Your Membership Exchange, #444

2001-08-08 Thread Your Membership Newsletter
er reviewing three sites, your web site will be added to
the list! It's fun, easy, and it's a great opportunity to give
some help and receive an informative review of your own site.
Plus, you can also win a chance to have y our site chosen for
a free website redesign. One randomly drawn winner each month!
Site #144:
Site #145:
Len Seider
Site #146:
Melissa Kalmbach
Site #147:
Janice Holton

Comments on Site #143:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] was very difficult to follow.  There was
much too much going on the first page and the frames on the
right weren't working at all.  Breaking it up and helping me get
where I need to go would be much better.

I have my internet explorer browser set to the second to
smallest size text, and your text still seemed very big.  It also
was hard to tell what was the most important information
with all the different font colors and sizes.  Some uniformity
is needed on the home page with the text.
On the program details page the text was to close to the left
border. The 'third' point was not in line with the others. The
steps to follow were good directions, but again the text was
not uniform in size.  Also, for step one it would have been
helpful to have a link right after to join the STWO program.
And, why have the steps to follow on both the program
page and a separate steps to follow page?

On the right track. Layout looks good. Maybe make the font
in the middle table a bit smaller so the page doesn't look
overwhelmed.  Using header tags will help also, i.e.  

There is a lot of information on this site, and that might scare
some people away.  But, reading over the information the
program sounds pretty good.  I think it would help to see
comments direct from Alex Shaw on how this is working and
if the whole site has only been viewed 21,000 times I'd like to
know when the program started.
The link to 'today's special' in the upper right hand corner
was very difficult to see, being black on dark blue background.

		moderator: Amy Mossel  Moderator
posting:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Your Membership Exchange, #442

2001-08-06 Thread Your Membership Newsletter
t far.

This site is bright and breezy. It is very clean, easy to read
and navigate. Logically presented and information-rich.
Some pages had too many animated images for my own taste,
but the pages are happy and cheery. Tip: If you can get a hold
of PaintShop Pro, you can take out the white squares that
form a background for some images.

		moderator: Amy Mossel  Moderator
posting:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Your Membership Community & Commentary, 08-03-01

2001-08-03 Thread Your Membership Newsletter
 a bad car accident.  I had a full service account.
My Internic fees were not paid so my WEB Address
went unprotected.  A Russian stepped in; paid the fees;
and, promptly assigned my
address to a porn shop.  Thus, I lost 4 years of building
up 1st place rankings on 12 Search Engines and 2nd place
on 8 more.  This set me back about 4  months: I believe I
lost a minimum of $50,000.
I have also been hit with viruses about 10 times.  The first
time I lost almost 4 months of work.  Now, I back up often
enough to not to lose so much time.  This is also Internet
theft.  These people are nothing but out and out criminals
and should spend years behind bars.
Customers are well protected from credit card theft;
however, merchants can lose a lot of money.  I sell only by
purchase order and certified or registered company checks.
--  Peter S.
And the July 'One-Question Survey' WINNER is...
   John Stitzel  
Congratulations John!  
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I invite you to send your real successes and showcase 
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"Working Together We Can All Prosper." Submit
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Your Membership Exchange, #441

2001-08-02 Thread Your Membership Newsletter
lso might be able to automate this process.

I loved this site because it was clear, simple and to the point.
It also peaked my curiosity and I followed the link supplied.
If only other sites we so simplistic!

With the masterminding site, the first sentence 'Major Impact
on Your Life' is incomplete. There were also run-on sentences
in the copy, even though the copy is quite effective. The box
with "Life Changeing Insight" needs the 'e' taken out of
'changeing', and it looked like the text could have been extended
to go from side to side. In the first paragraph  '... an amazing
year old text...' felt like it should be 'book' or 'secret' instead
using the word 'text'.  Also it would add credibility to say where
or how or by whom it was discovered.
The message is clear, the site design simple. Two things that
would make the site more effective (on getting people to request
the book) would be to say if this is an ebook, how long it is, in
what format it is, etc. and then also using a form for people to
order instead of emailing. You should be able to pick up a form
for this just about anywhere.

		moderator: Amy Mossel  Moderator
posting:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Your Membership Exchange, #440

2001-08-01 Thread Your Membership Newsletter
Internet marketing and business consultation! 100% Guaranteed!
If you have a product, service, opportunity and/or quality
merchandise that appeals to people worldwide, reach your
target audience!
For a fraction of what other large newsletters charge you
can exhibit your website here for only $8 CPM. Why?...
Because as a valuable member we want you to be successful!
Order today - Exhibits are limited and published on a
first come, first serve basis.

>>>>>> MEMBER *REVIEWS* <<<<<<
Visit these sites, look for what you like and any suggestions
you can offer, and send your critique to MyInput
And, after reviewing three sites, your web site will be added to
the list! It's fun, easy, and it's a great opportunity to give
some help and receive an informative review of your own site.
Plus, you can also win a chance to have y our site chosen for
a free website redesign. One randomly drawn winner each month!
Site #140:
Site #141:
Carol Hall
Site #142:
James Garrison
Site #143:
Site #144:

Comments on Site #139:

This is a nice looking site, but I do have some recommendations
just to make it a little easier.
1 - The look of the  logo and first sentence "A Healthy
New Age..." with a serif font just didn't seem to fit with
the color and style of the rest of the site.
2 - As someone unfamiliar with new age stuff, I would have
liked more of an introduction to describe what I would find
at your site.
3 - There is a LOT of information and links on the home page.
It might just be me, but I don't like so many decisions on
what link to click on or where to go. By dividing this information
up into main categories, then sub-categories, I wouldn't have
felt overwhelmed.

Cool background. I wish you hadn't covered it up with the
white text box. But if you are using a text box / table, instead
of centering all the information, I'd separate those links into
side by side cells, eliminating a lot of white space and scrolling.

This is a fast-loading site, with very extensive information on
new age products and practices. I thought the 'alphabet soup
challenge' was a neat idea, and you definitely have a lot of
With the layout, try to stick to one background print, and one
related background color for the other pages if you don't want
to always use the print. While the topics all related to new
age, the pages didn't seem to relate at all with the different
borders and colors for every page.
Having webmaster recommendations, I think you need to share
information about yourself, I didn't find any contact information
on the whole site. Great job with your meta tags, I would think
you rate pretty high with search engines.

Healthy new age was a unique site, with a fun layout and
graphics that felt artsy, but with no photographs everything
seemed to load quickly.  I was glad to see the site index as
there was almost too much on the home page, but thought
the site index should have been closer to the top of the page.
I clicked on some of the links, checking out the alphabet soup
challenge, and some of the articles and mall stores. I was
confused by the 'Enter the star gates' in the motivation central
section, as I didn't know what the star gates were. A description
or more information would be helpful by some of these links.

Calm and relaxing site. Well planned and informative. Pages
load quickly. Lots of time needed to visit everything, but
heaps of interesting features.
The white parts of the first page could be the same soft green
as the rest (the white might be disguising a white square
background behind the logo?) I just found the white a tad
harsh with the soft green.
Webmaster Resources Center
The colour is out of sync. with the overall scheme.
Does the site have music? (I don't have a sound card) I think
adding music to it would be great.  I've bookmarked lots of
things from this site.  Very nice site!

		moderator: Amy Mossel  Moderator
posting:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Your Membership Exchange, #439

2001-07-31 Thread Your Membership Newsletter
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Your Membership Exchange, #438

2001-07-30 Thread Your Membership Newsletter
nd services
with profit margins of 10,000% ... FREE one-on-one personalized
Internet marketing and business consultation! 100% Guaranteed!
I didn't MAKE MONEY until I QUIT!
I'm TIRED of marketing!  I'm SICK of being the ONLY one
who works!  I'm FED UP with the "do nothing and make
millions" mentality!  Are YOU?  Click below NOW:
Trade Links - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
If you have a product, service, opportunity and/or quality
merchandise that appeals to people worldwide, reach your
target audience!
For a fraction of what other large newsletters charge you
can exhibit your website here for only $8 CPM. Why?...
Because as a valuable member we want you to be successful!
Order today - Exhibits are limited and published on a
first come, first serve basis.

>>>>>> MEMBER *REVIEWS* <<<<<<
Visit these sites, look for what you like and any suggestions
you can offer, and send your critique to MyInput
And, after reviewing three sites, your web site will be added to
the list! It's fun, easy, and it's a great opportunity to give
some help and receive an informative review of your own site.
Plus, you can also win a chance to have y our site chosen for
a free website redesign. One randomly drawn winner each month!
Site #138:
April Williams
Site #139:
Site #140:
Site #141:
Carol Hall

Comments on Site #137:

This is an excellent site.  It loaded quickly, had photos of
the items for sale and these photos also loaded quickly.
The site is dedicated to selling antiquities at what seems
to be very reasonable prices.
There is plenty of rare stock to choose from, rather better
than a shop, because you can access and see items in far
faster than you could in a shop.   I like the link bar which
stays at the top of the screen no matter how far down the
page you go, the first time I have seen something like this!

An interesting and well arranged site.

This site is very well done and interesting.  Very fast loading!
I wish the menu bar at the top would stop jumping around
though.  Very annoying.  Either make it stable or put a sidebar
menu that doesn't move.
Theonly other thing that I would suggest is that the site owner
put more information about themselves aimed at establishing
credibility.  There was a short statement stating that they
guaranteed anything sold on the site to be authentic but a
guarantee is only as good as the word of the person who gave
it. All I know is that they are in the Netherlands.  How do we
know this is legitimate business?  How long have you been in
business? etc. etc.  Tell us more about who and what you are
and how you obtain the things you have for sale.

Excellent site - everything worked, it was well laid out,
colour co-ordinated and interesting!  Liked the unusual
floating top menu.

Very pleasant site to view, and easy to navigate with the
floating menu. Everything was very well presented.
But, I would be a bit nervous about ordering. I would have
liked to see some background information about you, how
long you have been in business, what your qualifications
are, and why I should do business with you, or testimonials
from previous customers.

Site 137 was a wonderful site!  Very elegant and
simple to use. I love the way the navigation bar goes down
the page with you! Makes getting around much simpler.
I wouldn't change a thing!

From:  stuart.reid   - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:  Thanks for suggestions!
Just a quick note to thank everyone who wrote with
suggestions for my site
I'll try varying the background with a view to removing
or moving the blue-wave and try to get people to return
to the pages I want them too.
Thanks for your input!

		moderator: Amy Mossel  Moderator
posting:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Your Membership Community & Commentary, 07-27-01

2001-07-27 Thread Your Membership Newsletter
post the best commentaries along with the responses.
You will automatically be entered in our drawing for a free
Sponsorship ad in the Community & Commentary. Please
respond only one time per question.  Multiple responses
from the same individual will be discarded.
Last Weeks's Survey Results (07/20/01)
 ~~~ Do you promote your website only online? ~~~
yes   45%
no    55%
"Just because we're working online doesn't mean we should
forget to market offline as well.  Heck, some days I get more
leads in the supermarket than I do online."
-- Henry C.
"I attach mailing labels with my message printed on them
on the back of my business cards, on flyers, brochures or
anything that I hand out to my customers."
-- Rick A.
"I promote my business opportunity website both online
and offline. The printed media is very valuable to promote
my presence on the internet. Having a website is just like
having a "sign-post in the desert". Without anyone
knowing where to look to find you, your website is a
museum with no visitors.
-- Jerry P.  
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I invite you to send your real successes and showcase 
your strategies and techniques, or yes, even your total bombs, 
"Working Together We Can All Prosper." Submit
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Your Membership Exchange, #437

2001-07-27 Thread Your Membership Newsletter
ad in this format.  The length of the
makes it even harder.
The update script you use put the "this page was updated 'today's
date'" language under the get paid to click link at the bottom. 
also showed up twice in small black print behind some of the wording
in the bottom of your fourth paragraph.
The link on #48 is missing.  You forgot to put in
link...but the words are there.  This means people
copy and paste the link, but it won't be to your referral page and
won't get paid.
Your banners at the bottom are jumbled and overlapping.  The bottom
right ad, the really big one in the frame, needs to be scrolled to
be read.
No one will read it. After you write your ad copy, use spell check
grammar check.  It is possible to spell words correctly that are
incorrectly and spell check will not catch it.

I don't care for the black background, but that's personal preference.
I didn't find any contact information, and saw some spelling errors
I wasn't impressed with the site. I think it is just too much information
to scroll thru.

This is one really long home page.  I would recommend breaking
the information, maybe list the pay for email programs on a separate
page. Also, by using a smaller font, and sticking to one or two colors
it wouldn't appear like the visitor had to conquer Mt. Everest - a
mountain of information to read through everything. It looks like you
have a left column menu set up, but the button links are blank. Use
those to separate the information.
Separate the paid to read email programs from the other programs.
Go through the home page and check for typos. I saw lots of them
and they are even more noticable in the large font. For example,
under #3 "Sign up for free newsletters a paid..." should be "Sign up
for free newsletters and get paid..."
under #4 "Get paid $2 to signp" should be "Get paid $2 to sign up"
Some of your numbered programs are in caps, some using lower
case.  Try to make these all the same, preferable using lower
The page uses a horizontal scroll bar because of placement of some
of the banners at the bottom of the page. Set your page up so the
information fits in the screen width.
Good information, very focused, you just need to make it easier
for people to view your information.

		moderator: Amy Mossel  Moderator
posting:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Your Membership Exchange, #434

2001-07-24 Thread Your Membership Newsletter
x27;t want to go back to the
home page and try to find where that item was.
Before I would consider ordering I would want to know what kind
of guarantee you offer. When selling products online, make sure
your guarantee is easy to find, and a good one.

It's very obvious that many hours were expended  preparing
this site.  However, were I a visitor as opposed to giving a
review, I would have clicked away as soon as "37 items
remaining" appeared.
Indeed, it did take an interminable amount of time to load.
So much so that I did not attempt the links.
My suggestion would be to establish several distinct
introductory sales pages for the different categories of
products and market them separately.  Weave links within
the text of each crafted sales letter to the other products
as well as links to products within the special category.
Will all of this take more time and effort? Of course it will.
However, it will also help to zone in on targeted markets,
speed up the load time and make the site stickier. There's
way more information here than I need or want to know.

		moderator: Amy Mossel  Moderator
posting:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Your Membership Community & Commentary, 07-20-01

2001-07-20 Thread Your Membership Newsletter
and a successful entrepreneur,
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This Professional #1 PC Diagnostic tool is a very powerful
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Check out #1 PC Diagnostic:
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Last Weeks's Survey Results (07/13/01)
 ~~~ How often do you update your website? ~~~
weekly    29%
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Your Membership Exchange

2001-07-18 Thread Your Membership Newsletter
ame. Optimize
the graphics, and maybe use smaller pictures or eliminate
some to speed up the loading time. Move your links to the
top of the page.

John, I really enjoyed your site, but I think with a few changes
it could be improved.  I would definitely recommend moving
your link buttons to the left side column so visitors don't
have to scroll way way down to the bottom of the page to
visit the other pages.
On your purposestatement page, you don't need the bright
blue 'welcome.' It doesn't match the rest ofthe page, and
visitors have already been welcomed at the home page.
On your testimony page I saw a link to your mailing list.
Have this as a separate link button to make it more
noticeable and get more people to sign up. Also, you might
want to add a 'recommend to a friend' link.
I liked your left column borders, and they did relate nicely,
but I think they made the pages load slooowly. If you stuck
with one border, I'm thinking it would speed up the loading
of all the pages.
I liked the name of your website, it went well with your
subject and focus. Some things I really enjoyed - your
personal touch and message throughout the site, the
calming feeling of the design, the testimonies. In fact,
just keep building the content - it's great. With some
changes to the layout, and contacting other sites for
trading links you'll have a successful website.

This site needs desperately to optimize all graphics.
I waited and waited and it never did completely load.

First impression while uploading: very appealing  as the
border came up immediately. Then the doves showed up
and I did not like them at all. Takes up time to load and
distracts from the text. I would not have them. If you feel
you just have to have doves, stick to the static picture.
No animation.
The "witness on the web" Logo took forever to load up.
Could that be done in just writing, without the background
or what ever slows it down?
The opening portion  one sees initially before scrolling looks
good except for the doves up on top.  But when one scrolls
down to all these banners, links etc, things get really confusing.
Would there be a way you can have a few link buttons that
go to additional pages rather then to have all of this clutter
down below? I never did link to any of the other pages or sites.
Hope this helps.

		moderator: Amy Mossel  Moderator
posting:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Your Membership Exchange

2001-07-17 Thread Your Membership Newsletter
by the links telling me why those were your favorite
pages, or what links were brand new would have been
helpful.  Maybe date the free sample links.

Kind of a neat page of freebies.  Not too cluttered. Liked it.

First Impression: BLAND,
Seems obvious that Lauri is very new at this and is using a
cookie cutter web-builder. Well, Lauri I am still pretty green
behind the ears myself and need the cookie cutters, too.
If your web-builder allows you variety in color, fonts, adding
pictures etc, play around and bring excitement into this site.
I am not really sure what you expect the results to be for your
site? Purpose? for example: I have this site to share free stuff
as a means to get visitors so I can then offer other stuff
which I am selling.
If that is the case, instead of  leading with your favorite
sites (which are not all that exciting either), why not do a site
which gets traffic because your main emphasis is on the FREE
stuff?  Or on what ever your site's purpose is.
Your website address is pretty iffy. You could benefit from
a domain name here.
Lauri, I am not putting you down, I congratulate you for
taking the step. That is how we learn. Just play with it, look
for tools, ask others how they do it, etc., and over time you'll
get okay at that. The more sites you review yourself, the
better you will get. Also, consider to find a local kid (they
are so good at that stuff) who can be hired for a few dollars
to help you.  My children did my
site, artwork and all. I hope this helps you.

I liked the layout of the site - it was easy to read
but it wasn't very inviting.  I think it needs more
colours and perhaps some graphics or even small
promotional banners down the right side.

This looks like a first attempt for someone building a web
page, and is missing some basic and necessary information
to be viewed by more than family and friends. If LaurieGal
wants to get traffic to her site she needs to add meta tags
and specific keywords, contact information, and some
wording that shows personality or uniqueness.
The links are good links, and specializing in finding free
products to order off the internet is a good idea, but there
are a million sites that do this. An introduction or personal
comments about each product or link would be helpful
and set this site apart.
The colors are easy to view, the layout clean and easy to
scroll through, but this site doesn't have any personality.

Nice simple design, soft colors. To make this site seem
bigger and not just a one page site, maybe create a separate
page for each category, and add a one line description
after each link.

		moderator: Amy Mossel  Moderator
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Your Membership Community & Commentary, 07-13-01

2001-07-13 Thread Your Membership Newsletter
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2001-07-12 Thread Your Membership Newsletter
 pretty well.

This website seemed to be too big for my screen - a lot of
horizontal scrolling to read the text. Other than that I liked
this site, but on the Usana site it was linked to there were
missing graphics and some typos.

I found the site fabulousincome to be targeted to people
new at network marketing.  The information was great for
them, but for me I would have liked to see a page with just
the facts, maybe a bullet point outline of the major benefits
and how joining with them would be good for me. I didn't
like having to go through page by page to get to a form to
get a report. Nice layout though.

		moderator: Amy Mossel  Moderator
posting:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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2001-07-11 Thread Your Membership Newsletter
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can exhibit your website here for only $8 CPM. Why?...
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>>>>>> MEMBER *REVIEWS* <<<<<<
Visit these sites, look for what you like and any suggestions
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From: All Biz Services   - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Thanks - already incorporating changes!
Thanks so much for the review, comments and suggestions!
Have changed a few things already, including the addition
of my photo (ugh!)  You are absolutely right, however,
people do buy from people, not machines!
I tried to make the Order Here process more prominent
and also changed the PPPS to an email forward with
an autoresponder.
The only thing left to do is to create a logo. This is
truly something I've been struggling with.  Not the
how, I can do that, it's the what?
Ah well, one step at a time, right?
Thanks again,
Patty Baldwin
Need "Winning Sales Copy"? Click below
		moderator: Amy Mossel  Moderator
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