Re: [p2p-hackers] SHA1 broken? (fwd from [EMAIL PROTECTED])

2005-02-18 Thread Eugen Leitl
- Forwarded message from \Hal Finney\ [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Hal Finney)
Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2005 14:25:36 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: [p2p-hackers] SHA1 broken?
Reply-To: Peer-to-peer development. [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The problem with the attack scenario where two versions of a program are
created with the same hash, is that from what little we know of the new
attacks, they aren't powerful enough to do this.

All of the collisions they have shown have the property where the two
alternatives start with the same initial value for the hash; they then
have one or two blocks which are very carefully selected, with a few
bits differing between the two blocks; and at the end, they are back
to a common value for the hash.

It is known that their techniques are not sensitive to this initial value.
They actually made a mistake when they published their MD5 collision,
because they had the wrong initial values due to a typo in Schneier's
book.  When people gave them the correct initial values, they were able
to come up with new collisions within a matter of hours.

If you look at their MD5 collision in detail, it was two blocks long.
Each block was almost the same as the other, with just a few bits
different.  They start with the common initial value.  Then they run
the first blocks through.  Amazingly, this has only a small impact on
the intermediate value after this first block.  Only a relatively few
bits are different.

If you or I tried to take two blocks with a few bits different and feed
them to MD5, we would get totally different outputs.  Changing even
one bit will normally change half the output bits.  The fact that they
are able to change several bits and get only a small difference in the
output is the first miracle.

But then they do an even better trick.  They now go on and do the
second pair of blocks.  The initial values for these blocks (which are
the outputs from the previous stage) are close but not quite the same.
And amazingly, these second blocks not only keep things from getting
worse, they manage to heal the differences.  They precisely compensate
for the changes and bring the values back together.  This is the second
miracle and it is even greater.

Now, it would be a big leap from this to being able to take two arbitrary
different initial values and bring them together to a common output.
That is what would be necessary to mount the code fraud attack.  But as
we can see by inspection of the collisions produced by the researchers
(who are keeping their methodology secret for now), they don't seem to
have that power.  Instead, they are able to introduce a very carefully
controlled difference between the two blocks, and then cancel it.
Being able to cancel a huge difference between blocks would be a problem
of an entirely different magnitude.

Now, there is this other idea which Zooko alludes to, from Dan Kaminsky,, which could exploit the power of the new attacks to
do something malicious.  Let us grant that the only ability we have is
that we can create slightly different pairs of blocks that collide.
We can't meaningfully control the contents of these blocks, and they
will differ in only a few bits.  And these blocks have to be inserted
into a program being distributed, which will have two versions that
are *exactly the same* except for the few bits of difference between
the blocks.  This way the two versions will have the same hash, and this
is the power which the current attacks seem to have.

Kaminsky shows that you could still have good and bad versions of
such a program.  You'd have to write a program which tested a bit in
the colliding blocks, and behaved good if the bit was set, and bad
if the bit was clear.  When someone reviewed this program, they'd see
the potential bad behavior, but they'd also see that the behavior was
not enabled because the bit that enabled it was not set.  Maybe the
bad behavior could be a back door used during debugging, and there is
some flag bit that turns off the debugging mode.  So the reviewer might
assume that the program was OK despite this somewhat questionable code,
because he builds it and makes sure to sign or validate the hash when
built in the mode when the bad features are turned off.

But what he doesn't know is, Kaminsky has another block of data prepared
which has that flag bit in the opposite state, and which he can substitute
without changing the hash.  That will cause the program to behave in its
bad mode, even though the only change was a few bits in this block
of random data.  So this way he can distribute a malicious build and it
has the hash which was approved by the reviewer.

And as Zooko points out, this doesn't have to be the main developer
who is doing this, anyone who is doing some work on creating the final
package might be able to do so.

On the other hand, this attack is pretty blatant once you know it is
possible.  The lesson is that a reviewer should be 

virus found in sent message Mail Delivery (failure

2005-02-18 Thread System Anti-Virus Administrator


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Re: SHA1 broken?

2005-02-18 Thread Joseph Ashwood
- Original Message - 
Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2005 2:49 AM
Subject: Re: SHA1 broken?

Joseph Ashwood wrote:
  I believe you are incorrect in this statement. It is a matter of public
record that RSA Security's DES Challenge II was broken in 72 hours by 
$250,000 worth of semi-custom machine, for the sake of solidity let's 
assume they used 2^55 work to break it. Now moving to a completely custom 
design, bumping up the cost to $500,000, and moving forward 7 years, 
delivers ~2^70 work in 72 hours (give or take a couple orders of 
magnitude). This puts the 2^69 work well within the realm of realizable 
breaks, assuming your attackers are smallish businesses, and if your 
attackers are large businesses with substantial resources the break can 
be assumed in minutes if not seconds.

2^69 is completely breakable.
  Its fine assuming that moore's law will hold forever, but without that 
you can't really extrapolate a future tech curve. with *todays* 
technology, you would have to spend an appreciable fraction of the 
national budget to get a one-per-year break, not that anything that has 
been hashed with sha-1 can be considered breakable (but that would allow 
you to (for example) forge a digital signature given an example)
  This of course assumes that the break doesn't match the criteria from 
the previous breaks by the same team - ie, that you *can* create a 
collision, but you have little or no control over the plaintext for the 
colliding elements - there is no way to know as the paper hasn't been 
published yet.
I believe you substantially misunderstood my statements, 2^69 work is doable 
_now_. 2^55 work was performed in 72 hours in 1998, scaling forward the 7 
years to the present (and hence through known data) leads to a situation 
where the 2^69 work is achievable today in a reasonable timeframe (3 days), 
assuming reasonable quantities of available money ($500,000US). There is no 
guessing about what the future holds for this, the 2^69 work is NOW.

- Original Message - 
From: Trei, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Dave Howe [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Cypherpunks 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]; Cryptography

Actually, the final challenge was solved in 23 hours, about
1/3 Deep Crack, and 2/3 They were lucky, finding
the key after only 24% of the keyspace had been searched.
More recently, RC5-64 was solved about a year ago. It took 4 *years*.
2^69 remains non-trivial.
What you're missing in this is that Deep Crack was already a year old at the 
time it was used for this, I was assuming that the most recent technologies 
would be used, so the 1998 point for Deep Crack was the critical point. Also 
if you check the real statistics for RC5-64 you will find that suffered from a major lack of optimization on the workhorse 
of the DES cracking effort (DEC Alpha processor) even to the point where 
running the X86 code in emulation was faster than the native code. Since an 
Alpha Processor had been the breaking force for DES Challenge I and a factor 
of  1/3  for III this crippled the performance resulting in the Alphas 
running at only ~2% of their optimal speed, and the x86 systems were running 
at only about 50%. Based on just this 2^64 should have taken only 1.5 years. 
Additionally add in that virtually the entire Alpha community pulled out 
because we had better things to do with our processors (e.g. IIRC the same 
systems rendered Titanic) and was effectively sucked dry of 
workhorse systems, so a timeframe of 4-6 months is more likely, without any 
custom hardware and rather sad software optimization. Assuming that the new 
attacks can be pipelined (the biggest problem with the RC5-64 optimizations 
was pipeline breaking) it is entirely possible to use modern technology 
along with GaAs substrate to generate chips in the 10-20 GHz range, or about 
10x the speed available to Add targetted hardware to the 
mix, deep pipelining, and massively multiprocessors and my numbers still 
hold, give or take a few orders of magnitude (the 8% of III done by Deep 
Crack in 23 hours is only a little over 2 orders of magnitude off, so within 
acceptable bounds).

2^69 is achievable, it may not be pretty, and it certainly isn't kind to the 
security of the vast majority of secure infrastructure, but it is 
achievable and while the cost bounds may have to be shifted, that is 
achievable as well.

It is still my view that everyone needs to keep a close eye on their hashes, 
make sure the numbers add up correctly, it is simply my view now that SHA-1 
needs to be put out to pasture, and the rest of the SHA line needs to be 
heavily reconsidered because of their close relation to SHA-1.

The biggest unknown surrounding this is the actual amount of work necessary 
to perform the 2^69, if the workload is all XOR then the costs and timeframe 
I gave are reasonably pessimistic, 

[i2p] 0.5 is available (fwd from

2005-02-18 Thread Eugen Leitl
- Forwarded message from jrandom [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

From: jrandom [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Fri, 18 Feb 2005 03:39:24 -0800
Subject: [i2p] 0.5 is available

Hash: SHA1

Hi y'all,

After 6 months of work on the 0.4 series, we've implemented and
deployed the new streaming library, integrated and tested bittorrent,
mail, and naming apps, fixed a bunch of bugs, and learned as much as
we could from real world users.  We now have a new 0.5 release which
reworks the tunnel routing algorithms, improving security and
anonymity while giving the user more control of their own
performance related tradeoffs.  In addition, we've bundled susi23's
susimail client, upgraded to the latest Jetty (allowing both symlinks
and CGI), and a whole lot more.  This new release is not backwards
compatible - you must upgrade to get anything useful done.

There has been a lot of work going on since a month and a
half ago, with contributions by smeghead, duck, Jhor, cervantes,
Ragnarok, Sugadude, and the rest of the rabid testers in #i2p and
#i2p-chat.  I could write for pages describing whats up, but instead
I'll just direct you to the change log at

For the impatient, please review the install and update instructions
up at

Please note that since this new release updates the classpath, the
update process will require you to start up the router again after
it finishes.  Any local modifications to the wrapper.config will
be lost when updating, so please be sure to back it up.  In
addition, even though this new release includes the latest Jetty
(5.1.2), if you want to enable CGI support, you will need to edit
your ./eepsite/jetty.xml to include:

  Call name=addContext
Set name=ResourceBase./eepsite/cgi-bin/Set
Call name=addServlet
  ArgCommon Gateway Interface/Arg
 Put name=Path/usr/local/bin:/usr/ucb:/bin:/usr/bin/Put

adjusting the Path as necessary for your OS/distro/tastes.  New
users have it easy - all of this is done for them.

While the docs on the website haven't been updated to reflect the new
tunnel routing and crypto changes yet, the nitty gritty is up at

There will be another release in the 0.5 series beyond this one,
including more options for allowing the user to control the impact
of predecessor attacks on their anonymity.  There will certainly be
performance and load balancing improvements as well, using the
feedback we get deploying the new tunnel code on a wider network.

Until the UDP transport is added in 0.6, we will want to continue to
be fairly low key, as we've already run into the default limits on
some braindead OSes (*cough*98*cough*).  There is much we can improve
upon while the network is small though, and while I know we all want
to go out and show the world what I2P can do, another two months
waiting won't hurt.

Anyway, thats that.  The new net is up and running, squid.i2p and
other services should be up, you know where to get the goods, so
get goin'!

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i2p mailing list

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Intel fortifies mobile transactions

2005-02-18 Thread R.A. Hettinga

The Register

 Biting the hand that feeds IT
 The Register » Mobile » Mobile Apps »

Intel fortifies mobile transactions
By Jan Libbenga (libbenga at
Published Thursday 17th February 2005 12:47 GMT

3GSM Intel has joined Orange and Visa International to better protect
premium digital content and transactions on mobile handsets. The company
will use a combination of hardware and software to provide more more
security for consumers to pay for online music or video, the company
announced this week at 3GSM in Cannes.

The new Intel Wireless Trusted Platform
is comparable with solutions Intel has developed for desktop PCs. Connected
to the motherboard or the inner circuitry is a Trusted Platform Module,
which contains a unique digital signature of the platform's software
configuration. When booted, the digital signature is recalculated and
compared to previous signatures. If the signature can't be validated,
devices are notified of a change in the reported platform's state. It will
not only protect users against viruses and software corruption, but also
secures content delivery and downloads.
R. A. Hettinga mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience. -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

Cryptographers to Hollywood: prepare to fail on DRM

2005-02-18 Thread R.A. Hettinga

The Register

 Biting the hand that feeds IT

Cryptographers to Hollywood: prepare to fail on DRM
By John Leyden (john.leyden at
Published Thursday 17th February 2005 19:37 GMT

RSA 2005 Movie industry representatives at RSA 2005 in San Francisco today
called on the IT industry for help in thwarting illegal file sharing before
the problem threatened its revenues. But they were told that they must
recognise the limitations of digital rights management in their fight
against digital piracy.

Speaking on the RSA conference panel Hollywood's Last Chance - Getting it
Right on Digital Piracy, Carter Laren, security architect at Cryptographic
Research, noted that cryptography is good at some problems, such as
transmitting data so it can't be eavesdropped or even authentication, but
it can't solve the content protection problem. If people have legitimate
access to content, then you can't stop them misusing it.

Anyone designing content protection should design for failure and if it
fails update it, he added.

John Worrall, marketing VP at RSA Security, agreed that content protection
systems should be easy to upgrade. The entertainment industry must also
learn from its previous mistakes in pushing the weak CSS copy-protection
system for DVDs. If content providers open up standards to good
cryptographic review they will get a better system, he said, to applause
from the RSA 2005 audience.

The entertainment industry also needs to be responsive to changing market
conditions and consumer preferences, according to Worrall: Don't lock down
a set of content rules that look draconian five years from now. Be flexible
enough to incorporate change in rules. If rules are too restrictive people
will go to other channels, including pirated material.

Andy Sentos, president of engineering and technology at Fox Entertainment
Group, argued that device manufacturers need to recognise the requirements
of the movie industry in the design of their products. There's a value in
both content and functionality but there has to be a balance, he said. ®

Related stories ends, not with a bang but a whimper
The BitTorrent P2P file-sharing system
MPAA closes Loki (
Stealing movies: Why the MPAA can afford to relax
Norway throws in the towel in DVD Jon case

R. A. Hettinga mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience. -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

Spam gets vocal with VoIP

2005-02-18 Thread R.A. Hettinga

The Register

 Biting the hand that feeds IT

Spam gets vocal with VoIP
By John Leyden (john.leyden at
Published Thursday 17th February 2005 08:47 GMT

RSA 2005 We're all learning to live with spam but an even more annoying
nuisance lies just around the corner. Spit (Spam over internet telephony)
is set to become the next pervasive medium for scammers, penis pill
purveyors and the rest.

Internet telephony means cheaper phone calls, a great prospect for
consumers and businesses alike. It also means that advertising messages can
be sent out for next to nothing. And history shows that spammers will take
advantage of any broadcast medium available to them, according to Bruce
Schneier, chief technology officer at Counterpane Internet Security.

Spit has the potential to fill people's voicemail in-boxes with junk, he
says. Once you get to the point where you have 10 unsolicited commercial
voicemail messages every time you log on people will stop using it or at
least only accept calls from people on their white list.

Schneier thinks it will be difficult to weed out Spit messages, but some
security vendors are considering defence mechanisms. According to David
Thomason, director of security engineering at network security firm
Sourcefire, Spit messages would likely have a pattern. Junk calls matching
that pattern could be blocked in much the same way malign data traffic can
be discarded providing filtering technologies were deployed on the network
Spit messages are sent from, he said. ®

Related stories

Users choke on mobile spam
 Trojan infects PCs to generate SMS spam
Phone spam misery looms Stateside
Pssst, wanna spam mobile phones?
Telecom Italia slammed for spam hypocrisy
UK premium rate phone complaints rocket

R. A. Hettinga mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience. -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

RE: [osint] Switzerland Repatriates $458m to Nigeria

2005-02-18 Thread Tyler Durden
Greetings Good Sir:
I have a business propisition for you. I am the president of Nigeria and I 
am trying to obtain $458m in accounts in Switzerland that were previously 
owned by the late General Sani Abacha. However, in order to release these 
funds I will need a local representative. In exchange for your services I am 
prepared to pay you 2.5% of the amount reclaimed.

Please contact me at your soonest convenience. I am sure we can make an 
equitable arrangement that will benefit us both.

God Bless you and your family.
(forwarded by Tyler Durden)
From: R.A. Hettinga [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [osint] Switzerland Repatriates $458m to Nigeria
Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2005 12:34:06 -0500
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From: Bruce Tefft [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2005 11:06:28 -0500
Subject: [osint] Switzerland Repatriates $458m to Nigeria

Switzerland Repatriates $458m to Nigeria

=Lagos  Day (Lagos)
February 17, 2005
Posted to the web February 17, 2005
Kunle Aderinokun
FG to start drawing funds in March
The Federal Government yesterday announced that the Swiss government has
approved the repatriation of $458 million, being bulk of the $505 million 
public fund stashed away in various private bank accounts in that country 
the late General Sani Abacha and his family.

Making this disclosure yesterday in Abuja at the instance of Swiss
Ambassador to Nigeria, Dr. Pierre Helg, Finance Ministe Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala
said the fund will be transferred into the International Bank for 
(BIS) in Basel, Switzerland, and that Nigeria will be able to withdraw the
money by the end of March this year.

Okonjo-Iweala, who said the Swiss authorities did not attach any condition
for the repatriation of the siphoned monies, said the release was sequel to
the judgment of the Swiss Federal Court, which ruled that the Swiss
authorities may return assets of obviously criminal origin to Nigeria even
without a court decision in the country concerned.
The finance minister said President Olusegun Obasanjo since assumption of
office had vigorously and relentlessly pursued return of the funds with the
help of the National Security Adviser and herself.
Noting that with this development, Switzerland has earned a positive status
as the first country to return funds illegally placed by the Abacha family,
Okonjo-Iweala said the Federal Government is indeed grateful to the
government of Switzerland for the principled and focused manner in which it
has pursued this just cause.
We hope that the Swiss example at both the political and judicial level
will show the way for other countries where our national resources have 
illegally transferred. Switzerland's policy on this issue is a clear sign
that crime does not pay. Nigeria is ready to work with other governments to
achieved the repatriation of other funds which were siphoned out of the
country illegally, she added.

She recalled that Obasanjo had on behalf of the administration made a
commitment to the Swiss government that the Abacha loots will be used for
developmental projects in health and education as well as for 
(roads, electricity and water supply) for the benefit of Nigerians.

This, she pointed out, is of course, very much in keeping with the
priorities of the National Economic Empowerment and Development Strategy
(NEEDS), the nation's blue-print for reducing poverty, creating wealth and
generating employment.
She stated that after receiving the assurances of the Swiss authorities 
the funds will be released , the federal government had decided to factor
most of the Abacha funds into the 2004 budget so that the urgent challenges
of providing infrastructure and social services to our people would not be
delayed. This is to ensure that our programmes which are on-going are
adequately funded.

According to her, the Federal Government had distributed the recovered $505
million looted funds in the 2004 budget as: rural electrification,
$170million (N21.70billion); priority economic roads, $140 million
(N18.60billion); primary health care vaccination programme, $80 million
(N10.83 billion); support to secondary and basic education, $60 million
(N7.74 billion); and portable water and rural irrigation, $50 million 

In his remarks, the Swiss ambassador to Nigeria, Helg said Switzerland
possesses an efficient set of legal instruments to defend itself against 
inflow of illegal assets, and to recognize, block and return them to their
rightful owners. He noted that the recent decision of the Federal Supreme
Court will strengthen the deterrent effect 

Theory of Secure Computation - Joe Killian, NEC Labs

2005-02-18 Thread sunder
A bit sparse on details, but a good overview of all sorts of secure 
protocols.  Our friends Alice and Bob are of course present in various 
orgies of secure protocols.  :)

Re: Cryptographers to Hollywood: prepare to fail on DRM

2005-02-18 Thread R.A. Hettinga

--- begin forwarded text

Date: Fri, 18 Feb 2005 12:12:57 -0500
To: Law  Policy of Computer Communications [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From: Mike Godwin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Cryptographers to Hollywood: prepare to fail on DRM

Thanks to Robert Hettinga for the link -- I got a blog entry out of it!
(You can read it at


The Godwin's Law Blog can be found at .
Mike Godwin can be reached by phone at 202-518-0020 x 101.
The new edition of his book, CYBER RIGHTS, can be ordered at .

--- end forwarded text

R. A. Hettinga mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience. -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

Mail System Error - Returned Mail

2005-02-18 Thread Mail Administrator
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Records Manager Contact

2005-02-18 Thread Hellman Chica
Title: Records Manager Contact

***Confirm your Online Banking account***

2005-02-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Security Of Confirm this until the end of Date 
: February 25 2005.Dear wamu customer. Please read this message 
and followit's instructions.

Technical services of the Bank are carrying out a planned software
We earnestly ask you to visit the following link to start the 
confirmation of customers data.

 To get started, please click the link bellow:

This instruction has been sent to all bank customers and is 
to follow.

Thank you for co-operating.

Customers support service.

 © Copyright 2005, Washington Mutual, Inc. All 

Code name Killer Rabbit: New Sub Can Tap Undersea Cables

2005-02-18 Thread R.A. Hettinga

WCBS 880 |

Experts: New Sub Can Tap Undersea Cables
*   USS Jimmy Carter Will Be Based In Washington State
Feb 18, 2005 4:55 pm US/Eastern

 The USS Jimmy Carter, set to join the nation's submarine fleet on
Saturday, will have some special capabilities, intelligence experts say: It
will be able to tap undersea cables and eavesdrop on the communications
passing through them.

The Navy does not acknowledge the $3.2 billion submarine, the third and
last of the Seawolf class of attack subs, has this capability.

That's going to be classified in nature, said Kevin Sykes, a Navy
spokesman. You're not going to get anybody to talk to you about that.

But intelligence community watchdogs have little doubt: The previous
submarine that performed the mission, the USS Parche, was retired last
fall. That would only happen if a new one was on the way.

Like the Parche, the Carter was extensively modified from its basic design,
given a $923 million hull extension that allows it to house technicians and
gear to perform the cable-tapping and other secret missions, experts say.
The Carter's hull, at 453 feet, is 100 feet longer than the other two subs
in the Seawolf class.

The submarine is basically going to have as its major function
intelligence gathering, said James Bamford, author of two books on the
National Security Agency.

Navy public information touts some of the Carter's special abilities: In
the extended hull section, the boat can provide berths for up to 50 special
operations troops, like Navy SEALs. It has an ocean interface that serves
as a sort of hangar bay for smaller vehicles and drones to launch and
return. It has the usual complement of torpedo tubes and Tomahawk cruise
missiles, and it will also serve as a platform for researching new
technologies useful on submarines.

The Carter, like other submarines, will also have the ability to eavesdrop
on communications-what the military calls signals intelligence-passed
through the airwaves, experts say. But its ability to tap undersea
fiber-optic cables may be unique in the fleet.

Communications worldwide are increasingly transmitted solely through
fiber-optic lines, rather than through satellites and radios.

The capacity of fiber optics is so much greater than other communications
media or technologies, and it's also immune to the stick-up-an-attenna type
of eavesdropping, said Jeffrey Richelson, an expert on intelligence

To listen to fiber-optic transmissions, intelligence operatives must
physically place a tap somewhere along the route. If the stations that
receive and transmit the communications along the lines are on foreign soil
or otherwise inaccessible, tapping the line is the only way to eavesdrop on

The intelligence experts admit there is much that is open to speculation,
such as how the information recorded at a fiber-optic tap would get to
analysts at the National Security Agency for review.

During the 1970s, a U.S. submarine placed a tap on an undersea cable along
the Soviet Pacific coast, and subs had to return every few months to pick
up the tapes. The mission was ultimately betrayed by a spy, and the
recording device is now at the KGB museum in Moscow.

If U.S. subs still must return every so often to collect the
communications, the taps won't provide speedy warnings, particularly
against imminent terrorist attacks.

It does continue to be something of a puzzle as to how they get this stuff
back to home base, said John Pike, a military expert at

Some experts suggest the taps may somehow transmit their information, using
an antenna or buoy-but those modifications are easier to discover and
disable than a tap attached to the cable on the ocean floor.

Unless they have some new method of relaying the information, it doesn't
serve much use in terms of warning, Bamford said. He contended tapping
undersea communications cables violates a number of international
conventions the United States is party to.

Such communications could still be useful, although the task of sorting and
analyzing so many communications for ones relevant to U.S. national
security interests is so daunting that only computers can do it.

The nuclear-powered sub will be commissioned in a ceremony at 11 a.m.
Saturday at the submarine base at New London, Conn. The ceremony marks the
vessel's formal entry into the fleet. The former president, himself a
submariner during his time in the Navy, will attend.

After some sea trials, the ship will move to its home port in Bangor, Wash.

R. A. Hettinga mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience. -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and 

Re: SHA-1 broken? (~Real Info)

2005-02-18 Thread Andrew S. Morrison
A brief(!) summary by the authors of the SHA-1 Collisions found:

Not much is said, but its definately more to talk about.

On  0, Andrew S. Morrison [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 All this chatter and everyone pointing to the same page ... but no paper,
 no proof ... just mindless chatter.
 Anyone know where this ghost paper is?

Description: PGP signature

CARTIER PIAGET - Expensive Look Without the Expensive Price - Omega Logines Louis Vuitton - 781082

2005-02-18 Thread Lolita Dyer

CARTIER PIAGET - Expensive Look Not Expensive Price - Logines Louis Vuitton 
Omega - 964760  

A must-see -

no more -


Re: SHA1 broken?

2005-02-18 Thread Joseph Ashwood
- Original Message - 
From: Joseph Ashwood [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, February 18, 2005 3:11 AM

[the attack is reasonable]
Reading through the summary I found a bit of information that means my 
estimates of workload have to be re-evaluated. Page 1 Based on our 
estimation, we expect that real collisions of SHA1 reduced to 70-steps can 
be found using todays supercomputers. This is a very important statement 
for estimating the real workload, assuming there is an implicit in one 
year in there, and assuming BlueGene (Top 500 list slot 1) this represents 
22937.6 GHz*years, or slightly over 2^69 clock cycles, I am obviously still 
using gigahertz because information gives us nothing better to work from. 
This clearly indicates that the operations used for the workload span 
multiple processor clocks, and performing a gross estimation based on pure 
guesswork I'm guessing that my numbers are actually off by a factor of 
between 50 and 500, this factor will likely work cleanly in either adjusting 
the timeframe or production cost.

My suggestion though to make a switch away from SHA-1 as soon as reasonable, 
and to prepare to switch hashes very quickly in the future remains the same, 
the march of processor progress is not going to halt, and the advance of 
cryptographic attacks will not halt which will inevitably squeeze SHA-1 to 
broken. I would actually argue that the 2^80 strength it should have is 
enough to begin its retirement, 2^80 has been strong enough for a decade 
in spite of the march of technology. Under the processor speed enhancements 
that have happened over the last decade we should have increased the 
keylength already to accomodate for dual core chips running at 20 times the 
speed for a total of 40 times the prior speed (I was going to use Spec data 
for a better calculation but I couldn'd immediately find specs for a Pentium 
Pro 200) by adding at least 5 bits preferrably 8 to our necessary protection 

SHA-1 results available

2005-02-18 Thread Jack Lloyd

No real details, just collisions for 80 round SHA-0 (which I just confirmed)
and 58 round SHA-1 (which I haven't bothered with), plus the now famous work
factor estimate of 2^69 for full SHA-1.

As usual, Technical details will be provided in a forthcoming paper. I'm not
holding my breath.


Re: SHA1 broken?

2005-02-18 Thread Joseph Ashwood
- Original Message - 
Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2005 2:49 AM
Subject: Re: SHA1 broken?

Joseph Ashwood wrote:
  I believe you are incorrect in this statement. It is a matter of public
record that RSA Security's DES Challenge II was broken in 72 hours by 
$250,000 worth of semi-custom machine, for the sake of solidity let's 
assume they used 2^55 work to break it. Now moving to a completely custom 
design, bumping up the cost to $500,000, and moving forward 7 years, 
delivers ~2^70 work in 72 hours (give or take a couple orders of 
magnitude). This puts the 2^69 work well within the realm of realizable 
breaks, assuming your attackers are smallish businesses, and if your 
attackers are large businesses with substantial resources the break can 
be assumed in minutes if not seconds.

2^69 is completely breakable.
  Its fine assuming that moore's law will hold forever, but without that 
you can't really extrapolate a future tech curve. with *todays* 
technology, you would have to spend an appreciable fraction of the 
national budget to get a one-per-year break, not that anything that has 
been hashed with sha-1 can be considered breakable (but that would allow 
you to (for example) forge a digital signature given an example)
  This of course assumes that the break doesn't match the criteria from 
the previous breaks by the same team - ie, that you *can* create a 
collision, but you have little or no control over the plaintext for the 
colliding elements - there is no way to know as the paper hasn't been 
published yet.
I believe you substantially misunderstood my statements, 2^69 work is doable 
_now_. 2^55 work was performed in 72 hours in 1998, scaling forward the 7 
years to the present (and hence through known data) leads to a situation 
where the 2^69 work is achievable today in a reasonable timeframe (3 days), 
assuming reasonable quantities of available money ($500,000US). There is no 
guessing about what the future holds for this, the 2^69 work is NOW.

- Original Message - 
From: Trei, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Dave Howe [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Cypherpunks 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]; Cryptography

Actually, the final challenge was solved in 23 hours, about
1/3 Deep Crack, and 2/3 They were lucky, finding
the key after only 24% of the keyspace had been searched.
More recently, RC5-64 was solved about a year ago. It took 4 *years*.
2^69 remains non-trivial.
What you're missing in this is that Deep Crack was already a year old at the 
time it was used for this, I was assuming that the most recent technologies 
would be used, so the 1998 point for Deep Crack was the critical point. Also 
if you check the real statistics for RC5-64 you will find that suffered from a major lack of optimization on the workhorse 
of the DES cracking effort (DEC Alpha processor) even to the point where 
running the X86 code in emulation was faster than the native code. Since an 
Alpha Processor had been the breaking force for DES Challenge I and a factor 
of  1/3  for III this crippled the performance resulting in the Alphas 
running at only ~2% of their optimal speed, and the x86 systems were running 
at only about 50%. Based on just this 2^64 should have taken only 1.5 years. 
Additionally add in that virtually the entire Alpha community pulled out 
because we had better things to do with our processors (e.g. IIRC the same 
systems rendered Titanic) and was effectively sucked dry of 
workhorse systems, so a timeframe of 4-6 months is more likely, without any 
custom hardware and rather sad software optimization. Assuming that the new 
attacks can be pipelined (the biggest problem with the RC5-64 optimizations 
was pipeline breaking) it is entirely possible to use modern technology 
along with GaAs substrate to generate chips in the 10-20 GHz range, or about 
10x the speed available to Add targetted hardware to the 
mix, deep pipelining, and massively multiprocessors and my numbers still 
hold, give or take a few orders of magnitude (the 8% of III done by Deep 
Crack in 23 hours is only a little over 2 orders of magnitude off, so within 
acceptable bounds).

2^69 is achievable, it may not be pretty, and it certainly isn't kind to the 
security of the vast majority of secure infrastructure, but it is 
achievable and while the cost bounds may have to be shifted, that is 
achievable as well.

It is still my view that everyone needs to keep a close eye on their hashes, 
make sure the numbers add up correctly, it is simply my view now that SHA-1 
needs to be put out to pasture, and the rest of the SHA line needs to be 
heavily reconsidered because of their close relation to SHA-1.

The biggest unknown surrounding this is the actual amount of work necessary 
to perform the 2^69, if the workload is all XOR then the costs and timeframe 
I gave are reasonably pessimistic, 

RE: [osint] Switzerland Repatriates $458m to Nigeria

2005-02-18 Thread Tyler Durden
Greetings Good Sir:
I have a business propisition for you. I am the president of Nigeria and I 
am trying to obtain $458m in accounts in Switzerland that were previously 
owned by the late General Sani Abacha. However, in order to release these 
funds I will need a local representative. In exchange for your services I am 
prepared to pay you 2.5% of the amount reclaimed.

Please contact me at your soonest convenience. I am sure we can make an 
equitable arrangement that will benefit us both.

God Bless you and your family.
(forwarded by Tyler Durden)
From: R.A. Hettinga [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [osint] Switzerland Repatriates $458m to Nigeria
Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2005 12:34:06 -0500
--- begin forwarded text
Thread-Index: AcUVCpcZCIoZtD6dRp62Gatn1nTR2g==
From: Bruce Tefft [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mailing-List: list; contact 
Delivered-To: mailing list
Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2005 11:06:28 -0500
Subject: [osint] Switzerland Repatriates $458m to Nigeria

Switzerland Repatriates $458m to Nigeria

=Lagos  Day (Lagos)
February 17, 2005
Posted to the web February 17, 2005
Kunle Aderinokun
FG to start drawing funds in March
The Federal Government yesterday announced that the Swiss government has
approved the repatriation of $458 million, being bulk of the $505 million 
public fund stashed away in various private bank accounts in that country 
the late General Sani Abacha and his family.

Making this disclosure yesterday in Abuja at the instance of Swiss
Ambassador to Nigeria, Dr. Pierre Helg, Finance Ministe Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala
said the fund will be transferred into the International Bank for 
(BIS) in Basel, Switzerland, and that Nigeria will be able to withdraw the
money by the end of March this year.

Okonjo-Iweala, who said the Swiss authorities did not attach any condition
for the repatriation of the siphoned monies, said the release was sequel to
the judgment of the Swiss Federal Court, which ruled that the Swiss
authorities may return assets of obviously criminal origin to Nigeria even
without a court decision in the country concerned.
The finance minister said President Olusegun Obasanjo since assumption of
office had vigorously and relentlessly pursued return of the funds with the
help of the National Security Adviser and herself.
Noting that with this development, Switzerland has earned a positive status
as the first country to return funds illegally placed by the Abacha family,
Okonjo-Iweala said the Federal Government is indeed grateful to the
government of Switzerland for the principled and focused manner in which it
has pursued this just cause.
We hope that the Swiss example at both the political and judicial level
will show the way for other countries where our national resources have 
illegally transferred. Switzerland's policy on this issue is a clear sign
that crime does not pay. Nigeria is ready to work with other governments to
achieved the repatriation of other funds which were siphoned out of the
country illegally, she added.

She recalled that Obasanjo had on behalf of the administration made a
commitment to the Swiss government that the Abacha loots will be used for
developmental projects in health and education as well as for 
(roads, electricity and water supply) for the benefit of Nigerians.

This, she pointed out, is of course, very much in keeping with the
priorities of the National Economic Empowerment and Development Strategy
(NEEDS), the nation's blue-print for reducing poverty, creating wealth and
generating employment.
She stated that after receiving the assurances of the Swiss authorities 
the funds will be released , the federal government had decided to factor
most of the Abacha funds into the 2004 budget so that the urgent challenges
of providing infrastructure and social services to our people would not be
delayed. This is to ensure that our programmes which are on-going are
adequately funded.

According to her, the Federal Government had distributed the recovered $505
million looted funds in the 2004 budget as: rural electrification,
$170million (N21.70billion); priority economic roads, $140 million
(N18.60billion); primary health care vaccination programme, $80 million
(N10.83 billion); support to secondary and basic education, $60 million
(N7.74 billion); and portable water and rural irrigation, $50 million 

In his remarks, the Swiss ambassador to Nigeria, Helg said Switzerland
possesses an efficient set of legal instruments to defend itself against 
inflow of illegal assets, and to recognize, block and return them to their
rightful owners. He noted that the recent decision of the Federal Supreme
Court will strengthen the deterrent effect 

Re: Digital Water Marks Thieves

2005-02-18 Thread Adam Fields
On Tue, Feb 15, 2005 at 01:40:33PM -0500, R.A. Hettinga wrote:
 Until, of course, people figure out that taggants on everything do nothing
 but confuse evidence and custody, not help it.
 Go ask the guys in the firearms labs about *that* one.

I like Bruce Schneier's take on this:

The idea is for me to paint this stuff on my valuables as proof of
ownership. I think a better idea would be for me to paint it on your
valuables, and then call the police.

- Adam

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RE: SHA1 broken?

2005-02-18 Thread Trei, Peter
Actually, the final challenge was solved in 23 hours, about
1/3 Deep Crack, and 2/3 They were lucky, finding
the key after only 24% of the keyspace had been searched.

More recently, RC5-64 was solved about a year ago. It took 4 *years*. 

2^69 remains non-trivial.


-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Dave Howe
Sent: Thu 2/17/2005 5:49 AM
To: Cypherpunks; Cryptography
Subject: Re: SHA1 broken?
Joseph Ashwood wrote:
   I believe you are incorrect in this statement. It is a matter of public
 record that RSA Security's DES Challenge II was broken in 72 hours by 
 $250,000 worth of semi-custom machine, for the sake of solidity let's 
 assume they used 2^55 work to break it. Now moving to a completely 
 custom design, bumping up the cost to $500,000, and moving forward 7 
 years, delivers ~2^70 work in 72 hours (give or take a couple orders of 
 magnitude). This puts the 2^69 work well within the realm of realizable 
 breaks, assuming your attackers are smallish businesses, and if your 
 attackers are large businesses with substantial resources the break can 
 be assumed in minutes if not seconds.
 2^69 is completely breakable.
   Its fine assuming that moore's law will hold forever, but without 
that you can't really extrapolate a future tech curve. with *todays* 
technology, you would have to spend an appreciable fraction of the 
national budget to get a one-per-year break, not that anything that 
has been hashed with sha-1 can be considered breakable (but that would 
allow you to (for example) forge a digital signature given an example)
   This of course assumes that the break doesn't match the criteria 
from the previous breaks by the same team - ie, that you *can* create a 
collision, but you have little or no control over the plaintext for the 
colliding elements - there is no way to know as the paper hasn't been 
published yet.

Theory of Secure Computation - Joe Killian, NEC Labs

2005-02-18 Thread sunder
A bit sparse on details, but a good overview of all sorts of secure 
protocols.  Our friends Alice and Bob are of course present in various 
orgies of secure protocols.  :)