Re: Pricing Mojo, Integrating PGP, TAZ, and D.C. Cypherpunks

2001-11-20 Thread Matt Elliott

At 6:00 PM -0500 11/20/01, dmolnar wrote:
Does anyone happen to know of real-world current examples like this, in
which some aggregator buys and sells a commodity on an exchange, then
turns around and offers it at a flat rate to end users?

I think my electric company does this each month with my power and gas.

Re: MS Product Activation for Windows (licensing)

2001-01-09 Thread Matt Elliott

At 5:23 PM -0500 1/9/01, Ray Dillinger wrote:
But if Microsoft and its ilk do in fact successfully create systems
that prevent "piracy", it won't be possible to be a hypocrite about
it any more.  And with commercial software flatly refusing some
kinds of use, perhaps a fair number of people who now *think* they
are not doing any piracy will have to face some harsh facts.

Or you can realize that you were exercising "fair use" and the software
companies are now going to use technical means to prevent you from
exercising your right on copyrighted works.

It will only me a matter of time before some hacker provides the necessary
tools to exercise our "fair use" right again.


Matt ElliottHigh Performance Data Management Team
217-265-0257mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: A very brief politcal rant

2000-11-10 Thread Matt Elliott

   It's called "Straight Party", and IIRC it is a box on the
Missouri ballots. I *know* it was on the Illinois ballots. Saves dead
people time you understand, they only have a limited amount of time.

They removed it from the Illinois ballots 4 years ago.  It now takes me 10
times longer to vote.

Re: why should it be trusted?

2000-10-20 Thread Matt Elliott

As to care, as I've said a lot before, care is most often more
expensive than coverage.

Clearly this can't be true or every health insurance company would be going
out of business.  Coverage has to be more expensive than care of they
wouldn't be in the business of providing coverage.

Re: And you thought Nazi agitprop was controversial?

2000-09-19 Thread Matt Elliott

would not affect my position one bit.  These people have the right
for their information to be put into the public forum.

One small correction Kevin, they have the right to put their information
into their own public forum.  I don't have to allow them to put their
information in my newspaper or allow their bits to travel across sections
of the Internet that I own.  I don't have to make it easy for them to
spread their nonsense.

Re: family of russion sub victims drugged

2000-08-26 Thread Matt Elliott

Something's fishy.  If you voluntarily check in, you can check out
any time you want.  Same with a regular hospital; all the MDs do
is write Against Medical Orders in your file and their asses are covered.

This isn't the case in Illinois.  If you check in voluntarily and wish to
leave before the Docs want you too you have to request a leave AMA and the
doctors have 72 hours before they have to legally let you go.  Don't ever
admit your self to a Psych hospital.  If they can't help you outpatient you
don't want their help.

Re: Breaking eggs

2000-08-21 Thread Matt Elliott

Yes.  That would be what I believe.  Let's turn the question around-
is it morally correct to throw someone in jail for a year or more for
an action which has not caused the slightest injury to anyone based
on the argument that the action MIGHT cause injury to someone?

If that action was randomly shooting a gun into a crowd of people and by
some act of God didn't actually cause the bullet to strike any person or
property causing damage.  I say yea, lock them away and a year wouldn't be
long enough.  Some actions while not actually causing injury shouldn't be

Matt ElliottHigh Performance Data Management Team
217-265-0257mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Carnivore - Matt Blaze testimony

2000-07-25 Thread Matt Elliott

The 3rd amendment argument is a losing argument. The purpose of that
amendment is to prevent repeating something that happened during the
Revolutionary War. It pertains to soldiers shacking up in civilian's
houses, not to a civilian law-enforcement organization hooking a computer
up to your ISP's network.

Wrong.  The 3rd amendment was about stopping the Government from shifting
the cost of the Army from the Government to individual families.  It was
about not taking people's resources without representation and due process.
It certainly applies in this case.  Now whether some brain-dead Supreme
Court agrees is a separate unrelated matter.

Re: Fw: (Fwd) Statement from Janet Reno

2000-06-20 Thread Matt Elliott

The only problem is is doesn't check out when you go talk to the 60 Minutes

At 5:48 PM -0400 6/20/00, Marcel Popescu wrote:
Interesting indeed :)


Read this statement from Janet Reno:
   "A Cultist is one who has a strong belief in the Bible and the
Coming of Christ; who frequently attends Bible studies; who has a high
level of financial giving to a Christian cause; who home schools for
their children; who has accumulated survival foods and has a strong
belief in the Second Amendment; and who distrusts big  government.
of these may qualify a person as a cultist but certainly more than one
these would cause us to look at this person as a threat and his family
being in a risk situation that qualifies for government interference."
   - Janet Reno, Attny. General of the United States during an
 CBS "60 Minutes" on June 26, 1999.