boundary, the nearby Ghelco ice-cream factory still hums 
with activity. Men in green uniforms mop floors while others sort papers in 
the front office.
In February, the owners of the factory, once the nation's leading maker of 
the flavoured powder used in making ice-cream, locked the doors and soon 
afterwards filed for bankruptcy. The workers, who were owed the equivalent 
of thousands of dollars in back wages and benefits, were left to fend for 
themselves as they awaited the outcome of a long and uncertain legal process.
At the urging of Luis Caro, a lawyer who has represented some 40 occupied 
factories, the workers formed a co-operative and mounted a permanent 
protest in front of the factory, preventing attempts to remove any 
equipment or inventory.
After three months the bankruptcy judge allowed them temporarily to rent 
the factory. In September, the Buenos Aires legislature expropriated Ghelco 
- the first seizure of its kind in the city - and handed the keys to the 

Now 43 of Ghelco's former employees, all of whom worked on the factory 
floor, run the company.

While they say they enjoy working for themselves, bringing the company back 
to life has not been easy. Many are working 12-hour days as they juggle new 
managerial or administrative duties with their former production posts.
"Before, when it was time to leave, we were out the door ... now, it's nine 
at night and we're still here," said Claudia Pea, who labels containers and 
cleans the bathrooms when she is not greeting customers and clients as a 
Across the Riachuelo in the province of Buenos Aires, business is booming 
for the 54 members of the Union and Force Co-operative, who occupied a 
metallurgical plant for six months before securing legal control through an 
expropriation last year.
The workers are earning more than twice as much as they did as employees 
and are set to take on 20 new members, almost all of them sons of current 
workers. With demand high for their copper and brass pipes and taps, they 
are expanding the plant and have plans to export their products.

The workers are as surprised as anyone else at the factory's success.

"The fellows still think this is all a dream," said the co-operative's 
president, Roberto Salcedo, 49. "Nowadays if you lose your job you know 
that you aren't going to find work again, and


2002-11-08 Thread sxjhn
Title: new page 2



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Re: Did you *really* zeroize that key?

2002-11-08 Thread Vincent Penquerc'h
On Thu, Nov 07, 2002 at 07:36:41PM -0500, Patrick Chkoreff wrote:
> Everybody probably also knows about the gnupg trick, where they define a 
> recursive routine called "burn_stack":
> Then there's the vararg technique discussed in Michael Welschenbach's book 
> "Cryptography in C and C++":

How about a simple alloca/memset ? Though it would possibly be more
subject to `optimizations'.

Vincent Penquerc'h

Aussies to censor web

2002-11-08 Thread Major Variola (ret)
 Ellison to pull plug on protest websites
 Sean Parnell and Matthew Fynes-Clinton

 THE Federal Government plans to stop Australians
gaining access to
 websites used to organise protests.

 The move is part of a major crackdown on
Internet-assisted crime.

 Justice Minister Chris Ellison, acting on a request
from NSW Police Minister
 Michael Costa, will look at upgrading federal
powers to block certain

 A police ministers meeting in Darwin this week
agreed it was "unacceptable
 websites advocating or facilitating violent protest
action be accessible from


One for your CATO mates

2002-11-08 Thread Matthew X
Tobacco giant fined

CIGARETTE giant Philip Morris was yesterday fined over advertising tactics 
exposed by the Herald Sun.

The Herald Sun revealed in December 2000 that Philip Morris was behind an 
Internet company set up to run fashion parades and rave parties aimed at 
teen girls.
There was no indication on the Wavesnet website that Philip Morris owned 
the Wavesnet trademark.
The Herald Sun revealed visitors to the Wavesnet website were enticed with 
free offers to attend Wavesnet events.
Philip Morris products were on display and for sale at these events and 
were promoted by scantily clad Alpine girls.
A number of sponsors withdrew their support for Wavesnet fashion parades 
after learning from the Herald Sun that Philip Morris was a secret co-sponsor.
Health authorities in New South Wales, alerted by the Herald Sun report, 
attended Wavesnet's next NSW event, the Fashion Future Design Awards.
They later charged Philip Morris and Wavesnet and the companies have 
recently pleaded guilty to illegally advertising a tobacco product.
NSW Central Local Court Magistrate John Andrews yesterday fined Philip 
Morris $9000 and ordered it to pay costs of $42,000.
Wavesnet, a company Mr Andrews described as an associated entity, was fined 
$15,000 and ordered to pay costs of $28,000.
Mr Andrews said the tobacco advertising at the fashion event was aimed at 
young women.
"Philip Morris developed the event as a means of advertising its product 
amongst young women so as to increase cigarette consumption amongst that 
group," he said.
"One of the major reasons, if not the primary reason, for the staging of 
the fashion event was to advertise Alpine cigarettes."
NSW Health Minister Craig Knowles said it was the first time a tobacco 
company had been taken to task over "subliminal" advertising in NSW.
He vowed to consider tougher penalties, saying the size of yesterday's 
fines would mean little financially to large multi-national companies.
Quit executive director Todd Harper said the Wavesnet events were an 
insidious attempt by Philip Morris to lure young people, and particularly 
young women, into smoking.
"What this shows is that the tobacco industry will continue to look at ways 
of getting around the legislation," he said.
"We have made really good progress since Wavesnet was exposed in Victoria, 
with the State Government introducing legislation preventing this type of 
surreptitious advertising.
"But we need to be ever vigilant."
Philip Morris communications manager Colin Lippiatt said the company 
regretted the incident.

Re: Did you *really* zeroize that key?

2002-11-08 Thread Vincent Penquerc'h
On Fri, Nov 08, 2002 at 08:35:06AM -0500, Patrick Chkoreff wrote:
> That's an interesting idea.  You'd take the pointer returned by alloca and 
> pass it to memset.  How could the optimizer possibly know that the pointer 

With GCC, it's a builtin, so it will know.

> I was thinking the only way to really stymie the optimizer might be to have 
> the program flow depend on something read from a file!  You could have a 
> file with a single 0 word in it.  At the beginning of your program, just 
> one time, you say this:

I'm afraid optimizations could remove this too. The point, if I understand
it correctly, is that operations on memory have, from the compiler's POV,
a zero lifetime, since the block is freed just afterwards. So, whether you
write zero or anything else there, this write can be discarded, since it's
not used afterwards. Dead write, kind of.
However, a compiler could not remove the file read, but it could merely not
copy the data to your buffer, if the libc fread you use happens to pre-read
into an internal buffer. The read would be done, but the data not forwarded
to the buffer you gave. Hence, no overwrite of the key.

while (!is_all_memory_zero(ptr)) zero_memory(ptr);

This reads the memory afterwards, so compilers might be less careless in
removing this code. Sophisticated code flow analysis would still see that
nopthing depends on this code, and still remove it.
I'm thinking the best way to do this portably is to *not* free the key data.
Just zero it, and leave it alone. As a global variable, maybe. That way,
its lifetime is infinite (except for purists :)) and the compiler has to
zero it.

Vincent Penquerc'h

DoCoMo Hari-Kari.

2002-11-08 Thread Matthew X
NTT DoCoMo Inc expects to have only 320,000 subscribers for its 3G services 
by the end of its current financial year, and has abandoned its original 
optimistic forecasts that it would have 1,380,000 users by that date.
The downgrading of targets by the Tokyo, Japan-based mobile carrier will 
add to the alarm of its counterparts in Europe, which are delaying their 
roll-outs of 3G technology because of fears that the initial returns will 
not justify the huge investment.
For DoCoMo the humiliation is even worse because while its 3G launch has 
had a shaky start, its closest rival KDDI Corp, which opted for Qualcomm 
Inc's rival CDMA2000 technology, is about to reveal figures showing a 
strong appetite for 3G technology.
DoCoMo had already prepared the market for poor figures by revealing that 
it planned to write off JPY 573bn ($4.7bn) on overseas assets such as AT&T 
Wireless and Hutchison 3G and KPN Mobile NV in Europe.
In the first half to September 30, net income was JPY 4.17bn ($34.2m), down 
from income of JPY 89.2bn ($732.1m) on revenue up 1.9% at JPY 2.38 trillion 
($19.5bn). For the second half, the company said it is looking for net 
income of JPY 182bn ($1.4bn) down from the forecast it issued in May of JPY 
511bn ($4.2bn).
But while executives in Europe and the US tend not to regard a market 
downturn as a reason to cut their own income, DoCoMo president Keiji 
Tachikawa said that he and other top executives will take 20% salary cuts 
in the second half of the year.
Bubble,muddle,feature bloat and trouble...meantime in OZ...
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[±¤°í/Á¤º¸]Ä«µå&´ëÃâ Á¤º¸¸¸¶¥^-^(½ÅÁ¤º¸Ãß°¡)

2002-11-08 Thread À¯¿µ¼ö
Title: Moneysale
















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2002-11-08 Thread johnt5

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And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a BOW; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.

2002-11-08 Thread Matthew X
Loopy bible code...smoke large spliff before decodibg bliss...
Karl Marx, the human and "visible" author of communism, working for his 
master Satan, claimed that he had been given a sword by Satan and he would 
drag God down from heaven and defeat Him with it. Rev. 6 v 4 - the second 
horseman on a red horse was given a great sword. RED is Satan's colour 
(Rev. 12 v 3 & 9).
make war against the Two Witnesses for 70 years, all over the planet and 
will, soon, also, exactly as prophesied, overcome and KILL the Two Witnesses
The third horseman of the Apocalypse rode a black horse. "And I beheld, and 
lo a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances 
(weighing-scales) in his hand."
Mmm,color coded,its becoming clearererer.

The Resistance.

2002-11-08 Thread Matthew X
Wayne Madsen calls for broad based resistance and my reply.

Also OZ crap media reports no less than FOUR 'terrorist related' incidents 
in flights.
Three in Qld and one in NSW.No actual weapons or explosives found yet as 
far as I know.Just a bunch of terrorist wannabee's.Maybe the 
(disorganized)resistance started a while back.FOUR in the last week,could 
be ground rage,could be a new wave of TERROR in the SKY's!

Top Britblog, Links?

2002-11-08 Thread Matthew X
Can Zac save the planet?
Profile of Zac Goldsmith, 'golden boy of British environmentalism and 
anti-capitalism' and 'son of the billionaire financier Sir James Goldsmith' 
( Guardian )
See also this interview with Goldsmith from August, this Reuters article 
from last week, the FARM website, and the Ecologist website

Bunker-busters set to go nuclear
Article about the US Government's ongoing development of battlefield 
nuclear weapons ( New Scientist )
See also this Nuclear Watch factsheet (PDF) from July, and this FAS report 
from last year
6 November 2002 ]

AAAS Board Resolution on Intelligent Design Theory
Resolution from the world's largest general scientific organisation, urging 
US policymakers to oppose the teaching of "Intelligent Design Theory" (a 
pseudo-scientific version of creationism) in science classes
( AAAS )
See also this press release, and this article by Bill Berkowitz from last month

Greg Palast Exposes the Continued Suppression of Florida's Black Vote in 
Election 2002
Interview with investigative journalist Greg Palast - 'The issue is not 
Democrats versus Republicans, it is white officials suppressing the Black 
vote - a bi-partisan effort. Jim Crow is alive and jumping in America once 
again - but now taking on a sneaky form ... through manipulation of voting 
machines. The New Knight Riders don't have sheets, they have laptops and 
Harvard law degrees.' ( BuzzFlash )
See also this Independent article, and this blog entry from Friday
For more on electronic voting and electoral manipulation, see also this 
article by Lynn Landes from September, and Rebecca Mercuri's website

How the world sees Americans
Interview with journalist Mark Hertsgaard, who has written a book on 
perceptions of the US in the rest of the world - 'I was surprised that 
people were really able - and I heard this repeatedly - to distinguish 
between America and Americans. There's America in the sense of the official 
government and the military. That official face of America in the world is 
not very well liked. And then there's Americans - the people of the 
country, the ideals of the country, our popular culture. It was quite a 
sophisticated view, I thought, considering that they are very far away. 
Yes, America is in their face all the time, but the part of America that is 
in their face is that official part. They were able to still say, but you 
know, we love Americans and we love what you stand for. I heard that over 
and over again from all different walks of life and all different parts of 
the world' ( Salon )
See also this commentary by Hertsgaard from September.LINKS?

RE: Did you *really* zeroize that key?

2002-11-08 Thread Peter Gutmann
"James A. Donald" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>If the optimizer ever optimizes away a write to volatile
>memory, device drivers will fail.  Most device drivers are
>written in C.  If anyone ever produces a C compiler in which
>"volatile" does not do what we want, not only are they out of
>spec, but smoke will start coming out of hardware when the
>device drivers are recompiled.

The people who assume that any compiler which compiles their code gets
an obscure feature like volatile exactly as per the spec are probably the
same ones who assume that fixed-size buffers will never be exceeded.

It's my job to be paranoid.  I will assume that an arbitrary compiler 
gets a while() loop right (it'd be obvious if it didn't), but I won't 
gamble my crypto keys over assumptions about the correct handling of 
volatile in all compilers.  Specifically, I want to keep crypto keys
secure in the real world, and the real world may have compilers which
optimise away references to volatile storage, whether the spec says
so or not.


Re: Did you *really* zeroize that key?

2002-11-08 Thread Patrick Chkoreff
At 02:22 PM 11/8/2002 +, Vincent Penquerc'h wrote:

On Fri, Nov 08, 2002 at 08:35:06AM -0500, Patrick Chkoreff wrote:
> That's an interesting idea.  You'd take the pointer returned by alloca and
> pass it to memset.  How could the optimizer possibly know that the pointer

With GCC, it's a builtin, so it will know.


> I was thinking the only way to really stymie the optimizer might be to 
> the program flow depend on something read from a file!  You could have a
> file with a single 0 word in it.  At the beginning of your program, just
> one time, you say this:

I'm afraid optimizations could remove this too. The point, if I understand
it correctly, is that operations on memory have, from the compiler's POV,
a zero lifetime, since the block is freed just afterwards. So, whether you
write zero or anything else there, this write can be discarded, since it's
not used afterwards. Dead write, kind of.

You got me thinking again, and I think you're right.  Allow me to simulate 
the optimizer's "thinking."

Here's the original code:

  if (!fool_opt) sensitive = 0;
  if (!sensitive) die_horribly_because_this_should_never_happen();

Here is a logical equivalent:

  if (fool_opt) {
if (!sensitive) die_horribly_because_this_should_never_happen();
  } else {
sensitive = 0;
if (!sensitive) die_horribly_because_this_should_never_happen();

Now the compiler can optimize the else case as follows:

  if (fool_opt) {
if (!sensitive) die_horribly_because_this_should_never_happen();
  } else {

This is logically equivalent to:

  if (!fool_opt || !sensitive) 

So you're correct, the compiler can view the "sensitive = 0" statement as a 
"dead write" as you say.

DOH!!!  :-o

So it sounds like Welschenbach's var-arg trick is still the best bet at 
this point for a "portable" zeroize technique.

-- Patrick

Re: Did you *really* zeroize that key?

2002-11-08 Thread Patrick Chkoreff
At 10:20 AM 11/8/2002 +, Vincent Penquerc'h wrote:

On Thu, Nov 07, 2002 at 07:36:41PM -0500, Patrick Chkoreff wrote:
> Everybody probably also knows about the gnupg trick, where they define a
> recursive routine called "burn_stack":
> Then there's the vararg technique discussed in Michael Welschenbach's book
> "Cryptography in C and C++":

How about a simple alloca/memset ? Though it would possibly be more
subject to `optimizations'.
Vincent Penquerc'h

That's an interesting idea.  You'd take the pointer returned by alloca and 
pass it to memset.  How could the optimizer possibly know that the pointer 
pointed right into the stack frame?  For all the compiler knew, the pointer 
might point to some device block somewhere, so the compiler would not dare 
remove the memset.  UNLESS the compiler knew about alloca and by data flow 
analysis could establish that the pointer still pointed to the stack frame 
at the time of the memset.  So yeah, it might indeed be subject to 

I was thinking the only way to really stymie the optimizer might be to have 
the program flow depend on something read from a file!  You could have a 
file with a single 0 word in it.  At the beginning of your program, just 
one time, you say this:

unsigned int fool_opt;
FILE *fp = fopen();
fread(&fool_opt,sizeof(unsigned int),1,fp);

The compiler has no idea there's a zero in fool_opt.

Now when you want to zero-out a variable, you'd say something like this:

unsigned int sensitive;
sensitive = result_of_bizarre_encryption();

/* Now let's zero out the sensitive variable. */

if (!fool_opt) sensitive = 0;
if (!sensitive) die_horribly_because_this_should_never_happen();

The "die horribly" routine would do something like this:


I guarantee you, there is no way on earth an optimizer can get past that one!!

-- Patrick

Re: Did you *really* zeroize that key?

2002-11-08 Thread Peter Gutmann
David Honig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>Wouldn't a crypto coder be using paranoid-programming skills, like 
>*checking* that the memory is actually zeroed? (Ie, read it back..)
>I suppose that caching could still deceive you though?

You can't, in general, assume the compiler won't optimise this away
(it's just been zeroised, there's no need to check for zero).  You 
could make it volatile *and* do the check, which should be safe from 
being optimised.

It's worth reading the full thread on vuln-dev, which starts at
This discusses lots of fool-the-compiler tricks, along with rebuttals
on why they could fail.


Our Liberty is not negotiable.

2002-11-08 Thread Matthew X
Feds plan to ban internet free speech

With the ASIO bill set for a second reading in parliament, and similar 
legislation being enacted world-wide, the Australian government are now 
setting their sights on internet free-speech.
In particular the Federal Government plans to stop access to websites used 
to organise protests, putting legitimate democratic protest at risk and 
aligning it with criminal activity, calling it a 'crackdown' on internet 
assisted crime.
Justice Minister Chris Ellison, acting on a request from NSW Police 
Minister Michael Costa, will look at upgrading federal powers to block 
certain websites. Last week Costa failed in a bid to have Indymedia and WTO 
protest-related sites shut down by the Australian Broadcasting Authority. 
[read story here]
A police ministers meeting in Darwin this week declared "unacceptable 
websites advocating or facilitating violent protest action be accessible 
from Australia". Police ministers and Ellison are also calling for the 
criminalisation of defamation in Queensland, putting a fine line between 
political satire and a prision sentence of up to 5 years.
Meanwhile police violence against protestors appears to be escalating, with 
a number of cases of unjsutified force and arrest coming to light over the 
Highgate Hill Gully protests and the Narangba Nuclear Food Irradiation plant.
Recent calls to ban flag-burning are also part of what appears to be a 
systematic effort to suppress political criticism in Australia.
The protest movement is beginning to feel the effects of state suppression, 
something which has been a daily occurrance to indigenous people since 
invasion day.[read articles on on the infringement of indigenous people's 
civil liberties here]
See also:
Our Liberty is Not Negotiable

[ Queensland Council for Civil Liberties | Cyber-Rights | More articles on 
civil liberties here ]

Howdy 7964AqyP0-067rnuA4815yQJf0-11-27

2002-11-08 Thread sbn40
No more of the lonely nights staying at home. MyPhotoPersonal.com only includes 100% 
verified members with photos. Everyone is required to submit ID.
Meet real women.
No more games

Work in regress.

2002-11-08 Thread Matthew X
An attack on the environment requires a measured response;this is one response.
In profound respect for our shared environment we meet this challenge thus.
To unlock the potential of virtual systems and to improve the quality of 
free life.Computer communication is often clearest between equals.Our 
architecture is designed to ensure true freedom of completely secure 
communications.Nobody controls cryptoanarchy,not even its creators, meaning 
that the system is not vulnerable to manipulation or shutdown.You know that 
makes sense.
Cryptoanarchy applies the latest technology to public subscription 
assassination so that we can value add and leverage by nickle and diming 
wealthy tyrants and warlords.This is just one of the profoundly simple 
emergent behaviors possible.
Keeping important shared information in constant remailer motion that is 
only available by community consensus is another.
Using accountability technology to create cryptoanarchy need not be 
expensive,and it need not be dangerous;it can never fall into the wrong hands.
As a leading edge phenomenon,as a concrete reality. and as a spontaneous 
swarm with unique and extraordinary opportunities, what we create together 
not only advances our project, but advances the battle to end global hunger 
as well.
To make the world a better place by applying advancements in research and 
technology to distributed anarchism,unbreakable quantum encryption and 
assassination politics.
Our most valuable assets are ourselves and our virtual environment.
Responsible corporate and governmental destruction delivers value for 
everyone.Anarchism is the key to peaceful,sustainable global growth and 
real open source direct democracy.
Cryptoanarchy is also efficient in how it deals with rare information, 
adaptively replicating content in response to demand.
In an innovative networked environment that empowers and forks great ideas 
like diabolical liberties,illegality and fratboy eternity.
In The identification and elimination of threats in real time.
"I'd buy that for a dollar!"
In the creativity to see targets, the freedom to develop large enough pools 
and the capacity to predict responsibly and soberly.
In integrity and responsiveness in all our encrypted interactions.
These and many other revolutionary developments are just the beginning of 
the free network of what's to Come.With cryptoanarchy, we use technology to 
unlock the potential of all the wildnets. In doing so, we are true to our 
mission and our responsibility to improve the quality of life for every 
living breathing being on our planet.Don't be thunderstruck when your child 
suddenly say's,"What did you do in the  big world revolution,mummy and daddy?
Seize the day!
They may kill the transient node,but they will never kill the network.

Lawsuit-I'm famous!!! (fwd)

2002-11-08 Thread Alif The Terrible

Interesting background to the below lawsuit: the plaintiff in question is
about as straight as you can possibly be while still breathing :-)   No drugs
*at all*.  He's not even into the legal drugs!  Nevertheless, he's a long
time GoodGuy, and this is just another example.

Thanks CR!

J.A. Terranson

If Governments really want us to behave like civilized human beings, they
should give serious consideration towards setting a better example:
Ruling by force, rather than consensus; the unrestrained application of
unjust laws (which the victim-populations were never allowed input on in
the first place); the State policy of justice only for the rich and 
elected; the intentional abuse and occassionally destruction of entire
populations merely to distract an already apathetic and numb electorate...
This type of demogoguery must surely wipe out the fascist United States
as surely as it wiped out the fascist Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

The views expressed here are mine, and NOT those of my employers,
associates, or others.  Besides, if it *were* the opinion of all of
those people, I doubt there would be a problem to bitch about in the
first place...

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Thu, 7 Nov 2002 22:45:51 EST
To: undisclosed-recipients:  ;
Subject: Lawsuit-I'm famous!!!

Text of Article 78 lawsuit filed against Division regarding drug testing 
By: Board of Directors, Date: 2002-10-29 
TROOPERS, INC., on behalf of its Members, 
For a Judgment Pursuant to Article 78 of the Civil Practice Law and Rules 
- against – 
of the New York State Division of State Police, 
Petitioners/plaintiffs, by their attorneys, Gleason, Dunn, Walsh & O'Shea, 
and for their Verified Petition/Complaint, respectfully allege upon 
information and belief: 
1. This is a combined Article 78 proceeding and declaratory judgment action 
challenging the legality of certain policies and procedures (denominated 
"regulations") recently adopted and implemented by the respondents 
prohibiting sworn Members of the Division of State Police ("Division") from 
the otherwise legal use of lawful, commercially available products and 
substances, including foods, cosmetics and health care products that contain 
the derivatives or active ingredients of any illegal drug. Such legal and 
widely available commercial products include rolls, bagels and bakery 
products containing poppy seeds and over-the-counter pain medications and 
cold medicines as well as other products. 
2. This proceeding/action also challenges that aspect of the Division's 
regulations which provide that the ingestion or use of these otherwise legal, 
consumer products is no defense to a positive drug test. That aspect of the 
regulation unilaterally deprives Members of the Division of a legitimate and 
valid defense to disciplinary charges alleging the use of illegal drugs. As 
such, the regulation improperly affects and limits their ability to protect 
their property rights in their jobs. 
3. Petitioners/plaintiffs assert that this regulation is inconsistent with 
and violative of New York Labor Law §201-d and the New York State and United 
States Constitutions. 
4. Petitioner/plaintiff The Police Benevolent Association of the New York 
State Troopers, Inc. ("PBA"), is the certified and recognized employee 
organization which represents the bargaining unit consisting of all Troopers 
of the Division of State Police and the bargaining unit consisting of all 
commissioned and non-commissioned officers of the Division of State Police. 
5. Petitioner/plaintiff, Daniel M. DeFedericis, is the President of the PBA. 
President DeFedericis is currently on leave from his employment with the 
Division, but upon returning from his leave will be subject to the challenged 
6. Petitioner/plaintiff, Don Postles, is the Vice President of the PBA. Vice 
President Postles is currently on leave from his employment with the 
Division, but upon returning from his leave will be subject to the challenged 
7. Petitioner/plaintiff, Gordon D. Warnock, is the Secretary of the PBA. 
Secretary Warnock is currently on leave from his employment with the 
Division, but upon returning from his leave will be subject to the chall


2002-11-08 Thread ÉîÛÚÍøÂçÊéµê


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