Interesting article

2005-07-08 Thread Gabriel Rocha
Don't know how many of you saw this...

In the stolen-data trade, Moscow is the Wild East


Tuesday, July 5, 2005 Updated at 8:40 AM EDT

>From Tuesday's Globe and Mail

MOSCOW — The most expensive wares in Moscow's software markets, the
items that some Russians are calling a threat to their personal safety,
aren't on public display.

It takes less than 15 minutes to find them, however, at the teeming
Gorbushka market, a jumble of kiosks selling DVDs, CD-ROMs and an array
of gadgetry in an old factory west of downtown.

One question -- Where can we buy databases of private information? --
and the young man selling rip-off copies of Hollywood movies leaps to
his feet. He leads the customers to another vendor, who wears a bull's
head on his belt buckle. This second man listens to the request, opens
his cellphone, and punches a speed-dial number.

Moments later, a third vendor appears. He is jovial and blunt about his


"What do you need?" he says. "We have everything."

In Moscow these days, among people who deal in stolen information, the
category of everything is surprisingly broad.

This Gorbushka vendor offers a hard drive with cash transfer records
from Russia's central bank for $1,500 (Canadian). 

The information was reportedly stolen by hackers earlier this year and
purchased by companies looking for details about their competitors.

Such information, the vendor admits, is fairly specialized. A more
popular item is tax records, including home addresses and declared
incomes. The vendor asks $215.

Russians routinely lie about their earnings to avoid taxes; nonetheless,
an increasing number of criminals are relying on pirated tax information
to help them choose wealthy targets.

When gunmen broke into the gated home of Mikhail Pogosyan, head of
Russian aerospace giant Sukhoi, in a brazen robbery last week, the
businessman immediately blamed the proliferation of his personal details
on the black market.

"Before, robberies of such people happened very seldom, just by chance,"
says a Sukhoi spokesman, Alexei Poveschenko. "Criminals preferred not to
deal with VIPs, but now it's different. On every corner you can buy a
database with all kinds of information: income, telephones, cars,
residence registration."

The trade shows no signs of slowing. It's part of a broader problem for
Russia as the country lobbies for membership in the World Trade
Organization by next year, because the international body wants Russia
to crack down on its pirated movies, music and software. 

Local authorities have swept through markets such as Gorbushka and
seized thousands of bootleg discs, but within hours the black markets
resume business.

At the Gorbushka kiosk, sales are so brisk that the vendor excuses
himself to help other customers while the foreigner considers his
options: $43 for a mobile phone company's list of subscribers? Or $100
for a database of vehicles registered in the Moscow region?

The vehicle database proves irresistible. It appears to contain names,
birthdays, passport numbers, addresses, telephone numbers, descriptions
of vehicles, and vehicle identification (VIN) numbers for every driver
in Moscow.

A check of The Globe and Mail's information shows that at least one part
of the database is accurate. It's impossible to confirm the millions of
other entries, although a few famous names stand out. 

An entry under the name Mikhail Khodorkovsky, with the same patronymic
middle name and birthday as the oil tycoon, suggests that Russia's
formerly richest man enjoyed zooming around on a grey 1999 Yamaha TW 125
motorcycle, or a 2000 light-blue BMW F650, before he was thrown in jail.

Under the name Yuri Luzhkov, with details that seem identical to those
of Moscow's powerful mayor, the list of vehicles includes a black 1997
Harley Davidson motorcycle and a green Gaz 69, a military jeep built in
the 1960s.

The Gorbushka vendor seems pleased with his sale, but puzzled. As his
customers walk away, he says: "So tell me: Are you an American spy?"

He gets a question in reply: "What? You'd sell your homeland so

The vendor laughs, and returns to his work.

Re: punkly current events

2004-12-10 Thread Gabriel Rocha
On Dec 10 2004, Eugen Leitl wrote:
| Because nodes are not geographically constrained to US jurisdiction?
| If mixter won't survive, it's due to spammers, and malware spreaders.

The latter statement my well be true, I don't use the network, nor know
the ratios of good/bad traffic. But I am very curious to find out what
would be considered geographically "safe" jurisdictions in this sense.
Not just today, but given the general trend, where would you see such a
jurisdition being found in a year or five or ten?

Re: Another John Young Sighting

2004-08-20 Thread Gabriel Rocha
On Aug 20 2004, Bill Stewart wrote:
| Yup.  Reruns of the Daily Show are usually on at 7pm the following day,
| though check your local cable schedule.

Don't suppose anyone is willing to record and post for those of us who
don't have access to US channels right now?

Re: IRS may use First Data info for help in finding tax evaders

2004-08-04 Thread Gabriel Rocha
On Aug 04 2004, R. A. Hettinga wrote:
|  The IRS said in a court filing that it believes those account holders "may
| fail, or may have failed, to comply with internal revenue laws."

Standards of proof are going way down when "may have..." is enough to
get a court order... 

Re: [IP] When police ask your name, you must give it, Supreme Court says (fwd from

2004-06-21 Thread Gabriel Rocha
On Jun 21 2004, Steve Schear wrote:
| Not a problem.  Its legal to use any name you wish, including those that 
| use gyphs and sounds which cannot be represented by standard Roman and 
| non-Roman alphabets (as is common in some African tribes).  So, those that 
| wish to avoid this data base nightmare can legally adopt name which does 
| not conform.

Well, in principle this is a nice "screw you" method. But in practice...
well, if you have to write down your name because the sound doesn't
exist or can't be pronounced, you're that much more singled out eh...
And for those of us who wish to travel, well, passports become difficult
to manage I suspect. I am quite surprised with this ruling actually (I
haven't yet read the specifics) but the first impression of it says that
this does not bode well for opponents of the "War on Terrorism" (tm) or
for anyone who doesn't like the great big database in the sky...

Re: Linksys WRT54G (and clones)

2004-06-20 Thread Gabriel Rocha
On Jun 20 2004, Eugen Leitl wrote:
| Anyone here using that device? With Sveasoft's firmware? Building the
| firmware yourself, or using VPNs/IPsec?
I have one here at work. Works wonders. I didn't build it myself though.
I actually paid the subscription too. The $20 seemed worthile to me. I
don't see anywhere in this thing that allows me to make it a vpn
endpoint, but I do have ipsec passthrough enabled and it works fine.

| Sveasoft's forums contain lots of info, but are difficult to access.
| If you're looking for same information we could mutually help each other by
| starting a Wiki, or using a mailing list ([EMAIL PROTECTED] is largely
| silent on crypto matters).

I don't know what you have in mind, but I'm all for it. If this thing
becomes a vpn endpoint that helps me out some, though the 200mhz proc
might not handle as much as I'd like...

[ [mises] praxeology and game theory]

2004-05-20 Thread Gabriel Rocha
Possibly of interest to some here...

- Forwarded message from Pro-Choice <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

Date: Thu, 20 May 2004 03:18:25 -
From: "Pro-Choice" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [mises] praxeology and game theory

Today, in Managerial Economics, the professor talked about Game
Theory. The subject made me hark back to "Austrian Economics and Game
Theory: a Stocktaking" at I also thought of
*The Games Economists Play*, by Murphy, at 

I see some interesting elements of value in game theory.
Fundamentally, it appears to be strongly influenced by praxeology,
human action, as is indicated in the basic Prisoner's Dilemna.
Furthermore, though Murphy notes that game theory has been used to
justify state intervention (because the Nash-equilibrium is not the
optimum cooperation), there are also those who have used game theory
to argue against State intervention. See *The Possibility of
Cooperation* by Michael Taylor. 

Anyways, a cruel alternative to prisoner's dilemna occured to me in
the class. This was not really my own creation, but I remembered it
from Baldur's Gate II.

* If both push their buttons, both die.
* If neither push their buttons, both die.
* If one of them pushes their button, but the other doesn't, the one
who did not push the button dies.
* Each of them has one hour to decide whether or not to push the button
* Neither of them can see whether the other is about to or has pushed
his or her button

Obviously, this is a one-shot "game", so we need not considder
repeated games. The following outcome table emerges (in each cell, the
first listed outcome is what happens to A, the second listed one is
what happens to B, given the inputs, which are the row and column headers:
  | |  Push  |Don't Push  |
  |  Push   |  D,D   |D,L |
B |-|||
  |  Don't Push |  L,D   |D,D |

(clearly, this is a game that you don't want to play)

At first, it appears that there are only three possible outcomes (I
will not differentiate between them both dying from them both pushing,
or them both dying from them both not pushing):

D,D: A dies, B dies
D,L: A dies, B lives
L,D: A lives, B dies

The Game Theorist Analysis

The game theorist analysis, I would guess, would go as follows. A
would prefer that A lives, B that B lives. 

A's analysis of the situation would go something like this: If A does
not push the button, A will most certainly die, whether B pushes the
button or not. However, if A pushes the button, he will live if B does
not push the button, though he will die if B also pushes the button.
It is at least conceivable to A -- albeit unlikely -- that if he
pushes the button, he will survive. 

B's analysis proceeds in exactly the same manner.

Thus, if each wishes for himself to live, both A and B will push the
button. The Nash equilibrium is that they would both push the button,
and thus that they should both die. In short, if they each picks the
strategy that they see as allowing for the possibility that
their-selves could live, they both will die. According to this
standard line of game theory reasoning, it is impossible that either
of them could live. 

Possible Psychological Ordinal Preference-Rankings

In the following, I will list possible ordinal preference rankings for
A and B in a list, with the most preferred outcome at the top of the
list, progressively going towards less preferred outcomes. This seems
to be simple, but in fact the list becomes rather long once you
realize that it is perfeclty *possible* that A could prefer D,D, or
that A could be indifferent between the three outcomes, or between two
ofthe outcomes. In the case where there is indifference between two or
three outcomes, they are listed side-by-side

In the case where A is indifferent between two or three outcomes, that
indifference cannot explain why he either pushes a button or does not
push a button. I am aware that preference can only be revealed through
action, and that indifference *cannot* be illustrated by action. These
ordinal preferences I am listing are not all praxeological
preferences, because action can only illustrate preference, not
indifference. They are, rather, preferences from a prior psychological
point of view. Praxeological ordinal rankings can only be revealed via

This is an exhaustive list of all possible ordinal rankings. If I am
either A or B, I know which ranking I prefer:

D,L  D,L  L,D  L,D  D,D  D,D
L,D  D,D  D,D  D,

[ [mises] praxeology and game theory]

2004-05-20 Thread Gabriel Rocha
possibly of interest to some here...

- Forwarded message from Pro-Choice <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

Date: Thu, 20 May 2004 03:18:25 -
From: "Pro-Choice" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [mises] praxeology and game theory

Today, in Managerial Economics, the professor talked about Game
Theory. The subject made me hark back to "Austrian Economics and Game
Theory: a Stocktaking" at I also thought of
*The Games Economists Play*, by Murphy, at 

I see some interesting elements of value in game theory.
Fundamentally, it appears to be strongly influenced by praxeology,
human action, as is indicated in the basic Prisoner's Dilemna.
Furthermore, though Murphy notes that game theory has been used to
justify state intervention (because the Nash-equilibrium is not the
optimum cooperation), there are also those who have used game theory
to argue against State intervention. See *The Possibility of
Cooperation* by Michael Taylor. 

Anyways, a cruel alternative to prisoner's dilemna occured to me in
the class. This was not really my own creation, but I remembered it
from Baldur's Gate II.

* If both push their buttons, both die.
* If neither push their buttons, both die.
* If one of them pushes their button, but the other doesn't, the one
who did not push the button dies.
* Each of them has one hour to decide whether or not to push the button
* Neither of them can see whether the other is about to or has pushed
his or her button

Obviously, this is a one-shot "game", so we need not considder
repeated games. The following outcome table emerges (in each cell, the
first listed outcome is what happens to A, the second listed one is
what happens to B, given the inputs, which are the row and column headers:
  | |  Push  |Don't Push  |
  |  Push   |  D,D   |D,L |
B |-|||
  |  Don't Push |  L,D   |D,D |

(clearly, this is a game that you don't want to play)

At first, it appears that there are only three possible outcomes (I
will not differentiate between them both dying from them both pushing,
or them both dying from them both not pushing):

D,D: A dies, B dies
D,L: A dies, B lives
L,D: A lives, B dies

The Game Theorist Analysis

The game theorist analysis, I would guess, would go as follows. A
would prefer that A lives, B that B lives. 

A's analysis of the situation would go something like this: If A does
not push the button, A will most certainly die, whether B pushes the
button or not. However, if A pushes the button, he will live if B does
not push the button, though he will die if B also pushes the button.
It is at least conceivable to A -- albeit unlikely -- that if he
pushes the button, he will survive. 

B's analysis proceeds in exactly the same manner.

Thus, if each wishes for himself to live, both A and B will push the
button. The Nash equilibrium is that they would both push the button,
and thus that they should both die. In short, if they each picks the
strategy that they see as allowing for the possibility that
their-selves could live, they both will die. According to this
standard line of game theory reasoning, it is impossible that either
of them could live. 

Possible Psychological Ordinal Preference-Rankings

In the following, I will list possible ordinal preference rankings for
A and B in a list, with the most preferred outcome at the top of the
list, progressively going towards less preferred outcomes. This seems
to be simple, but in fact the list becomes rather long once you
realize that it is perfeclty *possible* that A could prefer D,D, or
that A could be indifferent between the three outcomes, or between two
ofthe outcomes. In the case where there is indifference between two or
three outcomes, they are listed side-by-side

In the case where A is indifferent between two or three outcomes, that
indifference cannot explain why he either pushes a button or does not
push a button. I am aware that preference can only be revealed through
action, and that indifference *cannot* be illustrated by action. These
ordinal preferences I am listing are not all praxeological
preferences, because action can only illustrate preference, not
indifference. They are, rather, preferences from a prior psychological
point of view. Praxeological ordinal rankings can only be revealed via

This is an exhaustive list of all possible ordinal rankings. If I am
either A or B, I know which ranking I prefer:

D,L  D,L  L,D  L,D  D,D  D,D
L,D  D,D  D,D  D,

Re: Fornicalia Lawmaker Moves to Block Gmail

2004-04-15 Thread Gabriel Rocha
On Wed, Apr 14, at 08:22PM, Justin wrote:
| I'm not concerned with the advertising itself.  My concern is that the
| Gmail service would provide an unacceptable level of detail on message
| content to whoever's monitoring the advertisement logs.

I only say something because I have seen this point before and find it
ludicrous. How much more detail than the message itself does the
advertizing agency need? Google is the one targetting the adds at its
customers. Google is the organization with all the emails. If they want
to know what's in your emails, they don't need to bother to come up with
an elaborate scheme for it... "You never have to delete email" doesn't
have to be an advertizing pitch for customers. Rather, it can be a nice
nifty advertizing pitch for the feds. Why subpeana the advertizing logs
when you can subpeana the emails themselves?

Anarchy and Capitalism in Africa of all places...

2004-04-07 Thread Gabriel Rocha

(it requires a login... article pasted below)

I specially like the part about taxation and the difficulties of
implementing it...


Coke and al-Qaeda
Apr 1st 2004 | MOGADISHU
>From The Economist print edition


Africa's most chaotic country is a bit calmer, but probably still home
to anti-western terrorists

Get article background

THERE are two ways to run a business in Somalia. You can pay off the
local warlord, not always the most trustworthy of chaps, and hope he
will stop his militiamen from murdering your staff. Or you can tell him
to get stuffed and hire your own militia. After 13 years of civil war,
businessmen are increasingly plumping for the latter option, and their
defiance has been rewarded. A veneer of normality is returning to the
world's most chaotic country. An economy, of sorts, is beginning to

Somalia's first Coca-Cola bottling plant opened in the capital,
Mogadishu, last month. That its carbon dioxide chambers are encased in
mortar-proof reinforced concrete is almost beside the point. Somalis now
have the opportunity to rot their teeth like anyone else, and that feels
good. Countrywide distribution will be smoothed by the presence of
hundreds of experienced security guards, who are also responsible for
protecting the odd foreign expert who drops in. Newcomers are encouraged
to calm their nerves by firing off a few rounds or lobbing a
hand-grenade shortly after arrival. It really works, enthuses a visiting
Kenyan engineer.

Perversely, this renaissance has been made possible by Somalia's
continuing fragmentation. There is still no proper central government
but, where once there was only a handful of warlords, there are now at
least 24, and that is only the serious ones. With smaller fiefs to
pillage, few can now afford the $100,000 or more that it costs to wage a
six-hour battle, so such battles are less common. This is what passes
for peace in Somalia, and it is enough to tempt many homesick exiles to
return. They bring money as well as skills and contacts. In the past few
years, hospitals, schools, businesses and even a university have

In some ways, anarchy makes doing business easier. There are no formal
taxesgiven how heavily-armed the average Somali is, these would be hard
to collectand no regulation whatsoever. But the costs of chaos outweigh
the benefits. You can roar through a warlord's road block unmolested if
you have ten gunmen in the back of your pickup, but you have to pay your
gunmen. Nationlink, one of the country's three mobile-phone operators,
employs 300 guards to protect 500 staff.

Everyone yearns for a restoration of stability and a proper government.
A dozen attempts at negotiating a formal peace have failed. But since
September 11th 2001, western governments, anxious to prevent al-Qaeda
from using Somalia as a base, have pressed the warlords to make peace.
On January 29th, after talks in Kenya, they were rewarded with a
power-sharing agreement providing for a 275-strong parliament that is
meant to represent all the country's main clans and minorities.

Somalis are sceptical, however. Under the accord, warlords will choose
the MPs, whose appointment will be confirmed by traditional elders. Who
will pick the elders? Many worry that the warlords will. Some even argue
that western support for the peace process encourages violence, by
rewarding thugs with a share of power. Businessmen and other non-violent
types have been excluded from the talks. We have built schools, repaired
hospitals and rebuilt roads. Yet no one is asking us what we think, says
Nationlink's managing director, Ahmed Abdi Dini.

Since the power-sharing agreement, the talks have stalled. Amid the
acrimony, consensus was reached on one issue: the warlords, many of them
barely literate, unanimously agreed to abolish a clause barring those
without a secondary education from parliament.

Meanwhile, a decade after its botched intervention to protect food-aid
deliveries in Somalia, the United States is back; this time, hunting for
terrorists. American intelligence officers are working with two warlords
to gather information about suspected al-Qaeda people in Somalia. Last
year, an American commando raid on a Mogadishu hospital netted a Yemeni
terrorist suspect, now in Guantánamo Bay.

Hussein Aideed, son of the warlord whom American troops tried but failed
spectacularly to capture in 1993, was apparently paid $500,000 for 41
Strela missiles to ensure they did not fall into bin Ladenite hands. It
is rumoured that other warlords have also been paid: enough, possibly,
to restock dwindling weapons supplies. Your correspondent saw some
impressive hardware, including four gleaming Howitzers, at the base of
one of the warlords, Mohamed Qanyare Afrah.

Short tempers, tall stories

President George Bush's war on terror has won him few friends in
Somalia. In 2001, America forced the closure of Somalia's 

Jackbooted thugs, mercs and non-gov paramilitaries

2004-03-31 Thread Gabriel Rocha
I don't normally forward articles, but this one might be of interest to
some here. I especially like the part where these guys are exempt from
the legal system...

British companies have been grousing about losing out to the Americans
in Iraq. But in one area, British companies excel: security

THE sight of a mob of Iraqi stone-throwers attacking the gates to the
Basra palace where the coalition has its southern headquarters is no
surprise. What's odd is the identity of the uniformed men holding them
off. The single Briton prodding his six Fijians to stand their ground
are not British army soldiers but employees of Global Risk Strategies, a
London-based security company.

Private military companies (PMCs).mercenaries, in oldspeak.manning the
occupation administration's front lines are now the third-largest
contributor to the war effort after the United States and Britain.
British ones are popular, largely because of the reputation of the
Special Air Service (SAS) regiment whose ex-employees run and man many
of the companies. They maintain they have twice as many men on the
ground as their American counterparts. According to David Claridge,
managing director of Janusian, a London-based security firm, Iraq has
boosted British military companies' revenues from £200m ($320m) before
the war to over £1 billion, making security by far Britain's most
lucrative post-war export to Iraq. 

It's a lucrative business. A four-man ex-SAS team in Baghdad can cost
$5,000 a day. Buoyed by their earnings, the comrades-in-arms live in the
plushest villas in the plushest quarters of Baghdad. Their crew-cut
occupants compare personal automatics, restock the bars and refill the
floodlit pools of the former Baathist chiefs. 

Established companies have expanded; new ones have sprung up. Control
Risks, a consultancy, now provides armed escorts. It has 500 men
guarding British civil servants. Global Risk Strategies was a two-man
team until the invasion of Afghanistan. Now it has over 1,000 guards in
Iraq.more than many of the countries taking part in the
occupation.manning the barricades of the Coalition Provisional Authority
(CPA). Last year it also won a $27m contract to distribute Iraq's new
dinar. Erinys, another British firm, was founded by Alastair Morrisson,
an ex-SAS officer who emerged from semi-retirement to win a contract
with Jordanian and Iraqi partners to protect Iraq's oil installations.
CPA officials say the contract is worth over $100m. Erinys now commands
a 14,000-strong armed force in Iraq.

In industry jargon, these companies' manpower is split into Iraqis,
.third-country nationals. (Gurkhas and Fijians) and .internationals.
(usually white first-worlders). Iraqis get $150 a month, .third-country
nationals. 10-20 times as much, and .internationals. 100 times as much.
Control Risks still relies on westerners, but ArmorGroup, a British
rival, employs 700 Gurkhas to shepherd America's primary contractors in
Iraq, Bechtel and KBR. Erinys's corps of pipeline protectors is
overwhelmingly Iraqi. The cheapness of the other ranks, compared with
western soldiers, is one reason why PMCs are flourishing. .Why pay for a
British platoon to guard a base, when you can hire Gurkhas at a fraction
of the cost?. asks one.

Nobody knows how long government contracts will last after the CPA
dissolves on June 30th. But multi-billion World Bank and UN
reconstruction funds should provide rich pickings. Amid rising violence,
the Program Management Office, which handles America's $18.6 billion aid
budget for Iraq, has raised its estimates of security costs from an
initial 7% of contracts to 10%. Blackwater, the American firm protecting
Iraq's American proconsul, Paul Bremer, says in many cases costs run to
over 25%. That's bad news for Iraqis hoping for reconstruction, but
great news for PMCs.

The boom has led to two worries. The first is lack of regulation.
Stressed and sometimes ill-trained mercenaries operate in Iraq's mayhem
with apparent impunity, erecting checkpoints without authorisation, and
claiming powers to detain and confiscate identity cards. A South African
company guarding a Baghdad hotel put guns to the heads of this
correspondent's guests. According to the CPA, non-Iraqi private-security
personnel contracted to the coalition or its partners are not subject to
Iraqi law. Even the industry is concerned. Regulation is vital, says
ArmorGroup's Christopher Beese, if Iraq is not to descend into the law
of the jungle. 

Second, the boom may be eroding Britain's defences. Just when the war on
terror is stretching the SAS to the limit, the rising profitability of
private sector work is tempting unprecedented numbers of its men to
leave. An SAS veteran estimates that some 40 of its 300 corps requested
early release from their contracts last year. Another guesses that there
are more ex-SAS people in Iraq than there are currently serving in the
regiment. Hea

Re: Cypherpunkly concerns over virii

2004-01-31 Thread Gabriel Rocha
On Sat, Jan 31, at 01:49PM, Tyler Durden wrote:
| One byproduct I'm noticing as a result of the MyDoom virus(es) is that we're 
| seeing all sorts of email addresses we've never seen before. Does this mean 
| these are all sorts of subscribers' names we've never seen before? Is a 
| byproduct of this virus to "out" lurkers?

I doubt it. The virus notice messages we get are generally bounces sent
to random addresses with [EMAIL PROTECTED] forged as the return
address. That's why we see them on the list...

Re: U.S. Drops 'E-Bomb' On Iraqi TV

2003-03-28 Thread &#x27;Gabriel Rocha'
On Fri, Mar 28, at 10:27AM, Sunder wrote:
| Um, watch your attributions, I didn't write that paragraph. :)

My apologies, I wrote the paragraph below. Must have missed your
attribution while deleting stuff. --Gabe

| On Fri, 28 Mar 2003, 'Gabriel Rocha' wrote:
| > On Thu, Mar 27, at 01:12PM, Sunder wrote:
| > 
| > The site was defaced last I saw it, I would suspect that to still be the
| > case, or it is down for other reasons (overloaded, etc...) For those of
| > you who are getting a dotster page, try using a different dns server
| > than what your isp is giving you. It may not be 'jammed' from the US,
| > but if ISPs want to use an easy way to stop average users from going
| > there, they can just make their dns servers give false answers, which
| > would explain what you're getting.

Re: U.S. Drops 'E-Bomb' On Iraqi TV

2003-03-28 Thread &#x27;Gabriel Rocha'
it is around 1130, local time, Geneva, Switzerland and is working just fine. (well, it might be a
fake, but not having ever seen the original, I don't know)

Re: U.S. Drops 'E-Bomb' On Iraqi TV

2003-03-28 Thread &#x27;Gabriel Rocha'
On Thu, Mar 27, at 01:12PM, Sunder wrote:

The site was defaced last I saw it, I would suspect that to still be the
case, or it is down for other reasons (overloaded, etc...) For those of
you who are getting a dotster page, try using a different dns server
than what your isp is giving you. It may not be 'jammed' from the US,
but if ISPs want to use an easy way to stop average users from going
there, they can just make their dns servers give false answers, which
would explain what you're getting.

>From Switzerland: 

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ traceroute -I
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 38 byte
 1 (  1.695 ms  1.531 ms  1.530 ms
 2 (  3.840 ms  3.741 ms
3.688 ms
 3 (  3.714 ms
10.697 ms  3.661 ms
 4 (  3.683 ms  3.701 ms
6.341 ms
 5 (  14.780 ms  18.669 ms
14.908 ms
 6 (  16.237 ms  16.561 ms  15.889
 7 (  261.116 ms  18.268
ms  20.955 ms
 8 (  44.155 ms  49.592 ms  43.292 ms
 9  * * *

>From Massachussetts:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ traceroute -I
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 38 byte
 1  E19-RTR-2-E2.MIT.EDU (  0.459 ms  0.372 ms  0.362 ms
 2  EXTERNAL-RTR-2-BACKBONE.MIT.EDU (  0.470 ms  0.445 ms
0.438 ms
 3 (  1.162 ms  0.825 ms
0.988 ms
 4 (  0.907 ms  0.992 ms
0.893 ms
 5 (  1.126 ms  1.052 ms
1.140 ms
 6 (  0.998 ms  1.145 ms
1.145 ms
 7 (  7.161 ms  7.269 ms
7.041 ms
 8 (  7.389 ms  7.380 ms
7.464 ms
 9 (  7.453 ms
7.255 ms  7.524 ms
10 (  7.488 ms (  7.510 ms (  8.414 ms
11 (  7.755 ms  7.381 ms (  7.513 ms
12 (  73.252 ms  73.321
ms  73.260 ms
13 (  86.229 ms  86.054
ms  85.886 ms
14 (  86.283 ms  86.235 ms  86.132 ms
15 (  86.943 ms  87.274 ms  87.239 ms
16 (  101.833 ms  103.349 ms  101.809 ms
17 (  103.526 ms  104.286 ms  103.711 ms
18  * * *

Re: U.S. Drops 'E-Bomb' On Iraqi TV

2003-03-27 Thread &#x27;Gabriel Rocha'
On Thu, Mar 27, at 09:19AM, Mike Rosing wrote:

| Note I do get:
| $ host
| has address
| So why the original error response if "host" can find it?
|  Interesting!

Gotta contact exodus to find out whom they have alocated that subnet

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ whois -h

OrgName:Cable & Wireless
Address:3300 Regency Pkwy
City:   Cary
StateProv:  NC
PostalCode: 27511

NetRange: -
NetHandle:  NET-216-32-0-0-1
Parent: NET-216-0-0-0-0
NetType:Direct Allocation
NameServer: DNS01.EXODUS.NET
NameServer: DNS02.EXODUS.NET
NameServer: DNS03.EXODUS.NET
NameServer: DNS04.EXODUS.NET
Comment:* Rwhois reassignment information for this block is
available at:
Comment:* 4321
Comment:* For abuse please contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

TechHandle: ZC221-ARIN
TechName:   Cable & Wireless
TechPhone:  +1-919-465-4023

OrgAbuseHandle: ABUSE11-ARIN
OrgAbuseName:   Abuse
OrgAbusePhone:  +1-877-393-7878

OrgNOCHandle: NOC99-ARIN
OrgNOCName:   Network Operations Center
OrgNOCPhone:  +1-800-977-4662

OrgTechHandle: EIAA-ARIN
OrgTechName:   Exodus IP Address Administration
OrgTechPhone:  +1-888-239-6387

OrgTechHandle: GIAA-ARIN
OrgTechName:   Global IP Address Administration
OrgTechPhone:  +1-919-465-4096

# ARIN WHOIS database, last updated 2003-03-26 20:00
# Enter ? for additional hints on searching ARIN's WHOIS database.

Re: U.S. Drops 'E-Bomb' On Iraqi TV

2003-03-27 Thread Gabriel Rocha
On Thu, Mar 27, at 06:33AM, Mike Rosing wrote:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ host has address

This is from the US, fyi. It also works (and even resolves to the same
thing :) from other hosts outside the US)

Re: U.S. Drops 'E-Bomb' On Iraqi TV

2003-03-27 Thread Gabriel Rocha
I just checked out and there is a big red US
flag on the front, courtesy of the "Freedom Cyber Force Militia"...
well, perhaps aljazeera needs better network people...

Re: Switzerland: Another hit for phone privacy

2003-03-13 Thread Gabriel Rocha
On Thu, Mar 13, at 12:41AM, Lucky Green wrote:
| What Swisscom's EasyRoam pre-paid SIMs offered that no other pre-paid
| service that I am aware of offered, at least as of a year ago, was
| roaming in nearly every country that has GSM service. Most pre-paid SIMs
| are limited to roaming in just a few countries. In addition, EasyRoam
| was reasonably priced. Do the providers that you mention above offer
| global roaming on their pre-paids?

Swisscom's prepaid cell phone service does not allow one to make calls
from outside Switzerland. Receive calls, yes, make them, no. The issue
has become murky along the way. I have had two swiss pre-paid cell
phones and even while still in the Geneva area, if you're too close to
France (very easy to do here) you lose the ability to make calls because
you get caught up in a french network. Something is not being reported
or something is being misreported on this one.

Re: FW: Spädbarnsdödlighet Much more readable (Child mortality rate)

2003-01-30 Thread &#x27;Gabriel Rocha'
Sorry, here is a much more readable version of the email exchange.

On Thu, Jan 30, at 11:01AM, Ola Nordbeck wrote:
| -Original Message-
| From: *Befolkningsstatistik [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
| Sent: Thursday, January 30, 2003 10:59 AM
| To: ola nordbeck
| Subject: SV: Spddbarnsdvdlighet
| hej!
| spddbarnsdvdlighet = antalet barn som dvr under fvrsta levnadseret. 2001
| var spddbarnsdvdligheten i Sverige 3,4 per 1000 levande fvdda. Det finns
| en tabell i publikationen "Befolkningsstatistik del 4", tab 4.12,
| "Spddbarnsdvdligheten pe 1000 levanade fvdda 1951-2001" ddr man indelar
| dvdligheten "Under fvrsta levnadsdygnet, fvrsta levnadsveckan, fvrsta
| levnadsmenaden etc, men "spddbarndvdlighet" gdller generellt under
| fvrsta levnadseret. 
| Vdnliga Hdlsningar/Yours Sincerely, 
| Margareta Larsson 
| Befolkningsstatistiken/Population Statistics 
| Phone: +46 19 176594 
| fax: +46 19 176942 
| e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
| -Ursprungligt meddelande-
| Fren: ola nordbeck 
| Skickat: den 30 januari 2003 10:35
| Till: *Befolkningsstatistik
| Dmne: Spddbarnsdvdlighet
| Vanligen,
| Enligt en kollega sa skulle scb mdta Spddbarnsdvdlighet forst efter 3
| veckan efter fodseln. Enligt er definition sa skulle Spddbarnsdvdlighet
| avse samtliga dvdsfall som intrdffar fvre ett ers elder. Ar detta
| samtliga dodsfall eller ar min kollegas uppgifter riktiga.
| Mvh,
| Ola nordbeck

Was: (US health care...). Now: Child mortality in Sweden.

2003-01-30 Thread Gabriel Rocha
| PS - the infant mortality statistics are bogus; they are a
| record-keeping artefact. Other countries (notably Sweden, to which the
| USA is always being compared) don't "count" a child as born until it has
| reached a certain age (three weeks in Sweden). Guess when most infant
| deaths occur?

Well, I got curious about the statement above so I went and checked.
Well, I proxy-checked. A co-worker is a swede and I asked him to write
and ask them what they had to say. At least as far as
(Sweden's central office of statistics (the title loses a bit in the
translation, but it is an oficial .gov body that does, well,
statistics)) is concerned, infant deaths start counting as soon as the
baby is born. Below is the exchange from my colleague and the person at
the scb listed as a contact person on the website. (note that the
website is also available in english...) --Gabe

PS-The swedish characters get mangled by my mail client. If anyone
actually reades swedish and would like to see a html version of the
message (the only thing I altered was the email of my co-worker) I will
gladly post the message on a website somewhere. 

-Original Message-
From: *Befolkningsstatistik [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]=20
Sent: Thursday, January 30, 2003 10:59 AM
To: ola nordbeck
Subject: SV: Sp=E4dbarnsd=F6dlighet


sp=E4dbarnsd=F6dlighet =3D antalet barn som d=F6r under f=F6rsta =
levnads=E5ret. 2001
var sp=E4dbarnsd=F6dligheten i Sverige 3,4 per 1000 levande f=F6dda. Det =
en tabell i publikationen "Befolkningsstatistik del 4", tab 4.12,
"Sp=E4dbarnsd=F6dligheten p=E5 1000 levanade f=F6dda 1951-2001" d=E4r =
man indelar
d=F6dligheten "Under f=F6rsta levnadsdygnet, f=F6rsta levnadsveckan, =
levnadsm=E5naden etc, men "sp=E4dbarnd=F6dlighet" g=E4ller generellt =
f=F6rsta levnads=E5ret.=20

V=E4nliga H=E4lsningar/Yours Sincerely,=20
Margareta Larsson=20
Befolkningsstatistiken/Population Statistics=20
Phone: +46 19 176594=20
fax: +46 19 176942=20
e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]=20

-Ursprungligt meddelande-
Fr=E5n: ola nordbeck 
Skickat: den 30 januari 2003 10:35
Till: *Befolkningsstatistik
=C4mne: Sp=E4dbarnsd=F6dlighet


Enligt en kollega sa skulle scb m=E4ta Sp=E4dbarnsd=F6dlighet forst =
efter 3
veckan efter fodseln. Enligt er definition sa skulle =
avse samtliga d=F6dsfall som intr=E4ffar f=F6re ett =E5rs =E5lder. Ar =
samtliga dodsfall eller ar min kollegas uppgifter riktiga.


Ola nordbeck

[ Foundstone Labs Advisory - Remotely Exploitable Buffer Overflow in PGP]

2002-09-07 Thread Gabriel Rocha

- Forwarded message from Foundstone Labs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

Date: Fri, 6 Sep 2002 10:54:17 -0700
From: "Foundstone Labs" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:  Foundstone Labs Advisory - Remotely Exploitable Buffer Overflow in PGP

Foundstone Labs Advisory - 090502-PCRO

Advisory Name:  Remotely Exploitable Buffer Overflow in PGP
 Release Date:  September 5, 2002
  Application:  PGP Corporate Desktop 7.1.1
Platforms:  Windows 2000/XP
 Severity:  Remote code execution and plaintext passphrase
  Vendors:  PGP Corporation (
  Authors:  Tony Bettini ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
CVE Candidate:  CAN-2002-0850


In many locations where PGP handles files, the length of the filename is
properly checked. As a result, PGP Corporate Desktop will crash if a
attempts to encrypt or decrypt a file with a long filename. A remote
may create an encrypted document, that when decrypted by a user running
would allow for remote commands to be executed on the client's computer.

Detailed Description:

A malicious attacker could create a filename containing:
<196 bytes><9 bytes><29 bytes>

The attacker would then encrypt the file using the public key of the
target user. In many cases, public keys often contain banners of the
utilized PGP client software and its associated version.

The encrypted archive could then be sent to the target user; potentially
via a Microsoft Outlook attachment. The email attachment could have a 
filename such as "foryoureyesonly.pgp" or "confidential.pgp". When the
unsuspecting user decrypts the archive (either via autodecrypt or
manual), the
overflow will occur if the file within the archive has a long filename.

In some cases the attacker may also obtain the passphrase of the target
PGP crashes immediately after the decryption of the malicious file and
the memory containing the passphrase is overwritten.

Vendor Response:

PGP has issued a fix for this vulnerability, it is available at:

Foundstone would like to thank PGP for their cooperation with the
of this vulnerability.


We recommend applying the vendor patch.


The information contained in this advisory is copyright (c) 2002 
Foundstone, Inc. and is believed to be accurate at the time of 
publishing, but no representation of any warranty is given, 
express, or implied as to its accuracy or completeness. In no 
event shall the author or Foundstone be liable for any direct, 
indirect, incidental, special, exemplary or consequential 
damages resulting from the use or misuse of this information.  
This advisory may be redistributed, provided that no fee is 
assigned and that the advisory is not modified in any way.

- End forwarded message -

Re: Tax consequences of becoming a US citizen

2002-07-09 Thread Gabriel Rocha

On Wed, Jul 10, at 03:30AM, Anonymous wrote:
| The question really is:  Suppose one becomes a US citizen, and
| then resides outside the US.  Then is money on earned on assets
| outside the US taxable by US authorities.

Yes it is. If you are a US citizen your income can be taxed anywhere in
the world. However, there is a trick here, there is a certain ammount (I
believe it to be around $80k) up to which you're exempt from taxation.

| If, on the other hand, after being a resident for a while, and
| paying taxes on money earned while in the US, one leaves the US
| and resides somewhere else, retaining some US assets, is the money
| earned on non US assets taxable?  Is income of a non US resident,
| on non US assets, earning non US income taxable?  Would it be
| taxable if that person had been so careless as to become a US
| citizen during his stay in the US?

As far as I know, all money made in the US (investments or otherwise)
are taxable as US income. Where the "owner" of the money resides is

| So do I get eligible for imperial taxes anywhere in the world
| merely by staying in the US a while, having a green card and
| paying US taxes, or do I only get eligible for imperial taxes
| anywhere in the world by taking US citizenship?

This question has multiple parts. First off, you can't have a green card
and not be a US resident. The requirements for both go hand in hand, if
you stay out of the US long enough to not be taxed, you're also out of
the US long enough to lose your green card. Likewise, if you get US
citizenship, you're subject to being taxed anywhere in the world. (see
the paragraph above)

Re: Tax consequences of becoming a US citizen.

2002-07-09 Thread Gabriel Rocha

On Tue, Jul 09, at 05:11PM, Tim May wrote:
| Mexico does not allow _any_ noncitizen to work!

Two point. I did not know that about Mexico (I did say it was made about
the countries I knew about.) Switzerland and Brasil both allow student
visa holders to work, albeit with restrictions. Likewise for other EU

| Except for folks of either a) substantial resources, b) connected with a 
| U.S. employer. But try visiting a Mexican city and applying for a job at 
| a restaurant, bookstore, whatever. This was a plot element in "The 
| Treasure of the Sierra Madre," more than 50 years ago, and it remains 
| true today. It is also difficult for non-citizens to work in many 
| European nations.

I would imagine that people with or without a work permit would be able
to find work at some mexican restaurants. That is the case the world
over, I don't see why Mexico would be different here.

| Meanwhile, like I said, see how long you live as an illegal alien in 
| Mexico or Nicaragua, and see if they will issue a work permit.

I wholeheartedly agree with you, but then again, not too many countries
have an economy that has as large a population of illegal workers as
| The U.S. is fucked up, to be sure, but talking about other countries 
| making it easier for foreigners to work is mostly nonsense.

It may well be nonsense. But my opinions are expressed as based on my
personal experience in other countries and this one.

Re: Tax consequences of becoming a US citizen

2002-07-09 Thread Gabriel Rocha

On Wed, Jul 10, at 03:20AM, Nomen Nescio wrote:
| Are you saying that if someone is legally resident in the US for a
| while, the US IRS will attempt to get his assets all over the
| world forever?  I find this hard to believe.

For a specific time period, this is absolutely true. Hard to believe,
sure, real anyway? Yes. But there is an income cap somewhere, it may
vary, but I suspect it to be like the $80k you get tax exempt.

Re: Tax consequences of becoming a US citizen.

2002-07-09 Thread Gabriel Rocha

On Tue, Jul 09, at 02:02PM, Tim May wrote:
| Why do you think a person without a green card is exempt from IRS 
| jurisdiction?

I should have been clearer. I was speaking for his specific case, but as
it was pointed out, it applies to people who don't come here to work.

| Unless one's stay is a short one (see below), income or other money 
| earned while in the U.S. (and maybe earned outside the U.S. if the IRS 
| can make a nexus case) is taxable. Illegal aliens are supposed to file 
| tax returns...and they certainly don't have green cards!

Nor do they have Social Security numbers, or worker's rights, but that's
another issue.

| There are some exemptions, for student visa persons and athletes 
| competing in games, but basically the idea is that you owe tax on money 
| earned in the U.S., regardless of citizenship, green card, or other 
| status.

The US is one of the few countries that I know of (or about) that do not
allow people ona  student permit to work.

| I think this is terrible advice. Becoming a U.S. citizen exposes a 
| person to not only the _current year_ tax scheme but also the "for ten 
| years after you leave the U.S." tax scheme. (Yes, any U.S. citizen who 
| moves anywhere in the world must, technically, file U.S. tax returns for 
| 10 years after leaving. And pay various kinds of taxes, though the 
| amount may be different from what he would have paid had he remained in 
| the U.S.)

Well, going back to his specific case. His options are slim. He already
holds a green card, that makes him a US citizen as far as tax laws are
concerned. (note that you cannot legally keep a green card and not meet
the tax residency requirements)
| Also, a person having extensive offshore (outside the U.S.) assets may 
| well find his assets are now taxable in the U.S. And for those with 
| capital assets not taxed in their home countries (e.g., Germany, Japan), 
| this may be quite a shock.

This applies wether he is a US citizen or not, green card holder or not,
Sealand citizen or not. Once the IRS sinkstheir claws into you, you're
screwed. Even if you give up your green card, you are still subject to
them for awhile. (A friend in Switzerland had a great deal of fun after
giving up his green card and still being contacted by the IRS)

| A U.S. passport buys almost no protection. The U.S. will not defend its 
| citizens, only its imperialist interests.

More so now than ever, I do have a tendency to agree with you. But, as
someone whose passport is not the pretty blue book that yours is, I
disagree. "Protection" is a relative term, show up in Russia and you're
kinda screwed one way or another, but show up in Genneva, Switzerland
and get stopped by the police, (or any other first world country) and
start speaking something other than English (or the local language) and
you will have a hard time. Specially in Europe, they have massive
profiling of foreigners and even if US Citizens may get a hard time just
fr being American, by far and alot, that blue passport will most
certainly get you out of a jam or keep you from being thrust into it.
Like it or not, the US passport is well respected throughout the world
("respect" also being very relative.) I have had a few occasions where I
would have been very screwed as a Brazillian, but got off well because
people thought I was American. It matters, even if the .gov won't come
to your rescue lance ablaze sitting on a white horse. 

Re: Tax consequences of becoming a US citizen.

2002-07-09 Thread Gabriel Rocha

On Tue, Jul 09, at 11:52AM, An Metet wrote:
| What are the tax implications of a US resident green card holder, with substantial 
|assets both in his original nation and in the US, of becoming a US citizen?

Well, think positive because you're already screwed. If you have a
greencard, you're tax implications are the same (or have been for me
thus far) as a US citizen. if you have a green card, you can either give
it up (for the loss of legal tax juridsdiction of the IRS over you) or
get a US citizenship since you're already in their jurisdiction anyway.

Re: Markets (was Re: Hayek was right. Twice.)

2002-07-03 Thread Gabriel Rocha

On Thu, Jul 04, at 01:26AM, Sampo Syreeni wrote:
| >I can't see a market defined as anything else than "private property and
| >voluntary exchange".
| Then you really must be blind. Markets not based on private property or
| volition abound. The political process is one of them. Social control is
| another. Gift economies, like Open Source, are a third. One might claim
| most markets are based on something other than the above mentioned
| combination.

Property does not always consist of physical goods. Case in point would
be the encrypted bits. To use some of your examples, the polical process
involves votes, which are the property of the person casting the
ballots, likewise, at least in this country, ballots are cast
voluntarily. "Gift economics." Who coined that phrase? Don't take credit
for it, it is a stupid term. Time and effort are both considered
"property" to be used as deemed fit by the person possessing, in this
case, the skills to use them on an Open Source (the volunteer kind,
since you can't seem to grasp that there are Open Source projects that
make money.) 

| It does indeed. But unlike movies, Linux is a modular project. The kernel
| would exist in the absence of the GNU toolset, and vice versa. X would
| exist in the absence of UNIX, too. Each of the common desktop applications
| could very well have been coded on top of something else than Linux.

You're too ignorant to be replied to, I wish I hadn't wasted the time,
but I digress. I can't think many things more modular than movies,
except perhaps theatre, but movies have even more latitude. Actors can't
be switched? Sets can't be constructed out of "nothing" on a computer
screen? Movies can't be made with virtually no budget? Get a clue.

| Why is it that there's no Buzz for Linux? No decent installer? (Not one of
| them survives my hardware...) No workable Unicode support? A stable 64-bit
| filesystem? Why is nobody willing to guarantee kernel stability, even when
| paid big bucks? 'Cause the project is a gift, and only caters to a single
| kind of need: something an individual developer/company really needs and
| can afford to develop for him/itself, then losing little by exposing the
| code to others. Usefulness thinly spread over a considerable user
| community is completely forgotten.

As someone who actually helps people with unix problems and who is a
unix user, I want to let you know that you fall into the "stupid user"
category if you can't get a linux distro to install on your computer.
Linux is a new breed of project, if you want it and it really matters to
you, the argument goes that you would either do it, (if you're capable,
but you clearly aren't) or you pay someone else to do it. (this falls
into the heading of "put your money where your mouth is.") Throw in the
fact that "usefulness" is an entirely relative term, and you have a
really poor argument. 

| Well, what stupid people they are. I wouldn't go anywhere as far as
| gettimg myself killed for the common good. Even paying for software I can
| just copy is a stretch. What makes you think most people care enough to Do
| the Right Thing? What makes you think relying on Doing the Right Thing is
| a good idea? I mean, it's been tried before, and the consequences aren't
| worth a second look.

Well, here you show your ignorance of economics again. ( on this one
point, don't feel too bad, though you are ignorant, you're in a league
that is very well populated ) First off, not everyone is motivated by
financial gain. "profit" is not necessarily a financial thing, when
someone stops and helps you out when you have a flat, the odds are that
they are not expecting you to pay them for their help. When someone
helps you install linux on your computer, they aren't likely to expect
financial remuneration, specially if you go to one of the great many
Linux User Groups throughout this country and many others. Often the
economic argument made is that people do what is in their best interest.
The problem that arises is when people who aren't very bright (hint,
hint) assume that that means financial reward of some kind. People are
complex creatures, to presume that financial gain is the only motivation
for people is a tad naive.

| Indeed they are. So are ones assuming that anything not profitable to a
| single person couldn't be to a larger number of individuals. Like most
| things, private property rights and economic theory based solely on
| bilateral trade are a matter of continuous dispute. It's not that I don't
| consider them useful (I do; nowadays you could call me, too, a
| libertarian), but taking them as granted isn't the way to go, either.

Well, libertarians usually, though not always, go along with free
markets, which is not what you're advocating. Usually, any economic
theory that assumes that anything could have no value to anyone is
wrong. Basic relativity (in the subjective sense) states otherwise.
Bilateral trade is the only kind of exchange in a 

Re: maximize best case, worst case, or average case? (TCPA

2002-07-01 Thread Gabriel Rocha

On Mon, Jul 01, at 10:10PM, Anonymous wrote:
| Brilliant.  Let the market solve the problem.  Why bother with the auction
| part, then?  If the market's going to solve the problem for the 2nd guy
| to hold the copy, why not let it solve the problem for the 1st?  The fact
| is, quoting this mantra is simply a way of avoiding the hard issues.
| You've got to show *how* the market is going to solve the problem.
| Why would content creators get "a lot of money, cash"?  Obviously, only
| if your #2 guy knows that he is also going to get a lot of money for it.
| So you haven't taken a step towards solving the problem; you have simply
| handed the problem off from #1 to #2.

Actually, this is not a question for the individual person, rather a
rhetorical question. Did anyone know how much television would change
the radio industry? In fact, for the first several years after its
inception, TV was a money losing business. The question of *how* doesn't
need to be answered now (this is a proverbial "now" which actually means
ever or "for a long time to come.") In fact, we have these problems now
and they don't seem to retard the economy in any way, rare anythings
pose this problem everyday. In fact, relative values pose this "problem"
everyday. Ever hear  "One man's trash is another man's treasure"?

| The fact is that the market can't solve this kind of problem.  That's
| right, markets are not perfect.  They do fine for ordinary, private
| goods.  But information objects, absent successful DRM restrictions,
| are effectively public goods.  That is, you can't restrict their
| dissemination.  If you try to provide such goods only to a small group
| of people, you've effectively given them to everyone.

Well, since markets are made up of individual people going about their
business to create the market as a whole, I don't see any problems with
this whatsoever. Joe Musician knows that this is the way music works. In
the olden days, people copied music from one another by word of mouth
over and over, songs were "stolen" by musicians and played for other
audiences. The musical business wasn't the joke that it is today. Back
then, it was accepted that music is sound and sound, well, can be
repeated, if not by a recording on a cassette or cd, then by voice. It
isn't a market problem that some people don't get their way. Nor is it a
good idea to have the government dictate who gets what in a free and
willing exchange scenario. Joe Musician does not have to play his music
or "give it" to anyone (imagine the hoopla when someone records a live
show) he does so willingly and of his own free will. Are we to accept
that because he doesn't feel he gets enough for his music that we should
bank the cost of having it mandated that we pay Joe? If he doesn't get
enough for his music, he is free to NOT release it, DON'T publish the
damn thing and stop bitching. I mock those who present reports showing
that the market didn't correspond to previously created models. Markets
aren't wrong folks, the models are.

| This idea of digital content as a public good is developed in detail at
| Markets do not handle public goods well. 

Markets are people, people don't handle public goods well. Perhaps
because people as a whole see the inpracticality of restricting access
to goods that are, well, public. Maybe there is a lesson to be learned
there somewhere.

| Kelsey and Schneier's Street Performer protocol don't work because of 
| free riders.

This is interesting. Just about every system in the world has free
riders. This country has "free riders" that are tax-evaders, car
thieves, you name it the standard, society has someone who doesn't abide
by it. That does not in any way make a system "broken." That the system
has flaws is to be expected, unless he who designed the system doesn't
recognize basic human mistakes. Systems with free riders are not
necessarily broken systems, nor are systems without free riders
necessarily working ones.

| The traditional way to provide for public goods is by government.
| If we don't get DRM, that's probably what we will end up with: government
| subsidies of the arts.  Most musicians and other artists won't be able to
| make enough money to live on even if their works are relatively popular.
| The government will have to tax consumers and distribute the proceeds
| to artists (and the RIAA, etc) in order to protect the content industry.

There is no "content industry" in the tradional market sense. Such an
industry is a fiction created by government exerting control far and
beyond the original intent of government itself. It is proposterous that
because a small group of people cannot get what they want by free
association, they manage to get what they want by manipulating the law
to their benefit. Don't get me wrong, there is a market for content and
music, as long as someone puts a subjective value to a song, there will
be a content ma

Re: Time to unsubscribe...

2001-12-24 Thread Gabriel Rocha

On Tue, Dec 25, at 05:56AM, Dr. Evil wrote:
| Basically half the posts to this list are incoherent, idiotic rambling
| from [EMAIL PROTECTED] and ravage@...  The few bits of wonderfully
| interesting news on this list aren't quite wonderful enough to
| motivate me to figure out how to use mail filters.  If someone knows
| of a filtered version of this list, please let me know.

procmail is your friend.

Re: : Re: How do you sleep?

2001-12-13 Thread Gabriel Rocha

Would Declan be more effective in your mind if he started throwing
rocks at a MacDonalds arch on Pennsylvania Avenue? Somehow I see his
contributions to any movement I would be associated with as being a
little more worthwhile than what you have written/done that I have
read||about. --Gabe

Re: Fwd: Imagine Bob owns an ISP...

2001-12-09 Thread Gabriel Rocha

| I thought the following question might be of interest: Imagine Bob owns an 
| ISP. Bob doesn't like government agencies very much and has (yet) no 
| surveillence equipment installed. Alice now makes a contract with Bob that he 
| provides internet access to Alice and she pays for it. If Bob is forced to 
| install Carnivore-like equipment or anything of the like, he promises to tell 
| Alice immediately. If he doesn't and Alice finds out, he has to pay [insert 
| very large sum here] $ to Alice.
Presumably, this would be a legal contract and would have a basis in
court, I have no idea how that would work however.

| Now what happens when Bob is legally (or otherwise) forced to make his 
| network a "patriotic" one and isn't allowed to tell Alice?
| (as it is proposed in this "Convention on Cyber-Crime" by the European Union; 
| at least that is my reading, which may very well be wrong; but in fact it is 
| of no relevance here)

In title 2 of the USA/PATRIOT Act, not only are ISP remunerated for
the costs incurred in the "patriotification" (is that even a word?)
of his network, but the whole process is voluntary on Bob's part
and, should Bob choose to pursue this course of action, nothing he
does can be brought against him. He is exempted and in some cases
prohibited, by law to tell Alice about the whole thing. Wether or
not this works out, legally and which law has precedence, the
contract that was pre-existing or the anti-terrorist measure will be
more important, only a judge will decide when and if it does go to
court. Check out the actual text of the USA/PaATRIOT Act, titles 2
and 8 are particularly alarming, not the others aren't as well, but
2 and 8 hit home for me at least. --Gabe

Re: down hard...

2001-12-04 Thread Gabriel Rocha

On Tue, Dec 04, at 09:36PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| 18 (  121 ms
| (  115 ms
| (  113 ms
| 19  * * (  104 ms !H
| 20 (  79 ms !H *
| (  92 ms !H

ssz may entirely be up, but routers before them seem pretty fucked

Re: Moving beyond "Reputation"--the Market View of Reality

2001-11-25 Thread Gabriel Rocha

On Sun, Nov 25, at 05:24PM, Morlock Elloi wrote:
| Are you saying that governments are providing a valuable service by propping up
| arbitrary prohibitions and thus establish a value system against which we can
| bang our heads ?

If you got that out of the quote you left in the email I am lost ;-p
But as a general rule, no. Keeping in mind of course that "value" is
subjective, because arbitrary regulations are in fact very valuable,
ask the Kennedys. The problem with prohibitions (which are never
arbitrary) is that they make for an uneven playing field in the
great game of "The free Market" thus hurting the whole, but often
there are those (few though they may be) who profit from
prohibitions. --Gabe

Churchill, Winston Leonard Spencer --On the eve of Britain's entry
into World War II:
"If you will not fight for right when you can easily win 
without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be 
sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will 
have to fight with all odds against you and only a precarious 
chance of survival. There may be even a worse fate. You may have 
to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to 
perish than to live as slaves.

Re: Moving beyond "Reputation"--the Market View of Reality

2001-11-25 Thread Gabriel Rocha

On Sun, Nov 25, at 03:05PM, Tim May wrote
| Thus, what is the "reputation of the dollar"? Is it because of foolproof 
| anti-forgery measures? Is it because of the laws of the U.S.? Etc.?
| No, it is a kind of collective hallucination.
It is not a "Collective hallucination" unless you take into account
the fact that the dollar (substittute your local fiat currency here)
is nothing more than a piece of paper issued by the US government
with no guarantees whatsoever of its redeemability at any given
point in time.

| All crypto is economics. All money is based on belief. All a matter of 
| "betting," of risk/benefit analysis. Related concepts, of course.

Money isn't so much a "belief" as it is a medium of exchange. I do
agree that it is the de facto medium of exchange because of the
belief that people put into the fact that they will be able to
exchange it for other things later on, but I believe that is
actually besides the point depending on how you refer to money.
Money as was the case 150 years ago was not really a betting idea.
Money was gold, gold was money and gold was not only money, it was
also a tangible item in and of itself. Perhaps during the times of
100% gold backed currency (I mean the Rothbard idea of banks being
nothing more than warehouses) there was  belief system somewhere,
but even then, "money" was actually gold substitute, the "dollar"
meant nothing more than a certain quantity of gold. Perhaps in
todays world you are right in the idea that money is nothing more
than a hallucination, I agree with that statement even. But I would
venture into saying that the world we live in today is a hystorical
exception, in no other time than in the last hundred (ok, hundred
and one, almost two) was money represented in such meaningless terms
as it is now, with nothing to back it up. (even gold was never
backed up by anything other than belief in its tradeability, but
then gold is "useful" and "valued" for others uses than trading.
What "use" is a dollar bill? Perhaps the Swiss Franc has artistic
value, but if you're not cold and in dire need of something to burn
for warmth, todays "money" is for all intents and purposes useles.)

| Back to reputations.
| Thus, there is no fixed "reputation" of either a person, an idea, or a 
| unit of value. Everything is a matter of belief, of expectation...
There is nothing fixed in this world, if you have no boundries set.
If everything is a belief or expectation, I would have to say that
some beliefs and some expectations are stronger than others...some
by orders of magnatude.

| Digital money is just one facet of this worldview.

I would still say that the reputation problem is one of the greatest
of the problems facing digital money, govenments aside. Perhaps the
problem should be referred to as bad PR instead. (Digital money needs a
better marketting department.) 

No offense intended, but other than a few points in the email, I
failed to miss the punchline. --Gabe

Churchill, Winston Leonard Spencer --On the eve of Britain's entry
into World War II:
"If you will not fight for right when you can easily win 
without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be 
sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will 
have to fight with all odds against you and only a precarious 
chance of survival. There may be even a worse fate. You may have 
to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to 
perish than to live as slaves.

Re: Business 'rights' and free markets

2001-11-07 Thread Gabriel Rocha

On Tue, Nov 06, at 05:42PM, Marcel Popescu wrote:
| And in this, he gave way to David Friedman and the like. Hayek is the least
| Austrian of the Austrians. Look to Mises - or better yet, to Rothbard - to
| find a much better Austrian.

By and by, "better" is a relative term...

| You're still incredibly deluded. Even Hayek (bad as he is) would have
| supported someone's decision NOT to sell to someone else, your rethoric
| notwithstanding. 

You didn't need to go past your first sentence here.

| BTW, do you have anything else besides "Tim is wrong"? (And
| I'm no fan of Tim.)

He has nothing else, see above.


"It's not brave, if you're not scared."

Re: Business 'rights' and free markets

2001-11-07 Thread Gabriel Rocha

On Tue, Nov 06, at 09:19AM, Tim May wrote:
| Bluntly, when Choate makes strange claims about math, history, physics, 
| and economics, it's never worth the time to try to correct his many 
| wrong-headed (in our reality) ideas and definitions.

Thank you for helping me see the light. I have pondered adding Choate to
a killfile recently, but it is not worth the trouble, just move on to
next message when I see something from him...But it sure is fun
sometimes to point out how ignorant he is or acts or tries to come off
as being. Besides, I am bored alot. :) --Gabe

"It's not brave, if you're not scared."

Re: Mail filters in qmail?

2001-11-07 Thread Gabriel Rocha

On Tue, Nov 06, at 11:27PM, Declan McCullagh wrote:
| Put this in your procmail.rc file before your cypherpunks rule:
| Insert in the new $PMDIR/kill.rc file something like this:
| :0:
| * ^From:.*?ravage@.*?*
| trash/

Make sure you add the leading slash to denote Maildir as opposed to

Churchill, Winston Leonard Spencer --On the eve of Britain's entry
into World War II:
"If you will not fight for right when you can easily win 
without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be 
sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will 
have to fight with all odds against you and only a precarious 
chance of survival. There may be even a worse fate. You may have 
to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to 
perish than to live as slaves.

Re: Business 'rights' and free markets

2001-11-06 Thread Gabriel Rocha

On Mon, Nov 05, at 07:44PM, Jim Choate wrote:
| What does it take to create a 'free market'? Hayeks says 'perfect
| competition'.

Here you go using a Good Name(tm) in vain...again.
| What is 'perfect competition'?

"Perfect Competition" is not an Austrian idea,
in fact, it is an idea that has been refuted by many Austrians in
the past as it is not characteristic of the real world.
| 3. Complete knowledge of the relevant factors on the part of all
|participants in the market."

"Complete Knowledge" is precisely what Hayek was refuting when he
proclaimed the idea of local knowledge, since no one can know at all
times what happens all around him, much less the next person.

| Individualism and Economic Order
| F.A. Hayek
| ISBN 0-225-32093-6
| Chapter V
| The Meaning of 'Competition'

Did you actually read it? Or did you gather this information off of
an Amazon book review blurb?

| The reality is that Tim's believe that he can refuse to serve a customer
| because they hold or perhaps practice some action that (while not
| involving him or his property directly, only his apparently fragile
| emotional ego) he finds offensive is within the bounds of free market
| econoimics is just plain crap.

Tim's refusal to service whoever he wishes is directly related to
the free market. By the same token that Tim is free to not service
anyone he wishes, so too is anyone who opposes this attitude free to
not shop at Tim's shop.

| Hayek's views on fascism and socialism are well known, and not positive.
| What Tim proposes is nothing more than fascism at the individual level.

Where do you get this stuff? Do you make it up as you go along?

Churchill, Winston Leonard Spencer --On the eve of Britain's entry
into World War II:
"If you will not fight for right when you can easily win 
without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be 
sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will 
have to fight with all odds against you and only a precarious 
chance of survival. There may be even a worse fate. You may have 
to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to 
perish than to live as slaves.


2001-10-31 Thread Gabriel Rocha

On Wed, Oct 31, at 09:57AM, John Young wrote:
| Mothermary, there's nothing like logs to boost paranoia, and 
| depression that nobody gives a FF except rampaging
| bots endlessly shredding your shaggers and OBB.

In my time I have found that keeping logs of internet activities is
an activity best left for businesses and even then, it can be a
double edged sword. It would be hard to subpena logs I don't
keep...besides, they are nothing but a troublesome waste of space...

Churchill, Winston Leonard Spencer --On the eve of Britain's entry
into World War II:
"If you will not fight for right when you can easily win 
without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be 
sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will 
have to fight with all odds against you and only a precarious 
chance of survival. There may be even a worse fate. You may have 
to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to 
perish than to live as slaves.


2001-10-31 Thread Gabriel Rocha

On Wed, Oct 31, at 06:52AM, John Young wrote:
| Anybody have information about this FBI operation,
| which siphoned about 1/5 of Cryptome this AM:
| IP address:
| MAS (NETBLK-UU-65-207-53)
| 935 Pennsylvania Ave NW
| Washington, DC 20535
| US
| Netname: UU-65-207-53
| Netblock: -
| Coordinator:
|Dastur, Brian  (BD680-ARIN)  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Record last updated on 17-Aug-2001.
| Database last updated on 31-Oct-2001 02:58:21 EDT.
| The siphon drained the site non-stop from 4:01 AM to 4:23 AM EST.

How many mirrors do you have John? 

Churchill, Winston Leonard Spencer --On the eve of Britain's entry
into World War II:
"If you will not fight for right when you can easily win 
without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be 
sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will 
have to fight with all odds against you and only a precarious 
chance of survival. There may be even a worse fate. You may have 
to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to 
perish than to live as slaves.

George Mason U. adopts a free-market philosophy to an unusual degree

2001-10-24 Thread Gabriel Rocha

George Mason U. adopts a free-market philosophy to an unusual degree

   Eric Winig   Staff Reporter
   While the U.S. economy continues to sink, the majority of economists
   are scratching their heads, unable to divine why low interest rates
   and fiscal stimulus are failing to revive consumer spending. Most,
   however, predict those old fixes will eventually work their magic
   But to a small school of economists, the U.S. downturn is no mystery.
   Indeed, they were expecting such an event long before George W. Bush
   and Al Gore tangled in Florida last year.
   Credit-induced booms inevitably turn to busts, they say. Because
   people cannot forever spend more than they earn, such a situation will
   always lead eventually to a period of contraction in which debts must
   be worked off and savings rebuilt.
   Those economists belong to a school of thought known as "Austrian
   economics," founded in Austria in the late 19th century and introduced
   to America in the early 1900s. Austrian economics is basically a a
   strong adherence to free-market economics without government
   As many Austrian economists see it, the boom years of the late 1990s
   were not a "new era," nor a new economy, but instead a period when
   cheap credit and abundant capital convinced individuals and
   corporations to borrow like mad. Much of this money, meanwhile, was
   used for what turned out to be poor investments.
   Although stock prices have since come down significantly, the debts
   amassed from all that borrowing remain, choking off any economic
   recovery before it can begin. As far as most Austrians are concerned,
   such imbalances must be corrected before the economy can begin to grow
   It sounds like a simple concept, yet to most who practice economics
   for a living Austrian economists are a fringe group. In large part
   that is because the Austrian argument against any government
   intervention in the market makes most economists -- and their vaunted
   economic forecasts -- irrelevant.
   In fact, the only doctoral program in the country with a dedicated
   Austrian program is at George Mason University in Fairfax.
Something of a mission

   The university's Program on Markets and Institutions -- part of the
   James M. Buchanan Center for Political Economy
   ([52] -- is run by Karen Vaughn and Peter
   Boettke. And to those with Austrian leanings, GMU is akin to a port in
   a violent storm.
   "It's a place where you find people who think like you," says
   Veronique deRugy, a French native who crossed the pond to do
   post-doctoral work at GMU and now works for The Cato Institute
   ([53], a D.C.-based public policy foundation with
   a libertarian philosophy.
   "I was one of the rare Austrian economists in France," she says, "so
   it seemed like a logical place to go."
   Most of the program's students are Americans -- unusual for a graduate
   school -- and were introduced to Austrian economics by a professor in
   college. While they don't expect to score a tenured position at
   Harvard, most students know exactly what they are getting into.
   "I don't expect to be teaching a class called `Austrian Economics,'"
   says Edward Stringham, who is finishing his doctorate at GMU.
   Stringham, like many students, hopes to go someplace where he can
   teach economics with a free-market bent, even if his class will be
   slightly different from the school's other offerings.
   In fact, there are many such professors out there, including a good
   number from GMU. And most view their task as something of a mission.
   "The task facing Austrians is to take our theories and get them out
   there," says Steven Horowitz, associate professor of economics at St.
   Lawrence University in New York and a former GMU student. "I can name
   a dozen schools that have tenured Austrian economists there. We're
   putting our roots down in academia."
A credibility hurdle

   Although Austrian economics can be defined loosely as a free-market
   ideology, some stress this is not an entirely accurate
   Austrian economics provides "a deep appreciation of the markets" that
   is critical for one to arrive at any economic conclusions, whether
   free-market or otherwise, Boettke says.
   Scott Beaulier, a second-year doctoral student, says, "If you want to
   criticize the mainstream, you've got to know it inside and out."
   One of the main hurdles for all Austrian economists is to establish
   credibility in a world that views their beliefs as suspect, at best.
   In truth, many economists hold some Austrian-style views, yet the mere
   mention of the Austrian school causes their eyes to glaze over.
   "No one is out there saying `I am now an Austrian," 

Re: Retribution not enough

2001-10-22 Thread Gabriel Rocha

On Mon, Oct 22, at 10:27AM, Tim May wrote:
| This is one of the problems with the whole "Economics" prize. There's 
| not even a prize in _mathematics_, fer chrissake, so why one in 
| _economics_? Alfred Nobel certainly did not endow an economics prize. 
| (The econ prize gets its money from some other source.)
| The Econ prize was only established in the 70s, and now the prize 
| committee is reaching down deeper into the ranks.
| Maybe it's time for them to admit that creating the prize was a 
| political move in the first place and it should now be retired, or cut 
| back to a prize only when it is really warranted.

The time for that is past...look at the priye winners this year to
see a list of people, none of which did any work which was entirely
original. (disclaimer, i am talking about econ and sciences as i
havent seen anything on the other people.)
| Most chip and computer engineers are not unionized (the union meaning, 
| not the plasma meaning). This works well.
| Some engineers have formed professional societies. These are _nominally_ 
| to "ensure professional standards." But critics point to their role as a 
| rate-limiting, rent-seeking group. Doctors and lawyers, most notably, 
| use professional societies as unions.

If the "society" is in fact for the purpose of creating a common
market agreed upon standard, then it is a good thing, if it imposes
standards on third parties who are not willing to comply to those
standards, either organiyation is a Bad Thing(tm).

| The blue-collar worker also has a fair amount of "bargaining power." He 
| is paid less, usually, but his relative value to the employer is what he 
| is paid. A machine tool worker may not have much power to "demand more 
| money," but neither does an engineer, or even a security expert!

Too bad the blue-collar workforce doesnt figure this out for
themselves, rather than bitching they are poorly treated.

| The traditional labor union threatens mass action, typically a strike or 
| walkout or slowdown. The usual theory is that this protects them from 
| retaliation because a plant would have to fire _all_ striking workers, 
| with dire consequences for them.
| This is false, as factories can and do move to other states, other 
| nations.

As well it should. Money goes where it is well treated. If the
striking workers would prefer to do with no paycheck and having the
right to go on strike, that is their choice. I have a problem when
laws mandate that the business not do this or be fined. That is
fucked up in my mind. Equal rights for all, not just for the

| (The U.S. was a low-wage haven compared to England, in textiles. It also 
| "stole" the intellectual property of the mills in England. Ironically, 
| the same southern states (Georgia, South Carolina, etc.) that complain 
| so viciously about the Asian and Mexican factories were _themselves_ 
| beneficiaries of the move of factories from New England mill towns to 
| their states. Largely to escape unions and reduce labor costs. Irony 
| squared and cubed.)

The US was also founded on the same principles which the government
is now desperately trying to destroy. I dont foresee the southern
states realiying that hypocrisy is their practice.


Churchill, Winston Leonard Spencer --On the eve of Britain's entry
into World War II:
"If you will not fight for right when you can easily win 
without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be 
sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will 
have to fight with all odds against you and only a precarious 
chance of survival. There may be even a worse fate. You may have 
to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to 
perish than to live as slaves.

Re: Retribution not enough

2001-10-22 Thread Gabriel Rocha

On Mon, Oct 22, at 04:58PM, Julian Assange wrote:
| This years Nobel for Economics won by George A. Akerlof, A.  Michael
| Spence and Joseph E. Stiglitz "for their analysis of markets with
| assymetric information" is typical.

The Nobel priye was won by people who published ideas that nobel
laureate FA Hayek published in the 30's.

| To counter this sort of assymetry. Employees naturally start trying
| to collectivise to increase their information processing and
| bargaining power. That's right. UNIONS Declan. Those devious entities
| that first world companies and governments have had a hand in
| suppressing all over the third world by curtailing freedom of
| association, speech and other basic political rights we take for
| granted.

And yet, if in a union, I am posed a similar question as the
sweatshop worker. Do I dare go against the union and risk being a
pariah, or do i simply follow the herd and fuck over the businessman
whose hand feeds me? There is only asymetry if you presume the
employee to be ignorant, or uneducated or plain outright stupid. If
the exchange is totally voluntary, the owner will present a wage
that the employee may or may not accept along with terms and
conditions, which the employee is also free to accept or decline. 
Granted, in the world of unskilled labor, this doesnt seem as evident, 
but that goes back around the circle on why the work is unskilled and 
why the worker is there. Life handed him a shittier set of choices than
the guy whose hobby was network security and has more bargaining
power at the negotiation table with an employer. I firmly disagree
with the suppression of unions, but by that same token I firmly
disagree that an employer should be mandated to keep an employee who
is a part of a union. It is the employees choice to unioniye, it
should sure as hell be the employers choice to say as Tim so
galantly put it "Fuck Off!".

Churchill, Winston Leonard Spencer --On the eve of Britain's entry
into World War II:
"If you will not fight for right when you can easily win 
without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be 
sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will 
have to fight with all odds against you and only a precarious 
chance of survival. There may be even a worse fate. You may have 
to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to 
perish than to live as slaves.

Re: WTC Photos

2001-10-04 Thread Gabriel Rocha

,[ On Thu, Oct 04, at 12:51PM, John Doe Number Two wrote: ]--
| John was busy playing war tourist, and as any journalist who has covered a
| conflict will tell you, war tourists are some of the lower forms of life one
| can encounter.

John was playing someone who was in the area and was mesmerized by the

| Think pornographer with a flack jacket.

By and by, not what John seems to have been doing, I dont see John going
out of his way to get pictures in a war zone. I do see John going into
the area, because he was told he couldnt and he saw a clear oportunity
to go in with little hassle (as far as going in goes) on his part)

| John shouldn't have been walking inside the crime scene.  The cops treated
| him better than they should have.

The "Cops"(tm) should have actually done their job and guarded the
"crime scene" effectively, that they failed to do so is not John's
problem. Arresting him for picture taking, when it is not a crime in the
book is a tad preposterous in my book, have they arrested any of the
people who took pictures and sold them to CNN? I think not... How about
the amateur camera men who sold their tapes to the networks and even got
to go on TV as talk show guests? And how about destroying the pictures?
Hey, if he was going to be arrested, why destroy the evidence of the
crime? If the arrest was truly legitimate, wouldnt it make sense to
simply keep the memory card as "evidence" ? It was simple harrassment,
they know the photo ban wont stand a try at court... --Gabe

PS- this is the "shit, I wasnt there anyway, so my opinions are just
that" line

"It's not brave, if you're not scared."

Re: cryptome down ?

2001-10-02 Thread Gabriel Rocha is fine,'s dns servers haven't updated. You might
well be using old BIND zone files, if your version of BIND was upgraded,
make sure you check the SOA section of the zone file, as with newer
versions different syntax was used, check out your logs for named errors
on startup. Let me know if that makes any sense. --Gabe

gabe@lurch:~$ whois

Whois Server Version 1.3

Domain names in the .com, .net, and .org domains can now be registered
with many different competing registrars. Go to
for detailed information.

   Domain Name: CRYPTOME.ORG
   Whois Server:
   Referral URL:
   Name Server: NS1.SECURE.NET
   Name Server: NS2.SECURE.NET
   Updated Date: 01-oct-2001

gabe@lurch:~$ host -a NS1.SECURE.NET
Using domain server:

Trying null domain
rcode = 0 (Success), ancount=2
The following answer is not authoritative:
The following answer is not verified as authentic by the server:
cryptome.org114490 IN   NS  NS1.SECURE.NET
cryptome.org114490 IN   NS  NS2.SECURE.NET
For authoritative answers, see:
cryptome.org114490 IN   NS  NS1.SECURE.NET
cryptome.org114490 IN   NS  NS2.SECURE.NET
Additional information:

"It's not brave, if you're not scared."

food fo thought

2001-08-14 Thread Gabriel Rocha

I figure this list is as good a place as any if not better to discuss
this one. It is off of /. today. Just thinking that these ethos do still
apply, in my mind anyway. What needs to happen for them to be true is
education of the general population (Yes, I know it is a naive idea.)
Perhaps the day will come when a great enough (howvere small it may be)
percentage of web users are in f act savvy and somewhat computer
educated to manage to circumvent the bonds placed upon them, wether it
will be legally or not, the times will decide. --gabe

Taming the Web 
By Charles C. Mann September 2001  
"Information wants to be free." "The Internet can't be controlled."
We've heard it so often that we sometimes take for granted that it's
true. But THE INTERNET CAN BE CONTROLLED, and those who argue otherwise
are hastening the day when it will be controlled too much, by the wrong
people, and for the wrong reasons. 

"It's not brave, if you're not scared."

Re: lynx for mirroring? (Re: Advertisements on Web Pages)

2001-08-08 Thread Gabriel Rocha

,[ On Wed, Aug 08, at 12:41PM, Subcommander Bob wrote: ]--
| Can anyone recommend a better tool?
| For wintel?
`[ End Quote ]---

It isnt for wintel proper, but you can run wget under cygwin
( and use wget -m which will give you a full mirror and if
you run it in any kind of timely interval, will even update the
differences for you to keep your mirror up to date. cygwin is very nifty
too, a (semi)full unix enviroment under windows. command line anyway.
hope it helps. --gabe

"It's not brave, if you're not scared."

Trying again...[ [OT] DMCA loop hole]

2001-07-31 Thread Gabriel Rocha

ok, let me try this again... sorry about that. --gabe

- Forwarded message from James Simmons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

Date:   Tue, 31 Jul 2001 21:14:41 -0700 (PDT)
From: James Simmons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Linux Kernel Mailing List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [OT] DMCA loop hole

Sorry this is off topic but this was way to good :-) 

  Virus writers can use the DMCA in a perverse way. Because
   computer viruses are programs, they can be copyrighted just like a
   book, song, or movie. If a virus writer were to use encryption to hide
   the code of a virus, an anti-virus company could be forbidden by the
   DMCA to see how the virus works without first getting the permission
   of the virus writer. If they didn't, a virus writer could sue the
   anti-virus company under the DMCA!

Crap can work. Given enough thrust pigs will fly, but it's not necessary a
good idea. [ Alexander Viro on linux-kernel ]

To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-kernel" in
the body of a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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- End forwarded message -

"It's not brave, if you're not scared."

How would this work? Would it work at all? [ [OT] DMCA loop hole]

2001-07-31 Thread Gabriel Rocha

How plausible would this idea be? --gabe

"It's not brave, if you're not scared."

[demime 0.97c removed an attachment of type message/rfc822]


2001-07-25 Thread Gabriel Rocha

,[ On Mon, Jul 23, at 03:50PM, Black Unicorn wrote: ]--
| Perhaps we should just designate the funds, payable monthly, for every month
| Choate doesn't post anything to the list?
`[ End Quote ]---

Two ideas on this one; it wouldn't be anywhere as much fun as this
thread has been (ok, maybe not everyone sees it that way) and procmail
really is cheaper. --gabe

"It's not brave, if you're not scared."

Re: Adobe, EFF Call for Dmitry Release

2001-07-24 Thread Gabriel Rocha

,[ On Mon, Jul 23, at 07:44PM, John Young wrote: ]--
| Adobe Systems Incorporated and the Electronic Frontier 
| Foundation today jointly recommend the release of Russian 
| programmer Dmitry Sklyarov from federal custody.
| Adobe is also withdrawing its support for the criminal
| complaint against Dmitry Sklyarov.
| "We strongly support the DMCA and the enforcement of
| copyright protection of digital content," said Colleen
| Pouliot, Senior Vice President and General Counsel for
| Adobe. "However, the prosecution of this individual in
| this particular case is not conducive to the best
| interests of any of the parties involved or the
| industry. ElcomSoft's Advanced eBook Processor
| software is no longer available in the United States,
| and from that perspective the DMCA worked. Adobe will
| continue to protect its copyright interests and those
| of its customers."
`[ End Quote ]---

Sadly, this is but a small victory in a big war...The last paragraph
makes it even more so. But it is a happy thing nonetheless. Perhaps the
protests should/could continue? We are full steam ahead now, why not
keep going? --gabe

"It's not brave, if you're not scared."


2001-07-20 Thread Gabriel Rocha

"Shoot twice" - the caption on a Swiss postcard of 1914, depicting a
Swiss militia man being asked by the Kaiser what the Swiss would do if
he sent an army of half a million Germans against the quarter million
Swiss Army.

I like the attitude though. 
"It's not brave, if you're not scared."

Re: Digital Cash

2001-07-11 Thread Gabriel Rocha

,[ On Wed, Jul 11, at 01:30PM, Ray Dillinger wrote: ]--
| Can anybody recommend appropriate reading?
|   Bear
`[ End Quote ]---

its not too much, in fact, it is not precisely what you are looking for.
but check this paper out:
(also check out other papers on the freehaven project, they are working
on prjects which, in theory are similar to what you just described.)
it is about reliabilty in mix net networks, describes a
reliabilty system and (this is the part that might be of interest to
you) it describes potential failures and weak points in a system that is
theoretically similar to yours. hope that helps... --gabe

"It's not brave, if you're not scared."