[p2p-hackers] good-bye, Mnet, and good luck. I'm going commercial! plus my last design doc (fwd from zooko@zooko.com)

2005-03-09 Thread Eugen Leitl
- Forwarded message from Zooko O'Whielacronx [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

From: Zooko O'Whielacronx [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tue, 8 Mar 2005 17:04:46 -0400
To: Peer-to-peer development. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [p2p-hackers] good-bye, Mnet,
and good luck. I'm going commercial! plus my last design doc
X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.619.2)
Reply-To: Peer-to-peer development. [EMAIL PROTECTED]

contents of this message: good-bye, Mnet, The Fully Connected 
Topology, Rate-Limited Structured Flood, A Nice Slow Network, Did 
you say 'BROADCAST SEARCH'? Persistent Tit-for-Tat == Bilateral 

Dear mnet-devel and p2p-hackers:

I am about to accept an exciting job that will preclude me from 
contributing to open source projects in the distributed file-system 

I will miss the Mnet project!  Good luck without me!

I'm writing the following as a record of the most advanced design that 
I have thought of for Mnet.  (See Acknowledgements section below.)  
Most or all of the design written below has previously been published 
in different web pages, e-mail messages, and IRC transcripts, and a 
brief presentation I made at Privacy Enhancing Technologies Workshop 

The design described below is almost but not quite what is currently 
implemented, by myself and others, in Mnet v0.7, available at [1].

 *** Design of Mnet v0.7+:

I.  Network connectivity -- the Fully Connected Topology

I.A.  Local peer database.  Each node remembers the nodeId of for each 
node that it has ever heard of or received a message from.  There is a 
maximum number of nodeIds, in deference to memory and computation costs 
(your local memory and your local computation).  I don't know what that 
maximum number should be.  If you have more than the maximum number of 
nodeIds in your database, you can flush some of the 
least-recently-alive ones.

I.B.  Exponential Backoff.  With every peer in your db is stored a 
deadness level.  When the deadness level is equal to 0, that means 
that the most recent thing that happened is that you receive a message 
from that peer -- whether it was a reponse to a request of yours or if 
it were a request from him to you.  We say that the peers with deadness 
level 0 are the live peers.  If a peer has deadness level 1, then 
that means that the most recent time that you sent a request to that 
peer, he didn't write back.  Now, whenever you want to choose from a 
set of peers in order to send a request to one of them, the set you 
choose from is all of the deadness level 0 peers, plus with 50% 
probability all of the deadness level 1 peers, plus with 25% 
probability all of the deadness level 2 peers, and so on.  Deadness 
level 2 means that the peer was in deadness level 1, and you chose to 
query him (with 50% probability), and he didn't write back again.

I.C.  Lookup of Peer Contact Info.  When you want to find the current 
contact info (i.e. current IP address+port number, or current Relay 
Server) for a peer, you send a query to a certain number of other peers 
(called MetaTrackers when they are serving this purpose) -- a lookup 
contact info query.  How many peers?  Approximately log(N) where N is 
the number of peers in your local peer database.  Which peers?  You use 
the Chord distribution -- you query the peer closest to your target, 
the one closest to the point halfway around the circle from your 
target, the one closest to the point a quarter of the way around the 
circle, and cetera.

Obviously, you need to publish your current contact info to *your* 
MetaTrackers whenever you join the network or whenever your contact 
info changes.  Your MetaTrackers are the peer in your db which is 
closest to you, the peer in your db which is closest to the point 
halfway around the circle, etc.

I.D.  Discovery of New Peers.  Rate-Limited Structured Flood.  Every 60 
minutes, you send an update to each of your MetaTrackers.  That update 
contains the list of the peerIds of every new peer.  A new peer for 
this purpose is defined as follows: you've never before announced this 
peer to MetaTrackers, and this peer currently has deadness level 0 in 
your local db.  If the complete (compressed) message containing the 
information about the new peers would exceed 256 KB, then select a 
random subset of the new peers to announce in this announcement so that 
the message doesn't exceed 256 KB.  This is a rate-limited structured 
flood.  The flooding nature of it means that eventually you will find 
out about the arrival of every new peer.  The structured nature of it 
means that it will take only log(N) time intervals before you find out, 
and you will receive only (;-)) log(N) separate notifications of the 
arrival of a new peer.  (And you will send log(N) separate 
announcements of new peers -- one announcement to each of your 
MetaTrackers.)  The rate-limited nature of it means that if new peers 
are arriving so fast  that these notifications would take more than 
log(N)*256 KB per hour 

Duit Di BCA

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Re: SHA1 broken?

2005-03-09 Thread Tyler Durden
Ah. You meant as a principal in general. Of course the prevailing wisdom is 
to go from FPGAs to ASICs when you have heavy tasks.

In Telecom equipment, however, there's a few issues that basically 'require' 

First, the standards change quite a bit, depending on which area you're in. 
For instance, RPR didn't really get settled until very recently. Second, 
your customers may ask for more or different kinds of functionality, so 
you may have a new release of firmware to address that. Putting the framing 
and/or PM on an FPGA while keeping the guts (eg, packet processing) on the 
main ASIC/processor allows you to swap out the trivial without a major heart 

In addition, there's probably the far more important issue of design cycle 
times. ASICs will take (at the very minimum) 18 months to create, and if you 
make a mistake early on and don't catch, you have to start all over again. 
For some fields that's just unacceptable.

Then again, if you're looking for sheer, brute performance and design cycle 
times are not a limiting factor, ASICs are often the way to go. Even in a 
Variola Suitcase, however, I'd bet some of the trivial functions are 
off-loaded to an FPGA, though, for reasons above.

From: Riad S. Wahby [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: SHA1 broken?
Date: Tue, 8 Mar 2005 13:26:48 -0600
Tyler Durden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Well, maybe I misunderstand your statement here, but in Telecom most 
 iron has plenty of FPGAs, and as far as I understand it, they more or 
 have to.

Have to in what sense?  If they're constantly reconfiguring the FPGAs
(new software revs, or some sort of evolutionary learning process---
the latter not likely in telecom, of course), sure, they have  to be on
reprogrammable structures.
If, on the other hand, you're building a custom hash cracking machine,
you don't need to reconfigure your gates. You could design your
parallelized SHA1 cracking machine and dump it onto a bunch of FPGAs,
but if you really have unlimited resources you take the plunge into
ASICs, at which point you can tighten your timing substantially.
Riad S. Wahby

Re: SHA1 broken?

2005-03-09 Thread Riad S. Wahby
Tyler Durden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Then again, if you're looking for sheer, brute performance and design cycle 
 times are not a limiting factor, ASICs are often the way to go. Even in a 
 Variola Suitcase, however, I'd bet some of the trivial functions are 
 off-loaded to an FPGA, though, for reasons above.

Oh, sure.  Buy yourself the flexibility of the FPGA, e.g., by putting an
FPGA on a huge DMA pipe.  But don't count on the FPGA to do the brunt of
the crunching once you've settled on an implementation.

Note also that you can probably buy yourself lots of performance without
increasing the design cycle time all that much by simply synthesizing
(via Synopsys or the like) the same Verilog with which you would have
programmed the FPGA.  Buy (or pirate if you can; it's not like you're
selling these things, so who cares about the IP issues?) a set of
standard logic cells in the smallest process you can afford so that even
the lion's share of the layout can be done in a completely automated
fashion, and you're basically all set.

Riad S. Wahby

Re: [p2p-hackers] good-bye, Mnet, and good luck. I'm going commercial! plus my last design doc (fwd from zooko@zooko.com)

2005-03-09 Thread Eric Cordian
Zooko writes:

 I am about to accept an exciting job that will preclude me from 
 contributing to open source projects in the distributed file-system 

 I will miss the Mnet project!  Good luck without me!

Is there a network currently running?  At one time, I had 5 gig of Mnet 
blockstore, but when months went by with no metatracking, and apparently, 
no running network, I grew bored and rm'ed it.

 I'm writing the following as a record of the most advanced design that 
 I have thought of for Mnet. 


Yes, well.  My thoughts on this, and other distributed filesystems, are as 

We have the following useful technologies.

Swarmed downloads, erasure coding, distributed filesystem with global 
namespace, encryption, routing, accounting, and search.

We have various systems which have implemented a various subsets of these 
features, with varying degrees of efficiency.  The killer technology 
amongst all these is obviously swarmed downloading, which, efficiently 
implemented in Bittorrent, currently accounts for a third of network 

The two systems which implement the most of the above technologies, Mnet 
and Freenet, while theoretically lovely, have at most a niche following, 
and are cumbersome to set up and use, with frequent issues in their 
protocols and codebase.

Now, I think we can all agree that it would be lovely to have a 
distributed filesystem, with a global namespace, that anyone can put stuff 
in, and take stuff out of, which guarantees anonymity for both producers 
and consumers of content, swarms downloads, has an redundant distributed 
encrypted backing store that lasts forever, is easily and quickly 
searched, can be instantly set up by anyone who wishes to use it, never 
breaks, and starves users who unreasonably leech large amounts of 
resources without reciprocating.

BUT, given that bittorrent is a wild success, which people ACTUALLY USE, 
would it not make more sense to create such a system by augmenting 
bittorrent with the technologies it presently lacks, than by continuing 
development on other systems, many of them bloated and buggy, which have 
been around for years without managing to be made to work well, or 
attracting large numbers of happy and satisfied customers?

If you had a thousand hours of genius programmer time, would you spend it 
embracing and extending Bittorrent, or shoveling through the 
indecipherable bowels of legacy Mnet and Freenet code?

I think Mnet and Freenet were wonderful testbeds, which taught us all a 
lot about what does and doesn't work in grandiose P2P schemes.

But Bittorrent is where the users are, and software without users is like 
network television programming without viewers.  

Eric Michael Cordian 0+
O:.T:.O:. Mathematical Munitions Division
Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law

Re: [p2p-hackers] good-bye, Mnet, and good luck. I'm going commercial! plus my last design doc (fwd from zooko@zooko.com)

2005-03-09 Thread Steve Schear
At 12:14 PM 3/9/2005, Eric Cordian wrote:
If you had a thousand hours of genius programmer time, would you spend it
embracing and extending Bittorrent, or shoveling through the
indecipherable bowels of legacy Mnet and Freenet code?
I worked with Bram and Zooko at Mojo Nation (where both BT and Mnet got 
their respective genesis) and was frankly surprised when the MPAA was so 
easily able to target and put out of commission BT's trackers.  The 
exposure of the trackers was a prominent topic of MN planning discussions 
and its odd that precautions, like distributing the tracker functions into 
clients or hiding them inside a TOR-like proxy network weren't taken earlier.


Re: I'll show you mine if you show me, er, mine

2005-03-09 Thread James A. Donald
  However, techniques that establish that the parties share a 
  weak secret without leaking that secret have been around 
  for years -- Bellovin and Merritt's DH-EKE, David Jablon's 
  SPEKE. And they don't require either party to send the 
  password itself at the end.

 They are heavily patent laden, although untested last time I 
 looked. This has been discouraging to implementers.

There seem to be a shitload of protocols, in addition to SPEKE 
and DH-EKE

A password protocol should have the following properties:

1. It should identify both parties to each other, that is to 
say, be secure against replay and man in the middle attacks, in 
particular, strong against phishing.. It should be secure 
against replay and dictionary attacks by an evesdropper or 
man-in-the-middle.  Such an attacker should be able to no 
better than someone who just tries repeatedly to log on to the 
server with a guessed password

2.  It should be as strong as practical against offline attacks 
by the server itself.  The server operators, or someone who has 
stolen information from them, should not know the users 
password, and dictionary attacks should be sufficiently 
expensive that a strong password (not your ordinary password) 
is secure.

Can anyone suggest a well reviewed, unpatented, protocol that 
has the desired properties? 

 James A. Donald

Re: SHA1 broken?

2005-03-09 Thread Riad S. Wahby
Tyler Durden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Then again, if you're looking for sheer, brute performance and design cycle 
 times are not a limiting factor, ASICs are often the way to go. Even in a 
 Variola Suitcase, however, I'd bet some of the trivial functions are 
 off-loaded to an FPGA, though, for reasons above.

Oh, sure.  Buy yourself the flexibility of the FPGA, e.g., by putting an
FPGA on a huge DMA pipe.  But don't count on the FPGA to do the brunt of
the crunching once you've settled on an implementation.

Note also that you can probably buy yourself lots of performance without
increasing the design cycle time all that much by simply synthesizing
(via Synopsys or the like) the same Verilog with which you would have
programmed the FPGA.  Buy (or pirate if you can; it's not like you're
selling these things, so who cares about the IP issues?) a set of
standard logic cells in the smallest process you can afford so that even
the lion's share of the layout can be done in a completely automated
fashion, and you're basically all set.

Riad S. Wahby

Re: SHA1 broken?

2005-03-09 Thread Tyler Durden
Ah. You meant as a principal in general. Of course the prevailing wisdom is 
to go from FPGAs to ASICs when you have heavy tasks.

In Telecom equipment, however, there's a few issues that basically 'require' 

First, the standards change quite a bit, depending on which area you're in. 
For instance, RPR didn't really get settled until very recently. Second, 
your customers may ask for more or different kinds of functionality, so 
you may have a new release of firmware to address that. Putting the framing 
and/or PM on an FPGA while keeping the guts (eg, packet processing) on the 
main ASIC/processor allows you to swap out the trivial without a major heart 

In addition, there's probably the far more important issue of design cycle 
times. ASICs will take (at the very minimum) 18 months to create, and if you 
make a mistake early on and don't catch, you have to start all over again. 
For some fields that's just unacceptable.

Then again, if you're looking for sheer, brute performance and design cycle 
times are not a limiting factor, ASICs are often the way to go. Even in a 
Variola Suitcase, however, I'd bet some of the trivial functions are 
off-loaded to an FPGA, though, for reasons above.

From: Riad S. Wahby [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: SHA1 broken?
Date: Tue, 8 Mar 2005 13:26:48 -0600
Tyler Durden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Well, maybe I misunderstand your statement here, but in Telecom most 
 iron has plenty of FPGAs, and as far as I understand it, they more or 
 have to.

Have to in what sense?  If they're constantly reconfiguring the FPGAs
(new software revs, or some sort of evolutionary learning process---
the latter not likely in telecom, of course), sure, they have  to be on
reprogrammable structures.
If, on the other hand, you're building a custom hash cracking machine,
you don't need to reconfigure your gates. You could design your
parallelized SHA1 cracking machine and dump it onto a bunch of FPGAs,
but if you really have unlimited resources you take the plunge into
ASICs, at which point you can tighten your timing substantially.
Riad S. Wahby

Re: [p2p-hackers] good-bye, Mnet, and good luck. I'm going commercial! plus my last design doc (fwd from zooko@zooko.com)

2005-03-09 Thread Eric Cordian
Zooko writes:

 I am about to accept an exciting job that will preclude me from 
 contributing to open source projects in the distributed file-system 

 I will miss the Mnet project!  Good luck without me!

Is there a network currently running?  At one time, I had 5 gig of Mnet 
blockstore, but when months went by with no metatracking, and apparently, 
no running network, I grew bored and rm'ed it.

 I'm writing the following as a record of the most advanced design that 
 I have thought of for Mnet. 


Yes, well.  My thoughts on this, and other distributed filesystems, are as 

We have the following useful technologies.

Swarmed downloads, erasure coding, distributed filesystem with global 
namespace, encryption, routing, accounting, and search.

We have various systems which have implemented a various subsets of these 
features, with varying degrees of efficiency.  The killer technology 
amongst all these is obviously swarmed downloading, which, efficiently 
implemented in Bittorrent, currently accounts for a third of network 

The two systems which implement the most of the above technologies, Mnet 
and Freenet, while theoretically lovely, have at most a niche following, 
and are cumbersome to set up and use, with frequent issues in their 
protocols and codebase.

Now, I think we can all agree that it would be lovely to have a 
distributed filesystem, with a global namespace, that anyone can put stuff 
in, and take stuff out of, which guarantees anonymity for both producers 
and consumers of content, swarms downloads, has an redundant distributed 
encrypted backing store that lasts forever, is easily and quickly 
searched, can be instantly set up by anyone who wishes to use it, never 
breaks, and starves users who unreasonably leech large amounts of 
resources without reciprocating.

BUT, given that bittorrent is a wild success, which people ACTUALLY USE, 
would it not make more sense to create such a system by augmenting 
bittorrent with the technologies it presently lacks, than by continuing 
development on other systems, many of them bloated and buggy, which have 
been around for years without managing to be made to work well, or 
attracting large numbers of happy and satisfied customers?

If you had a thousand hours of genius programmer time, would you spend it 
embracing and extending Bittorrent, or shoveling through the 
indecipherable bowels of legacy Mnet and Freenet code?

I think Mnet and Freenet were wonderful testbeds, which taught us all a 
lot about what does and doesn't work in grandiose P2P schemes.

But Bittorrent is where the users are, and software without users is like 
network television programming without viewers.  

Eric Michael Cordian 0+
O:.T:.O:. Mathematical Munitions Division
Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law