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2003-06-13 Thread Miriam Steward
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2003-06-13 Thread Amelia Weiss

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2003-06-13 Thread lovingtouches
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Govt oversees Hep C epidemic.

2003-06-13 Thread Professor Rat.

Law blamed for hep C epidemic
By Misha Schubert
June 13, 2003 
Go to online feedback 
THE federal Government's conservative tough-on-drugs policies have
triggered an explosion in hepatitis C infections, a secret health
department report has found.
And the disease has become an epidemic, with half a million
Australians likely to have the debilitating virus by 2020. 
The paper, prepared by independent experts for the federal Health
Department, lashes the Howard Government for abrogating
responsibility and refusing to provide leadership and resources to
fix the urgent public health problem. 
Health Minister Kay Patterson has kept the report from the public since
she received it last November. 
But a copy obtained by The Australian reveals a damning critique
of the Government's failure to act. 
The (Government's) strategy has not succeeded in controlling the
hepatitis C epidemic in Australia. The urgency of this situation cannot
be overstated, it says. 
The experts are particularly critical of zero tolerance
policies adopted by conservative state and federal leaders. 
The zero tolerance approach tries to stamp out illicit drug
use instead of trying to make their inevitable use safer. 
There is a growing recognition that criminalisation of injecting
drug use . . . has contributed to increased transmission rates.

The experts call for a national public awareness campaign and better
partnerships with groups working with injecting drug users. 
The hepatitis C virus causes chronic liver disease in up to 85 per cent
of those infected. It is transmitted through blood with up to 90 per cent
of new infections from injecting drug use but rarely spread through sex.

The report calls for drastic government action to boost prevention and
safety. Otherwise too many people will continue to become infected
and Australia will not be able to meet the substantial costs of treating
and caring for the hepatitis C-affected community in 15 to 20 years'
time, it says. 
The experts also say spending more money makes good economic sense.
Expenditure on prevention of hepatitis C infection will be offset
by future savings on end-stage treatment of hepatitis C-related liver
disease and liver transplants. 
The expert panel included Howard Thomas, head of the department of
medicine at St Mary's Hospital in London, Fran Baum, who heads the public
health department at Flinders University, and Michael Levy, the
population health director at the NSW Corrections Health Service.

There is no vaccine for the virus. But a new treatment, which boosts the
success rate from the present 30 per cent to 60 per cent and is available
in many other Western nations, is languishing without taxpayer subsidy in
Labor senator Jan McLucas said it was unforgiveable that
Senator Patterson had refused to share the secret report with the public.

It's simply appalling that she could let this languish in her
in-tray when more people are infected every day. 
A spokesman for Senator Patterson said part of the report would be
released next month, while the Government had allocated $16 million to
reduce transmission. 
That's a significant amount of money, he said. 
But Ruth Verzeilberg, who contracted the virus from a shared needle while
experimenting with heroin as a teenager, said more effort was needed to
stop the suffering of people like herself. 
We should be doing so much more as a society to stop people
needlessly going through this, she said. 
How about a headline that reads: 'Death and crime epidemics lead to drug
law that leads to hep C epidemic'. Now that would be a more honest
summary, though less tasteful to those that would prefer to blame
everything bad on prohibition instead of the drugs themselves. 
Or you could try: 'Irresponsible junkies give themselves hep C in spite
of exposure to education programs since childhood'; or how about the
snappier 'Determined druggies keener than customs to catch hep C'. 
Dave Edwards
Brisbane, Qld 
It is not inevitable that anyone of any age will use illegal
drugs and especially not inevitable that they would use
intravenous drugs. This type of drug use usually comes at the end of a
long period of experimentation with other types of substance abuse. If
the probability of contracting a deadly disease is part of the package of
intravenous drug use, then that will be one more consideration the drug
user will have to take into account before they inject. 
Illegal drug use should not be glamorised, normalised or made
safe in any way. There is anecdotal evidence to suggest the
increase in teenage intravenous drug use is related to the ease of
obtaining clean needles, making the injection of drugs appear just that
little bit safer, just that little bit more glamorous.

The figure of 500,000 cases of Hep C by 2020 probably assumes that the
currently high level of illegal drug use in the community will continue,
but the effects of the zero tolerance regime will kick in
long before we reach 500,000 

Apply for your grant today

2003-06-13 Thread Gov't Grants
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Good Day

2003-06-13 Thread Joseph Sola

Late Engineer Bob P. Michael. 

It is my warmest pleasure soliciting your confidence in this transaction, which I 
propose to you as a person of transparency and caliber. This by virtue of its nature 
as being utterly confidential and top secret.though I know that a transaction of this 
magnitude will make anyone apprehensive and worry but I assure you that all will be 
well at the end of the day.
Let me first start by introducing myself properly to you am Mr. S.B Joseph, the M.D 
First Bank Plc. 
I came to know of you in my private search for a reliable and reputable person to 
handle this transaction, which involve the transfer of huge sum of money to a foreign 
account requiring maximum confidence. 

A foreigner Late Engineer Bob P. Michael,an oil merchant/contractor with the federal 
government of Nigeria,until his death two years ago in a ghastly air crash,banked with 
us here at FIRST BANK PLC LAGOS. And had a closing balance of account as at the end 
December, 2000 worth US$12.3M the bank now expect the next of kin to claim the money 
as the beneficiary.however, effort being made by the bank to get in touch with any of 
Engineer Bob P. Michael, relative or family proved abortive. It is because the 
perceived possibility if not being able to locate any of late Engineer Bob P. Michael, 
next of kin,(he, had no wife nor children that is known to us) the management under 
the influence of our chairman CHIEF. A. LUNGE who is presently a member of the senate 
and other members of the board of directors of first bank plc has resolved to declare 
the fund unclaimable and subsequently be donated to the trust fund for arms and 
ammunitions to fur!
 ther enhance the course of war in liberia, sierre-leone and other wartone country in 
africa what an evil alternative in other to avert this negative development I and my 
colleagues now seek your permission to have
you stand as a next of kin to late Engineer Bob P. Michael,
so that the fund US$12.3 M will be released and paid into your account as the 
All documents and proofs to enable you receive this fund in your
account will be carefully worked out by I and my colleague we have secure from the 
probate an order of mandamus to locate any of the next of kin, that is, a 100% risk 
free involvement please note the account need not have money in it all we just need is 
an account in which the fund will be released into. 
We have agreed to share the fund accordingly after it has been transferred into the 
account provided by you. 
1. 25% of the money will go to you for acting as the beneficiary of this money. 
2. 70% for me and my colleagues as the architect of the transaction.
3 5% will be set aside for reimbursement to both parties for any incidental expenses 
that will be incur in the course of the transaction. If this proposal is accepted by 
you,do take undue advantage of the trust we have bestowed on you and kindly get in 
touch with me immediately and please furnish me with your most confidential phone and 
fax numbers and exclusive bank account particulars so that I can use this information 
to apply for the release and subsequent transfer of the fund into your nominated 
account. But in case your not interested
please let my me know as soon as possible so that I can make an alternative 
arrangement because time is not on our side. 
Thank you in advance for your anticipated co-operation. 
Yours Faithfully, 


2003-06-13 Thread Ischia Prenotazioni

Gentile Operatore, 
la invitiamo a visitare il ns. sito nel 
sito troverete tutte le migliori offerte last minute disponibili al momento su 
ischia e sul sito e' presente solo parte delle offerte del ns 
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agenzie di viaggio per una eventuale collaborazione ed un nostro incaricato Vi 
contattera' per darVi tutte le informazioni necessarie alla partnership 

Cordiali Saluti 
Fabio DIstante
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Kind Operator, we invite it to visit the ns. 
situated in the 
situated one you will find the all best offered last tiny the available ones at 
the moment on ischia and on situated e' present only the part of the offered 
ones of the ns database we invite to you to complilare the classified module to 
the travel agencies for an eventual collaboration and a our person in charge 
will contact You for darVi all the necessary information to partnership the 

Freundlicher Operator, laden wir es ein, um das ns. aufgestellte in 
aufgestellten zu besuchen, das Sie ganz gut angebotenen letzten kleinen 
vorhandenen im Augenblick auf ischia finden und auf aufgestelltem e ' Geschenk 
nur das Teil von angebotenen der ns-Datenbank laden wir zu Ihnen zum complilare 
das eingestufte Modul zu den Reisebüros für eine etwaige Zusammenarbeit und 
einen unseren verantwortlichen kontakt der Person WillensSie für darVi alle 
notwendigen Informationen zur Teilhaberschaft 


2003-06-13 Thread Joseph Mobutu Sese-Seko
Good day,
You may be surprise to receive this email since you do not know me.
I am the son of the late president of Democratic Republic Of Zaire,
President Mobutu Sese Seko, ( now The Republic of Congo, under the
leadership of the son of Mr. Laurent Kabila). I presume you are aware there
is a financial dispute between my family ( THEMOBUTUS ) and the present
civilian Government. This is based on what they believe as bad and corrupt
governance on my late father's part. May his soul rest in perfect peace. As
you might have heard how a lot of my father's bank account in Switzerland
and North America have been frozen. Following the above named reasons, I am
soliciting for your humble and confidential assistance to take custody of
THIRTY Million United States Dollars ( US$30,000,000.00 ), also to front for 
me in the areas of business you desire profitable.
These funds have secretly been deposited into a confidential Security
Company, where it can easily be withdrawn or paid to a recommended
beneficiary. The funds will be released to you by the Security Company,
based on my recommendations, on that note, you will be presented as my
partner who will be fronting for me and my family in any subsequent
ventures. Myself and my mother have decided to give 20% to you if you are
able to help us claim this consignment. We have also decided to give you any 
money spent on phone calls or traveling expenses in the course of this
transaction at the end of the transaction.
Please, I need your entire support and co-operation for the success of this
transaction, your utmost confidentiality and secrecy is highly required, due 
to my family's present predicament.
I sincerely will appreciate your willingness to assist us as soon as
possible. I am presently in the refugee camp here in the Netherlands under
the united nations refugee camp in Netherlands and I can be reached on phone 
number +31-645-238-205 or E-mail me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] for
more information on how we can proceed in this transaction. Please indicate
your interest by sending your telephone and fax number or call me up at
anytime. I sincerely will appreciate your acknowledgement as soon as
Warmest regards,
Joseph Mobutu Sese-Seko.   

2003-06-13 Thread =?gb2312?q?=C2=DE=D1=D7=BA=A3_




2003-06-13 Thread doname

I need your help,I am DONANA MAKALE the son of a Late minister DR.JOHN MAKALE during 
the reign of mobutu seseko, I came to know you in the course of my search for a 
reliable and God fearing partner and I decide to contact you because I believe you are 
a reputable person and I felt you can help us over this confidential matter. I count 
on your intergrity and honesty to be able to handle this business. My father was a 
minister in Democratic Republic of Congo during the reign of Late President Mobutu. 
Our father was killed during the rebel attack and our house was burnt. We manage to 
escape to South Africa with my mother and two of my sisters where we are now taking 
refuge.Before the death of my father he deposited US$20 MILLION, with a security 
company in Europe.The money is kept in a Metal Crates and was registered as precious 
substance. Thus there is nobody that knows that it is money that is in the metal 
crates. All the document with which the money was deposited is with us!
 . I am looking for somebody to that is capable and willing help me clear the metal 
crates and receive the metal crates of money on behalf of my family from the security 
company. We need a trust worthy and experience person that will help us to invest this 
money in your country and take us as one family and will also buy a house for us over 
there where we can live safely. We are expecting to hear from you.

Best Regards


You are greatI hope your here soon

2003-06-13 Thread Manuel Matthews

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2003-06-13 Thread anafe426

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2003-06-13 Thread Uneari

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2003-06-13 Thread Wilson Swanson




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2003-06-13 Thread Staff

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2003-06-13 Thread Luis Savimbi
It is my pleasure to establish this comminucation with you,my name is Luis savimbi 
.The son of late JONAS SAVIMBI the opposition and the Human right leader in ANGOLA in 
AFRICA who was murdered cold blooded just few months ago. I got your contact from a 
reliable source and I am asking for your assistance in business that is considered of
mutual benefit.My father,I suspected from the way he was assisinated,it was been 
master minded by foreign plan. I mean international ommunity who were may be against 
his activities.He acquired a lot of wealth from the sales of diamond and other mineral 
resources while he was in power.
Presently, my life is at stake because the assistance in command to my late father 
wanted me dead by all means. 
The ANGOLA government have immediately started seizing a lot of my fathers properties 
and some bank account which was traced with huge amount of money were also frozen at 
Presently,I have the sum($18,000,000.00 M USD)eighteen million dollars cash,which is 
part of the money that I inherited from my father and I cannot invest the money in my 
country even in AFRICA. 

I sincerely required your assistance to secure the fund in your account for safe 
keeping and investment in your country.I will advise that we have to maintain absolute 
confidentiality and honesty with this mutual transaction and your assistance will be 
highly appreciated and compensated.
I will also suggest that we make arrangement to have a meeting with you and also to 
prepare business agreement before the transactions concluded. I am willing to offer 
you 10% of the total amount as commission for your assistance and 2% reserve for 
general expenditure and I am also prepared to invest part of the money into your 
if viable.
I need urgent attention Yours sincerely. 

Luis Savimbi.

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Israel's WMDs on MSNBC.COM

2003-06-13 Thread Tyler Durden
Hey...just found out about's hidden page on WMDs, including bio, 
nuke, and chemical.
Any way to push such a thing into a google cache?


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IT Market *

2003-06-13 Thread Trash_01
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2003-06-13 Thread Yvette Quillen
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2003-06-13 Thread

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2003-06-13 Thread Claretha Schiaffino







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2003-06-13 Thread M. ABACHA
 Dear Sir,

I am MR. MOHAMMED ABACHA the son of the late Gen. Sani Abacha, former head of State of 
Nigeria who died on 8th June 1998 while in office. Since the death of my father the 
present Government of Chief Olusegun Obasanjo has been tormenting members of the 
Abachas family including family friends. All businesses and property owned by the 
Abachas have been confiscated by the Government and all our Bank Account in Nigeria 
and abroad have been frozen. A quick reference of Newsweek publication of March 13th 
1999 were 88million dollars was taken from us will give you an insight of what I have 
gone through. After a short while I was arrested and detained in prison custody,  the 
government came up with a trump up charge against me and honestly speaking I have been 
in detention since November 1999 and I was only released on Thursdays (11-07-02) by 
the supreme court of Nigeria who passed judgment in my favor
During the reign of my father as the president of this country, an Aluminum Smelter 
Company of Nigeria (Alscom) contract was revealed. The contract was for the 
construction of plant, at Ikuta Abasi in Akwa Ibom State of Nigeria, for production of 
ingots and billets required as raw material for Aluminum and Allied Industries, 
Reynolds Incorporated of America, Phoenix and MF Companies of Switzerland conducted 
the feasibility studies. The contract was awarded to Ferrostall AG of Germany. 
However, after the revaluation of the contract, Ferrostall AG collected its own share 
of the increment in project cost, while my father's share of fifty-eight Million U.S. 
Dollars (US$58,000,000:00) was deposited on my name with a security company here in 
Nigeria for safety keep and I know that my father was planning of how to send this 
money abroad before his sudden death in June 8 1998. Since then the money has been 
with the security company up till date. This US$58M was secretly packaged in!
  a trunk box and the certificate o
deposit where on my name and is still in my possession.
Hence all plane is to ship this money abroad through a diplomatic means without the 
knowledge of anybody from outside knowing my involvement in this money, to avoid be 
seized due to my presently situation and also I am handicapped as what next to do 
since I am not conversant with international monitory policies. Hence I am contacting 
you as a reputable and trustworthy person, with a well experience and able hand to 
help. This was to bit the security system in Nigeria Because I want you to claim the 
money on my behalf. I have declared to the security company that the consignment 
belongs to (YOU) as my foreign business partners.  Actually I got your contact from a 
reliable source, and also I believe you are in a good position to assist me to 
transfer this fund for good investment.
Upon receipt of your willingness to assist me claim this money I will then contact my 
personal attorney to draft a power of attorney that will authorise you as the 
beneficially of this money so that you can handle this transaction on my behalf. And 
as soon as this money leaves Nigeria I will travel out to seek asylum either in Europe 
or America
My contract with APEX FINANCE AND SECURITIES GROUP remains few weeks to expire and I 
am down broke to renew the duration with the Security Company. 
As a matter of urgency, I will like you to send to me immediately your telephone and 
fax number. I shall send you all the clearance documents by fax. I will then forward 
your name as the beneficiary and my foreign business partner to the Security Company. 
You will be entitled to 20% of the total sum involved for your assistance, 5% will be 
set aside for reimbursement to you for any incidental expenses that may be incurred in 
the course of the transaction.
Your URGENT response is needed. All your REPLY must go through these our family 
will need your private and direct telephone and fax number for easy reach.
Please this is a very confidential matter, you don't disclose to anybody for
us to have success. For more information, call my attorney on Tel: +234 1 776 5468
Best regard

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2003-06-13 Thread tj2019koie
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2003-06-13 Thread Hilde Mullenax







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2003-06-13 Thread CheapTrips
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2003-06-13 Thread Financial Advisor
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stop it already.

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2003-06-13 Thread aa69_tonya

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2003-06-13 Thread Aluma Floor
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2003-06-13 Thread 933712

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stop it already.

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2003-06-13 Thread Hottie
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2003-06-13 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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2003-06-13 Thread mynewstuffz
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Business Assistance

2003-06-13 Thread Wale Jones
Mr. Wale Jones
Bank of The North, 
Lagos, Nigeria. 

Dear Sir, 

I am Mr. Wale Jones, Bank Manager of Bank of The North Lagos,Nigeria. I have urgent 
and very confidential business proposition for you. 

On January 6,1998, a Foreign Oil Consultant/contractor  with the Nigerian National 
Petroleum Corporation, Mr. James Herbert made a numbered time (Fixed) Deposit for 
twelve calendar months, valued at US$20,000,000.00 (Twenty Million United States 
Dollars) in my branch. 
Upon maturity, I sent a routine notification to his forwarding address but got no 

After a month, we sent a reminder and finally we discovered from his contract 
employers, the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation that Mr. James Herbert died 
from an automobile accident. On further investigation, I found out that he died 
without making a WILL, and all attempts to trace his next of kin was fruitless. 

I therefore made further investigation and discovered that Mr. James Herbert did not 
declare any next of kin or relations in all his official documents, including his Bank 
Deposit paperwork in my Bank. This sum of US$20,000,000.00 has carefully been moved 
out of my bank to a security company for safekeeping. No one will ever come forward to 
claim it. According to Nigerian Law, at the expiration of 5 (five) years, the money 
will revert to the ownership of the Nigerian Government if nobody applies to claim the 

Consequently, my proposal is that I will like you as a Foreigner to stand in as the 
owner of the money I deposited it in a security company in two trunk boxes though the 
security company does not know the contents of the boxes as I tagged them to be 
photographic materials for export. I am writing you because I as a public servant I 
cannot operate a foreign account or have an account that is more than $1m. I want to 
present you as the owner of the boxes in the security company so you can be able to 
claim them with the help of my attorney. All these are to make sure that the fruits of 
this old man's labor will not get into the hands of some corrupt government officials. 

This is simple. I will like you to provide immediately your full names and address so 
that the Attorney will prepare the necessary documents, which will put you in place as 
the owner of the boxes. The money will 
be shared in the ratio of 60% for me, 10% for HIV victims and 25% for you, and 5% will 
take care of all expenses. There is no risk at all as all the paperwork for this 
transaction will be done by the Attorney and this will guarantee the successful 
execution of this transaction. 

If you are interested, please reply immediately via my private email address: [EMAIL 

 Upon your response, I shall then provide you with more details and relevant documents 
that will help you understand the transaction. 

Please observe with utmost confidentiality, and be rest assured that this transaction 
would be most profitable for both of us because I shall require your assistance to 
invest my share in your country. 

Awaiting your urgent reply via my private email to indicate your interest. 

Thanks and regards. 
Wale Jones

() 11:18:29:891

2003-06-13 Thread fengll

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attachment: Img209998615.jpg

Make $2000 Weekly Stuffing Envelopes at Home!

2003-06-13 Thread Glenda Crabtree



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2003-06-13 Thread Level 2 Alert

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2003-06-13 Thread cxy58hot





Re: cypherpunks Accessory giveaway mqw

2003-06-13 Thread Letitia


Virus Alert - 2003 Norton SystemWorks - Update you Virus Protection

2003-06-13 Thread Virus Protection
Title: Norton SystemWorks 2003 Professional Edition




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cypherpunks, View Photos Of Singles In Your Area

2003-06-13 Thread Your-Info Offers
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cypherpunks, View Photos Of Singles In Your Area

2003-06-13 Thread Your-Info Offers
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curso de JAVA con uso de Pc

2003-06-13 Thread acpinfo
El Club de Programadores - Asociación Civil, invita a participar del curso de JAVA 
con uso de Pc que comenzará a dictarse el día sábado 21 de junio de 2003 de 18.30 a 
21.30 hs.

 1- Temario a desarrollar
 2- Datos del instructor
 3- Fechas, lugar y horario
 4- Material a entregar, costo y certificado
 5- Informes e inscripción

Si desea ser eliminado de esta lista de distribución, responda este mensaje colocando 
Remover en el motivo (subject).

1- Temario a desarrollar

Caracteristicas principales de Java
El lenguaje Java
La máquina virtual Java
La plataforma Java
El lenguaje Java
El JDK de Sun
Primeros pasos en Java
Primeros Programas
Primer Applet

El lenguaje java
Control de Flujo

Operador new
Destrucción de Objetos
Garbage Collector
Control de Acceso
Herencia y Subclases
Clase Object
Clases Abstractas

Clases básicas
Clases de java.lang
Clases utilitarias

Applets en páginas HTML
Componentes AWT (Abstract Window Toolkit)
Contenedores, Paneles y Distribuidores (Layouts)
Manejo de Eventos
Modelo de Delegación de Eventos
Receptores de Eventos
Fuentes de Eventos
Eventos de bajo nivel
Eventos generados por el usuario
Clases Anidadas
Imprimir con AWT
Aplicaciones Gráficas
Clase Frame

Manejo de Excepciones
Lanzamiento de Excepciones
Captura de Excepciones

Grupos de Tareas
Arrancar y Parar Tareas
Comunicacion entre Tareas
wait y notify

Métodos de Graphics
Sistemas de Coordenadas

Archivos en Java
Entrada y Salida
Clase File
Manejo de byte y char
Acceso de Lectura
Acceso de Escritura
Acceso Aleatorio

Programacion Cliente/Servidor
Clases URL, InetAddress
Clases Socket, ServerSocket
Míltiples Clientes
Clases DatagramPacket, DatagramSocket

Acceso a Base de Datos
JDBC (Java Database Connectivity)
Paquete java.sql
Drivers JDBC
Conexion a Base de Datos
Clases Connection, Statement, ResultSet
Metadata de conexion y datos
Nuevos tipos de ResultSet

Componentes Swing
Componentes actualizados
Nuevos Componentes
Eventos en Swing
Grupo de Botones
Listas y Combos
Modelo de Lista
Menúes y Popup
Otros componentes
El componente JTable
Modelo de Tabla
El componente JTree
Modelo de Arbol

2. Sobre el instructor :   Ángel  Java  López

 Más de veinte años de experiencia en el diseño y desarrollo de software trabajando en 
diferentes plataformas y lenguajes Desarrollo de intranets y de múltiples sitios web, 
entre los que se destacan  USAL Post Grado, Clarín Digital, Páginas Amarillas y un 
portal de código abierto, empleando distintas tecnologías.

 Docente de Java, JSP, CGI, Perl, ASP, PHP y otras tecnologías

 Autor del libro Java, la Programación del Futuro.

 MVP de MicroSoft (Most Valuable Professional)

3- Lugar, horario y programa de actividades

 CURSO DE JAVA con uso de Pc

  Fecha de inicio   : sábado 21 de junio de 2003
  Días de dictado  : desde el 21/6, son ocho sábados seguidos
  Cantidad de horas :  32 en ocho  clases de cuatro horas
  Horario :  de  14.00 a 18.00 hs

4- Material a entregar, costo y certificado

  ARANCEL : Inscripción $30, y dos cuotas de $120


5- Informes e inscripción

 Por la Web www(punto)clubdeprogramadores(punto)com
 por e-mail a [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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2-Minute Loan Application!

2003-06-13 Thread Online Auto Loans
Title: Get the loan you deserve!


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Dealing with the thing itself.

2003-06-13 Thread Professor Rat.
What's lewd to prudes is all the rage
By Rosalie Higson
June 13, 2003
THE pornography industry in the US has a turnover three times that of 

The information technology industry estimates that up to 70 per cent of 
internet searches are for porn. That makes it a potent cultural force: 
behind closed doors, the West is saturated in pornographic images.

Opening today at the Australian Centre for Photography in Sydney is Staring 
in the Dark, an exhibition by nine Australian and English photo-media 
artists that subversively draws on and appropriates pornographic styles and 
formulas. It is the second in a series of three dealing with the interface 
between art and popular culture. Sandwiched between fashion and skate 
culture, it's sure to be the most contentious.

Staring in the Dark comes with a warning that it is not suitable for 
children or the faint of heart (that is, those disturbed by sexual 
imagery). Indeed, one video film made for the exhibition by Brisbane's 
Scott Redford, dealing with Berlin's gay skinhead S  M scene, will not be 
shown because it is too explicit, while girl come clothes are splashed 
with the patterns of Darwin-based Cee Speret's vaginal fluid – her artistic 

Centre director and curator Alasdair Foster calmly defends the works, 
saying that the challenge for viewers and artists is to get around the 
endemic hypocrisy that surrounds pornography. It is incredibly prevalent, 
yet it is treated always as if it is marginal.

He says that because porn is almost always viewed alone or in a closed 
environment, when brought into public view it's not dissimilar from 
Duchamp bringing the urinal into the museum – the piece of functional 
plumbing you'd rather not have in public becomes something that you can 
look at in a different way.

The exhibition consists of a mix of video, computer-generated imagery, 
sculptural installations, a set of mock-historical images, light boxes, 
block prints and clothing such as jeans incorporating crocodile and 
kangaroo skin, a raincoat, gowns and handbags, as well as English 
photographer Paul M. Smith's humorous yet unsettling melanges of men's and 
women's bodies. It covers most sexual bases from radical to homely, with 
gay, S  M, straight, bisexual and masturbatory subjects. There is plenty 
that is not specific, Foster says, but examines the patterns of mass media 
poses and general sexual behaviour that infiltrate society through things 
such as porn.

Foster says the analysis and/or appropriation of pornography is happening 
across the world and articulates a mood of our time. There are large parts 
of the population, especially at the younger end, for whom this . . . is no 
problem at all. Collectively we don't do ourselves any good by pretending 
that it's marginal and minority and [doesn't really exist]. That's just 
kind of cosy.

He says those who oppose the use of sexual imagery assume that monkey see, 
monkey does and should be more concerned about what is on television each 

Think about whodunits, which are considered to be the most family kind of 
entertainment, where people are killed with no real moral outrage at all. 
They are simply ciphers [that] allow a mathematical process of deduction to 
go on.

He considers such violence is much more worrying for society than art, 
which looks head-on and which very often operates cathartically rather 
than in terms of patterning of activity or even blunting of sensibilities. 
I think you blunt sensibilities in terms of what you make cosy, like wife 
battering used to be made cosy by notions of sexual difference and domestic 
privacy and all of those things.

He says critical responses to an issue such as this fall into it's a 
freedom of speech issue or protect our children, both of which are defence 
mechanisms for not dealing with the thing itself.

Staring in the Dark, Australian Centre for Photography, Sydney, until July 20.,5744,6586866%255E16953,00.html

Truth in advertising.

2003-06-13 Thread Professor Rat.
Vandals strike at police
EIGHT police stations were spray-painted with swastikas in a vandalism 
rampage across Melbourne's eastern suburbs yesterday.

The unmanned stations were daubed with black, blue and grey paint. The word 
losers was also sprayed across the new Belgrave police station.

The fast-moving vandals attacked stations in Murrumbeena, Diamond Creek, 
Hurstbridge, Mount Waverley, Warrandyte, Ashburton and two at Belgrave in 
the early hours of the morning.

Police yesterday said they had no idea whether there was any motive for the 
vandalism. But security footage recorded at the new 24-hour Belgrave police 
station, which opens next week, might provide clues.

Inspector Denis Collins, of the North Eastern Region, said police had no 
firm leads yet.

It makes me angry, like anyone else in the community that is subjected to 
graffiti, because it is a waste of time. It is a waste of money in clearing 
it up and for a senseless crime it is a waste of police time when we could 
be investigating a lot more important offences, he said.

Belgrave was the worst-hit suburb: paint was splashed on both its old and 
new stations as well as three police cars.

Belgrave Senior-Sergeant Doug Berglund said the old station was checked by 
police patrols early in the morning. The damage was discovered by a 
policeman on the early shift.

Mount Waverley Senior-Sergeant Peter Arnold said seven Nazi symbols were 
painted on the station's front brick wall.

We have taken swabs of the paint and photographed it extensively, he said.

Insp Collins said that revenge was a possible motive for the vandals' attacks.

We are investigating all possible angles, he said.

At this stage we have no links to particular groups but we will look at 
all possibilities, including revenge.

Police will be questioning nearby residents, and the newer station at 
Belgrave has security cameras, so we will be reviewing those tapes.,5478,6586807%255E2862,00.html

Spammeister fingered.

2003-06-13 Thread Professor Rat.

Prince of Porn Crowned King of Spammers
From The Miami Herald: Eddy Marin's a pathetic little guy I met
three years ago in a deserted porn warehouse in Pompano Beach, a hustler
trying to persuade me that he had a great Internet business he was trying
to sell before he went off to jail on money laundering charges.
Now, the BBC told me, Eddy's working out of Boca Raton and has been
identified as ''king of the spammers'' by the London-based anti-spam
detective group Spamhaus. This is a guy you'd love to hate, the kind of
fellow who clogs your Inbox each time you sign on. Spamhaus says Eddy may
put out 50 million e-mails a day.
He is part of what The Observer in London calls the ''Boca Raton Spam
Gang,'' which is said to churn out 250 million e-mails a day. Another
British paper, The Evening Standard, said most messages focused on the
''cheap Viagra, big penis'' genre.
When I met Eddy, he was just beginning his ''marketing'' career, though I
didn't realize it at the time.
I was researching a story on cyberporn, which back in 2000 was considered
one of the few sectors making money on the Web. Eddy, who had done jail
time for cocaine trafficking, agreed to talk to me because he wanted
publicity to help sell his businesses, which included Internet Video
Group and its websites, such as DoMe (Note to leches:
Don't bother searching for the site -- it no longer functions.)
The Pompano operation had a 22,000-square-foot ''cyberbroadcast''
facility that included six small studios. Each studio was designed to
contain a bed, a webcam and a woman.
The idea was that a viewer visited the site, gave his credit card
information and was assigned to a room, where a young lady -- generally a
former lap dancer -- was sprawled on a bed.
The viewer typed in a request -- ''scratch your back'' -- and the woman
scratched her back. You get the picture.
At its peak, 40 women were said to work at the warehouse in shifts around
the clock. The average viewer spent $100 on a session. By the time Eddy
took over, however, cyberporn was changing. Amateurs -- women working out
of their homes with webcams -- had grabbed much of the market, and the
big porn operators found that they could get cheaper product by filming
Eastern European prostitutes in Amsterdam.
Eddy told me he had shrunk the firm down to four employees and changed
the business model, so that he was primarily servicing other websites --
porn and nonporn -- by developing sites, hosting them on servers and
doing their ``marketing.'' He boasted that he brought in $750,000 during
the first quarter of 2000 -- ``over 80 percent profit.''
His new name for the firm was ''Opt-In Services,'' the same name he's
using today. He was beginning to focus, he said, on marketing data bases
and ``opt-in mailings.''
''Opt-in'' means you have asked for the e-mail, such as a buyer of a Dell
computer requesting notices about new products. Spam, of course, is not
opt-in, but groups like Spamhaus allege that many spammers use the term
to dignify their work.
''What Eddy is doing is groundbreaking and cutting edge,'' one guy in the
porn industry told me three years ago. Example: One of Eddy's marketing
techniques was to offer a free photo -- you can guess what type -- just
for providing your e-mail address. No credit card necessary. What would
be wrong with that? Of course, now we can see that Eddy was gathering
e-mail addresses for future ``marketing campaigns.''
As I was working on the cyberporn story, someone sent an anonymous e-mail
to The Herald warning that, though Eddy was claiming to have become a
legitimate Web-based business, his ``primary source of income is
reportedly from sending spam . . . promoting porn sites.''
At the time, I was interested in the porn, not Eddy's ''marketing,'' and
I didn't put that warning in the story. But this month, after hearing
from the BBC, I did some checking. It turns out Eddy's been active in
many areas. Last year, when the huge Atlanta credit-reporting company
Equifax bought e-marketeer Naviant of Boca Raton, it found that some of
Eddy's firms were dealing with a Naviant subsidiary.
That relationship quickly ended, Equifax told me in an e-mail: ``Equifax
absolutely does not believe in nor engage in spam of any 
I called Eddy at his Boca office to ask what he felt about being the king
of spam. The woman who answered the phone snickered nervously and said
someone would get back to me.
I gave her my phone number -- but not my e-mail address.

Cell phones and ATM's alert.

2003-06-13 Thread Professor Rat.

New spy risk for ATMs
ATM users have been warned to be more vigilant amid fears webcam mobile
phones could be used to film PINs.
Tiny built-in video cameras could be secretly used by devious spies,
consumer advocates warned yesterday. 
Banks and police said yesterday they had not yet had complaints about
misuse of the phones, introduced to Australia in April. 
But Consumer Law Centre executive director Chris Field said it was only a
matter of time before an ATM user was caught out. 
MORE ON...,5478,6587483%255E662,00.html
Labor capitulates over ASIO powers
ASIO is on the brink of gaining tough new powers to arrest and detain
suspected terrorists after Labor gave tentative support to a watered-down
Attorney-General Daryl Williams yesterday conceded that detaining
suspected minors as young as 14 would now be dropped from the legislation
in a bid to get it through the Senate. 
The Opposition has argued that the minimum age of suspects should be 18
years, but ALP leader Simon Crean hinted yesterday that Labor may agree
to the Government's revised ASIO Bill. 
I think that there have been some significant movements on the part
of the Government, and I welcome the fact, Mr Crean said. 

Mr Williams has agreed to raise the minimum arrestable age to 16, but
warned Labor there would be no more concessions. 
The Bill still gives ASIO far broader powers than security organisations
in the United States and Britain. 
Minor parties in the Senate, including the Australian Democrats and the
Greens, are unconvinced by the 
Government's backdown and are urging Labor to block the Bill. 
Democrats Senator Brian Greig said ASIO could still become a form of
secret police and that any Australian, regardless of their connections
with terrorism or not, could be detained and interrogated for a week.

Among other concessions the Government has agreed to are a sunset clause
of three years, restrictions on questioning time of 24 hours in
eight-hour blocks over seven days and access to a lawyer of choice.

The Victorian Law Institute is critical of powers to remove lawyers
during the questioning of detainees. 
ASIO can continue to veto or remove the lawyer chosen by a detained
person, institute president Bill O'Shea said. ASIO has no
obligation to inform the arrested person of the grounds on which they are
being detained, so it will be very difficult for a lawyer to object to
the detention. 
The Bill will be debated in the Senate next week. 

inline: 542892f.jpginline: 542893b.jpginline: 5428947.jpg

Millionaire at 31 ... on the Internet! Listen to how he is doing it.

2003-06-13 Thread statsyxfu

I have got to get this off my chest before I EXPLODE...

Stephan Ducharme just became a Millionaire on the Internet … in weeks!!!

He went from 100 hits a day up to 1 MILLION visitors in less than a few weeks …

without paying a dime in advertisement !!!

… and this just paid him over 1 MILLION DOLLARS !!! 

He says anyone can do it with what you are about to learn. 

You have never heard of this thing before, Ever! 

Let me introduce myself; 

My name is Jodi Hans. I've earned $30,000+ in a month, BUT IT'S ALL COME CRASHING

DOWN and here's why...

You may have the best program, the best opportunity in the world. The best website.


For months I've been the top affiliate for tons of programs I've been promoting.

In fact, many of the campaigns you've seen promoted, I've been one of the top earners.

Over the past years I learned so much that I even started to coach a team of 16,000+

 promoters through my newsletter.

Over the past years, you can imagine that my team and I have read and heard everything

 that exist about making money on the Internet and creating web traffic. 

We had our own forums, chat rooms, we were receiving all the marketing and opportunity

 newsletters you can find.

But even despite all that we knew, something was missing, business started declining.

(If experts like us are shrinking, what is the chance for a newbie to succeed online? 

Nothing would do. We would jump into the newest matrix program of the week or we would

promote the best selling programs with the best sales letters (and we know what will 
sell) ... but all we could do was work harder and harder, more and more hours each 
week to compete with the ever growing competition.

After asking around us, in forums and newsgroups and chat rooms, it soon became

 obvious that webmasters are all waiting for something to happen in e-commerce.

As if the Internet is ready for a new challenge. A new pulse. The next generation.

Nothing will do anymore. It’s always the same thing coming over and over again. 

The Internet gurus just can't put their finger on what would work again.

95% of the money making strategies you purchase today WILL FAIL! The other 5%,

well you’d better know how to generate huge traffic, else your dead in the water…

and even then, it’s not like it used to be, just a few months back.

The Expert Guru's with their vast knowledge and combined experience can not put their

finger on what would make it work again.





My experience has taught me there is no real mystery to earning large sums of money

if you understand this one simple's Not What You Know, But Who You Know!

So we began to search ... we didn't know for what at that moment, but one thing was

sure, it had to be refreshing, a new age. We prayed for a new vision, not a 

nor a follower.  My greatest asset is my vast network of online associates.

Several Weeks Ago, the angel of prosperity smiled upon me.

In short, I knew someone who knew someone who discovered a secret.

When I read about it, I was skeptic at first. It seemed too good to be true.

I called the man himself and asked him all the questions I could think about, just to 
test his


Well, after only a few answers, I knew he was different. His answers were not shifty 
and the way he saw the Internet... well, I had never seen that side.

When he explained to me the method he took to go from total obscurity up to 1 Million

Visitors on his website in a matter of WEEKS, I was knocked out of my chair. 

The juicy part was when he had the nerve to insult my intelligence by saying that he

was not even paying a dime in advertisement !!! 

I knew it was impossible. Well, I thought I knew better.

The fact is that I WAS WRONG folks.

This man sent me his step-by-step map, and in the first 24 hours, I had more than 

new visitors on my site without paying a red cent in advertisement. STEPHAN IS RIGHT!!!

PROFITS ARE NOW FLOODING IN from my web site again.

Up till just now, I kept this for myself.

I 'm about to tell you where to download this AMAZING NEW FORMULA

and you are going to rake it in faster than you can count.


One evening, I was introduced to a young Canadian gentleman, Stephan Ducharme. 

Stephan created the run-away best seller...



When I met Stephan, he had just paid cash for a Porsche and was shopping around for a

Jet Airplane.

I really thought I had it going on until I met Stephan. He's not some rich kid with a 
silver spoon in his mouth. Just a few years ago,

Stephan Ducharme was cleaning carpets for a living  to make a long story short, he 

more than 10 years and paid 

Seppo wants his money back.

2003-06-13 Thread Professor Rat.

Odd Spot
Donald Griffith, from Florida, has paid a monthly sewer bill to
his city utility since 1979. But after recent plumbing problems he
discovered he had a septic tank, and he wants his money back - $US16,000
plus interest. The utility is contesting his civil claim.
David Brinkley was on the Lehreh report taking about tax collections
after a nuclear war.

DAVID BRINKLEY: It says in areas of the country
hardest hit, delinquent taxpayers will be given a little extra time.
Otherwise, taxes will be collected as usual.


2003-06-13 Thread Carmencita McKenzie
bonaventure-batoradler-pragmatic  pliable mates athenian tensed


2003-06-13 Thread Roland Salariosa
crazing-immediatelyadverbs-addison  hydrosphere talker adapting crossover

Secrecy news.

2003-06-13 Thread Professor Rat.

and Security Committee's 2002-2003 Annual Report

Select committee report on the state of
the UK's 'national intelligence machinery' and its performance over the
past year ( UK Parliament
via Cabinet Office 


See also this
coverage, and this

from the FAS Project on Government Secrecy
Volume 2003, Issue No. 49
June 12, 2003


Intelligence services in other Western democracies are doing what
U.S. intelligence community says cannot and should not be done: They
routinely disclosing intelligence budget information to their
Last week the Canadian Security Intelligence Service published its
annual report. Following a review of the global threat environment
the CSIS response, the report presents a bar chart that displays 
agency's budget totals over the past decade, and projects spending
years into the future. The totals are further broken down 
operating costs, salaries and construction costs. See:
This week the United Kingdom's Intelligence and Security Committee
presented its 2002-2003 parliamentary report on the UK's
services. The report included publication of the single
account which is the aggregate of expenditures for the GCHQ,
Security Service (MI5) and the Secret Intelligence Service (MI6) 
2001-2006. See the new report (flagged by reposted
In contrast, Director of Central Intelligence George J. Tenet
declared under penalty of perjury that not even a single two year
aggregate figure for U.S. intelligence spending could be
Disclosure of this number, he said, would result in damage to U.S.
national security and the compromise of intelligence sources and
methods. See:

The mounting controversy over the accuracy and integrity of U.S.
intelligence leading up to the war in Iraq has fractured the
congressional intelligence committees along partisan lines.
The Republican leadership is refusing to undertake anything
an investigation. The very word investigation is
pejorative, said
Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Senator Pat Roberts at a
briefing on June 11, and implies that there's something
wrong. Instead, the Committee will review the matter as
part of [its]
ongoing oversight responsibility. See:
But closed hearings and review of documents presented by the
administration are not sufficient, replied Committee Vice
Senator John D. Rockefeller IV. A full fact-finding
investigation is
the usual mechanism for congressional oversight committees like the
Senate Intelligence Committee in a circumstance like this 
But the issue has already spilled over well beyond the control of
intelligence committees. Bush Administration Deceptions About
Threaten Constitutional Democracy warned Rep. John Conyers,
member of the House Judiciary Committee, in a June 11 floor
that probably represents the kind of thing Senator Roberts hoped to
forestall. See:
In a series of letters, Rep. Henry Waxman of the House Government
Committee has pressed the Administration to account for the false
information on Iraqi acquisition of uranium that President Bush
presented in the State of the Union address. See:
Meanwhile, new information is entering the public domain not through
oversight process but through media accounts, such as CIA Did Not
Doubt on Iraq on Iraq Data by Walter Pincus, Washington Post, June

New legislation to protect whistleblowers -- individuals who blow
whistle and expose fraudulent or wasteful activity -- was
this week by Senators Akaka, Leahy, Levin, Durbin and Dayton.
Whistleblowers have proven to be important catalysts for much
government change over the years, said Senator Patrick Leahy
From corporate fraud to governmental misconduct to media integrity,
importance of whistleblowers in galvanizing positive change cannot
Whistleblowing is never more important than when our national
is at stake, said Senator Carl Levin (D-MI), citing the case of
whistleblower Colleen Rowley and others.

Win $35,000 or a V-Rod

2003-06-13 Thread GreatMailRewards

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2003-06-13 Thread cyh




Flush Fat Right Out Of Your System

2003-06-13 Thread Bridgeport Labs
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2003-06-13 Thread 4 Craft Books

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Fat Burner is Here for Summer

2003-06-13 Thread Bikini Time

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Here are todays Hot Super 3---------------------------------*-21524968*-

2003-06-13 Thread Patty Joone

			Super Top 3

		Top 3 
		Top 3 DVDs



How The West Was Won

Led Zeppelin



St. Anger




Dance With My Father

Luther Vandross


		(Prices May Change)
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			Led ZeppelinDick Carruthers
New$22.49! The AnimatrixTakeshi Koike
New$17.99! Sex and the City - The C...Sarah Jessica Parker
New$37.49! (Prices May Change)Privacy Information   

		Top 3 News Stories
			CIA Says It Cabled Key Data to White House AP - 
			The CIA, facing criticism for its failure to pass on 
			a key piece of information that put in doubt Iraq's 
			purported attempts to buy uranium from Niger, said 
			yesterday it sent a cable to the White House and 
			other government agencies in March 2002 that said 
			the claim had been denied by officials from the 
			central African country.
			Israel keeps up anti-terror hits AP - Israel 
			killed seven Palestinians, including a Hamas 
			fugitive and his family, in its third rocket attack 
			in 24 hours yesterday. 
			David Brinkley, founding father of TV news - 
			David Brinkley, who brought wit, grace and 
			skepticism to four decades as a network TV anchor 
			and master of the Sunday talk show, died Wednesday 
			night in Houston at age 82.


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Re: your credit card accounts

2003-06-13 Thread Oleta

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  I do not want anymore emails

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Happy Birthday!

2003-06-13 Thread Tia Kirkpatrick
Mailings Here


Re: An attack on paypal -- secure UI for browsers

2003-06-13 Thread Mike Rosing
On Fri, 13 Jun 2003, Nomen Nescio wrote:

 Apparently you neglected to read, where
 Microsoft says (as they have repeated many times) Customers and partners
 need reliable ways to ensure the quality of technology that addresses
 the critical needs met by NGSCB. That's why Microsoft will make available
 for public review the source code of the core piece of enabling software
 in NGSCB, called the 'nexus,' so it can be evaluated and validated by
 third parties for both security and privacy considerations.

So why isn't it open for review *before* it's finalized?  Might it
give too many people an idea of what's really wrong with it?

 Therefore some educated person (obviously not you, at least not yet)
 will in fact be able to perform their own examination of the trusted part
 of the OS, since it will have its source code published for exactly this
 sort of review.

Let's see it now.  Not after it's finisihed.

 Microsoft's legacy software is all extremely complex.  Palladium is
 taking a different approach, aiming at simplicity and transparency.

I want the drugs you are on dude.  You have a very rosy picture, and
it seems all your inputs have been hijacked by supreme chemicals!

 The Nexus, which is the micro-kernel for the trusted components (NCAs),
 will be published for review.  Its tasks are relatively few and well
 defined, nothing like the massive Windows OS.  That is what Microsoft has
 gained by architecting Palladium as they did, with the new trusted
 CPU mode, which allows side-by-side operating systems to run.  On the
 left hand side (LHS) we find the legacy Windows OS and applications.
 On the right hand side (RHS) we find the Nexus acting as the OS, and
 the NCAs acting as the applications.

And in the mean time the user can't control their own computer.

 The brilliance of Palladium is that the LHS can't touch the RHS,
 because of hardware protection.  At one stroke, the new trusted mode is
 insulated from bugs in the Windows OS, device drivers and applications.
 It in effect allows the designers to start with a clean piece of paper
 and produce a simple micro-kernel (the Nexus) whose only job is to
 service the NCAs.  This is a manageable task and, in conjunction with
 public review, there is good reason to hope and expect that the Nexus
 will be secure.  If so then NCAs will indeed run in a mode where they
 are protected from other software components (including other NCAs).

Very nice drug induced rant.  Too bad reality doesn't work that way.
Who owns the hardware?  The user or the RIAA?  True hardware protection
means the user is protected from Microsoft, not the other way around.

 Your comments above make it clear that you are not at all acquainted
 with the material in those documents.  If you're going to pretend to
 be a security expert (remember when you advocated ECB mode for the XML
 encryption effort?!!), you could do worse than spending a few hours
 studying these documents closely.  It's very likely that NGSCB will
 be a central technology for security in the next two to ten years or
 even longer.  This is undoubtedly an area where security consulting
 could be lucrative.  Sadly, even experts of your caliber can probably
 be very successful in this area.  But you'll have to do your homework.

Palladium changed to NGSCB and will morph to something else and something
after that.  It won't ever fly because the user can't control their own

Trust is a two way street.  Until Microsoft learns to trust their
customers, nobody will trust Microsoft.  What we do in person we can do
on a computer.  We can con each other in person, so we'll be able to con
each other with computers.  That's how reality works, and no hardware
or laws is going to change that.

Instead of trying to wave a magic wand while everyone is on lsd, it'd
be better if Microsoft and the RIAA came out with their own hardware
for the specific purpose of DRM sales.  Everyone would know who owns
the hardware because they'd just rent it instead of buying it.  IBM
is already on the right track for this.  Microsoft has yet to get it.

Patience, persistence, truth,
Dr. mike

Complete Solutions Pharmacy

2003-06-13 Thread Veronica Karlsson
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2003-06-13 Thread Nickolas Melendez
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2003-06-13 Thread Leona Sharp
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Spread Spectrum Image Steganography Patent

2003-06-13 Thread John Young
The US Army today announced the availability of licensing
of its patent for Spread Spectrum Image Steganography: copy of the patent)

Patent Abstract

The Spread Spectrum Image Steganography (SSIS) 
of the present invention is a data hiding/secret communication 
steganographic system which uses digital imagery as a cover 
signal. SSIS provides the ability to hide a significant quantity 
of information bits within digital images while avoiding detection 
by an observer. The message is recovered with low error 
probability due the use of error control coding. SSIS payload 
is, at a minimum, an order of magnitude greater than of 
existing watermarking methods. Furthermore, the original 
image is not needed to extract the hidden information. The 
proposed recipient need only possess a key in order to reveal 
the secret message. The very existence of the hidden 
information is virtually undetectable by human or computer 
analysis. Finally, SSIS provides resiliency to transmission 
noise, like that found in a wireless environment and low levels 
of compression.

Patent No.: 6,557,103

Granted:  April 29, 2003

Boncelet, Jr.; Charles G. (Newark, DE);   
Marvel; Lisa M. (Churchville, MD); 
Retter; Charles T. (Belcamp,  MD)

The United States of America as represented
by the Secretary of the Army (Washington, DC)

City Club Casino $400 Bonus!

2003-06-13 Thread City Club

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Pope and Thai PM feature in death threat news watch.

2003-06-13 Thread Professor Rat.

say man attacked, made death
on girlfriend
Greenville News, SC - 10 Jun 2003
By Gwendolyn C. Young. Greenville County Sheriff's Special Weapons
and Tactics team went to a home on Red Hawk Lane on Monday where ... 
Vatican Downplays Pope Death Threat
Voice of America - 7 Jun 2003
The Vatican is downplaying an e-mail threat to attack Pope John Paul
II during his trip to Croatia. On Friday, two Croatian news ... 
Death threat against protected witness
Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - 9 Jun 2003
... gathered evidence used to accuse a cabinet minister in the Carr Government of having
sex with a teenage boy claims he has received an anonymous death threat. ... 
Parents sue teacher for making alleged death threat to daughter
Montgomery Independent, AL - 29 May 2003
... summons. David Morrison, a Biloxi lawyer representing the student and
her parents, said the threat occurred in front of classmates. ... 
Assistant replaces Westview coach who resigned amid death threats
Fort Wayne News Sentinel, IN - 1 hour ago
... would be taken out.. Maybe that's not a death threat, but that's
how I interpret it, Neely said last month. Yoder, 33, was an ... 
Drugs death threat against Thai PM
CNN Asia, Asia - 19 May 2003
PATTAYA, Thailand (Reuters) -- Drug lords and mafia bosses are trying to kill Thai
Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra because of his crackdown on drug dealers ... 
Thai PM cancels speech after death threat
Hindustan Times, India - 24 May 2003
Thai premier Thaksin Shinawatra on Saturday apologised after he cancelled a speech
to a public rally at the last minute, heightening speculation that his life ... 
Thai PM cancels speech after death threat
Zee News, India - 23 May 2003
Bangkok, May 24: Thai premier Thaksin Shinawatra today cancelled a speech to a
public rally at the last minute, heightening speculation that his life is in ... 
Police Finish Probe of Death Threat Made by East Providence Cop
WLNE-TV (ABC6), RI - 22 May 2003
(Providence-AP) -- State police have completed their investigation of an East Providence
police officer who's accused of making a telephone death threat to an ... 
Handwriting sample sought from suspect in Bethel College hate ... 
Minneapolis Star Tribune, MN - 5 hours ago
... Among the incidents police are seeking to connect to Glander is one
on May 22, when a death threat was scribbled on bathroom stalls. ... 


2003-06-13 Thread ene1
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2003-06-13 Thread ene1
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Expose the fascists and their shills.

2003-06-13 Thread Professor Rat.
Today, June 11th, the Bush is Taking the Shirts Off Our Back to Pay For 
This War (Shirts Off) Coalition opens a campaign against the American 
Enterprise Institute (AEI), with a press conference to expose this 
far-right think tank. AEI's current fellows include former Republican 
government officials, as well as many corporate executives, such as Newt 
Gingrich, Richard Perle, and former fellow, Ken Lay, of Enron. Twenty 
former AEI fellows are now employed by the Bush Administration. Richard 
Behan, Alternet, wrote, AEI and 2 other right-wing think tanks crafted or 
influenced virtually the entire agendas of both domestic and foreign policy 
for the George W. Bush Administration.

AEI literally houses the notorious Project for the New American Century 
(PNAC), and the Defence Policy Board, making for lots of family ties in 
the Bush administration. AEI founded the pro-Iraq war NGO, Committee for 
the Liberation of Iraq and holds open forums on world domination. AEI has 
a race desk charged with popularizing unscientific and biological 
determinist racial theories from AEI fellow Charles Murray, Bell Curve, 
(genetic explanations for poverty in communities of color), and Dinesh 
D'Souza, The End of Racism (African-Americans should stop using 
institutional racism as an 'excuse' for their 'failure' to be on par with 
whites and Asians.) AEI promotes Oriana Fallaci's post 911 rant, The Rage 
and the Pride: They breed too much... At least half of the Moslem women 
you see in our streets are pregnant or surrounded by streams of children. 
Additionally, AEI held a seminar against funding for education, called Are 
Teachers Paid Too Little... or Too Much?, concluding that teachers are 
paid too much.

The Men Who Stole the Show | The Neocons' Plan For World Domination | Comment 


2003-06-13 Thread Marlon Rafols

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Nazi America.

2003-06-13 Thread Professor Rat.
The playwright Harold Pinter said: The US is really beyond reason now. It 
is beyond our imagining to know what they are going to do next and what 
they are prepared to do. There is only one comparison: Nazi Germany.

Wednesday June 11, 2003 The Guardian

The playwright Harold Pinter last night likened
George W Bush's administration to Adolf Hitler's Nazi Germany, saying the 
US was charging towards world domination while the American public and
Britain's mass-murdering prime minister sat back and watched.

Pinter, 72, was at the National Theatre in London to read from War, a new 
collection of his anti-war poetry that had been published in the press in 
response to events in Iraq.

In conversation on stage with Michael Billington, the Guardian's theatre 
critic, Pinter said the US government was the most dangerous power that had 
ever existed.

The American detention centre in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, where al-Qaida and 
Taliban suspects were being held, was a concentration camp.

The US population had to accept responsibility for allowing an unelected 
president to take power and the British were exhausted from protesting and 
being ignored by Tony Blair, a deluded idiot Pinter hoped would resign.

After a big operation for cancer, Pinter returned to public life last year 
to speak out against American belligerence. He called it a return from a 
personal nightmare to an infinitely more pervasive public nightmare.

The playwright said: The US is really beyond reason now. It is beyond our 
imagining to know what they are going to do next and what they are prepared 
to do. There is only one comparison: Nazi Germany.

Nazi Germany wanted total domination of Europe and they nearly did it. The 
US wants total domination of the world and is about to consolidate that.

In a policy document, the US has used the term 'full-spectrum domination', 
that means control of land, sea, air and space, and that is exactly what's 
intended and what the US wants to fulfil. They are quite blatant about it.

Pinter blamed millions of totally deluded American people for not staging 
a mass revolt.

He said that because of propaganda and control of the media, millions of 
Americans believed that every word Mr Bush said was accurate and moral.

The US population could not be let off scot-free for putting the country 
under the control of an illegally elected president - in other words, a 

He asked: What objections have there been in the US to Guantanamo Bay? At 
this very moment there are 700 people chained, padlocked, handcuffed, 
hooded and treated like animals. It is actually a
concentration camp.

I haven't heard anything about the US population saying: 'We can't do 
this, we are Americans.' Nobody gives a damn. And nor does Tony Blair. 
Pinter added: Blair sees himself as a representative of moral rectitude. 
He is actually a mass murderer. But we forget that - we are as much victims 
of delusions as Americans are.

In a British society where people were increasingly encouraged not to use 
their brains, the only way to protest was by thought,
intelligence and solidarity.


(±¤°í) »ç¶ûÇÏ´Â ¿ì¸®¾Æ°¡..¢½¾Æ±â¿ëÇ°

2003-06-13 Thread À±¼øÈñ



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Re: An attack on paypal

2003-06-13 Thread Major Variola (ret)
At 03:39 PM 6/10/03 -0700, Bill Frantz wrote:
At 5:12 PM -0700 6/8/03, Anne  Lynn Wheeler wrote:
somebody (else) commented (in the thread) that anybody that currently
(still) writes code resulting in buffer overflow exploit maybe should
thrown in jail.

Not a very friendly bug-submission mechanism :-)

IMHO, the problem is that the C language is just too error prone to be
for most software.  In Thirty Years Later:  Lessons from the Multics
Security Evaluation,  Paul A. Karger and Roger R. Schell credit the use of PL/I
the lack of buffer overruns in Multics.  However, in the
world, a successor language has not yet appeared.

What about Java?  Apart from implementation bugs, its secure by design.

and then you go to jail is a bad error-handler for a protocol.

Re: Spread Spectrum Image Steganography Patent

2003-06-13 Thread Mike Rosing
On Fri, 13 Jun 2003, John Young wrote:

 The US Army today announced the availability of licensing
 of its patent for Spread Spectrum Image Steganography: copy of the patent)

Thanks, interesting.  I think anyone with access to the original
picture would detect something is there, but the nice thing is
that they wouldn't know how to decode the message.  It still depends
on not messing up too many bits, which is similar to obvious
methods, but I like the use of erf() to estimate the message.

Patience, persistence, truth,
Dr. mike

I believe this is the one you were looking for

2003-06-13 Thread Gaye Gillians

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