Re: BESS's Secret LOOPHOLE (censorware vs. privacy & anonymity)

2001-08-22 Thread Duncan Frissell

At 10:24 PM 8/15/01 -0500, Jim Choate wrote:
>Liar, check the archives. I never said anybody was dangerous. What I did
>say was that I felt the C-A-C-L philosophy was dangerous. I stand by that.
>I believe that were the C-A-C-L philosophy to take hold the results would
>make the death counts from Nazism and Communism in this century pail in

You have to be wired a little funny to think that a free society would 
suffer the murder rate of those slave societies with their organized 
mechanisms of extinction.  Killing the 170 Megs of people that socialists 
of all stripes murdered in the 20th century is hard work.  Takes a big 
killing organization.

For fun I tried to guestimate the number of murders private 
individuals  committed in the 20th century and even making assumptions that 
inflated the final figure, I was only able to come up with a max of 30 megs 
of people.  (Derived by applying the peak US murder rate of 10 per 100,000 
to a somewhat arbitrary average world population of 3 billion during this 


In normal operation, a 1000 MGW coal-fired power plant releases more 
radioactivity than a 1000 MGW nuclear power plant.

Re: BESS's Secret LOOPHOLE (censorware vs. privacy & anonymity)

2001-08-16 Thread Tim May

On Thursday, August 16, 2001, at 04:13 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I guess that I wonder why there was anything more to say than :
> "I only know what I've read on the net and cannot testify to its
> accuracy or completeness and any conclusions I've drawn from this
> reading would be my opinion not facts."
> with some "I don't recall" s thrown in where appropriate.

Gary Condit was not required to talk to either the police or the FBI, 
absent a subpoena to testify before a grand jury or in an actual trial. 
And even then he may have certain Fifth Amendment protections (less in 
front of a grand jury, apparently).

I cite Condit becuase it reminds us that "talking to the police" is not 
required. Not only are there issues of self-incrimination, but also 
issues of "takings" (compelling an expert to talk without some 
agreed-upon contract and rate is of course compelling him to donate his 
time; and we are all experts, of course).

There is no obligation to give interviews with cops or investigators, 
either before or after an arrest. Absent the appropriate subpoenas and 
court-ordered testimony, modulo the Fifth Amendment.

There's a strange bit of fluff floating around on the t.v. talk shows, 
based on my recent viewings, along the lines of "Once you've been read 
your rights, you don't have to talk to the police." Does this mean that 
one is required to talk to the police, to give potentially incriminating 
statements, to donate one's time, _before_ one's Miranda rights have 
been read? Nope, not so. One may remain silent long before an arrest and 
formal Mirandizing. While telling a cop to "Fuck off" may not be the 
most tactful thing to say, and may even violate some laws about obscene 
speech to public officials, saying "I have nothing to say" or "No 
comment" is not prosecutable...unless the speech has been compelled 
(grand jury, petit jury/trial) and the necessary general or use 
immunities granted.

Choate was under no obligation to pontificate to cops about whether 
someone like me plans to do something. He chose to cooperate with the 
Feds and speculated freely on what he thought I would do.

He's a rodent.

--Tim May

Re: BESS's Secret LOOPHOLE (censorware vs. privacy & anonymity)

2001-08-16 Thread Declan McCullagh

Jim Choate <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote :
 >As to you, the only thing I told them was you worked for Intel, made some
 >money, retired, live out in the boonies with a bunch of guns, and talked a
 >lot of crap.

When even tell them that? I know that it's easier not to talk to the
Feds when you've got a team of lawyers on your side, and I don't
really (for once) mean to pick on Jim, but I'm not sure what such
polite chitchat accomplishes. What I can imagine is how words --
"bunch of guns" -- can be twisted and used against Tim or other


Re: BESS's Secret LOOPHOLE (censorware vs. privacy & anonymity)

2001-08-16 Thread Jim Choate

On Fri, 17 Aug 2001, Declan McCullagh wrote:

> Jim Choate <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote :
>  >As to you, the only thing I told them was you worked for Intel, made some
>  >money, retired, live out in the boonies with a bunch of guns, and talked a
>  >lot of crap.
> When even tell them that?

I've answered this question before.

I'm not a C-A-C-L. I don't see them as the 'enemy'.

If CJ had really been running around putting bombs in courthouses (in
Canada or not) or was a credible threat to anybody (whether they are
agents are not is irrelelvant, and the distinction is really
unconstitutional) then I WANT him in jail and will happily help put him

I met CJ in person, under some rather strange cirumstances. He also went
out of his way to involve me (eg the bomb description posts to the list he
had on his person when he was captured) and the Austin Cypherpunks. I will
say this, the AC were not impressed by him in general and the general
consensus was he was at least a couple bricks short.

If you want information, you sometimes have to give some.

I operate a remailer for the express purpose of discussing alternatives to
the current approaches to our society. Part of that is the willingness to
involve myself with people, even if the odds of success are very low. I
asked myself how credible I'd be if I ran around deciding I'd talk to this
group but not that group. I felt, not very.

Everything I said came from voluntary and reasonably public comments made
by the appropriate parties over several years of interaction (I joined the
original list in late '92 or early '93). Nothing I said can't be backed up
by reams of posts.

Finally, I'm more worried about my butt than yours or Timmy's.

It was a personal judgement call, one that I believe I resolved equitably.
If you don't agree, tough. It wasn't your call. (the fact that you want
respect for your actions but can't seem to give it to others is only
another indication of your real world view)

Basically, I don't see it in the same immature black/white:us/them view
that you and your cronnies hold. It ain't a football game, goober.


natsugusa ya...tsuwamonodomo ga...yume no ato
summer grass...those mighty warriors'...dream-tracks

Matsuo Basho

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::>/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

Re: BESS's Secret LOOPHOLE (censorware vs. privacy & anonymity)

2001-08-15 Thread Declan McCullagh

On Wed, Aug 15, 2001 at 07:01:32PM -0700, Tim May wrote:
>  From what I know of the situations, based on journalistic reports (from 
> reports _other_ than from Declan), Declan took the obvious and legal 
> steps to limit his testimony to statements of the form:
> "Yes, I am a reporter for "Wired News.""
> "Yes, I wrote the story you are referring to."
> He was subpoenaed to testify, he and/or his employer hired lawyers to 
> deal with the subpoena and to seek ways to state only things like the 
> above, and, so far as I have ever heard, he did not offer "helpful" 
> suggestions or speculations.

That is correct. I refused to do anything except confirm I wrote the
article (first I hired a lawyer tried to quash the subpoena, but the
judge did not grant our motion). That's why AUSA London asked the
judge to declare me a "hostile witness". My writeup is here:

Naturally I will not reveal conversations I have as part of my
newsgathering role that are confidential, private, on background,
off-the-record, etc. Because my job requires that I be on call 24
hours and many conversations can be potentially related to topics I
cover, I believe it is prudent to take a broad view of what I consider
to be protected from prosecutorial inquiries.

I don't think the transcript is online. I've been planning to
buy it, and I'll get around to it next month.

Anyway, Seth is becoming increasingly deranged; I'm not sure
it's worth taking him seriously even to write a few paragraphs in


Re: BESS's Secret LOOPHOLE (censorware vs. privacy & anonymity)

2001-08-15 Thread Tim May

On Wednesday, August 15, 2001, at 08:12 PM, Seth Finkelstein wrote:

> On Wed, Aug 15, 2001 at 07:01:32PM -0700, Tim May wrote:
>> ... Declan took the obvious and legal
>> steps to limit his testimony to statements of the form:
>> "Yes, I am a reporter for "Wired News.""
>> "Yes, I wrote the story you are referring to."
> "Yes, I affirm under oath that the article is true"

"Objection. The witness cannot attest to the "truth" of the article."

The cross-examiner may ask whether the witness _believes_ his article to 
be based on fact, but his opinion as to its truthfulness or not does not 
establish facts in a case.

A reporters _tape recorded notes_ or _contemporaneous notes_ are more 
probative, which is a major reason some important cases have involved 
courts ordering reporters to produce their notes and reporters then 

Was Declan asked about the "truth" of the article? Did he testify with 
the words above?

(Yes, I tried to find this quote with Google. Either the transcript 
hasn't been released, hasn't been posted, hasn't been Google, or that 
phrase was not used...even "the article is true" as a phrasal fragment.)

Declan can tell us what he recalls of the proceedings. Has the 
transcript ever been released?

Regardless, you seem to have some personal vendetta against DM.

--Tim May

Re: BESS's Secret LOOPHOLE (censorware vs. privacy & anonymity)

2001-08-15 Thread jamesd

On 15 Aug 2001, at 23:12, Seth Finkelstein wrote:
> I can't convey how ludicrous it seems to me. Declan is the
> Fed's best friend. That's not an insult, that's a fact.

Thats baloney.

Declan has been routinely harassed by the feds.

> He's provided
> important evidence that helped obtain two convictions.

Bullshit.  They only called him in order to intimidate reporters from covering the 

 James A. Donald

Re: BESS's Secret LOOPHOLE (censorware vs. privacy & anonymity)

2001-08-15 Thread Jim Choate

On Wed, 15 Aug 2001, Tim May wrote:

> By contrast, Jim Choate was visited by the FBI for one of the show 
> trials and offered speculations that I (Tim) am a dangerous person with 
> lots of guns and money. The court records show these depositions from 
> Choate. No such malicious help came from Declan, at least none in court 
> records.

Liar, check the archives. I never said anybody was dangerous. What I did
say was that I felt the C-A-C-L philosophy was dangerous. I stand by that.
I believe that were the C-A-C-L philosophy to take hold the results would
make the death counts from Nazism and Communism in this century pail in

As to you, the only thing I told them was you worked for Intel, made some
money, retired, live out in the boonies with a bunch of guns, and talked a
lot of crap.

Stand by that too.


natsugusa ya...tsuwamonodomo ga...yume no ato
summer grass...those mighty warriors'...dream-tracks

Matsuo Basho

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::>/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

Re: BESS's Secret LOOPHOLE (censorware vs. privacy & anonymity)

2001-08-15 Thread Seth Finkelstein

On Wed, Aug 15, 2001 at 07:01:32PM -0700, Tim May wrote:
> ... Declan took the obvious and legal 
> steps to limit his testimony to statements of the form:
> "Yes, I am a reporter for "Wired News.""
> "Yes, I wrote the story you are referring to."

"Yes, I affirm under oath that the article is true"

Once he says that, it's basically equivalent to testifying to
the contents of the article in court. Making such an affirmation is
not inevitable. People can disown articles. This not to recommend such
disowning. However, the prosecution is well aware of the risks that it
can happen.

But if the US was a police state, Declan would not be griping
about his plane ticket as his biggest concern in such a situation. He
certainly would not be welcomed back to gather information on people
he might help put in jail in a future trial.

I can't convey how ludicrous it seems to me. Declan is the
Fed's best friend. That's not an insult, that's a fact. He's provided
important evidence that helped obtain two convictions. He shows every
sign of repeating the performance. And nobody even seems to notice.
Everybody goes by what he posts, the politically correct (for here)
liberpunk anarcrypt cyberbilge. Not what he *does*. It's utterly unreal.

But hey, he's a Libertarian(-type), and I'm not. So don't take
me seriously. I have my own legal risks to worry about.

Seth Finkelstein  Consulting Programmer  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

P.S. Regarding Jim Choate's "speculations", as far as I know, you *do*
have "lots of guns and money". Why aren't you also giving him a pass for
restating what are presumably your own true statements? As far as being
"a dangerous person", well, that depends who one thinks is your target.

Re: BESS's Secret LOOPHOLE (censorware vs. privacy & anonymity)

2001-08-15 Thread Mac Norton

Pot. Kettle. Chip. Shoulder.
You boys are getting a little silly.

On Wed, 15 Aug 2001, Tim May wrote:

> On Wednesday, August 15, 2001, at 06:21 PM, Seth Finkelstein wrote:
> > On Wed, Aug 15, 2001 at 08:17:02PM -0400, Declan McCullagh wrote:
> >> At one point Seth was capable of sane arguments and discussions
> >> without insults. This was, of course, many years ago, and now he's
> >> just nutty and should not be taken particularly seriously.
> >
> > I'm sorry Declan, I just can't take the cypherpunks list
> > seriously anymore. After you testified for Federal government
> > prosecutors, helping to put members in jail - not once, but twice -
> > and anyone still respected you, I just lost all ability to regard that
> > zeitgeist as other than a joke.
> >
>  From what I know of the situations, based on journalistic reports (from 
> reports _other_ than from Declan), Declan took the obvious and legal 
> steps to limit his testimony to statements of the form:
> "Yes, I am a reporter for "Wired News.""
> "Yes, I wrote the story you are referring to."
> He was subpoenaed to testify, he and/or his employer hired lawyers to 
> deal with the subpoena and to seek ways to state only things like the 
> above, and, so far as I have ever heard, he did not offer "helpful" 
> suggestions or speculations.
> By contrast, Jim Choate was visited by the FBI for one of the show 
> trials and offered speculations that I (Tim) am a dangerous person with 
> lots of guns and money. The court records show these depositions from 
> Choate. No such malicious help came from Declan, at least none in court 
> records.
> Declan has been to my house several times. (Choate has never been to my 
> house and will never be welcome.)
> If he writes a story about me, or you, or anyone, and the court demands 
> for evidentiary reasons that he confirm or deny that he authored a 
> particular chunk of text, he would presumably do so. However, if FBI 
> agents on a fishing expedition ask him for incriminating speculations, I 
> assume he would tell them to leave.
> As for you, you are not to be taken seriously by anyone, narcs or others.
> --Tim May

Re: BESS's Secret LOOPHOLE (censorware vs. privacy & anonymity)

2001-08-15 Thread Tim May

On Wednesday, August 15, 2001, at 06:21 PM, Seth Finkelstein wrote:

> On Wed, Aug 15, 2001 at 08:17:02PM -0400, Declan McCullagh wrote:
>> At one point Seth was capable of sane arguments and discussions
>> without insults. This was, of course, many years ago, and now he's
>> just nutty and should not be taken particularly seriously.
>   I'm sorry Declan, I just can't take the cypherpunks list
> seriously anymore. After you testified for Federal government
> prosecutors, helping to put members in jail - not once, but twice -
> and anyone still respected you, I just lost all ability to regard that
> zeitgeist as other than a joke.

 From what I know of the situations, based on journalistic reports (from 
reports _other_ than from Declan), Declan took the obvious and legal 
steps to limit his testimony to statements of the form:

"Yes, I am a reporter for "Wired News.""

"Yes, I wrote the story you are referring to."

He was subpoenaed to testify, he and/or his employer hired lawyers to 
deal with the subpoena and to seek ways to state only things like the 
above, and, so far as I have ever heard, he did not offer "helpful" 
suggestions or speculations.

By contrast, Jim Choate was visited by the FBI for one of the show 
trials and offered speculations that I (Tim) am a dangerous person with 
lots of guns and money. The court records show these depositions from 
Choate. No such malicious help came from Declan, at least none in court 

Declan has been to my house several times. (Choate has never been to my 
house and will never be welcome.)

If he writes a story about me, or you, or anyone, and the court demands 
for evidentiary reasons that he confirm or deny that he authored a 
particular chunk of text, he would presumably do so. However, if FBI 
agents on a fishing expedition ask him for incriminating speculations, I 
assume he would tell them to leave.

As for you, you are not to be taken seriously by anyone, narcs or others.

--Tim May

Re: BESS's Secret LOOPHOLE (censorware vs. privacy & anonymity)

2001-08-15 Thread Seth Finkelstein

On Wed, Aug 15, 2001 at 08:17:02PM -0400, Declan McCullagh wrote:
> At one point Seth was capable of sane arguments and discussions
> without insults. This was, of course, many years ago, and now he's
> just nutty and should not be taken particularly seriously.

I'm sorry Declan, I just can't take the cypherpunks list
seriously anymore. After you testified for Federal government
prosecutors, helping to put members in jail - not once, but twice -
and anyone still respected you, I just lost all ability to regard that
zeitgeist as other than a joke.

There was indeed a time I could deal with Liberbabble. That
was before a certain journalist, who I helped a lot, did many things
to raise my legal risks, and justified some of it in the name of
Libertarianism (other parts were just his "character").

I said this to you at CFP 2001, and I'll say it again:
This is not a game we're playing. People are going to jail.

I'd be overjoyed if you didn't take me seriously. It's the
backstabbing I worry about. I don't ever want to find you playing
Federal Witness #1 against me too.

Seth Finkelstein  Consulting Programmer  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: BESS's Secret LOOPHOLE (censorware vs. privacy & anonymity)

2001-08-15 Thread Tim May

On Wednesday, August 15, 2001, at 04:34 PM, Seth Finkelstein wrote:

> [cypherpunky cryptobabble libertopians should take note!]

Hit and run insults to our list, oh my!

I have decremented his reputation counter by the standard amount, and 
have added his name to the Silicon Valley "don't hire this guy" data 
base. So long as he stays on the East Coast, shouldn't be a problem for 

--Tim May

Re: BESS's Secret LOOPHOLE (censorware vs. privacy & anonymity)

2001-08-15 Thread Declan McCullagh

At one point Seth was capable of sane arguments and discussions
without insults. This was, of course, many years ago, and now he's
just nutty and should not be taken particularly seriously.


On Wed, Aug 15, 2001 at 04:55:09PM -0700, Tim May wrote:
> On Wednesday, August 15, 2001, at 04:34 PM, Seth Finkelstein wrote:
> > [cypherpunky cryptobabble libertopians should take note!]
> >
> >
> Hit and run insults to our list, oh my!
> I have decremented his reputation counter by the standard amount, and 
> have added his name to the Silicon Valley "don't hire this guy" data 
> base. So long as he stays on the East Coast, shouldn't be a problem for 
> him.
> --Tim May