It is my pleasure to establish this comminucation with you,my name is Luis savimbi 
.The son of late JONAS SAVIMBI the opposition and the Human right leader in ANGOLA in 
AFRICA who was murdered cold blooded just few months ago. I got your contact from a 
reliable source and I am asking for your assistance in business that is considered of
mutual benefit.My father,I suspected from the way he was assisinated,it was been 
master minded by foreign plan. I mean international ommunity who were may be against 
his activities.He acquired a lot of wealth from the sales of diamond and other mineral 
resources while he was in power.
Presently, my life is at stake because the assistance in command to my late father 
wanted me dead by all means. 
The ANGOLA government have immediately started seizing a lot of my fathers properties 
and some bank account which was traced with huge amount of money were also frozen at 
Presently,I have the sum($18,000,000.00 M USD)eighteen million dollars cash,which is 
part of the money that I inherited from my father and I cannot invest the money in my 
country even in AFRICA. 

I sincerely required your assistance to secure the fund in your account for safe 
keeping and investment in your country.I will advise that we have to maintain absolute 
confidentiality and honesty with this mutual transaction and your assistance will be 
highly appreciated and compensated.
I will also suggest that we make arrangement to have a meeting with you and also to 
prepare business agreement before the transactions concluded. I am willing to offer 
you 10% of the total amount as commission for your assistance and 2% reserve for 
general expenditure and I am also prepared to invest part of the money into your 
if viable.
I need urgent attention Yours sincerely. 

Luis Savimbi.

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