authenticating (?) a computer diary to bust a judge

2002-02-17 Thread proffr11

 >>"We authenticated the diary before we acted on it," said Irvine police 
Sgt. Tom Little.

They are probably "authenticating" my dell to find 2 "e-mails" that were 
left on a site "where anyone can post anything."
Wonder how Sherman Austin's computers are being 'authenticated.'
When I applied for the return of the dell,the computer dick said that 
merely booting up the computer alters thousands of files.Proving someone 
may have accessed the computer in storage could be a winner for OJ level 
It all brings encrypted everything closer.Kill little Tom and the 
president,"I'd buy that for a dollar."

"We declared jihad against the US government, because the US government is 
unjust, criminal and tyrannical. It has committed acts that are extremely 
unjust, hideous and criminal whether directly or through its support of the 
Israeli occupation."

Re: Inferno: Con-Sim Suggested Reading,

2002-02-17 Thread proffr11

Agent faustine scribbled...future warfare, theory and practice: RAND
National Security Research and Analysis

If you liked that you might like "assassination politics" by Jim Bell.

"Surrounded by Moslem maniacs on one side and Christian maniacs on the other, the wise Lord Hassan [al-Sabbah] preserved his people and his cult by bringing the art of assassination to aesthetic perfection. With just a few daggers strategically placed in exactly the right throats, he found Wisdom's alternative to war, and preserved the peoples by killing their leaders. Truly, his was a most exemplary life of grandmotherly kindness."

Intellibridge:Selling Enron short.

2002-02-17 Thread proffr11

Enron hired Intellibridge, based in the Georgetown section of Washington, 
D.C., to serve as its independent “propaganda” arm by creating a news Web 
site and organizing conferences that would bring regulatory, political, 
media and business leaders together to discuss the merits of a more 
competitive energy market.
In compiling a story on alleged conflicts of interest, it would seem that 
the Post would have wanted to reveal that Rothkopf was founder and chief 
executive officer of a company that served as a consultant for Enron, 
instead of framing Rothkopf’s comments as those from a somewhat 
disinterested third party who worked in the Clinton administration.
Immediately prior to forming Intellibridge, Rothkopf served for two years 
as managing director of Kissinger Associates, Inc., the geo-political 
consulting group chaired by the former U.S. secretary of state. After his 
stint at Kissinger Associates, Rothkopf founded Intellibridge—originally 
called the Newmarket Company—with the support of several former government 
officials, including former National Security Advisor Anthony Lake and 
former Central Intelligence Agency director John Deutch, who was accused in 
2000 of mishandling sensitive data while serving at the CIA and previously 
as an under-secretary at the Defense Department.
As part of the contract with Enron, Intellibridge had the mandate to help 
stop the spread of the energy industry’s equivalent of the “rotten apple 
syndrome” through a public image enhancement campaign. Enron wanted to make 
sure negative perceptions about the company did not spread to segments of 
the American public that would hear about the company only in terms of the 
California energy crisis.
After awarding the contract, Enron alerted Intellibridge about who its 
friends were—certain conservative economists, the Wall Street Journal 
editorial page and large industrial companies—and who its enemies were—New 
York Times columnist Paul Krugman, then-New York Times editorial page 
editor Howell Raines, who late last summer moved into the top editorial 
position at the paper, and consumer advocacy groups.
Enron also wanted Intellibridge to create an advisory committee to help 
guide the public image campaign. Candidates for the committee included 
Cambridge Energy Research Associates Chairman Daniel Yergin, New York Times 
columnist Thomas Friedman, Economist magazine energy and environmental 
reporter Vijay Vaitheeswaran and Wall Street Journal columnist Rebecca Smith.
Intellibridge unveiled its news Web site for Enron at an Enron-sponsored 
conference early last October at the Ritz Carlton hotel in Arlington, Va. 
Attending the conference were business leaders, politicians and regulators 
from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, excluding former FERC 
Chairman Curt Hebert, who had left FERC in August 2001 after learning the 
Bush administration had consulted with Enron in choosing Pat Wood to take 
over as FERC chairman.
Soon after Intellibridge organized the conference in October, Enron’s 
fortunes began to crumble and the company then had too much damage for 
Intellibridge to control, thus putting an end to the relationship.

Organizacion Socialista Libertaria (OSL),

2002-02-17 Thread proffr11

(Longish)en) From Riot to Revolution
From "anarcho"
Date Sat, 16 Feb 2002 17:12:25 -0500 (EST)

  A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V

"We have seen how the Revolution began
with popular risings ever since the first
months of 1789. To make a revolution it is
not, however, enough that there should be
such risings -- more or less successful.
It is necessary that after the risings
there should be left something new in the
institutions, would permit new forms of
life to be elaborated and established."
Kropotkin, The Great French Revolution

Anarchism is often portrayed by historians and
others as somewhat utopian, having no real idea of
how to get from capitalism to a free society.
Lenin, for example, asserted that anarchists "while
advocating the destruction of the state machine,
have absolutely no idea of what the proletariat
will put in its place." The truth is, of course,
different.  Anarchists see the initial framework of
an anarchist society as being created under statism
and capitalism when working class people organise
themselves to resist oppression and exploitation.
In summary, the very process of collective class
struggle would create the basis of anarchism.

Therefore, anarchists do not abstractly compare a
free society with the current one. Rather, we see
an organic connection between what is and what
could be. An anarchist society would be based on
the working class's own combat organisations, as
created in their struggles within, but against,
capitalism and the state.

In this sense, anarchy is not some distant goal but
rather an aspect of current struggles against
domination, oppression and exploitation (i.e. the
class struggle). Anarchism draws upon the
autonomous self-activity and spontaneity of working
class people in struggle to inform both its
political theory and its vision of a free society.
The struggle against hierarchy teaches us not only
how to be anarchists but also gives us a glimpse of
what an anarchist society would be like, what its
initial framework could be and the experience of
managing our own activities which is required for
such a society to function successfully.

Anarchy in Action?

The events in Argentina speak for themselves.
Popular risings there have been in abundance. After
two-and-half-decades of IMF-backed free-market
reforms, more than 40% of the 38m population live
below the poverty line and 100 children die daily
from hunger and disease. People have had enough.
Millions of people have challenged the state of
siege. People are fighting on the streets, standing
up to those who express and exploit them. In
Cordoba, a car-making centre north-west of Buenos
Aires, workers protesting at government plans to
reduce wages and apply other austerity measures,
occupied the town hall, and then set fire to it.

Various governments have collapsed but in the lives
of the working class, nothing changed -- except for
feelings of victory. In the streets the
confrontations continued. The power they express,
the power of mass direct action, inspires and will
not be easily forgotten.

The question is, what comes next? Will riot become
revolution? The answer to this question depends on
what forms of popular self-organisation are being
created. Luckily, such forms of working class power
are being created.

The most exciting thing is the largely spontaneous
appearance of "popular assemblies" after the
insurrection last year. These self-managed
assemblies are neighbourhood based on and run by
huge mass meetings of thousands. There are
currently 30 assemblies in Buenos Aires and many
others all over the country. In the French
Revolution, the people of Paris formed the directly
democratic community assemblies called "sections."
Kropotkin pointed to these as examples of both the
popular institutions required to make a revolution
("the districts of Paris laid the foundations of a
new, free, social organisation") and "the
principles of anarchism." It was by means of these
popular assemblies that "the masses, accustoming
themselves to act without receiving orders from the
national representatives, were practising what was
to be described later as Direct Self-Government." A
similar process is at work in Argentina. As one
assembly moderator put it, "here, no one is in
charge, we are going to take turns."

Other forms of popular power are developing. The
unemployed workers movement has played a key role
in many of the revolts. It has been building for
the last five years and in the last year it has
helped force the government to introduce policies
to aid the unemployed. Its tactics are to paralyse
transportation by blocking off major highways in
order to make their demands. They are called
piqueteros ("the picketers"). Any agreements made
are discussed by the participants directly. They do
not delegate leaders to negotiate with the

Aberdeen Anarchist Resistance

2002-02-17 Thread proffr11

Aberdeen Anarchist Resistance is a local broad based anarchist group
active in various struggles in and around the Aberdeen area. We believe
that people are able to self-organise without the need of any kind of
authority. We call for everyone to take their lives into their own hands
and not to depend on any state, any god or generally any kind of
"the man" who's gonna solve our problems. They need us and not
vice versa! We have set up a literature table in the the city centre, on
this carrying leaflets, newsletters etc from various anarchist sources.
Any organisations or individuals who would like us to carry their
material, please get in touch.

"We fight neither for replacing today's exploiters and oppressors, nor for the triumph of an abstract idea... We want everyone to be happy, without any discrimination. We want every person to be free to evolve and live as happy as possible. And we believe that this happiness can't be "donated" to the people neither by political parties, nor by individuals; we believe that all persons have to find the appropriate conditions by themselves, which would lead them to happiness, and fight for them. Because only the full function of the value of solidarity could put an end to the conflicts, the coercion and the exploitation..."
E. Malatesta

RE: Say a goodnight prayer for joshua.

2002-02-16 Thread proffr11

 >>von Clausewitz,Ceasar are fine as far as they go.(being authoritarian 

How did small armies like the free and democratic Greeks defeat huge armies 
of slaves?
Asked and answered."The force more powerful" goes way 
back.Soli-fucking-darity baby!
Check out Xenophon,the retreat of the 10,000.Oh...and Sun Szu of 
course.Then Slave and Peasant revolts,Agincort.Mongols.Revolutions,STUDY 
REVOLUTIONS especially Makhno and Durruti.(michael Collins)Closer to 
today,Bommi B.June  2cnd and Actione Directe followed by chapter 4,RAND to 
round things off.(never forgetting saint Jim) Nods to Mao,Castro,Uncle 
Ho.The Korean Makhno.Various Dacoits and Hoods.The entire Eastern Bloc 
fell, almost bloodlessly, in a couple weeks, because one by one everybody 
realized that all that's sometimes required is to finally stand up and be 
counted, and to just say no to the government. When the time was right, all 
it took was a slight push.

Michael Spann deserved to die,Good Riddance to bad rubbish.

2002-02-16 Thread proffr11

A million mojo-dollars and 15 feet of pure white snow
for the head of george walker bush,payment on delivery.

Further to mod chipping Sony playstations

2002-02-16 Thread proffr11

The ACCC is seeking access to legally privileged documents in a High court 
case (the Daniels case.)
They also don't investigate Govt. Monopolies.(I asked them too once.) They 
worry a lot of au corporation's but they aint Robin bloody Hood.In fact 
with this mob they are more like the fucking 
sherriff of Nottingham.

When action grows unprofitable, gather information;
when information grows unprofitable, sleep.
— Ursula K. LeGuin, The Left Hand of Darkness

Information like the names of any ASIO agents is VERBOTTEN.Posting it 
anonymously is EVIL.

"the cancer stage of capitalism"

2002-02-16 Thread proffr11

 >>capitalism as a cancerous growth... would be interested to hear any 
reactions... maybe this is the wrong crowd :p

APster capitalism could be extremely stable,scalable and sustainable."The 
invisible hand of the market"
Double blind APster trials needed.As long as you have any scarcity,a market 
is the best way to distribute resources.IMO.
The human race as cancerous argument there.Anthrax trials look 
promising.Kill the president,pr.
(Many of the messages posted to cypherpunks over the years have violated 
copyright, federal laws, and societal mores.)
A million mojo-dollars and 15 feet of pure white snow
for the head of george walker bush,payment on delivery. 

Concentration Campfires.

2002-02-16 Thread proffr11

There's been a few already,more to follow.Kill the prime

As a result of the war, corporations have been enthroned, and an era
of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the
country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices
of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the
Republic is destroyed. Abe L.

Stroessner needs the Samoza plan.

2002-02-16 Thread proffr11

Paraguay uncovers new 'archive of terror' 
The Paraguayan authorities say they
have uncovered tonnes of confidential documents belonging to the feared
secret police of the former military leader, Alfredo Stroessner. 
A Paraguayan judge ordered raids on several police stations in the
capital, Asuncion, where they found information on the clandestine
activities of the police during the later stages of the 35-year
Stroessner rule. 
Mr Stroessner, who has been in exile in Brazil since he was overthrown in
1989, has been charged with human rights abuses. 
Twelve years ago the Paraguayan authorities found another collection -
dubbed the Archive of Terror - containing thousands of documents on the
torture and disappearance of political prisoners. 
Never to old to be APstered,If it hurts,your doing it

Regan says,"Ill check for tails more and use better encyption next time."

2002-02-16 Thread proffr11

A former United States Air Force sergeant
has pleaded not guilty to trying to spy for Iraq, Libya and China. 
Retired intelligence analyst Brian Regan, 39, is accused of writing to
Iraqi President Saddam Hussein and offering to provide him with secret
information for $13m. 
"We enter a plea of not guilty and request a trial by jury,"
his lawyer Nina Ginsberg told a federal court in Alexandria, Virginia.

Mr Regan, who could face the death penalty if found guilty, was
originally charged with attempted espionage last October. 
Prosecutors say Mr Regan said in a letter to the Iraqi leader: "I am
willing to commit esposinage (sic) against the United States by providing
your country with highly classified information." 
Because of the risks involved, Mr Regan allegedly said he wanted at least
$13m - "a small price to pay for what you [Saddam] will
Mr Regan worked for the National Reconnaissance Office, a military
intelligence agency that builds and operates America's network of spy
In the letter, Mr Regan allegedly said he had access to highly sensitive
material from all the US intelligence services. 
He is said to have told the Iraqi leader that he was planning to retire
soon and needed the extra money because he would only receive a
"small" government pension. 
Mr Regan is also said to have offered to give Iraq a sample of classified
documents for $1m. 
He allegedly said the information he was offering was worth
"billions" and urged the Iraqi leader not to pass up "the
chance of a lifetime". 
Mr Regan is also accused of drafting a similar letter to Libyan
leader Muammar Gaddafi. 
Deputy Attorney General Larry Thompson did not disclose whether the
letter was actually delivered, but said the case against Mr Regan
"paints a picture of betrayal". 
Mr Regan was arrested in August last year at Dulles International Airport
as he tried to board a flight to Germany. 
Police allegedly found addresses for the Chinese and Iraqi embassies in
Switzerland and Austria in his wallet and secreted in the sole of his

Charges Dropped against Sherman Austin of Raise the Fist

2002-02-16 Thread proffr11

Harassing Motherfuckers.Gave me a good molly recipe though ...

Stupid fucking P.I.Gs.

Dont fly-Ride!

2002-02-16 Thread proffr11

Also,anarchist photo gallery

"Who wants to participate to help form what will be the LAST
revolution on earth, the one that'll take down ALL the

Radical Albuquerque Dissidents news.

2002-02-16 Thread proffr11

A - I N F O S N E W S S E R V I C E
 Contact Name: Radical Albuquerque Dissidents Contact Address: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Event title: SouthWest Anarchist Social Dates: April 19-21 Location: Albuquerque, NM Fellow radicals, I am writing you on behalf of Radical Albuquerque Dissidents (RAD) to invite you to the Southwest Anarchists Social to be held in Albuquerque April 19-21. The purpose of the Social is to get to focus on building a regional radical community, not anything formal, like a federation, coalition, or network (at least not yet). To this end we would like our events to be discussion (not lecture) based. We would like for there to be games, music, and fun. We are seeking input regarding any speakers from the region they would like to see. We have tossed around names like Keith McHenry, Russell Means, Ward Churchill, and Marta Dominguez. We are shying away from having more than a few workshops, but we would like input on what workshops you would like to facilitate/participate in. We are already looking for people with street medic experience & street tactics knowledge. If you are in the know on these topics please contact us! We will keep you up to date regarding logistics of the Social, but for now, please plan on bringing some camping gear (sleeping bags, tents, etc.) the weather in Albuquerque in late April is usually pretty pleasant, but can be windy and downright chilly at night. We do not have a comprehensive list of groups in the Southwest, so please e-mail us with these lists, or any other comments or questions e-mail us at [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

No Justice,No Peace!

2002-02-16 Thread proffr11


British headlines are full of suicide bombs, raids on Jewish settlements,
inter-Palestinian violence. My experience of the past few weeks has
included listening to Israeli F16 bombers flying low over Gaza City for two
consecutive nights. That is the real drama being played out in the grim day
to day existence of Palestinians. - Rev. Lucy Winkett (Human Rights

One day in 1998 Salim Shawamreh and his family were eating dinner at their
home in Anata, a Palestinian suburb of Jerusalem, when the house was
surrounded by two hundred Israeli soldiers. They were given just 15 minutes
to pack their bags before their house was destroyed.

Salim tried to stop the soldiers and was attacked then arrested; his wife
locked the doors, trying to keep their six children safe. The army
responded by breaking windows and throwing in tear gas. Salim's 'crime' was
that he didn't have a permit for his house. He owned the land that he had
bought to house his family, who were living in cramped conditions in a
refugee camp. But every time he applied for a building permit to build his
house legally, according to rigged Israeli law, he was refused.

What happened to Salim and his family is what Jeff Halper from the Israeli
Committee Against House Demolitions describes as the Kafka-esque
administration system designed to wear the Palestinians down...laws,
zoning, planning, permits, settlements, roadblocks all designed to
control and confine the Palestinians. In the past few years 250 by-pass
roads costing $3 billion dollars and all funded by the US have been built
to bypass Palestinian settlements - cutting the Palestinian state up into
small isolated islands. In the Jewish settlements there are bungalows and
swimming pools, and well-watered land, whereas in Palestinian Khan Younis a
population of 200,000 people doesn't even have a sewage system. For the
Israeli government this war of attrition is much more preferable than using
the army, because images of soldiers shooting at stone throwing youths does
not go down well internationally. Much better, and much less newsworthy to
drown the Palestinians in bureaucratic despair.

Currently over 180 Palestinian children are being held as political 
prisoners in Israeli
jails where they are subject to violence and denied basic rights such as 
family and lawyer
visits and the right to continue their education.

Peace House

During the demolition of Salim's house local villagers and people from the
Committee Against House Demolitions tried to stop it being destroyed -
seven were injured including a 16 year old who lost a kidney. The Red Cross
gave the family a tent where they lived by the ruins of their house, until
a new one was built with the help of hundreds of people. Just 24 hours
later however and the army were back with the bulldozers - this time even
taking the tent because it didn't have a permit! Yet again hundreds of
people helped to rebuild it, and again it was demolished, the army even
digging up the foundations.

The destruction is just one of the many hundreds in a fresh wave of house
demolitions that are taking place in Palestine. But Salim's house, dubbed
the Peace House, is also a symbol of the resistance that has taken place,
with Arabs and Jews working together to take direct action to stop the
demolitions and to rebuild those houses that have been destroyed. Support
from the Israeli people is important - they can get in front of bulldozers
and will only be arrested. If a Palestinians did the same they may be shot.

In other countries not quite so powerful as Israel, you would be hearing
words like ethnic cleansing and Apartheid (there are now Jewish-only
beaches) but then this is the fourth biggest military power in the world
receiving goodwill and good cash (£3 billion a year) from the most powerful
nation in the world - USA. As the Palestinian Authour, Edward Said
commented, "Israel's cruel confinement of 1.3 million people in the Gaza
Strip, jammed like so many sardines into a tiny place surrounded by a
barbed-wire fence, and of nearly two million in the West Bank - all of
whose entrances and exits are controlled by the Israeli Defence Force - has
few parallels in the annals of colonialism. Even under Apartheid, F16 jets
were never used to bomb African homelands, as they are now sent against
Palestinian towns and villages."

Last Orders

In the past few weeks nearly 230 Israeli army reservists, many of them
officers, have signed a petition saying they will refuse to serve in the
occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip because Israel is "dominating, expelling,
starving and humiliating" the Palestinian population. The army revolt is
the biggest since the start of the 16-month Palestinian uprising. One of
them, Lieutenant Ishai Sagi, has described how, during one two-week stint
in the West Bank, he was ordered to open fire at Palestinians who picked up
stones for throwing at the troops. "Everything that we do in there - all
the horrors, all the tearin

Jeis mates?:"Antti Rautiainen") Political prisoners in Finland.

2002-02-16 Thread proffr11

(en) Political prisoners in Finland, January 2002
 From "Antti Rautiainen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date Fri, 15 Feb 2002 13:34:18 -0400 (GMT+4)

   A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E

According to anonymous governement statistics,
1st of January 2002 there were 22 consciencious objectors in Finnish
and at least the following 10 would be happy to receive mail.

 >From the prisoners listed below, at least Sadri Cetinkaya has refused
from army for anarchist coinscience. Remember also those 2 in Kerava prison,
all other prisons are low-security open prisons but Kerava is a closed
to where people are sent for almost any break of the arbitrary regulations
in open prisons.

Valo Lankinen
Pyry Nurmi
for both above
Suomenlinnan työsiirtola
Suomenlinna C 86

Sadri Cetinkaya
Jarkko Mauno
For both above:
Helsingin työsiirtola
PL 36

Mikko Ojala
Aleksi Rankka
(?.?.-?.?. 2002)
For both above:
Keravan vankila
PL 133

Lauri Uusitalo
Satakunnan vankila/
Huittisten osasto
Toivarintie 581

Andras Lahdelma
Sukevan vankila

Lauri Pynnönen
Sami Heikkinen
For both above:
Naarajärven vankila
PL 1

Jim Flaherty MUST be killed."...Call it tough love."

2002-02-16 Thread proffr11
Homelessness would become a crime if Jim Flaherty wins his bid to become 
premier of Ontario, a proposal that even fellow Tories called disgusting 
and Dickensian. MORE...FROM
If he wants to get rid of the homeless he can APster them like everyone 
else.Kill all

"The entire Eastern Bloc fell, almost bloodlessly, in a couple weeks, 
because one by one everybody realized that all that's sometimes required is 
to finally stand up and be counted, and to just say no to the government. 
When the time was right, all it took was a slight push."

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes: SS and jailbait

2002-02-16 Thread proffr11

HAHAHA! Couldn't have been rick Walkinshaw as he's into Coprophiligia.The 
SS are catching up quickly with the spectacular series of fuckups that 
"Mary's" mob's (FBI)  racked up. Way to go boys! Go back to Makin Bacon.

"If Mr. Gandhi can protect his sister from rape through nonviolent means, 
then I will be a pacifist."Simone Weill.

Argentina as "a laboratory of struggle"

2002-02-15 Thread proffr11

" some parts of the country, workers have taken over and are
running factories that owners have

"Liberty without socialism is privilege,injustice;socialism without
liberty is slavery and brutality."Mikhail Bakunin.


2002-02-15 Thread proffr11

 >>The primary moral justification for war is to protect the innocent from 
certain harm. Augustine, whose early 5th century book, The City of God, is 
a seminal contribution to just war thinking, argues (echoing Socrates) that 
it is better for the Christian as an individual to suffer harm rather than 
to commit it. But is the morally responsible person also required, or even 
permitted, to make for other innocent persons a commitment to 
non-self-defense? For Augustine, and for the broader just war tradition, 
the answer is no. If one has compelling evidence that innocent people who 
are in no position to protect themselves will be grievously harmed unless 
coercive force is used to stop an aggressor, then the moral principle of 
love of neighbor calls us to the use of force. <<

Well as long as Amoury Kar keeps supplying the euro-colonialists in 
Occupied Palestine,Al Quida and anyone should support the use of force 
against ALL Norte Americano taxpayers.Don't commit suicide by attacking 
their soldiers,cut the heads off tourist's,set booby traps,practise 
kidnapping,bio warfare,use bushfires.DEATH to AMERICA! APster now.
Direct action_ is what it's all about. Undermining the state through the 
spread of espionage networks, through undermining faith in the tax system, 
through even more direct applications of the right tools at the right 
times. When Cypherpunks are called "terrorists," we will have done our 
jobs.Kill the president.Font: Daschle-Anthrax-Bold

White House Advisor Richard Clarke Briefs Senate Panel on Cybersecurity

2002-02-15 Thread proffr11
White House Advisor Richard Clarke Briefs Senate Panel on Cybersecurity
 >>all the fiber optic cables that traverse the Atlantic Ocean come 
together in only one or two places on Manhattan Island.<<

Memo to other terrorists.1st we take Manhatten,then we take DC.

 >>Both the public and private sector must safeguard themselves against 
viruses that affect or have the capability to shut down commerce. The last 
four viruses have caused over $12 billion worth of damage. One virus in 
particular took down over 350,000 servers<<

The FBI is on it.Don't worry,be happy.install our KL today.

 >>-- A national strategy for cybersecurity in accordance with the private 
sector and the academic community.<<

The academic community has to be sniffed by lyn Cheney first,and how did 
that rat get in?

 >>The President's proposed FY-2003 budget includes a dramatic 64% increase 
for network security, now approaching about $4 billion. <<

More INSLAWs.+P.O.R.K.

 >>A fundamental change of thinking has occurred within IT firms to alter 
products to give more attention to security. <<

Yeah right.Nortel and RSA have chinese gestapo experience should that be 

 >>Security of IT Internet Services has also improved.

Carnivores breath stinks.We have always been at war with Oceania bin laden.

 >>Due to the Critical Infrastructure Board, bureaucracies are coordinated 
better and are working together more closely now. <<

We're all getting on like the FBI and the CIA! Don't know about Detrick though.

 >>-- Implementation of a "Cybercorps", or IT security scholarships, 
granted by the government. These scholarships work toward a bachelor or 
master's degree in IT security. For every year of scholarship granted, one 
year of service in the federal government is required. <<

I saw some of these kids in an FBI class late last year.We have nothing to 
fear but fear itself.

 >>Implementation of a cyberintelligence warning network to bring to light 
extraordinary and specific vulnerabilities in the cyber system. This 
information is shared between the public and private sector. <<

Guess this means no more "code red" alarms.That's got to be good.

 >>Over 150 private IT companies are working together to further enhance 
cybersecurity. <<

Forth Reich and roll.Get their names for posterity.Latter day Krupp's.

 >>Implementation of a modeling and simulation center to plan reactions to 
attacks on the cyber system and failure of cybersecurity. <<

Return to castle Wolfensen.Grand theft crypto.Bubble gum crisis.Keep your 
mitts off my joystick!

 >>-- Implementation of a cyberspace security public campaign, with help 
from such IT firms as AOL, Cisco, and Microsoft, to educate, warn, and 
prevent the public from cyberspace attacks. <<

Firms like this are attacking the consumers pockets and privacy in a 
sustained war.They are the aggressor's!

 >>Most terrorist groups have not engaged in information warfare, Clarke 
said, except for some very minor infractions. <<

Like deadly earnest threats to kill using APster,requiring the setting up 
of a grand jury in Ohio.

 >>Clarke said he prefers not to use the term "cyberterrorism"<<

It might catch on."Please dont mention the Junta."

 >>The spectrum of who can hack into vital information systems is enormous. 
It can range from a 14-year-old boy to a nation-state. So worrying about 
who could do such a thing is much less efficient than taking care of 
cyberspace vulnerabilities. <<

I don't think he's read chapter 4,RAND's Netwar,yet somehow.

 >>Clarke also pointed out the extreme significance of the cyberspace 
infrastructure. In the past ten years, every sector of the U.S. economy and 
government has moved onto network systems. Everybody relies on networks, 
and nothing can operate unless the networks are functioning correctly. 
However, Clarke said, none of these things were designed "with security in 
mind." <<

Not like the nuclear war proof internet and the Hanssen proof intranets.I 
don't think he's heard of "secrets and lies" or "the wisdom of insecurity' 

 >>there are many very easy things that can be done to disrupt the cyber 
system. <<

EMP? Ill stick with Apster for now.It gets easier to sell everyday.Kill the 

Re: ftc making noises against anon email

2002-02-15 Thread proffr11

 >>The article also refers to the Cypherpunks as an anonymous remailer 

CIANN? Ever get that lit up feeling? You narco-terrorist,money 
laundering,pedophile hit man,you. Indymedia is more anonymous than 
cypherpunks.(If you don't remail) Much better plausible deniability,too,IMO.

"How can we translate the freedom afforded by the Internet to ordinary 
life?" How can we keep government from banning encryption, digital cash, 
and other systems that will improve our freedom?" Suddenly, Bell had a 
revolutionary idea. ("Revolutionary" is the word he uses, and it 
fits.)"Kill the president and anyone who works for 2$)

Re: RSA shitting bricks over stocks slide,scrutiny.SELL RSA!,

2002-02-15 Thread proffr11

They should where you live.Thanks for propping up my slag off RSA 

"Terrorism really flourishes in areas of poverty, despair and hopelessness, 
where people see no future.kill the prez."

Cypherpunk legend takes Turkey by storm.

2002-02-15 Thread proffr11

What a guy! Personality,brains and moxie.

An often overlooked nation that has been condemned by the International
Court of Justice for the "unlawful use of force" (terrorism)is
the U.S. This occurred in 1986 after the U.S attempted to
"liberate" Nicaragua. I'm actually surprised that pretzel
factories around the world haven't been bombed
Some say that millions would die if the present techno-global
fealty to work & the commodity were scrapped. But this overlooks many
potentialities. For example, consider the vast numbers of people who
would be freed from manipulative, parasitic, destructive pursuits for
those of creativity, health & liberty." J.Zerzan.

Firebomb a police station,hijack a plane with samurai sword,go to jail.

2002-02-15 Thread proffr11

Hero protagonist still gets less than SUV burner,jeff luers and uppity 
Injun,leonard Peltier,also naughty boy,Chris Boyce.

"The fight for the future is not between the armies of leading states, nor 
are its weapons those of traditional armed forces. What all have in common 
is that they operate in small, dispersed units that can deploy anywhere, 
anytime to penetrate and disrupt. They all feature network forms of 
organization, doctrine, strategy, and technology attuned to the information 
age. And, from the Intifidah to the drug war, they are proving very hard to 
--  John Arquilla, David Ronfeldt (editors), Networks and Netwars: The 
Future of Terror, Crime, and Militancy, November 

RSA shitting bricks over stocks slide,scrutiny.SELL RSA!

2002-02-14 Thread proffr11,1367,50414,00.html

Now they've cloned a cat,we wont need Peter Trei,I guess.Your 
china,professor rat.

Re: LNE C-punks archive

2002-02-14 Thread proffr11

>>Never mind my suggestions
above. Yours is not really a serious archive.
ObYoung: Do as thou wilt shall be the hole of the INSLAW.

--Tim May

Theres hope for the old geezer yet!.(or else he really has become
I am working on a serious archive of selected posts.Please bear with me
till this meisterwork of datamined filtration,distillation and pith is
published.I'm afraid I don't trust Bloggers.(unless they've been around
as long as you crypt-kickers.)
It would assist if no one here mentions my name.I wouldn't feel obliged
to respond then."Momma dont let your children grow up to be

"Liberty without socialism is privilege,injustice;socialism
without liberty is slavery and brutality."Mikhail Bakunin.

Old Chomsky lecture on the Mideast cris(es) (fwd),

2002-02-14 Thread proffr11

The Lying Liar Who Always Lies.(A homage to jamesd)
I have written this about that lying liar Noam Chomsky to show that nothing 
Chomsky, that lying apologist for tyranny, mass murder, and brutal 
inequality of power says can be believed, because that lying liar is always 
lying, and to illustrate his methods of deceiving his readers.
When that lying liar Chomsky lies, he does not say plainly in so many words 
"X is true", instead he uses convoluted, indirect, and lawyer-like 
sentences that lead the reader to believe that X is true, and that Chomsky 
has presented a well documented case that X is true, whereas in fact that 
lying liar Chomsky, that lying apologist for tyranny, brutal inequality of 
power, and mass murder _has not actually said X at all_. That lying 
apologist for totalitarianism phrases things in such a way as to give the 
reader a false impression without actually stating the lie in so many 
words, so whenever one of his lies is exposed, that lying liar Chomsky's 
lying fans lie "Ah, but Chomsky did not actually say X". Even though any 
true-believing anarcho-capitalist who -- like me -- defends property rights 
by stealing from Herman and Chomsky, reading the work in dispute would get 
the impression, after just a few hours of mental squinting and having 
refused to take my thorazine for a couple weeks, that that lying liar 
Chomsky had somehow or other _meant_ to lie and say X even though he 
_didn't_ say X. And that lying liar Chomsky probably just does this to make 
me look like a fool or a lunatic when I post that he's lying by saying X, 
and his fans can then lie that he never said X and when I look again, I see 
that he _didn't_ actually say X but not-X. That lying bastard. Whether he 
said X or didn't say X, he damn well _meant_ X and was lying when he meant 
X whether he said X or not-X. That lying liar is always lying and he always 
lies. MORE ON

nude burglars vs. capitalism

2002-02-14 Thread proffr11

 >>Quoth PT: "In India, there are gangs of nudist burglers. They run into a 
house, forcing the inhabitants to retreat/leave out of embarassment, then 
carry items to a waiting car." I suppose, not requiring *any* investment, 
these are among the most uncapitalist folks around. The pigs, at least, 
feel compelled to buy uniforms.

Reminds me of an online photo taken in Sweden round Gothenburg police riots 
last year.It was on Indymedia,(should still be there though their video 
storage filled up.) The photo showed the back view of naked activist 
confronting a black and blue line of plastic peanut riot police.Indy look 
like adding new sites soon inc one in China.P trei can run off and warn his 
Chinese gestapo mates now,fuck him,he's a dead man.

PS.good movie by louis malle called "the thief of Paris." starred J.Paul 
Belmondo.circa.67.Also Tampa tushy fest 1.S.Butts

domestic teddy bear surveillance

2002-02-14 Thread proffr11

 >>Yes, there is a conspiracy but how does the government protect us from 
it ? Obviously, by matching the purchase records with personal 
contact/communication records.<< Ted Kacyzninski manufactured his own 
shrapnel from junk-yard metal. Pellet purchasing bombers are lazy. Has no 
one considered that all those Teddy Bears were for the purchaser's wives? 
It is Utah, after all. <<

During the Quebec ruckus a catapult was used to fire teddy bears over the 
fence,jaggi singh ,who was snatched and held prisoner for weeks,had teddy 
bears become a mascot and rallying symbol for his release.Hirstory 
repeating as farce? I'm old enough to remember "Brideshead revisited" and 
my own little teddy.Rupert the naughty bear was a horny cartoon from the OZ 
streetpaper  whose suppression became a cause celebre.Teddys have recently 
been evicted from Dr's waiting rooms here in au.They are a health hazard 
after all.Just went to Post office where they have a special on 
teddy's.Deja matrix view? Anyone read the Tao of pooh?

When encryption is outlawed only #$@#$%*&*&%$$$@@)(*!@^%$##**&#

Victor Hou,special agent Kuhn,SA Pie or Pi need killing.

2002-02-14 Thread proffr11

"fuck the corporate playground." And the LEA's (from  )
"We don't gather weapons, plan extreme operation, and risk our lives
for nothing. This is real."
"Yeah, motherfucker, I'm a terrorist to the United States
Government. I'm a terrorist to capitalism."
Austin POWERS! More power to you Austin baby,YEAH!
"He had fertilizer in his car. He instructed others how to make fuel
fertilizer bombs and encouraged people to make more devastating Molotov
cocktails on his web site. He instructed them. The most high explosive
and lethal mixture is ammonium nitrate-based fertilizer mixed with
gasoline. Just stuff the bottle with this mixture and light the
 From dickhead Hou,thanks Sucker,I was looking for that recipe.
More on..."his web site encourages deception -- how rioters can use
different techniques to evade the police, how not to -- be careful not to
leave DNA evidence when you use bombs, because sometimes not all bombs
explode where you want them to, encourage rioters to use these
destructive devices against law enforcement officers." 
Lucky its mirrored all around the world now Eh? BWAAAHAHAHA!
"What did the FBI do after it presumably let Mr. Austin go? They put
a watch out, and they notified officials in New York City, indicating --
warning agents of the secret service. Why did they warn agents of the
secret service? Because the defendant made threats against the president
inside a web site. He had a picture of the president of the United States
with a target symbol on his head, and said wanted, dead or
Preferably dead.
"it Special Agent Pie or Pi, in which he says that defendant's web
site contained, among other things, the following comment quote: 
"Yeah, motherfucker, I'm a terrorist to the U.S. Government. I'm a
terrorist to capitalism, not to innocent people. I'm a terrorist to the
evil system that's terrorizing all of us. Fuck the Government. 


2002-02-14 Thread proffr11

Private Military Companies: Options for Regulation
'Green Paper outlining options for the control of private military
companies which operate out of the UK' 
( UK Foreign Office )
See also this Guardian coverage, and
the Foreign Affairs Committee report on Sierra
Leone from 1999
UN considers use of Sandline in Africa and they have Yemen experience and
2 Boeing's if Bin ladens still around.

At the heart of every great fortune lies a great crime.

Gibberers Decline and Fall of the US Empire.

2002-02-14 Thread proffr11

In economic terms, the US has actually been in decline relative to the
rest of the world since it accounted for half the world's output after
the second world war. In the past few years its share has bounced back to
nearly 30% on some measures, partly because of the Soviet implosion and
Japanese stagnation, and partly because of America's own long boom. But
in the medium term, the strain of military overstretch is likely to make
itself felt. More immediately, the US could face regional challenges,
perhaps from China or Russia, which it would surely balk at pushing to
military conflict. Then there is the likelihood of social eruptions in
client states like Saudi Arabia which no amount of military technology
will be able to see off. America's greatest defeat was, it should not be
forgotten, inflicted by a peasant army in Vietnam. US room for manoeuvre
may well prove more limited than might appear' 
( Seumas Milne via Guardian )
See also this Robert Kuttner article
See also "assassination politics"by Jim Bell.

Don’t Buy For Me Argentina

2002-02-14 Thread proffr11

Remember ‘Bartertown’ in Mad Max – where people came out from the 
hinterland to the market settlement which had sprung up in a 
post-apocalypse world? Well it’s coming to that in Argentina. FROM

How can enterprizing C/punks defraud these suckers?

Direct action_ is what it's all about. Undermining the state through the 
spread of espionage networks, through undermining faith in the tax system, 
through even more direct applications of the right tools at the right 
times. When Cypherpunks are called "terrorists," we will have done our 
jobs. Font: Daschle-Anthrax-Bold 

Adm. Poindexter, a known felon.

2002-02-14 Thread proffr11

>>ADMIRAL POINDEXTER! Get back on Felix The Cat where you belong!
Get the damn pipe out of your mouth! You're history, you're gone! THE
UNTOUCHABLES -Frank Zappa [1] No one knows who's in my dream... I mean it
must be high or low. That is, I can't you know, tune in, but it's all
right. (I mean that.) That is, I think it's not too bad. (Actual
testimony of John Poindexter) The Texas Motel -Frank Zappa <<

Daily Bleedster...1958 -- Too Hip?: CBS television newsman Walter
reports the Iranian government has banned rock & roll on the 
grounds that it's against the concepts of Islam & a hazard to health.

Iranian doctors advise the "extreme gyrations" of rock &
dances are injurious to the hips.
1986 -- Frank Zappa appears on "Miami Vice", playing a crime

boss named "Mr. Frankie".
AND,because I'm reading snowcrash and luv anarchist stuff
I had no idea about that keeps popping up...
1885 -- France: Jules Valles dies. Journalist, anarchist 
propagandist, novelist.
He launches the weekly magazine "The Street," on 
June 1, 1867, involving artists & writers such as Emile 
Zola & Gustave Courbet, before it was eventually suppressed.
See the Anarchist Encyclopedia page,
2proffr $'s on the cat,kill the president,pr.

David brin,Choate need killing.

2002-02-14 Thread proffr11

Brin for a real stinker of an idea,except it might make it easier for 
APster assassins to find him,BUT NO!
and you Choate,why do you drag in these slashshite stories? One was by a 
republican party contributor,perry Barlow,
who also deserves to die.He has not had the decency yet to kill 
himself.What possible interest could these slashshite CRAP stories have for 
cypherpunks? If your not fucking CoinTelPro your the next worse thing.SPAM 

Direct action_ is what it's all about. Undermining the state through the 
spread of espionage networks, through undermining faith in the tax system, 
through even more direct applications of the right tools at the right 
times. When Cypherpunks are called "terrorists," we will have done our 
jobs. Font: Daschle-Anthrax-Bold 

Airbrushed out of Hirstory.

2002-02-14 Thread proffr11

Indymedia no longer has an Ohio valley IMC,this site had almost daily posts 
from me following the law enforcement fuckup last year.All news of this 
that was kept in the legal* section off the main Indymedia site has been moved.
I know not where.I don't rate myself anywhere near ralph Mc Gehee so 
Occam's says its all just snafu.Still...paranoia is a cryptographers 
chronic complaint.Some porn shlockmeister is now cybersquatting on the 
OVIMC.Its weird...
I wouldn't blame the IMC's for not risking being shut down,they had enough 
hassle with the SS and FBI goombahs in Seattle.Some of the individual IMC's 
censored me anyway.Selah,it might be time to turn pro.

When action grows unprofitable, gather information;
when information grows unprofitable, sleep.
— Ursula K. LeGuin, The Left Hand of Darkness

Crypto Campaign finance law reform.

2002-02-14 Thread proffr11

"Because you know they'll never do it."
It may sound strange that Jim Bell actually proposed CFLR on this list in 
1996.Even stranger that this was well after AP.
Jim just contributed so much to this list its well worth burrowing in the 
archives.The gist of it was simply to compel encrypted contributions.They 
know they're getting them but not who from.
Has something on this.Personally I hope a plane comes in their window.Kill 
the president,pr.

Direct action_ is what it's all about. Undermining the state through the 
spread of espionage networks, through undermining faith in the tax system, 
through even more direct applications of the right tools at the right 
times. When Cypherpunks are called "terrorists," we will have done our 
jobs. Font: Daschle-Anthrax-Bold 

The Tim May Hoax

2002-02-14 Thread proffr11

Fraud and liar hoist by his own little petard.HAHAHA!
 >At 09:05 PM 5/23/96 -0700, Timothy C. May wrote:
 >>At 3:06 AM 5/24/96, jim bell wrote:
 >>>At least we now know that the National Journal hasn't heard of
 >>>Cyber-Anarchy--- or they didn't understand one word of it.
 >>What is this "cyber-anarchy" (or "Cyber-Anarchy") you keep talking about?
 >(Yeah, yeah.  Okay, I forgot the trademark.  But I still can't find the
 >"circle-C" on my keyboard!)

My point is actually not so much one of claiming credit for something I've
been involved with since 1988, as being somewhat critical of the
all-too-common tendency I see of _renaming_ something without adding any
new content.
Jim Bell calls his set of ideas "cyber-anarchy," and certain journalists
have picked up on this (as with the Australian article).
But with the exception of the one variant of anonymous markets, namely,
"assassination politics," most or all of the other ideas of his
"cyber-anarchy" seem to be encompassed by the already-existing term.
--Tim May
Boycott "Big Brother Inside" software!
We got computers, we're tapping phone lines, we know that that ain't allowed.
Timothy C. May  | Crypto Anarchy: encryption, digital money,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  408-728-0152 | anonymous networks, digital pseudonyms, zero
W.A.S.T.E.: Corralitos, CA  | knowledge, reputations, information markets,
Licensed Ontologist | black markets, collapse of governments.
"_renaming_ something without adding any
new content."
Like the anarchy half of"crypto-anarchy",should have run with cyber-liberty 
eh,you senile shyster,you.Your reputations shot,tammy,give it up faggot.

Choate as Dr pangloss.

2002-02-14 Thread proffr11

 >I believe I understand the basic concepts of AP - perhaps not the 
far-reaching >implications, but the fundamentals. I've thought about it, 
and I am against this >system. What will happen when you've killed off all 
of the politicians/gov't employees >who haven't quit? Do you really think 
this will make things better?
  1. There will be no politicans and government employees, except for those 
few who do not arouse the ire of more than a tiny fraction of the 
population, and are paid for by voluntary contributions. In other words, 
damn few. 2. There will be no taxes and no war. Any disputes will be of 
very small scale, a handful of people at most. 3. Individuals will be able 
to, and in fact will be responsible to defend themselves, although they may 
be able to do it by proxy. People will always have the option of defending 
others, and will do so if they believe that it deters future crimes that 
might be against them.

 >Anarchy simply >won't work with people. Have you ever read Lord of the 
Flies? I'm sure some >people haven't.
  Yes, I read it years ago. That book is fiction. Whether it represents any 
sort of potential reality is highly questionable. Even its premise is 
stilted: It hypothesizes a tiny, essentially homogenous society populated 
by immature boys, dropped into circumstances entirely foreign from anything 
they had ever known, with no adult guidance at all. Can you really expect 
good results from this, in fiction no less? Would it have made a good book 
if everything had happened hunky-dory? Anyway, anarchy is tradionally 
considered unstable because the strong are able to oppress the weak, and 
the weak can't effectively fight back, so governments are instituted. The 
system I've described, AP, allows a substantial number of anonymous weak 
people to (anonymously) pool their resources and defend themselves against 
a smaller number of strong oppressors. This is NEW. It may, in fact, allow 
anarchy to exist in a stable form, which may sound like an oxymoron but is 
not. If anarchy does indeed work, when suitably stabilized, then your 
premise is simply wrong.

 > Have any of you AP proponents >considered that perhaps our oh-so-corrupt 
government officials are simply >the best that our amoral, decaying 
populace has to offer? What would we >gain by rubbing them out?
  I see we have another Dr. Pangloss here. "the best of all possible worlds."
We have plenty to gain by removing them from their positions of power. They 
are wasteful parasites. They engage in make-work. They manipulate the rest 
of us. They criminalize activities that should not be crimes. They make us 
waste our resources, for example by keeping ever-larger numbers of people 
in jail and prison. They are protected by militaries, which are wasteful 
uses of our resources. Ultimately, they end up killing huge numbers of 
people, ultimately just to protect the supremacy of these government 
employees and officeholders.
 > Maybe the current form of government isn't perfect, or even great, but 
it is still >much better than anything that could possibly result from 
anonymous terrorism, >which is really what AP is, isn't it?
Who is to say that we even need a government? What, exactly, is the 
function of a government? Is that function truly necessary? Remember, AP 
changes the political landscape substantially. You can't any longer say 
things like "governmnet is necessary so that we can protect ourselves 
against foreign nations," because there will no longer be any foreign 
nations, or foreign armies, etc.
 >Peace can only be achieved by understanding, not through force or fear.
Sounds like a truism that isn't necessarily true. Don't deny individuals 
the right to defend themselves. If you do, then you actually encourage 
force used against them, and magnify their fear. Don't selectively apply 
this rule to ordinary citizens, while forgetting to apply it to officials. 
And maybe we don't really even need to "achieve peace." I've come to the 
conclusion that the only reason war is "necessary" is to protect the 
leadership of a country, not to protect its citizens. Remove that 
leadership from power, and peace will be automatic. Jim Bell 

Is "Tim May","Aimee Farr"?

2002-02-14 Thread proffr11

 >>Whoahh! Hold on there, Jimbo! You're crossing the line. You're coming 
perilously close to actually calling for the killing of a federal judge. My 
recollection is that a couple of folks have been arrested and charged for 
calling for the killing of judges. You can skirt the issue by saying, in 
your "literal reading" mode, that you have not called for any such thing. 
However, we have read your "assassination politics" stuff ad nauseum, and 
it is clear from your language above that you are suggesting that this 
judge be made the target of one of your "betting pools." This is a 
plausible reading of your words. What may save your bacon, if any law 
enforcement or district attorney types are reading this, is that you are 
sort of the "neighborhood whacko" and your ramblings are unlikely to be 
acted upon by anyone, including yourself. Still, it does your "idea" no 
good to be talking about using your "assassination politics" scheme to have 
a judge whacked. --Tim May
 I'm fairly certain you just crossed the Rubicon. ~Aimee <<

Even if they aren't one fat cat they're both clearly pussies.Kill the 

Frank Harrill and Brent Braun need killing.

2002-02-14 Thread proffr11

Law Enforcement Agencies Warning.
FBI agent Frank Harrill of the Los Angeles cybercrime squad.
FBI supervisory agent Brent Braun, who heads the Los Angeles office's 
securities fraud investigations.
Cyber Law Enforcement Organization:
APster justice posse is coming,You can run but don't ever try to hide.

"The fight for the future is not between the armies of leading states, nor 
are its weapons those of traditional armed forces. What all have in common 
is that they operate in small, dispersed units that can deploy anywhere, 
anytime to penetrate and disrupt. They all feature network forms of 
organization, doctrine, strategy, and technology attuned to the information 
age. And, from the Intifadah to the drug war, they are proving very hard to 
--  John Arquilla, David Ronfeldt (editors), Networks and Netwars: The 
Future of Terror, Crime, and Militancy, November 2001.

The US and Russia lock up more of their citizens than anywhere else.

2002-02-14 Thread proffr11

England has proportionately more
people in prison than China, Saudi Arabia or Turkey, MORE...,3858,4354935,00.html

There's a blogger I recommend for links alone.A spiffing
I leave here in case my hard drive chucks it it.

"We are like people born in a cage and
unable to visualize any world beyond our familiar bars of prejudice and
superstition. That Opinion the Few create in order to control the Many
has seen to it that we are kept in permanent ignorance of our actual
estate. Even so, a number of prisoners are testing the bars" -Gore

Death Pen

2002-02-14 Thread proffr11

  YORK: Racial bias, incompetent law enforcement and political pressure on 
judges are key factors behind a "serious" error rate in the US's death 
penalty system, according to a new study.
"Heavy and indiscriminate use" of capital punishment in some states, such 
as Texas and Florida, magnifies the problem and increases the risk of 
innocent people being sentenced to death.

"The time has come to fix the death penalty or end it," concludes the 
study, A Broken System by researchers at New York's Columbia University. 
"There is growing awareness that serious, reversible error permeates the 
system, putting innocent lives at risk, heightening the suffering of 
victims, leaving killers at large, wasting tax dollars and failing citizens 
and the justice system."

The study is the second part of a landmark examination of US death penalty 
cases from 1973 to 1995. The first instalment, released in June 2000, found 
courts reversed 68 per cent of death verdicts.

The report claims the incompetence of defence lawyers, misconduct of police 
and prosecutors and bias of jurors and judges accounted for 76 per cent of 
the reversals.

In 82 per cent of cases, the defendant did not receive the death sentence 
at retrial, including 9 per cent who were exonerated. Since 1975, 99 
inmates have been freed from death row.

The study finds high reversal rates in areas where the homicide risk for 
whites is higher than for blacks and in jurisdictions where local 
authorities have poor crime-fighting records. Further, "the more often and 
directly state trial judges are subject to popular election, and the more 
partisan those elections are, the higher the state's rate of error".

The study also finds significant discrepancies within states. In Lexington 
County, South Carolina, the death sentence was imposed 93 times per 1000 
homicides. In Richland County, a few kilometres away, the rate was 9 per 1000.

"The capital system is collapsing under the weight of error and the risk of 
executing the innocent is high," research leader James Liebman said.

Professor Liebman opposes capital punishment and critics charge the study 
is skewed to reflect his views. They say the fact errors are detected and 
sentences reversed shows the system is not "broken".

Re: Anarchist Q+A,Direct Democracy.

2002-02-13 Thread proffr11

 >>Representative democracy mediated by a constitution is the most 
efficient form of democracy (which is the most efficient form of government)<<

Direct democracy by definition is more efficient than representative.So 
Direct democracy is the most efficient.A constitution is 
unnecessary.Mediation is by voting.

.>> It describes the duties of the government, the responsibilities of the 

Dead White mans parchment worship has run its course,it was fun while it 
lasted.Maybe it can be saved on Choate prime?

  >>limits the gross authority of the masses to something less than 
absolute. Which is critical for any democracy -<<

Mescaline or tequila?

  >>something CACL philosophy doesn't do at all since it allows economic 
coersion to exist without limit. <<

Those who propose it don't actually want to go off and try it so I scorn 
such philosophy.Anarchism seeks to limit economic coercion  with workers 
control.(and APster?)

 >>And protects the individual from abuse. Like all systems, it only works 
if people use it. <<

Life's fine on Choate prime."Everything is A-OK!"

 >>Even CACL philosophy can't claim to work unless people use it (and 
people don't, which speaks for itself).

They do try anarchism.The Magonista's in your Hood and Makhno and Durruti 
elsewhere.CALC is a joke,no ones defending it here lately except that twit 
Faustine.Your confusing anarchism with anarcho-capitalism and Strawmanning.

  > With the net its cheaper everyday but unless you know a way of 
jacking up your nervous system that time frame won't change. <<

I'm reading Snowcrash.

Re: Research shows just how much people hate a winner...,

2002-02-13 Thread proffr11

 >>Not at all. The anarchist promise that 'if only...' we'll get rid of 
central government and go to a ad hoc contract society all our problems 
will be minimized and our solutions will be maximized.<<

I'm with you so far.

  >>That game theory and economic theory are the apogee of human societal 

You've lost me there jim.

  >>If not then what pray tell is anarchy offering? <<

A few of us don't want to get to prescriptive about a future anarchist 
society.Still you can go to anarchist sites for daily specials.

 >>It certainly looks upon all other forms of government as flawed, 
dangerous, and abusive. It actively promotes their destruction.<<

What else can a poor anarchist do.

 >>Explain how people are supposed to work openly and equitably in a 
anarchist society when they're all running around cheating behind each 
others backs? <<

I'm not a psychic.I hope they don't carry on like Enron executives.Maybe 
APster will keep em' honest.

 >>One of, if not THE, bedrocks of the anarchy creedo is that people act 
rationaly once government is removed.<<

Well they did before Govt was invented...for 10's of thousands of 
years.Honed our instincts it did and all.
The bedrock of authoritarians of left, (stalin) and right,(shitler) is that 
anarchy is "wild in the streets".Your buying into that

  >>This clearly indicates this fundamental issue, as presented by the CACL 
philosophies in general (they all rely heavily - too heavily - on pedandic 
game theory), is a major weakness.<<

Choate prime speak?

 >>People are NOT rational. Witout government the petty squabbles of 
everyday life explode into a hatfield and mccoy escapade, that with todays 
technology seems less than survivable.<<

So tell all to the FBI,trust the Govts that last century slaughtered 
millions.You have hatfield anti-choice nutters killing Drs,nurse's,patients 
and bystander Mccoys now.If you truly believe people aren't rational then 
why not call them sheeple?
Even if your right,Govt doesn't improve matters,its made up of people after 
all.You are right of course.(on Choate prime)

  >>CACL philosophy in general is exatrapolated from a flawed understanding 
of human nature.<<

Some of them have come to anarchism through CALC,I don't give up on 
anyone.(well maybe a few.)
Human nature is slippery,understanding relative.Is it fixed on Choate Prime?

  >>As to being too the body count for the 20th centry and 
then take a look at what is around the corner.<<
The case FOR anarchism right there! 2001 was the 2cnd warmest on 
record.terrorists will soon just have to go outside with a few 
matches.It'll all burn.Are Govts going to save us on Choate prime?

  >>Pull your head out of whatever dark hole you have it in. <<

Hey,I have more faith in people being rational than you.

 >>There is only one answer: Democracy. <<

There seems to only one Choate prime.

 >>Equality for all under the law,<<

Blacks have nothing to bitch about on Choate prime.

  >>with protections of the rights of the minority (including the one), 
coupled with the right of individual self defence. <<

Choate prime sounds wonderful,how do you get there?

 >>It doesn't promise to solve any of your problems, but it does promise to 
keep others from involving you in theirs. Good luck with that pursuit of 
happiness jag (which is why fundamentaly business has no business in 
government - it's a means not an end)... <<

Are you and aimee on mescaline?Getting back to the experiment.I would use 
it as evidence against anarcho-capitalism.
Without the State to back up the robber barons property rights then people 
will do stuff like they were doing in that experiment.Kiss private property 
goodbye soon after the collapse of Govts.Long live Anarchy.Police hate me.

Re: CDR: Anarchist Q+A,Direct Democracy.

2002-02-13 Thread proffr11

 >>What 'direct democracy' does is: - Does not recognize the concept of 
'rights', let alone individual rights. -<<

Doesn't recognize parchment worship.You can vote though.

  >>Does not allow that people have other things to do with their lives 
than spend it in endless vote after endless vote, <<

Choate's poverty stricken version of "democracy' is now shown in harsh 
relief.What a fraud you are jim.

 >>and the endless barter this implies. It's economic cost alone are 
incredible in that people are not looking after their own interests but 
rather the interests of the voting process. -<<

With the net its cheaper everyday but is choatian "democracy" subservient 
to base economies?Democracy for the rich?

 >> Creates a societal framework that is fragile and overly dynamic. This 
'churn' will cause the business and technology community, to say nothing of 
the arts and philosophies, to spend an inordinate amount of effort and 
resources in compensating for a fickle social atmosphere. <<

It you cant stand the heat get out of the democratic kitchen you weenie.

 >>For a democracy to work, irrespective of its other mechanisms, <<


 >>it MUST have a constitution that sets the HARD limits on the actions of 
the 'majority' within the broad context of 'rights' and 'responsibility'. <<

On Choate prime. || technology and culture, from the trenches,

2002-02-13 Thread proffr11

If your into verbiage.

"Anarchists are opposed to violence...The main plank of anarchism is the 
removal of violence from human relations. It is life based on the freedom 
of the individual, without the intervention of the police. For this reason 
we are enemies of capitalism, which depends on the protection of the police 
to force workers to allow themselves to be exploited...We are therefore 
enemies of the State."Malatesa

Anarchist's that vote.

2002-02-13 Thread proffr11

Vote No in government's anti-choice referendum As we face into
campaigning against yet another abortion referendum we are taking this
opportunity to detail why we this is such an important issue for us.
Anarchism is all about the freedom to choose to make decisions that
directly effect us. For women, this includes the decision whether or not
to become pregnant, whether or not to remain pregnant, whether or not to
have children. It is possible to be an anarchist and to have a moral
objection to abortion. It is not possible to be an anarchist and not
support the right to choose. For if the right to choose does not rest
solely with pregnant women, where does it lie; with the state, with
lawyers and the courts, with police? The logic of the anti-choice
position is that women are coerced into continuing with unwanted
pregnancies. To anarchists this is unacceptable. Women consider many
different issues when they make the decision to have an abortion. They
consider the views of their partner, parents and of the society they live
in. They consider the effect it will have on their career or studies.
They think about whether they are ready for motherhood. They look at the
relationship they are in. They examine their financial situation. The
decision is complex and not an easy one. The best person, indeed the only
person, with the right to make that decision, is the woman who is going
to have to live with its consequences. So for us, the right to abortion
is a basic human right. For many women abortion isn't a choice, rather it
is the only option in their circumstances. The right to choose should
also include the right to choose to become a mother. While we fight for
abortion rights
on one hand, we also fight for the removal of stigma and economic barriers, which prevent some women from carrying through a pregnancy, which they would like to continue with. Our fight for abortion rights therefore is also part of a wider struggle to re-define what sort of lives women are able to lead. It is just as much part of a struggle for a society that supports parents in their decision to have children. In defending and defining the right to choose in the broadest way possible, we are defending the right to make choices about how to live our lives. In doing this we are setting the agenda for a future society. Aileen O'Carroll 

Choate,the CIA's cypherpunk.

2002-02-13 Thread proffr11

Poindexter's there on the left,As is Choate,hiding behind Ross Perot.

"We declared jihad against the US government, because the US government is 
unjust, criminal and tyrannical. It has committed acts that are extremely 
unjust, hideous and criminal whether directly or through its support of the 
Israeli occupation."

Bush Adviser Warns Cyberterrorists ( Is Choate a moonie?

2002-02-13 Thread proffr11

>>From the Moonie's article..."if I was a betting man, I'd bet
that many of our key infrastructure systems already have been

CEASEHACK! The enemy has somehow ascertained knowledge of our presence at
the heart of the Wermacht!
The enemy plans to spread out the net and reduce critical nodes where
possible,CURSES,We are done for.SURRENDER! ROTFLMAO!

I am confident that C/punks will be able to end the legend of the
so-called superpower that is America. Quim Magazine 

DC to get more terror,--"no choice but to accept it"

2002-02-13 Thread proffr11

Al-Quida had two go's at the WTC,does anyone here think they wont be back 
to finish what they started in DC?
The latest from the scorpions caravan has them planning on recruiting some 
westerners to access RR and running a repeat performance of 9-11 on the 
Pentagon,Capitol building and /or W/house.This wont be till the homeland 
defence gets slack but is inevitable.Might as well rename RR,Bin Laden airport.
King called the United States "the greatest purveyor of violence in the 
world today."
 From Vietnam to South Africa to Latin America, King said, the U.S. was "on 
the wrong side of a world revolution." King questioned "our alliance with 
the landed gentry of Latin America," and asked why the U.S. was suppressing 
revolutions "of the shirtless and barefoot people" in the Third World, 
instead of supporting them.
On foreign policy;"capitalists of the West investing huge sums of money in 
Asia, Africa and South America, only to take the profits out with no 
concern for the social betterment of the countries."
Al Quida also "have a dream."Its not far removed from Mongo's.

Poindexter redux

2002-02-13 Thread proffr11

Reflux seeing this.APster now! 1 proffr dollar on the Poin.
Search for Inslaw and the use of PROMIS in Guatamala,the old South 
Africa,Israel,etc Its sickening.

Imagine for a moment that as ordinary citizens were watching the evening 
news, they see an act by a government employee or officeholder that they 
feel violates their rights, abuses the public's trust, or misuses the 
powers that they feel should be limited. A person whose actions are so 
abusive or improper that the citizenry shouldn't have to tolerate it. What 
if they could go to their computers, type in the miscreant's name, and 
select a dollar amount: The amount they, themselves, would be willing to 
pay to anyone who "predicts" that officeholder's death. That donation would 
be sent, encrypted and anonymously, to a central registry organization, and 
be totaled, with the total amount available within seconds to any 
interested individual. If only 0.1% of the population, or one person in a 
thousand, was willing to pay $1 to see some government slimeball dead, that 
would be, in effect, a $250,000 bounty on his head. 

stalking requires intent to create fear

2002-02-13 Thread proffr11

 >>[re Kirkland, Jim Bell, etc.] <<

Kirklands about FOI isnt it? Publics right to basic knowledge of public 

Bell,was tracked with GPS,shouldn't he have been given an intervention 
order? Was that entrapment?

""How can we translate the freedom afforded by the Internet to ordinary 
life?" How can we keep government from banning encryption, digital cash, 
and other systems that will improve our freedom?" Suddenly, Bell had a 
revolutionary idea. ("Revolutionary" is the word he uses, and it fits.) You 
and me--the little guys, the ordinary working people of the world--could 
get together, all pitch in, and pay to have every rotten scoundrel in 
politics assassinated. And we could do it legally. Sort of. Bell imagined 
an organization that would award "a cash prize to somebody who correctly 
'predicted' the death of one of a list of violators of rights, usually 
either government employees, officeholders, or appointees. It could ask for 
anonymous contributions from the public, and individuals would be able to 
send those contributions using digital cash." He explains that "using 
modern methods of public-key encryption and anonymous digital cash, it 
would be possible to make such awards in such a way so that nobody knows 
who is getting awarded the money, only that the award is being given. Even 
the organization itself would have no information that could help the 
authorities find the person responsible for the prediction, let alone the 
one who caused the death." Kill the president,pr.

RE: Say a goodnight prayer for joshua.

2002-02-13 Thread proffr11

 >>There are MILLIONS of people that stand between that boy and evil of any 
sort, and support his Daddy.<<

Well if they're as scatterbrained as you I'm concerned.What if his Daddy is 
evil? He seems to me to be.

  >>He might read this someday, and he'll probably come to the conclusion 
that his father was a tolerant man, despite perceptions to the contrary.<<

I'd like to ask him what he thinks of his dad's actions.The actions 
demonstrate intolerance.

  >>Jim Bell was arrested for stalking "protected persons." <<

Are they like royalty and the aristocracy was before the Guillotine?

 >>Not even our military is exposed to the sort of personalized fear and 
exposure that public servants and their families experience today. <<

WoW! It must be worse than 'Ghan over there,I had no idea!

 >>"War is an act of force to compel our enemy to do our will."<<

Like collecting taxes? Bearing false witness? Spying and lying?

  >>Where a man's family is concerned, words count.<<

So Faustine cant call me a SOB.? And the shrub isn't a MOTHERFUCKER!

  >>I'm fairly certain you just crossed the Rubicon. ~Aimee <<

Incoherent  security groupie gets her knickers in a knot.Kill the president 
and the next and the next and ...
I'm an entertainment journalist,in the aussi context that means I can say 
what ever the fuck I want.So fuck you.
"Free speech I may tersely define as ,no opinion a law,no opinion a 


2002-02-13 Thread proffr11


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RE: Announce: San Francisco Cypherpunks, Sat 2/16/02, 6pm - 225 1 1th, SF

2002-02-13 Thread proffr11

 >>member interests. Next year, RSA will be back at the Moscone center in 
SF. <<

Could I shoot you and still use the twinkie defense?(just kidding)

 >>3. Due to conflicts, I'm not out on the West Coast till Monday 
afternoon, so I can't host or attend the meeting personally. I'm really 
annoyed about that :-(. - <<

:) Conflicts at the office? How's the SEC investigation over those two 
matters going?

 >>As to the RSA conference web site, I've raised a stink about certain 
facets of it, and there will be a Flash-free site next year. Peter Trei <<

Youve raised a stink on this list by your careless exposure of a member to 
police harassment,please explain.

Also tell us all how the companies doing in China.Enquiring minds want to know.

Cali Clampdown,P.I.Gs use Dogs.

2002-02-13 Thread proffr11
2 stories on prohibition 2 and homeland fascism.
On this day...
1921 -- Russia: Peter Kropotkin's funeral held in Moscow — the 
last public anarchist gathering & the last non-state-sponsored 
mass assembly in Russia for 70 years, as Lenin, Trotsky & the 
Bolsheviks begin crackdown. On passing Butyrki jail, incarcerated 
political prisoners strike up an anarchist hymn to the dead.
Under pressure of the libertarians, anarchist prisoners 
were allowed to attend Kropotkin's funeral. A crowd 
estimated at 30-100,000 follows the coffin to the 
cemetery. Black flags are deployed, & banners 
"Where there is 
authority, there is no 
"The anarchists ask to be 
released from the prison of 

Ecoterrorism,Cali bushfires jihad?

2002-02-12 Thread proffr11

Global warming and a cigarette lighter make for a corralitos campfire.

Re: CDR: green activist calls self 'terrorist' :Black and white on Choate prime.

2002-02-12 Thread proffr11

 >>I believed then - and yes, it was arrogant - that the fires and 
threats > would make a difference," he said. "There is no environmental 
or > religious excuse for terrorism of any kind."
Really? What happens when that environmental or religious activity is 
itself terrorism? What a hypocrite. He should read the first two para's of 
the DoI... <<

He may have been tortured in the infamous Amerikkklan Gulag,One of the 
largest in the world.I would be terrorized by some of the sentences dished 
out by the rogue terror state.Hypocrite is an absurd word to use here but 
then it gets weirder..."He should read the first two para's of the DoI... "
WTF has parchment worship got to do with it
Are they the ones the SLAVETRADER  and CHILDRAPIST Jefferson lifted from 
Masons Virginia parchment?
At least Mason had the decency not to sign such GROSS HYPOCRISY as the 
Why is this parchment worship dragged in here again and again.Garlic and 

Candygram for mongo.

2002-02-12 Thread proffr11


The fucking machines are taking over!

1894 -- France: A week after the execution of Auguste Valliant, 
Paris anarchist Emile Henry throws bomb into the bourgeois 
Cafe Terminus, killing one & injuring 17. 
Arrested & executed May 21. 
See Anarchist Encyclopedia pages,

Sex and death and rock and roll.

The Axis fund.

2002-02-12 Thread proffr11

Defense analysts say that most of this has nothing to do with streamlining 
the military for the light, super-mobile special ops needed to fight 
terrorists. But who cares? There's money to be made. Predictably, the Big 
Five are all doing well on Wall Street (except, oddly, Boeing, the only 
loser in the fund, down 5.9 percent since 9-11).
But the real highfliers in the Axis of Evil are the security and biometrics 
companies that will help homeland defenders track your every move and keep 
out the jihadis. Viisage Technology, which makes digital ID systems, is up 
317 percent; Visionics, which helps law enforcement manage fingerprint and 
voice and face recognition databases, is up 182 percent; Invision 
Technologies, which makes explosives-detection systems (useful at luggage 
check-ins), is up a rip-roaring 1,299 percent.
Then there are bioterror detection experts like Cepheid and bullet 
manufacturers like Alliant Techsystems, both looking very healthy. Point 
is: Run down the line of companies that cater to a climate of impending 
doom, you'll find rising returns in every one.
I called up Amy Domini, who manages Domini Social Equity for investors with 
a "conscience," to brag about how well the Axis of Evil is doing. Social 
funds like Domini make a point of shutting out tobacco, alcohol, gambling, 
big oil, defense, small arms, and agribusiness stocks -- wherever profit 
seems to come before people, the social funds say no. As for the Axis: 
"Well," says Domini with a sigh, "I've never come across such a fund. If it 
did exist, the manager would have to be the most cynical human being ever 
born. But this is definitely his time -- the heyday for such a thing. 
There's a man in the White House who appears to be absolutely obsessed with 
But if there's a war on, isn't it in fact far from cynical to invest in the 
big-budget defenders of the nation? I mean, get with the program, Domini! 
Come in for the Big Push. Come to think of it, it's the socially 
"responsible" funds that are un-American: They won't invest in oil or 
pistols or even Jack Daniels. Probably dangerous; definitely to be 
monitored. More importantly, look at their lousy returns. Since 9-11, 
Domini Social rose just .84 percent, beating out the Dow, sure, by a 
hundredth of a percentage point -- squat compared to the Axis' 185 percent. 
Other socials climbed in the 1 to 2 percent range. The Pax World Balanced 
Fund was down 1.1 percent. Pax just doesn't pay.
  praise Bush and pass the ammunition. Our fund is looking even better than 
when Turchansky ran the numbers back in October: The Axis of Evil returned 
185 percent for the period from Sept. 10 to the close on Feb. 5. For the 
same period, the S&P 500 climbed a piddling .32 percent, the Dow Jones 
Industrial a mere .83 percent.
Center stage in the fund, of course, are the Big Five defense contractors. 
Boeing is set to make billions on deals for its lethally dysfunctional V-22 
Osprey helicopter-turboprop and its generously over-budget F-22 Raptor 
fighter jet. Raytheon makes the $750,000 Tomahawk missile, a favorite 
weapon of the military and used by the scores in Sudan, Iraq and now 
Afghanistan (the Navy, apparently, is running out of them). Lockheed Martin 
just sealed a $200 billion development contract for something called the 
Joint Strike Fighter. Northrop Grumman describes itself as "well-positioned 
in missile defense," meaning that it stands to win on the $9.2 billion Bush 
hopes to spend on the newly formed Missile Defense Agency (funding is 
expected to rise to over $11 billion annually by 2007). And shipbuilder 
General Dynamics is looking at some $7 billion in contracts for destroyers 
and attack submarines and aircraft carriers and lots of other costly toys.

The Axis fund.

2002-02-12 Thread proffr11

Go long on RSA I

"The logical choice for the jingo investor in wartime, the Axis fund
is a compendium of companies that stand to make a killing in the war on
terror. Axis is designed to profit in times of hostility and

Daily Bleedster...1956 -- Crypt-kicker Screamin' Jay Hawkins records I
Put a Spell on You for Okeh records in New York City.

The encrypted jihad (fwd),

2002-02-12 Thread proffr11

Salons "schwarzchild radius" seems to keep moving further out.I wonder if 
they'll ever get to one word teasers?
"Sodomy" Amy Reiter," "Gibberish" Charles taylor,etc...
Also "assassination politics" translated into Arabic and distributed like 
the Quoran?

"Surrounded by Moslem maniacs on one side and Christian maniacs on the 
other, the wise Lord Hassan [al-Sabbah] preserved his people and his cult 
by bringing the art of assassination to aesthetic perfection. With just a 
few daggers strategically placed in exactly the right throats, he found 
Wisdom's alternative to war, and preserved the peoples by killing their 
leaders. Truly, his was a most exemplary life of grandmotherly 
kindness."Anarchy Al Ackbar!

Aimee's C+U Punishment of written english and logic

2002-02-12 Thread proffr11

Dear Aimee,you seem unusually verbose,would you like me to send you some of 
my zanax?

"Historically, it has been essentially impossible to adequately motivate an 
assassin, ensuring his safety and anonymity as well, if only because it has 
been impossible to PAY him in a form that nobody can trace, and to ensure 
the silence of all potential witnesses. Even if a person was willing to die 
in the act, he would want to know that the people he chooses would get the 
reward, but if they themselves were identified they'd be targets of 
revenge. All that's changed with the advent of public-key encryption and 
digital cash. Now, it should be possible to announce a standing offer to 
all comers that a large sum of digital cash will be sent to him in an 
untraceable fashion should he meet certain "conditions," conditions which 
don't even have to include proving (or, for that matter, even claiming) 
that he was somehow responsible for a death."Saint Jim of Lompoc.

The Federal Govt invites you to the Mephisto waltz.

2002-02-12 Thread proffr11

A boom in security and spying software is underway,be aware of the 
pitfalls...not APster alone.


Trust us,we're from the Government.

When action grows unprofitable, gather information;
when information grows unprofitable, sleep.
— Ursula K. LeGuin, The Left Hand of Darkness

Microsofts hacker crackdown.

2002-02-12 Thread proffr11

APster's still has high hopes for .NET dead pools in spite of this backward 
looking appointment.Mitnick's busy?

Direct action_ is what it's all about. Undermining the state through the 
spread of espionage networks, through undermining faith in the tax system, 
through even more direct applications of the right tools at the right 
times. When Cypherpunks are called "terrorists," we will have done our 
jobs. Font: Daschle-Anthrax-Bold

Theres some IE security updates out,look around the REG or risk becoming 

Kraut Spy Scandal.Democracies or Spookocracies?

2002-02-12 Thread proffr11

A German Government campaign to ban a neo-Nazi party is in disarray after 
it was disclosed that five senior members of the National Democratic Party 
of Germany have been government informers for decades.
The revelation suggests a cosy relationship between senior party members 
and intelligence officials and that the party was led by government agents.
AND Swiss idiots try to ban the internet news

"The entire Eastern Bloc fell, almost bloodlessly, in a couple weeks, 
because one by one everybody realized that all that's sometimes required is 
to finally stand up and be counted, and to just say no to the government. 
When the time was right, all it took was a slight push."

DSD broke the law in aussie Spy OUTRAGE!l

2002-02-12 Thread proffr11
Defence Minister Robert Hill confirmed last night that Australia's 
satellite spy agency, the Defence Signals Directorate, monitored 
communications with the Tampa during last year's asylum-seeker stand-off.
DSD is part of Echelon.
"It is believed the breach involved laws relating to spying on Australian 
"Intelligence expert Professor Des Ball, from the Australian National 
University Strategic and Defence Studies Centre, called for a judicial 
inquiry. He said the issues involved were momentous and a threat to the 
privacy of Australians"
Use of the eavesdropped info and jamming of a call or calls at a critical 
time possibly swung a very close election.
For details of a previous election interfered with by "intelligence" 
agencies see

college profs are spies when embassy is full

2002-02-12 Thread proffr11

1963 -- US: CIA Domestic Operations Division created.
"A few years back, a man high up in the CIA name Ray Cline
was asked if the CIA, by its survellance of protest organizations
in the United States, was violating the free speech provision of
the First Amendment. He Smiled & said:
'It's only an amendment.'"
 From the URL...
 >>The key to defeating terrorists, he writes in the book, is to "go out 
and start talking to people" who can see and hear what the CIA cannot.
The CIA needs to let its spies "perform their jobs, no matter how murky the 
swamp is," he wrote.<
Welcome back Aimee the swamp thing.Stay close.
 >all CIA officers are required to sign a statement saying they will abide 
by a ban on assassinations contained in a presidential executive order.<
Before paying some goons in smack and/or weapons to do their dirty work.The 
last 4 presidents have all tried to assassinate people too,they didn't put 
that in.Do as we say not as we do?"The highest ambition of the integrated 
spectacle is
still to turn secret agents into revolutionaries, &
revolutionaries into secret agents."
— GUY DEBORD, 1988
Chilling quotes from State terrorists in China.DUMP RSA STOCK!

green activist calls self 'terrorist'

2002-02-12 Thread proffr11

 >>Wonder what kind of deal he got for calling himself a "terrorist" (tm, USG)

They were calling ELF and ALF people terrorists prior to 9-11,Jeff "free' 
luers is serving 22 years for torching SUV's
Cars more important than house's? The sentences seem extreme compared to 
murder and rape.Also Chris Boyce and Leonard Peltier have served over 20 
years each and they didn't kill anyone either.18 years! Cruel and unusual .

"Terrorism really flourishes in areas of poverty, despair and hopelessness, 
where people see no future."C.Powell.

Re: Will the Govt encrypt the 2.5 mill reward for agent anthrax?

2002-02-12 Thread proffr11

>>I've never received a paycheck from the government in my life,
you stupid son
of a bitch. If someone far more intelligent and enterprising than you
took it
into his head to publish my 1040s for the past 10 years right here, I'd
absolutely nothing to fear on that account. <<

You pay taxes,you support the Govt you deserve death,don't you listen to
the Sheik.If you live in the West you should have a little fear.

>>I've said it before: I'm not an anarchist,<<

You made that crystal.Do you have an opinion on the subject line?

 >>I'm a pragmatic-realist libertarian.<<

In the yank context thats CALC right?

>>I defy any of you to cite one single solitary thing I've posted
that indicates
otherwise. I scored 100% liberatrian <<

Professor rat notes you may be salvageable.

>>on both axes of the Nolan Chart, just like
a lot of people here--and in fact went out of my way to attend the
convention in Anaheim.<<

Did you miss the straw poll we had here recently? Libertarians are on the
nose.Salvageable but suss.

 >>Unlike a lot of people here, I also choose to put my
money where my mouth is in terms of the choices I make about my field of
and living arrangements (see the archives.) As I've said, all the
whinging <<

Whinging shite is proffered useage U slag.

>>n the world about losing your freedom won't change a thing unless
put down the snacky cakes, get off the fucking couch and make something
happen. <<

2 post's from me and thousands of dollars is wasted trying to repress
me.Its bloody ergonomic activism,Twit.

>>You folks do it your way, I'll do it mine. 
Some people around here need to get a better sense of perspective.

Getting paranoid are "we"?

>>And as far as I can see it, my only "great

Great sins? WTF is this the fucking vatican? 

 >>have been:
1) not buying into the conventional wisdom that working for the
means you are by definition a retarded donut-chomping

 If they aren't when they start...

 >>(unless you
happen to be a fellow cypherpunk selling your services and crypto to the
which is peachy); <<

Not to me.I've been attacking Peter Trei.All Govt's are the kiss of

>>respecting intelligence and cunning wherever it's to be

Except on this list? I can give you cunning honey,just spread your legs
and say Ah!

>>2) Having independent judgement; <<

To much brownnosing of some grey geniui at the NSA but no
substance,sorry,no cigar.

>>demonstrating a failure to know my place in
the pecking order;<<

Thats no biggie.

 >>not being throughly familiar with all the clique

Some comics and you can wing it.(with google)

>>before I came here (reading Applied Cryptography and every single
work of Ayn
Rand, Stirner and Nietzsche cover-to-cover beforehand somehow doesn't

Stirner's all right but if you read him cover to cover I think your
wasting your time.Lets start a union of egoists.

>>eschewing the mandatory ass-kissing of the Resident Alpha Baboon
and attendants;<<

As a union special project we could APster all alpha males we don't
like.2$ on May.If you read Scneir then do you have an opinion on the
subject line?(...encrypt the 2.5 mill reward for agent anthrax?)

>>3) Being a woman; not being old. (In which case it would be
permissible to give
up, retire, watch endless hours of TV, converse with Usenet imbeciles on
most banal bullshit imaginable and hit the snackycakes like there's no


Ageist old darling,careful.Check out MJ.At the age of 83, Mother Jones
was convicted by a military 
court of conspiring to commit murder & was sentenced to 20 
years in prison. The event created such a furor that the U.S. 
Senate form a committee to look into conditions in the West 
Virginia coalfields.

>>I have three words for you: Fuck. That. Shit. <<

Id luv to fuck you in the ass.Have you seen Tampa tushy fest 1?

>>Love me or hate me, I've made this forum a more interesting place for my having

>>While I'm at it, I must say that if or when anarchy comes to the West, it will
be infinitely just that parasitical lunatics who've sponged welfare and public
housing for the past thirty years will starve and die in the streets. <<

I was rockclimbing and then treeclimbing a lot,working the black seam,I could surprise you but you might be right,I'm bored with life.
>>The fact
that so many intelligent people are forced to waste even five minutes of their
time on people like mattd is a capital crime. <<

The most intelligent people make the most spectacular mistakes,that's entertainment.

>>100% Darwinian justice.<<

I had a vasectomy 20 years ago,stop worrying.
>>But I suppose that since lunatics cant help themselves about what they say or
do, <<

Hail to the chimp!

>>Aristotle was right in s

The great plane robbery

2002-02-12 Thread proffr11

A fish called Vulture tells me we are in business in Britain.Big Time!
The Royal fag ends,the Tory criminals,the original yellow press,the fascist 
english gestapo and all the nazi wannabee's
that pop up will all be APstered like foot and mouth infested livestock.A 
brand new Blair ditch project.Last one ins a rotten egg Tony! They will all 
be given a chance to piss off in good order before some Zimbabwe style land 
ANARCHY for the UK!
Ever reviled, accursed, ne'er understood,
Thou art the grisly terror of our age.
"Wreck of all order," cry the multitude,
"Art thou, & war & murder's endless rage."
0, let them cry. To them that ne'er have striven
The 'truth that lies behind a word to find,
To them the word's right meaning was not given.
They shall continue blind among the blind.
But thou, O word, so clear, so strong, so true,
Thou sayest all which I for goal have taken.
I give thee to the future! Thine secure
When each at least unto himself shall waken.
Comes it in sunshine? In the tempest's thrill?
I cannot tell - but it the earth shall see!
I am an Anarchist! Wherefore I will
Not rule, & also ruled I will not be!
— John Henry Mackay 

Pearls in the snow.

2002-02-12 Thread proffr11

WSJ reporter Daniel Pearl was kidnapped on January 23. He still hasn't
been found. If you have any information, mail [EMAIL PROTECTED], or voice
your concern at Free Daniel Pearl club.
US forces see action with 60 yo...Abdul Rauf, 60, the police chief in
Oruzgan, said he was beaten, kicked until his ribs cracked and punched by
American soldiers when they stormed the district headquarters on the
night of January 23-24 and took him and his men prisoner.
An American officer apologised to him when he was released, he said,
asking forgiveness and saying their capture had been a mistake. 
"I can never forgive them," Rauf told the The New York
Times as he lay on cushions at his home, still clearly suffering from
his ordeal. "Why did they bomb us? Why did they do this?"

RSA: SEC investigating accounting* and "certain trading in the company's securities"Dump RSA?

2002-02-12 Thread proffr11

I'm hoping that Microsoft's the next Enron but Ill settle for RSA. Their
accountants had to be dragged kicking and screaming to sign a new
industry agreement.They were the last of the big 6 to sign and their CEO
was on the Leherer
report bitching about all the scrutiny of their incestuous,slimy
Deloitte & Touche,when Andersons
otherwise engaged.
RSA may soon be investigated by the UN's human rights commission after
the shady deals with the Chinese police state become public.The sort of
company that hires sooty mould like peter Trei is capable of

"Still in this country today there
are laws that outlaw oral sex and anal sex between husband and

Re: My god has a bigger dick than Ashcroft's god

2002-02-12 Thread proffr11

 >>Somebody needs a lesson in religion and history. Ashcroft should start 
with the Childrens Crusade... <<

And a (pretzel eating) child shall lead them. Ashcroft needs 
assassinating,a crash course in the "right to life."

"Imagine for a moment that as ordinary citizens were watching the evening 
news, they see an act by a government employee or officeholder that they 
feel violates their rights, abuses the public's trust, or misuses the 
powers that they feel should be limited. A person whose actions are so 
abusive or improper that the citizenry shouldn't have to tolerate it. What 
if they could go to their computers, type in the miscreant's name, and 
select a dollar amount: The amount they, themselves, would be willing to 
pay to anyone who "predicts" that officeholder's death. That donation would 
be sent, encrypted and anonymously, to a central registry organization, and 
be totaled, with the total amount available within seconds to any 
interested individual. If only 0.1% of the population, or one person in a 
thousand, was willing to pay $1 to see some government slimeball dead, that 
would be, in effect, a $250,000 bounty on his head." Jim Bell.The real deal.

Will the Govt encrypt the 2.5 mill reward for agent anthrax?

2002-02-12 Thread proffr11

We all know USGovt. slime infest this site,PJ,Maurice+Faustine and 
Aimee,the CointelPRO hoes.There's probably others
Will the Govt. encrypt the 2.5 mill reward for agent anthrax?
And if not,why not? You want some big *threat* to justify all your lurks 
and perks? Be careful what you wish for.

"Surrounded by Moslem maniacs on one side and Christian maniacs on the 
other, the wise Lord Hassan [al-Sabbah] preserved his people and his cult 
by bringing the art of assassination to aesthetic perfection. With just a 
few daggers strategically placed in exactly the right throats, he found 
Wisdom's alternative to war, and preserved the peoples by killing their 
leaders. Truly, his was a most exemplary life of grandmotherly kindness." 
Anarchy Al Ackbar!

Re: Cruel and unusual punishment

2002-02-12 Thread proffr11

 >>> AP is certainly no tool "for the people." The concept is closest to 
Mao's > "fundamental" force or primitive warfare. But AP is based on 
cowardice, not > courage. Division, instead of unity. Criminality, rather 
than cause. Enmity, > not education. etc. It's "the Greece mistake" no? -- 
a warning to anybody > that seeks to play on criminal mentality to achieve 
a social or political > change?

I must say that I prefer this any day to "let's arrest Jim Bell". It 
doesn't mean that I agree with it, but at least there's an attempt to 
reason instead of mere force. Not that force doesn't have its advantages :) 
Mark <<

Attempt to reason,Que? and when did Jim get out?

Wilful Disobedience.

2002-02-12 Thread proffr11
 NEW! Willful Disobedience Vol. 2, No. 12: A FEW WORDS: Developing Relationships of Affinity FROM PROLETARIAN TO INDIVIDUAL: Toward an Anarchist Understanding of Class AGAINST THE LOGIC OF SUBMISSION: The Subversion of Existence AN OPEN LETTER TO THOSE INVOLVED IN THE BLACK BLOC ANTI-MILITARISM AND SOCIAL INSURRECTION REBELLION IN ARGENTINA OF HOLY AND DEMOCRATIC INQUISITIONS WHAT IS SEEN THROUGH A KEYHOLE CHILDREN'S THOUGHTS by Massimo Passamani ITALIAN ANARCHIST KILLED IN PRISON SEPTEMBER 11: What the Masters Want to Teach Us Shorts My Perspectives Comments on KKA, Hot Tide, Willful Disobedience, or anarchy in general can be left at this ezboards site: 

KaZaA 1.5 installing APster client,also Freenet,Wildnet,Airnet and Sewernet.

2002-02-12 Thread proffr11

New KaZaA downloads upgrade
Kate Mackenzie
FEBRUARY 12, 2002
THE Australian company that bought popular file-sharing software KaZaA has 
launched the first new version of the program since it made the purchase.
Sharman Networks made the announcement via a Californian company today.
It said KaZaA 1.5 allowed users to recommend media files to other users, 
had a faster search function and loaded quicker than earlier versions.
Sharman Networks bought KaZaA from Dutch company Consumer Empowerment DV, 
which developed the FastTrack technology used in other file sharing 
programs Morpheus and Grokster. Consumer Empowerment and two US companies, 
which own Morpheus and Grokster, became the subject of a legal claim by the 
Recording Industry Association of America and the Motion Picture 
Association last October.
Although little information about Sharman Networks has been made available, 
its chief executive Nikki Hemming also headed the failed Sega World theme 
park in Sydney's Darling Harbour.
"The demand for the KaZaA Media Desktop continues to exceed our 
expectations with close to 1.5 million downloads a week," Ms Hemming said 
in the statement.

Hail to the Chimp!

2002-02-12 Thread proffr11

Mr Bush has never seen the country's favourite comedy Sex and the
City, and rates Cats as modern theatre at its finest. 
Although Mr Bush wasn't familiar with DiCaprio's role in Titanic,
the world's highest-grossing film, he knew the Austin Powers movies
inside out. 
Mr Bush often lifted his pinkie to the corner of his mouth to mimic the
Dr Evil character in the Powers flicks, according to the author. 
The son of the 41st US President admitted to reporters that martial arts
expert Chuck Norris was his favourite film actor. 
"When your in Texas look behind you...cos thats where the monkee's
gonna be."
Have Mercy,Kill the VICE president.

ATTN peter Trei,RSA scumbag.DUMP RSA!

2002-02-12 Thread proffr11,5744,3756908%255E2703,00.html
Chinese torture allegations
 From The Times
February 12, 2002
A SENIOR official in China's National Security Ministry has smuggled 
documents to the West that disclose orders to police chiefs to torture 
women members of Christian churches as part of a crackdown on religious groups.
Jubilee Campaign, a British human rights group, has obtained evidence of 
the women being abused with electric cattle prods, sexually assaulted and 
beaten into falsely confessing they were raped by their religious pastors.
Death sentences have been passed on several leading Christians in recent 
months, including a woman who is a member of the South China Church tried 
in secret in December.
The official who leaked the documents is in hiding, fearing for his life. 
The dossier has been passed to the White House before US President George 
W. Bush's visit to China this month.
Mr Bush has asked to be briefed about the treatment of Christian groups, 
and human rights groups hope this evidence will persuade him to take 
tougher action against Beijing. The testimony of these victims, smuggled 
out of prison at the end of last year, will embarrass Chinese officials who 
claim they have stopped such brutal tactics after being included in the 
World Trade Organisation and securing the Olympic Games for Beijing.
One woman prisoner, Yang Tongi, signed her testimony with a bloody 
fingerprint. She says she was seized from a bus and forced to kneel for 
hours in a prison cell before her interrogation began. She was handcuffed 
and her captors boasted as they beat her: "We can kill you without causing 
any problems."
She described watching a friend so badly beaten that her fingers were bent 
out of position and she could not straighten her legs.
Zhang Hongjuan, 20, said guards at the Zhong Xiang detention centre 
shackled her hand and foot and tortured her with an electric prod. "They 
forcefully unbuttoned my shirt and touched every spot on my chest with the 
electric club. I yelled at the top of my voice but they moved the club into 
my mouth to stop me from crying."
Others were forced to endure medical examinations as police sought proof 
they had had sex with their pastor. Tongjin Li said in the same jail she 
was threatened with sexual assault and a guard jeered: "This is not 
considered as raping but just coping with people like you."
The woman, who is scarred for life, said the attack on her continued for 
more than 15 hours and stopped only when she revealed a telephone number of 
a fellow Christian.
The Jubilee Campaign has shown The Times some of the original leaked 
documents from the Ministry of Public Security. They order a ban on a 
variety of "cults" which they consider a "crawling danger to domestic 
security and defence". They identify "cults" as any group which has refused 
to register with the Government and include Catholic and Protestant missions.
The documents include a speech by Sun Jianxian, a leading security 
official, telling his officers to intensify the crackdown which they must 
keep hidden from "hostile Western powers hastening to continue their 
strategies of 'westernising' our country". About 129 people have been 
killed for their religious activities and another 208 crippled by torture.

Illegal aussi Govt spying on Union

2002-02-12 Thread proffr11
Comment by professor rat.

Yankee repression roundup.

2002-02-12 Thread proffr11

Natnl. Solidarity for Craig Rosebraugh (english)
by rise 10:05pm Mon Feb 11 '02
On Feb 12th, former ELF spokesperson, Craig Rosebraugh, will be forced to 
appear before a Congressional Subcommittee on 'Eco-terrorism'.
More on mirror is expected shortly.
Camp X-ray carries on bushido tradition of ww2 japs not notifying 
friends,relative,etc of kidnapee's.

The Globalizer Who Came In From the Cold (fwd)

2002-02-12 Thread proffr11

 >>...I took away from my talks with the professor that the solution to 
world poverty and crisis is simple: remove the bloodsuckers. ...<<<

Thanks to the new improved APster removing the bloodsuckers should be a 
cinch.Kill the president for starters.
I like palast and regularly repost his stuff on indymedia and
"Social unrest' he mentions was seen last year in PNG where 4-5 students 
were shot dead in anti-IMF peaceful protests.Carlo G was not the first 
anti-glob martyr.Speaking of martyr's I think that according to this... we should sacrifice one of our brave 
leading cypherpunk lights for the greater good.This would also advance 
APster as the final solution to the "democracy" problem.(my 2$) Kill the

"Liberty without socialism is privilege,injustice;socialism without liberty 
is slavery and brutality."Mikhail Bakunin.

No subject

2002-02-11 Thread proffr11

 >>The value of etymology is that it tells us that science is shit. --Tim May

Science makes predictions that sometimes occur unlike Tim May's.I infer 
then that Tim is lower than shit.

"Liberty without socialism is privilege,injustice;socialism without liberty 
is slavery and brutality."Mikhail Bakunin.

Re: Do you work for the US Govt?

2002-02-11 Thread proffr11

 >>Socialism has no concept of liberty. Socialism is the abrogation of the 
concept of 'private property' or 'civil rights', it only recognizes the 
utility of the 'state'. Socialism is slavery of the many to the one. <<

jamesd have you hacked into choate prime?

"Liberty without socialism is privilege,injustice;socialism without liberty 
is slavery and brutality.

See you have to combine LIBERTY and SOCIALISM to get LIBERTARIAN SOCIALISM 
There's as much room on your left to say,Stalin,as there is on the right to 
Do YOU work for the Govt?
We know you squeal like a rat to the FBI.


2002-02-11 Thread proffr11

 >>This report was widely available MORE THAN THREE WEEKS AGO. Today is 
February 10th...that report, which rehashed familiar material, is dated 
January 18th. <<

May never posts old rancid memories,stories the cat dragged in,incoherent 
rubbish and long rambling empty posts.He did say its crypto-winter 
though...five years of bleak nothingness.Keep posting jei,if your annoying 
May your OK by me.

 >>Your spam has become intolerable. You have never had an original thing 
to say here. Please leave. --Tim May <<

If he's here over 10 years like some boring old farts then he MAY have 
something original to say.Leave him alone you bully.Who made you pope? 
(also its better the Konformist than other crap corporate media.maybe he's 

"Liberty without socialism is privilege,injustice;socialism without liberty 
is slavery and brutality."Mikhail Bakunin.

Scott McNealy;Shrub backer,privacy denigrator and job exporter needs killing.

2002-02-11 Thread proffr11

He also dresses badly.

"Surrounded by Moslem maniacs on one side and Christian maniacs on the 
other, the wise Lord Hassan [al-Sabbah] preserved his people and his cult 
by bringing the art of assassination to aesthetic perfection. With just a 
few daggers strategically placed in exactly the right throats, he found 
Wisdom's alternative to war, and preserved the peoples by killing their 
leaders. Truly, his was a most exemplary life of grandmotherly kindness."

Indymedia news,fresh and crispy.

2002-02-10 Thread proffr11

Eyewitness news and views about the WEF snobs ball.

"Anarchy is not lack of order. Anarchy is lack of ORDERS." 

Choating on democracy

2002-02-10 Thread proffr11

Eat your heart out jimbo!

"Liberty without socialism is privilege,injustice;socialism without liberty 
is slavery and brutality."Mikhail Bakunin.

Do you work for the US Govt?

2002-02-10 Thread proffr11

The ghost of james JESUS F CHRIST! Angleton must be haunting you right 
now.I hope you die of fright.
The FEB 9 edition page it and weep.

"Liberty without socialism is privilege,injustice;socialism without liberty 
is slavery and brutality."Mikhail Bakunin.

RE: Cruel and unusual punishment

2002-02-10 Thread proffr11

Aimee wrote: >Assassination has proven a poor political >solution for 
revolutionary climates, People's >War, and political agendas. Killing only 
gets >you a body. Michael Collins was proficient >(Anglo-Irish 
War >1916-1921), but even he caught > the bullet -- and he had a lot of 
things going >for him that some of you don't.
Ever since, >people have tried to use assassination as a tool >for this 
genre of warfare. The problem is >reprisals and replacement.
 >Assuming AP was possible, why would ANYBODY 
want >uncontrolled assassination?
  Drug lords, mobsters and government security agencies all know 
assassination is pretty damn close to "uncontrolled" right now. It's only 
these fatass cerebral couch potato commandos and schizoid tech nerds who 
don't have the skills and/or courage of their convictions to actually put 
down the snackycakes, get off the fucking couch and make something happen 
who think AP is anything to write home about. <<

The beauty of APster is anyone with a connection and a few e-dinars can 
participate,Anyone! Its a selling point,stupid.

 >>There's not a doubt in my mind people use encryption to facilitate 
assasinations as it is. AP is just a loser's wet dream: <<

Um,excuse me,but isnt AP mainly about using encryption to facilitate 
assassination's? If its a poor description of an emergance of something 
new,maybe you could write a better one?

 >>"what if we weren't so abysmally impotent!" "what if someone paid 
attention to me!" <<

Being anonymous doesn't add much weight to these jabs.Try viagra and get a 

 >>"What if I could use the four bucks my mother gave me to KILLL someone 
who said something I didn't like on a mailing list!" Fucking pathetic. <<

You can add it to mine if we both dislike the same person.Anonymity is your 
friend then.It could also be therapeutic,"don't bottle it up!" APster was 
originally proposed for saddam,it could easily transfer to USAsama.Whats 
pathetic about saving lives and vast sums of money?One of his wives might 
do it if the payment was encrypted.Not popularizing APster makes all those 
in Govt that know of it culpable in my book.There will be reperccusions 
after the crypto-revolution,I promise you.Is the Govt even encrypting the 
2.5 mill reward for the US govt rogue terror agent anthrax?
(The above >><< cant be an ad hominem on me because just one short post 
from me led to Ohio law enforcement being made jackasses of,they even 
started to set up a grand jury! Truly pathetic.)

 >Also, in today's culture, anonymous >assassination is not want most 
assassins >want. They want identification, because of >the "pussy-profile" 
associated >with amateur assassins, <<

Offing some nazi celebrities like Cruise and Travolta should fix that.(my 2c)

and assassination meme >followers. Government assassins don't share this 
motivation. What this implies about your use of the word "most" remains to 
be seen. *** "When badgers fight, then everyone's a foe." --John Clare. <<

Thanks guys for keeping APster alive,Id don't know what I'd do without 
youse.Kill the prez,pr.

Re: Choate charged over molesting small gerbils

2002-02-10 Thread proffr11

 >>I don't promise anything, Yes, you did. And running for office is 
irrelevant. Every time you stand up and promote anarchy (or any other 
political or philosophical view) you are promising something. An answer to 
the problems we face.<<

Well anarchy seems the best way forward to me.Its got answers for 
everything I can think of.Whats your poison?

  >>Your problem is you can't back up your claims with respect to anarchy. <<

Makhno? Durruti? What about Magon? There's a heap of hidden hirstory you 
seem ignorant of.Anarchy,for want of a better word is good,anarchy 
works.You cant back up your own website,I gave up after two dead links.

 >>Just another CACL spin doctor blowhard. <<

Jamesd has me down as a Statist.I am closer to CALCers than Statist's.Some 
CALCers have come to anarchy,famously,jim bell.What of crypto-anarchy 
jimbo? You come over as a plain vanilla blowhard.
Will slashdot solve anything? Hundreds of whinging geeks deserve each 
other,we don't deserve them or you,go back to road kill texas you gerbil 
molesting imbecile.Mongo makes more sense.

Police interview proffr over seized laptop.(After 8 months.)

2002-02-10 Thread proffr11

Bomb bomb.I may be charged with making death threats in "e-mail's"(police 
description.) directed toward the victorian police and a State govt 
(victorian.)minister,Rob 'buckethead'Hulls.A policeman ,who killed a 
citizen and was found with KKK literature and extensive weaponry 
collection,norman scott cheasley's name was mentioned as was the Police 
commissioner,C.Nixon.The two post's looked more like warnings than threats.
One was posted at a board where "anyone can download"(police prosecutor 
under oath.) early last year.
The 2cnd mentioned was made just hours prior to the serving of a warrant.It 
was not mentioned in the warrant.(couldn't have been.)So on the basis of 
basically one post made to one (anarchist,according to police.) 
website,(that doesn't require registration or keep logs) The police have 
seized my laptop,kept it over 8 months and still have to bring actual 
charges.They may still not bring charges.The post's seem so incoherent as 
to be nonsensical.Assassination politics was not mentioned during the 
interview though it featured strongly at my bail hearing last year and was 
fairly widely reported in the tabloid and local papers.Indymedia,where the 
post's were left (not e-mailed) by person or persons unknown,has had a 
couple of legal problems,one of them allegedly by me at the (now defunct) 
Ohio valley site.I do remember making that post.(stephen Roach,dead man 
I made a "no comment' interview under legal advice.I deny making death 
threats, or any threats actually,I'm advocating assassination politics or 
APster strictly for its value as entertainment journalism.I will vigorously 
defend any charges bought arising from this gross abuse of State power.I 
hope to sue the police for malicious prosecution.I will certainly be 
complaining to the ombudsman.One attempt to retrieve the dell has already 
cost the taxpayers thousands of dollars.
A million mojo-dollars and 15 feet of pure white snow
for the head of george walker bush,payment on delivery. pr.

South America warm,tropical.

2002-02-09 Thread proffr11
Government Loses Ground
Blockades Multiply Across Bolivia
By Luis A. Gómez
Narco News Andean Bureau (URLs for story)
Protests Increase in Argentina
by Chris Strohm 9:53am Sat Feb 9 '02
Buenos Aires, Argentina – Workers, community groups and the unemployed are 
joining forces in Buenos Aires to fight back against an economic and 
political crisis that continues to worsen by the day. (More at URL)

Re: Cruel and unusual punishment

2002-02-09 Thread proffr11

 >>I don't think anything short of anon. betting pools will work in today's 
political climate of wealth redistribution and "textualist" interpretative 
SC decisions.

I agree,how about ponying up a buck or two for dick Armitage? Or select 
your own targeted action and Ill chip in.
Who else here is sick and tired of senile ramblings and parchment 
worship,IS this a circle of eunuchs?
Everything on my hard drive is now encrypted and a sign on the door,next to 
the warning about the high tech alarms,says "My passphase is protected by 
the 5th ammendment."

"Who wants to participate to help form what will be the LAST revolution on 
earth, the one that'll take down ALL the governments?" JB saint of Lompoc.

Choate charged over molesting small gerbils

2002-02-09 Thread proffr11

 >>Unfortunatley it won't. AP can't do anything until AFTER the perp has 
been caught, way too late to 'deal with' this sort of problem.<<

The present set up catches them BEFORE? One beauty of APster is it will 
kill the turbo-charged capitalism that's driving up pedophilia.(as well as 
known and suspected pedo's)

  >>My standard problem to CACL sorts (unexplained to date): A mass murder 
is traveling around the country Anarchia. He is very carefull and takes 
random victims and disposes of them in random ways. How would a CACL based 
society handle this sort of situation?<<

If CALC sorts called their country Anarchia thats false advertising.(like 
Mays *crypto-anarchy) Presumably with APster the predictions would pile up 
till the perp was caught.Better than leaving it to incompetents like the 
Also people should all be armed with e-guns like metalstorm and small 
camcorders like a "black box".Think judge dread,the comic,not the movie.

  >>How would even the existance of the single murderer be discovered since 
there is no heirarchy in which to share and manage criminal investigations.<<

Why assume a hierachy is necessary? A collective consciousness is already 
investigating the crimes of State terrorists,and pronouncing sentence in 
some case's.(Steve Roach,your a dead man.) A top flight forensic crew will 
be required to prove APster *predictions correct or otherwise with DNA as 
the gold standard.Profiling wont go away.
The fact you assume a hierachy,apart from a natural sort of pecking 
order,is needed speaks volumes about you.

  >>After all the 'law enforcement' is nothing more than a bunch of loosely 
organized, unfunded businesses whose major goal is profitability (otherwise 
they don't exist next year). <<

Loosely organized,unfunded entities should not live long,I worry about you jim.

Any news of the Fast Software Encryption workshop?

2002-02-09 Thread proffr11

Fast Software Encryption 2002
February 4-6, 2002, Leuven (Belgium)
The Fast Software Encryption workshop concentrates on all
aspects of fast symmetric primitives: secret key ciphers, including the
design and cryptanalysis of block and stream ciphers, as well as hash
functions and message authentication codes (MACs). From this year on, the
workshop is sponsored by the International
Association for Cryptologic Research (IACR) .

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