Capitalist financed fascism.

2003-03-10 Thread professor rat

China reveals executions are on the increase
Chinese authorities have announced the country has executed or
jailed for life more than three quarters of a million people in the past
five years. 
The President of the country's highest court today told the National
People Congress, China has condemned to death or jailed for life 819,000
people over the past five years. 
That is a 25 per cent increase over official figures for the previous
five years. 
Human rights organisations claim China annually executes more prisoners
than all other countries put together. 
It was also announced today that 3.2 million people in China were also
punished for various crimes over the same five-year period.


2003-03-10 Thread professor rat

US protest over North Korea's 'reckless' lock-on
March 11 2003
The United States today delivered an official diplomatic protest to North
Korea over an incident earlier this month in which North Korean fighter
jets intercepted a US spy plane. 
The State Department said the protest was made orally, six days after the
White House said it would complain to Pyongyang about its "reckless
behaviour" to North Korean diplomats at the United Nations. 
"We reiterated our call on the North Koreans to adhere to
international standards of behaviour and avoid any further provocative or
escalatory steps," spokesman Richard Boucher said. 
"We told the North Koreans that their provocations run counter to
the international community's clear desire for a peaceful diplomatic path
to ensuring a nuclear weapons-free Korean peninsula," he said. 

While North Korea signals it will continue missile firings in an apparent
attempt to draw the United States into direct peace talks, Washington has
also begun a more subtle diplomatic brinkmanship of its own, intended to
rally South Korea and other regional powers around its confrontation of
the North's Stalinist regime.
The region was yesterday waiting North Korea's likely second test of a
240-kilometre range anti-ship cruise missile, following a three-day
warning issued on Friday to shipping in a sector of the Sea of Japan. The
first test took place on February 24, just before South Korean President
Roh Moo Hyun was sworn into office.
It has also emerged that in last Sunday's interception of an unarmed
American RC-135S spy plane over the Japan Sea, the four missile-armed
North Korean MiG fighters had tried to make the US crew surrender and fly
to North Korea.
The naval missile test breaks no undertakings by the Pyongyang
government, though the timing is being seen as provocative by US allies
including Australia, which called in North Korea's envoy to Canberra for
an official protest.
But announcements in Washington have set off alarm bells in Seoul and
possibility other regional capitals.
The US Defence Secretary, Donald Rumsfeld, said on Thursday that the US
was studying ways of either withdrawing its 37,000 troops in South Korea,
or shifting them further away from the Demilitarised Zone, the
North-South truce line. 
South Korea's own army might provide "the kind of up-front deterrent
that is needed", he said, with backing from US air and sea
This was a bombshell in South Korea, where the Defence Minister, Cho
Young Kil, told the National Assembly that the US had "never
officially informed us" on troop redeployments or raised the
possibility of withdrawal.
He said South Korea "will not discuss any possibility of movement of
US troops before the [North Korean] nuclear issue is resolved".

Up to now, the US garrison has been stationed on the DMZ as a key
assurance to South Korea.
Although it would not be strong enough to repel a blitzkrieg attack by
the North's 1.1 million strong army, its location means US forces would
be drawn immediately into fighting and leave Washington little choice but
to wage a major campaign. 
But as memories of the Korean War and past tensions fade, South Korean
public opinion has looked more at the negative side of hosting foreign
troops, including their occupation of prime sites in Seoul and their
immunity from local legal proceedings, and swung behind the tolerant
approach of Mr Roh and his predecessor Kim Dae Jung towards the North. Mr
Rumsfeld's statement seems intended as a jolt to this attitude.

CheapTrips Airfares: Lowest Prices Guaranteed

2003-03-10 Thread Cheap Trips
Title: Cheaptrips




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Kafka downunder.

2003-03-10 Thread professor rat
Case against Muslim youth a secret
By Linda Morris
March 11 2003

Australian citizen Zak Mallah says he wants to marry in Lebanon and make 
the pilgrimage to Mecca.

ASIO says the 19-year-old Muslim is a risk and could conduct acts of 
"politically motivated violence" against Australian and Western interests.

Mr Mallah, an Australian of Lebanese parents, is contesting the Federal 
Government's decision of last June to refuse him a passport based on an 
adverse security assessment.

His passport application was denied a day after he willingly attended an 
interview with ASIO officers.

Yesterday ASIO and the Federal Government defended their decision in the 
Administrative Appeals Tribunal, going to extraordinary lengths to keep 
their case against the Greenacre youth a secret.
The tribunal conducted in-camera hearings to protect the identity of ASIO 
agents who carried out the security assessment.

Not even Mr Mallah's counsel could be present to cross-examine the ASIO 
evidence. The nature of ASIO's case and its sources have also been withheld 
although its counsel told the tribunal it would also rely on transcripts of 
media interviews.

In the only documents tendered to the tribunal, ASIO acknowledged Mr Mallah 
had no criminal conviction, no known record of violence and had talked of 
returning to Australia after visiting Lebanon. He had insisted to ASIO 
officers he had no plans or intentions to take part in violent activities 
and intended to "travel in peace" to Lebanon to get married.

But ASIO was not convinced: "Even if Mallah's present intention is to 
travel to Lebanon to meet his prospective bride we assess there is a risk 
he could engage in politically motivated violence. We consider his proposed 
travel overseas presents an unacceptable risk."

Mr Mallah is believed to have come to the attention of security authorities 
because of his attendance at lectures organised by the Islamic Youth 
Movement, whose website has given sympathetic coverage to military struggle 
by Islamists including Osama bin Laden but which has denied any links to 

In an edited version of its interview with Mr Mallah, ASIO says he denied 
any connection with those who condoned violence.

When asked if he had any intention of taking part in any violence which 
would damage Australian security, Mr Mallah had stated he would be stupid 
to do any such thing because "I'd be back here behind bars".

Had he ever expressed any views or intentions to anybody about such 
conduct: "I'm nobody, who am I?" When asked the question again, he said, "No".

Asked to elaborate, ASIO reported Mr Mallah had stated: "Everybody talks 
about it." Mr Mallah went on to explain that people discuss many things, 
but "nobody will actually do anything, and it's just talk".

ASIO writes reports on passport applications where security is involved and 
has been accused by the Council of Civil Liberties of unfairly targeting 
people of Middle Eastern extraction.

Mr Mallah's counsel, David Berney, said his client had strong views on the 
Middle East and probably expressed them "in a way you or I might not 
express them".

He was strongly religious and his view that religious law took precedent 
over state laws was not as radical as first suggested given Catholics 
object to abortions.

"It shouldn't be misinterpreted as an intention to break the law."

The hearing continues.

In the interests of Interfaith dialogue.

2003-03-10 Thread professor rat
The new Anglican Dean of Sydney has been accused of insensitivity, 
provocation and offensive intolerance after his strident defence of 
evangelical Christianity.
Religious organisations across the community yesterday railed against the 
Reverend Phillip Jensen's provocative comments, which included saying that 
Australia had stretched the idea of tolerance to the point of stupidity.
He told the congregation at his installation in St Andrew's cathedral on 
Friday that "some or all" religions were wrong and if wrong were "the 
monstrous lies and deceits of Satan devised to destroy the life of the 
The dean has argued he was not using the St Andrew's pulpit to attack other 
religions, but merely to point out that different faiths were mutually 
The Anglican bishop of South Sydney, Robert Forsyth, came out in his 
defence, arguing that although the mode of speech may have been 
confronting, the message was hardly new.
"What he said was what I understand to be the way in which the New 
Testament sees other religions: that outside of Christ people are enslaved 
to sin or to spiritual forces," he said.
"If all people have a terrible disease and you believe that God has 
provided a particular cure for everybody that worked - but others were 
hawking cures that didn't work - you can't just say it doesn't matter. It's 
false and its dangerously false in a spiritual sense."

Someone wants to meet YOU

2003-03-10 Thread a friend
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Jim Bell Quoting anarchist coming down with Agraphobia.

2003-03-10 Thread professor rat

Already severely disabled with paranoid schizophrenia,Matthew
Taylor,charged with threats to police and others may have to give
evidence over a video link.
Agoraphobic gives robbery evidence in her home
March 11 2003
An agoraphobic former bank teller seeking compensation following a bank
hold-up today gave evidence to a court hearing being held in the living
room of her Sydney home. 
Stacey Page told NSW Supreme Court judge Jerrold Cripps that she was
driven to attempt suicide because she was too afraid to leave her house
after the hold-up. 
The judge is holding court in Ms Page's home at Newport on Sydney's
northern beaches after her defence lawyers successfully argued she would
not be able to testify coherently if forced to attend the actual court.

Justice Cripps, together with court reporters taking notes, barristers
and solicitors, today crowded into Ms Page's living room for an expected
two days of evidence. 
Ms Page, 38, was working at St George Bank's Spit Junction branch when on
June 12, 1998, a man jumped on the counter demanding money, yelling:
"I've got a bomb." 

Psychotic state premier brings in Brinworld.

2003-03-10 Thread professor rat

Bob Carr is one of the most dangerous lunatics in au in 100 years and has
appointed only someone slightly less crazy than himself as Police
Minister,the ex-trot manic depressive,Michael Costa.
Carr unveils $27m police-cam plan
March 11 2003
Video cameras will be installed in police patrol cars and prisoner
transport vehicles replaced under a $27 million NSW government plan to
boost police safety. 
The announcement by Premier Bob Carr today comes after a trial of the
Mr Carr said the state's 344 highway patrol cars would be fitted with
cameras by 2007. 
"Our aim is to get all the police vehicles fitted up with a video so
that you have got an unarguable record of what happened, and that's great
backing to police and they feel more secure because of it," he told
Mr Carr said the idea was put forward by Trish Affleck after her husband
Senior Constable Jim Affleck was run down in the line of duty on Sydney's
Hume Highway last year. 
"Trish Affleck has very bravely contributed to this work," Mr
Carr said. 
"She has worked with us on the challenge of rendering police
Prisoner security screens will be fitted in 50 first-response sedans, and
the current Holden Rodeo prisoner transport vehicles will be replaced
with newer models. 
New police uniforms have also been given the go-ahead. 
Mr Carr said the measures would improve the morale and safety of
"All this is very important for police morale. They are doing a
difficult job and they deserve the best equipment," he said. 
The plan will use $15 million of budget surplus, with the remainder
covered by internal reserves.

Andrea Dworkin to run Iraq.

2003-03-10 Thread professor rat

Well at least she could rally the muslim hardliners on ONE issue.
Who is Barbara Bodine? 
In October of 2000, after entering the Port of Aden off the coast of
Yemen, the USS Cole was hit by suicide bomber. The blast killed 17 and
injured 35 Americans. John O'Neill
was sent over to investigate, as head of the FBI team. Accompanying
O'Neill to Yemen were over 100 FBI agents, laboratory experts and
forensics specialists, as well as FBI Director Louis J. Freeh. 
 From the earliest moments of the investigation, O'Neill was sure Bin
Laden was responsible. However, from the start, his efforts to work the
case were sabotaged by US ambassador to Yemen, Barbara Bodine. Bodine
refused to cooperate in the investigation or to encourage Yemenis to
cooperate. Despite repeated death threats against agents, she refused to
allow them to carry the type of weapons O'Neill considered adequate.

O'Neill reportedly called Louis Freeh in the middle of the night once
expressing anxiety about the safety of his men. The clash between O'Neill
and Bodine went steadily from bad to worse, peaking when Bodine publicly
called O'Neill a liar. Incredibly, Bodine claimed that through her
actions, she was merely trying to keep diplomatic relations running
But a look at Ms. Bodine's history suggests a very different motivation.
Throughout her career, Barbara Bodine has served primarily under
rightwing old boys and in areas where the oil interests of said old boys
are being furthered. Under Reagan, she served as Deputy Principle Officer
in Baghdad, Iraq. Under Bush, Sr., she served as Deputy Chief of Mission
in Kuwait and was there during the Gulf War. She has also worked for Bob
Dole, and far more ominously, for Henry Kissinger.
So, in 2000 we find her in Yemen, and though a Clinton appointee,
impeding the Clinton administration's efforts to conduct an investigation
of a crime of terrorism in which the chief suspect is the son of a Bush
family business associate.


2003-03-10 Thread Secret Values

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Eliminate Your Debt -Don't Consolidate!

2003-03-10 Thread National Credit Foundation
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Get a Free Sweet Home Alabama DVD!!

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Re: Give cheese to france?

2003-03-10 Thread Thomas Shaddack
> Comie fantasy.
> That theory is Marx's "monopoly capitalism".  Commies have been
> loudly announcing Marx's prophecies to be coming true, even
> though after 1910 they no longer took the prophecies seriously
> themselves.

Open your eyes and look around yourself. Take any bigger, established
market - news, radio, TV stations, retail chains are the first examples
coming to my mind - take its top 80-90%, and count the number of players
there. Do the same with the situation 10, 20, and 30 years ago. You will
see the number of players is dramatically diminishing. The news
announcements of high-profile mergers and acquisitions can be another clue
for you.

Does it mean that such observations are invalid just because Marx
predicted them?

===================2000 yr old Banking Secrets===================

2003-03-10 Thread Lothelada
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How To Get 1 Million Visitors On Your Website 5161XNZs1-637KfG-15

2003-03-10 Thread schultess.uwecxsn

How can the regular guy really get 1 million visitors on his web site without spending 
a dime
in advertisement?

I have to get this off my chest before I explode.
I'm Stephan Ducharme. It seams like everybody is now calling me the "Free Ad Guru". 
I admit that my secrets on how to get 1 million free visitors are presently sweeping 
the web
like a raging fire ! This info page has suddenly been taken by assault from visitors 
getting in
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But I'm just like you; I've been trying to make money on this ?&%*!# Internet for 2 
years and
nothing was working out ... until I discovered this.
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 reading "too good to be true" bla-bla stories while you are struggling and still 
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 in there, I have marvelous, unexpected news for you.

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Big corporations spend thousands of dollars in banner advertisement to get the traffic 
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For information on how the regular guy can really get 1 million visitors on his web 
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Re: Fw: Drunk driver detector that radios police

2003-03-10 Thread Kevin S. Van Horn
david wrote:

But you wouldn't mind if insurance companies required the device
in order for you to get a policy (whether or not it called the
police or just the insurance company) ?
Right ?

If I did mind, I'd just find a different insurance company.  It's a 
little bit harder for me to say, "I don't like government X; I choose to 
be governed by Y instead" while continuing to live in the same spot.

Re: CDR: Monocultures, Choice, and "Access to Food Must Be Equal!"

2003-03-10 Thread Eric Cordian
Tim Writes:

> Access to Food Must Be Equal!

> The Bush Administration is proposing radical changes in the way food
> has been purchased by Americans for the past hundred years.
> Agriculture Secretary Clayton Yeutter is floating the idea of a
> "voucher" system for groceries which would allow families to make
> their food and beverage purchases at any supermarket, regardless of
> location. Allowing this kind of choice would destroy the system which
> has made America so competitive today!

A favorite theme of mine, although I usually phrase it as "What if the
Teachers Union Ran Your Local Grocery Store?"

Obvious features of the system.  Stores are funded by property taxes. You
may of course choose to shop at a "Private Store," but you will still have
to pay the same amount to your local community store, whether you pick up
food from it or not.

Store employees would of course be rude and obnoxious, because customer
discontent no longer affects their job security.  Customers who complain
can be suspended from shopping, and as they starve to death in the
streets, ridiculed for their "poor choices."

Your good standing with the store would of course be checked everytime you
applied for a job, or credit.

The stores would be filthy, the food spoiled, and you would have to shop
during particular hours.

Any suggestion that food dollars be distributed to eaters in the form of
vouchers would be met with horror stories about community stores, which
have to meet everyone's shopping needs, failing as a consequence,
destroying nutrition for all but the wealthy.

The Grocer's Union would spend lots of your tax dollars, collected in the
form of union dues, lobbying for less rights for eaters, and near police
state powers for grocery employees.

Eric Michael Cordian 0+
O:.T:.O:. Mathematical Munitions Division
"Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law"

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2003-03-10 Thread computer1990

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Insight on the News Email Edition

2003-03-10 Thread Insight on the News
New stories from Insight on the News are now online
  Folks, it seems American and European “human shields” have become 
disillusioned with Uncle Saddam, and are high-tailing it back across the border. 
They arrived in Iraq with guitar cases of folk songs and buckets of idealism a 
couple weeks ago. Only to discover they were going to shield power and water 
treatment plants – military targets – rather than the hospitals and orphanages 
they signed-on for. Many expressed shock at being deceived by the Iraqi human 
rights paradise. Confusion seems to be the watchword for these people.
  And if you still haven’t discovered “What’s Wrong With France,” Ken 
Timmerman’s article remains on our website. Along with the latest on secret 
French arms sales to Iraq (this could explain a lot). These along with a scintillating 
collection of other news-breaking reports, outlined below. That’s it for today. 
Until Thursday, when I’ll still be in the Bunker. And still be your newsman in 
Illegal pipeline discovered in the last two weeks, says intelligence official.
Scott Wheeler writes that insiders and internal documents confirm that People's 
Republic of China developed a long-range espionage plan to acquire U.S. rare-
earth-magnet technology.

 “THANK YOU. HOLD THAT MAGAZINE up, where people can see it! Logic and Truth 
must be fast friends in my world.”
-- B.W., via E-mail
“I JUST WANT TO SAY, I love your magazine.”
P.D.R., Elk Grove, California

Martin Andersen reports that since seasoned investigators were replaced with 
retired Secret Service officials, the HUD Inspector General's office has faced 
charges of corruption and cronyism.
James Edwards tells us if you thought a Social Security crisis was looming 
already, you should know it could  get a lot worse quickly. If the Bush 
administration cuts a sweetheart deal with Mexico.
Experts say Enron and other large corporations have relied heavily on 
specialists who excel at interpreting tax laws to gain unintended benefits for 
the companies, reports Kelly O’Meara.
Jamie Dettmer tells us deregulation rules dismay FCC chair.
Martin Andersen writes that a PATRIOT Act loophole protects corporations.
Bush refuses to call on Thomas, Allen at press conference.
As president of the International Republican Institute, George A. Folsom is 
optimistic about the prospects of democracy in Cambodia, Iran and even the West 
Bank, writes Hans Nichols.

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A Free Sports Illustrated Collectible Swimsuit Photo Book is reserved in your name

2003-03-10 Thread William O. Riley
Title: A FREE Sports Illustrated Collectible Swimsuit Photo Book is reserved in your name! 





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FREE, NEW BOOKLET reveals the hidden secrets of bulk e-mail!

2003-03-10 Thread Erickfmrg

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2003-03-10 Thread MR ALEX NWAODO
TELEPHONE: 234-1-776 0962
FAX: 234-1-759-4725   

I am pleased to get across to you for a very urgent
and profitable business proposal, though I don't know
you neither have I seen you before but my confidence
was reposed on you when the Chief Executive of Lagos
State chamber of Commerce and Industry handed me your
contact for a confidential business. 
I am the manager of United Bank for Africa Plc (UBA),
Ilupeju branch, Lagos Nigeria.
The intended business is thus; We had a customer, a
Foreigner (a Turkish) resident in Nigeria, he was a
Contractor with one of the Government Parastatals.He
has in his Account in my branch the sum of US 38.6
Million (Thirty Eight Million, Six Hundred Thousand
U.S. Dollars).
Unfortunately, the man died four years ago until today
non-of his next of kin has come forward to claim the
Having noticed this, I in collaboration with two other
top Officials of the bank have covered up the account
all this while.  
Now we want you (being a foreigner) to be fronted as
one of his next of kin and forward your account and
other relevant documents to be advised to you by us to
attest to the Claim. 

We will use our positions to get all internal
documentations to back up the claims .The whole
procedures will last only five working days to get the
fund retrieved successfully without trace even now or
in future.
Your response is only what we are waiting for as we
have arranged all necessary things. As soon as this
message comes to you kindly get back to me indicating
your interest, then I will furnish you with the whole
procedures to ensure that the deal is successfully

For your assistance we have agreed to give you twenty
five percent (25%) of the Total sum at the end of the
transaction while 65% would be for my colleagues and I
and the remaining 10% would be for any form of
expenses that may be incurred during the course of the
transaction which would be given to us when the money
is transferred into your account before splitting the
balance on the agreed percentage of 65% to 25%. 
I await your earliest response.  


Yours Sincerely,


Monocultures, Choice, and "Access to Food Must Be Equal!"

2003-03-10 Thread Tim May
(First, I apologize for my heavy use of parenthetical remarks here.  
Even more than usual, I see in reviewing what I have written. Writing  
in a smooth, continuous, no parenthetical or offset remarks style is  
time-consuming. More time-consuming than I am prepared to commit to for  
an article which maybe 5 people will read!)

On Monday, March 10, 2003, at 04:50 PM, Declan McCullagh wrote:

On Sat, Mar 08, 2003 at 02:44:44AM +0100, Anonymous wrote:
But let's cut to the chase. Assume that all private grocery
store owners want to exclude people from their stores. Now
assume that 100% of them agree that effective Tuesday, only
those people who have a receipt for a $100 or more donation to
George W Bush (or Hillary Clinton, whatever) may enter their
property to shop for groceries.
Their right? Why not?
Let me take your hypothetical and move it closer to home.* I take
photographs and occasionally license them or sell prints. I post some
general terms on my website: 

Yes, I have the right to license (sell) my photos only to Democrats,
Republicans, Libertarians, or socialist Eurotrash, as Tim might call
them.  And these same folks have the right to shop elsewhere if they
conclude my terms are onerous or objectionable.
In fact, I've declined to do business with the Disclosure Project,
a we've-seen-UFOs type of group, because I didn't want to support their

Many newspapers and magazines will choose not to do business with
people who want to use their photographs for derogatory purposes.
( And so on.
This is a Good Thing. It's called voluntary transactions, and it's
part of living in a free society.
Indeed, voluntary transactions are at the core of our freedoms. Some  
say this is a "right" which emerges from theology (God gave us these  
rights), some say such organizing principles arise as Schelling points  
for noncoercive interactions (e.g., I won't try to enter your house to  
check on your reading materials if you don't try to enter my house to  
check on mine, i.e., a kind of territorial boundary mutually  
agreed-upon without much, if any, explicit negotiation).

Free markets are not perfect, but they are an excellent price discovery  
and knowledge-auctioning system, as the past century has amply shown.  
And there are many connections to organization of complex systems in  
general (top-down vs. bottom-up, issues of emergence, etc.),  
communication in diverse systems (command economies move too slowly),  
and issues of multiple values (what I value something at is not what  
others do, and vice versa).

Free markets and voluntary transactions are a natural political system,  
against which all other systems must be measured.  This does not always  
mean that the "optimum" will be achieved (whatever that is!) in a free,  
uncoerced market. It may be that Declan, for example, will price his  
photographs "too highly," and thus they will not get wide distribution.  
And it may be that Red Hat Linux will price its software "too lowly"  
and thus eventually go out of business, hurting many. Such is the  
market. Schumpeter rightly called this the "creative destructionism" of  
capitalism. Ideas and businesses come and go, succeed and fail,  
propagate their genes/memes to descendants, merge with other companies,  
and on and on.

This is one of the "basics" that I urged newcomers (and eurotrash) to  
brush up on.

(Although I have no hope whatsoever for those who have reached the age  
of 23-25 and are still "social democrats" or interventionists of one  
sort or another. Sometimes a college socialist wakes up and become a  
free market supporter, but this is rare. And such transformations  
typically happen around age 20-22, if they are going to happen. (Many  
of us were Randites and Heinleinites since reading them in our  
teens...)  In particular, here on this list, I cannot ever recall  
seeing one of the Eurotrash trollboys ever giving up his leftist  
leanings and switching to a free market stance. The folds in the brain  
are just too set by age 25.)

Anyway, there are many arguments in favor of capitalism and freedom of  
choice, though recounting them here or on the Usenet (or in a blog) is  
pointless--preaching to the converted.

Still, I will add to my pile of tens of thousands of such futile  

Another argument in favor of free choice is the issue of "wisdom of the  
market" and "evolutionary learning." This is a practical reason why  
voluntary transactions are favored by so many: the diverse nature of  
markets makes for more rapid evolutionary learning, through mistakes,  
borrowing of ideas, and even disasters. The process of "creative  
destructionism" aids in rapid learning. (Critics refer to this as  
"social Darwinism" and moan about displaced or fired workers...but not  
even the soc

New release of Invisible IRC available

2003-03-10 Thread Steve Schear
 IIP 1.1.0 (stable) is released. (2003-03-10)

Invisible IRC Project is a three-tier, peer distributed network designed to 
be a secure and private transport medium for high speed, low volume, 
dynamic content. Features:

* Perfect Forward Security using Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange Protocol
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* Secure dynamic routing using cryptographically signed namespaces for 
node identification
* Node level flood control
* Seamless use of standard IRC clients
* Gui interface
* Peer distributed topology for protecting the identity of users
* Completely modular in design, all protocols are plug-in capable

The IIP software is released under the GPL license and is available for 
Windows 98/ME/NT/2000/XP, *nix/BSD and Mac OSX.

Houses for sale from $10,000 - Foreclosures, HUD, VAs

2003-03-10 Thread Hidden Gems




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Men gain size where it counts 6226JAB-7

2003-03-10 Thread moresize644bfro
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2003-03-10 Thread tiara323


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Re: Blacknet Delta CAPPS II Boycott?

2003-03-10 Thread Declan McCullagh
On Mon, Mar 10, 2003 at 09:52:04AM -0500, Tyler Durden wrote:
> Would there be an easy "blacknet" way to offer those t-shirts that would be 
> un-shutdownable?

As Bill notes, there's no need to do it here. 

Specifically, my Epson Stylus 2200 can print t-shirt transfers. The
cost is < $1 for the iron-on transfer, and a few dollars for a
t-shirt. Most modern inkjet printers can do the same.


Interested in Losing Weight-Try this!!!

2003-03-10 Thread Weight Loss
Title: Lyproderm-TdA











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Breathing is Better than Exercise

2003-03-10 Thread Oxycise
Title: Oxycise: No Sweat Way for Seniors to Shape Up.


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Need a New Computer? Guaranteed Financing Available

2003-03-10 Thread MyComputerClub
Title: Need a New Computer?



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  Special Offers from us in the future, please click here 
  to unsubscribe.

Re: Fw: Drunk driver detector that radios police

2003-03-10 Thread Declan McCullagh
On Fri, Mar 07, 2003 at 02:56:36PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I'm not crazy about everything that the government does, but there
> are trade- offs in a non-perfect society. One of them is monitoring
> the innocent to, in turn, attempt to prevent the guilty from
> trampling over everything, God willing.

Yes. Perhaps you'll be the first to volunteer for 24/7 invasive,
implant-based, GPS-trackable, body-cavity-explorable monitoring
to keep the rest of us safe? After all, you're innocent, and you
have nothing to hide, right?


Re: Give cheese to france?

2003-03-10 Thread Declan McCullagh
On Sat, Mar 08, 2003 at 02:44:44AM +0100, Anonymous wrote:
> But let's cut to the chase. Assume that all private grocery 
> store owners want to exclude people from their stores. Now 
> assume that 100% of them agree that effective Tuesday, only 
> those people who have a receipt for a $100 or more donation to 
> George W Bush (or Hillary Clinton, whatever) may enter their 
> property to shop for groceries.
> Their right? Why not?

Let me take your hypothetical and move it closer to home.* I take
photographs and occasionally license them or sell prints. I post some
general terms on my website:

Yes, I have the right to license (sell) my photos only to Democrats,
Republicans, Libertarians, or socialist Eurotrash, as Tim might call
them.  And these same folks have the right to shop elsewhere if they
conclude my terms are onerous or objectionable.

In fact, I've declined to do business with the Disclosure Project,
a we've-seen-UFOs type of group, because I didn't want to support their
cause. (

Many newspapers and magazines will choose not to do business with
people who want to use their photographs for derogatory purposes.
( And so on.

This is a Good Thing. It's called voluntary transactions, and it's
part of living in a free society.


* Yes, all this assumes that intellectual property laws exist, but the
arguments are true in general. I chose to switch the hypothetical
since yours about grocery stores muddles things -- I can imagine
complaints that somehow that should be different, as if people would
starve without giving $$$ to Hillary.


2003-03-10 Thread cyp





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2003-03-10 Thread TAKO JOHN
FROM:John Tako

Dear friend,

You may be surprised to receive this letter from me since you
do not know me personally. I am John Tako, the first son of
Madogo Tako, the most popular black farmer in Zimbabwe who was
murdered in the land dispute in my country. I got your contact
through network online hence decided to write you.

Before the death of my father, he had taken me to Johannesburg
to deposit the sum of USD9.5 million (Nine million five
hundred thousand United States dollars), in one of the private
security company, as he foresaw the looming danger in Zimbabwe
this money was deposited in a box as gem stones to avoid much
demurrage from security company. This amount was meant for the
purchase of new machines and chemicals for the Farms and
establishment of new farms in Swaziland. This land problem
came when Zimbabwean President Mr Robert Mugabe introduced a
new Land Act Reform wholly affecting the rich white farmers
and some few black farmers, and this resulted to the killing
and mob action by Zimbabwean war veterans and some lunatics in
the society. In fact a lot of people were killed because of
this Land reform Act for which my father was one of the

It is against this background that I and my family fled
Zimbabwe to South Africa for fear of our lives. After which I
traveled to the Netherlands and I am currently staying in the
Netherlands where i am seeking political asylum and more so
have decided to transfer my father's money to a more reliable
foreign account. Since the law of Netherlands prohibits a
refugee (asylum seeker) to open any bank account or to be
involved in any financial transaction throughout the
territorial zone of Netherlands. As the eldest son of my
father, I am saddled with the responsibility of seeking a
genuine foreign account where this money could be transferred
without the knowledge of my government who are bent on taking
everything we have got. The South African government seems to
be playing along with them.

I am faced with the dilemma of moving this amount of money out
of South Africa for fear of going through the same experience
in future. Both countries have similar political history. As a
business man, I am seeking for a partner who I have to entrust
my future and that of my family in his hands, I must let you
know that this transaction is risk free. If you accept to
assist me and my family, all I want you to do for me, is to
make arrangements with the security company to clear the
Consignment (funds) from their affiliate office here in the
Netherlands as i have already given directives for the
consignment to be brought to the Netherlands from South
Africa. But before then all modalities will have to be put in
place like change of ownership to the consignment and more
importantly this money I intend to use for investment.

I have two options for you. Firstly you can choose to have
certain percentage of the money for nominating your account
for this transaction. Or you can go into partnership with me
for the proper profitable investment of the money in your
country. Whichever the option you want, feel free to notify
me. I have also mapped out 2% of this money for all kinds of
expenses incurred in the process of this transaction.

If you do not prefer a partnership I am willing to give you
10% of the money while the remaining 88% will be for my
investment in your country. Contact me with  my email address
while I implore you to maintain the absolute secrecy required
in this transaction.


Yours Faithfully,
John Tako



2003-03-10 Thread Muhammed Abacha
From:Muhammed Abacha
I wish to introduce myself to you and the reason for my reaching out to you. I am 
Muhammed Abacha the the son of the late military head of state General Sani Abacha who 
died mysteriously on the 8th of June 1998. Following the death of my father Gen. Sani 
Abacha,elections were successfully held in the country and a civilian administration 
was sworn into power with the assistance of the American Government under the 
leadership of President Clinton. With the advent of the new democratic administration, 
a decision was taken by the new president of Nigeria, Olusegun Obasanjo to probe and 
ultimately prosecute all past military officers and their cohorts that served in very 
strategic capacities in the last military regime of my father.I was among those 
singled out to to be punished after a makeshift trial,for the supposed deeds of my 
dad,ever since I have been in detention(the past 3 years). On monday the 24 September 
2002,I was released,on the conditi!
 on that I will release the rest of my fathers money in my care,to the tune of 
$I.5b,which i agreed. Now I have been released but kept under severe house arrest,I 
had amassed monies running into hundreds of millions of dollars stashed in various 
private foreign accounts around the world,most of wish have been frozen. Presently, I 
am confined under house arrest after my recent release from detention and I am now 
constrained into seeking for this assistance today because I cannot afford to let this 
goverment know that I still have funds stashed away. 
Shortly, before my detention I hurriedly deposited the sum of USD35.5 m illion with a 
security deposit firm for safekeeping,hence my seeking your assistance to receive this 
fund. I have since had this amount stashed away in a private security company in 
Spain. I cannot send this money to any of my Bank Account abroad for reasons mentioned 
earlier. I hereby seek your assistance in moving and securing this money in your 
account abroad. I will adequately compensate you with 15% of the total sum for your 
assistance and co-operation with me to move this fund to your account for safe keeping 
where I can easily utilise it. The present administration has beamed their search 
light on any body remotely related to me and my family and you strongly know for 
certain that I am under surveillance and I cannot operate any of my bank accounts any 
more, due to their being frozen. I intend to safe guard and invest this amount of 
money abroad, but with a reliable foreign b!
 usiness partner so that we can invest the funds in doing business in your country. 
That is why I am soliciting your assistance and cooperation as regards this 
business.Arrangements are being concluded with the Security Company which has branches 
in Europe to receive the money in cash. I cannot tell the full story of my predicament 
on this letter. 
However you can get more information by checking the following web links. Please note that I have 
a relocation plans for me and my family immediately you have cleared and received this 
funds in your account. 
Please indicate your willingness to assist me by sending to me the following 
information, your company name and address,your private phone and fax numbers so that 
I can contact you and commence the transaction in earnest. I am waiting to hear from 
you very soon. Please for confidentiality reply to the above email addresses.
Best regards, 
Muhammed Abacha 

[no subject]

2003-03-10 Thread Targeted Email
Title: Best Targeted Emails! /title> 



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Re: Fw: Drunk driver detector that radios police

2003-03-10 Thread Harmon Seaver
   I wonder what the effect would be in states like WI which don't require auto
insurance. Insurance is noticably cheaper here than in MN which does require it. 

On Mon, Mar 10, 2003 at 01:25:05PM -0800, Bill Stewart wrote:
> At 08:52 AM 03/10/2003 -0500, david <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >On Sunday 09 March 2003 18:16, you [whoever that was?] wrote:
> >> On Sunday 09 March 2003 10:31 am, david wrote:
> >> > Neither you nor anyone else has the right to force me or any
> >> > other individual to subsidize your welfare.
> >> >
> >> > This device, if forced on individuals by a government entity,
> >> > would violate fourth amendment protections against
> >> > self-incrimination. DUI laws requiring breath or blood tests do
> >> > the same thing.
> >>
> >> But you wouldn't mind if insurance companies required the device
> >> in order for you to get a policy (whether or not it called the
> >> police or just the insurance company) ?
> >>
> >> Right ?
> I wouldn't mind if some insurance companies required that,
> as long as any laws against annoying the police with bogus complaints
> didn't affect me.  In particular, if the "Bad Drivers' Insurance Company"
> wanted to offer them with a special rate to people who might otherwise not
> be able to get insurance because of previous drunkenness, great.
> That level of market differentiation is unlikely to become available
> in most of the US, because states tend to "protect" consumers by
> regulating what kind of insurance is available and at what prices, though.
> I'd mind substantially if _my_ insurance company required it,
> because I've been fairly satisfied with the service and prices I get from 
> them,
> and I'd have to go find a new company that wasn't blazingly stupid.
> I'd mind a lot if the government required insurance companies to use them,
> and required every driver or car owner to use one of those insurance 
> companies,
> especially if drivers were still responsible if their machines
> made incorrect calls to the police.

Harmon Seaver   

Re: Fw: Drunk driver detector that radios police

2003-03-10 Thread Bill Stewart
At 08:52 AM 03/10/2003 -0500, david <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Sunday 09 March 2003 18:16, you [whoever that was?] wrote:
> On Sunday 09 March 2003 10:31 am, david wrote:
> > Neither you nor anyone else has the right to force me or any
> > other individual to subsidize your welfare.
> >
> > This device, if forced on individuals by a government entity,
> > would violate fourth amendment protections against
> > self-incrimination. DUI laws requiring breath or blood tests do
> > the same thing.
> But you wouldn't mind if insurance companies required the device
> in order for you to get a policy (whether or not it called the
> police or just the insurance company) ?
> Right ?
I wouldn't mind if some insurance companies required that,
as long as any laws against annoying the police with bogus complaints
didn't affect me.  In particular, if the "Bad Drivers' Insurance Company"
wanted to offer them with a special rate to people who might otherwise not
be able to get insurance because of previous drunkenness, great.
That level of market differentiation is unlikely to become available
in most of the US, because states tend to "protect" consumers by
regulating what kind of insurance is available and at what prices, though.
I'd mind substantially if _my_ insurance company required it,
because I've been fairly satisfied with the service and prices I get from them,
and I'd have to go find a new company that wasn't blazingly stupid.
I'd mind a lot if the government required insurance companies to use them,
and required every driver or car owner to use one of those insurance companies,
especially if drivers were still responsible if their machines
made incorrect calls to the police.


2003-03-10 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Someone explain...Give cheese to france?

2003-03-10 Thread Steve Thompson
 --- "Kevin S. Van Horn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
wrote: > Steve Thompson wrote:
> >That's too logical,
> >
> No, it's not. Logical actors dominate in the economy
> because those prone 
> to excessive irrationality end up with little money
> to play  with.

Perhaps you aren't joking...  I would be forced to
agree with you is you defined `logical' in this
context to mean actors following the logic of the
current economic status quo.  Obviously, our present
economic order resists (strongly!) fundamental change;
and there is a logical consistency to it.   Concerning
irrationality in the sense that applies above, well, I
think that's a difficult one.  Some are irrational in
their expectations of returns from the economy; others
are irrational in their assessment of its very
structure.  Obviously there are many ways of going
wrong and losing.
> >and as you state below mere economic incentive does
> not cover the case where organised bigotry drives an
> agenda of exclusion.
> >
> No, I do not state this; I merely answered a
> "what-if" question.

So you weren't suggesting that organised bigotry in
any way drives an economic agenda?  Fine.  You could
say that, but you would be ignoring the obvious
exclusion of the poor/uneducated from many areas of
the economy by way of a conscious set of policies. 
But perhaps you don't notice that sort of thing?
> >Your much vaunted Constitution and the Bill of
> Rights are
> >supposed to address this issue, since the
> principles
> >in question govern the overall social fabric,
> >
> What in the world is "overall social fabric"
> supposed to mean? The only 
> thing the Constitution and Bill of Rights are meant
> to govern is the 
> U.S. Federal Government itself (and, to some extent,
> the states 
> comprising this federation).

I suppose I could have merely said `social fabric' and
it would have been better English, but I am not
perfect.  Otherwise, I understand the scope of
authority imputed to be the sole domain of said
documents.  I don't believe that my comments are
completely beyond the scope of the philosophy that
was, or at least should have been, the motive for
their creation.
> >which is supposed to provide for a measure of
> equality in `the
> >commons',
> >
> You won't find any trace of any notion of "equality
> in the commons" -- 
> whatever the phrase is supposed to mean -- in the
> U.S. Constitution, 
> Bill of Rights, nor any of the discussions involved
> in the drafting and 
> ratification of these documents.

I would think that the idea of `equality in the
commons' is implicit in the motivation for such
documents, whether or not it is stated in so many
words.  It seems rather obvious to me, but of course
that may not be the case.  I wasn't there when they
were written, and I do not really know anything about
the people involved, their personalities, beliefs, and
motives.  Perhaps I'm projecting what I *think* should
be a part of the principles behind such documents.  
> >I'll note that as a practical matter it looks sort
> of
> >like your Constitution
> >
> Why in the world are you bringing the U.S.
> Constitution into this 
> anyway?  I never even mentioned it, and it wasn't
> mentioned in the 
> material to which I was responding.  My answers are
> meant to be 
> normative, addressing fundamental issues of rights
> that are entirely 
> independent of the decrees or scribblings of any
> group who styles 
> themselves a "government."

I mentioned them because they are not only a
frequently occurring subject of debate in this forum,
but they are pertinent to the subject of this thread,
and because they have seen mention recently in other

> >>Anybody for whom this is not blindingly
> >>obvious still hasn't 
> >>grasped the fundamental concept that most children
> >>acquire by the age of 
> >>three or four: the difference between MINE and
> >>YOURS.
> >>
> >This has always been something of a peeve of mine;
> >that certain people consistently fail to make this
> >distinction.  [...]
> >
> Well, we seem to be in violent agreement w.r.t. the
> rest of what you 
> have written...
Perhaps that is so.  I'll ask that you excuse my
tangential comments, but that said, I was merely using
your reply as a foil for my comments and wasn't
intending to stick exclusively to the nominal focus of
your post.  I expect you'll understand that while I
was indeed spawning a subthread, that sort of thing
does happen from time-to-time in this forum.



Post your free ad now!

Re: Blacknet Delta CAPPS II Boycott?

2003-03-10 Thread Keith Ray
Quoting Tyler Durden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Would there be an easy "blacknet" way to offer those t-shirts that would be 
> un-shutdownable?
> Also, as an added (perhaps necessary) benefit, the ability to protect 
> (through anonymity) those that ran the site?

There are three requirements for anonymous merchandise sales: advertisement of
services, payment, and shipping of goods to the customer.  Advertising can work
through Freenet or remailed postings to usenet or mailing lists.  Anonymous
payment can be through DMT/ALTA.  As long as the shirts are less than the USPS
weight limits, they can be mailed in any drop box.

APAS Anonymous Remailer Use FAQ



Keith Ray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- OpenPGP Key: 0x79269A12

FW: your next payday

2003-03-10 Thread Advance
Title: Special Offer


To unsubscribe please Click Here. (replying to this email WILL NOT unsubscribe you). 


Re: Social democrats on our list

2003-03-10 Thread Tim May
On Sunday, March 9, 2003, at 03:05 PM, Anonymous Sender wrote:

On Fri, 7 Mar 2003, Tim May wrote:

Did I "invite the public in" when an announcement was made for a
meeting at my house last September? There were many people I had never
met personally, nor even heard of.
Nearly all were well-behaved, but what if someone had not been? Were 
property rights somehow lost by the fact that I had many to attend 
I did not know personally? Could somehow who disrupted the meeting,
perhaps even by wearing a "Support the War Against Crypto" or "Buy
Alcohol Detectors for Your Car" tee-shirts, have claimed that they had
some "right" to remain in my house even after I asked them to leave?

Does my right to control my own property vanish when I become a shop 
restaurant? How about when I get larger?
Renowned cypherpunk Dave Del Torto thinks it does. This is the argument
that he was using to try to gain admittance to CodeCon this year, after
being blacklisted by the producers due to disturbances at the previous
year's CodeCon. Do you mean to say DDT could be wrong about his rights 
a member of the public wishing to attend an event "open to the public" 
private property?
I wouldn't know anything about this, but, yes, the organizers of 
CodeCon are able to control the property they have made arrangements 
for (e.g., contracting with DNA Lounge or wherever it was held this 
year...I couldn't justify going, so I didn't, so I don't know the 
details). This is the means by which restaurants and bars can kick out 
unruly guests, by which casinos can exclude those they think are 
cheaters, and by which stores can tell some people "Don't come back."

Dave DT was, by the way, at the September meeting/party at my house. He 
behaved just fine. Note that in my meeting/party announcement I had 
specifically said this was *NOT* some kind of "open meeting on U.S. 
soil, open to all," as the recent cant has had it. (The idea that if 
one is nonselective about who attends then one is immune from legal 
action is silly, and untested.)

Had anyone misbehaved at my meeting/party, or had any obvious narcs 
sent to monitor the meeting been spotted, I would have no qualms about 
kicking them out.

By the way, I limited all speakers to 10 minutes, tops. Many finished 
in 5, which is about right for introducing a theme. Some topics take 
more than 10 minutes to explain, which is why classroom lectures are 
typically 50 minutes. And why some technical talks are 30 minutes or 
longer. But most talks don't have enough material, or are not as 
detailed (as a classroom lecture might be). Limiting talks to a 
reasonable amount of time stops the droning.

(Speaking for myself, nothing puts me to sleep faster at a Cypherpunks 
meeting than having an invited outside speaker, some spokesbimbo for 
some alphabet soup digital rights group, for example, drone on about 
stuff that is all obvious and that could be summarized in a 2-page 
posting the length of the one you are reading now. I don't like driving 
120 miles round-trip to listen to pro forma drones.)

--Tim May
"That government is best which governs not at all." --Henry David 

Re: Blacknet Delta CAPPS II Boycott?

2003-03-10 Thread Bill Stewart
At 09:52 AM 03/10/2003 -0500, Tyler Durden wrote:
Just wondering...

Would there be an easy "blacknet" way to offer those t-shirts that would 
be un-shutdownable?
If you wanted to do all the work of printing and mailing t-shirts yourself,
and had a blacknet that was sufficiently strong for this kind of threat,
you could, but that's not the problem here.  "Easy" is the problem.
Scannell's not trying to do a secret subversive t-shirt printing operation,
he's trying to do a convenient quick add-on to a publicity hack,
as well as making it easy for people who want to protest at airports
or annoy Delta when they're flying anyway to have cool shirts.
But he's in the publicity business, not the shirt business.
That's much different from the issue of where to do the web page,
which is at a small friendly provider in the US. is the best-known of a number of Internet shops that
do T-shirts, coffee mugs, etc. in single-quantity as well as large batches,
so if you want to get them printed, all you do is fill out a form
and hand them the jpegs and kaboom, you've got a T-shirt store
that will sell your shirts to anybody who wants to order them.
It's not the totally obvious model (which would be "fill out the form,
attach the jpeg, charge the credit card, get the shirt"),
but it scales well because they can do fulfillment directly to the
person who wants the shirt instead of the person who designs the shirt,
and it lets you pick the price of your shirt, anything from "cost" on up,
so if you want to do shirt designs as a business, you can.

Re: Give cheese to france?

2003-03-10 Thread R. A. Hettinga
At 10:19 PM -0600 on 3/9/03, Kevin S. Van Horn wrote:

> By the way, one piece of evidence that economics is maturing into a real 
> science is that it is becoming usable by "engineers";

Well, finance, anyway, where it is possible to calculate some risk.

You can't calculate prices, though. You discover them.

Most "economics" is still about top-down design these days, and, as such, is hogwash.


R. A. Hettinga 
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation 
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
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Re: Social democrats on our list

2003-03-10 Thread Tyler Durden

>Your oxygen is tresspassing on my private property.  Any oxygen that
>so becomes mine to do with as I please.
Actually, I'm imagining Tim sitting at his window with a shotgun and some 
high-tech oxygen detector...

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cypherpunks, Work at Home Biz

2003-03-10 Thread Sarah

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Re: Someone explain...Give cheese to france?

2003-03-10 Thread Tyler Durden
Tom Veil wrote...

Otherwise, if the company really wanted such a dickheaded policy, then 
>yes, it would be their right. Of course, it would also be your right >to 
organize a boycott, take an alternate route, or build your own spur >route.
This is the general gist of the arguments and so far I'm not convinced. 
Here's my play-by-play:

Of course, it would also be your right to organize a boycott,
Seems impossible. Only a boycott with a nationwide information campaign 
would likely have much of an impact: trucks come from all over the country 
to cross the George Washington Bridge via the turnpike. Also, there are 
large numbers of individuals and busses that MUST cross the GWB to get 
people to work. I really doubt people are going to stop going to work for 
this boycott.

(And this is assuming the operating company gives a damn about the boycott. 
If there's no toll on the road, then the private company gets paid by the 
state even if no one rides it. So actually, a boycott lowers the maintenance 
expenses on the road.)

take an alternate route,
Well, let's assume there IS no alternate route. And in this case that is 
partly true. Or at least, any alternate routes would be quickly jammed if 
the boycott was even remotely successful, with the result being that there 
are still large numbers of people using that road.

(And of course, like above the operating company might actually LIKE people 
not using their road. Hell, maybe they engineered this whole event for that 

or build your own spur route.
Assuming I could amass the capital, there's the strong likelihood I wouldn't 
be able to get the zoning permits and whatnot. People are getting tired of 
perpetual roadwork in some towns. (This of course could headway into the 
traditional Libertarian handwaving arguments with respect to natural 
resources..."What Global Warming? Prove it!")

Sorry. Lotsa easy answers and big holes in logic with these arguments.


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Re: Blacknet Delta CAPPS II Boycott?

2003-03-10 Thread Adam Shostack
I think the thing to do is to get RTmark or the YESmen or some other
organization that's used to be sued involved.

On Mon, Mar 10, 2003 at 09:52:04AM -0500, Tyler Durden wrote:
| Just wondering...
| Would there be an easy "blacknet" way to offer those t-shirts that would be 
| un-shutdownable?
| Also, as an added (perhaps necessary) benefit, the ability to protect 
| (through anonymity) those that ran the site?
| Plus, another thought occurs to me. Is it possible, perhaps, via "Blacknet" 
| for the site operator to put up the site for a predefined time period, 
| during which it is impossible even for the site operator to take it down? 
| How would that work as a legal defense? ("Sorry Delta. My site is on an 
| autonymous Server and even I can not shut it down until its expiration date 
| on 6/22/03. Indeed, I do not even know where the server or service provider 
| is.")
| -TD
| >From: Bill Stewart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| >Subject: CAPPS II pilot at San Jose -  Delta to CAPPS II Boycotters: No  
| >more Coffee Mugs
| >Date: Sun, 09 Mar 2003 22:42:40 -0800
| >
| >Breaking news - The three airports in Delta's pilot project include San 
| >Jose.
| >---
| >
| >Last week Bill Scannell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> announced the
| > protest against Delta's collaboration with the CAPPS II
| >pass-law pilot project.  Among other publicity activities,
| > had T-shirt for sale on,
| >but Delta has filed a "intellectual property" complaint to stop them,
| >in spite of the Supreme Court's position that parody is protected,
| >and if you've seen the logo, it's clearly just parody.
| >-
| >
| >
| >
| >Delta Shuts Down BoycottDelta Shop
| >
| >CAPPS II Collaborator Stops T-Shirt Sales, Continues Privacy Invasion
| >
| >Austin, TX (8 March 2003) -- BoycottDelta, an on-line website advocating a
| >total boycott of Delta Air Lines (NYSE: DAL) until the airline stops all
| >cooperation with a test of the CAPPS II program, had its on-line
| >'BoycottDelta Action Tools' store closed down as a result of an 
| >intellectual
| >property rights violation alleged and filed by Delta with the store's host,
| > .
| >
| >The store sold t-shirts, coffee mugs and stickers affixed with the
| >BoycottDelta logo, allowing activists to show their support for the
| >campaign.  The BoycottDelta logo consists of an all-seeing eye within a red
| >and blue triangle.  All BoycottDelta products were sold at cost.
| >
| >BoycottDelta founder Bill Scannell expressed astonishment with Delta's 
| >move.
| >
| >"Delta Air Lines has been deluged with thousands of emails and calls from
| >their customers over the past week complaining about their CAPPS II 
| >testing,
| >and the best Delta can come up with is to say 'don't wear a t-shirt'?  This
| >is corporate arrogance at its finest."
| >
| >Over 200,000 unique visitors have visited the BoycottDelta website since it
| >went live on the 3rd of March.
| >
| >Alternate sources of BoycottDelta protest tools are being identified.  A 
| >new
| >on-line store will be launched shortly.
| >
| >The Google cache of the store can be seen at:
| >
| >
| >elta+boycottdelta+action+tools&hl=en&ie=UTF-8
| _
| Protect your PC - get VirusScan Online  

"It is seldom that liberty of any kind is lost all at once."

Re: Social democrats on our list

2003-03-10 Thread Major Variola (ret)
At 09:58 AM 3/9/03 -0500, Sunder wrote:
>At which point Tim will countersue with an arguement similar to this:
>Mega Corporation:
>Your oxygen is tresspassing on my private property.  Any oxygen that
>so becomes mine to do with as I please.  Further, since you have been
>unable to keep your pesky Oxygen off my property, I am hereby charging
>rent at $1000/cubic centimeter/day.

A use for that plastic sheeting and duct tape!  Good fences make good

Can farmers sue the airlines because the contrails demonstrably (thank'
to the bin Laden/FAA
meteorological experiment of 11-13 sept 01) reduce solar flux?

Re: Social democrats on our list

2003-03-10 Thread Anonymous Sender
On Fri, 7 Mar 2003, Tim May wrote:

> Did I "invite the public in" when an announcement was made for a
> meeting at my house last September? There were many people I had never
> met personally, nor even heard of.
> Nearly all were well-behaved, but what if someone had not been? Were my
> property rights somehow lost by the fact that I had many to attend that
> I did not know personally? Could somehow who disrupted the meeting,
> perhaps even by wearing a "Support the War Against Crypto" or "Buy
> Alcohol Detectors for Your Car" tee-shirts, have claimed that they had
> some "right" to remain in my house even after I asked them to leave?
> Does my right to control my own property vanish when I become a shop or
> restaurant? How about when I get larger?

Renowned cypherpunk Dave Del Torto thinks it does. This is the argument
that he was using to try to gain admittance to CodeCon this year, after
being blacklisted by the producers due to disturbances at the previous
year's CodeCon. Do you mean to say DDT could be wrong about his rights as
a member of the public wishing to attend an event "open to the public" on
private property?

(Those of us who went were subjected to his rants about being Gandhi vs. 
Hitler, as he stood in front of the venue for 7 hours, protesting his PNG 
status. We hear lawsuits are pending.)


2003-03-10 Thread Mr. Johnson King
Oscar Taylor King
0031 613 295 654

You   may   be   surprised   to   receive   this   letter   since   you   do   not   
know   me   personally.   The   purpose   of   my   introduction   is   necessitated   
due   my   situation.   I   am   a ''victim   of   circumstance'' hence, I   need   
your   assistance   if   you   will.   I   am   Oscar Taylor   King, the   immediate   
junior   brother   of   late   Victor   King  , a   brave   and   dynamic   young   
soldier   who   was   killed   by   the   Government   of   my   country.   I   got   
your   contact   through network on line hence decided to write you.  Before the death 
of my senior brother, he had taken me to Johannesburg to deposite the sum of 
USD$10.5(Ten million, Five hundred thousand United   State Dollars), in one of the 
private security company, as he foresaw the looming danger in Sierra-Leone.  This 
money was meant for the procurements of arms and ammunitions

 The whole problem started when the combine efforts of the Nigerian lead Ecomog and  
(UNAMSIL) United Nations Peacekeepers in Sierra-Leone overpowered the rebels and thus 
reduced them to isolated pockets of resistance thereby allowing for the re-instating 
of president Alhaji Ahmed Kabaar.  The President then ordered the execution of my 
senior brother and Twenty-Three others for trying to overthrow His Government it is 
against this background that my family and I fled Sierra-Leone for fear of our lives 
and is currently. Staying in the Netherlands where we are seeking political asylum. 
Meanwhile, I have decided to transfer the money to a more reliable foreign account. As 
the law of Netherlands prohibits a refugee (asylum seeker) to open any bank account or 
to be involved in any financial transaction through out Her territorial zone. Hence I 
am saddled with the responsibility of seeking a genuine foreign account where this 
money could be transferred without the knowledge of my Government back home that are 
bent on taking everything we have got. The Government of South Africa seems to be 
playing along with them.

 I am faced with the dilemma of moving this amount of money out of South Africa 
for fear of going through the same experience in future, since both countries have 
similar political history. As a businessman, I am seeking a partner whom I have to 
entrust my future and that of my family in his hands. I must let you know that this 
transaction is risk free. If you accept to assist me and my family, all I will like 
you to do for me is to make an arrangement with the security/courier company to clear 
the consignment/funds from their affiliate office here in The Netherlands as I have 
already gave directives for the consignment/funds to be brought to The Netherlands 
from South African. But before then all modality will have to be put in place like 
change of ownership of the consignment/funds and more importantly this funds I intend 
to use for investment.

I have two opinions for you. Firstly, you can choose to have certain percentage of the 
funds for nominating your account for this transaction. Or we can go into partner for 
proper wise investment of the funds in your country. Which ever the option you want, 
feel free to notify me. I have already mapped out 5% of this fund for all kinds of 
expenses incurred in the process of this transaction. If other wise, I am willing to 
give you 10% of the funds while the remaining 85% will be used for my investment in 
your country. Please, contact me with the above email address, while I implore you to 
maintain absolute secrecy required in this transaction.
Thanks and God bless.

Yours faithfully,

Johnson  King.


2003-03-10 Thread Mr. Johnson King
Oscar Taylor King
0031 613 295 654

You   may   be   surprised   to   receive   this   letter   since   you   do   not   
know   me   personally.   The   purpose   of   my   introduction   is   necessitated   
due   my   situation.   I   am   a ''victim   of   circumstance'' hence, I   need   
your   assistance   if   you   will.   I   am   Oscar Taylor   King, the   immediate   
junior   brother   of   late   Victor   King  , a   brave   and   dynamic   young   
soldier   who   was   killed   by   the   Government   of   my   country.   I   got   
your   contact   through network on line hence decided to write you.  Before the death 
of my senior brother, he had taken me to Johannesburg to deposite the sum of 
USD$10.5(Ten million, Five hundred thousand United   State Dollars), in one of the 
private security company, as he foresaw the looming danger in Sierra-Leone.  This 
money was meant for the procurements of arms and ammunitions

 The whole problem started when the combine efforts of the Nigerian lead Ecomog and  
(UNAMSIL) United Nations Peacekeepers in Sierra-Leone overpowered the rebels and thus 
reduced them to isolated pockets of resistance thereby allowing for the re-instating 
of president Alhaji Ahmed Kabaar.  The President then ordered the execution of my 
senior brother and Twenty-Three others for trying to overthrow His Government it is 
against this background that my family and I fled Sierra-Leone for fear of our lives 
and is currently. Staying in the Netherlands where we are seeking political asylum. 
Meanwhile, I have decided to transfer the money to a more reliable foreign account. As 
the law of Netherlands prohibits a refugee (asylum seeker) to open any bank account or 
to be involved in any financial transaction through out Her territorial zone. Hence I 
am saddled with the responsibility of seeking a genuine foreign account where this 
money could be transferred without the knowledge of my Government back home that are 
bent on taking everything we have got. The Government of South Africa seems to be 
playing along with them.

 I am faced with the dilemma of moving this amount of money out of South Africa 
for fear of going through the same experience in future, since both countries have 
similar political history. As a businessman, I am seeking a partner whom I have to 
entrust my future and that of my family in his hands. I must let you know that this 
transaction is risk free. If you accept to assist me and my family, all I will like 
you to do for me is to make an arrangement with the security/courier company to clear 
the consignment/funds from their affiliate office here in The Netherlands as I have 
already gave directives for the consignment/funds to be brought to The Netherlands 
from South African. But before then all modality will have to be put in place like 
change of ownership of the consignment/funds and more importantly this funds I intend 
to use for investment.

I have two opinions for you. Firstly, you can choose to have certain percentage of the 
funds for nominating your account for this transaction. Or we can go into partner for 
proper wise investment of the funds in your country. Which ever the option you want, 
feel free to notify me. I have already mapped out 5% of this fund for all kinds of 
expenses incurred in the process of this transaction. If other wise, I am willing to 
give you 10% of the funds while the remaining 85% will be used for my investment in 
your country. Please, contact me with the above email address, while I implore you to 
maintain absolute secrecy required in this transaction.
Thanks and God bless.

Yours faithfully,

Johnson  King.

Blacknet Delta CAPPS II Boycott?

2003-03-10 Thread Tyler Durden
Just wondering...

Would there be an easy "blacknet" way to offer those t-shirts that would be 

Also, as an added (perhaps necessary) benefit, the ability to protect 
(through anonymity) those that ran the site?

Plus, another thought occurs to me. Is it possible, perhaps, via "Blacknet" 
for the site operator to put up the site for a predefined time period, 
during which it is impossible even for the site operator to take it down? 
How would that work as a legal defense? ("Sorry Delta. My site is on an 
autonymous Server and even I can not shut it down until its expiration date 
on 6/22/03. Indeed, I do not even know where the server or service provider 


From: Bill Stewart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: CAPPS II pilot at San Jose -  Delta to CAPPS II Boycotters: No  
more Coffee Mugs
Date: Sun, 09 Mar 2003 22:42:40 -0800

Breaking news - The three airports in Delta's pilot project include San 

Last week Bill Scannell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> announced the protest against Delta's collaboration with the CAPPS II
pass-law pilot project.  Among other publicity activities, had T-shirt for sale on,
but Delta has filed a "intellectual property" complaint to stop them,
in spite of the Supreme Court's position that parody is protected,
and if you've seen the logo, it's clearly just parody.

Delta Shuts Down BoycottDelta Shop

CAPPS II Collaborator Stops T-Shirt Sales, Continues Privacy Invasion

Austin, TX (8 March 2003) -- BoycottDelta, an on-line website advocating a
total boycott of Delta Air Lines (NYSE: DAL) until the airline stops all
cooperation with a test of the CAPPS II program, had its on-line
'BoycottDelta Action Tools' store closed down as a result of an 
property rights violation alleged and filed by Delta with the store's host, .

The store sold t-shirts, coffee mugs and stickers affixed with the
BoycottDelta logo, allowing activists to show their support for the
campaign.  The BoycottDelta logo consists of an all-seeing eye within a red
and blue triangle.  All BoycottDelta products were sold at cost.
BoycottDelta founder Bill Scannell expressed astonishment with Delta's 

"Delta Air Lines has been deluged with thousands of emails and calls from
their customers over the past week complaining about their CAPPS II 
and the best Delta can come up with is to say 'don't wear a t-shirt'?  This
is corporate arrogance at its finest."

Over 200,000 unique visitors have visited the BoycottDelta website since it
went live on the 3rd of March.
Alternate sources of BoycottDelta protest tools are being identified.  A 
on-line store will be launched shortly.

The Google cache of the store can be seen at:

Protect your PC - get VirusScan Online

Re: Fw: Drunk driver detector that radios police

2003-03-10 Thread david
On Sunday 09 March 2003 18:16, you wrote:
> On Sunday 09 March 2003 10:31 am, david wrote:
> > Neither you nor anyone else has the right to force me or any
> > other individual to subsidize your welfare.
> >
> > This device, if forced on individuals by a government entity,
> > would violate fourth amendment protections against
> > self-incrimination. DUI laws requiring breath or blood tests do
> > the same thing.
> But you wouldn't mind if insurance companies required the device
> in order for you to get a policy (whether or not it called the
> police or just the insurance company) ?
> Right ?

Sell inverse floaters to france

2003-03-10 Thread Tyler Durden

Kevin Horne wrote...

By the way, one piece of evidence that economics is maturing into a real 
science is that it is becoming usable by "engineers"; in particular, it has 
been applied to investment analysis and portfolio theory, resulting in 
significant improvements in investment performance.
Oh, that! That's kind of different. I used to do some work in evaluating 
funds comprised of mortgage-backed securities sprinkled with derivative 
securities. We used the Ho-Lee model (I later had one of my strangest 
interviews with the very same Ho). Indeed, such models are extremely 
mathematical, but this wasn't exactly what I was thinking about. (The models 
are not 'predictive' in the sense of predicting the econmy, but rather 
predicts the value of certain derivatives as a function of interest rates 
over time. The model actually generates a future price for every even 
remotely likely scenario, and then describes the output spread in terms of 
"volatility" wrt interest rates.)

(Actually, there are some computer-based trading firms that leverage minute 
instabilities of price, buying/selling huge numbers of shares to make big 
$$$. They certainly have teams of engineers/physicists/"financial engineers" 
building these models.)


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I've been looking for you!

2003-03-10 Thread joedirt26
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2003-03-10 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Enlarge your penis 3 inches

2003-03-10 Thread Optimal Deals

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2003-03-10 Thread cabrioletxkrh

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Re: Fw: Drunk driver detector that radios police

2003-03-10 Thread Skulking Rogue
On Fri, 7 Mar 2003 00:52:29 -0600, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>A tiny fuel cell that detects the alcoholic breath of a drink-driver
>and calls the police has been developed by a team of engineers at
>Texas Christian University. A pump draws air in from the passenger
>cabin, a platinum catalyst converts any alcohol to acetic acid, which
>then produces a current proportional to the concentration of alcohol
>in the air. A chip analyses the data, and if it is too high, turns on
>a wireless transmitter that calls the police.

Great, a perfect reason for using Tequila Air Freshener. Or perhaps
vodka, since it's less likely to stain the upholstery. And then sue
the living fuck out of the pigs. And since it's succeptible to tobacco
smoke, Joe Camel just became my new best friend. Pack a day? Only when
I'm driving.

Re: Someone explain...Give cheese to france?

2003-03-10 Thread Tom Veil
Tyler Durden wrote on March 7, 2003 at 12:46:35 -0500:

> Tom Veil wrote...
> "These fuckards really need to learn what private property is."
> ('Fuckards'. I like that. GIMMEE.)
> Alright. There's something I'm not getting here, so the Libertarians on the
> board are free to enlighten me.
> Let's take one of my famous extreme examples. Let's say a section of the New
> Jersey Turnpike gets turned over to a private company, which now owns and
> operates this section.
> let's say I'm black. NO! Let's say I'm blond-haired and blue eyed,
> and the asshole in the squad car doesn't like that, because his wife's been
> bangin' a surfer. So...he should be able to toss me off the freeway just
> because of the way I look? (Or the way I'm dressed or the car I drive or
> whatever.)

That's not a very good way to keep customers. I wonder what the patroller's
boss, the company that operates the turnpike, would think of his actions?

If I was the company, I'd fire the guy.

Otherwise, if the company really wanted such a dickheaded policy, then yes,
it would be their right. Of course, it would also be your right to organize
a boycott, take an alternate route, or build your own spur route.

James brought up an interesting point; that if the road system had been
developed privately, your scenario would not be as big a hassle, as the
road system would more closely resemble the multiple redundant routes of
the Internet.

Tom Veil

re: Worst Worm Virus Yet - Upgrade Your Virus Protection Now

2003-03-10 Thread Account Security






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2003-03-10 Thread SODINDO MALINGA


You may be surprised to receive this letter from me
 since you do not know me personally. I am Sodindo Malinga, the first son of Tawanda 
Malinga,the most popular black farmer in Zimbabwe who was murdered in the land dispute 
in my country. I got your contact
 through network online hence decided to write you.
Before the death of my father, he had taken me to
 Johannesburg to deposit the sum of US8.6 million
 (Eight million, Six Hundred thousand United States
 dollars), in one of the private security company,
 as he foresaw the looming danger in Zimbabwe this money was deposited in a box as gem 
stones to avoid much demurrage from security company. This amount was meant for the 
purchase of new machines and chemicals for the Farms and establishment of new farms in 
 This land problem came when Zimbabwean President Mr.
 Robert Mugabe introduced a new Land Act Reform
 wholly affecting the rich white farmers and some
 few black farmers, and this resulted to the killing and mob action by Zimbabwean war 
veterans and some lunatics in the society. In fact a lot of people were killed because 
of this Land reform Act for which my father was one of the victims.

It is against this background that, I and my family
 fled Zimbabwe for fear of our lives and are
 currently staying in the Netherlands where we are
 seeking political asylum and moreso have decided to
 transfer my father’s money to a more reliable
 foreign account. since the law of Netherlands
 prohibits a refugee (asylum seeker) to open any
 bank account or to be involved in any financial
 transaction throughout the territorial zone of Netherlands, As the eldest son of my 
father, I am saddled with the responsibility of seeking a genuine foreign account 
where this money could be transferred without the knowledge of my government who are 
bent on taking everything we have got. The South African government seems to be 
playing along with them.

I am faced with the dilemma of moving this amount of
 money out of South Africa for fear of going through
 the same experience in future, both countries have
 similar political history. As a businessman,I am
 seeking for a partner who I have to entrust my
 future and that of my family in his hands, I must let you know that this transaction 
is risk free. If you accept to assist me and my family, all I want you to do for me, 
is to make an arrangements with the security company to clear the consignment(funds) 
from their afiliate office here in the Netherlands as i have already given directives 
for the consignment to be brought to the Netherlands from South Africa.But before then 
all modalities will have to be put in place like change of ownership to the consignment
 and more importantly this money I intend to use for

I have two options for you. Firstly you can choose
 to have certain percentage of the money for nominating your account for this 
transaction. Or you can go into partnership with me for the proper profitable 
investment of the money in your country. Whichever the option you want, feel free to 
notify me. I have also mapped out 5% of this money for all kinds of expenses incurred 
in the process of this transaction.
 If you do not prefer a partnership I am willing to
 give you 20% of the money while the remaining 75%
 will be for my investment in your country. Contact me
 with the above telephone number or my  E-mail address
 while I implore you to maintain the absolute
 secrecy required in this transaction.


Yours Faithfully,
Sodindo Malinga.

(±¤°í)Áß°íÂ÷ ÆǸÅ,±¸ÀÔ ¾ÆÁ÷µµ Èûµé°Ô ÇϽʴϱî?

2003-03-10 Thread ¾ÆÀ̵µ·Î¾ß


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2003-03-10 Thread professor rat
Time wastes for no one...
The Cam Girl Poem
by Mandi
I am a camgirl, and I have two tits
I will show them to you if you send me hits
My website is typical, my posts are a bore
I went on netmeeting with pig, but IM NOT A WHORE
I do not talk dirty, no matter how much you persist
That is unless you buy me stuff off my wishlist
I have a boyfriend, I can make him fawn
And when we have sex, i leave the cam on
I'm perfectally straight, no wait now I'm bi
You'll now see me frenching both girls and guys
I'm mad at my mother, she took my computer away!
Black eyeliner and clothes for all of today.
I'm innocent and cute, this everyone can see
So why did my nudies appear on IG?
I don't want a job, I like the internet best.
Instead I'll bombard you with popups for ARS!
I'm 400 pounds, but this i can hide
If i just tilt my cute little head to the side
I wear lots of makeup to hide all my zits
for all my hard work, I got twenty hits!
People talk trash, and make me feel meek
I'm leaving forever! (see you in a week)

Death and Texas.

2003-03-10 Thread professor rat

Washington Post - 7 hours ago 
The evidence that Delma Banks Jr. was guilty of murder was limited from
the start: no fingerprints, no witnesses to the crime and little apparent
motive. Nonetheless, in a one-day trial in 1980, an ... 
Texas ready to execute 300th prisoner
Chicago Sun Times
Execution would be 'miscarriage of justice' San Francisco Chronicle
New York Times - Houston Chronicle - Tri-Valley Herald - Billings Gazette - and 100 related » 

COPrphAgia congress.

2003-03-10 Thread professor rat
Censoring the Internet
he Supreme Court heard arguments last week in a case that will help shape 
the degree to which free speech prevails in cyberspace. To qualify for 
federal funds, libraries are required to block access to pornographic Web 
sites. This means that the law, in effect, coerces libraries to deny access 
to constitutionally protected materials. The libraries are rightly 
challenging the law. The court should strike it down.

The First Amendment guarantees freedom of expression on the Internet. The 
Supreme Court made this clear in 1997 when it invalidated portions of the 
Communications Decency Act that made it illegal to post sexually explicit 
material online without restricting minors' access to it. But the 
Internet's technology poses an array of legal issues that do not occur 
offline, such as the question of filtering.

The Children's Internet Protection Act requires that libraries receiving 
federal aid for Internet access install filters that block material 
considered obscene or, in the case of underage users, "harmful to minors." 
Libraries regard the law as an infringement on their ability to provide 
information freely to their users. They say it requires them to use 
software that erroneously blocks access to many inoffensive sites. A group 
of libraries sued, and last year, a three-judge court unanimously held the 
law unconstitutional.

It is clear that the software being forced on libraries prevents their 
patrons from seeing a large amount of constitutionally protected material. 
By one estimate, it "overblocks" by 15 percent or more, meaning that untold 
hundreds of thousands of Web sites that should be accessible to library 
users are not. The trial court found that the software blocked the Web 
sites of political candidates and sites discussing such topics as sexual 
identity and abstinence.

The government argues that librarians can remove the filters when asked to 
do so. But the unblocking technology is itself flawed. There was testimony 
at trial that only one person in a library system, no matter how large or 
busy it is, can have access to unblock the software. And as the lower court 
found, patrons may be unwilling to ask librarians to unblock sites if they 
cannot do so anonymously. Forcing users to specifically request information 
about subjects like sexually transmitted diseases or homosexuality may, in 
some cases, effectively deny them access to it.

The Children's Internet Protection Act is the first federal law ever to 
impose free-speech restrictions on local libraries, and it does so in a 
constitutionally unacceptable way. If there is a problem with library 
terminals being used to gain access to inappropriate Web sites, it is a 
problem the court should trust local libraries to solve.

ADV: Stop Paying Too Much for Auto Insurance

2003-03-10 Thread Auto Insurance

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2003-03-10 Thread ROBERT SAVIMBI
Good Day,

With warm heart I offer my friendship, and greetings, and I hope this mail meets you 
in good time. However strange or surprising this contact might seem to you, as we have 
not met personally or had any dealings in the past,I humbly ask that you take due 
consideration of its importance and immense benefit. I also sincerely seek your 
confidence, as I make 
this proposal to you as a person of integrity.

First and foremost I wish to introduce myself properly to you. My name is Mr.Robert 
Savimbi,I am a nephew and Personal Assistant to Late Jonas Malheiro Savimbi, leader of 
UNITA (National Union for the Total Independence of Angola). As led by my instinct, I 
selected your email address from an internet directory, in my search for a partner, 
this email. 

My Uncle(Mentor) was killed in a battle with government forces of Angola, led by 
President Dos Santos, on Friday 22nd February 2002. After his death, Mr. Antonio Dembo 
and general Paulo Lukamba who were his second in commands, assumed office as leaders 
of UNITA, due to lack of the Charisma my Uncle had carried the party with in Dembo and 
general lukamba, there was chaos and struggle for leadership. Prominent members like 
Carlos Morgado lobbied to depose them and assume office as leader to enrich themselves 
and some of them who saw me as a threat to their ambitions, including Mr.Dembo, 
planned to kill me. The tension and confusion in UNITA became uncontrollable when Mr. 
Dembo died 10days after my Uncle's death. As I lost my mentor in this struggle which 
has been on for three decades now, not so much of this struggle interests me anymore, 
as there is now no sense of direction. I now desire a peaceful life, as I am no more 
interested in conflicts and wars. For this reason, I se!
 cretly left Angola and came here (Holland) to seek political asylum.

I am sincerely proposing to you to render me your highly needed assistance in respect 
to safekeeping of some of my Uncle's money that arose from Diamonds sales. This money 
(US$18.5million), which was already on its way to my Uncle's Swiss Bank account, 
through the Diplomatic means we use to move money abroad, and was on transit with a 
private safe deposit security company here in Amsterdam, Netherlands. in February when 
the tragic incident of my Uncle's death occurred. I then instructed the company to 
secure the consignment containing the money pending on further instructions from me. I 
have waited for sometime now for security reasons, and have now decided to act with 
your reliable assistance. As a matter of fact, the reason I came to the netherlands to 
sought for political asylum here is because of the safe deposit. 

President Dos Santos has lobbied the International Community to freeze my Uncle's 
assets and accounts abroad, to ground UNITA, and has already done this in Angola. 
Hence I cannot lodge the funds in my name. Also I did not declare the funds to the 

I plan to use this money to safeguard my families future. It is very essential that 
you understand that the kind of trust and confidence I want to put in you is 
extraordinary, and an act of desperation on my part, in order not to lose this money. 
Also, ensure that this contact with you should be treated with utmost secrecy.

Your role in this project, is clearing the safety deposit containing the money which 
is deposited in my name from the Security and finance company, after which, the money 
will lodged into an account preferably a new account you should open for this 
transaction.  My share of the money will be returned to me when my asylum application 
in this country is granted, and I have permission to do business and open an account 

For your reliable assistance, I will reward you with 15%($2,775,000) of the money. 

I have with me, the Certificate of Deposit for the consignment containing the funds, 
which will be used for claim from the security company, and the release codes of the 
vaults. Also, everything will be legally processed for transfer of ownership to you, 
and this transaction should be completed immediately depending on your prompt response.

I thank you in advance as I anticipate your assistance in enabling me achieve this 

Please contact me whether or not you are interested in assisting me. This will enable 
me scout for another partner in the event of non-interest on your part.

To know more about the struggle by UNITA to liberate Angola, click on the link below 
and read.


R. Savimbi.

EBAY Success System- at no charge to you

2003-03-10 Thread eBargains News Letter





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Free 2003 Handicapper Report .

2003-03-10 Thread Alex Self






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2003-03-10 Thread professor rat
Last summer, 95 percent of the forest land lost to fire in Arizona, or 
599,383 acres, was due to human-caused fires. The "Rodeo-Chediski" fire in 
eastern Arizona chewed up the vast majority of those, but fires in Prescott 
and on Mount Lemmon, near Tucson, also were attributed to human actions.

Over the past decade, humans have accounted for 65 percent of the total 
acres lost to fire in Arizona, according to the U.S. Forest Service.

"If Arizona citizens will help us with this fire season, we could have one 
of the best fire seasons ever," state forester Kirk Rowdabaugh said. "If we 
can get them to pay attention, really pay attention, they can make a big 

Re: Social democrats on our list

2003-03-10 Thread Tom Veil
Anonymous wrote on March 8, 2003 at 01:15:10 +0100:

> On Saturday 08 March 2003 01:33 am, Tim May wrote:
> > Silly person, a property does not have rights. Owners have rights. And
> > these apply whether one person, 5 persons, or a group of co-owners own
> > something.
> Dewey, Cheatum, and Howe, LP
> 2000 Maynard Way
> New York, NY
> Mr. May
> Dewey, Cheatum, and Howe represent the Mega Corporation.
> Recently the Mega Corporation (aka MegaCorp) purchased the
> rights to all oxygen in the Corralitos, CA area and any such
> material that may move into or be produced in that area.
> By being a resident of the Corralitos, CA area and utilizing
> their property you are bound to the Terms and Condtions of
> their "Breathe Through Oxygen Use Contract".

This is mentally retarded.

You will quickly find a property claim to all oxygen in a certain area
to be utterly unenforceable if you don't want to be shot.

Tom Veil


2003-03-10 Thread Maya
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2003-03-10 Thread GreatDeals
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2003-03-10 Thread Marco Hillis
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*** Celebrate a Warm and Caring Heart! ***

2003-03-10 Thread

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2003-03-10 Thread tjeur
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George had a love for anal sex.

2003-03-10 Thread professor rat
Our first President of the United States, George Washington was a
swinger. God Bless ol' George, he just didn't have sex with his wife, he 
had sex with all of the women on his farm. However, not all of the women 
got pregnant. Do you know why they all didn't get pregnant? I like to 
believe George had a love for anal sex, also. I strongly believe all of the 
evidence points to George loving anal sex, so why the fuck not?


Tristan Moreland needs killing.

2003-03-10 Thread professor rat

Federal agents found a gun lover's paradise when they started making
undercover buys at gun shows and swap meets in Arizona.
Affidavits filed in U.S. District Court say the merchandise included
pistols equipped with silencers, assault rifles, Saturday night specials
and a cannon like .50-caliber weapon that fires a 4-ounce,
armor-penetrating round.
Among the estimated 30 dealers were a 94-year-old Mesa man, a reserve
police officer in Tucson, a felon and several gun shop owners.
Illegal trafficking
And, according to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, much
of the trafficking was illegal.
Officials say one Tucson vendor sold guns to a Hispanic agent after being
told the weapons were being smuggled into Mexico. A Mesa man is accused
of manufacturing ammunition illegally at his home. A Phoenix man faxed
his list of guns for sale on stationery from a prominent Valley
construction company where he was employed.
Agents visited gun shows from Tucson to Las Vegas. Locations included the
State Fairgrounds in Phoenix, Centennial Hall in Mesa and the Tucson
Community Center. Investigators also went on buying sprees at swap meets
in communities such as Globe, Prescott, Coolidge and Payson.
At a swap meet in Apache Junction, agents reported finding illegal
vendors brazenly showing off their wares, some with more than 50 guns
displayed in glass cases with price tags attached.
Investigators claim that many of the dealers favor cheap handguns, the
type of weapon preferred by ex-cons who cannot purchase guns from
licensed dealers because FBI background checks are required. 
The probe comes in the aftermath of an ATF study that revealed a flood of
illegal firearms purchases at swap meets and gun shows. In a report to
Congress last year, the Treasury Department identified gun shows as
"a major trafficking channel" responsible for more than 26,000
illegal firearm sales during an 18-month study. Many of those were traced
to subsequent crimes.
The report titled, "Commerce in Firearms in the United States,"
also noted that felons were associated with selling or purchasing weapons
in nearly half of the gun show investigations.
Gordon said the investigation, dubbed Operation Dutchboy, began in the
fall of 1999 after surveillance officers followed a convicted murderer to
a gun show and watched him buy a handgun. Moments later, they observed
another convict purchase a weapon.
Although ATF agents obtained search warrants and raided more than 20
homes and businesses in recent months, only a few suspects have been
arrested to date. Gordon said the U.S. Attorney's Office is expected to
pursue criminal charges against more than two dozen suspects in coming
Among the allegations listed in affidavits: dealing in firearms without a
license, failing to report firearms sales by licensed vendors and selling
guns to suspected felons.
In one case, an ATF agent used the false ID of a felon to buy a gun. The
dealer ran a background check and said he could not sell the weapon. The
agent pulled out another ID with a name that passed the background check
and was sold a gun.
Although the overall investigation remained secret, portions of the case
were exposed in the media months ago.
In June, the ATF arrested 61-year-old Robert W. Stewart of Mesa and
seized a cache of 38 guns from his home in the 2800 block of North 34th
Place. The weapons included an Uzi, five other submachine guns and a kit
to build .50-caliber weapons that can hit targets a mile away.
Stewart, who had a prior gun conviction, said the right to bear arms is
inspired by God and all gun restrictions are illegal. He later pleaded
guilty and was sentenced to prison.

Laro Nicol's cherry bombed.

2003-03-10 Thread professor rat

Agent testifies on explosives in activist's home
Carlos Miller
The Arizona Republic
Mar. 10, 2003 12:00 AM
Laro Nicol, described by his friends as an avid peace activist, had two
homemade explosive devices and a fully automatic machine gun at his house
when authorities raided it last week, a federal agent testified in
Also in the Goodyear Airport air traffic controller's Tempe home were six
semiautomatic guns, several types of gunpowder and fuses, and a few
manuals on how to build explosives. 
One of the explosives was a pipe bomb that produced "a violent
explosion" when detonated by the Phoenix Police Department's bomb
squad, said Tristan Moreland, an agent for the federal Bureau of Alcohol,
Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.
But authorities found no evidence indicating that the 40-year-old man was
going to use the weapons to harm anybody or damage any property, Moreland
testified at Nicol's arraignment Friday in U.S. District Court.
That was no surprise to Nicol's attorney, Douglas Passon, who argued that
his client is nothing but a former U.S. Marine whose hobby is building
"model rockets," which entail the use of materials similar to
those in bomb making. Passon added that one of the explosive devices
taken into evidence was nothing more than "a big firecracker"
made out of cardboard.
However, Passon failed to persuade a federal judge to release Nicol on
his own recognizance. Calling Nicol "a danger to the
community," U.S. District Judge David L. Duncan ordered him to
remain in custody. Nicol, who pleaded not guilty, will be tried April
Nicol's supporters believe the case against him stems from the fact that
he is a member of Phoenix Copwatch, a Valley grassroots group that
videotapes officers making arrests in order to prevent police brutality.

"I think that definitely plays into it," said Phoenix Copwatch
member Heather Adani, 26, one of several members attending the
arraignment. "It raises a red flag."
Less than three years ago, Nicol helped former federal fugitive Howard
Mechanic publish an alternative newsletter while Mechanic served time in
jail for throwing a cherry bomb during a Vietnam War protest in 1970.

Mechanic had been living under the alias Gary Tredway and was running for
the Scottsdale City Council when his true identity was revealed in 2000.
Less than a year later, President Clinton pardoned him.
And comments...

Aotearoa 2.

2003-03-10 Thread professor rat

Tino Rangatiratanga and capitalism 
“Ka whawhai tonu matou ake ake ake “ – Rewi Maniapoto 1864. (“We will
fight on forever, ever and ever”.) 
Firstly I’d like to say that this my opinion on what is Tino
Rangatiratanga, acknowledging that there are many different meanings for
Tino Rangatiratanga and the concept itself is part of a rich and ongoing
debate in Maori society. So I think the debate/dialogue/discussion
surrounding Tino Rangatiratanga is an organic/dynamic thing so in that
vein of thought my own views are also dynamic and changing. So yeah
that’s all the disclaimer shit out of the way [ in case I change my mind
: and someone quotes me out of context.] 
I feel that no one person has all the answers but that there should be
parameters where the korero is contained, so that the korero is
relatively in the same ‘discussion ball-park.’ I also think that some of
the issues surrounding Tino Rangatiratanga are for Maori and Maori alone
to debate/decide. (How that decision is made is another thing
completely). I think there are some aspects of Tino Rangatiratanga that
non-Maori can engage on but there are some aspects that are for Maori
only. This is consistent with principles of self-determination, meaning
it’s not self-determination if someone else is determining it for you.

A DEFINITION A good definition of Tino Rangatiratanga can be found on the
Tino Rangatiratanga website.
The word ‘tino’ is an intensifier and the word ‘rangatiratanga’ broadly
speaking relates to the exercise of ‘chieftainship’. Its closest English
translation is self-determination – although many also refer to it as
‘absolute sovereignity’ or Maori independence. Such a concept embraces
the spiritual link Maori have with ‘Papatuanuku’ (Earthmother) and is a
part of the international drive by indigenous people for self
TINO RANGATIRATANGA FROM BELOW (as opposed to the courts, parliament, the
universities, and other “talking heads”.) How this broad definition fits
in with what is happening in Maori society, the sorts of parameters it
throws up and the extent of those parameters, I think is determined, at
the flaxroots level. Treaty principles (and other similar attempts thrown
up by this and that government and this and that court and then mulled
over by the academics in the learning institutions) have all been
reactions to direct action at the flaxroots level. For example the
setting up of the Waitangi Tribunal and the establishment of the Maori
Language Commission culminated with actions from the 60s, and 70s. 
I think the struggle for Tino Rangatiratanga happens on a number of
levels, a part of the struggle is the retention and revitalisation of our
language and customs. In that sense every volunteer in every kapa haka
group and Kohanga reo (and other similar groups) is in some way
contributing to the struggle of Tino Rangatiratanga. Where I think the
most clarity and direction happens for Tino Rangatiratanga is on the
direct action frontline (as opposed to parliament, the courts, the
classroom). The ‘Movement’ has traditionally been an extremely
heterogeneous social force encompassing a considerable variety of
political strategies, campaigns and participants. But this is where the
parameters of Tino Rangatiratanga are set (or not set ). Like most
movements the Tino Rangatiratanga movement has a tradition and a history.
This tradition is rooted in conflicts over the Treaty of Waitangi, Maori
resistance in the ‘Land Wars’, inspired by the Prophet Warriors
Titokowaru and Te Kooti Arikirangi, the philosophies of Te Whiti and Tohu
Kakahi, the strategies of the Kingitanga, the resilience of Rua Kenana,
and the foresight of Ratana, and those countless ancestors whose blood
soaks this land. In the modern context this tradition has been held up by
new groups and individuals such as Nga Tamatoa, WAC (Waitangi Action
Committee), Te Kawariki, Black Women, Te mana motuhake o Tuhoe, Te Kawau
Maro, (the list goes on and on) who in turn drove and were inspired by
the Occupations of Bastion Point (Takaparawha), The Land March and the
countless Marches on Waitangi, resistance to the infamous fiscal envelope
and the Occupations it set off, Pakaitore, Takahue, etc. The
establishment of the Tuhoe Embassy, the Occupation of Waikaremoana,
resistance to Free Trade and Genetic Engineering. It is here where I
think the parameters of Tino Rangatiratanga are debated /digested
DIVIDE (the divide between rich Maori and poor Maori.) Yup nasty old
capitalism. I think that one of the parameters that needs to be set is a
Maori based analysis of capitalism. Placing white settler colonisation of
Aotearoa within its historical context, it can be seen as a part of the
global process of capitalist expansionism based on the destruction of the
territorial and cultural integrity of the indigenous populations by the
expropriation and comm

Re: Social democrats on our list

2003-03-10 Thread Tim May
On Sunday, March 9, 2003, at 05:04 PM, Paul H. Merrill wrote:

It's actually Onizuka Air Force Station.  It is contiguous to Moffet.
And if one realizes the difference between collection, control, and
interpretation, Some of the vile despicable actions become more clear.
He said Moffett. I pointed out that it's a Naval Air Station, not an 
Air Force Base.

What may be next to it, including NASA Ames, Onizuka, Lockheed, Yahoo, 
etc., is not what I was talking about.

--Tim May

Re: Questionable science and drunk drivers

2003-03-10 Thread Bill Stewart
At 09:41 AM 03/09/2003 -0800, Greg Broiles wrote:
On Fri, Mar 07, 2003 at 12:10:35PM -0800, Bill Stewart wrote:
> Doing the technical part of detecting alcohol vapor is cool,
Actually, that's not even really a solved problem yet, but
that's not well-known outside of people who litigate
drunk driving cases for a living.
I'm not surprised - I found the assertion that the tester
could tell the difference between drivers and passengers
and open or closed windows and precise enough alcohol levels
reliably enough to call the police without major false positives
and false negatives to be somewhat dubious.
In particular, testing for Ethanol as opposed to metabolites
sounds highly unreliable, unless you're really just testing
for zero or non-zero quantities of the stuff.
(But this was a Southern religious college doing the research)