TPM cost constraint [was: RE: Revenge of the WAVEoid]

2002-07-06 Thread Lucky Green

Bill wrote:
> At 10:07 PM 06/26/2002 -0700, Lucky Green wrote:
> >An EMBASSY-like CPU security co-processor would have seriously blown 
> >the part cost design constraint on the TPM by an order of 
> magnitude or 
> >two.
> Compared to the cost of rewriting Windows to have a 
> infrastructure that can support real security?  Maybe, but 
> I'm inclined to doubt it, especially since most of the 
> functions that an off-CPU security co-processor can 
> successfully perform are low enough performance that they 
> could be done on a PCI or PCMCIA card, without requiring motherboard 
> space.

Upon re-reading the paragraph I wrote, I can see how the text might have
been ambiguous. I was trying to express that there was a cost constraint
on the part. Adding the cost of an EMBASSY or SEE environment to the
purchase of every new PC is more than the market for bare-bones or even
mid-range PC's will bear.


Re: mount filesystem and run a program when hotplugged

2002-07-06 Thread Bill Stewart

At 05:29 PM 06/28/2002 +0200, Eugen Leitl wrote:
>I've bought me a little (32 MBytes) hotpluggable USB flash stick (a
>TrekStor). It mounts fine, but what I'd like to do is to automount it, and
>fire up a program (I intend to put my keyring on it) if hotplugged.
>The system I'm testing this on is RH 7.3.
>I've been using mount -t vfat /dev/sda /mnt/usbhd to mount it manually and
>put diverse entries into /etc/fstab, to no avail. Any suggestions?

I don't know how to do that, though it certainly sounds like an
invitation for viruses to migrate around on USB keyring sticks.

Is there CDROM autorun code that runs on Linux that could be adapted?

Re: Closed source more secure than open source

2002-07-06 Thread Joseph Ashwood

- Original Message -
From: "Anonymous" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Ross Anderson's paper at
> has been mostly discussed for what it says about the TCPA.  But the
> first part of the paper is equally interesting.

Ross Andseron's approximate statements:
Closed Source:
> "the system's failure rate has just
> dropped by a factor of L, just as we would expect."

Open Source:
bugs remain equally easy to find.

Anonymous's Statements:
>For most programs, source code will be of
> no benefit to external testers, because they don't know how to program.

> Therefore the rate at which (external) testers find bugs does not vary
> by a factor of L between the open and closed source methodologies,
> as assumed in the model.  In fact the rates will be approximately equal.

> The result is that once a product has gone into beta testing and then into
> field installations, the rate of finding bugs by authorized testers will
> be low, decreased by a factor of L, regardless of open or closed source.

I disagree, actually I agree and disagree with both, due in part to the
magnitudes involved. It is certainly true that once Beta testing (or some
semblance of it) begins there will be users that cannot make use of source
code, but what Anonymous fails to realize is that there will be beta testers
that can make use of the source code.

Additionally there are certain tendencies in the open and closed source
communities that Anonymous and Anderson have not addressed in their models.
The most important tendencies are that in closed source beta testing is
generally handed off to a separate division and the original author does
little if any testing, and in open source the authors have a much stronger
connection with the testing, with the authors' duty extending through the
entire testing cycle. These tendencies lead to two very different positions
than generally realized.

First, closed source testing, beginning in the late Alpha testing stage, is
generally done without any assistance from source code, by _anyone_, this
significantly hampers the testing. This has led to observed situations where
QA engineers sign off on products that don't even function, let alone have
close to 0 bugs. With the software engineers believing that because the code
was signed off, it must be bug-free. This is a rather substantial problem.
To address this problem one must actually correct the number of testers for
the ones that are effectively doing nothing. So while L is the extra
difficulty in finding bugs without source code, it is magnified by something
approximating (testers)/(testers not doing anything). It's worth noting that
(testers) > (testers not doing anything) causing the result K =
L*(testers)/(testers not doing anything), to tend towards infinite values.

In open source we have very much the opposite situation. The authors are
involved in all stages of testing, giving another value. This value is used
to adjust L as before, but the quantities involved are substantially
different. It must be observed, as was done by Anonymous, that there are
testers that have no concept what source code is, and certainly no idea how
to read it, call these harassers. In addition though there are also testers
who read source code, and even the authors themselves are doing testing,
call these coders. So in this case K = L*(harassers)/(harassers+coders).
Where it's worth noting that K will now tend towards 0.

It is also very much the case that different projects have different
quantities of testers. In fact as the number of beta testers grows, the
MTBD(iscovery) of a bug must not increase, and will almost certainly
decrease. In this case each project must be treated separately, since
obviously WindowsXP will have more people testing it (thanks to bug
reporting features) than QFighter3
( the lest active development on
sourceforge). This certainly leads to problems in comparison. It is also
worth noting that it is likely that actual difficulty in locating bugs is
probably related to the maximum of (K/testers) and the (testers root of K).
Meaning that WindowsXP is likely to have a higher ratio of bugs uncovered in
a given time period T than QFighter3. However due to the complexity of the
comparisons, QFighter3 is likely to have fewer bugs than WindowsXP, simply
because WindowsXP is several orders of magnitude more complex.

So while the belief that source code makes bug hunting easier on everyone,
is certainly not purely the case (Anonymous's observation), it is also not
the case that the tasks are equivalent (Anonymous's claim), with the
multiplier in closed source approaching infinite, and open source towards 0.
Additionally the quantity of testers appears to have more of an impact on
bug-finding than the discussion of open or closed source. However as always
complexity plays an enormous role in the number of bugs available to find,
anybody with a few days pr

Re: Ross's TCPA paper

2002-07-06 Thread Bill Stewart

At 09:43 PM 06/28/2002 +0200, Thomas Tydal wrote:
>Well, first I want to say that I don't like the way it is today.
>I want things to get better. I can't read e-books on my pocket computer,
>for example, which is sad since I actually would be able to enjoy e-books
>if I only could load them onto my small computer that follows my everywhere.

You may not be able to read an Adobe\(tm Brand E-Book\(tm,
but that just means you'll need to buy electronic books from
publishers that don't use that data format - whether it's
raw ascii text or Palm-formatted text or PalmOS DRMware that
you can also view on your PC using an emulator in glorious 160x160-pixel 
format :-)
Of course, if your PC's home country of Nauru has Software Police
implementing some local equivalent of the DMCA, that emulator
that you need for debugging may be illegal.

>How good is Winamp if it can't play any music recorded in 2004 or later?
>Given that Windows Media Player can play all your tunes and it takes a
>reboot to switch to Winamp, who wouldn't stick with WMP?

Cracking Dead People's Passwords

2002-07-06 Thread Bill Stewart

One of the usual arguments for key escrow was always
"what if your employee dies and you can't get his data?"
Secret Sharing techniques are of course a better approach,
or at least storing sealed envelopes in company safes
as a much better approach than pre-broken crypto.
There've been a couple of stories in the press recently
where weak passwords also solved the problem.

One was a radio piece, I think NPR, about one of the companies
in the World Trade Center who'd lost their computer administrators
in the 9/11 attacks.  The remaining employees got together and
started telling stories about their co-workers - their interests,
their family members, where they'd gone on vacation, their dogs' names, etc.
They got most of the passwords.  (It was a piece about modern management
styles, and how in older hierarchical companies there'd be fewer
people who knew the new employees well enough to do that.)

The other was about the loss of the database of the personal
library collection of one of the main linguists studying one of
the two main Norwegian dialects.   It's now been cracked...

RISKS-FORUM Digest 22.13

Date: Tue, 11 Jun 2002 11:37:02 -0400
From: Lillie Coney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Norwegian history database password lost and retrieved

After the password for accessing a Norwegian history museum's database
catalog for 11,000 books and manuscripts had been lost when the database's
steward died, the museum established a competition to recover it.  Joachim
Eriksson, a Swedish game company programmer, won the race to discover the
password (ladepujd, the reverse of the name of the researcher who had
created the database).  How he arrived at it was not disclosed.  [Source:
Long-lost password discovered: Norwegian history database cracked with help
from the Web, By Robert Lemos, MSNBC, 11 Jun 2002; PGN-ed]

Lillie Coney, Public Policy Coordinator, U.S. Association for Computing
Machinery Suite 510 2120 L Street, NW Washington, D.C. 20037 1-202-478-6124

RE: Revenge of the WAVEoids: Palladium Clues May Lie In AMD Motherboard Design

2002-07-06 Thread Bill Stewart

At 10:07 PM 06/26/2002 -0700, Lucky Green wrote:
>An EMBASSY-like CPU security co-processor would have seriously blown the
>part cost design constraint on the TPM by an order of magnitude or two.

Compared to the cost of rewriting Windows to have a infrastructure
that can support real security?  Maybe, but I'm inclined to doubt it,
especially since most of the functions that an off-CPU security
co-processor can successfully perform are low enough performance that
they could be done on a PCI or PCMCIA card, without requiring motherboard 
I suppose the interesting exception might be playing video,
depending on how you separate functions.

(Obviously the extent of redesign is likely to be much smaller in the
NT-derived Windows versions than the legacy Windows3.1 derivatives that
MS keeps foisting upon consumers.  Perhaps XP Amateur is close enough to
a real operating system for the kernel to be fixable?)

>I am not asserting that security solutions that require special-purpose
>CPU functionality are not in the queue, they very much are, but not in
>the first phase. This level of functionality has been deferred to a
>second phase in which security processing functionality can be moved
>into the core CPU, since a second CPU-like part is unjustifiable from a
>cost perspective.

Re: Jonathan Zittrain on data retention, an "awful idea"

2002-07-06 Thread Bill Stewart

Sigh.  Back when the US Feds were still trying to push Key Escrow on the
National Information Infrastructure, I started research for an April 1 RFC
for the National Information Infrastructure Data Entry Escrow Protocol, 
and proposed NIIDEEP Information Network Protocol Implementation Government
Standard, NIIDEEPINPIGS.  (Didn't get it finished by April 1 :-)

Because after all, there's no sense escrowing our crypto keys if you
don't also escrow the cyphertext - some of Eric Hughes's talks on
Message Escrow and Data Retention Policies were excellent explanations
of why those was the critical issues.

If the US Feds and Eurocrats would like us to provide them with all of our 
the existing internet would need to double in size to transport all of it
to the appropriate government data storage facilities, or more than double
if separate copies need to be provided to multiple national governments,
or much more if local governments such as city trade commissions need copies.
Since this is clearly unrealistic, even with the demise of the E-Bone,
transmission will require the use of off-line data transmission technology.
Waiting for approval of new government standards would take too long, and
lose access to valuable data because of the resulting delay of several years,
but there are several existing standards for data storage that can be applies.

My long-lost research had the FIPS (US Federal Information Processing 
references for several of them, but the current environment requires
the corresponding European standards as well, and I'll need assistance.
But there's also been progress!  RFC 1149 (Avian Carriers) has been 
though scalable implementation and dual-source requirements may require
genetic reconstruction of the Passenger Pigeon to supplement current 
carrier species.
Modular methods uses standard data storage formats and separate transmission.
Standards widely supported in the US include Hollerith cards,
1600 bpi 9-track tapes with EBCDIC character sets and fixed block sizes and 
and ASCII-format punch tape (with country-specific standards for recycled 
paper content.)
8-inch floppy disks have also been widely used, and support both
CP/M and RT11 file system formats.
Are there corresponding European standards for data storage?
Transmission methods for data storage media include International
Postal Union standards for link layer and addressing formats and pricing,
though I'm not directly familiar with standards for shipping containers
where data encapsulation is required.

 Thanks;  Bill Stewart, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>From: Jon Zittrain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: FC: "Data retention" scheme marches forward in European 
>I've written something opposing this at 
>Consider the range of proposals for unobtrusive but sweeping Internet 
>monitoring. Most of them are doable as a technical matter, and all of them 
>would be unnoticeable to us as we surf. Forbes columnist Peter Huber's 
>idea is perhaps the most distilled version. Call it the return of the lock 
>box. He asks for massive government data vaults, routinely receiving 
>copies of all Internet traffic--e-mails, Web pages, chats, mouse clicks, 
>shopping, pirated music--for later retrieval should the government decide 
>it needs more information to solve a heinous crime. (See the Nov. 12 
>column at
>The idea might sound innocuous because the data collected would remain 
>unseen by prying eyes until a later search, commenced only after legal 
>process, is thought to require it. Make no mistake, however: The idealized 
>digital lock box and many sibling proposals are fundamentally terrible 
>ideas. Why?
>Jonathan Zittrain, Harvard law professor; codirector, Berkman Center for 
>Internet & Society.

Re: Smart ID Cards Planned for Sailors to Spot Terrorists

2002-07-06 Thread Bill Stewart

Bob - This isn't really cryptography-related, and I can't post to DCSB,
but this does seem like Cypherpunks material.
What an 
outrageous proposal!   Can't sail without some government
fingerprinting you, laser-scanning your eyes, and
throwing you in a huge database?  .

I'd expect the ILO to be socialist - they are a big union after all -
but I wouldn't expect them to be totalitarians.
Sure, it's a way to create a harder-to-avoid union card,
and a way for their biggest customers to be forced to hire their people
by using government pressure to enforce it.  It's also a surveillance
mechanism to let management keep track of sailors they dislike,
prevent politically incorrect people from getting jobs as sailors,
give governments additional control over sailors in port,
private sailors, and refugees who can't afford to travel on airplanes,
and gives large governments an increased excuse to interfere with
high-seas traffic between other countries under the pretense of
checking whether all the sailors are documented.

 From a technology perspective, the interesting paragraph is
 The plans have drawn criticism from seafarer's groups
 concerned that port authorities may insert information in
 so-called ``smart'' identification
 documents without the cardholder's knowledge.
Sure, smart cards with non-user-viewable data can easily have
extra data in them saying the user is a "Communist" or "union organizer"
or did scab labor or is a Muslim or a Jew or a Rastafarian.
And it's easy for port authorities to send copies of sailors' photos
to their local police in case they're wandering around town.

But with the Internet reaching everywhere, either by wire or satellite,
the information doesn't need to be hidden in the card.
The card says that you're "Sailor #12345678", so they can look you up
on any website they want - not just the ILO's "paid their union dues"
database, and Interpol's "Never been caught smoking dope" database,
and the shipping companies' "Not a union troublemaker" database",
and the "originally from _this_ country even though they're now American" 
and Blacknet's databases on "gets in Bar Fights" and "scab laborers".

 Bill Stewart

At 06:10 PM 07/03/2002 -0400, R. A. Hettinga wrote:
>Bloomberg News
>Top World News
>07/03 13:20
>Smart ID Cards Planned for Sailors to Spot Terrorists (Update1)
>By Amy Strahan Butler
>Washington, July 3 (Bloomberg) -- The identities of more than 500,000
>commercial sailors worldwide would be verified through thumb or iris scans
>under tough, new anti-terrorism standards backed by the U.S. and other
>industrialized nations.
>``The whole idea is to come up with a worldwide system for positive,
>verifiable identification of seafarers,'' said Mary Covington, associate
>director of the Washington office of the International Labor Organization,
>a United Nations-affiliated group that's developing the standards.
>The labor organization got a big boost when representatives of the Group of
>Eight nations -- the U.S., Japan, Germany, the U.K., France, Canada, Italy
>and Russia -- endorsed the standards during a meeting in Canada last week.
>The plans have drawn criticism from seafarer's groups concerned that port
>authorities may insert information in so- called ``smart'' identification
>documents without the cardholder's knowledge.
>Those concerns are being swept aside as the drive to close loopholes in
>shipping security has gained momentum since Sept. 11 in the U.S., where
>less than 2 percent of cargo entering ports is inspected by the U.S.
>Customs Service.
>After the terrorist attacks, the Coast Guard began requiring ships to
>notify ports 96 hours prior to arrival and to submit a list of crew members.
>Card-Carrying Sailors
>Commercial sailors in countries that ratify the ILO standards would be
>required to carry identification cards similar to driver's licenses that
>also contain biometric information, such as a thumbprint or iris scan.
>Under the proposal, port authorities would be able to verify the identity
>of the card bearer by scanning his thumb or eye.
>The credentials could be issued to more than a half-million shipping
>employees as governments attempt to tighten port security to prevent
>terrorist activities.
>``This would help produce uniform treatment of seafarers,'' said Chris
>Koch, president of the World Shipping Council, a trade association
>representing more than 40 shipping companies, including Atlantic Container
>Line AB and Crowley Maritime Corp. ``That's in the interest of not only
>seafarers but of commerce.''
>The current ILO convention for identifying shipping employees entering
>foreign ports asks that countries to provide seafarers

Re: We have always been at war with Oceania

2002-07-06 Thread Bill Stewart

The Indianapolis Star newspaper ran the NYTimes version of this story
with the headline "Drug Peddling Pilots May Get Wings Clipped".
I was assuming it would be about revoking their pilots' licenses
or confiscating their airplanes, but no, it was about
shooting them down and machine-gunning any fleeing passengers,
like they did to the Baptist missionary and her baby last year.
Under Fujimori's dictatorship in Peru, they claim to have shot down
about 25 planes, and some politician made a highly-pleased-with-himself
statement about how it's really discouraged traffickers.

There may be True Believers on the pro-terrorist side,
but cocainistas are in it for money, not ideology -
they're happy to blow up the occasional judge, but they're smart enough
not to try going toe-to-toe with the US military in a shooting war.

At 09:39 AM 07/04/2002 -0700, Major Variola (ret) wrote:
>President Bush ( news - web sites) is expected to allow resumption of a
>program to force down or
>shoot down airplanes suspected of carrying drugs in Latin America,
>a senior administration official
>said Thursday.
>Does Mr. Bush understand tit-for-tat?
>Hasn't he figured out that he can bust all the petty hawalas he wants,
>but the Cartels have *cash* to spend, an excellent distribution
>network, and a few submarines?
>Looking for True Believers speaking spanish...
>Maybe the Saudis will start taking planes out for carrying ethanol...

Re: Piracy is wrong

2002-07-06 Thread Major Variola (ret)

At 08:33 AM 7/5/02 +0300, Mikko Sdreld wrote:
>If there were
>no copyright laws, I bet you would have to sign all sort of things to
>tv channels home. And yes, it would be quite a pain in the ass to do
>way 'afterwords' when people already have tv's and expect them to work
>without doing anything.

1. Simply done by hacking a few lines of legal code when you sign your
subscriber agreement
(eg to a cable service)

2. In a poodle-run society you can consider paying the BBC tax as
consenting to an agreement

3. Other oppressive societies may consider the RF spectrum as State
property and simply use
their threat of violence to force contracts on passive interceptors of
signals.  (And woe to the
'trespassers' who would actually transmit..)