Re: Marc Perkel arrested

2002-03-16 Thread Faustine

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John wrote:
Choate mimed:

On Fri, 15 Mar 2002, Faustine wrote:

 He's a disgrace to the very ideals he professes.

CJ Parker as well.

All mouth, both of you, blowing yellow bluster.

I can assure you Ive been through the fire in a way none of your death-threat
cerebral couch potato friends ever have been. Believe whatever you please, I
have a fairly good idea what Im made of.

Whats to respect about someone who sponges off welfare or relatives living in
a dream world issuing idle death threats they have no intention of following up
on? For all their big talk, theyre soft and weak. After all, theyve always
said their threats are just harmless jokes and literary exercises, havent
they? If not, why is that what theyve been telling the judges. Beneath

Obviously theres got to be something in these men youre seeing that Im
missing. Let's see: Taylor puts a bounty on my head and states he's forwarding
my posts to intelligence agencies and that's perfectly fine by you, right?
I'm not really sure I understand why someone like you would think this is an
acceptable way to act in a newsgroup, maybe you can spell it out for me. 

Not only you, others talk the brave talk, walk from risk.

Until the snackycake posse personally experiences real hunger, life
on the street, and situations with actual bullets being fired, they have
absolutely nothing to say to me about facing risk.

Way too rational to be trusted in a pinch. 

Based on my experiences, I think nobody can truly say they know what
theyll do in any given crisis situation until they actually find themselves in
it. But the one thing I cant really see myself doing after facing a little
heat is cracking up and imagining all-powerful hobgoblin enemies behind every
door. The way your three buddies did. 

People sure about what to do are dangerous for they'll save their ass 
as if ordered by god, twist logic to claim it takes bravery to be a coward.

On the other hand, the upside to rationality and clear thinking is that you
never have to have it on your conscience that you whacked the wrong Deforrest



He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from
oppression; for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent that
will reach to himself.

- --Thomas Paine

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Re: Marc Perkel arrested

2002-03-12 Thread Greg Newby

I read his Web site.

Bottom line: Do not taunt happy fun court
or happy fun government
or happy fun feds
or happy fun judges

For his sake, I hope he doesn't own a gun or belong 
to subversive organizations (other than the EFF, that it).
A federal prosecutor would have a field day...
  -- Greg

On Tue, Mar 12, 2002 at 05:20:06PM -0800, A. Melon wrote:
 Marc Perkel, sysadmin at the Electronic Frontier Foundation in San 
 Francisco, has been arrested by LA police department.
 A political activist, civil libertarian and member of both Rep and Dem
 parties, Perkel runs the and hosts the Bartcop
 [political humor] web sites. He was arrested on returning to the country
 from Australia without charge, according to a statement on the Bartcop
 Whatever Marc did it's not related to his work here at the EFF, and we 
 wish him the best of luck in getting out of jail as quickly as possible, 
 an EFF spokesman told us.
 He'll be represented by EFF legal director Cindy Cohn, acting in a private 

Re: Marc Perkel arrested

2002-03-12 Thread baptista

Hurray for Marc.

On Tue, 12 Mar 2002, A. Melon wrote:

 Marc Perkel, sysadmin at the Electronic Frontier Foundation in San 
 Francisco, has been arrested by LA police department.
 A political activist, civil libertarian and member of both Rep and Dem
 parties, Perkel runs the and hosts the Bartcop
 [political humor] web sites. He was arrested on returning to the country
 from Australia without charge, according to a statement on the Bartcop
 Whatever Marc did it's not related to his work here at the EFF, and we 
 wish him the best of luck in getting out of jail as quickly as possible, 
 an EFF spokesman told us.
 He'll be represented by EFF legal director Cindy Cohn, acting in a private 

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