2005-05-09 Thread Lacey
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The former general known as "Chemical Ali," notorious for allegedly gassing 
thousands of Kurds, looked haggard and leaned on a cane in a court Saturday as 
Iraq (news - web sites)'s U.S.-backed government speeded the pace of legal 
proceedings against Saddam Hussein (news - web sites)'s henchmen before next 
month's critical elections.
The appearance of both Ali Hassan al-Majid and Saddam's last defense minister 
Gen. Sultan Hashim Ahmad before a tribunal of judges were the first in a series 
of interrogatory hearings that were made public, in preparation for eventual 
full trials of Iraq's one-time leaders. The session was closed to the press.
Al-Majid appeared haggard in a video released after the interrogation. The 
gray-haired first cousin of Saddam leaned on a walking stick before sitting in 
front of a judge behind a desk.
Ahmad stared blankly at the ground as police officers stood on either side of 
him holding his arms. Ahmad, a thickly set man with black mustache, later 
smiled broadly to others in the hearing room.
A defense lawyer who attended the hearings said Ahmad spent four hours at the 
tribunal, with the questions focused on charges regarding attacks on Kurds and 
the Anfal campaign, a depopulation scheme that killed and expelled hundreds of 
thousands of Kurds from northern Iraq during the 1980s. Ahmad is said to have 
led the Iraqi Army's 1st Corps into the Anfal campaign.
"I have been a military officer for 40 years and have never been punished. It's 
unfortunate that I have to sit like this before the court with the Americans 
sitting behind me," Ahmad told the judge, according to the lawyer, who declined 
to be identified.
U.S. Embassy spokesman Bob Callahan declined to say if American officials were 
Interim Iraqi Prime Minister Ayad Allawi said Tuesday that detained Saddam 
regime figures would start appearing before court in the coming week pressing 
ahead with the trials ahead of crucial national elections set for Jan. 30.
The timing was apparently to remind voters of the brutality they endured before 
the Americans ousted the dictatorship. The Iraqis will vote for a transitional 
assembly that will write a permanent constitution.
Insurgents renewed attacks across northern Iraq, targeting election offices, 
executing two civilians and wounding four American security contractors in a 
roadside bomb attack. An Iraqi militant group also claimed responsibility in a 
video posted on an Islamic Internet site for the Dec. 8 killing of two U.S. 
The Turkish Foreign Ministry condemned insurgents who on Friday ambushed a 
Turkish diplomatic convoy and killed five Turkish security guards attached to 
Ankara's embassy in Baghdad and two of their Iraqi drivers in Mosul, 225 miles 
northwest of Baghdad.
Three other Turks escaped the ambush to safety, including the embassy's defense 
attache who was wounded and taken to a U.S. military hospital, according to a 
Foreign Ministry statement issued Saturday. The statement said U.S. forces 
reportedly killed at least one militant.
In Mosul, insurgents detonated a roadside bomb near a U.S. military patrol, 
injuring no soldiers but hitting a school bus. One eighth grade student was 
killed and six were wounded, the military said in a statement.
Iraq's insurgency appears to be consolidating in the country's north following 
intensive U.S.-led military operations in central and western Iraq aimed at 
uprooting militants, comprising mainly Islamic extremists and Saddam loyalists.
The latest violence coincided with the commencement of judicial proceedings of 
al-Majid and Ahmad for their alleged roles in an array of crimes committed 
during Saddam's 1968-2003 reign.
The videos were the first images of the men since their arraignment in July 
along with Saddam and the other detainees. Both wore gray-colored suits and 
white shirts without ties and arrived at the tribunal handcuffed and flanked by 
blue uniformed police.
They are the first known to have gone before an investigative hearing from 
among the 12 jailed top figures who, including Saddam, are facing trial for 
crimes during the regime's three decades in power.
Both were questioned by a panel of investigative judges in a hearing attended 
by their lawyers, said Raad al-Juhyi, the head of the panel.
The role of the judges during these hearings is to interrogate the detainees 
and gather evidence for possible charges to be laid against them, including 
Saddam, followed by eventual criminal trials.
Al-Juhyi said the defendants will face questioning over Saddam's Anfal 
campaign, a depopulation scheme that killed and expelled hundreds of thousands 
of Kurds from northern Iraq during the 1980s. T

Zero knowledge( a>b )

2005-05-09 Thread Sarad AV

If user A has the integer a and user B has the integer
b, can a zero knowledge proof be developed to show
that a>b,ahttp://tour.mail.yahoo.com/mailtour.html

Re: Zero knowledge( a>b )

2005-05-09 Thread Adam Back
There is a simple protocol for this described in Schneier's Applied
Crypto if you have one handy...

(If I recall the application he illustrates with is: it allows two
people to securely compare salary (which is larger) without either
party divulging their specific salary to each other or to a trusted


On Mon, May 09, 2005 at 06:00:58AM -0700, Sarad AV wrote:
> hi,
> If user A has the integer a and user B has the integer
> b, can a zero knowledge proof be developed to show
> that a>b,a

PopUp Booth (Graphics)

2005-05-09 Thread Mark Wong

Hi, my name is Mark Wong and I am the Director of Client Services with “The 
Network”, who specializes in portable and pop-up exhibits and displays. 

I am emailing you to “ask your permission” to forward a few photographs of our 
10x10 Portable Displays. With your permission I will forward photos of our 
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help. Our offices are located in San Diego and Oakland, CA. 

If you could please respond to this email letting me know if it is ok for me 
to forward our portfolio, I would greatly appreciate it. I wish you the very 
best and thank you for your consideration. 

Best regards, 

Mark A. Wong
Director, Client Services
“The Exhibit Network”


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Retail: $1975- *respond to email and receive a discount. 

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*Or Upgrade to an All Graphic Booth for about half of our competitions price.
*Frame is backed by a lifetime warranty.

We never claim to be the cheapest, only the “Best Quality at the Best Price”.

Re: Zero knowledge( a>b )

2005-05-09 Thread cypherpunk
On 5/9/05, Sarad AV <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If user A has the integer a and user B has the integer
> b, can a zero knowledge proof be developed to show
> that a>b,ahttp://www.cs.huji.ac.il/labs/danss/Fairplay/


Re: Zero knowledge( a>b )

2005-05-09 Thread Justin
On 2005-05-09T12:28:25-0400, Adam Back wrote:
> There is a simple protocol for this described in Schneier's Applied
> Crypto if you have one handy...
> (If I recall the application he illustrates with is: it allows two
> people to securely compare salary (which is larger) without either
> party divulging their specific salary to each other or to a trusted
> intermediary).
> Adam
> On Mon, May 09, 2005 at 06:00:58AM -0700, Sarad AV wrote:
> > hi,
> > 
> > If user A has the integer a and user B has the integer
> > b, can a zero knowledge proof be developed to show
> > that a>b,a

Re: [Politech] Passport RFID tracking: a between-the-lines read [priv] (fwd from declan@well.com)

2005-05-09 Thread cypherpunk
A Politech article forwarded email from a liar named <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> >From the EE-Times, a between the lines look at the future of RFID tracking:
> re: E-passport makers hail U.S. retreat
> Junko Yoshida [FAIR USE]
> EE Times
> (04/29/2005 1:38 PM EDT)
> PARIS - Global electronic passports suppliers hailed a decision by the U.S.
> State Department to drop a requirement for additional security measures in
> next-generation U.S. passports. The specifications have yet to be finalized.
> Neville Pattinson, director of technology development and government
> affairs for smart card provider Axalto Americas, said Friday (April 29)
> that adding security measures such as "Basic Access Control" and a metallic
> shield cover to U.S. passports could "completely make the information
> [stored in the e-passport] undetectable."

is the actual EE times article. The true article reads, as you can see
for yourself:

"PARIS — Global electronic passports suppliers hailed a decision by
the U.S. State Department to add a requirement for additional security
measures in next-generation U.S. passports. The specifications have
yet to be finalized."

Can you see the difference? What's wrong with this picture?

The true article says that the U.S. will ADD a requirement for
additional security measures. The article as quoted by liar Parks had
been changed to say that the U.S. will DROP the requirement. Of course
that made the article read as confused and inconsistent, which is what
led me to track down the original.

I'm pissed at Parks for lying and editing a supposedly forwarded
article to make some kind of rhetorical point. He had his own comments
interspersed among the article's supposed text so he had plenty of
opportunity to make his own arguments. Altering the text of material
you are quoting is the lowest of despicable argumentation techniques.

I'm also pissed at McCullagh for forwarding this on without the
slightest fact checking. Of course anyone familiar with his work will
know better than to expect a correction or even acknowledgement of his
error. He is a hack reporter who cares nothing about accuracy or
truth, only on stirring things up and pushing the predictable buttons
of his readers.

And of course there is Eugen* Leitl, who mindlessly forwards far and
wide everything that enters his mailbox. I don't know whether we
should be annoyed or relieved that he fails to exercise the slightest
editorial effort by adding his own thoughts, if he has any, to the
material he passes around.


Re: [Politech] Passport RFID tracking: a between-the-lines read [priv] (fwd from declan@well.com)

2005-05-09 Thread Eugen Leitl
On Mon, May 09, 2005 at 12:13:18PM -0700, cypherpunk wrote:

> And of course there is Eugen* Leitl, who mindlessly forwards far and
> wide everything that enters his mailbox. I don't know whether we

Consider me bitten by Choate. It's totally incurable.

> should be annoyed or relieved that he fails to exercise the slightest
> editorial effort by adding his own thoughts, if he has any, to the
> material he passes around.

I don't need the list. Goddamn heise has more cypherpunk content than the
list. Tim May's tired trolls have more cypherpunk content than the list.

I'm trying to keep it going by keeping a steady trickle of relevant info but
I'm honestly wondering if it's worth the effort.

If you think I'm going to add editing effort, thus cutting some 10 minutes out 
my already busy day you're out of your fucking mind.

If you want high quality content, post it yourself.

Eugen* Leitl http://leitl.org";>leitl
ICBM: 48.07078, 11.61144http://www.leitl.org
8B29F6BE: 099D 78BA 2FD3 B014 B08A  7779 75B0 2443 8B29 F6BE
http://moleculardevices.org http://nanomachines.net

Description: Digital signature

Vee have to examine your papers (NO on federal ID

2005-05-09 Thread The Pen


Generally we like to send out newsletters no more than about once a week, however when they try to ram MAJOR new laws through Congress with not as much as a debate we the people must jump into action.  This time they want to set up a giant central database and federal ID card, and they hid it in the latest Iraq supplemental appropriation in the dead of night. What is so wrong in this scenerio?

To begin with if the current administration wasn't so busy cooking intelligence, ignoring the real danger signs, forcing public servants who actually know what they're doing to tell lies, and playing rope-a-dope with the national security, 9/11 itself could have been stopped.  The problem isn't that they haven't got enough UNCHECKED power to violate our privacy, it's that they can't be trusted with the power they've seized already.

The worst thing we can do is place all of our most personal information in one abusable database, with theft of identity already rampant.  Do you think they would possibly abuse this power?  Probably not until they would excommunicate people from their own churches for holding the wrong political views.  Sorry, oops, that's already happening even now.  The form in this email will transmit your own message to all your congresspeople at once. Please take amoment to submit the one click form below and call for a debate on a national ID in the light of day.

(1) Constituent info: Email: 







First Name:  Last Name: 

Addr:  Apt/Ste:  City: 




























































(2) Next add your own personal message to your Congress:

The question is "Should we have a national ID card?"

This petition will submit your "No" vote.

If you want to compose a long message, please make a copy of the text for yourself before submitting form, or paste in from a text editor

(3) Submit the email addresses of friends to invite to vote:

(4) Now send your messages

If you need help with the form or to email in your comments directly

Do something NOW about this and post this message everywhere you can to everybody you can.

Or if you want to stop future, please use our No More function

Powered by The People's Email Network

© 2005, Patent pending, All rights reserved

Re: [IP] Real ID = National ID (fwd from dave@farber.net)

2005-05-09 Thread cypherpunk
We already have de facto national ID in the form of our state driver's
licenses. They are accepted at face value at all 50 states as well as
by the federal government. Real ID would rationalize the issuing
procedures and require a certain minimum of verification. Without it
we have security that is only as strong as the weakest state's


Re: [IP] Real ID = National ID (fwd from dave@farber.net)

2005-05-09 Thread Justin
On 2005-05-09T12:22:22-0700, cypherpunk wrote:
> We already have de facto national ID in the form of our state driver's
> licenses. They are accepted at face value at all 50 states as well as
> by the federal government. Real ID would rationalize the issuing
> procedures and require a certain minimum of verification. Without it
> we have security that is only as strong as the weakest state's
> policies.

States should be free to regulate DRIVERS however they want.  The DL was
not meant to be an ID card, and if it was that intent was
unconstitutional.  The entire DL scheme may be unconstitutional anyway,
but oh well.

What do we need "security" for?  We need security because a lot of
people hate the U.S., and because we won't close our borders, and
because society has become too diverse.  There is a significant
correlation between cultural diversity/proximity and social unrest.
That does not require people of different races; put white klansmen next
to white members of the Black Panthers and you have the same thing.

None of those three core problems will be solved by RealID.  Therefore,
while RealID may make some difference at the margins, it cannot be very

Cogdell Tribune - great article on sex,love and rock n' roll

2005-05-09 Thread Lori Sellers
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Re: [IP] Real ID = National ID (fwd from dave@farber.net)

2005-05-09 Thread Justin
On 2005-05-09T19:55:26+, Justin wrote:
> What do we need "security" for?  We need security because a lot of
> people hate the U.S., and because we won't close our borders, and

Apparently I have not learned any lessons from the follies of a certain
California governor.

By close the borders, I mean secure the borders against illegal
immigration.  I have no interest in doing away with immigration.

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2005-05-09 Thread alan captain


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