hey nu

2003-08-09 Thread guy smith
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2003-08-09 Thread sirgeorgeadams2000
REF: LP/26510460037/02.
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We are pleased to inform you of the release today, 15th JULY 2003,of the ELGORDO 
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Please remember to ask for your prize claim certificate. 
Congratulation again from all member of our staff and thank you for being part of our 
promotion program. 

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2003-08-09 Thread lyle jillayne

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Re: What happened to the Cryptography list...?

2003-08-09 Thread Bill Stewart
At 07:05 PM 08/06/2003 +0100, Adam Back wrote:
The problems with closed lists relying on a single human for
forwarding and filtering...
Couldn't he just let people post in his absence?  It kind of detracts
from a list if it disappears for weeks at a time on a regular basis.
Also there are delays, and then there's Perry decisions that a
discussion is no longer worth persuing when contributors are still
interested to discuss.
If it's too quiet on Perry's list, you can always overflow discussions
back to the Cypherpunks list or sci.crypt.


2003-08-09 Thread


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2003-08-09 Thread
























































your account boabwopw

2003-08-09 Thread admin

Hello there,

I would like to inform you about important information regarding your
email address. This email address will be expiring.
Please read attachment for details.

Best regards, Administrator

Description: Zip compressed data


2003-08-09 Thread ryengeni
 My name is Richard Yengeni a south African citizen, I got your Contact
 through the south African chamber of commece and industry . I am the brother
 to mr Tony Yengeni . Mr Yengeni was the chairman of parliament's in south
 Africa and the former chief whip ofthe ruling political party ANC .My Brother 
 (MR. T. YENGENI), has as aresult of trust and Confidence he has mandated
 that I search for a Reliableand trustworthy foreign partner, who Will help 
 receive some funds, which wehave in cash Totalling US$35m (Thirty Five Million 
 United States DollarsOnly) into a personal, company or any Reliable foreign bank
 account for safe keeping for a Short period of time, since our family bank accounts
 Within and outside the country have all been Frozen by the authorities.
 However I have managed to push the money abroad and it is presently in the
 custody of a financial company in Europe I got your contact
 through the South African chamber of commerce and industry. I hope you are
 trustworthy and will not sit on the money when you receive it. The total sum
 will be shared as follows: 20% for you , 75% For my family ,andthen the
 remaining 5% will be used for the reimbursement of all the expenses we will
 incurre in the processof this transaction like your flight ticket to Europe
 where you will take delivery of the funds , Your hotel accommodation ,
 etc.There is no risk involved what so ever on this transaction, these funds
 will be received in your favor upon proper application. If you are
 interested in this business, please urgently contact me on the following
 e-mail address. Please endeavor to keep this business confidential.I will
 be most grateful if you can come forward and help me. I would refer you to
 these few Websites for further information.
 About my family) 1) http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/2756861.stm 2)
 http://www.cnn.com/2001/WORLD/europe/10/03/safrica.arms/index.html 3)
 http://iafrica.com/news/sa/993487.htm 4)
 Thanks Best regards
 Mr.Richard Yengeni

Re: your email address

2003-08-09 Thread Joli Jackson


2003-08-09 Thread david_savimbi
Dear sir,

 I know that this letter will come to you as a surprise due to the 
fact that we have not yet met each other before, but please I will 
like you to consider my present family troubles and be rest assured 
that there is no cause for alarm. Please put yourself in my position 
and help me the way you will expect people to assist you to redeem 
your family's wealth.I am Mr.David Savimbi, son of the late rebel 
leader Jonas Savimbi of Angola who was killed on the 22nd of February 
2002. Presently, I am desperately looking for a trustworthy person to 
assist me in this confidential business.

 My late father, Jonas Savimbi lodged huge sums of money realized from 

WOW! Fabulous cruise

2003-08-09 Thread Alex Barnett
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2003-08-09 Thread MR PETER KUMARZ ZHIRI

Good Day,

with warm hearts I offer my friendship, and my greetings, and I hope
this letter meets you in good time. It will be surprising to you to
receive this proposal from me since you do not know me personally. However, I
am sincerely seeking your confidence in this transaction, which I
propose with my free mind and as a person of integrity.

My name is PETER KUMARZ, the son of ZHIRI , a farmer
from Zimbabwe, murdered in the land dispute in my country. As led by
my instinct, I decided to contact you through email, after searching for contacts via 
the internet, as it is the only means I can contact
anybody since I am cutting off ties with Zimbabwe for now. I
apologize if this is not acceptable to you.

The purpose of this letter is to seek your most needed assistance in a
business venture. Due to the land and political problems in
Zimbabwe, as a result of President Robert Mugabe's introduction of new
Land Act Reform wholly affecting the rich white farmers and the few
rich black farmers, all white farmers were asked to
surrender their farms to the government for re-distribution and infact to his 
political party members and my father though black was the treasury of the farmers 
association and a strong member of an opposition party that did not support the 
president's idea.

He then ordered his party members and the police under his pay row to invade my 
father's farm and burn down everything in the farm. They killed my
father and took away a lot of items from his farm.

After the death of my father, our local pastor and a close friend of my father handed 
us over will documents with instructions from my father that we should leave Zimbabwe 
incase anything happen to him. The will documents has a certificate of deposit, 
confirming a cash deposit totaling Fifteen million five hundred thousand united state 
dollars. [15.5m] Kept in custody for us in a security company unknown
to the company that the content is money hence it was deposited as personal 
belongings. This money was deposited with this Private Security Company for safety and 
security reasons, and was to be used for the purchase of land, new machines and 
chemicals establishment of new farms in Botswana.

This violent and barbaric act by Mugabe has since led to the death of
my beloved mother and kid sister and other innocent lives.

I was continually threatened to abandon my inheritance from my father
after he was murdered. I resisted for a while, but when the danger
became unbearable, and I survived two murder attempts, I fled Zimbabwe
with the help of my father's close friend Mr. John Casahans from
Australia also a farmer who was leaving in Zimbabwe with us but left
with his family following this ugly development I have tried to reach him but all to 
no avail.

I am currently staying in the Netherlands where I am seeking political
asylum. In fact my decision to come here to seek asylum, is because
the security company from South Africa, has a branch here, I have
contacted them to move the safe deposit from their office in Johannesburg here, which 
they have since done.

I need to transfer this money to an account and invest part of the
money. Since the law of Netherlands prohibits a refugee (asylum
seeker) to open any bank account or to be involved in any financial
transaction, this is why I am seeking a genuine and reliable
partner, whose account this money can be transferred, hence this proposal to you.

You have to understand that this decision taken by me is a very big
and brave one, and it entrusts my future in your hands, as a result of
the safe keeping of this money.

If you accept to assist me, all I want you to do for me, is to assist
with arrangements to claim the deposit from the security company from
their office here in The Netherlands, as it has now been transferred
from Johannesburg, South Africa to their branch here. The company will
be legally informed of you representing me.

For your assistance, I have two options for you. Firstly you can
choose to have 20% of the money for your assistance, and helping me open an account 
for the money to be deposited here, or you can go into
partnership with me for the proper profitable investment of the money
in your country. Whichever the option you want, please to notify me in
your reply.

I have also set aside 1 % of this money for all kinds of
expenses that come our way in the process of this transaction, and 4%
for Charity donation. If you prefer to accept the 20% for
your moral and financial assistance then the balance will be left
in the account here for me.

Please, I want you to maintain absolute secrecy for the purpose of
this transaction.

Your reply should be sent to my private email address only


I look forward to your reply and co-operation, and I thank you in
advance as I anticipate your co-operation.




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2003-08-09 Thread Rosie Galvan

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2003-08-09 Thread Noelani R. Brooks
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Re: Computer Voting Expert, Dr. Rebecca Mercuri, Ousted From Elections Confer...

2003-08-09 Thread Harmon Seaver
   Why is it people are not using normal quoting procedure lately? This is at
least the third message today I've seen like this -- no way to tell who said

On Wed, Aug 06, 2003 at 12:58:06PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In a message dated 8/6/2003 12:51:29 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
 Having Mercuri and Chaum ejected is the best thing that could have 
 Absolutely correct..You should try to think up ways to get them to be even 
 more hostile to them.
 Regards,  Matt-

Harmon Seaver   

Re: Year in Jail for Web Links

2003-08-09 Thread Tim May
On Wednesday, August 6, 2003, at 01:17  AM, Bill Stewart wrote:

At 06:17 PM 08/05/2003 -0700, Eric Cordian wrote:
The problem here is that if you have a family and assets and
responsibility and something resembling a future, you cannot afford 
to be
the 1 in 100 who refuses to plea bargain,
It's a rigged game, and the 20 years extra for terrorism
raises the stakes substantially from the usual
1 year if you plead, or 3-4 years if you fight and lose deal.
They're also throwing sentencing enhancements in if guns are found.

Use your Second Amendment rights and get an extra 20 years added to 
your sentence.

(Seems to be a pattern. Using either First or Second Amendment rights 
triggers a harsh sentence.)

The whole U.S. prison system is out of whack, economically. If a local 
community is responsible for imprisoning a convict, and had to feed and 
house him, there are some economic constraints that shine through. To 
wit, my little town of Corralitos isn't going to spend $40,000 a year 
to imprison a pot smoker. Nor is the larger city of Santa Cruz going to 
build a SuperMax prison to house a thousand people who have used drugs, 
talked about bombs, or sent spam mail. But since local communities 
don't pay for imprisoning their own people, it's a classic game theory 
situation where costs are delinked from choices.

It doesn't cause lawmakers anything to get tough on crime by adding 
sentencing enhancements. In fact, they get to tell their constituents 
they have made the streets safer by taking those dangerous First 
Amendment radicals off the streets.

(In my case, the plea bargain was We'll drop the obviously bogus 
if you stipulate that you don't have grounds to sue us,
and given how the judge treated the other cops in his court,
chickening out and taking it was probably the correct decision.)

It's one of those Prisoner's Dillema-ish situations.
The demonstration to the Sheeple that one cannot break the system
No, it's *not* Prisoner's Dilemma.  The cops almost never have
anything to lose by accepting a shorter sentence,
except in highly publicized politically important cases,
or by losing an occasional case, and their costs for going to trial
are low enough that, while they save money by pleading out most cases,
it's basically a minimal cost compared to the accused's costs.
(The Prison Guards Union makes a bit less money on it,
but it leaves them room to keep some drug user in jail a bit longer,
and in any case it's not enough money to turn the game into
the classic Prisoner's Dilemma.)
I was reading someplace that one of the main lobbying forces for more 
laws are some of the small towns in California, for example, which are 
suffering economically and think that having a big prison located near 
their town will generate jobs. They lobby their local politicians for 
both more laws, tougher sentences, and a prison in their town.

The politicians put forward bills, recruit supporters (you scratch my 
back and...), and more spending happens. And more laws. And tougher 
sentences. And more prisoners. And more prisons. And more jobs. 
Everybody's happy, except California and the U.S. are deeply in debt, 
an historically high percentage of people are in gladiator schools in 
the state and country, taxes are way too high, and the Constitution has 
been shredded.

Whichever game theory theories apply, it's a mess. And a tragedy. And a 
common tragedy, even a tragedy of the commons.

--Tim May

Italian-crafted Rolex - only $65 - $140!! Free SHIPPING.......... w

2003-08-09 Thread Letitia Bautista

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2003-08-09 Thread PETER STEVEN
Good Day,

With warm heart I offer my friendship, and my greetings, and I hope
this letter meets you in good time. It will be surprising for you to
receive this proposal from me since you do not know me personally.
However, I am sincerely seeking your confidence in this transaction, which I propose 
with my free mind and as a person of integrity.

My name is Peter Steven the son of Kumalia Steven, a farmer
from Zimbabwe, murdered in the land dispute in my country. As led by
my instinct, I decided to contact you through e-mail as it is the only means I can 
contact anybody since I am cutting off ties with Zimbabwe for security and safety 
reasons.  However, I apologize if this is not acceptable to you.

The purpose of this letter is to seek your most needed assistance in
a business venture. Due to the land and political problems in
Zimbabwe, as a result of President Robert Mugabe's introduction of
new Land Act Reform wholly affecting the rich white farmers and the few rich black 
farmers, and his desire to hold on to power for life, my father foresaw the danger 
that is coming to Zimbabwe. Before he was murdered, he withdrew all of our business 
foreign accounts in dollars to Johannesburg, South Africa to deposit the sum of US$8.5 
million (Eight million, Five Hundred thousand US dollars), in a private security 
company. This money was deposited with this Private Security Company for safety and 
security reasons, and was to be used for the purchase of land, new machines and 
chemicals establishment of new farms in Botswana.

I am currently staying in The Netherlands where I am seeking political
asylum. In fact my decision to come here to seek asylum, is because
the security company from South Africa, has a branch here, and they
have moved the deposit from their office in Johannesburg to Amsterdam.

Since the law of The Netherlands prohibits a refugee (asylum
seeker) to open any bank account or to be involved in any financial
transaction, this is why  I am seeking your help as a reliable partner,

If you accept to assist me, 10% of the total sum of the fund will be yours. All I want 
you to do for me, is to assist with arrangements to claim the deposit from the 
security company from their office here in The Netherlands, as it has now been 
transferred from Johannesburg, South Africa to their branch here. The company will be 
legally informed of your representing me.Please, I want to you maintain the absolute 
secrecy for the purpose of this transaction. I look forward to your reply and 
co-operation, and I thank you in advance as I anticipate your co-operation.
I will like if you reply with my email address which is [EMAIL PROTECTED]

P. Steven.


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Re: How can you tell if your alarm company's...

2003-08-09 Thread Tim May
On Saturday, August 9, 2003, at 04:23  PM, Harmon Seaver wrote:

On Sat, Aug 09, 2003 at 08:52:32AM -0400, Roy M. Silvernail wrote:
On Saturday 09 August 2003 02:01, John Kozubik wrote:
On Fri, 8 Aug 2003, Tyler Durden wrote:
...in cahoots with the authorities?
Most intelligent and savvy people I know roll their own Tivo (PVR, 
- I think the answer to your question is that it would be reasonable 
trivial) to roll your own alarm system.
But it's not trivial to roll your own 24/7 monitoring company with 
the ability
to call in the cops.  If the monitoring company is compromised, you're
\033653337357 anyway, but without them, all you have is one of those 
alarms that everyone ignores.
   But how important is that anyway? Most any half competent burglar 
enough to cut the phone wire before the BE, so they don't get called. 
means that, yes, if some dimwit middleschool kid is doing the job, the 
cops get
called, otherwise no.

Cellphones are cheap enough, and monthly charges are small enough when 
N machines share the same monthly account charge (Dad, Mom, Johnnie, 
Suzy, and Alarm). I would be surprised if today's alarm companies 
already aren't making good use of cellphones.

I have a couple of perimeter lights and alarms on solar panels. Nothing 
to cut without either first using a ladder or, possibly, an accurate 
pellet gun to somehow disable the electronics. (One is mounted under 
the eaves of my roof, very high up. I may put another one in a tall 

I've also considered installing a full system with a beeper, with 
802.11b cameras wirelessly sending to a laptop on a large battery. (If 
invaders/thieves/government agents find the laptop, in a closet devoted 
to this, they may not find the second such receiver, possibly hidden 
quite well. Or, for those who live near others, kept in a closet in the 
home of a friend. And even if they find it, I'll presumably still know 
I was invaded.)

I figure that for a few thousand dollars and a spare laptop or two I 
could have a system very resistant to cutting phone or power lines, and 
something which would make surreptitious entry teams think twice. 
(Leave a couple of the 802.11b cameras visible, put another behind a 
Lexan plate, etc.)

--Tim May
The only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any 
member of a civilized community, against his will, is to prevent harm 
to others. His own good, either physical or moral, is not a sufficient 
warrant. --John Stuart Mill

Re: President Terminator

2003-08-09 Thread Sunder

Hey, don't knock it! Arnold is perfect as President.  As Reagan prooved,
actors are perfect as presidents.  They're maleable, they act their part
on demand, and do as their told, or the lone nut assasin will make a visit
if he doesn't listen to his ex-CIA VP's orders.

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On Fri, 8 Aug 2003, Eric Cordian wrote:

 In response to a question about whether she would favor a Constitutional
 amendment defining marriage as between a man and a woman, a Fox Fake News
 Channel bimbo responded, I want a Constitutional amendment so Arnold can
 be President.