No Subject

2000-03-17 Thread CDR Hub Account

No Subject

2000-03-17 Thread CDR Hub Account

No Subject

2000-03-17 Thread CDR Hub Account

No Subject

2000-03-17 Thread CDR Hub Account

No Subject

2000-03-17 Thread CDR Hub Account

No Subject

2000-03-17 Thread CDR Hub Account

No Subject

2000-03-17 Thread anonymous

Subject: customs surfing for kidz

Friday March 17 03:39 AM EST 

 LAUSD Teacher Charged With Pornography

 A 60-year-old elementary school teacher in the Los Angeles Unified School District 
was arrested Thursday and

 charged with possessing child pornography. 

 Paul Kreutzer allegedly had more than 60 images of children engaged in sexually 
explicit acts on his home

 computer, according to court documents. 

 At least nine involved real children, authorities say. 

 Kreutzer, who teaches at Liggett Street Elementary School in Panorama City has been 
put on unpaid leave. 

 U.S. Customs agents investigating a Netherlands-based child pornography Website were 
led to Kreutzer after he

 allegedly downloaded the images. 

 Kreutzer, arrested at the school about 12:30 p.m., appeared in court late Thursday 
afternoon. He was expected to

 post $30,000 bail and return to his home in Canyon Country in the Santa Clarita 

No Subject

2000-03-21 Thread Secret Squirrel

Subject: LA sheriff hassles author

L.A. Sheriff Wants Warning on
 Fake Stalker Site
 Web Page Purports to Be Diary of an Obsession 

 March 20, 2000 

 By David Noack 

 LOS ANGELES -- A fictional Web site striving to be a 
work of art
 imitating life features the imaginary obsessive 
thoughts and desires
 of a stalker, which has garnered the attention of 
some law
 enforcement officials. 

 The Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department has 
contacted the
 owner of the "For the Love of Julie" Web site and 
asked that its
 content either be changed or a more prominent 
disclaimer displayed
 informing computer users who access the site that 
what the contents
 are fictional.

No Subject

2000-03-21 Thread Secret Squirrel

Subject: responsibility

I countered with the observation that, by making the tapes available to the 
government, the
companies had to know they were providing the wherewithal for the government to use 
however it wanted. They had to bear some responsibility. 

This comment caused Tordella's temper to flare for the first time during our 
interview. The
companies were not responsible, he reiterated, they were just doing what the 
government asked
them to do because they were assured it was important to national security. If their 
role were
exposed by the Committee, it would subject them to embarrassment, if not lawsuits, and 
it would
discourage other companies from cooperating with US intelligence for years to come. 

excerpted from
at the poet's stash

No Subject

2000-03-27 Thread anonymous

Subject: body scan

 Customs Expands Body

 Search X-ray Plan

 But Civil Libertarians See Privacy Violations 

 March 27, 2000 

 By Jane A. Zanca 

 NEW YORK ( -- A U.S.

 Customs Service plan to expand use of

 an X-ray device that can see beneath a

 person's clothing and undergarments is

 raising questions about whether the

 scan can -- or should -- replace

 pat-down searches to detect illegal

 drugs, weapons and other contraband. 

 Though the BodySearch scan is seen

 by some as less intrusive than having a

 Customs inspector running hands over

 a suspect's body, civil libertarians warn

 that the images are detailed enough to

 constitute a serious privacy violation. 

 Additionally, the new device is not powerful enough to detect

 drug-filled vials or packets that have been swallowed -- so

 suspects still could be subject to a medical X-ray or body cavity


 Critics of the nation's drug interdiction policies say the

 BodySearch X-ray -- at $125,000 a unit -- is a waste of money,

 because only a small fraction of the drugs that enter U.S. borders

 are smuggled through Customs. 

 Coming to an airport near you? 

 At present, the BodySearch scan is

 used only for international air

 passengers entering the United

 States via six airports: Hartsfield in

 Atlanta, O'Hare International in

 Chicago, Houston Intercontinental,

 Los Angeles International, Miami

 International and John F. Kennedy

 International in New York. 

 The device is being installed in about

 20 other major airports nationwide. 

 "We had received a lot of complaints

 about pat-downs," said Dean Boyd, a

 U.S. Customs Service spokesman.

 "The BodySearch gives a choice that

 is not so intrusive." 

 'Dim and unattractive' images 

 But Gregory Nojeim, legislative

 counsel at the American Civil Liberties

 Union's (ACLU) national office,

 warned that it is not an ideal solution. 

 "An electronic strip search is not an

 advance in passenger privacy,"

 Nojeim said. The images are so

 graphic that "even a person's navel is

 apparent," he said. 

 "If you saw the pictures -- no one

 would want to see them, with so much

 real pornography on the Internet,"

 said Amitai Etzioni, professor of social

 sciences at George Washington

 University, and author of The Limits of Privacy (Basic Books,

 1999). "The [BodySearch] images are dim and unattractive." 

 In fact, identifying features -- such as

 hair, skin color and facial features such

 as moles, scars and mustaches -- are

 not visible. And when the image is

 projected on the machine's

 video-display terminal, it creates a

 distorted fun-house effect that depicts

 the body as shorter and stockier than it


 As with a pat-down search, the scan is

 performed by a Customs inspector of

 the same sex as the suspect. In

 addition, Customs inspectors are

 required to get a supervisor's approval

 as well as the suspect's written consent before the scan is

 performed. Etzioni feels this protocol protects an individual's


 Most people choose pat-down 

 In any case, when given the choice, most people choose the

 pat-down, "especially smugglers -- they may assume [contraband]

 will be missed on a pat-down," Boyd said. 

 "Getting as far as a pat-down is rare in the big scheme," Boyd


 According to Customs estimates, of the 75 million international air

 passengers who passed through Customs checkpoints in 1999,

 one in every 2,000 was selected for a "secondary search." 

 Some dispute those figures and accuse Customs inspectors of

 disproportionately singling out women and minorities for

 searches. In response to allegations of racial profiling by the

 agency, a House Ways and Means subcommittee held hearings

 on passenger-selection criteria and frequency of searches in May


 A matter of 'reasonable suspicion' 

 The hearings put thousands of Customs inspectors on the hot


 "[Customs] conducts far too many searches on private people,"

 Nojeim said. "The racial profiling aspect magnifies the problem." 

 Recognizing drug traffickers is not easy, and it boils down to a

 matter of reasonable suspicion, Boyd said. "There is no profile of

 a smuggler," he said. "[They] come in all shapes and sizes, every

 race, gender, nationality and all ages." 

 He added, "Every scenario you can imagine has been tried.

 We've seen every[one] from priests to handicapped people to

 children." He cited a 

No Subject

2000-03-29 Thread Secret Squirrel

Subject: gamecos sue Yahoo

Lawyers and arms dealers always win,
no matter how bogus the conflict.

Video-Game Makers Sue Yahoo 


 SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- The nation's three
 top-selling makers of video games are suing the
 most popular portal to the Web, alleging that Yahoo!
 knowingly created a market for pirated copies of
 games and the computer hardware needed to run

 Sega, Nintendo and Electronic Arts allege in U.S.
 District Court that counterfeit versions of their
 best-selling games are being sold in Yahoo!'s
 auction area and by online retailers leasing space
 on the Santa Clara company's site. 

 The suit filed Tuesday seeks an injunction against
 the sales, as well as compensatory damages of up
 to $100,000 per copyright violation and up to
 $2,500 for each sale of the hardware devices. 

 Electronic Arts Inc. of
 Redwood City is the top
 American video game
 maker, followed by
 Nintendo Co. and Sega
 Enterprises Ltd., both
 based in Japan.

 "Yahoo! has created a
 virtual flea market for
 thieves to sell stolen
 property,'' said Jeff
 Brown, a spokesman for
 Electronic Arts. "If there
 was a store in the mall selling counterfeit copies of
 games, we'd call the police and that store owner
 would be held accountable for it.''

 Yahoo! officials declined to comment, saying they
 had not read the lawsuit.

 The lawsuit is just one of several fronts on which
 those who hold copyrights to intellectual property
 are fighting online companies.

 In the same court, the Recording Industry
 Association of America, which represents record
 companies, is suing Napster Inc. for its operation,
 which allows people to trade music over the Web.

 The Interactive Digital Software Association, a
 video game industry trade group, estimates that
 U.S. game publishers lost $3.2 billion worldwide last
 year due to piracy of software. 

No Subject

2000-05-15 Thread c.r.

who cypherpunks

Do You Yahoo!?
Send instant messages & get email alerts with Yahoo! Messenger.

No Subject

2000-05-15 Thread Rikansrud, Chad D.


No Subject

2000-05-21 Thread Secret Squirrel

Subject: clinton black-bagged

Israeli spies tapped
   Clinton e-mail 

 Uzi Mahnaimi, Tel Aviv 
MORE than 20 years of Israeli spying
operations in Washington culminated in the
interception of e-mails from President Bill
Clinton, intelligence sources claimed last

The revelations come at a sensitive time as
Ehud Barak, the Israeli prime minister, is
ex-pected to fly to Washington today for talks
with Clinton about the Middle East peace

The latest spying operation is said to have
taken place in 1998 while Benjamin
Netanyahu was Israel's prime minister.
According to the sources, it entailed hacking
into White House computer systems during
intense speculation about the direction of the
peace process. 

Sources in Israel say intelligence agents
infiltrated Telrad, a company that had been
subcontracted by Nortel, America's largest
telecommunications conglomerate, to help
develop a communications system for the
White House. 

Company managers were said to have been
unaware that virtually undetectable chips
installed during manufacture made it possible
for outside agents to tap into the flow of data
from the White House. 

Information being sent from the president to
his senior staff in the National Security
Council and outside government departments
could be copied into a secret Israeli computer
in Washington, the sources said. It was
transferred to Tel Aviv two or three times a

One opportunity for Israeli agents to mount the
operation arose when Nortel, Telrad and
another firm won a £33m contract to replace
communications equipment for the Israeli air
force. Members of the air force were allowed
access to manufacturing areas as a result. 

Company and White House Officials last week
denied any knowledge of the intelligence
operation. "We have no information that our
phone system has been compromised," said
Jake Siewert, the deputy White House press

An Israeli government official said that
Mossad, the country's intelligence service,
was banned from conducting illicit
surveillance in America. "Spying on the US is
out of the question," he said. 

However, the FBI has conducted a highly
classified investigation into previous claims
that Israeli intelligence has breached White
House security. 

The inquiry was revealed earlier this month by
the Washington Times Insight magazine, which
reported that Israeli agents used a software
company in Missouri to intercept telephone
conversations from the White House, State
Department and other departments. 

The FBI inquiry began some years ago after an
investigation by the State Department led to
suspicions that Israel might have the
technology to overhear the conversations of
American officials in their offices. 

It shifted to the White House in September
1998 when Kenneth Starr, the independent
prosecutor, reported that the Israelis may have
listened to amorous conversations between
Clinton and Monica Lewinsky, the White
House trainee with whom he had an affair. The
allegation was denied by both Israel and the
United States. 

Both countries have been wary of the harm that
could be caused by Israeli intelligence
operations since Jonathan Pollard, a former
American navy analyst, was jailed for spying
for Israel in 1986. 

Sources familiar with past operations,
however, said penetration of the White House
was considered so secret that even some
members of Mossad's hierarchy were not

They cited at least three occasions on which
Israel had monitored the White House, starting
shortly after Gerald Ford became president in

A source who participated in the infiltration of
Ford's White House said the Israelis were
interested in American plans to sell the Awacs
early warning aircraft to Saudi Arabia, a
prospect that would have allowed the desert
kingdom to monitor Israeli air force activity
throughout the Middle East. 

During the Carter administration, agents
targeted Zbigniew Brzezinski, the national
security adviser, who was considered
anti-Israeli. This operation is said to have
been conducted by a Mossad burglary unit
known as Keshet (Arrow). 

A third operation straddled President Ronald
Reagan's second term and the early years of
his successor, George Bush. The target was
James Baker, the former White House chief of
staff and secretary of state who was
considered pro-Arab.


Now if Mossad could do the ol'
exploding phone trick on him too...

No Subject

2000-06-01 Thread anonymous

Subject: dipoles in space

The Radio Plasma Imager instrument provides a
three-dimensional view of the plasmasphere by
sounding it with radio pulses, like an ultrasound image
of the human body. To accomplish this, it uses the
longest antennas ever deployed in space, longer than
the height of the Empire State Building.

..and that's with a *science* budget..

No Subject

2000-06-02 Thread anonymous

Subject: cryptome slashdotted

Oh dear.  JY's request for DMCA
letters has been mentioned on

No Subject

2000-06-19 Thread research

My name is Erick Mathe, President of United Telemedia in Miramar, Florida. 
United Telemedia is a wholly owned subsidiary of Tiger Eye Broadcasting Corp., 
which owns and operates 27 broadcast television stations around the country. We 
have allocated a large block of our airtime inventory ( $2 Million) to test a 
new direct response format and are searching for new products . I viewed your 
site over the Internet and saw what you had to offer. I am very interested in 
speaking with you about the possibility of working with you on advertising your 
Surveillance Equipment. I 
know personally that your products targets our young viewer demographics very 
nicely. I feel that your equipment will advertise well on our television 
stations all across the country.

If you fund the production of a 60 second direct response commercial, we 
will supply up to $200,000 worth of nationwide commercial airtime and a call 
center for incoming sales. You would retain all revenue generated from this 
initial test. We would seek to share in the profits from a full nationwide 
rollout once this initial test is confirmed. We are looking for all types of 
cosmetics for both women and men, that have the potential to generate $5 million 
+ annually through Direct Response Television. If you believe that your shoes is 
EMAIL.Looking forward to your earliest 
reply.Erick MatheUnited Telemedia, 
LLC3400 Lakeside DriveSuite 500Miramar, FL 
(954) 431-4126 
Please insite address and phone number when responding to this email. 

No Subject

2000-07-08 Thread a_z40


The fact is there are over 7000 such sites scattered about the web
and frankly none of them generate enough traffic to be worth your
while. Even when someone does find or visits one of these sites, your
ad is hopelessly lost in a myriad of similar offerings.

Another frustration is search engines. If you are not in the Top 10
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in the Top 10 and stay there, when there are estimates of 4 million
that have a web pages.

You ask, how do we know? That's exactly what we used to do.
The greatest way of marketing this century is undoubtedly direct
e-mail. It's similar to the postman delivering a letter to your
mailbox. There is NO stumbling on to it! The ability to promote your
product, service, website, or MLM/Network Marketing opportunity to
millions instantly is what advertisers have been dreaming of for over
100 years. We will e-mail your one page promotion to a list of our
general addresses. The greatest part is, it's completely affordable.


NOTICE: No pornography, chain letters, get quick rich, pyramid scheme,
or any threatening or questionable materials. Don't even Ask!!



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most popular web sites on the Internet. The addresses are verified and
run through our purification process. The process includes addresses
run against our custom filter of 2,492 keywords to remove as well as
through our 192MB remove /flamer list. The EDU, ORG, GOV, Mil, and US
domains are removed as well as well as other domains that asked not to
receive e-mail.
SET-UP FEE:  $150.00
This will cover the costs of uploading files, Internet Access (ISP),
and software set-up.
EVALUATION:  $350.00 (optional)
One of our Marketing Specialists will evaluate your sales letter, and
offer his/her expertise on how to make it the most successful.
STANDARD PRICING: (Emails Delivered)1 Million- $800.00 per2 Million- $700.00 per
3 Million & up- $600.00 per
SPECIAL OFFER!This introductory offer of $475.00 includes:1. Set-Up Fee
2. Evaluation of sales letter
3. 250,000 e-mails delivered to a general list of recipients.
All services must be paid in full prior to delivery of advertisement.
Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES will any sales or marketing strategies be
discussed until payment is received.
If you are serious about Direct Email Marketing-Fax the following
form to (520) 438-2702
Contact Name: _
Business Name:  __
Business Type:  __
# Years in Business:  _
Address: _
City:   State: __  Zip: __
Country: ___
Email Address: ___
Phone:  __Fax:  


No Subject

2000-07-08 Thread William H. Hall

need battery were to order for my phone

No Subject

2000-07-11 Thread a_z56

For Homeowners Only!! 

Want to pay off your credit card debt? Need cash for some other reason? 
We can get you the loan you need regardless of whether you 
have good or bad credit. Qualify even if you have hard to prove
 income (Self-Employed.) Pay off tax liens, judgments, or 
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If you are serious about improving your lifestyle APPLY NOW!
 We can help. We specialize in funding the loans that other lenders turn down. 
Click on the link below for the fastest free loan quote!!!
Can't take the time to apply now? Then print out the form 
below and fax it to us today. 
FAX: (509) 562-7964 
Please fill out this form completely. Enter NA in those fields which do not apply. 

 Are you a HomeOwner? Y / N 
Applicant First and Last Name:  
Co-Applicant First and Last Name: _ 
Address: __ 
City, State:  
Zip code: ___ 
Home Phone: ___ 
Work Phone:  
Property Type: Single Family Residence, Town-home, Condo, Other 
Purchase Price: _ 
Year Property was Acquired: __ 
Present Value of Property:  
Amount Owed on First Mortgage: __ 
Current Interest Rate:  
Fixed or Adjustable: _ 
Monthly Payment: ___ 
Second Mortgage Balance:  
Current Employer: ___ 
Years with Current Employer: __ 
Yearly Income: __ 
How would you describe Your Credit: Excellent/Good/Fair/Poor 
Best Time to Contact You: _ 
Type of Loan Desired:  
Loan Amount Desired:  
Email Address: __ 
We respect your online time and privacy and pledge not to abuse 
this medium.  If you prefer not to receive further e-mails from us 
of this type, please reply to this e-mail and type 'Remove' in the subject line. 

No Subject

2000-07-12 Thread a_z55


The fact is there are over 7000 such sites scattered about the web
and frankly none of them generate enough traffic to be worth your
while. Even when someone does find or visits one of these sites, your
ad is hopelessly lost in a myriad of similar offerings.

Another frustration is search engines. If you are not in the Top 10
forget about high traffic visiting your web site. Not everyone can be
in the Top 10 and stay there, when there are estimates of 4 million
that have a web pages.

You ask, how do we know? That's exactly what we used to do.

The greatest way of marketing this century is undoubtedly direct
e-mail. It's similar to the postman delivering a letter to your
mailbox. There is NO stumbling on to it! The ability to promote your
product, service, website, or MLM/Network Marketing opportunity to
millions instantly is what advertisers have been dreaming of for over
100 years. We will e-mail your one page promotion to a list of our
general addresses. The greatest part is, it's completely affordable.


NOTICE: No pornography, chain letters, get quick rich, pyramid scheme,
or any threatening or questionable materials. Don't even Ask!!





Our list of general Internet addreses are actually extracted 
from the most popular web sites on the Internet. The addresses are verified 
and run through our purification process. The process includes addresses
run against our custom filter of 2,492 keywords to remove as well as
through our 192MB remove /flamer list. The EDU, ORG, GOV, Mil, and US
domains are removed as well as well as other domains that asked not to
receive e-mail.


SET-UP FEE:  $150.00
This will cover the costs of uploading files, Internet Access (ISP),
and software set-up.


EVALUATION:  $350.00 (optional)
One of our Marketing Specialists will evaluate your sales letter, and
offer his/her expertise on how to make it the most successful.


STANDARD PRICING: (Emails Delivered)
1 Million- $800.00 per
2 Million- $700.00 per
3 Million & up- $600.00 per



This introductory offer of $475.00 includes:

1. Set-Up Fee
2. Evaluation of sales letter
3. 250,000 e-mails delivered to a general list of recipients.


All services must be paid in full prior to delivery of advertisement.
Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES will any sales or marketing strategies be
discussed until payment is received.
If you are serious about Direct Email Marketing-Fax the following
form to (520) 438-2702


Contact Name: _
Business Name:  __
Business Type:  __
# Years in Business:  _
Address: _
City:   State: __  Zip: __
Country: ___
Email Address: ___
Phone:  __Fax:  


No Subject

2000-07-18 Thread cpunks

No Subject

2000-07-18 Thread cpunks

No Subject

2000-07-18 Thread cpunks

No Subject

2000-07-18 Thread cpunks

No Subject

2000-07-18 Thread cpunks

No Subject

2000-07-18 Thread cpunks

No Subject

2000-07-18 Thread cpunks

No Subject

2000-07-18 Thread cpunks

No Subject

2000-07-18 Thread cpunks

No Subject

2000-07-18 Thread cpunks

No Subject

2000-07-18 Thread cpunks

No Subject

2000-07-18 Thread cpunks

No Subject

2000-07-18 Thread cpunks

No Subject

2000-07-18 Thread cpunks

No Subject

2000-07-18 Thread cpunks

No Subject

2000-07-18 Thread cpunks

No Subject

2000-07-18 Thread cpunks

No Subject

2000-07-18 Thread cpunks

No Subject

2000-07-18 Thread cpunks

No Subject

2000-07-18 Thread cpunks

No Subject

2000-07-18 Thread cpunks

No Subject

2000-07-18 Thread cpunks

No Subject

2000-07-18 Thread cpunks

No Subject

2000-07-18 Thread cpunks

No Subject

2000-07-18 Thread cpunks

(no subject)

2000-07-19 Thread SoftaK

I need information about cell phones in Israel-how much is the  best deal?

No Subject

2000-07-25 Thread Nomen Nescio

John Bronson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

>FBI is under so much scrutiny that it would be career suicide for an agent
>to misuse it. 

You need to be introduced to the concept of a "disposable agent".

>Add to that the fact that the configuration of the thing is
>recorded as evidence and publicly accessible once it's used in court
>against someone, and I don't see the danger to my privacy.

And the FBI *never* lies about such things, does it?

Cringeley had a good point.  Properly deployed, Carnivore can shut down the net.

Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

No Subject

2000-07-26 Thread r_7rem


No Subject

2000-08-18 Thread Andrew B Spencer-Ching

Juno now offers FREE Internet Access!
Try it today - there's no risk!  For your FREE software, visit:

No Subject

2000-08-25 Thread brflgnk

It was said:
-- begin quote --
Now that the PGP key management "bug" is public, I'd like to comment
on some source code issues and follies.
-- end quote --

The quotes around "bug" are quite appropriate.  After reviewing Senderek's 
paper, I can only conclude that the addition of non-hashed subpackets was a 
design decision intended to facilitate exactly this type of attack.  The 
capability of contaminating existing keys with unhashed ADKs is particularly 
disgusting, given that this, too, must have been a criterion of the design 

Now that the "bug" has been outed, some points come to mind:

Will some enterprising cypherpunk create a tool that can simply and easily 
disclose the presence of an unhashed ADK in a public key?

Can the popular keyservers' keyrings be downloaded in toto?

Given the above, it should be possible to download the major keyrings and scan 
them for compromised keys.  A list of such keys could (and should) be published. 
 The keys' owners could (and should) be notified.  It would also be possible, I 
think, to clean such keys of unhashed ADKs and resubmit them, although I'm not 
sure about the propriety of this (since there could be some key owners that 
approve of, or at least do not object to, the unhashed ADK's presence).

It also seems that the keyservers themselves, given they already posess the 
input data, would benefit from taking the above actions themselves.  It would 
earn them good karma in the crypto community.  And not taking any action is sure 
to earn them bad karma, especially if a simple detection and reporting tool is 
created and made available (open source, of course).

Now... where'd I put that GPG source?

No Subject

2000-08-31 Thread jfanonymous


I don't believe in luck. Or advertisers for that matter. COME ON 

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Ryan M. McConahy
ICQ# 81118154

PGP Key: E338FF41/1024/RSA

Privacy NOW!

Hw who argues with ididots lowers himself to their level.

No Jesus No Peace,
Know Jesus Know Peace.

"He who gives up liberty for security gets neither."
- - Ben Franklin

Version: PGP 2.6.3ckt Preview
Charset: cp850
Comment: KeyID: 0xE338FF41
Comment: Fingerprint: A33C 711E 1FB9 94E0  9D33 7C11 2D3D AD62


Do You Yahoo!?
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No Subject

2000-09-07 Thread insightbook4

Dear Friend,

Please sit down because the secret I’m about to reveal to 
you will make you light headed-

Would you like to know how to turn $1.00 into $2,500.00 
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This Real Estate loophole allows the average person to start 
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this program is that you get to keep all of the money.  You don’t 
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Here is some of what you will learn in this program HOW TO 


Learn how to sell Real Estate legally without a license 
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this is a one time mailer
hit reply to get off this world info list

No Subject

2000-09-12 Thread insightbook6

Dear Friend,

Please sit down because the secret I’m about to reveal to 
you will make you light headed-

Would you like to know how to turn $1.00 into $2,500.00 
time after time with virtually no effort I CAN SHOW YOU 

If you want to change your lives circumstances fast, be able 
to afford all the good things in life and want your bank account 
to explode with CASH then this program is for you: PLEASE 

Being a 25yr practicing Real Estate Broker I discovered after 
retiring a closely guarded secret so phenomenal that I must 
share it with you!

This Real Estate loophole allows the average person to start 
and operate a Real Estate business without a license or money 
and make $2,500.00 to $25,000.00 per deal.  The best part of 
this program is that you get to keep all of the money.  You don’t 
have to split your profits with another Real Estate Agent or 

Here is some of what you will learn in this program HOW TO 


Learn how to sell Real Estate legally without a license 
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this is a one time mailer
hit reply to get off this world info list

No Subject

2000-10-03 Thread sdpofkso


STOP PAYING $19.95 or more TODAY for your web site, WHEN YOU CAN 


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FOR DETAILS CALL 1 888 248 0765  if you are outside the USA,
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No Subject

2000-10-08 Thread steve lan

ubsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Get free email and a permanent address at

No Subject

2000-10-18 Thread Yvonne Polmeer Alexander

What about freedom of speach of the public.  
Do you realise how huge we are?
I'm on a roll.  
Princess calling.  You will hear from me, do 
you know who?

No Subject

2000-10-21 Thread anonymous

Subject: Photograph alteration CPUNK

Last week a cannabis legalisation activist 
handed a posy of said plant, wrapped as if it had been bought in a 
florists' shop to Her Majesty the Queen.  HRH accepted it as just 
another bunch of flowers, and the photographs hit the newsstands 
the next morning.

As expected, all the papers had a different spin.  However, none of the 
front page photographs showed a plant with flower.  It would make no 
sense to hand HRH a handful of ugly weeds, and the guy who claimed 
responsibility referred to it as 'a pretty yellow flower'.

This sent my bullshit meter into overdrive.  Had the photos been 
doctored to distort the message of the activist? 
or merely "pruned" by the editor for one that doesn't advertise 
such horticulture to the masses?

Is there anyone on the internet who is actively tracking forged/spun 
photographs, Photopunks if you will?  I remember the storm here over 
*that* Elian pic.

Perhaps this is in Declan's sphere of interest?

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Messenger - Talk while you surf!  It's FREE.

No Subject

2001-01-09 Thread owner-cypherpunks

No Subject

2001-01-13 Thread XVA International

$1,000'S WEEKLY?

$2 For Each Envelope You Stuff

inflation, recession, bills, rising gasoline and other
costs.  If you are looking for easy extra income, to
relieve financial pressures, you owe it to yourself to
investigate our offer.

HERE IS YOUR CHANCE to earn extra money working at
home by becoming an active participant of our
successful mailing association.  You receive cash
daily for the envelopes you stuff.  There is no limit.
 You stuff as many as you wish.

HOMEMAILER'S PROGRAM is designed especially for people
with little or no business experience and provides
step-by step instructions.


There are many mail-order companies who want to expand
their business, but do not want to hire more people. 
If they hired more employees, they would have to
supervise them, rent more office space, pay more taxes
and insurance, all involving more paperwork.  It is
much easier for them to set it up so that independent
homeworkers can earn money doing the work themselves.

This program is designed to help people cash in with a
company who needs homeworkers.  Each member is an
independent homeworker. You serve a company that pays
good commissions to have their circulars mailed.  This
program has been perfected so that it has become one
of the most successful and profitable ones ever.

We invite you to take part in our success.  The money
you earn is up to you.  We do not require that you
mail a certain number of pieces each week.  You can
take on whatever amount of business that fits your
schedule, and you can quit whenever you want, there
are no obligations. This work mainly consists of the
securing of envelopes.


You may work in the comfort of your own home, choose
your own hours, and set your own pace.  No need to
leave your present job.  The possibilities are
unlimited - get the whole family to join in.  Form
workshops with your friends.  We will further show you
how to expand your operation and boost your new income
as high as you wish to go.

The opportunity for the better life is here - it's
waiting!  But only YOU can take that all-important
step that separates the achievers from the dreamers! 
Order NOW!


ALL BUSINESS can be done by MAIL and we give you
complete assistance at every step to insure your
success. You can START THE SAME DAY you receive the
instructions and begin RECEIVING MONEY WITHIN TWO
WEEKS and every week from then on, as long as you

You will be supplied with the materials to be stuffed.
 Envelopes will be already stamped and addressed.


GUARANTEE:  We welcome you to this program and extend
to you our unconditional guarantee that everything we
have said about this program is true and that you will
be delighted with the money you make.  Our goals and
continued success depends on your 100% satisfaction


There are many fraudulent envelope addressing and
chain letter schemes being sold today.  We recommend
that you avoid them.  Why fool with some questionable
scheme when our program enables you to earn so much
money legally.  This is not an offer of employment. 
It is an opportunity to become an independent
commission mailer for our company. Remember, unlike
the others, this is not a get-rich-quick scheme.  It
is a proven program for making money while filling the
needs of a company who need people to mail their

require a one-time fee of only $13.95.  This covers
our expense in showing you what to do and guarantees
you can work with us as long as desired.  You will not
be required or asked to pay for any additional
information or manuals.  Inasmuch as we would like to
send you our program with the small charge, we must
protect ourselves from those who are not serious and
have no intention other than to satisfy their own
curiosity.  Naturally, no business can afford to send
out costly material to everyone who writes in asking
for it.  This small charge assures us that you are
serious about wanting to earn money at home.

This is money.  You can begin now by putting your time
to the best of use. The next few minutes can literally
change your life.  Don't let this extraordinary
opportunity pass.

as soon as you submit your first 100 envelopes.

Send a check or money order in the amount of  $13.95

X V AInternational
11948,207th Street, Suite 309
Maple R

No Subject

2001-01-17 Thread XVA International

$1,000'S WEEKLY?

$2 For Each Envelope You Stuff

HELP SOLVE YOUR MONEY PROBLEMS.  No more worries over inflation, recession,
bills, rising gasoline and other costs.  If you are looking for easy extra
income, to relieve financial pressures, you owe it to yourself to investigate
our offer.

HERE IS YOUR CHANCE to earn extra money working at home by becoming an active
participant of our successful mailing association.  You receive cash daily for
the envelopes you stuff.  There is no limit.  You stuff as many as you wish.

designed especially for people with little or no business experience and
provides step-by step instructions.


There are many mail-order companies who want to expand their business, but do
not want to hire more people.  If they hired more employees, they would have
to supervise them, rent more office space, pay more taxes and insurance, all
involving more paperwork.  It is much easier for them to set it up so that
independent homeworkers can earn money doing the work themselves.

This program is designed to help people cash in with a company who needs
homeworkers.  Each member is an independent homeworker. You serve a company
that pays good commissions to have their circulars mailed.  This program has
been perfected so that it has become one of the most successful and profitable
ones ever.

We invite you to take part in our success.  The money you earn is up to you. 
We do not require that you mail a certain number of pieces each week.  You can
take on whatever amount of business that fits your schedule, and you can quit
whenever you want, there are no obligations. This work mainly consists of the
securing of envelopes.


You may work in the comfort of your own home, choose your own hours, and set
your own pace.  No need to leave your present job.  The possibilities are
unlimited - get the whole family to join in.  Form workshops with your
friends.  We will further show you how to expand your operation and boost your
new income as high as you wish to go.

The opportunity for the better life is here - it's waiting!  But only YOU can
take that all-important step that separates the achievers from the dreamers! 
Order NOW!


ALL BUSINESS can be done by MAIL and we give you complete assistance at every
step to insure your success. You can START THE SAME DAY you receive the
instructions and begin RECEIVING MONEY WITHIN TWO WEEKS and every week from
then on, as long as you desire.

You will be supplied with the materials to be stuffed.  Envelopes will be
already stamped and addressed.


GUARANTEE:  We welcome you to this program and extend to you our unconditional
guarantee that everything we have said about this program is true and that you
will be delighted with the money you make.  Our goals and continued success
depends on your 100% satisfaction with the HOMEMAILER'S PROGRAM.


There are many fraudulent envelope addressing and chain letter schemes being
sold today.  We recommend that you avoid them.  Why fool with some
questionable scheme when our program enables you to earn so much money
legally.  This is not an offer of employment.  It is an opportunity to become
an independent commission mailer for our company. Remember, unlike the others,
this is not a get-rich-quick scheme.  It is a proven program for making money
while filling the needs of a company who need people to mail their circulars.

IN ORDER TO GET YOU STARTED IMMEDIATELY, we must require a one-time fee of
only $13.95.  This covers our expense in showing you what to do and guarantees
you can work with us as long as desired.  You will not be required or asked to
pay for any additional information or manuals.  Inasmuch as we would like to
send you our program with the small charge, we must protect ourselves from
those who are not serious and have no intention other than to satisfy their
own curiosity.  Naturally, no business can afford to send out costly material
to everyone who writes in asking for it.  This small charge assures us that
you are serious about wanting to earn money at home.

This is money.  You can begin now by putting your time to the best of use. The
next few minutes can literally change your life.  Don't let this extraordinary
opportunity pass.

as soon as you submit your first 100 envelopes.

Send a check or money order in the amount of  $13.95 to:

X V AInternational
11948,207th Street, Suite 309
Maple R

No Subject

2001-02-11 Thread CDR node

No Subject

2001-02-19 Thread owner-cypherpunks

No Subject

2001-02-21 Thread cpunk

No Subject

2001-04-03 Thread 645,101 Search Engines.

This Is A Service Not An Opportunity!
  Do You Have A Web Site?
 We are the only company in the world that will Resubmit
Your WebSite Every Month for an Entire Year!
We Will Submit Your WebSite To Over 645,101 Search Engines!
  Our Data Base is Updated Every Month so This
 Number will Grow.

 We Use the Most Sophisticated Digital Submission
 Software Ever Manufactured in the World.

  For Complete info Just Click Reply
   and Type in the Body of the Message

   ___> Search Engine Info<_ 

This is the first and most
  Important Step of E-Commerce and Advertising
  on the Internet that you will ever Make.

   Thank You

No Subject

2001-04-07 Thread owner-cypherpunks

No Subject

2001-04-25 Thread owner-cypherpunks

No Subject

2001-04-25 Thread owner-cypherpunks

No Subject

2001-04-25 Thread owner-cypherpunks

No Subject

2001-04-25 Thread owner-cypherpunks

No Subject

2001-04-25 Thread owner-cypherpunks

No Subject

2001-04-25 Thread owner-cypherpunks

No Subject

2001-04-25 Thread owner-cypherpunks

No Subject

2001-04-25 Thread owner-cypherpunks

No Subject

2001-04-25 Thread owner-cypherpunks

No Subject

2001-04-25 Thread owner-cypherpunks

No Subject

2001-04-25 Thread owner-cypherpunks

No Subject

2001-04-25 Thread owner-cypherpunks

No Subject

2001-04-25 Thread owner-cypherpunks

No Subject

2001-04-25 Thread owner-cypherpunks

No Subject

2001-04-25 Thread owner-cypherpunks

No Subject

2001-04-25 Thread owner-cypherpunks

No Subject

2001-04-25 Thread owner-cypherpunks

No Subject

2001-04-25 Thread owner-cypherpunks

No Subject

2001-04-25 Thread owner-cypherpunks

No Subject

2001-04-25 Thread Zachary Braun

auth b055c569 subscribe cypherpunks [EMAIL PROTECTED]

No Subject

2001-05-29 Thread 8Eow4JBb7

Untitled Document

Educate yourself about everything you ever wanted to know !!!
Individually, these products often sell for as much as $100!!!
1. Satellite TV/RCA Dish Descrambler
Our unique, complete plans for building your own home satellite TV descrambler. 
  For access to a clear reception of pay TV signals on your home satellite dish! 
  It does not require any additional equipment! Complete PC board template & 
  instructions! This also includes a manual for accessing the RCA/DSS satellite 
  dish to receive free pay channels. All the latest information for doing it right. 

2. X-Ray Envelope Spray
Have you ever wanted to read the contents of an envelope without opening it? 
  Many government and other organizations use what is known as X-Ray Envelope 
  Spray to do this! An envelope is sprayed with this secret chemical and it becomes 
  translucent for a short period of time which allows the contents to be read 
  without opening. Private supply houses sell small cans of this aerosol spray 
  for up to $50 a can! The spray is actually a commonly available item found in 
  major grocery and discount stores. No modification of the spray is needed, as 
  it is ready to use as X-Ray Envelope Spray and sells for about $1.99 in retail 
3. How to Find Anyone and Obtain Unlisted Phone Numbers.
Tired of getting the wrong number? Stop looking! We can help! We'll show you 
  how to get the unlisted phone number of anyone. No one can hide now! Simple. 
  Skip tracers use these tricks. We also include everything you need to know about 
  finding missing people or loved ones from the comfort of your home. Why pay 
  money when you can do it yourself? 
4. Radar Zapper 
This simply technique converts existing radar detectors into a device that 
  will jam police radar. This device sends false readings back to the police radar! 
  Works on virtually all detectors and easy to use!
5. Untraceable E-Mail 
How to send totally anonymous and untraceable E-mail. We're not talking about 
  those generic Yahoo! accounts -- this is the real McCoy, anonymous email. Everything 
  explained. Absolutely untraceable.
6. Underground Guide to Utility Meters
The illustrated guide to gas, water & electric meters! We show you in detail 
  methods many people use to stop, slow down, even reverse all three types! This 
  underground manual is one of our most popular items! Complete illustrated techniques 
  and easy to do. Shows how to defeat all major brands & models of gas, water 
  & electric meters.
7. Scan-Tron Genius
Here at last!! This very controversial report describes in detail how any student 
  can easily defeat Scan-Tron test readers to pass a test even though he does 
  not know the answer! This simple method will fool the scan reader into thinking 
  your answered correctly! No tools needed. Completely tested. You won't believe 
  how simple this method is!
8. Bad Credit Cleaning Manual
Simple ways to restore your bad credit rating to A++. Don't pay a credit counselor 
  good money to do what you can do yourself. Many methods presented here - some 
  legal & some "not so legal". Wipe your slate clean from your own 
  home. Get a fresh start.
9. Pass Drug Tests 
Don't use of drugs! However, many innocent people are victims of drug testing. 
  Some over the counter medicine can trigger false results & cost you your 
  job. Proven methods to beat drug tests. We show you how to build a simple device 
  that can fool the best! Protect yourself & your job, even if you don't use 
10.Cable TV Decoders
How to get cable TV and turn your converter box into "full service" 
  mode. This is the latest and best way to gain access. Also, how to build your 
  own "snooper stopper" for pennies. Prevents cable companies from spying 
  on you.
11. Free Long Distance
You can make long distance calls to other countries at no cost! The information 
  in these reports explains everything you need to call other countries! Country 
  codes, city codes, overseas sender codes! Call England, Germany, the UK, practically 
12. Dissolving Checks
We show you in detail the "insufficient funds" checks scam used by 
  people to obtain goods & cash without having any money in the account. Many 
  people do not even use false ID's in pulling this scam off. Complete detailed 
  instructions plus rare information on the famous "dissolving" checks. 
  These checks "dissolve" after being chemically coated & deposited 
  in the bank leaving no trace of the writer or account number. Not for illegal 
  purposes. See how others do it. 
13. Outsmart Lie Detector Tests
Hundreds of thousands of people in this country are wrongfully fired or not 
  hired simply because they did not pass the lie detector test even though they've 
  done nothing wrong! Read drugless methods to help pass whether you are lying 
  or not! A valuable tool for any job seeker. Don't be harassed by your emplo

No Subject

2001-06-25 Thread 5RL5ZCrYm";>



"; border=0 name=header>
  "; border=0

  "; border=0

  A whiter,
  brighter smile can make a difference in your life and help a child smile
  This is a great program that I thought might be of
  interest to you. It's a wonderful way to whiten
  your smile and at the same time donate to children's charities. 
  How? It's easy! You make an appointment with a Crown Council dentist
  who'll perform your teeth whitening professionally. Then you make a
  charitable donation - less than the
  normal cost of whitening - directly to the Smiles For Life
  Foundation, to help sick and underprivileged children. 
  And it gets even better! Major League baseball players will add to your contribution
  and 100% of the total funds will be used to benefit children through Garth Brook's
  Touch'em All Foundation. 
  Click here
  to check out the Smiles For Life website. There you can do a Smile Search to find a participating Crown Council dentist near you. 
  Then, just click on the Order Now button and
  get your teeth whitening certificate. 
  Make a difference in your life and help a
  child smile again. You'll be glad you did. 
  P.S. Please forward this message to
  all of your friends and others in your office so that they too can brighten their smile
  and help a child in need.";>"; align=bottom

  "; name=footer>




This mailing is done by an independent marketing co.
We apologize if this message has reached you in error.
Save the Planet, Save the Trees! Advertise via Email.
No wasted paper! Delete with one simple keystroke!
Less refuse in our Dumps! This is the new way of the new millennium
To be removed please email [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the word "remove" 
in the subject line.

No Subject

2001-07-10 Thread A. Melon

I've some friends who have, for a long time, complained about
being surveilled, specifically phone tapped and/or house bugged.
At first I thought it was just paranoia, but recent events have 
made me think otherwise. i
   One thing that happens almost invariably is that when groups
meet at their home, the phone will ring, they answer and just 
hear a click and the phone goes dead. Also quite often the phone
company appears and works on the nearest phone box on the street.
   So I was thinking an infinity transmitter was installed on
their phone -- but putting in a new phone should get rid of
that, and also, from what I know from years ago, installing an
infinity transmitter requires a black bag job on the house. 
   Or does it? Are there any new developments in this area that
don't require internal access or work despite buying a new phone?
I'm not talking about just wire taps, although that too is likely,
but of devices to listen in the house.
   We borrowed a frequency meter, and went around the house with
it, but are unsure how to use it effectively. It doesn't have a
signal strength meter, so I'm thinking that if a bug is broad-
casting the meter should just stick on that frequency?
   Any other clues on how to deal with this, other than hiring
a professional? These people aren't drug dealers, don't have
a lot of money.

No Subject

2001-07-11 Thread vaFX0S8dj

Hidden Secrets Finally 
Revealed:  Discover hidden 
secrets used by Top Models, Actors, Bodybuilders and 

  information on how you can lose excess bodyfat, build lean muscle and increase 
  sex appeal!
  Why 99% of diets fail and are actually designed to do so!
  How to get a set of rock hard six pack abs the easy way!
  96% of those who exercise are following fitness and nutritional programs 
  that are actually limiting their results - and they don’t 
  even know it! Find out Why? 
  19 years of research has gone into this breakthrough program. 
  Developed by Top Australian physique champion Steve Jones.The 
  Secret Keys are now available to you via the Internet for the 
  first time ever!"; vspace=4>
  Here is a photo of 
  Steve Jones featured on the cover of an international fitness 
  Steve will be 
  your very own personal guide in yourpursuit for a leaner 
  more muscular, sexy body.
  Learn the 
  Keys To Physical Perfection from 
  one of the best physiques in the world! 
You will be amazed at how quickly your body will 
transformwith the secret keys plus Steve's 
personal assistance!

  Now, you can use these secrets to achieve all your fitness 
  goals! Get rock-hard abs, increase your energy, improve your 
  sex appeal.Get the lean, solid physique you’ve always 
  wanted. Stop throwing your efforts down the drain! Open your eyes 
  to the TRUTH and start reaching the best shape of your life - today! 
  To gain immediate access to the secret " Keys to Physical Perfection" visit the Internet address 

No Subject

2001-07-15 Thread owner-cypherpunks




It is important that you read this message as soon as possible. 
Again I urge you to read this message to its fullest!  Last year
72% of bankruptcies could have been saved by an extra $200 a
month.  We are an International E-Commerce Mail Order Company 
looking for people with a Good Work Ethic and the Desire to Earn
$500 - $1,500 per Month Part Time or $2,000 - $7,500+ per Month
Full Time Working From Home or Office!  The demand for our
product line (over 150 different products) is so great we need
to train more people to process the orders and service the
growing customer base.

To better assist you in the understanding E-Commerce and what
the world is raving about with E-Commerce and the Internet, I
URGE you to read this message for your own training and
understanding on what it can do for you.  Everyone is excited
 about E-Commerce. We recently opened our business in India 
and with that we are trying to help as many people start and 
generate foreign and local business in India as fast as possible.
As the Economy in India is tested, this opportunity right now is 
the fastest growing industry in India, Panama, Cyprus, Korea,
China and Japan.  This is a U.S. Based Company so it is very
exciting to be growing by doubling and tripling in over 50
Countries right now.  Expected growth in the next three years
is 80 % in each country with new countries opening every day.
We are expected to reach the world in the next 4 years and with 
that you can imagine the internet and E-Commerce is currently
growing by 200 % each Quarter.  There will be a 2000 % increase 
in E-Commerce Business and revenues on the Internet in the next
18 Months.  

No special skills or experience is required. We will give you
all the training and personal support you will need to ensure
your success.  You will be trained via Internet in the comfort
of your own home and you will determine your work hours. A
minimum commitment of 7-10 hours a week is required. The income
you generate from your efforts can put you back in Control of
your Time, Your Finances and Your Life!  If you've tried other 
opportunities in the past that have failed to live up to their promises, 
this is different than anything else you are aware of!  This is not 
a get rich scheme. You must work to earn income!  Your financial
past does not have to be your financial future.  "There is no security
on this earth.  There is only opportunity." -Douglas Macarthur

Do you feel like you are too busy earning a living to make any
real money? Are you tired of living "paycheck to paycheck" like
I was? Do you dream of a better lifestyle for yourself and your
family? If so, then I urge you to take read on to better
understand why I sent you this message.  We provide the system,
experience and hands on training. The only thing that we can not
give you, but is required is that you, number one have the
desire and number two, is that you are teachable. We know that
you have some level of desire because you are reading this
letter. Ask yourself if you are teachable. Everyone evolved in
our business had three things in common when they got started:
They saw an opportunity, they were teachable, and they applied
what they learned.  It's THAT simple.  And it's THAT powerful.
Now imagine just for a moment that you had a home-based business
that provided Spending more time with your family, Unlimited
income based on YOUR efforts, Freedom from commuting, Not having
your kids in day care, Affordable health care for your family,
Significantly helping others with their lives, Loving what you
do and doing what you love, Having your own business/being your
own boss Sounds too good to be true? That's what we thought, but
today our dreams are coming true and now we're here to help you,
like others have helped us!
We like to get right to the here is what we have to
offer you: 
A well established, financially stable company, 2 Billion dollar
+ sales / publicly traded, Patented, exclusive, high demand
consumable products, Comprehensive, high-tech in home training,
Phenomenal support system, Worldwide income opportunities
(especially through E-Commerce), Exotic paid vacations and
Minimal start up investment.

GREAT! That's fine... as long as you're serious! Because our
business is bursting at the seams, we ONLY have time to work
with serious, motivated people who are ready to make changes in
their life NOW! And because of the time we spend with each of
you as we help you get your business off the ground, we have
limited number of openings available. Here is what you need to

This business fell into my lap in September of 1997. I got
started as a customer and woke up when my wife made an extra
$500 in the first week. At the time I was an Active Duty Marine
living paycheck to paycheck making less that $19,000 a year. I

No Subject

2001-07-17 Thread sales
Title: JRA Security On-line Web-Store Program E-mail

Dear Security Professional,

JRA proudly presents "Your On-line Security Store."Your on-line security store was design for the Security Professional to have a web-store present to compete with the mass-merchandiser, product are sold at "Warehouse Prices". Visit one of our customers website George's Lock & Safe to see how it works.

JRA Security is a wholesaler of security products to the trade. View our list of  Manufacturers

Your on-line store program is real simple. The only thing you need is a HOME page via your Internet provider or a Website.

 You must be a Security Professional. ( Locksmith, Alarm dealer, CCTV ) or sell Security Products. But in any case you must be in the trade.

 You don't even need to open an account with JRA. But it would be helpful if you did. It will be the only way to view the wholesale prices on the database.

This service is "FREE". That's right there is no charge!

If you are interested and want more information Click Here

If you wish to be remove from our mailing list and receive no further JRA™
 offers, simply click Remove

No Subject

2001-07-21 Thread Anonymous

> Not entirely true.  If the G8 folks really wanted to avoid "collateral
> damage" they'd hold their meetings in Switzerland or maybe Finland.

"Collateral damage" occurs in any battle. If you hold the battle in
Switzerland the "collateral damage" would simply include a higher "loss of
human life" content. (forshadowing of the coming WTO summit in Qatar?)

The real issue is the fact that the battle takes place.

Protestors don't gather and put their personal well-being at risk for no
reason. In the case of those protesting in Genoa, the reasons are varied but
centered around a single point: globalization and big government has not
helped the people. Money doesn't matter; government doesn't matter; people
do matter. The people have not been helped by the forces of globalization.
The people have not been helped by the World Bank, IMF, G8. That is, the
people that populate the cities and farm the countryside. The elite few % of
the people who control the world, via government and corporations, exploit
the rest of the world for their benefit. G8 is just one of their tools. They
are helped by the World Bank. They are the ones being opposed by the
protestors. They will be made accountable for their actions--these battles
will not end.

Revolutions and Civil Wars have occurred regularly for hundreds of years
over this very issue. This war has simply escalated to the scale that is has
because the enemy has escalated to the scale that it has. It takes tens of
thousands or protestors to get a message out against a global governmental

Contrary to the statements made by current "world leaders", this is
democracy in action.

No Subject

2001-07-24 Thread owner-cypherpunks




It is important that you read this message as soon as possible. 
Again I urge you to read this message to its fullest!  Last year
72% of bankruptcies could have been saved by an extra $200 a
month.  We are an International E-Commerce Mail Order Company 
looking for people with a Good Work Ethic and the Desire to Earn
$500 - $1,500 per Month Part Time or $2,000 - $7,500+ per Month
Full Time Working From Home or Office!  The demand for our
product line (over 150 different products) is so great we need
to train more people to process the orders and service the
growing customer base.

To better assist you in the understanding E-Commerce and what
the world is raving about with E-Commerce and the Internet, I
URGE you to read this message for your own training and
understanding on what it can do for you.  Everyone is excited
 about E-Commerce. We recently opened our business in India 
and with that we are trying to help as many people start and 
generate foreign and local business in India as fast as possible.
As the Economy in India is tested, this opportunity right now is 
the fastest growing industry in India, Panama, Cyprus, Korea,
China and Japan.  This is a U.S. Based Company so it is very
exciting to be growing by doubling and tripling in over 50
Countries right now.  Expected growth in the next three years
is 80 % in each country with new countries opening every day.
We are expected to reach the world in the next 4 years and with 
that you can imagine the internet and E-Commerce is currently
growing by 200 % each Quarter.  There will be a 2000 % increase 
in E-Commerce Business and revenues on the Internet in the next
18 Months.  

No special skills or experience is required. We will give you
all the training and personal support you will need to ensure
your success.  You will be trained via Internet in the comfort
of your own home and you will determine your work hours. A
minimum commitment of 7-10 hours a week is required. The income
you generate from your efforts can put you back in Control of
your Time, Your Finances and Your Life!  If you've tried other 
opportunities in the past that have failed to live up to their promises, 
this is different than anything else you are aware of!  This is not 
a get rich scheme. You must work to earn income!  Your financial
past does not have to be your financial future.  "There is no security
on this earth.  There is only opportunity." -Douglas Macarthur

Do you feel like you are too busy earning a living to make any
real money? Are you tired of living "paycheck to paycheck" like
I was? Do you dream of a better lifestyle for yourself and your
family? If so, then I urge you to take read on to better
understand why I sent you this message.  We provide the system,
experience and hands on training. The only thing that we can not
give you, but is required is that you, number one have the
desire and number two, is that you are teachable. We know that
you have some level of desire because you are reading this
letter. Ask yourself if you are teachable. Everyone evolved in
our business had three things in common when they got started:
They saw an opportunity, they were teachable, and they applied
what they learned.  It's THAT simple.  And it's THAT powerful.
Now imagine just for a moment that you had a home-based business
that provided Spending more time with your family, Unlimited
income based on YOUR efforts, Freedom from commuting, Not having
your kids in day care, Affordable health care for your family,
Significantly helping others with their lives, Loving what you
do and doing what you love, Having your own business/being your
own boss Sounds too good to be true? That's what we thought, but
today our dreams are coming true and now we're here to help you,
like others have helped us!
We like to get right to the here is what we have to
offer you: 
A well established, financially stable company, 2 Billion dollar
+ sales / publicly traded, Patented, exclusive, high demand
consumable products, Comprehensive, high-tech in home training,
Phenomenal support system, Worldwide income opportunities
(especially through E-Commerce), Exotic paid vacations and
Minimal start up investment.

GREAT! That's fine... as long as you're serious! Because our
business is bursting at the seams, we ONLY have time to work
with serious, motivated people who are ready to make changes in
their life NOW! And because of the time we spend with each of
you as we help you get your business off the ground, we have
limited number of openings available. Here is what you need to

This business fell into my lap in September of 1997. I got
started as a customer and woke up when my wife made an extra
$500 in the first week. At the time I was an Active Duty Marine
living paycheck to paycheck making less that $19,000 a year. I

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2001-07-24 Thread Secure Sender

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2001-07-26 Thread Aloha700
Title: Make Money At Home MMAH716A

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violation of any applicable local, state and federal laws in all
jurisdictions, stop reading it further down beyond this panel. Further
reading may legally be construed as your affirmatory invitation of this
message.To be REMOVED from our mailing lists, Enter
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Good Weekly Real

It All Began In a Small
GardenInvest In Yourself
For your Free information on our
Make-Money-At-Home program (MMAH716)Enter your
e-mail addresses separated by space in the box belowClick
[ OK ] button just once and wait awhile.

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2001-07-26 Thread Millennium Shape Up

Do you look in the mirror in the mornings and just wish you could lose those few extra 
pounds?If you have tried countless diets and weight loss programs that never work,


Big or fat, we are all human beings with feelings, and with my help, you can 
those confident feelings and feel good about yourself and your body.


You may ask why you should read something on dieting from a complete stranger. Good 
question, who am I? 

My name is Manfred Seibert, I am a qualified chef - I finished my training in Germany 
where I 
worked for several leading hotels. Following training I braved the world and spent 
time in 
Switzerland, Norway, and Sweden and rested in my current position as Executive Chef 
for a 
leading resort on the island of Bermuda.

The idea to develop my own diet came when I gave up smoking and gained 45lb. I'm sure 
that's not unfamiliar to others out here. I tried countless diets out there on the 
market and I 
must admit, a few made a dent in my weight, but nothing worked well for me. So, I 
to develop my own program based on a low-fat and cholesterol free diet. I needed a 
program that satisfied my needs and time schedule. This is what I have developed.

After coming up with recipes and designing the program itself I managed to lose 45lb 
without feeling hungry, being depressed or nervous. The most important fact is that it 
changed my eating habits, and the weight stayed off. After watching the program 
work for me, other people around me began to ask me what I did to lose all that 
weight. I 
put various people on the same diet program, adjusted the time schedules accordingly 
it worked for every one of them. Even my boss, Mr. Billy Griffith, used it. He too 
lost 45lb.

It was his idea I market the program, and so I turned the program into a book that 
will help 
you lose 4lb per month, and keep it off. The only disadvantage is spending a little 
time in the supermarket looking for the low fat items and reading the labels. 

If you too would like to benefit from this program for just $10.00 plus $7.95 shipping 
worldwide please email me personally at [EMAIL PROTECTED] with delivery 
information. In addition please feel free to email me if you have any questions.

Or visit my website for more information at


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2001-07-26 Thread Aloha700
Title: Make Money At Home MMAH716A

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Good Weekly Real

It All Began In a Small
GardenInvest In Yourself
For your Free information on our
Make-Money-At-Home program (MMAH716)Enter your
e-mail addresses separated by space in the box belowClick
[ OK ] button just once and wait awhile.

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2001-07-26 Thread Aloha700
Title: Make Money At Home MMAH716A

We apologize if you have
inadvertently received this e-mail. If you consider that this message is in
violation of any applicable local, state and federal laws in all
jurisdictions, stop reading it further down beyond this panel. Further
reading may legally be construed as your affirmatory invitation of this
message.To be REMOVED from our mailing lists, Enter
your e-mail addresses separated by space in the box belowClick
[ Remove ] button just once and wait awhile.

Good Weekly Real

It All Began In a Small
GardenInvest In Yourself
For your Free information on our
Make-Money-At-Home program (MMAH716)Enter your
e-mail addresses separated by space in the box belowClick
[ OK ] button just once and wait awhile.

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2001-07-26 Thread owner-cypherpunks

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