Pasta Pro is The Better Pasta Pot - On Sale!

2002-12-21 Thread GreatDeals
Title: Untitled


Pasta Pro's unique locking lid makes cooking a snap! It's lightweight design fits any stovetop and can be used to create an endless variety of your favorite dishes. Quickly prepare delicious macaroni & cheese, linguini with clam sauce, or even brown sirloin beef for chili, without the mess! And with Pasta Pro's durable, non-stick surface, clean up is a breeze. 

Pasta Pro is as easy as 1-2-3!!

	Just place in your favorite pasta 
	When ready, turn lid to locked position 
	Pour the water out, keep the pasta in! 

Pasta Pro Includes:

	6qt. nonstick pot 
	2qt. nonstick pot


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Santa Cruz deputizes medical marijuana distributers

2002-12-21 Thread Alif The Terrible

Anonymously forwarded.

Cannabis News DrugSense
  Medicinal Pot Farmers Deputized in Santa Cruz
Posted by CN Staff on December 11, 2002 at 09:15:41 PT
By Ken McLaughlin, Mercury News
Source: San Jose Mercury News

medical Valerie and Michael Corral, the founders of a medicinal marijuana
farm that was busted in early September, are
now Deputy Valerie Corral and Deputy Michael Corral by order of the Santa
Cruz City Council.

Taking another pot shot at the federal Drug Enforcement Administration, the
council voted 7- 0 Tuesday to give the
Corrals the ``authority to cultivate, distribute and possess medical

The Corrals' attorney, Ben Rice, maintains that the ``deputy'' status allows
the Corrals to carry a controlled
substance because they are enforcing local drug laws -- in this case, the
city of Santa Cruz's ordinance regulating the
way medicinal marijuana can be distributed.

But the DEA indicated it wasn't amused by the Corrals' new ``deputy'' status.

``No one in the United States is allowed to distribute illegal drugs --
period,'' Richard Meyer, a DEA spokesman, said
after the council's vote.

Valerie Corral said Santa Cruz is the third city in California to deputize
medicinal marijuana providers. One person
has been deputized in Oakland and two in San Francisco, she said.

Though the council action is largely symbolic, the Corrals carry the official
title of Santa Cruz city deputy.

Tuesday's action follows a highly publicized pot giveaway on the steps of
City Hall on Sept. 17, 12 days after the raid
on the farm in the hills near Davenport. The farm was operated by the
Wo/Men's Alliance for Medical Marijuana, better
known as WAMM.

The rally and giveaway, attended by six council members and about 1,000 other
people, tried to send a message to the
federal government that it needs to acknowledge that states should be able to
decide for themselves whether marijuana
can be used as medicine.

No arrests were made, although a mysterious helicopter hovered overhead as
politicians, prominent attorneys, physicians
and numerous AIDS and cancer patients pledged to prod Washington lawmakers to
preserve medicinal marijuana laws.

The council acted Tuesday at the request of the Corrals, who are still
waiting to see if federal prosecutors will
charge them with anything. Their attorneys have advised them that the new
``deputy'' status will help them in their
legal battle because it indicates overwhelming community support.

``Democracy is very important to me,'' said Michael Corral, referring to the
1996 passage of Proposition 215, a measure
that state residents thought would result in the legal distribution of
medicinal marijuana.

The federal government, however, has taken the position that states can't
allow the possession and distribution of a
controlled substance.

Meyer said the controversy has not affected the cooperation with the Santa
Cruz Police Department, which has been put
in an awkward position of having to work with the DEA and ignore its
medicinal pot edict at the same time.

``We have great respect for Santa Cruz police officers,'' Meyer said. ``And
we are committed to protecting Santa Cruz

The Corrals' fight has gained some heavyweight legal help, including Santa
Clara University law Professor Gerald
Uelmen, a noted constitutional law expert. Only a ``twisted and perverted
bureaucrat'' could approve sending in agents
with automatic weapons to wipe out WAMM's tiny farm, Uelmen has said.

He has joined Rice in a legal effort to force a legal showdown aimed at
preserving states' rights on the marijuana

Since the bust, Valerie Corral said, WAMM has been able to continue to
provide marijuana at an undisclosed Santa Cruz
location to about 235 members, 83 percent of whom are considered terminal.

Three have died since the raid, and one is in critical condition, she said.

The marijuana comes from donations. ``We live in an extremely generous
community,'' she said.

Mike Rotkin, who just returned to the council after a two-year hiatus, said
he was upset by national press coverage
that portrayed Santa Cruz as the town that wants to ``get everyone stoned.''

WAMM, he said, has been an exemplary organization that has shown it is
``serious about treating terminally ill

Source: San Jose Mercury News (CA)
Author: Ken McLaughlin, Mercury News
Published: Wednesday, December 11, 2002
Copyright: 2002 San Jose Mercury News

Related Articles  Web Sites:



2002-12-21 Thread DR.FRANK BAMAWO.

Dear sir, 
I am an accountant with the Nigeria National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) and, also a 
member of the Contract Review committee. Presently, I'm  on a special diplomatic duty 
in the Nigeria foreign office in Amsterdam,the Netherlands.  A contract for the 
construction and laying of oil pipelines network from Warri-Port-Harcourt-Kaduna.has 
been awarded to a local firm and,   this contract was over invoiced to the tune of 
Nine Million,Six Hundred Thousand United State Dollars (US$9. 6Million). 
The over invoicing was a deal by my committee to benefit from the project, and now the 
local contractor have been fully paid but, the over invoiced amount is still floating 
in one of the offshore banks  of Central Bank of Nigeria. We now desire to transfer 
this money which is presently in a suspense account of the Central Bank of Nigeria 
(CBN) into any overseas account which we expect you to provide for us, if you are 
capable and able. 
For providing, the account where we shall remit the money,you will be entitled to 20% 
of the money,70% will be for myself and my partners,the remaining 10% will be set 
aside to settle all expenses incurred by both parties. 
I would require the following; 

1.Bank name and Address 
2.Name of Beneficiary
3 Company Name and Address
4. Account Number. 
5. Confidential Telephone  and Fax number of Beneficiary. 
 The above information would be used to make formal applications to the appropriate 
government parastatals such as the Federal Ministry of Finance (FMF), Nigerian 
National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) and the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN)   as a 
matter of procedure for the release of the money and onward transfer to the nominated 
account you would provide. In as much as , we are doing a deal, we would like to 
comply with all laid down procedures for transfer and contract of this nature. It does 
not matter whether or not your company did this contract or not. The assumption is 
that your company was awarded the major contract and subcontracted it out to the local 
company. We have strong and reliable connections and contacts at the Apex Bank and the 
Federal Ministry of Finance All we need is a  trust worthy foreign partner to assist 
us in this mutual/beneficial deal. 
Therefore, when the business is successfully concluded,we shall through our same 
connections withdraw all documents used from all the concerned Government Ministries 
for 100%security.We are civil servants and we do not want this opportunity to miss us, 
as opportunity  loss can never be regained.
Please contact me immediately through my above e-mail address,whether or not you are 
interested in this deal. If you are not,it will enable me scout for another foreign 
partner to carry out this deal.But where you are interested, send the required 
document aforementioned herein without delay,as time is of great essence in this deal. 

I await your anticipated co-operation and response. 

Best Regards



Re: Bruce Schneier Hullabaloo

2002-12-21 Thread Anonymous
On Sat, 21 Dec 2002 00:07:34 -0800 (PST), you wrote:

 Michael Cardenas wrote:

 (Begin Quote)
 I'm curious as to what makes you, or anyone on this list, think that these 
technologies by themselves will cause any sort of political upheaval...What's to 
say that these technologies are not going to be shaped to meet the needs and wants of 
the transnational corporations that run our government?
 (End Quote)

The high ranking for power concentration you implicity give to 
transnationals is undeserved and you are fearful of the wrong 
threat. The humblest meter maid can commence a process against 
you with consequences far greater than those that can be 
directed your way by the CEO of the most loathsome transnational 
company. That meter maid can write you a ticket. If unpaid, you 
will be fined. If unpaid again, your property will be seized. If 
you resist having your property seized, you will be beaten. If 
you resist being beaten, you will be shot until dead.

Your most dreaded CEO can only dream for the power of a meter 

It's governments, stupid.

Fw: Joke Screensaver to watch !

2002-12-21 Thread HQ
attachment: enjoylove.scr

Re: If you use a PC, this is a breath of fresh air!

2002-12-21 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Press Here  get yours for ONLY $29.99!


Re: CRYPTO-GRAM, December 15, 2002

2002-12-21 Thread James A. Donald
On 20 Dec 2002 at 19:26, William Warren wrote:
 voting keeps you is our way of controlling and
 shaping the government.

No matter who you vote for, a politician always gets elected.

 Those who do not exercise this duty do not deserve to 
 complain about what goes on.

By voting, you give the appearance of consent to what the
government does to you. 

 James A. Donald

ÄêÖÕ¼¨Ð§¿¼ºËÓ뼨ЧÃæ̸ʵÎñѵÁ·°à (±±¾©£©7

2002-12-21 Thread cpunks_anon

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Re: CRYPTO-GRAM, December 15, 2002

2002-12-21 Thread James A. Donald
William Warren
 voting keeps you is our way of controlling and 
 shaping the government.

David Friedman explains why democracy does not work. 

 James A. Donald

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2002-12-21 Thread Mail Delivery System
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Frist and Shrub Animal Torturers.

2002-12-21 Thread Matthew X
An Ethical Man? (english)
Washington Post  6:38am Sat Dec 21 '02 (Modified on 7:56am Sat Dec 21 '02) 
address: Gardnerville, NV
US GOP Senate Leader-to-be, Dr. Bill Frist, confessed to the killing of 
cats whch he took from animal shelters under the pretense of giving them 
homes... This is an ethical man?

...Though Frist invested from an early age in HCA stock-the basis of his 
multimillion- dollar fortune-he decided that he would never play a role in 
the company that his father and brother, Thomas Frist Jr., built into the 
largest chain of for-profit hospitals in the country. Instead, Frist threw 
himself with consuming intensity into becoming a transplant surgeon.

In an episode that he now says he deeply regrets, Frist toured animal 
shelters around Boston, offering to care for stray cats that he then killed 
for medical experiments.

'Medical school,' he wrote, 'was in the business of stripping human beings 
of everything but the raw, almost insane, ambition you must have simply to 
get through.'...


The Doctor as Dealmaker? -WP
The Doctor as Dealmaker? -WP

add your own comments

Jordan Thornton 7:27am
Check out the research into Psychopathy at the university of Vancouver, and 
the book Psychopaths In Suits written by the head researcher, which 
explains how our present both rewards and encourages psychopathic traits 
and behaviours, and for that reaseon, many of our leaders, and CEO's, are 
certifiable Psychopaths.

Might explain the direction in which we're being led.

Indeed, we have seen this kind of evil before ...

A Welcomed Element
Vish Varnay
Frist will be a welcomed element into this federal mafia which consists of 
recycled criminals, demons, perverts, murderers, and sociopaths!
Frist and BU$H*T have alot in common when it comes to being sick, and cruel 
towards the treatment of animals. Here is a piece that ran in the New York 
Times May 21, 2000 during an interview with a childhood friend of GW BU$H*T.
We were terrible to animals; recalled Mr. Throckmorton, laughing. A dip 
behind the Bush home turned into a small lake after a good rain, and 
thousands of frogs would come out. 'Everybody would get B.B. guns and shoot 
them, 'Mr.Throckmorton said. 'Or we'd put firecrackers in the frogs and 
throw them and blow them up!'

See-Bush isn't a moron, he's a cunning sociopath

Maybe BU$H*T and Frist will get together for a B.B.Q. at the ranch, laugh 
and play together mutilating and shooting frogs and cats, as their weapons 
of mass destruction mutilate and kill, Iraqi citizens!


2002-12-21 Thread Matthew X
This is the second  installment of a paper by Max Kolskegg. The first 
section has now been archived in the 'analysis and polemic' section and may 
be accessed here. Max writes:

Those Anarchists!

Although the New World Order is presented as a harmonious cross of 
Democracy and the Market, its underlying reality is quite the reverse. An 
accurate characterization would be something along the lines of 
State-Imposed Corporate Oligarchy (SICKO), that is, tyrannical rule of a 
tiny elite maintained by the brutal physical force of states and the total 
penetration of psychological control mechanisms. Genoa and its aftermath 
provide a clear and succinct snapshot of its operations: ruthless crackdown 
on dissent, pathological application of torture, and a continuous blitz of 
defamation and denunciation, while behind the scenes the state planners 
develop new levels of integration and surveillance to suppress future 
resistance. Now let's ask ourselves again, what exactly do we hope to 
achieve by pleading with the sickos to let up on us a bit? One image says 
it all: helpless people at the Diaz school raid, raising their empty hands 
in signal of total submission, yelling pacifist, pacifist as their skulls 
were mercilessly cracked open by the Fascist foot-soldiers of capitalism.

Anarchists have been warning us about the state for a long time, and 
trying, rather ineffectively, to keep it at bay. In the past they tended to 
focus on it almost exclusively, as the hypertrophied form of social 
hierarchy and institutional coercion. But nowadays many anarchists are 
savvy to the context in which states operate, and recognize with Marx that 
the state's modern role includes more than simple suppression of rebellion. 
Under the conditions of modern capitalism the state is the principal organ 
for planning capitalism's predations, both against people and the planet, 
where all capitalists have common interest and the goal is maximal 
exploitation, as well as the ever- present tendency of the different 
private concentrations of capital to devour one another wherever possible, 
a process that requires some overarching control if the anarchy of 
capital (Marx's term) is not to result in imbalances and undermine the 
profitability of capital as a whole and the security of its rule.

The nation-state is the dominant form historically, but we may be 
witnessing the growth of new supranational states at present, such as, 
potentially, the World Trade Organization. It looks like the obvious 
candidate for this distinctive role, the United Nations, can't serve this 
function on behalf of capital, as it no doubt would be willing to do, 
because its structure permits too much sunlight. The new supranational 
state(s) will be highly secretive. Their task is not an easy one. Global 
coordination of capital will have to find a way to control the excessive 
ambitions of individual capitals and regional blocs which are in a 
condition of perpetual competition. The largest multinational corporations, 
despite their far-flung operations, still, for historical reasons, maintain 
strong ties to their nations of origin and have supported regional planning 
efforts (NAFTA, the FTAA, the European Union, etc.) to increase the 
physical territory over which they can maintain uncontested control. 
Unfortunately this raises the competition to the regional level as well, 
with the development of contending blocs, mainly the Americas (under the 
domination of the United States), Europe (with Germany in the driver's 
seat), and East Asia (where Japan seems to have an edge over China). This 
breakup of the globe into regional factions was accurately foreseen by 
George Orwell in *Nineteen Eighty-Four*.

The reformists in the anti-globalization movement are, whether they admit 
it or recognize it or not, statists. The solutions they propose and the 
reforms they seek all presuppose an increase in the interventions of states 
into social life. They operate with a false analysis of the state as 
essentially distinct from and potentially opposed to corporations and 
capital. But in fact the state, in all its modern forms, is a *function* of 
capitalism. This is perfectly obvious with sickos like George W. Bush or 
Silvio Berlusconi, but is no less true of Tony Blair, Bill Clinton, 
Vladimir Putin, Fidel Castro, Lionel Jospin or Hugo Chavez. Right or Left, 
the heads of state are dedicated to capital heart and soul. It's not like 
these individuals have a choice; they merely supervise the inherent 
functions of the state, above all the maximizing of profit. All over the 
world, wherever a leftist party is in power, it is assiduously enforcing 
the structural adjustments (what an Orwellian term!) of the IMF or World 
Bank. In this regard the historical Left has been a racket every bit as 
criminal as the Right. Only the anarchists and a few genuinely 
revolutionary currents of Marxians have held out against the state as the 
only possible 

Policing Bioterror Research

2002-12-21 Thread Eugen Leitl

Policing Bioterror Research

One of science's hottest fields is now becoming one of its most heavily 
regulated, too. The U.S. government last week unveiled sweeping new 
bioterror research regulations that will require 20,000 scientists at 
nearly 1000 laboratories to beef up security--or face hefty fines and jail 
sentences. The interim rules, due to go into effect early next year, could 
also force scientists to get prior approval for a growing list of 
sensitive experiments.

Select experts. CDC's Larry Sparks (right) and other government officials 
answer questions about the new rules.

The 13 December announcements in the Federal Register, which ran nearly 50 
pages, are a response to the 2001 anthrax letter attacks. Alarmed by 
reports of weak security in labs that study deadly viruses, bacteria, and 
other potential bioweapons, Congress this summer passed a bioterror bill 
that called for stricter controls on dozens of select agents that could 
imperil people, farm animals, and crops (Science, 31 May, p. 1585).

The new rules, issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 
(CDC) in Atlanta, in conjunction with the U.S. Department of Agriculture 
(USDA), mete out responsibilities among universities, private companies, 
and government laboratories. All must agree to unannounced inspections. 
Labs that handle any of nearly 100 select agents must register with the 
government, submit detailed physical security and training plans, and 
provide the names--and probably fingerprints--of all workers for 
background checks. Moreover, prior approval from the Department of Health 
and Human Services will be needed for experiments that might make a select 
agent more toxic or more resistant to known drugs, as well as similar 
studies that could be added to a restricted list.

Some researchers think the list is a good idea. Biochemist Richard Ebright 
of Rutgers University in Piscataway, New Jersey, says it should include 
experiments that could lead to better methods for making or spreading 
bioweapons. It's common sense that such work get stricter scrutiny, he 

But Ron Atlas, a bioterrorism expert at the University of Louisville in 
Kentucky and president of the American Society for Microbiology, says he's 
not sure the government should start proscribing experiments . and 
locking rules into regulations which can be difficult to adjust, he says. 
He'd rather have the government issue less legalistic guidelines, which 
better evolve with the times.


Related sites
CDC and USDA rules
CDC select agent FAQ

FAQ for New Select Agent Regulation (42 CFR 73)
General Questions Concerning Select Biological and Toxins
1. What is the Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and 
Response Act of 2002
and how do I find a copy?
On June 12, 2002, President Bush signed the .Public Health Security and 
Preparedness Response Act of 2002. (Public Law 107-188). The law is 
designed to improve the
ability of the United States to prevent, prepare for, and respond to 
bioterrorism and other public
health emergencies. Section 202(a) of the Law requires that all persons 
possessing biological
agents or toxins deemed a threat to public health to notify the Secretary, 
Department of Health
and Human Services (HHS). Section 213(b) of Law requires all persons 
possessing biological
agents or toxins deemed a threat to animal or plant health and to animal 
or plant products notify
the Secretary, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).
The Law also requires that both Secretaries be notified when a person 
possesses agents that
appear on both the HHS and the USDA list of agents and toxins. These 
agents and toxins have
been designated HHS/USDA overlap agents.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has been designated 
as the HHS agency
responsible for providing guidance on this notification. The Animal and 
Plant Health Inspection
Service (APHIS) has been designated as the USDA agency responsible for 
providing guidance
on this notification.
For more information on the Public Health Security and Bioterrorism 
Preparedness and
Response Act of 2002 (Public Law 107-188) see:
Subsequent to the enactment of Public Law 107-188, requirements for 
facilities or entities that
possess, use, or transfer select agents and toxins have been published by 
HHS (42 CFR 73;
December 13, 2002) and by USDA (9 CFR 121 and 7 CFR 331; December 13, 
2. What is the USA PATRIOT Act and how does it relate to the new select 
agent regulation?
Where can I find a copy?
The USA PATRIOT Act is a law signed by President Bush on October 26, 2001, 
that places
restrictions on persons who possess select agents and provides criminal 
penalties for possession
of such agents that cannot be justified for 

How robust is SpeakFreely?

2002-12-21 Thread Thomas Shaddack is a nice, open-source cross-platfor VoIP
software. Supports encryption by DES, Blowfish, and IDEA.

Had anyone knowledgeable ever looked at its code? How secure this
implementation is? Is better to use Blowfish or IDEA? Where are the
potential holes there?

Any Credit Auto Loans, Free App, No Obligation!

2002-12-21 Thread GreatDeals

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2002-12-21 Thread ÀÎÆ÷¿þµå












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Open Any Lock with Kwick Pick - On Sale Today!

2002-12-21 Thread Portable Lock Picks
Title: Kwick Pick




Open almost any lock with Kwick Pick. This 
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We've knocked over $20.00 off the normal price, as part of this 
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Re: How robust is SpeakFreely?

2002-12-21 Thread Adam Shostack
On Sat, Dec 21, 2002 at 07:40:34PM +0100, Thomas Shaddack wrote:
| is a nice, open-source cross-platfor VoIP
| software. Supports encryption by DES, Blowfish, and IDEA.
| Had anyone knowledgeable ever looked at its code? How secure this
| implementation is? Is better to use Blowfish or IDEA? Where are the
| potential holes there?

Use Blowfish, you avoid worrying about if you have to worry about
patent issues.  There are probably buffer overflows, and other
problems with the code.  But its probably no worse than other VOIP
code, and is clearly more secure than code which doesn't encrypt.


It is seldom that liberty of any kind is lost all at once.

Weird Al Giordano.

2002-12-21 Thread Matthew X
First SC Marcos,now Weird Al and the Arschloch Nessie monster are dissing 
anarchism and anarchists...I dunno what we did to deserve it but it may 
indicate an outbreak of real anarchy south of the border.

Deconstructing the Al and Nessie Show Trial
by profrv@etc • Saturday December 21, 2002 at 10:54 AM
This is a longish response to the 'interview' between 'Nessie' and weird Al 
Giordano,where both insult anarchists and the readers intelligence.
When anarchist frauds Nessie and Al Giordano get together the bs runs 
free.Please enjoy my take on their mendacity.

Longish piece from a longer one at SF Indy.
SF-IMC Interviews Al Giordano About Venezuela, the Media and Anarchism, by 
Nessie Full Article:
Subject: You can call me Al.
Alarm bells...Nessie consults an 'expert',okay,fine,lets rely on 'experts' 
all our lives.
Expert Al Quotes old Karl Marx and Negri...mmm,some expert,those guys need 
armies of experts to translate.

The guy with the pipe and the pen is beginning to speak again.

Whoopty Doo,did you hear HIM on anarchists lately.What are we Masochists 
all of a sudden?
The third big event of 2002 was November's surprise election of Colonel 
Lucio Gutiérrez in Ecuador. Again, the positive military symbol, 
exorcising, like Marcos and Chávez before him, the ghosts of the military 
juntas of the late 20th century.

More alarm bells,does anyone remember Castro,Che? HELLO!
...Al Giordano: Somebody claims to be an anarchist and we have to take 
them seriously? What have they ever done?...
Indeed.What anarchists has big Al quoted in this interview up till then?
a true-to-life anarcho-syndicalist of strong Situationist tendencies.
One moribund tendency,one stone dead.
...This libertario group is nothing more than a few dilettantes who have 
never accomplished anything. Serious revolutionaries and anarchists down 
here laugh at them, and suspect their motives. I don't think this group is 
showing any leadership, intelligence, or analysis, at this hour of moral 
crisis and I can't help but wonder about their motives.
If you're in the White House situation room and watching your coup in 
Venezuela fall apart, in part because of actions on IndyMedia like the 
hundreds of signatures adding up on DC IndyMedia against the Bush coup 
plot, what do you do? If you're the White House, and you've failed to 
divide the left from the right, you try to divide it from the left. Don't 
you? It seems very transparent to me.
If you'll recall, the same kind of group pops up from time to time to 
attack the Zapatistas in Mexico. It's a standard element of disinfo 
campaigns. It pisses me off, too. How dare these non-entities use the word 
anarchist to try and divide us on a basic issue: Are we for a coup d'etat 
or not? Once one makes the decision that, no, we're not for a coup d'etat, 
whatever differences in shades we have with the elected government - and of 
course you, I, and most other people have differences with any government! 
- become irrelevant...
Denounce the deviationists,accuse them of being dillettantes AND 
counterrevolutionaries and then attempt to stampede the masses.This guy Al 
is good.You are with us,or you are with the terrorists.
...The issue right now is the coup: yes or no. I distrust protagonists 
like those in this libertarios group who want to confuse people right now...
And I distrust those who say absolutely,YES or NO as a demand,don't you?
I also worry less everyday about people being confused...unless it's by 
...In many ways, they are worse than the overt coup-mongers, because they 
are less honest about their true agenda...
Now wouldn't a real gonzo journalist check his sources before saying stuff 
like this? Maybe they are a the CIA but we'll never know from this 'expert' 
...Al Giordano: I think the post by these so-called anarchists, and 
their timing, is a cowardly act of aggression against the progress of all 
Latin American social movements right now...
This is like the Marcos Committe response to 'Ted Kascinski.'Over the top 
hyperbole that does little to inspire confidence.
...Al Giordano: If you put aside some of the personal bile in Murray 
Bookchin's dialectic of lifestyle anarchism vs. social anarchism, he in 
fact made a very good point. There is this kind of incoherent version of 
anarchism that relates more to punk rock (and I like punk rock, but that is 
an aesthetic, not a political, taste), nose rings, dyed hair and other 
superficial fashion statements than it does to Workers Councils or 
Bolivarian Circles.
I mean, I recently got an email from a colleague, the economic libertarian 
Boston Globe columnist Alex Beam who addressed me as fellow anarchist. 
And Alex of course was joking because he's not an anarchist and certainly 
not an anarcho-syndicalist. The word 'anarchist' is often poorly used. Some 
other prominent left intellectuals have gotten into problems by 

That Prince Harry takes after his father.

2002-12-21 Thread Matthew X
Harry's hair
The story about Harry's DNA is more than just another bit of scurrilous 
gossip. Harry is third in line to the throne. If anything were to happen to 
the Queen,Charles and William (think terrorism)he would become king. If 
that were to occur and then DNA testing, either government sponsored or by 
covert means, showed that he was in fact the biological son of James Hewitt 
he would have to step down from the throne as he would not meet one of the 
crucial criteria for becoming monarch. That is that he must have the blood 
of Sophia,Electress of Hanover as per Act of Settlement 1700. It is better 
that this matter be cleared up now rather than later.Anyway, as REPUBLIC 
say, if a position is based on heredity that heredity should be proved and 
if there is nothing to hide why not have a DNA test and put the matter to rest.

Re: Bruce Schneier Hullabaloo

2002-12-21 Thread Neil Johnson
On Saturday 21 December 2002 08:45 am, Anonymous wrote:

 The high ranking for power concentration you implicity give to
 transnationals is undeserved and you are fearful of the wrong
 threat. The humblest meter maid can commence a process against
 you with consequences far greater than those that can be
 directed your way by the CEO of the most loathsome transnational
 company. That meter maid can write you a ticket. If unpaid, you
 will be fined. If unpaid again, your property will be seized. If
 you resist having your property seized, you will be beaten. If
 you resist being beaten, you will be shot until dead.

 Your most dreaded CEO can only dream for the power of a meter

U, how about.

1. Big multi-national corporation buys off politicians to pass laws to protect 
their business model (DMCA anyone ?)
2. Gets meter maid to enforce said law.
3. See above.

Ahhh, I see. Let's just get rid of the middle-man (government) and then the 
corps can take take of enforcement directly (pirate a song, get whacked).

Much more efficient I would guess.

Neil Johnson
PGP key available on request.

The War on Anarchism.

2002-12-21 Thread Matthew X

The War on Anarchism. (english)
profrv@(nospam) 12:59pm Sat Dec 21 '02

In the last six months we have seen an attack on all anarchists by a 
committee from the EZLN,and signed by SC Marcos.In the last week we have 
seen FBI surveillance of Infoshop and now a viscious smear on some 
venezuelan comrades.WTF?

I have not been able to access Infoshop and Ainfos for hours now,are they 
still up?
The Infoshop mirror is without the interactive news.
The Fascist Global Maniac Police State is working down a very long list of 
enemies and anarchists have always been on that list.The red scare and the 
Palmer raids led to anarchist deportations,while various local yokel US 
fascist pig governments have hung,drawn and slaughted anarchists,notably in 
Chicago and Boston.
The Globocop regards property destruction as equal to and often worse than 
actual rape and murder.Just look at the 23 year sentence handed out to 
Jeff,'Free',Luers.Even before 9-11 the rogue terror state was hunting 
teenage vandels as 'terrorists' and pushing the sort of punitive penalties 
that used to dished out for smoking a joint in Texas,40 years ago.
(white panthers)
If your an anarchist you might feel like a beads being drawn on you and you 
know who's not helping?
A couple of self described anarchists!
I have responded to the Al and Nessie show here and at SF Indy.I know 
Nessie is allergic to reasoned debate and Al is all tied up right now with 
the MORAL CRISIS in Venez so I wont rehash that except to say that the 
group they slagged off so iresponsibly is innocent till proven guilty and 
should be given the chance to face their rotten accusers face to face.
I'd like to see that.
The notion that anarchists can be stampeded into supporting various armed 
Caudillos and betray all they stood for should be treated with the contempt 
it deserves.Even if the little magazine turned out to be financed by the 
CIA,the bully boy tactics of Al,Nessie and the SC Marcos 'committee' have 
proven beyond reasonable doubt where these low dogs squat in the dirt.
FUCK the FAKE Anarchists!

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2002-12-21 Thread One bill, less stress









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Re: status of SMS encryption project?

2002-12-21 Thread Thomas Shaddack
 I was curious what the status of the SMS encryption project quoted in the below post 
 I did some googling and saw almost nothing on the subject.

Newer GSM phones have java engines, used for ie. downloadable games.
Shouldn't it be possible to write a SMS encryption/decryption software in
Java? Then we don't have to do any firmware modifications nor any external
devices, just download a java applet to the phone.

Opinions, comments?

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2002-12-21 Thread Adrienne

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2002-12-21 Thread GiftofCashSystem3003

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Re: Misconceptions about how remailers work

2002-12-21 Thread Tim May
On Friday, December 20, 2002, at 04:48  PM, Michael Cardenas wrote:

Tim May wrote:

Remailers and Web proxies work in ways that skirt this transparency 
of MACs and routing that you are referring to. These are the types of 
technologies we are discussing. The fact that Disney or Lockheed may 
be using Carnivore- and Echelon-vulnerable technologies does not 
challenge the points about how better technologies will turn 
everything upside down.

There are other forms of traffic besides email that are significant.

Yes, which is why I also cited Web proxies. I gave the e-mail example 
in detail because it makes it crystal clear that MACs attached to 
packets are not a showstopper. The payload of a message, whether it is 
digital money, age credentials, e-mail, Web requests, Usenet posts, 
return receipts, etc. can easily be separated from outer wrappers. In 
fact, the whole approach we favor is that the payloads themselves do 
the authentication (such as may be needed), and so on. Thus end-to-end 
encryption is an example of this...none of the various tags and 
wrappers inserted along the way are important or essential to what's in 
the payload.

I've read your article there, and it was very interesting. That's why 
I'm here. I just didn't see the bridge from the technology to the 
revolution clearly articulated in your essay either.

You said that the cruft often added by various machines, such as MACs 
and other Internet barnacles, are a showstopper which breaks anonymity 
and untraceability. I demonstrated that for a working system, remailer 
and Web proxies, this is not so. It is true that I didn't make this 
argument in my essay in the Vinge didn't seem necessary to 
point out that tags added to packets are trivially removed. (This is 
one reason Big Brother has been trying to get limits placed on crypto, 
with escrow of keys and signature tools, and with his own machines 
doing the encryption, sort of like saying Sealed envelopes are 
terrorist tools. Bring your letters to the Post Office and we will 
handle your security needs.)

--Tim May
You don't expect governments to obey the law because of some higher 
moral development. You expect them to obey the law because they know 
that if they don't, those who aren't shot will be hanged. - -Michael 

Threat to P I Youth Inc.

2002-12-21 Thread Matthew X
Dec 21 2002
Corporate Personhood Confronted in US

The struggle to halt the complete corporate takeover of the US had a recent 
victory in the state of Pennsylvania. Officials of Porter Township, Clarion 
County, north of Pittsburgh became the first local government in the United 
States to eliminate corporate claims to constitutional privileges. A 
questionable interpretation of an 1886 US Supreme Court ruling gave 
corporations the same constitutional rights as private citizens by defining 
them as legal persons. Corporations were conceded personhood, and a long 
list of civil and political rights such as free speech, and property 
rights, the right to define and control investment, production, and the 
organization of work. said Richard Grossman of the Program on 
Corporations, Law  Democracy (POCLAD) in a history of corporate hegemony.

Read: entire feature

[ Philadelphia IMC | Pittsburgh IMC | Womens International League for Peace 
and Freedom ]

Think you know your faces

2002-12-21 Thread headless
Title: megahotgirls

I'll bet you a complimentary lifetime pass into my xxx site you won't win this contest...prove me wrong!



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Your PC's money-making power!

2002-12-21 Thread Randyj58s45sl787
You get emails every day, offering to show you how to make money. Most of these emails 
are from 
people who are NOT making any money. And they expect you to listen to them?


If you want to make money with your computer, then you should hook up with a group 
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show YOU how to do the same thing.

This business is done completely by internet and email, and you can even join for free 
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it out first. If you can send an email, you can do this. NO special skills are 

How much are we making? Anywhere from $2000 to $9000 per month. We are real people, 
and most of 
us work at this business part-time. But keep in mind, we do WORK at it - I am not 
going to insult 
your intelligence by saying you can sign up, do no work, and rake in the cash. That 
kind of job 
does not exist. But if you are willing to put in 10-12 hours per week, this might be 
just the 
thing you are looking for. 

This is not income that is determined by luck, or work that is done FOR you - it is 
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Washington, and screening of addresses has been done to the best
of our technical ability.  If you are a Washington resident or 
otherwise don't want this email, just follow the instructions above.


Help Tom Manning.

2002-12-21 Thread Matthew X

Tom Manning has been suffering ever since the Bureau of Prisons’ doctors 
botched up his hip replacement surgery two years ago. This year, Tom had 
additional surgery on his shoulder and knee at the Medical Center for 
Federal Prisoners in Springfield, MO. Yet, he was transferred back to the 
Federal Penitentiary in Leavenworth, KS, before fully recuperating.
In a telephone conversation yesterday, Tom said, “I’ve only got 28 cents to 
my name. I would appreciate any help.” Please find it in your heart to send 
Tom your holiday greetings and include a donation (in the form of a u.s. 
postal money order including his inmate number – Thomas W. Manning 
10373-016) to his address below:

Thomas W. Manning 10373-016 P.O. Box 1000 Leavenworth, KS 66048

Tom needs funds to purchase clothes, food and supplies for his painting 
projects. He needs your help to survive with dignity. The sacrifice Tom 
Manning has made for the cause of humanity is great – show him your love, 
solidarity and respect! Thank you.

For more information, go to Tom Manning’s Website below:

Tom Manning is a Vietnam veteran, working class revolutionary and US 
political prisoner. He militantly struggled against the war in Vietnam and 
supports the right of self-determination of all oppressed peoples. Tom 
Manning was captured in 1985 and sentenced to 53 years in federal prison 
for a series of bombings carried out as armed propaganda against 
apartheid and U.S. imperialism. He tirelessly fought against racist, 
genocidal capitalism in the USA.  Tom Manning was also wrongly sentenced to 
80 years in prison for the self-defense killing of a New Jersey state trooper.

Tom Manning has been subject to human rights violations that include 
physical abuse, lock-down, and solitary confinement. 

Loose Weight, Increase Energy, Improve cholesterol levels Only $24.99!

2002-12-21 Thread bautista25
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2002-12-21 Thread Septic Tank Cure

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Re: Policing Bioterror Research

2002-12-21 Thread Tim May
On Saturday, December 21, 2002, at 10:07  AM, Eugen Leitl wrote:

Policing Bioterror Research

One of science's hottest fields is now becoming one of its most heavily
regulated, too. The U.S. government last week unveiled sweeping new
bioterror research regulations that will require 20,000 scientists at
nearly 1000 laboratories to beef up security--or face hefty fines and 
sentences. The interim rules, due to go into effect early next year, 
also force scientists to get prior approval for a growing list of
sensitive experiments.

And where in the United States Constitution is there provision for 
controlling which experiments may be done, for what research articles 
may be published, for what thoughts may be thought?

None, of course. The fact that some biological research may be 
dangerous or may be used as a weapon, ultimately, is no different from 
the fact that some physics research may be dangerous or used as a 
weapon, or some computer research, or even some mathematics research.

This just says the Bill of Rights is no longer operative.

(But, hey, EPIC is glad they got the right to distribute union 
pamphlets left in the New Interpretation. Good to know 
non-Cypherpunks-friendly activists are still lobbying in D.C.!)

(By the way, Eugene, I had to snip out a vast chunk of included text 
from you message. Please include only URLs for very long pieces. If 
not, I'll have to killfile you as I have done with other serial 

--Tim May

Re: Hullabo

2002-12-21 Thread Tim May
On Saturday, December 21, 2002, at 02:57  AM, Sarad AV wrote:


Be the change you wish to see in the world
-Mahatma Gandhi

So how we gonna change the world dude?

Arise the masses,how he did that-I have no clue.How
ever he did that in the 1940's when the only method of
mass communication was radio(british controlled) and
new paper(again british controlled).To bring together
a diverse,multilingual,multicultural society like
India was never easy.

Is this some kind of Indian raghead/Swami humor?

Gandhi didn't bring together anything. The country split into at 
least three pieces after he got the Western government of the British 
thrown out.

All that he ensured was that his particular bunch would control the 
whip hand.

--Tim May, Citizen-unit of of the once free United States
 The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the 
blood of patriots  tyrants. --Thomas Jefferson, 1787

The Rise of Corporation Dominance

2002-12-21 Thread Matthew X
 and the Theft of Human Rights.
Unequal Protection: The Rise of Corporate Dominance and the Theft of Human 
by Thom Hartmann
Unequal Protection should be in the hands of every thinking American. If 
we do not awaken soon, democracy will be replaced by a new 'Third Reich' of 
corporate tyranny. To be aware of the danger is the responsibility of each 
of us. No one has told us the truth better than Thom Hartmann. Read it! 
--Gerry Spence, author of Give Me Liberty

To say the bookshelves are flooded with political fodder these days is an 
understatement. Some blame the state of the nation on Stupid White Men, 
others talk about Winning the War of Liberty over Liberalism. No matter 
where you look or what you read, the mudslinging is intense. At times, 
these authors make EMINEM's rap battles with gangsters in the movie 8 
Mile look like an episode of the Mickey Mouse Club.

Unequal Protection, however, is not one of these books. It is an historical 
documentary of sorts that traces the history of the corporation and its 
role in society from the East India Company, through the FORTUNE 500 of 
today. It examines the people, actions, beliefs, and mistakes that have led 
to the extreme concentration of power and wealth among a select few global 

While laying the foundation for the future of the United States, keeping 
power in the hands of the people and preventing institutions similar to the 
East India Company from gaining unlimited economic and political power was 
one of the key drivers. For many years corporations were kept relatively 
well in check and responsible to the people and governments that granted 
them the right to exist.

The passage of the 14th amendment, intended to give all persons (not 
corporations) equal rights, combined with a ruling in single court case 
that has been mistakenly interpreted to define corporations as persons 
like you and me opened the door to all kinds of crazy claims by corporations.

Subsequent claims and court rulings have directly and indirectly granted 
corporations virtually unbridled power through creative legislation and 
enabled some to operate with no consequences whatsoever for damaging and 
deadly actions.

Unequal Protection also discusses of NAFTA, which appears to have granted 
corporations the authority to override what people and sovereign nations 
have determined to be in their own best interest. This may include 
protecting local jobs and economies, banning Frankenfoods with the 
potential to disrupt and/or destroy the food supply and outlawing toxic 
additives or chemicals known to have adverse effects on public health and 
the environment.

The pursuit of profit is a necessary and healthy part of a democracy and 
free market economy. However, when it is the exclusive focus, to the 
detriment of the environment, the commons, and the health and well being of 
the people that make up societies and corporations, its time to take back 
the reigns. When corporations factor in the human and environmental costs 
associated with doing business and can be held accountable for their 
actions will real change begin.

Through the acceptance of corporations as persons in the legal sense, we've 
come full circle to facilitate and reward the types of actions and 
behaviors of the East India Company that this country originally fought so 
hard to get away from.

Unequal Protection is an outstanding work. It's history with a perspective, 
but does not in any way sink to the political mudslinging ways of other 
books that may be classified in a similar category

Get 250 full-color business or personal cards free

2002-12-21 Thread Great Offer
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Re: BigBrotherWare

2002-12-21 Thread Michael Cardenas
Tim May wrote:

Speculation: I expect the battles over cyberspace to shift to the OS, 
with the leading private (non open source) OS makers enlisted in the 
War Against Illegal Thoughts. The easiest initial front in this war, 
one the OS companies like Apple and Microsoft have a corporate 
interest in, is for the OS to more aggressively check for hacks or 
products not approved. Software registration and signatures will of 
course not be granted to DVD hacks.

This is exactly what Palladium is all about, forcing people to use only 
approved software. Maybe they'll be md5summing websites for version 2 of 
palladium and only letting you read approved content.

(Much has been made of how the Microsoft- and Intel-backed security 
regimes will be opt in or voluntary. This seems dubious. It is 
precisely the non-volunteers who these companies, and Hollywood, and 
the Nation States, will be most concerned about. So I would expect 
this opt in approach to not be the full picture.)

Microsoft is pushing hard to get palladium into the silicon, with intel 
and amd happy to comply. It's hard to imagine how it will be voluntary 
after that happens.

michael cardenas   | lead software engineer,	   | GNU/Linux software developer | encrypted mail preferred

Be the change you wish to see in the world
-Mahatma Gandhi

Re: Constant Encrypted Stream

2002-12-21 Thread Eugen Leitl
On Thu, 19 Dec 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The main problem to solve as I see it would be for legitimate recipients to
 be able to determine when a message is real and not trash, without letting
 an adversary know.

Access such page via http. Sometimes it's a streamed webcam, sometimes 
it's an image with a stegano payload.

titlemystery cam/title
img src=./blahblah.jpeg alt=sT3g4n0 border=0


2002-12-21 Thread Michael Motyka
 My intuition is that the government is going to be slightly fairer 
 for example, Disney.  That's just a guess, though.


 With an emphasis on slightly I might tend to agree but it looks more 
 like the difference
 between liver cancer and kidney failure than it does the difference 
 between perfect
 health and a cardiac arrest.

Disney doesn't have the power to tell me what I may eat or smoke, 
except in their parks and on their property.

Disney doesn't have the power to come to my house and search it (except 
when they collude with the police or other state-sanctioned actors, 
such as the SPA).

Disney can go bankrupt and vanish if they make the wrong decisions or 
anger too many people.

Disney cannot draft men into their armies and send them to die in 
foreign wars.

Disney cannot establish death camps to liquidate Jews, gypsies, 
Ukrainians, intellectuals, and capitalist roaders.

And so on, for thousands of examples.

Other than these examples, yeah, you and Bruce are right that 
government is slightly fairer than Disney.



Did you overlook the analogy? A miniscule difference in relative measure is irrelevant.

--Tim May, Citizen-unit of of the once free United States
 The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the 
blood of patriots  tyrants. --Thomas Jefferson, 1787

Constant Encrypted Stream

2002-12-21 Thread gann
Nothing serious, just throwing a quick thought out...

It has been mentioned that you should always use crypto. If you wait until
you actually have something private to send, then an adversary will know
exactly which message is important. Encrypting everything gives equal
suspicion to each message and nobody has the resources to attack all of your

So, I was thinking that rather than just encrypt each message, why not just
keep a constant encrypted stream open? So, even when you are asleep,
computers at each node are bombarding each other with encrypted junk
files. Your noise to signal ratio would be phenomenal.

The main problem to solve as I see it would be for legitimate recipients to
be able to determine when a message is real and not trash, without letting
an adversary know.


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Re: Constant encrypted stream

2002-12-21 Thread Eugen Leitl
On Fri, 20 Dec 2002, Anonymous wrote:

 And I wonder...with international companies now cracking down on
 Power-Users of networks like Gnutella, one would think that
 building-in some crypto capabilities (say into Kazaa) could be
 something regular people might be willing to pay for. (Or, at the
 very least, if the Kazaa crypto add-on itself became a shared file,
 why it would spread like wildfire!)

You're misunderstanding things here. If I'm a member of a file sharing
network I can quite easily prove violations by pulling up copyrighted
content from a given user's IP. The user can more or less plausibly deny
responsibility by claiming she's been h4x0red, or that he's running an
adaptive swarm delivery p2p client which uses encryption that no one but
the end user who knows the document's cryptohash is commiting the
(c) violation by assembling scattered content slivers on his system. 

The technical issues are clear enough -- so it's how your local
legislation (and the individual reptile-tailed judge) are seeing it.  
Clearly you can make it illegal, so users will rely on more hardened
prestige-based designs, and packaging delivey infrastructure into
semistealthy worms. I hear China is getting plenty of DSL now.

Re: Bruce Schneier hullabaloo

2002-12-21 Thread Petro
On Fri, Dec 20, 2002 at 10:35:06AM -0800, Mike Rosing wrote:
  onto the radar of U.S. legislators, who see the danger it poses to the
  traditional power structures. Unless all those free software programmers
  are prepared for armed rebellion when their right to share code is taken
  away, I'm not sure its all going to mean much.
 It's an absolute last resort that nobody really wants to get into.
 Nobody like the idea of getting shot at.  So as long as they don't
 have to, they won't.

Nobody? There are plenty of people *waiting* for the justification
to start shooting.

It is not the function of our government to keep the| Quit smoking:
citizen from falling into error; it is the function of the   | 242d, 9h ago
citizen to keep the government from falling into error. | petro@
-- U.S. Supreme Court Justice Robert H. Jackson, |

Re: Constant encrypted stream

2002-12-21 Thread Major Variola (ret)
At 03:01 PM 12/20/02 -0600, Anonymous wrote:
Or, alternatively, if Crypto use by everyday folks was as common as,
saying, Gnutella file sharing, then it would be a HELL of a lot harder
for invisible ears to pick out potentially interesting encrypted files
(how many Gnutella files are shared each day?).

That's simply hiding in a crowd.  What you want is to wear a disguise,
too.  Kazaa + stego, dude.


Intended only for lawful uses. -HP Computer Advert

Re: CRYPTO-GRAM, December 15, 2002

2002-12-21 Thread Marcel Popescu
From: Vincent Penquerc'h [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Disney doesn't have the power to tell me what I may eat or smoke,
  except in their parks and on their property.


 Now, imagine a Disney owning the whole of the land of the USA,
 and having armed forces the size of the USA.
 At least, the govt has a structure that makes it more likely to
 be less effective at oppression. There is still a judiciary,
 who, when it's not bought out, can act as a kind of counter
 power. Yes, it's not much at all, and mostly crooked, but I
 still prefer that than Disney with the aforementionned assets.

 Damn, and I find myself arguing for the state
 *washes mouth*

When I say state, I am not saying Bush, or any other specific person. I
am saying an institution having the monopolies I mentioned earlier. Any
such institution is a state - whether called the government of the US or
Disney. Any such institution has all the flaws I mentioned - like the
impossibility of being fair.

Your at least, the govt argument is wrong, because such a Disney IS the
govt. (I don't consider the Disney owning the whole USA part, because the
US gov't doesn't do that. Disney owning a galaxy wouldn't be inherently
wrong. Disney using force to control a small town which it doesn't own is.)


Re: Constant Encrypted Stream

2002-12-21 Thread Adam Shostack
On Thu, Dec 19, 2002 at 10:10:25PM -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| Nothing serious, just throwing a quick thought out...
| It has been mentioned that you should always use crypto. If you wait until
| you actually have something private to send, then an adversary will know
| exactly which message is important. Encrypting everything gives equal
| suspicion to each message and nobody has the resources to attack all of your
| mail.
| So, I was thinking that rather than just encrypt each message, why not just
| keep a constant encrypted stream open? So, even when you are asleep,
| computers at each node are bombarding each other with encrypted junk
| files. Your noise to signal ratio would be phenomenal.
| The main problem to solve as I see it would be for legitimate recipients to
| be able to determine when a message is real and not trash, without letting
| an adversary know.

And then there's economics.  Someone has to pay for that noise to
signal ratio.


It is seldom that liberty of any kind is lost all at once.

Re: CRYPTO-GRAM, December 15, 2002

2002-12-21 Thread William Warren
voting keeps you is our way of controlling and shaping the 
government.  Those who do not exercise this duty do not deserve to 
complain about what goes on.  I used to be in the non-voting 
category..then i stopped and stepped out of life and looked at hte 
gov't..and did not like it..i now vote...that is the way it should be..:)

James A. Donald wrote:

Disney doesn't have the power to tell me what I may eat or
smoke, except in their parks and on their property.

On 20 Dec 2002 at 10:24, Vincent Penquerc'h wrote:

Now, imagine a Disney owning the whole of the land of the
USA, and having armed forces the size of the USA.

If a single corporation owned everything, then it would be a
socialist government.  If the US government was socialist, if
it owned all or nearly all of the  means of production. it
would behave the same way all other socialist governments have
acted -- it would engage in terror and mass murder.

The fact that Disney, and lots of other groups own various
small things makes me free.  Voting does not make me free. 

 James A. Donald

May God Bless you and everything you touch.

My foundation verse:
Isiah 54:17 No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and 
every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt 
condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their 
righteousness is of me, saith the LORD.

Re: Constant Encrypted Stream

2002-12-21 Thread Mike Rosing
On Fri, 20 Dec 2002, Major Variola (ret) wrote:

 Very good, sir.  Your next assignment is to read about Mixmaster
 anonymous remailer networks.  Generally sending uniformly-sized (padded
 or fragmented or noise) blocks at regular intervals is preferable (and
 to your suggestion of keeping connections open all the time.

Also check out The Art of War where Sun Tzu describes using
signals to confuse the enemy.  We're not doing anything new here,
the toys are just more fun to play with is all :-)

Patience, persistence, truth,
Dr. mike

Re: Bruce Schneier hullabaloo

2002-12-21 Thread Mike Rosing
On Fri, 20 Dec 2002, Michael Cardenas wrote:

 I'm not advocating armed rebellion. I'm saying that the current
 political structures in power have massive political might and are
 willing to use it to stay in power, as we are witnessing more everyday,
 and anything that challenges that might will eventually have to face it.

Nothing has changed in the past 10,000 years.  There are more
people now, more toys to play with and things happen faster.  I
don't see Nero as that much different than W, other than W's
mom isn't gonna get offed like Nero's was.  She's smarter than
her son is :-)

As the massive political powers become more corrupt, they make
more mistakes.  They don't have to think too hard any more
because they are massive political powers.  That's their weakness,
and it's a damn good thing too.  Getting them to destroy themselves
becomes easier - like the Medici.  The Berrata family is still around,
mostly because they never decided to be a _political_ power.  They
have stayed as an economic one.

Political structures have to die just like living ones for things
to change.  I think we'll see things change.  But I won't bet how :-)

Patience, persistence, truth,
Dr. mike

RE: Libel lunacy -all laws apply fnord everywhere

2002-12-21 Thread Bill Stewart
At 6:11 PM -0800 on 12/12/02, Lucky Green wrote:
 Agreed. A few years ago, some would advocate that on the Internet,
 no national laws apply. This was, of course, nonsense. Instead,
 every single national, regional, and local law in effect today
 anywhere in the world applies to anything you do to the extent that
 said law can be enforced.

Yup.  At least until the internet boycott against Australia succeeds,
we're closer to Tim May's signatures about ~~this posting void where
prohibited by law, may offend local sensibilities, etc~~
than to just speedbumps on the information superhighway.
Or at best, they're the kind of speedbumps designed to
generate extra business for the local car-repair shops...

At 11:10 PM 12/12/2002 -0500, R. A. Hettinga wrote:

The next trick will be to drive a stake into the heart of modern
society's  present mystification of identity and is-a-person
credentials by moving money and financial assets, significantly
cheaper than we do now, using systems that don't require identity at
all to clear and settle transactions. Systems which are,
paradoxically, cheaper *because* they're anonymous, or at least,
identity agnostic, just like physics is religiously agnostic.

It was nice to believe this for a while.  Is there any evidence
that it's actually becoming practical or even possible to have
identity-less systems that are less expensive than current processes?
Moore's Law is making it easier to afford fast crypto,
but it and the similar effects in networking costs are making
identity-based settlement systems progressively cheaper,
to the extent that it may not be worth switching.
Or is that just because the companies that have the critical patents
keep going nowhere while they keep the technology locked down?

I'm reminded somewhat of the IP telephony situation -
it's east to get ham-radio-quality VOIP to talk to your friends,
and building a whole new infrastructure based on VOIP
would be radically cheaper than building it with old technology,
and replacing the whole antique structure at once would be
impossible, but would also be much cheaper than doing it piecemeal,
because the interconnections between the old and new sides are ugly.
It's easy to get incremental 0.1 cent minutes, instead of 2-cent minutes,
but there's enough fixed startup cost that it's not worth it for
most business applications (though it would be worth it to replace 29-cent 

Status of SMS encryption project?

2002-12-21 Thread Matthew X
Ultimately, what we need is encrypted voice. 

Al Quaida sure do.Dragon speaking has some Drs and lawyers packages,so 
maybe they have a crypto option.A local Dr here had his laptop seized 
recently so I imagine there is at least a small market.
I'll write and ask.

Eric Blossom's Starium is busy working on providing that feature for 
both land line telephones and mobiles.

How to purchase and forward? This could be lucrative line of business for 
the Soprano waste management Firm.

 However, no add-on crypto will defend against the location escrow 
universally employed by cellular providers. As long as your mobile is 
turned on, your movement will be tracked and stored, 

Is that why the freedom fighters have a lot of throwaways? SMS is huge down 
here,I have a program to send them from the PC.SMS Sender 1.01.
Cutting and pasting,attack at dawn,in PGP/GPG should be possible,yes?

File Transit Inc. - Freeware, Shareware and Demo Software ...
... Smart Sender 1.01, 38, Mail Senders for Windows. ... SmartSound® Movie 
1.01, 2, Macintosh Software. ... SMS Demon 1.1, 25, SMS Utilities for 
Windows. ... alphaindex.php?offset=400letter=s - 53k - 20 Dec 2002 
- Cached - Similar pages
Welcome to FileHungry
... Smart Sender 1.01 Smart Sender is designed to make your E-Mail 
Marketing ... SMS-it 1.1
SMS-it allows you to send SMS to a mobile phone using your computer. ...

The assassinphone of the future looks more and more like a,'one time pad.'

Constant encrypted stream

2002-12-21 Thread Anonymous
It has been mentioned that you should always use crypto. If you wait until you 
actually have something private to send, then an adversary will know exactly which 
message is important. 

Or, alternatively, if Crypto use by everyday folks was as common as, saying, 
Gnutella file sharing, then it would be a HELL of a lot harder for invisible ears to 
pick out potentially interesting encrypted files (how many Gnutella files are shared 
each day?).

And I wonder...with international companies now cracking down on Power-Users of 
networks like Gnutella, one would think that building-in some crypto capabilities (say 
into Kazaa) could be something regular people might be willing to pay for. (Or, at 
the very least, if the Kazaa crypto add-on itself became a shared file, why it would 
spread like wildfire!)


Re: Bruce Schneier hullabaloo

2002-12-21 Thread Michael Cardenas
Anonymous wrote:

Like I said before, P2P, Crypto, WiFi and cheap chips will turn everything upside down. 

I'm curious as to what makes you, or anyone on this list, think that 
these technologies by themselves will cause any sort of political 
upheaval. Lawrence Lessig has talked about how technologies, as long as 
they're created and controlled by people and corporations operating 
within the laws and boundaries of some country, can be regulated to 
express the will of governments. Your MAC address is already sent out in 
every packet that your machine generates, so with that, a snoop could 
tell a whole hell of a lot about what you're doing. What's to say that 
these technologies are not going to be shaped to meet the needs and 
wants of the transnational corporations that run our government?

I think that Bruce Schneier's terse comment just illustrates the 
flippant attitude that lots of geeks have towards politics, and that 
lots of people have also. Just because geeks know a lot about 
technology, doesn't mean that they're impervious to the massive 
propaganda and mind control that goes on in democratic societies to keep 
the rabble out of the political process.

I just have a hard time seeing the bridge between armed rebellion 
against the largest military power the world has ever known, the U.S., 
and some new networking technologies that are being designed for cisco 
to make more money. Even beautiful open source efforts like p2p and 
linux that actually express the will of the people are starting to get 
onto the radar of U.S. legislators, who see the danger it poses to the 
traditional power structures. Unless all those free software programmers 
are prepared for armed rebellion when their right to share code is taken 
away, I'm not sure its all going to mean much.

michael cardenas   | lead software engineer,	   | GNU/Linux software developer | encrypted mail preferred

Be the change you wish to see in the world
-Mahatma Gandhi

Re: Constant Encrypted Stream

2002-12-21 Thread Mike Rosing
On Fri, 20 Dec 2002, Major Variola (ret) wrote:

 The moral equivalent of the pre-telegraph French semaphore soldiers
 doing the macarena...

To the tune of I'm a lumberjack and I'm ok.

Patience, persistence, truth,
Dr. mike

status of SMS encryption project?

2002-12-21 Thread Anonymous
All (esp. lucky) -

I was curious what the status of the SMS encryption project quoted in the below post 

I did some googling and saw almost nothing on the subject.


* To: Multiple recipients of list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
* Subject: Re: AUCRYPTO: RE: Cellular Phone Anonymity/Privacy (was Israli 
* From: Lucky Green [EMAIL PROTECTED]
* Date: Wed, 21 Apr 1999 04:22:01 -0400
* Old-Subject: Re: AUCRYPTO: RE: Cellular Phone Anonymity/Privacy (was Israli 

On Wed, 21 Apr 1999, Tim K wrote:
[quoting somebody]
  Of course they can always track who you call.  They can listen in on
  the conversation.  Thats what gpg-phone is for.  As far as anonymity
  with the person your dialing I'm not sure.
Maybe Lucky can comment.  I know he had a Nokia Project going a 
  ago.  Certainly nothing seems to be no new ideas under the cryto 

Seems the original post never made it to me.

Anyway, the project I was thinking of related to encrypting SMS messages.
I discovered that while it was possible to modify Nokia firmware to
support SMS encryption, there were easier solutions by running the SMS
through a PC. There are other projects underway that provide encrypted SMS
messages using a Basic STAMP computer. Sorry, I am not in a position to
disclose details at this time.

Ultimately, what we need is encrypted voice. Eric Blossom's Starium is
busy working on providing that feature for both land line telephones and
mobiles. However, no add-on crypto will defend against the location escrow
universally employed by cellular providers. As long as your mobile is
turned on, your movement will be tracked and stored, ready to be retrieved
at any time in the future upon request by law enforcement or parties
willing to incentivise the $10/hour guy with access to the database. There
seem to be few automated profiling systems in place today, but that will
change over the next few years.

-- Lucky Green [EMAIL PROTECTED] PGP v5 encrypted email preferred.

Re: Bruce Schneier hullabaloo

2002-12-21 Thread Mike Rosing
On Fri, 20 Dec 2002, Michael Cardenas wrote:

 I think that Bruce Schneier's terse comment just illustrates the
 flippant attitude that lots of geeks have towards politics, and that
 lots of people have also. Just because geeks know a lot about
 technology, doesn't mean that they're impervious to the massive
 propaganda and mind control that goes on in democratic societies to keep
 the rabble out of the political process.

Group think isn't qute the same a mind control.  Nobody actually
controls the masses, but smart and dangerous folks know how to
ride them.  Sitting back and watching the mob can give you a clue
where not to stand

 I just have a hard time seeing the bridge between armed rebellion
 against the largest military power the world has ever known, the U.S.,
 and some new networking technologies that are being designed for cisco
 to make more money. Even beautiful open source efforts like p2p and
 linux that actually express the will of the people are starting to get
 onto the radar of U.S. legislators, who see the danger it poses to the
 traditional power structures. Unless all those free software programmers
 are prepared for armed rebellion when their right to share code is taken
 away, I'm not sure its all going to mean much.

It's an absolute last resort that nobody really wants to get into.
Nobody like the idea of getting shot at.  So as long as they don't
have to, they won't.

 Be the change you wish to see in the world
 -Mahatma Gandhi

So how we gonna change the world dude?

Patience, persistence, truth,
Dr. mike

Re: Bruce Schneier hullabaloo

2002-12-21 Thread Michael Cardenas
Mike Rosing wrote:

On Fri, 20 Dec 2002, Michael Cardenas wrote:

I just have a hard time seeing the bridge between armed rebellion
against the largest military power the world has ever known, the U.S.,
and some new networking technologies that are being designed for cisco
to make more money. Even beautiful open source efforts like p2p and
linux that actually express the will of the people are starting to get
onto the radar of U.S. legislators, who see the danger it poses to the
traditional power structures. Unless all those free software programmers
are prepared for armed rebellion when their right to share code is taken
away, I'm not sure its all going to mean much.

It's an absolute last resort that nobody really wants to get into.
Nobody like the idea of getting shot at.  So as long as they don't
have to, they won't.

Be the change you wish to see in the world
-Mahatma Gandhi

So how we gonna change the world dude?

I'm not advocating armed rebellion. I'm saying that the current 
political structures in power have massive political might and are 
willing to use it to stay in power, as we are witnessing more everyday, 
and anything that challenges that might will eventually have to face it.

michael cardenas   | lead software engineer,	   | GNU/Linux software developer | encrypted mail preferred

Be the change you wish to see in the world
-Mahatma Gandhi

Re: BigBrotherWare

2002-12-21 Thread Petro
On Fri, Dec 20, 2002 at 12:50:57PM -0800, Michael Cardenas wrote:
 Tim May wrote:
 (Much has been made of how the Microsoft- and Intel-backed security 
 regimes will be opt in or voluntary. This seems dubious. It is 
 precisely the non-volunteers who these companies, and Hollywood, and 
 the Nation States, will be most concerned about. So I would expect 
 this opt in approach to not be the full picture.)
 Microsoft is pushing hard to get palladium into the silicon, with intel 
 and amd happy to comply. It's hard to imagine how it will be voluntary 
 after that happens.

S. Jobs isn't all that hip on Palladium style stuff (although he'll do
what he's told), and linux runs on anything. The Europeans will be
incredibly dubious of any chip/os level security after what the NSA has
done to them over the years, so they'll probably form a committee to
design something similar but incompatible. Being that it'll come out of
a committee, it'll take 10 years to get a spec, and drive development of
single-die multi-cpu chip architecture, which will get us cheap SMP

I'm not all that worried about it, after all, outside of graphic design
software Linux already does everything I need, and more than most people
need. Sure, it's not as polished, as integrated etc. But it's about
at the level of Windows95, if you use something like KDE or GNOME. 

I stand on principle, because it's the only place where I| Quit smoking:
don't get shit on my boots.  | 242d, 9h ago
 | petro@

RE: CRYPTO-GRAM, December 15, 2002

2002-12-21 Thread James A. Donald
  Disney doesn't have the power to tell me what I may eat or
  smoke, except in their parks and on their property.

On 20 Dec 2002 at 10:24, Vincent Penquerc'h wrote:
 Now, imagine a Disney owning the whole of the land of the
 USA, and having armed forces the size of the USA.

If a single corporation owned everything, then it would be a
socialist government.  If the US government was socialist, if
it owned all or nearly all of the  means of production. it
would behave the same way all other socialist governments have
acted -- it would engage in terror and mass murder.

The fact that Disney, and lots of other groups own various
small things makes me free.  Voting does not make me free. 

 James A. Donald

Misconceptions about how remailers work

2002-12-21 Thread Tim May
On Friday, December 20, 2002, at 12:34  PM, Michael Cardenas wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Like I said before, P2P, Crypto, WiFi and cheap chips will turn 
everything upside down.

I'm curious as to what makes you, or anyone on this list, think that 
these technologies by themselves will cause any sort of political 
upheaval. Lawrence Lessig has talked about how technologies, as long 
as they're created and controlled by people and corporations operating 
within the laws and boundaries of some country, can be regulated to 
express the will of governments. Your MAC address is already sent out 
in every packet that your machine generates, so with that, a snoop 
could tell a whole hell of a lot about what you're doing. What's to 
say that these technologies are not going to be shaped to meet the 
needs and wants of the transnational corporations that run our 

Remailers and Web proxies work in ways that skirt this transparency 
of MACs and routing that you are referring to. These are the types of 
technologies we are discussing. The fact that Disney or Lockheed may be 
using Carnivore- and Echelon-vulnerable technologies does not challenge 
the points about how better technologies will turn everything upside 

You need to take a look at how anonymous remailers work. Nothing in the 
incoming packet is sent on  to the next node except the encrypted 
(multiply) payload. For a nested message sent to the chain Alice --  
Hans -- Vito -- Fred -- Chen -- Bob -- Zak to be tracked through 
the remailer chain, a TLA who has access to the packet entering the 
Alice node must convinced/force Alice to reveal her mappings between 
inputs and outputs, then convince the next link to do the same, and so 

There are three obvious reasons why this is likely to be very, very 
difficult to do:

0. As the zeroth item, recall (because this is important), that the 
canonical Cypherpunks remailer uses a nested chain of encrypted 
messages. The message from Alice to Zak is first encrypted to Zak's 
public key. Then this message is encrypted to Bob's public key. And so 
on. Symbolically,

Alice (Hans (Vito (Fred (Chen (Bob (Zak))

What is in each pair of these LISP-style parentheses is a payload. In 
the Zak payload, a classical ASCII message, for example. Attack at 
dawn. No MACs, no  remnants of the path through the nodes. Just the 
payload. And inside the Bob payload is the encrypted form of the Zak 
payload plus the routing instructions, e.g., ::Request-remailing-to: 

So, talk of MACs and other routing labels is missing the whole point of 
remailers, that the serial numbers get filed off at each stage.

No one anywhere along the chain knows anything more than which node he 
received a particular message from and which node it is to be sent to. 
Granted, if all or even most nodes get together to compare mappings 
they can of course trace a message through the labyrinth. This is the 
collusion problem, discussed in many papers and often here. The Dining 
Cryptographer's approach also has a collusion problem, which Chaum, 
Pfitzmann, etc. deal with in various ways. There is no indication this 
has ever been a problem, as most remailer operators will not disclose 
even their logs, let alone routinely compare logs with other remailers. 
Reputations are important in this problem.

On to the difficulties:

1. At least some of the nodes may keep no logs whatsoever of mappings 
between inputs and outputs. For example, Hans runs a Mixmaster node in 
Mannheim. Logs are sent to dev/null. So when the BND, liaising with the 
FBI, demands logs from a communication some days earlier, he has 
nothing to give them. Repeat this up to M times.

2. Alice may choose to use her own node as a stage in the chain. If the 
investigators ever track a message back to her, a dead man switch wipes 
the records. (Technical issues on how to do this are a minor exercise.) 
The important being that having oneself in the loop has many 
advantages, and no obvious disadvantages.

3. If only one of the links refuses to cooperate, or has no records, or 
has a nonfunctional machine/disk, the chain is broken. (Insert usual 
discussion of thermite here.)

The message payloads (what is in each pair of parentheses above) carry 
no information about the routing.

Even sniffing the entire network only shows that N messages entered 
Hans' node during some period and that M messages left during some 
period. The mapping from the set of N to the set of M may not be 
one-to-one. Dummy messages might have been added (cover traffic). 
Delays may be programmed in. The sender may have requested a fixed 
delay, and so on.

A sniffing agency will have a hard time determining the routing of the 
message from Alice to Bob, or of course even that the message sent to 
Zak actually had Zak as the intended recipient.

(A good thing for Zak to do is to be a remailer operator himself, and 
then take any message he received addressed to him and send it on (or 

Re: Bruce Schneier hullabaloo

2002-12-21 Thread Mike Rosing
On Fri, 20 Dec 2002, Michael Cardenas wrote:

 Ahh... I meant massive military might.

Not a whole lot of difference usually :-)


RE: Bruce Schneier hullabaloo

2002-12-21 Thread Trei, Peter
 Mike Rosing[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote
 The Berrata family is still around,
 mostly because they never decided 
 to be a _political_ power.  They
 have stayed as an economic one.

I think you meant the *Beretta* family, who 
have been making fine fireams since the 1520's.

Other really old companies:

Stora Enso Oyj of Helsinki, Finland, a
paper and board maker, began as a
copper mine in central Sweden in 1288. 

Sumitomo Corp. of Tokyo was founded
as a book and medicine shop in Kyoto in
the early 1600s by Masatomo Sumitomo.
Peter Trei

RE: Bruce Schneier hullabaloo

2002-12-21 Thread Mike Rosing
On Fri, 20 Dec 2002, Trei, Peter wrote:

 I think you meant the *Beretta* family, who
 have been making fine fireams since the 1520's.

Yup, my spelling sucks :-)

 Other really old companies:

 Stora Enso Oyj of Helsinki, Finland, a
 paper and board maker, began as a
 copper mine in central Sweden in 1288.

 Sumitomo Corp. of Tokyo was founded
 as a book and medicine shop in Kyoto in
 the early 1600s by Masatomo Sumitomo.

Cool.  Nice to know it's a world wide trend :-)

Patience, persistence, truth,
Dr. mike

Re: Misconceptions about how remailers work

2002-12-21 Thread Michael Cardenas
Tim May wrote:

On Friday, December 20, 2002, at 12:34  PM, Michael Cardenas wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Like I said before, P2P, Crypto, WiFi and cheap chips will turn 
everything upside down.

I'm curious as to what makes you, or anyone on this list, think that 
these technologies by themselves will cause any sort of political 
upheaval. Lawrence Lessig has talked about how technologies, as long 
as they're created and controlled by people and corporations 
operating within the laws and boundaries of some country, can be 
regulated to express the will of governments. Your MAC address is 
already sent out in every packet that your machine generates, so with 
that, a snoop could tell a whole hell of a lot about what you're 
doing. What's to say that these technologies are not going to be 
shaped to meet the needs and wants of the transnational corporations 
that run our government?

Remailers and Web proxies work in ways that skirt this transparency 
of MACs and routing that you are referring to. These are the types of 
technologies we are discussing. The fact that Disney or Lockheed may 
be using Carnivore- and Echelon-vulnerable technologies does not 
challenge the points about how better technologies will turn 
everything upside down.

There are other forms of traffic besides email that are significant.

These sorts of things have been covered in many of the past messages 
on this list and in tutorials and reviews. I recommend my own article 
in Vernor Vinge's True Names and the Opening of the Cyberspace 
Frontier. Still being sold at Borders and other bookstores, so you 
can read my article there for free.

I've read your article there, and it was very interesting. That's why 
I'm here. I just didn't see the bridge from the technology to the 
revolution clearly articulated in your essay either.

michael cardenas   | lead software engineer,	   | GNU/Linux software developer | encrypted mail preferred

Be the change you wish to see in the world
-Mahatma Gandhi

Re: Bruce Schneier Hullabaloo

2002-12-21 Thread Anonymous
On Sat, 21 Dec 2002 00:07:34 -0800 (PST), you wrote:

 Michael Cardenas wrote:

 (Begin Quote)
 I'm curious as to what makes you, or anyone on this list, think that these 
technologies by themselves will cause any sort of political upheaval...What's to 
say that these technologies are not going to be shaped to meet the needs and wants of 
the transnational corporations that run our government?
 (End Quote)

The high ranking for power concentration you implicity give to 
transnationals is undeserved and you are fearful of the wrong 
threat. The humblest meter maid can commence a process against 
you with consequences far greater than those that can be 
directed your way by the CEO of the most loathsome transnational 
company. That meter maid can write you a ticket. If unpaid, you 
will be fined. If unpaid again, your property will be seized. If 
you resist having your property seized, you will be beaten. If 
you resist being beaten, you will be shot until dead.

Your most dreaded CEO can only dream for the power of a meter 

It's governments, stupid.

Re: CRYPTO-GRAM, December 15, 2002

2002-12-21 Thread James A. Donald
On 20 Dec 2002 at 19:26, William Warren wrote:
 voting keeps you is our way of controlling and
 shaping the government.

No matter who you vote for, a politician always gets elected.

 Those who do not exercise this duty do not deserve to 
 complain about what goes on.

By voting, you give the appearance of consent to what the
government does to you. 

 James A. Donald

re:constant encryped stream

2002-12-21 Thread Sarad AV

Nothing serious, just throwing a quick thought out...

It has been mentioned that you should always use
crypto. If you wait 
you actually have something private to send, then an
adversary will 
exactly which message is important.
Don't encrypt,post it by snail mail.I remember reading
this in pgp's help document.
It addresses why we glue over our envelope and seal
it.It ofcourse is concealing(for the govt) and privacy
(for the user).The govt. never asks letters not to be
glued and sealed because of the vast majority of
people using it.
But at the slightest at the use of encryption will
raise their brows.

This issue can only be fully solved when the vast
majority of people begin using encryption.

Encrypted spam wouldn't be a bad idea either.

Regards Sarath.

 Encrypting everything gives equal
suspicion to each message and nobody has the
resources to attack all of 

So, I was thinking that rather than just encrypt each
message, why not 
keep a constant encrypted stream open? So, even when
you are asleep,
computers at each node are bombarding each other with
encrypted junk
files. Your noise to signal ratio would be
Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now.


2002-12-21 Thread Sarad AV

  Be the change you wish to see in the world
  -Mahatma Gandhi
 So how we gonna change the world dude?

Arise the masses,how he did that-I have no clue.How
ever he did that in the 1940's when the only method of
mass communication was radio(british controlled) and
new paper(again british controlled).To bring together
a diverse,multilingual,multicultural society like
India was never easy.

If we can seriously figure that out-we may change the
world :)

Regards Sarath

 Patience, persistence, truth,
 Dr. mike

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now.

Re: CRYPTO-GRAM, December 15, 2002

2002-12-21 Thread James A. Donald
William Warren
 voting keeps you is our way of controlling and 
 shaping the government.

David Friedman explains why democracy does not work. 

 James A. Donald

Re: How robust is SpeakFreely?

2002-12-21 Thread Adam Shostack
On Sat, Dec 21, 2002 at 07:40:34PM +0100, Thomas Shaddack wrote:
| is a nice, open-source cross-platfor VoIP
| software. Supports encryption by DES, Blowfish, and IDEA.
| Had anyone knowledgeable ever looked at its code? How secure this
| implementation is? Is better to use Blowfish or IDEA? Where are the
| potential holes there?

Use Blowfish, you avoid worrying about if you have to worry about
patent issues.  There are probably buffer overflows, and other
problems with the code.  But its probably no worse than other VOIP
code, and is clearly more secure than code which doesn't encrypt.


It is seldom that liberty of any kind is lost all at once.

Re: Misconceptions about how remailers work

2002-12-21 Thread Tim May
On Friday, December 20, 2002, at 04:48  PM, Michael Cardenas wrote:

Tim May wrote:

Remailers and Web proxies work in ways that skirt this transparency 
of MACs and routing that you are referring to. These are the types of 
technologies we are discussing. The fact that Disney or Lockheed may 
be using Carnivore- and Echelon-vulnerable technologies does not 
challenge the points about how better technologies will turn 
everything upside down.

There are other forms of traffic besides email that are significant.

Yes, which is why I also cited Web proxies. I gave the e-mail example 
in detail because it makes it crystal clear that MACs attached to 
packets are not a showstopper. The payload of a message, whether it is 
digital money, age credentials, e-mail, Web requests, Usenet posts, 
return receipts, etc. can easily be separated from outer wrappers. In 
fact, the whole approach we favor is that the payloads themselves do 
the authentication (such as may be needed), and so on. Thus end-to-end 
encryption is an example of this...none of the various tags and 
wrappers inserted along the way are important or essential to what's in 
the payload.

I've read your article there, and it was very interesting. That's why 
I'm here. I just didn't see the bridge from the technology to the 
revolution clearly articulated in your essay either.

You said that the cruft often added by various machines, such as MACs 
and other Internet barnacles, are a showstopper which breaks anonymity 
and untraceability. I demonstrated that for a working system, remailer 
and Web proxies, this is not so. It is true that I didn't make this 
argument in my essay in the Vinge didn't seem necessary to 
point out that tags added to packets are trivially removed. (This is 
one reason Big Brother has been trying to get limits placed on crypto, 
with escrow of keys and signature tools, and with his own machines 
doing the encryption, sort of like saying Sealed envelopes are 
terrorist tools. Bring your letters to the Post Office and we will 
handle your security needs.)

--Tim May
You don't expect governments to obey the law because of some higher 
moral development. You expect them to obey the law because they know 
that if they don't, those who aren't shot will be hanged. - -Michael 

How robust is SpeakFreely?

2002-12-21 Thread Thomas Shaddack is a nice, open-source cross-platfor VoIP
software. Supports encryption by DES, Blowfish, and IDEA.

Had anyone knowledgeable ever looked at its code? How secure this
implementation is? Is better to use Blowfish or IDEA? Where are the
potential holes there?

Re: Bruce Schneier Hullabaloo

2002-12-21 Thread Neil Johnson
On Saturday 21 December 2002 08:45 am, Anonymous wrote:

 The high ranking for power concentration you implicity give to
 transnationals is undeserved and you are fearful of the wrong
 threat. The humblest meter maid can commence a process against
 you with consequences far greater than those that can be
 directed your way by the CEO of the most loathsome transnational
 company. That meter maid can write you a ticket. If unpaid, you
 will be fined. If unpaid again, your property will be seized. If
 you resist having your property seized, you will be beaten. If
 you resist being beaten, you will be shot until dead.

 Your most dreaded CEO can only dream for the power of a meter

U, how about.

1. Big multi-national corporation buys off politicians to pass laws to protect 
their business model (DMCA anyone ?)
2. Gets meter maid to enforce said law.
3. See above.

Ahhh, I see. Let's just get rid of the middle-man (government) and then the 
corps can take take of enforcement directly (pirate a song, get whacked).

Much more efficient I would guess.

Neil Johnson
PGP key available on request.

Re: Policing Bioterror Research

2002-12-21 Thread Tim May
On Saturday, December 21, 2002, at 10:07  AM, Eugen Leitl wrote:

Policing Bioterror Research

One of science's hottest fields is now becoming one of its most heavily
regulated, too. The U.S. government last week unveiled sweeping new
bioterror research regulations that will require 20,000 scientists at
nearly 1000 laboratories to beef up security--or face hefty fines and 
sentences. The interim rules, due to go into effect early next year, 
also force scientists to get prior approval for a growing list of
sensitive experiments.

And where in the United States Constitution is there provision for 
controlling which experiments may be done, for what research articles 
may be published, for what thoughts may be thought?

None, of course. The fact that some biological research may be 
dangerous or may be used as a weapon, ultimately, is no different from 
the fact that some physics research may be dangerous or used as a 
weapon, or some computer research, or even some mathematics research.

This just says the Bill of Rights is no longer operative.

(But, hey, EPIC is glad they got the right to distribute union 
pamphlets left in the New Interpretation. Good to know 
non-Cypherpunks-friendly activists are still lobbying in D.C.!)

(By the way, Eugene, I had to snip out a vast chunk of included text 
from you message. Please include only URLs for very long pieces. If 
not, I'll have to killfile you as I have done with other serial 

--Tim May

Re: Hullabo

2002-12-21 Thread Tim May
On Saturday, December 21, 2002, at 02:57  AM, Sarad AV wrote:


Be the change you wish to see in the world
-Mahatma Gandhi

So how we gonna change the world dude?

Arise the masses,how he did that-I have no clue.How
ever he did that in the 1940's when the only method of
mass communication was radio(british controlled) and
new paper(again british controlled).To bring together
a diverse,multilingual,multicultural society like
India was never easy.

Is this some kind of Indian raghead/Swami humor?

Gandhi didn't bring together anything. The country split into at 
least three pieces after he got the Western government of the British 
thrown out.

All that he ensured was that his particular bunch would control the 
whip hand.

--Tim May, Citizen-unit of of the once free United States
 The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the 
blood of patriots  tyrants. --Thomas Jefferson, 1787