Stop Stress Naturally

2003-03-25 Thread lyp Remedies

combination of nerve herbs is designed to feed and soothe 
the nerves. In our modern times, we seem to encounter a lot of 
stress and toxins which are hard on our nervous systems. Much 
of the food we eat is processed, irradiated, full of preservatives 
and chemicals, and devoid of the vitamins and minerals that our 
bodies need to function properly. To counteract this damage we 
are inflicting on our nervous systems, many turn to drugs, like 
valium or prozac. These drugs seem to alleviate the problem, 
but recent studies show they may be doing more harm than 
good. They could eventually be debilitating, and could damage 
the nerve fibers and tissues. 
There are 
many herbs that are called nervines and that act as 
nerve tonics. Their function is to feed, regulate, strengthen, 
and rehabilitate the nerve cells. Love Your Parts NERVINE 
contains many of these herbs to relieve nervous disorders 
such as depression, irritability, nervous tension or pain of 
the nervous system. It helps stress and has been used for 
shingles, dizziness, as a muscle relaxer and for overactive 
children, instead of ritalin, which has serious side effects. 

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40 years ago PMS didn't exist.

2003-03-18 Thread LYP Remedies

 Many of the 
female problems girls and women are now dealing with are of fairly recent 
origin. 40 years ago there was no such thing as premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Now 
it’s a household word in Western industrialized countries. Other pelvic 
complaints may include profuse bleeding, cramping, endometriosis, vaginitis, 
fibroids and early miscarriages. All of these complications, and more, are 
strongly related to hormone imbalance. These conditions are increasing, it is 
now estimated that 25 percent of all pregnancies will miscarry. There is 
speculation that our petrochemical age has spawned diseases we’ve never known 
before - and that endometriosis is one of them.

Estrogen is the name of a class of hormones, among which are a group called 
xenoestrogens that are environmental compounds (usually petrochemicals). These 
include plastics, herbicides, pesticides and industrial by-products such as 
dioxins, that are considered very toxic and are pervasively polluting our 
environment. There is mounting evidence that exposure to xenoestrogens may be a 
significant cause of breast cancer, decline in male sperm production, testicular 
cancer and prostate cancer. Synthetic estrogens are made by the pharmaceutical 
companies and have had their molecular structure altered so they can be 
patented. They are more potent than the body’s own estrogens, and more toxic. 
DES is an example of a synthetic estrogen that in the past was used for 
regulation of the menstrual cycle, in oral contraceptives and was used 
extensively in beef cattle to fatten them up more quickly for slaughter. It was 
implicated in causing various types of cancer and has been superseded by other 
compounds. Hormones are still being used in beef cattle and are now being used 
to increase milk production in dairy cattle.

Adding the stress of modern life to all the synthetic hormones we are exposed 
to, and to the many processed foods we have in our diet, puts us all in hormone 
imbalance to some extent. To promote hormone balance in our body, and thus 
improve our health, it is important to eat fresh, unprocessed foods with whole 
grains and lots of fruits and vegetables. Exercise is crucial as every system in 
our body performs best when it is moved and stretched regularly. There are herbs 
that contain natural hormones and that encourage hormone balance. Love Your 
Parts FEM-AID has many of these herbs to cultivate health and improve the 
condition of the body. Use Coupon code: 
endpms And save 
an extra 15% off our already low prices. 

Click here to learn more

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