Re: On Internet and social responsibility

2001-09-17 Thread Jim Choate

On Sun, 16 Sep 2001, Bill Stewart wrote:

> Jim, the First Amendment is a fine thing, but it's got very little
> resemblence to twentieth-century US government practice :-)

Actually it does.

> Non-electronic speech and press gotten better treatment, mostly,
> since we've gotten away from the days of the Schenk case,
> but electronic speech has been heavily censored and controlled,
> particularly under the Roosevelt-inspired monopoly over the airwaves.

> But even the writers of that pro-central-government batch of
> political compromise called the US Constitution appear to have
> considered laws against fraud, slander, and libel to be reasonable
> grounds for laws, and in some cases for duels.

None of your examples are 'speech'. You, like many CACL, have a serious
deficiency distinguishing 'act' and 'speech'.


 Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it.

George Santyana

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::>/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

Re: On Internet and social responsibility

2001-09-16 Thread Subcommander Bob

At 11:05 PM 9/14/01 -0700, Vadim Antonov wrote:
>Joe --
>I'm not calling in question their right to publish;

Then what is your point?

>BTW, if you look at the First Ammendment protections closer, they are
>guaranteeing absolute right of free speech.  Learn the American law
>you invoke it to defend your point of view.


>I'm tired of absolutists who cannot see that there's no such thing as
>absolute good or absolute evil.  Speech can be very dangerous.

What are you afraid of?

This is
>a conflict of ideologies, not nations or religions.  What do you think
>ideology - if not speech?  How do you suppress ideology if you let it
>spread unhampered?

With more speech.

>That site was spreading lies for a long time and is well-known in
>as an example of American hypocrisy.

So is CNN, what is your point?

And a Russian calling a fuckistan web site "lies" is just hilarious.
Go back and ask your masters what you should think.

Don't believe half of what you see
and none of what you hear  ---Lou Reed, Last Great American Whale

RE: On Internet and social responsibility

2001-09-15 Thread measl

On Sat, 15 Sep 2001, Roeland Meyer wrote:

> Personally, I have no problems with
> US State telling me I can't do business with terrorists. Do you? 

Absolutely I do.  I would have no problem with the USG placing
people/countries/whatever on lists that I could use as a reference to make
a *volutary* decision as to whether I wanted to do business with them, but
to proscribe it is wrong.

First of all, I may not necessarily agree with the USG on all of these
"entries", secondly, the lists are obviously not compiled in a manner
designed solely to cut of the "bad guys".  For example, we have China as a
"most favored nation".  Right there the whole idea of an impartial list
falls apart...

Aside from the impartiality issue, I do not believe that the USG has a
constitutional right to forbid me from engaging any person/place/thing in
an otherwise lawful transaction.

> --
> R O E L A N D  M J  M E Y E R
> Managing Director
> Morgan Hill Software Company
> tel: +1 925 373 3954
> cel: +1 925 352 3615
> fax: +1 925 373 9781 

J.A. Terranson

If Governments really want us to behave like civilized human beings, they
should give serious consideration towards setting a better example:
Ruling by force, rather than consensus; the unrestrained application of
unjust laws (which the victim-populations were never allowed input on in
the first place); the State policy of justice only for the rich and 
elected; the intentional abuse and occassionally destruction of entire
populations merely to distract an already apathetic and numb electorate...
This type of demogoguery must surely wipe out the fascist United States
as surely as it wiped out the fascist Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

The views expressed here are mine, and NOT those of my employers,
associates, or others.  Besides, if it *were* the opinion of all of
those people, I doubt there would be a problem to bitch about in the
first place...

Re: On Internet and social responsibility

2001-09-15 Thread baptista

Vadim - I think in american we call it free speech.  The content of the
message is not the issue - it is the right to publish it and one's
opinion which is the issue here guranteed by the U.S. constitution.


On Fri, 14 Sep 2001, Vadim Antonov wrote:

> Found on a website hosted in US by a US service provider:
> > Manpower resources of
> > Muslims and powerful ideological stimulus of resistance, the
> > control above the basic power resources of the world, the
> > geographical position and an area of movement, finally will
> > destroy USA. War will come in the house of each American.
> > And it already will be the collapse of that America, which we
> > know and which is realized by Americans. The first disturbing
> > symptoms of arising enmity and split of America already is
> > available. 
> This is from the inverview with the spokesman of well-known terrorist
> Shamil Basaev, known for personally taking hostage hundreds of patients in
> a hospital, among other things (the spokesman is Movladi Udugov, the guy
> who threatened to drop an airplane on Kremlin).
> Hosted by XO Communications - do not bother them, i already alerted their
> staff.
> Guys, why should a North American provider give a place for this
> propaganda?  Call FBI, have them trace the connections of whoever pays for
> that site.
> [If you decide to read the entire article - the "so-called peacemaker"
> Boris Nemtsov mentioned there is a prominent pro-Western politican in
> Russia, and (used to be, changed his mind after WTC attack) a leading
> proponent of negotiations with Chechen militants.  A shining illustration
> of what you get for trying to negotiate with terrorists.]
> Please, if you host websites, take a closer look at what you are hosting;
> you may help to find leads for the investigation.
> --vadim

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