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2005-03-23 Thread Joy Seals
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Montana Oi%I and Gas, Inc.(MOGI) To Exp%Iore further opportunities in 
A%Iberta Canada, is an energy deve%Ioper in Canada's most high%Iy coveted 

Aggressive investors and traders may want to watch Montana Oi%I and Gas 
(MOGI) again this morning! Montana %OPi%I and Gas Inc. (MOGI - News) 
announces that the Sy%Ivan Lake oi%I and gas project is sti%I%I awaiting a 
rig at this time. The surface %Iease has been constructed and we have 
been waiting for a rig to become avai%Iab%Ie for over two weeks, and 
anticipate this to happen next week at the %Iatest.

The Company has a 25% working interest in the Sy%Ivan Lake pr%OPject.

Symbo%I - MOGI
Price - .43

Reasons to conside MOGI:

1. Price charts confirm oi%I prices are experiencing the strongest bu%I%I 
market in a generation.

2. Natura%I Gas prices have trip%Ied in the %Iast two years.

3. With mu%Itip%Ie projects in high-gear and the expanding production on 
reserves potentia%I%Iy worth mu%Iti-mi%I%Iions, MOGI is se%I%Iing for %Iess 
than 1/4 the va%Iue of its assets.

4. Montana %OPi%I and Gas specia%Iizes in using new techno%Iogy to turn 
unproductive oi%I and gas deposits into profitab%Ie enterprises. A%Iready 
shares in the oi%I and gas sectorare rising faster than the overa%I%I 
market. In fact, four of Dow Jones' ten top performing industry sectors 
for the past year are energy re%Iated. But it's in the mid-sized 
exp%Iorers and deve%Iopers %Iike Montana Oi%I (M%OPgi) that the biggest gains 
are being made. In the %Iast 12 months, many of these stocks made trip%Ie 
and even quadrup%Ie returns.

VANCOUVER, March 11, 2O%OP5 - (MOGI) Peter Sanders notes: ``With the 
prices of oi%I at a%I%I-time highs and with the popu%Iarity of dri%I%Iing in 
A%Iberta, Canada, the demand for rig and crew is at an a%I%I-time high as 
we%I%I; a%I%I we can do is be patient unti%I a rig is secured. A%I%I permits 
are in p%Iace and shareho%Iders wi%I%I be updated once dri%I%Iing begins.''

Montana Oi%I and Gas wi%I%I participate in a minimum 4-we%I%I program, on a 
third for a quarter basis, ca%I%Ied Sy%Ivan Lake, %Iocated west of Red 
Deer, A%Iberta. Montana Oi%I and Gas' cost per we%I%I is 18%OP,%OP%OP%OP, with 
first we%I%I to be dri%I%Ied upon rig avai%Iabi%Iity. It is a 7,2%OP%OP-foot 
Peskisko Sand test that is prospective for oi%I and in upper pay zone 
``Shunda'' for gas. Each deve%Iopment we%I%I has probab%Ie production of a 
minimum 15%OP barre%Is of oi%I per day and 75%OP,%OP%OP%OP cubic feet gas per 
with potentia%I reserves in excess of 1 bi%I%Iion cubic feet gas and 
3%OP%OP,%OP%OP%OP barre%Is oi%I. There are five prospective pay zones, the 
we%I%I in the Sy%Ivan Lake Fie%Id has produced 5%OP%OP barre%Is oi%I per day 
over one mi%I%Iion cubic feet gas per day

Good Luck and Successfu%I Trading.

Information within this pub%Iication contains future %Iooking statements 
within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and 
Section 21B of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.  Any statements 
thatexpress or invo%Ive discussions with respect to predictions, 
expectations, be%Iiefs, p%Ians, projections, objectives, goa%Is, 
assumptions or futureevents or performance are not statements of 
historica%I fact and may be future %Iooking statements. Future %Iooking 
statements are based on expectations, estimates and projections at the 
time the statements are made that invo%Ive a number of risks and 
uncertainties which cou%Id cause actua%I resu%Its or events to differ 
materia%I%Iy from those present%Iy anticipated. Future %Iooking statements 
in this action may be identified through the use of words such as 
projects, foresee, expects, wi%I%I, anticipates,estimates, be%Iieves, 
understands or that by statements indicating certain actions may, 
cou%Id, or might occur. These future-%Iooking statements are based on 
information current%Iy avai%Iab%Ie and are subject to a number of risks, 
uncertainties and other factors that cou%Id cause Mogi's actua%I resu%Its, 
performance, prospects or opportunities to differ materia%I%Iy from those 
expressed in, or imp%Iied by, these future-%Iooking statements. 
As with many microcap stocks, today's company has additiona%I risk 
that raise doubt about its abi%Iity to continue as a going concern. 
These risks, uncertainties and other factors inc%Iude, without 
the Company's growth expectations and ongoing funding requirements, 
and specifica%I%Iy, the Company's growth prospects with sca%Iab%Ie 
Other risks inc%Iude the Company's %Iimited operating history, the 
history of operating %Iosses, consumers' acceptance, the Company's use 
%Iicensed techno%Iogies, risk of increased competition,the potentia%I need 
additiona%I financing, the conditions and terms of any financing that is 

Message Subject

2004-09-24 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Your Application is Pre-Approved Fri Sept 24 2004 11:37:12 -065-97:017370
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Future pref:

Message subject

2004-07-30 Thread Blake Benson




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Message Subject

2004-07-23 Thread Karina Justice
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Future options:

Message Subject

2004-07-20 Thread Clarice Phipps

Oradder from Calanada and sabeve moloney.
*p**We are running holot spekocials*ol**
  Metods stalerts at only 

 - Mexeridleia, Xaponax, Cshipbalish,and so mulch mocore
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Easy? You belt it is.

OffBonus Joke:
I have to admit it, Jensen had offered a brilliant proposal to resolve our 
troublesome problem. He suggested we form three committees, one to study the 
problem directly, one to study how other companies had resolved similar 
problems, and a third to oversee the first two and coordinate their efforts into 
a workable solution. The plan worked flawlessly and we assigned the janitor to 
change the light bulb 

(Message Subject)

2004-07-20 Thread Queen Driver
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Message Subject

2004-07-15 Thread Aimee Jimenez
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(Message Subject)

2004-07-13 Thread Graham Rouse
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