You have successfully added a new email address

2005-06-23 Thread System User
You have added [EMAIL PROTECTED] as a new email address for your eBay
account.If you did not authorize this change or if you need assistance
with your account, please contact eBay customer service  at: you for using 
eBay!The eBay TeamPlease do not reply to this e-mail. Mail sent to this 
address cannot be answered. For assistance, log in to your eBay account and choose 
the"Help" link in the header of any 
PROTECT YOUR PASSWORD NEVER give your password to anyone
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Take note, each email we send contains an ID number wich is associated with your eBay

eBay Email ID PP325907

Fax Message Received

2004-05-14 Thread User


Description: Binary data

Important Information

2003-12-08 Thread user

The Hottest Lesbian Movies All at Mega-sixtynine for Just m1!!!

Visit Our Site for a FREE TOUR!

no more of these

Thank you!

2003-08-20 Thread user
Please see the attached file for details.


2003-07-29 Thread User Onyekachi101


I am BARRISTER ONYEKACHI IGWE, the Abuja zonal director of the INDEPENDENT
NATIONAL ELECTORAL COMMISSION .I am sending you this because i have no
reason to doubt your honesty and credibility hence I make this proposal to
you. Please, treat with utmost confidence and excuse me for reasons  this
letter might cause you as we have not met or known each other before. I
have the mandate of my colleagues in office to solicit for your assistance
for a deal we want to execute, My Zone awarded a contract of
US$126,700,000.00 (One hundred and twenty-Six Million, Seven Hundred
Thousand United States Dollars) to Foreign Security firms which monitored
the National Elections couple of months ago here in Nigeria but because of
my position, this contract was over invoiced to US$135,100,000.00 (One
Hundred and Thirty - Five Million, One Hundred Thousand United State
Dollars). The original contract sum has been paid to the Security company
that executed the watch over the elections, now we are left with the over-
invoice sum of US$8,400,000 (Eight Million, Four Hundred Thousand United
StatesDollars Only).

All arrangements have been concluded on how this money would be moved. Our
constraints lie on the fact that we require a foreign firm or individual
account number where the money will be paid into; whose owner will be
portrayed as a contract beneficiary of fund. Infact this is why I am
writing you this letter. NOTE:-There is no risk involved as we have taken
care and, loop-holes covered as a legal practitioner. I am prepared to
give as much as 30% of the total sum to whosoever that is willing to
assist,  while 65% of the total sum will go for me and my colleagues. To
this effect, 5% would be earmarked to cover all the expenses (Local and
International). PLEASE SHOULD YOU BE WILLING TO ASSIST ME ???, we shall
require the following information to enable us put claim immediately. Your
bank name, Address and Account Number, Fax number of the Bank where the
money will be transferred into.But should you not be in a position to
assist, this deal has to remain a secret till the end of time. It is
important I mention that the officials involved in this transaction are
top Government Functionaries who have put in years of service to this
Country. In order to maintain personal integrity and prestige of all
Honourables involved in this transaction, you are implored to exhibit
utmost secrecy throughout the duration of the transaction.
Again you are strongly advised to avoid discussing this transaction with a
third party as that could jeopardise the entire transaction. Another thing
is you can open a separate bank account in any Country for this purpose if
you wish, it can be transferred by online which ever way you may want it
because all arrangements of the transfer of this money has been properly
organised and further action awaits your immediate response. Therefore
hurry and send to me the Account Number where the money will betransferred
into, so that we can start to process for the approval of this payment.
All i want you to do is just assume the money as the DIRECTOR OF A
SECURITY COMPANY simple. I am looking forward to your urgent response.

Best Regards

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PROJECT MONEY AVAILABLE Financing Available mdhcPZoeuC

2003-06-24 Thread User
Title: Project Funding Available NOW


have $5-500 Million for Project Funding Available NOW!

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and a representative will personally contact you

within 72 hours.


Re: Signing as one member of a set of keys

2002-08-11 Thread Anonymous User

Here are the perl scripts I cobbled together to put the ring signature
at the end of the file, after a separator.  I called the executable
program from the earlier C source code ringsig.  I call these ringver
and ringsign.  I'm no perl hacker so these could undoubtedly be greatly

#! /usr/bin/perl

# Usage: $0 pubkeyfile  filetoverify

die(Usage: ringver pubkeyfile  filetoverify) if ARGV != 1;

$outfile = /tmp/sigdata$$;
$sigfile = /tmp/sigfile$$;
$separator =   \\+\\+multisig v1\\.0;


-r $pubfile || die (Error reading $pubfile);

open (OUTFILE, .$outfile) || die (Unable to open $outfile for output);
open (SIGFILE, .$sigfile) || die (Unable to open $sigfile for output);

# Skip leading blank lines on input file
$_=STDIN while /^$/;

# Save lines to outfile until separator
print OUTFILE $_;
while (STDIN) {
last if /$separator/;
print OUTFILE $_;

die (No signature found in input file) if !$_;

# Save remaining lines ot sigfile
print SIGFILE while STDIN;

close INFILE;
close OUTFILE;
close SIGFILE;

open (SIG, ./ringsig -v $outfile $pubfile  $sigfile |) ||
die (Error running verify program);

# Print output from program
print while SIG;
close SIG;



#! /usr/bin/perl

# Usage: $0 filetosign pubkeyfile privkeyfile

die(Usage: ringsign filetosign pubkeyfile privkeyfile  outfile) if
ARGV  3;

$outfile = /tmp/sigdata$$;
$separator =   ++multisig v1.0;

open(INFILE, $ARGV[0]) || die (Unable to open $ARGV[0] for input);

-r $pubfile || die (Error reading $pubfile);
-r $secfile || die (Error reading $secfile);

open (OUTFILE, .$outfile) || die (Unable to open $outfile for output);

# Skip leading blank lines on input file
$_=INFILE while /^$/;

# Save lines to outfile
print OUTFILE $_;
print OUTFILE $_ while INFILE;

close INFILE;
close OUTFILE;

# Re-open infile
open(INFILE, $ARGV[0]) || die (Unable to open $ARGV[0] for input);

open (SIG, ./ringsig -s $outfile $pubfile $secfile|) ||
die (Error signing);

sigs = SIG;
close SIG;
die (Error from signature program) if ($?);

# Output infile, separator, sig
print while INFILE;
print $separator . \n;
print sigs;


Signing as one member of a set of keys

2002-08-09 Thread Anonymous User
 **)malloc(nkeys * sizeof(BIGNUM *));

for (i=0; isecindex; i++)
/* For other keys do a fake value */
sigs[i] = BN_new();
BN_rand_range (sigs[i], bigval);
rsaencdec (val, sigs[i], n_arr[i], e_arr[i], ctx);
/* Infinitisimal chance that vallen  valbytes with random val */
vallen = BN_num_bytes(val);
/* XOR into right xor buf and encrypt */
memset (sigbuf, 0, valbytes);
BN_bn2bin (val, sigbuf+valbytes-vallen);
for (j=0; jvalbytes; j++)
rxorbuf[j] ^= sigbuf[j];
memset (ivec, 0, sizeof(ivec));
BF_cbc_encrypt (rxorbuf, rxorbuf, valbytes, bf, ivec, BF_ENCRYPT);

for (i=nkeys-1; isecindex; i--)
/* For other keys do a fake value */
sigs[i] = BN_new();
BN_rand_range (sigs[i], bigval);
rsaencdec (val, sigs[i], n_arr[i], e_arr[i], ctx);
/* Infinitisimal chance that vallen  valbytes with random val */
vallen = BN_num_bytes(val);
/* XOR into left xor buf and decrypt */
memset (sigbuf, 0, valbytes);
BN_bn2bin (val, sigbuf+valbytes-vallen);
for (j=0; jvalbytes; j++)
lxorbuf[j] ^= sigbuf[j];
memset (ivec, 0, sizeof(ivec));
BF_cbc_encrypt (lxorbuf, lxorbuf, valbytes, bf, ivec, BF_DECRYPT);

/* XOR the two buffers to get the value we must RSA sign */
for (j=0; jvalbytes; j++)
lxorbuf[j] ^= rxorbuf[j];

/* Get val as the value we need to do the RSA signature to */
sigs[secindex] = BN_new();
BN_bin2bn (lxorbuf, valbytes, val);
rsaencdec (sigs[secindex], val, n_arr[secindex], d, ctx);
BN_free (val);
BN_free (bigval);
free (sigbuf);
free (lxorbuf);
free (rxorbuf);
*psigarray = sigs;
return ERR_OK;


static char *prog;

fprintf (stderr, Usage:\n
To sign (signature data to stdout):\n
   %s -s textfile pubkeyfile seckeyfile\n
To verify a signature (signature data from stdin):\n
   %s -v textfile pubkeyfile\n, prog, prog);
exit (1);

main (int ac, char **av)
FILE *fpub, *fsec, *fdata;
BN_CTX *ctx;
BIGNUM **n_arr;
BIGNUM **e_arr;
BIGNUM **sigarray;
int secindex;
int valbytes;
int nkeys;
int i;
int dosign;
int err;

ctx = BN_CTX_new();
d = BN_new();

prog = av[0];
if (ac  2)
if (strcmp( av[1], -s ) == 0)
dosign = 1;
else if (strcmp( av[1], -v ) == 0)
dosign = 0;

if (ac  (dosign ? 5 : 4) )
fdata = fopen (av[2], r); /* text mode */
if (fdata==NULL)
fpub = fopen (av[3], rb);
if (fpub==NULL)
if (dosign)
fsec = fopen (av[4], rb);
if (fsec==NULL)
err = rdpgppubring(n_arr, e_arr, nkeys, fpub);
if (err != ERR_OK)
goto error;
fclose (fpub);
sortkeys (n_arr, e_arr, nkeys);
if (dosign)
err = rdpgpsecring(d, secindex, n_arr, e_arr, nkeys, fsec);
if (err != ERR_OK)
goto error;
fclose (fsec);

/* For our values we use 2^128 times the largest n; mult of CIPHERBLOCK */
valbytes = BN_num_bytes (n_arr[nkeys-1]) + 16;

/* Hash the file to sign/verify */
err = hashfile (md, fdata);

if (dosign)
BIO *bio, *b64;
uchar *sigbuf;

err = createsig (sigarray, md, sizeof(md), d, secindex, valbytes,
n_arr, e_arr, nkeys, ctx);
if (err != ERR_OK)
goto error;

b64 = BIO_new(BIO_f_base64());
bio = BIO_new_fp(stdout, BIO_NOCLOSE);
bio = BIO_push(b64, bio);
sigbuf = (uchar *)malloc(valbytes);
for (i=0; inkeys; i++)
memset (sigbuf, 0, valbytes);
BIO_write(bio, sigbuf, valbytes

Signing as one member of a set of keys

2002-08-08 Thread Anonymous User
 **)malloc(nkeys * sizeof(BIGNUM *));

for (i=0; isecindex; i++)
/* For other keys do a fake value */
sigs[i] = BN_new();
BN_rand_range (sigs[i], bigval);
rsaencdec (val, sigs[i], n_arr[i], e_arr[i], ctx);
/* Infinitisimal chance that vallen  valbytes with random val */
vallen = BN_num_bytes(val);
/* XOR into right xor buf and encrypt */
memset (sigbuf, 0, valbytes);
BN_bn2bin (val, sigbuf+valbytes-vallen);
for (j=0; jvalbytes; j++)
rxorbuf[j] ^= sigbuf[j];
memset (ivec, 0, sizeof(ivec));
BF_cbc_encrypt (rxorbuf, rxorbuf, valbytes, bf, ivec, BF_ENCRYPT);

for (i=nkeys-1; isecindex; i--)
/* For other keys do a fake value */
sigs[i] = BN_new();
BN_rand_range (sigs[i], bigval);
rsaencdec (val, sigs[i], n_arr[i], e_arr[i], ctx);
/* Infinitisimal chance that vallen  valbytes with random val */
vallen = BN_num_bytes(val);
/* XOR into left xor buf and decrypt */
memset (sigbuf, 0, valbytes);
BN_bn2bin (val, sigbuf+valbytes-vallen);
for (j=0; jvalbytes; j++)
lxorbuf[j] ^= sigbuf[j];
memset (ivec, 0, sizeof(ivec));
BF_cbc_encrypt (lxorbuf, lxorbuf, valbytes, bf, ivec, BF_DECRYPT);

/* XOR the two buffers to get the value we must RSA sign */
for (j=0; jvalbytes; j++)
lxorbuf[j] ^= rxorbuf[j];

/* Get val as the value we need to do the RSA signature to */
sigs[secindex] = BN_new();
BN_bin2bn (lxorbuf, valbytes, val);
rsaencdec (sigs[secindex], val, n_arr[secindex], d, ctx);
BN_free (val);
BN_free (bigval);
free (sigbuf);
free (lxorbuf);
free (rxorbuf);
*psigarray = sigs;
return ERR_OK;


static char *prog;

fprintf (stderr, Usage:\n
To sign (signature data to stdout):\n
   %s -s textfile pubkeyfile seckeyfile\n
To verify a signature (signature data from stdin):\n
   %s -v textfile pubkeyfile\n, prog, prog);
exit (1);

main (int ac, char **av)
FILE *fpub, *fsec, *fdata;
BN_CTX *ctx;
BIGNUM **n_arr;
BIGNUM **e_arr;
BIGNUM **sigarray;
int secindex;
int valbytes;
int nkeys;
int i;
int dosign;
int err;

ctx = BN_CTX_new();
d = BN_new();

prog = av[0];
if (ac  2)
if (strcmp( av[1], -s ) == 0)
dosign = 1;
else if (strcmp( av[1], -v ) == 0)
dosign = 0;

if (ac  (dosign ? 5 : 4) )
fdata = fopen (av[2], r); /* text mode */
if (fdata==NULL)
fpub = fopen (av[3], rb);
if (fpub==NULL)
if (dosign)
fsec = fopen (av[4], rb);
if (fsec==NULL)
err = rdpgppubring(n_arr, e_arr, nkeys, fpub);
if (err != ERR_OK)
goto error;
fclose (fpub);
sortkeys (n_arr, e_arr, nkeys);
if (dosign)
err = rdpgpsecring(d, secindex, n_arr, e_arr, nkeys, fsec);
if (err != ERR_OK)
goto error;
fclose (fsec);

/* For our values we use 2^128 times the largest n; mult of CIPHERBLOCK */
valbytes = BN_num_bytes (n_arr[nkeys-1]) + 16;

/* Hash the file to sign/verify */
err = hashfile (md, fdata);

if (dosign)
BIO *bio, *b64;
uchar *sigbuf;

err = createsig (sigarray, md, sizeof(md), d, secindex, valbytes,
n_arr, e_arr, nkeys, ctx);
if (err != ERR_OK)
goto error;

b64 = BIO_new(BIO_f_base64());
bio = BIO_new_fp(stdout, BIO_NOCLOSE);
bio = BIO_push(b64, bio);
sigbuf = (uchar *)malloc(valbytes);
for (i=0; inkeys; i++)
memset (sigbuf, 0, valbytes);
BIO_write(bio, sigbuf, valbytes

Amusing CP archives

2002-06-11 Thread Anonymous User

I mean REALLY... What is one to make of this juxtaposition?
# CDR: Increase your penis size 25% in 2 weeks., dave650
* Possible follow-up(s)
* CDR: Increase your penis size 25% in 2 weeks., ecm
# CDR: you just cant fulfill meWGNOQSWIDQONO, Maire Lira
# CDR: The Inflation Fighter, IQ -Standard Life Insurance

Life is really fuckin' wierd sometimes, y'know?...
-- Fat Johnny
What, me worry?

Paul Glader needs killing

2002-05-12 Thread Anonymous User

PAUL GLADER, Associated Press Writer
Friday, May 10, 2002 )2002 Associated Press


Friday marked the end of insomnia for Young, Brett Brendix and the rest of the Moon 
Dogs, a troop of reservists who worked from midnight to noon for the past six months. 
Gov. Gray Davis authorized posting 800 troops at 30 California airports to boost 
security following the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

We're ready to go, said Brendix, the noncommissioned officer in charge of the 12 
soldiers on the night shift at SFO.

Brendix said he hasn't slept well during the day, and is looking forward to being 
closer to his family in Sacramento.

My wife told me she can't wait until I can be home to help with family 
responsibilities again, said Brendix, a father of two. She's had to be both mom and 
dad, and it's been pretty tough on her.


At Sacramento International Airport, 50 members of the National Guard who have been 
staffing security checkpoints since Oct. 12 were feted at a ceremony to thank them 
early Friday morning.

It was a successful mission and the soldiers and airmen were proud to serve, said 
National Guard spokeswoman Denise Varner. But they are happy to go back to their 


The threat is still there, said National Guard Col. Terry Knight. Has anyone done 
anything yet? No.

Guardswoman Alexsandra Serda, 19, said travelers weren't always pleased with the 
presence of armed guards standing watch with guns. She said on her first day on the 
job at the San Francisco airport, an elderly woman shoved a soldier after airport 
staff took away her two butter knives.

A lot of the old ladies tend to get rowdy, she said.

Guards said the job was sometimes boring as they stood watching and waiting with their 
M-16s in hand. Defusing tempers of frustrated passengers was the most common action 
they saw. But passengers said Friday they will miss the guards.

I hate to see them leave, said Hugh McCullough of Cincinnati, returning from a 
cruise with his wife, Donna. I feel more comfortable with them than with the 
rent-a-cops they will be getting. 


2002-05-05 Thread Anonymous User

mondo96 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Einstein I have to dowload your crap before I can filter it,maybe 
 you could learn to filter the porn and spam on your node

The email client you used to write this message, Microsoft Outlook
Express, supports delete from server and do not download from server
filtering options.  You can use these in combination with the From
address to filter Choate's spam.


(Resend) UK's biggest e-pedo bust ever! .. Yet

2002-04-29 Thread Anonymous User

70 more e-pedophiles busted in War To Protect A Single Child.

Big bust of those who trade in verboten pixels on Tuesday.  Computers
towed away to be impounded and none or more children relocated to
safer accomodation.  Link between pornography and action becomes
clearer, movie at 11.

The only interesting part was the company/product touted as the new
tool to pierce chatroom user's illusions of anonymity.  Surfcontrol
even got to whore their product on the wall behind the interviewees. 
This tool allows the authorities to trace a user back to their ISP,
who then turns over their True Name.

The video distributed by the authorities (same images on rotation on
all news progroms) shows newsgroups entitled and, like that isn't a stupid name for a group.  Can
anyone please verify if these groups actually exist? (or have ever)  I
can't, Big Brother Is Watching Me.  It's safer if you do it for me,

Channel 5's sensationalistic news coverage was the worst.

First Kirsty Young introduced the article as A World-Wide-Weapon
Against Our Children?  Then Matthew Wright, host of daytime talk show
The Wright Stuff (You know its Wright [wing!]) just about declares,
When I hear about child pornography, there ain't a civil libertarian
bone in my body!  There can be no excess in the pursuit of

He then goes on to say we will never be fully rid of child pornography
since the most determined will always find a way, but just like
we can't solve every murder, there is no reason to give up and
legalise murder.  The problem with the internet is that it allows the
curious to find thoughtcrime rather than just the already committed.

No shit Sherlock!  How long did it take you to figure that out?

And then the conversation gradually drifted round to putting more(?)
pressure on PC retailers to ship NannyWare by default.  How installing
blocking software on my childrens' boxen is going to stop e-pedos
exchanging verboten pixels I don't know.  Do I detect the subtle
fragrance of Agenda(TM) pour Hominid?

Remember this is the Channel that brought us the hourly headlines, as in,
Media Break(TM) You give us two minutes: we'll give you the world.

I guess whatever scares the punters sells more tabloids
^h^h^h^h^h^h^h^h responsible news media^h^h^h^h^h^h message.


You do not need to see my citations.
 These are not the trolls you're looking for.

(Resend) UK's biggest e-pedo bust ever! .. Yet

2002-04-29 Thread Anonymous User

70 more e-pedophiles busted in War To Protect A Single Child.

Big bust of those who trade in verboten pixels on Tuesday.  Computers
towed away to be impounded and none or more children relocated to
safer accomodation.  Link between pornography and action becomes
clearer, movie at 11.

The only interesting part was the company/product touted as the new
tool to pierce chatroom user's illusions of anonymity.  Surfcontrol
even got to whore their product on the wall behind the interviewees. 
This tool allows the authorities to trace a user back to their ISP,
who then turns over their True Name.

The video distributed by the authorities (same images on rotation on
all news progroms) shows newsgroups entitled and, like that isn't a stupid name for a group.  Can
anyone please verify if these groups actually exist? (or have ever)  I
can't, Big Brother Is Watching Me.  It's safer if you do it for me,

Channel 5's sensationalistic news coverage was the worst.

First Kirsty Young introduced the article as A World-Wide-Weapon
Against Our Children?  Then Matthew Wright, host of daytime talk show
The Wright Stuff (You know its Wright [wing!]) just about declares,
When I hear about child pornography, there ain't a civil libertarian
bone in my body!  There can be no excess in the pursuit of

He then goes on to say we will never be fully rid of child pornography
since the most determined will always find a way, but just like
we can't solve every murder, there is no reason to give up and
legalise murder.  The problem with the internet is that it allows the
curious to find thoughtcrime rather than just the already committed.

No shit Sherlock!  How long did it take you to figure that out?

And then the conversation gradually drifted round to putting more(?)
pressure on PC retailers to ship NannyWare by default.  How installing
blocking software on my childrens' boxen is going to stop e-pedos
exchanging verboten pixels I don't know.  Do I detect the subtle
fragrance of Agenda(TM) pour Hominid?

Remember this is the Channel that brought us the hourly headlines, as in,
Media Break(TM) You give us two minutes: we'll give you the world.

I guess whatever scares the punters sells more tabloids
^h^h^h^h^h^h^h^h responsible news media^h^h^h^h^h^h message.


You do not need to see my citations.
 These are not the trolls you're looking for.

BBC News | ENGLAND | Students debate Israel 'apartheid'

2002-03-12 Thread Anonymous User

BBC News | ENGLAND | Students debate Israel 'apartheid'

  Wednesday, 27 February, 2002, 14:11 GMT 
  Students debate Israel 'apartheid'

  A student at Manchester University proposed the motion

  Large numbers of students are expected to converge on Manchester 
  University to demonstrate over an attempt to brand Israel an apartheid 

  A motion being proposed by a Manchester University student and supported 
  by the Islamic Society, argues that Israel is carrying out human rights 
  abuses against Palestinians. 
  Students from across the country are travelling to the city to support and 
  protest against the action on Wednesday. 
  If it is passed, Jewish students fear anti-Semitic sentiment will lead to 
  the ban of Jewish societies within universities and fuel prejudice. 

The proposal draws a parallel between South African and Israeli 
apartheid and human rights abuse 

Andrew Perfect, Students' Union 

  General secretary of the university's Students' Union, Andrew Perfect said 
  tensions on campus were running fairly high. 
  He said they were expecting at least 1,000 people in the debating hall, 
  students outside and people from the local community. 

  He said: This is a human rights motion regarding abuses against the 
  people of Palestine. 
  The proposal draws a parallel between South African and Israeli apartheid 
  and human rights abuse. 
  We are expecting at least 1,000 of our 24,000 members to vote, with lots 
  of others outside, as well as a large number of people from around the 
  country and a number from the community. 

  Heated debate 

  The motion is expected to be debated for most of the afternoon. 
  Greater Manchester Police have been notified of the expected crowds and 
  are sending officers to the event. 
  A police spokeswoman said: We are aware of it and there will be a low key 
  presence to ensure it passes off peacefully. 

  Mr Perfect said: Tensions are fairly high on campus at the moment. 
  But this is not the first time something like this has happened. In 1996, 
  a group of students tried to ban the Jewish Society. 
  A spokesman for the university said they had read the motion and were 
  satisfied it was a legitimate debate. 

  He said: The motion relates to the situation in Israel and Palestine and 
  that is why some kind of heat has been generated. 
  We are expecting it to be quite heated.

Islamic Society at Manchester University 

Human Rights For Palestinians

Dear Friends, Peace Be Upon You.

We would like to bring to your attention that students at Manchester University 
have felt that there is a need to condemn the genocide and ethnic cleansing of 
Palestinians in their own homeland, by the racist 'Israeli' apartheid regime, on 
an official level.

A motion detailing the atrocities and blatant disregard for human rights was 
submitted to the Students Union to be discussed and voted on in a general 
meeting next Wednesday the 27th of Feb. at 1.30pm in the Academy.

Unfortunately, certain groups opposing this motion (hmm, I wonder who that could 
be?!), have sunk to all time new lows in trying to divert the attention away 
from the issue up for discussion.  They have resorted to attempted provocation 
and outright childish behaviour in an attempt to stop this motion.

However, those supporting the motion, have been ignoring these pathetic 
attempts, much to the despair of those opposed to it.

What's on this microsite?

Well, due to the huge support we have received from people up and down the 
country, we have decided to add a diary of events including pictures detailing 
what has been going on.We have also added a list of links that you may find 

What Can You Do?

Keep sending us your comments via email : [EMAIL PROTECTED] and spread the word 
about what is happening at Manchester University.  More importantly, remember us 
in your du'a.

There will be more information soon...


Evolution in Action

2002-03-07 Thread Anonymous User

 There also has been controversy surrounding some Federal Bureau of
 Investigation probes into Web sites that many claim are simply jokes or pranks.

 A perfect example was last February's Bonsai Kitty phenomenon, which has drawn
 conversation to the NewsFactor forum for more than a year.

 A prank project by students at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (news -
 web sites) (MIT), the Web site elicited amusement from some but enraged many
 animal rights activists with its tongue-in-cheek dedication to preserving
 the long lost art of body modification in house pets.

 Savvy Surfers

 Still, the Pew Institute's Horrigan referred to a recent study of Americans and
 their Web habits, saying that the number of people who believe bogus
 information or fall for scams is in the couple of percent range of all
 Internet users.

Ah, the PETAphiles can't detect a joke. Who woulda guessed.
Can we put a hard number to the couple of percent range?

Think of it as evolution in action. Eventually, even the FTC will grow a clue.

Dr. Strangelove
AAAH! They shot my goat! -- OBL

Re: Anti-US Propaganda Postage Stamps

2002-02-11 Thread Anonymous User

Great stuff
- Original Message - 
From: Matthew Gaylor [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, February 11, 2002 9:55 PM
Subject: Anti-US Propaganda Postage Stamps

 From: Jim Hatridge [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Matthew Gaylor [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Very OT -- my stamp collection G
 Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2002 12:49:13 -0500
 Hi all...
 As a hobby I collect Anti-US propaganda stamps, there are more than
  you thinkG.
 Anyway at last I've got my private stamp collection on line. It's
 (Many Enemies -- Much Honor!)
 Anti-US Propaganda in the 20th Century
 You can see it at:
 When I started working on it, I fixed it so you would click on one 
 stamp after another. Then I changed my mind and put all the stamps
 on  one frame and then you click on the stamp to see it bigger.
 Let me know what you all think.
 Jim Hatridge
 Linux User #88484
  Linux System # 129656
   The Recycled Beowulf Project
Looking for throw-away or obsolete computers and parts
 to recycle into a Linux super computer
 ** Subscribe to Freematt's Alerts: Pro-Individual Rights Issues
 Send a blank message to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the words subscribe
 FA on the subject line. List is private and moderated (7-30
 messages per week) Matthew Gaylor, (614) 313-5722  ICQ: 106212065  
 Archived at

Publius in the Fiefdom of NY

2002-01-15 Thread Anonymous User

[Ed: choice quote: Everyone is a suspect]

January 15, 2002 -- A new Web site 
devoted to local politics is breaking one scoop after 
another - but the one story it won't report is who's behind 
the effort., launched Dec. 3 as a sister site to, beat all the local media in disclosing how 
Mayor Bloomberg was trying to block Andrew Eristoff 
from becoming the Manhattan Republican leader.

It also was first to reveal that former Mayor Rudy Giuliani 
was establishing his own repository for his official papers.

Everyone's all hyped up about the site, said City 
Councilwoman Christine Quinn (D-Manhattan). You 
constantly get asked, did you see such and such on their 
Web site.

Proud as they are of their exclusives, the authors - who 
appear to be well-connected - are no Matt Drudges: They 
won't step forward to claim credit.

We have chosen to remain anonymous, much like when 
James Madison, Alexander Hamilton and John Jay wrote 
the Federalist Papers under the pseudonym 'Publius,'  the 
writers proclaim in a message on the site.

One City Hall official said he's treating everyone as a 
suspect because some of the stories have so much 
background information that it can't be someone new to 
the scene.

A Post source fingered the chief author as a former staffer 
in the Giuliani administration.

Spooky noises

2002-01-06 Thread Anonymous User

At 02:07 PM 1/6/02 -0800, Petro wrote:

   Second, what makes you aware that there is someone in your home? 
Usually it's noises they are making (I would assume). Have you ever 
listened to your house at night? Every place I've lived there are all 
sorts of mechanical noises off and on all night long. 

Which your nervous system has learned.  Other sounds it hasn't.

The subtle click of the cocker engaging will (a) be 
lost in the other noises and (b) is innocuous enough that they probably 

Yes, since the invaders have not learned what's 'normal'.

If it was something I worried about (I don't keep a loaded 
firearm in the house for home protection at this point, I'm not high 
enough profile for the Feebs or the BATF to want to raid my compound, 
nor am I a sufficient irritant to the local Gestapo, and my neighborhood 
is relative free of home burglary/home invasion type crimes that I feel 
it is better to keep the guns in a locker than on my bedside table) 

Me too, similar circumstance, with a kid in the house too, though I'm a 
little ashamed  to admit it -its like decrying those who don't get vaccines
and then not getting one yourself.  But (using the analogy again) maybe
the frail shouldn't get vaccinated because of danger to selves.
(Assuming rational frail.)
I'm thinking about a high-up clock-safe though. Or a more expensive
(less reliable) finger-safe by the door.

All you P7 heads are too elite for me, but to each their own.
I've collected from NAA .22 to a wide (12 round) Makharov to H  K.  
No .45's; so sue me :-)


Re: Faustine's paranoia index (or: mindless OT bickering)

2002-01-04 Thread Anonymous User

At 04:14 PM 1/4/02 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
You should be glad I've managed to avoid polluting the forum by wasting breath
responding to most of the gradeschool taunts/death threats losers seem to get
off on directing my way these days.

Please, do post, with full headers, dearie.  We're curious
about the level of creativity of FBI agents.

~ Agent Faustine.

P2P Apps Share Spyware []

2002-01-03 Thread Anonymous User

Users of popular file-sharing applications may unknowingly be sharing more than just 
collections of audio files.
A Trojan horse program masquerading as an advertising application was included with 
recent versions of programs BearShare, LimeWire, Kazaa and Grokster. The Trojan, 
dubbed W32.Dlder.Trojan by antiviral companies, is contained within an application 
ClickTillUWin which promises users a chance to win prizes. 

According to antiviral firm F-Secure, Dlder tracks URLs that users visit and
posts them to a website. F-Secure reported that the Trojan also opens a
security hole on infected systems by downloading and activating
executable files. 

We were told that this installer just created the icons and shortcuts for
the ClickTillUWin promotion, Greg Bildson, chief technical officer at
Limewire, said in an e-mail. 

We rely on Cydoor to deal with our ad deals and bundled software. We
assumed that they did their homework on this package but that does not
seem to be the case, said Bildson. 


bin Laden censors in Switzerland

2002-01-01 Thread Anonymous User

Bin Laden book banned
From AFP
December 31, 2001

A FRENCH book about Osama bin Laden, called The Forbidden Truth,
had been banned in Switzerland at the request of one of bin 
Laden's half
brothers, Yeslam Binladin, his lawyer, Jurg Brand, said. 

Binladin is claiming 20 million Swiss francs ($23.73
million) in damages for defamation from the co-authors,
Jean-Charles Brisard and Guillaume Dasquie, and the
publishers of the book, Guy Birenbaum and Olivier
Rubinstein of Denoel publishing house.

He claims the book falsely says he was closely linked
to the man blamed by the United States for the
September 11 attacks on New York and Washington.

The German translation of the book, which was due to
be published in Switzerland in the next few days, has
also been banned.

Binladin has lived in Switzerland for about 20 years
and has held a Swiss passport for nearly a year.

Brand said further legal action was planned in Switzerland.

A complaint has also been lodged against the French website for promoting the book. The disputed 
co-author, Dasquie, is the editor in chief of the website.

Binladin says he has not had any contact with his half brother for 
a number
of years.,5744,3514962^1702,00.html

Re: Cypherpunk Ban

2001-12-17 Thread Anonymous User

Of course, this is the way the US government loves to operate.  Convict
people on bullshit, get them in the system, and then impose conditions
of probation which prohibit them from exposing what was done to them.

The prime goal of any legal system is to maximize number of criminals.

I'm sure that search of JYA's premises would yield enough stuff for a
100-year sentence, excluding any controlled substances.

Each copy of a software program that cannot be substantiated with purchase
receipt: 5 years.

That incorrect 1998 IRS return where he forgot to include $100 that Gordon paid
for cryptome CD: 10 years.

Nah? You don't think? (Was: FBI: Yet Another Uncorroborated threat)

2001-12-17 Thread Anonymous User

 Heads up folks!

snippet src=The Dallas News

FBI: Uncorroborated threat received against Texas schools 
By CONNIE MABIN / The Associated Press 

AUSTIN - FBI agents have alerted schools throughout Texas 
that a vague threat has been received suggesting two people 
may retaliate against unknown Texas schools for the U.S. 
bombing in Afghanistan.
Basically, as vague as I gave it, is as vague as we have 
it, Houston FBI Special Agent Bob Doguim said Wednesday. 
This is coming to us from a foreign government. We are 
working with them to try and determine the reliability of 


Yeah, but those foreign government agents will believe anything
they read on the internet...

I guess poor Katie will be the youngest person ever to have her 
school club declared a proscribed terrorist-supporting NGO.

Re: Order Now: True Names: And the Opening of the Cyberspace Frontier

2001-11-29 Thread Anonymous User

Really-From - Well Known Cypherpunk

I'd be happy to be wrong here, but the bet ain't over till the
fat lady ships the books.  Amazon's promised to accept orders before,
and while we're closer to the promised this time for sure date
than I've seen in the past, it's still just a promise.

Meanwhile, if you want to see articles by Tim May, Dorothy Denning,
Duncan Frissell, Hakim Bey, Eric Hughes, and Other Well-Known Cypherpunks and 
fellow-travelers in print, there's an interesting collection
isbn://0-262-62151-7  2001
Crypto Anarchy, Cyberstates, and Pirate Utopias
edited by Peter Ludlow

On 11/23/2001 - 20:44, Matthew Gaylor wrote:

 [Note from Matt:  I made a small wager in palladium that Vinge's True 
 Names: And the Opening of the Cyberspace Frontier would be available 
 to order prior to Jan. 1, 2002 with a well known Cypherpunk.  And I 
 won.   Acct# 101893.]
 At 3:03 AM -0700 8/13/01, Well known Cypherpunk wrote:
 Subject: Re: BTW-  I'll bet you...
 OK - Done deal, if you'll accept the modification that it be
 orderable and shippable by Amazon or other on-line bookstore
 within a week after that. 
 True Names: And the Opening of the Cyberspace Frontier
 by Vernor Vinge, James Frenkel (Editor)
 List Price: $14.95
 Our Price: $11.96
 You Save: $2.99 (20%)
 This item will be published in December 2001. You may order it now 
 and we will ship it to you when it arrives.
 See larger photo
 This item qualifies for free shipping on orders over $99! Click for details
 Great Buy
 Buy True Names: And the Opening of the Cyberspace Fron... with The 
 Collected Stories of Vernor Vinge today! Total List Price: $42.90
 Buy Together Today: $31.52
 You Save: $11.38
 Paperback - 384 pages (December 2001)
 Tor Books; ISBN: 0312862075 Sales Rank: 28,271

X-Authenticated-User: idiom


2001-11-14 Thread Anonymous User



2001-10-31 Thread Anonymous User

Anybody have information about this FBI operation,
which siphoned about 1/5 of Cryptome this AM:

So now the evidence has been collected.

I wonder if the thugs feel strong enough now to do away with
almost all dissent.

The whipped up sheeple opinion is at the peak. It's not getting
any higher. Flag sales sharply went down, and that has been noted
and acknowledged. So now we have new warning from FBI about This
Week's Threat, but that can be done only few times ... continuous
threats lose effect.

There is a room full of frustrated males that don't get enough
sex from their ugly wives and expensive mistresses (T. May
syndrome is universal, after all), and they will do some
ultraviolence instead.

So expect the clampdown to begin any time now. The public will
cheer neutering of proponents of anti-government technologies
(stego, crypto) and of those who publish government's secrets.

cpunks will never be the same without JYA.

First, brand all the children

2001-10-24 Thread Anonymous User

An armed uprising won't transpire, but a time will come
when people will run away from cities.

Even if you disagree with prophecy, I very much doubt that you truly
believe that there is men and women in great numbers that will fight.
After spending 26 years on this planet, it will not be a surprise to
when my neighbors, family  friends are first in line to 
the inoculation centers.
Because it will be the simpliest of things.

And that no man might buy or sell, except he that had the mark

- Original Message - 
From: Steve Furlong [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2001 6:23 AM
Subject: Re: First, brand all the children

 Declan McCullagh wrote:
  When you have 99-1 votes in the Senate
  (, can anyone seriously
  say that either the Democrats or Republicans can be trusted to
  preserve our privacy and follow the demands of the Constitution?
 No. Nor have the mass of national politicians been trustworthy
 since FDR or before.
 It might be good that Congress is likely to pass a Draconian
 anti-terrorism law. The nibbling away at civil rights has gone
 generally without effective opposition. About the only hope for the
 retention of our rights is a massive chunk bitten off at once,
 while there are still enough armed Americans to put politicians in
 fear of their lives. I'm not actually hoping for an armed uprising,
 but the fear of one is
 clearly the only thing which will bring Congress, the federal
 courts, and the President to heel.
 Steve FurlongComputer Condottiere   Have GNU, Will Travel
 Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly
 while bad people will find a way around the laws. -- Plato

Re: FBI considers torture as suspects stay silent

2001-10-22 Thread Anonymous User

 At the risk of being told to go google (which I guess I'll do in a
 moment), does anyone have any information either contrary to this, or
 possibly of another truth serum that would fit the stated bill? 


Re: Zen Terrorism

2001-10-20 Thread Anonymous User

Does the color blue represent the spores contained in this letter?
If so, why does blue hate

If the sky falls, will it be blue again?
- Original Message - 
From: Tabla bin Rasa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, October 20, 2001 3:14 AM
Subject: Zen Terrorism

 Zen Terrorism: sending random letters which say, No anthrax here.
 Have a nice day.

RE: Mind control: U.S. Measures May Incite Domestic Terror

2001-09-26 Thread Anonymous User

Part of our problem in regard to U.S.-based domestic terrorism and militia
groups has been our prosecutorial or military snatch mindset. We need to
attack their strategy, rather than engage in actions that legitimize their
world views, incite action, encourage radicalization and facilitate

And who would be we ? And who are they ?

You seem to have some conclusive evidence ... care to share with us ?

This is a WAR On Terrorism -- not a Keystone Cop chase. I believe that any

No, Ms. Propaganda, this is not war, this is bullshit.

It is (according to the past history) a natural path for the empire to
gradually become a police state because of dissent (which the state,
naturally, labels as terrorism). This progresses until internal
pressure builds up to the point of disintegration. Nothing new here,
except that US managed to do in 60 years what took others centuries.

While it is easy to understand why the feeble-minded gather around the
official story (and flag-waving politicians) when they feel threatened
by dark  hairy foreigners, it should be obvious that such grouping is
the main long-term consequence of terrorism, and that the state is the
principal profiteer.

It is impossible for USG to attack their strategy while remaining USG.
And I can not see a single reason that would compell USG to do so.

IBM Cries Crypto Wolf, Experts Say

2000-11-30 Thread No User

Big Blue says it can make encryption twice as fast. But the company hyped a similar 
advancement years ago; experts say that idea didn't amount to much, and this one won't 
By Elinor Abreu 
IBM is announcing a new algorithm on Thursday that it says will double the speed at 
which online communications are encrypted. But several crypto experts say that IBM is 
fixing something that isn't broken and that Big Blue has a history of tooting its horn 

IBM's new as-yet-unnamed security algorithm simultaneously encrypts and authenticates 
messages. It works with symmetric cryptography in which the same secret key, or 
mathematical code, is used to encrypt and decrypt, as opposed to public key 
cryptography, in which two different keys are used. The new algorithm has been 
submitted to the U.S. Patent Office and proposed to the National Institute of 

The improvement in speed won't be noticed when sending small items, such as an e-mail, 
but it will make a difference with things like a long Microsoft Word document, an 
entire Web page and bulk data, according to Charles Palmer, manager of IBM's Network 
Security and Cryptography division.

The algorithm will be especially useful with parallel processors, spreading the work 
among multiple processors for even greater speed improvement, so that "pointing [a 
handheld device] at a Coke machine actually makes the transaction happen as soon as 
you touch the button," said Palmer.

However, several crypto experts questioned the need for the technology and said it 
can't be taken seriously until it's been widely analyzed and tested.

"There is no market demand for this algorithm," said Bruce Schneier, author of several 
cryptography and security books and chief technology officer of Counterpane Internet 
Security, a network monitoring outsourcer. "Sure, RSA (crypto) can be slow, but other 
aspects of network protocols are much slower. Rarely is the cryptography the 
bottleneck in any communications."

Performance is already addressed by Moore's Law, which dictates that processing speed 
increases twofold every 18 months, Schneier pointed out. He also suggested that IBM's 
method is counterproductive Ð that most security protocols prefer separating 
encryption and authentication because they often have different key management and 
implementation requirements. "Combining the two makes engineering harder, not easier," 
he said. "I predict that if you go back in one year, zero applications will be using 

Tim Dierks, CTO of Certicom, concurred with Schneier and added that there are already 
other means, including hardware accelerators, to improve crypto performance. "I don't 
have reason to believe the market is hung up on this sort of solution. It's a question 
of whether there is market demand for it," he said.

IBM's Palmer acknowledged that the new technology isn't going to have any drastic 
impact in the near term. "We can do it all right today, but this is just going to get 
worse as we get cable modems and DSL," he said. "[Schneier's] right; we may not have a 
blinding need for this right now."

The criticism wouldn't be so harsh if IBM hadn't done this before. Two years ago, IBM 
announced what it called the "Cramer-Shoup cryptosystem" that it cited as "provably 
secure" and hyped as a replacement for SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), a protocol that is 
ubiquitous in e-commerce transactions. That IBM technology, which was designed to 
prevent against an obscure type of crypto attack, has not yet been deployed, noted 

"IBM's got a track record of coming out with these major crypto announcements around 
early stage results" that haven't been evaluated and tested, said Dierks of Certicom. 
"They're seen as self promoting." An IBM algorithm dubbed the "Atjai-Dwork 
cryptosystem" was announced in 1997 and broken the following year, he said.

Burt Kaliski, chief scientist and director of RSA's Labs, came to IBM's defense. The 
new IBM algorithm "is an interesting line of research; a nice application of theory to 
achieve some significant results," he said. "While we could debate whether there's a 
problem to be solved, it's a nice technology they've come up with.

"Here, they seem to be on more solid ground in terms of the technology they're 
proposing," Kaliski added. "It still needs some more analysis by the crypto 

Microsoft backs XML security spec

2000-11-30 Thread No User

Microsoft has teamed up with software partners VeriSign and WebMethod to launch a 
specification aimed at simplifying digital signatures used in ecommerce applications.

To ease the integration of public key infrastructure (PKI) and digital certificates, 
the three companies have created the XKMS spec (XML Key Management Specification) 
which they say makes it easier for programmers to create online applications with 
digital signatures.

Currently, developers are required to buy and integrate specialised toolkits from a 
PKI software vendor. These toolkits only interoperate with that vendor's PKI 
offerings. But developers can use XKMS to integrate authentication, digital signatures 
and encryption services, such as certificate processing and revocation status 
checking, into applications.

Warwick Ford, chief technology officer at VeriSign, said: "For the next generation of 
ecommerce applications to truly support high-value transactions, the handling of 
digital keys for online authentication, digital signatures and data encryption must be 
simple to integrate, and must interoperate across a broad range of enterprise 

The specification works with trust functions residing on servers and accessible 
through programmed XML transactions. XKMS is also compatible with emerging standards 
for web services description language (WSDL) and simple object access protocol (Soap).

The specification will be submitted to the appropriate web standards bodies, and 
Microsoft said XKMS will be integrated into its .Net architecture.

Analysts said that by having a standard such as XKMS it will be possible for companies 
to accelerate the process of finalising an online contract or completing a transaction 
by having the capability to accept a legitimate signature electronically.

"At the level of XML, you have to have all of the things associated with security 
processing," said Frank Prince, an analyst at Forrester Research. "Any key management 
system should be built at that level." 

È If you would like to comment on this article email us @ [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: FBI: We Need Cyber Ethics Education

2000-10-13 Thread No User

Bill Stewart wrote:

 Tim's spoof got to me before the original did,
 and I'd read about halfway through before noticing that
 it was probably a spoof and then noticing it was from Tim :-)

 That's the problem with stuff that's too realistically written...

"There oughtta be a law..."

fun and games with SDMI

2000-09-14 Thread Private User

Linux users say SDMI contest a trick 

 By Lisa M. Bowman, ZDNet News

 Some Linux lovers say the record industry is using them
 as a free consulting service to improve SDMI encryption.

 Some members of the Linux community are rejecting the
 record industrys request to help it create a more secure technical lock on its
 digital music.

 The Linux Journal is sponsoring a boycott of the Secure Digital Music Initiative 
 challenge, which starts Friday and promises to pay $10,000 to any hacker who 
strips out
 the watermark from a digital song.

 SDMI is a technology initiative launched by the record companies
 to crack down on piracy. In the coming weeks, SDMI will try out a
 variety of security measures, with plans to eventually adopt a
 hacker-tested technology that will prevent people from playing
 bootleg songs on SDMI-compatible hardware.

 However, some Linux lovers say the record industry is only using
 the hackers as a "free consulting" service to help it crack down 
 legal uses of music in the future, in an attempt to exert
 unprecedented control over when and where people play songs.

 The Linux Journal is urging readers to sign a letter saying they 
 play along.

 "Thanks, SDMI, but no thanks. I wont do your dirty work for you," the letter 
states. "I
 will not help test programs or devices that violate privacy or interfere with the 
right of fair

 People who sign the letter will agree that they will never make a bootleg copy of 
 recording, but will only play one copy at a time in different devices, an action 
thats legal
 under the concept of fair use, but may be hard to follow in these days of rampant 
 file swapping.

 In a sense, the open sharing of information that has allowed the Linux community 
 mushroom is directly at odds with the motives of traditional entertainment 
 which want to lock down their content.

 PR stunt

 Ironically, the entertainment industry in the past has sued people whove tried to 
 engineer their encryption technology -- the same act SDMI is now asking them to 
 during the hacking contest.

 Linux Journal technical editor Don Marti, one of the boycotts organizers, said 
the goal is
 to thwart what he called "SDMIs PR stunt."

 "Why are freedom-loving people supposed to do free consulting work for an 
 that wants to take away our freedom?" he asked.

 SDMI officials were not immediately available for comment. yanks DeCSS sourcecode sung

2000-09-14 Thread Private User yanks song with illegal
  DVD-hacking code 
  By Corey Grice
  Staff Writer, CNET
  September 13, 2000, 7:25 p.m. PT 

  Joseph Weckers song about a binary computer code wasnt exactly a
  chart-topper, but he doesnt think should have banned it. 

  The popular music Web site today removed the song, in which Wecker,
  sounding more than a little like a 1960s sit-in protester, sings a version of
  the banned computer code known as DeCSS. 

  In an email to Wecker, cited the nature of
  the music lyrics for the songs eradication. "Your
  song has either a song title or lyrics that are
  offensive or otherwise inappropriate," the company

  "Since there is a precedent holding (
  culpable for posting the code, we felt it was in our
  best interest to remove it," an spokesman
  said in an interview. 

  The Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA)
  has filed lawsuits seeking to outlaw the code, calling
  it a hack of its DVD encryption scheme aimed at
  making and distributing illegal copies of digital films.
  A federal judge in New York last month agreed,
  banning hacker publication from
  publishing or linking to the code online. 

  The song, called DeCSS.MP3, offers an English-language rendition of
  computer code that, depending on whom you ask, is either a harmless
  exercise in experimental software engineering or a missile aimed at the
  heart of Hollywood. Either way, DeCSS has become a flash point in the
  head-on collision between digital technologies and copyright owners, much
  as Napster has for the music industry. 

  The programmers who wrote the code insist DeCSS was designed to play
  legally purchased movie DVDs on computers running the Linux operating
  system--a format not supported by the movie industry. They say the code is
  a form of speech and is protected by the First Amendment--a claim many
  DeCSS supporters have rushed to validate by churning out artistic and
  other nonfunctioning works based on the DeCSS source code. 

  Wecker said he sang the DeCSS code
  as a way to attract attention to the

  "Its gone one step too far," Wecker
  said. "Its illegal to photocopy a
  copyrighted poem. But now its like it
  has become illegal to tell someone
  how the Xerox works." 

  Other protesters have published
  portions of DeCSS on T-shirts and
  have recorded dramatic readings of
  the code. Some have used the code to
  create images in graphics files.
  Pro-DeCSS supporters say these
  demonstrations dont contain the full
  source code necessary to decode a
  DVD, a popular digital home movie

  "I find it very disturbing that I live in a country where singing source code
  may be technically illegal--kind of chilling," Wecker said. "My song is just
  like the T-shirts. The T-shirts dont even have enough code to decode a
  DVD.", meanwhile, is wrestling with its own copyright troubles. A federal
  judge last week found that the company willfully infringed the copyrights of
  Universal Music Group in creating an online database of some 80,000 CDs
  for use with its music locker service. The company could be
  on the hook for hundreds of millions of dollars in damages. 

Re: Black Hoes

2000-08-24 Thread No User

Misogynist Bigot Choate frothed:

At 08:15 AM 23/08/00 -0700, A. Melon (head) wrote:
 Tim May's brain fart of the day:
  (Better yet, maybe I should I produce a sequel: "Black Men Can't Think.")
 Or better yet, you should produce a sequel: "Tim May Has A Small Dick"

Idiot, you underscore Tim's point with your own racism.

Fuck off.

   Ah, a voice from Texass where most guys got *REALLY* small dicks. And it 
has nothing to do with race. It has to do with manhood and spewers of hatred
generally don't have much. Haters of women (bitches, right Choate?) and
haters of other races most usually can't get it up. 


Re: Superpower Invites Attack

2000-08-23 Thread Anon User

On Tuesday, August 22, 2000, Anonymous wrote:

 Why do I have this feeling that going through anonymizer guarantees
 entry into the fedz logs ?

...because it very well may?

Why are you using Anonymizer?  Why are you posting via

CIA courting Silicon Valley

2000-08-18 Thread No User

U.S. spy agency's venture capital fund now bankrolling 8 high tech startups
August 18, 2000: 3:17 p.m. ET

NEW YORK (CNNfn) - It is probably among the last places most entrepreneurs 
would think of tapping for venture capital funding. Regardless, the Central 
Intelligence Agency has gotten into the game of providing much- needed seed money for 
high technology startups.

It took a lot of arm-twisting to persuade Congress and some in the intelligence 
bureaucracy that starting a venture capital fund to keep critical government agencies 
like the CIA at the forefront of new technology would be a good idea. Yet, that task 
was accomplished and Congress approved $28 million last year for the project and 
In-Q-Tel was born.

To date, In-Q-Tel, the CIA's venture fund, has reviewed more than 300 business plans 
and provided seed money for eight high-tech companies. Most of them share a common 
mission of creating new security technology.

Indeed, In-Q-Tel is going to provide money only to companies whose products can in 
some way benefit U.S. security interests. Gilman Louie, In-Q-Tel's CEO, said in an 
appearance Friday on CNNfn's Market Call that in addition to computer security he is 
interested in such things as sensor technology that could help U.S. military and spies 
detect biological and chemical weapons.

In-Q-Tel differs from traditional venture funds in at least one significant way: It is 
not a money-making operation. The fund has non-profit status and any earnings it makes 
on its investments will be sent straight to the United States Treasury.

A departure for Washington 

The fund is a real departure for Washington and for the United States' spy agency. 
Traditionally, technology for government agencies was developed in tightly secured 
government labs or contracted with private corporations. These days, however, 
information lags far behind technology, meaning that by the time anyone finds out 
about it, the next wave is already on the way. In the information explosion of the 
last decade, the CIA lost a lot of the edge it had in high technology.

Wireless gadgets and high-tech products like satellite images and electronic 
surveillance equipment, now available to the public, including terrorists, were once 
the exclusive domain of the government. Creating this fund is an experiment to try to 
put the CIA back in the position of high-tech predominance it held throughout the Cold 
War. (230K WAV) or (230K AIF)

CIA spies have a host of technology needs. In addition to tiny sensors and the most 
secure computers in the world, the agency has put out the call for stronger Internet 
search engines, technology that will allow them to surf the Internet in complete 
secrecy, and software that can translate every language in the world.

Former computer game designer leads effort

The choice of Louie to run the fund also is a departure for Washington. Louie, 39, is 
no government wonk. He's a former Silicon Valley techno whiz who earned digital renown 
when, in his early 20's, he created the flight simulator, Falcon. He later sold his 
company to Hasbro for $70 million.

Most recently, Louie was Hasbro Interactive's chief creative officer and general 
manager of the group, which oversees Hasbro's Internet games site.

Not only is the pace of technology too fast for government agencies to keep up, Louie 
said, but it is rapidly becoming too costly to try to develop all the technology to 
meet government needs alone.

Louie described his position at In-Q-Tel as that of a human translator. He explains 
the government's technology needs to Silicon Valley entrepreneurs in the hope of 
inspiring them to work with In-Q-Tel. He also hopes to convey to cutting edge firms in 
Silicon Valley that in many areas, such as information security, the governments needs 
are very much in line with the needs of corporate America.

"The CIA has very advanced needs," he said. "We can really help them get the first 
mover advantage because a lot of companies have these needs, too."

At least two other government agencies, the National Aeronautics and Space 
Administration and the U.S. Postal Service, are looking at creating similar ventures.Ê 

Copyright © 2000, CNN America, INC.

bbc cell phone tracking story

2000-08-15 Thread No User

Video postcards can be sent with 3rd-Generation phones

By BBC News Online internet reporter Mark Ward 

The next generation of mobile phones will make it much easier for the police to carry 
out covert surveillance of citizens, say civil liberty campaigners. 

They warn that the combination of location revealing technology built into the phones 
and rights given to the police under the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act mean 
the owners of such phones can be watched. 

They are advising people that using one of the new phones might make it hard for them 
to maintain their privacy. 

In recognition of the implications, phone companies are planning to let people conceal 
where they are at the touch of a button. 

Phone metre 

Although existing GSM handsets can be used as location devices, they typically only 
give a fix to within a couple of hundred meters. 

Future phones will direct you to the nearest Indian take away

While this is good enough to tell drivers about traffic problems on the roads ahead, 
mobile phone companies are not using the technology for much more than this. 

Accuracy can be improved if handsets are fitted with special software and the mobile 
phone operators adopt complementary software for their networks. 

Using this technology, handsets can be pinpointed to within 50 metres of their actual 

Newer mobile phone technologies such as the General Packet Radio Services and 
Universal Mobile Telecommunications Services have more accurate locating systems built 

GPRS services are due to become widely available later this year and UMTS telephone 
networks are due to be switched on in 2002. 

Timing triangle 

Both GPRS and UMTS can locate a handset to within 15 metres by timing how long it 
takes packets of data to travel from different base stations to the handset. 

The handset then uses this to calculate where the phone is in the area covered by the 
base stations. 

"Service providers are going to do that calculation routinely so they can sell the 
data to companies that want to send you mail and messages," said Caspar Bowden, 
director of the Foundation for Information Policy Research. 

Often people will be happy to reveal their location and who they are, particularly if 
they are looking for a cash point or a good restaurant in a town they are visiting. 

Many companies are keen to use this location data so they can send special offers, 
such as cut-price cinema tickets, to anyone walking past their doors. 

Others are planning to combine location data and personal information to target people 
with adverts customised to match their preferences. 

Privacy protection 

But, said Mr Bowden, the newly passed Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act could 
allow for the data to be used for a more sinister purpose. 

He said the RIP Act regards the information used to locate phones as "communications 
data" and says police do not need a warrant to obtain it. 

As a result, he said, the police could use this information to conduct covert 
surveillance of anyone using such a phone. 

Phone companies are planning to let people opt in and out of the location-based 
services to ensure privacy is not compromised and people are not bombarded with 
messages they do not want to read. 

"It has always been our aim to enable the customer to decide whether or not to have 
his or her location sent to the network," said a spokesman for mobile service provider 

But all this means is that the information is not being passed on to advertisers, said 
Mr Bowden. 

"Whether or not you want to receive ads, the location data will be collected," he 

Re: Christianity vs. the 2nd ammendment

2000-07-22 Thread Anon User

Marcel Popescu wrote:

 In light of the above it is interesting and instructive to note the thoughts
 of the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzche in his work Beyond Good and

The name is Nietzsche.

By the way, how did you like Zarathustra? I found the "God is dead"
part quite impressive.