Re: How to Exit the Matrix

2005-08-09 Thread Duncan Frissell

At 07:27 PM 8/1/2005, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Network Forensics Evasion: How
to Exit the Matrix

Tor ( required
"Privacy and anonymity have been eroded to the point of
non-existence in recent years. In fact, in many workplaces, employers spy
on and control their employees Internet access, and this practice is
widely considered to be acceptable. How we got to a legal state where
this is allowed, I'm not quite sure. It seems to stem from an underlying
assumption that while you are at work, you are a slave - a single unit of
economic output under the direct and total control of your superiors. I
believe this view is wrong. 
All of those problems derive from the fact that you are using your
employers computing resources.  Spend the $500 for your on laptop
and connect to the Net via


VDO or one of the competing services.  Then the only issue is
your personal productivity which is completely under your own
Obviously, if you are fighting the Great Enemy more advanced solutions
are required.  

Re: Well, they got what they want...

2005-07-22 Thread Duncan Frissell

At 11:00 AM 7/22/2005, Tyler Durden wrote:
OK, the police are
deterrents against a few lone crazy copycats, who don't have enough sense
to enter away from police line-of-site. But it sure seems damned silly to
be giving up constitutional protection for the sake of an image of

For now you can refuse the search just as with the airlines by declining
to travel.  Since the searches are "random" you can try
again via another entrance until you make it into the system without a
search.  Or you can decline to use government transportation
entirely and call 212-777- for the Tel Aviv car service (most of
who's drivers are the sons of Hagar rather than the
sons of Ruth in spite of it's name).

Re: Well, they got what they want...

2005-07-22 Thread Duncan Frissell

At 02:08 PM 7/22/2005, Duncan Frissell wrote:

entrance until you make it into
the system without a search.  Or you can 
decline to use government transportation entirely and call 212-777-
the Tel Aviv car service (most of who's drivers are the sons of Hagar

rather than the sons of Ruth in spite of it's name).
Oops!  I meant, of course:
Or you can decline to use government transportation entirely and call
212-777- for 
the Tel Aviv car service (most of who's drivers are the sons of Hagar

rather than the sons of Sarah in spite of its name).

Re:The Nazification Of America ("Show Me Your Papers" - Day 1)

2005-07-05 Thread Duncan Frissell

Fine, I'll just order the birth certificate and get it over with,
Wrong.  New York wants affirmative proof of identity for a copy
passport or your [missing] original birth certificate.  Anyone
see a circular problem here?
Identification Requirements - application must be submitted with copies
of either A or B:

One (1) of the following forms of valid photo-ID: 

Driver license 
Non-Driver Photo-ID Card 
Employment ID 

Two (2) of the following showing the applicant's name and address: 

Utility or telephone bills 
Letter from a government agency dated within the last six (6) months 

Employment ID (like school ID) can be issued by anyone since anyone
in America can employ or teach others.  If you want to be fancy,
pick up one of these.


Re: and its narcing out of its customers

2003-12-09 Thread Duncan Frissell
On Mon, 8 Dec 2003, Tim May wrote:

> It happened in one of the "movies" groups (rec.arts.current-movies),
> when the thread was on DVD copy protection and the (claimed) illegality
> of making DVDs of movies.
> I explained how I was cheerfully making an average of a DVD a day of my
> favorite current movies.
> A couple of "nyms" went ballistic and foamed that they had forwarded my
> "admissions" to the RIAA and how I would face civil penalties and jail
> time, oh my!
> Then one of them claimed he had arranged to have my account yanked, for
> "violation of the DMCA." He claimed he had sent copies of my "criminal"
> admissions to, to the RIAA, to "law enforcement" (shudder!),
> and so on.

I gather that the denizens of have yet to read the Betamax
case.  Perhaps they should expand their reading before they opine on the
state of IP law.

This is one of several times that the readers of Tim's posts have reported
him to the authorities.  I recall the Santa Cruz sherrif's office call of
the early '90s occaisioned by a simple admission that Tim legally posessed
weapons at home.

I'm constantly amazed by the things that people think are illegal that

Reporting people to the authorities is such an impolite thing to do.  In a
less enlightened era it would have led to an unfortunate breach of the
peace.  If you have a problem with someone's behavior speak to him nicely,
first.  And make damned sure that he's doing something wrong before you

Remember -- "Since Sodomy is a Virtue, can anything be a Vice?"


Re: [ [Politech] FBI visits John Young, asks about anti-government activity [fs]]

2003-11-06 Thread Duncan Frissell
It's a little late for Special Agent Todd Renner to avoid publicity:

"Todd Renner -- an FBI special agent assigned to the Joint Terrorist Task 
Force in New York"


At 02:39 PM 11/5/03 -0800, Eric Murray wrote:
- Forwarded message from Declan McCullagh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

Date: Wed, 05 Nov 2003 17:01:52 -0500
From: Declan McCullagh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Politech] FBI visits John Young, asks about anti-government 
activity [fs]

John Young is a longtime supporter of open government and public access to
government information. See:


4 November 2003

Cryptome received a visit today from FBI Special Agents Todd Renner and
Christopher Kelly from the FBI Counterterrorism Office in New York, 26
Federal Plaza, telephone (212) 384-1000. Both agents presented official ID
and business cards.
SA Renner said that a person had reported Cryptome as a source of
information that could be used to harm the United States. He said Cryptome
website had been examined and nothing on the site was illegal but
information there might be used for harmful purposes. He noted that
information in the Cryptome CDs might wind up in the wrong hands.
SA Renner said there is no investigation of Cryptome, that the purpose of
the visit was to ask Cryptome to report to the FBI any information which
Cryptome "had a gut feeling" could be a threat to the nation.
There was a discussion of the purpose of Cryptome, freedom of information,
the need for more public information on threats to the nation and what
citizens can do to protect themselves, the need for more public information
about how the FBI functions in the field and the intention of visits like
the one today.
SA Kelly said such visits are increasingly common as the FBI works to
improve the reporting of information about threats to the US.
Asked what will happen as a result of the visit. SA Renner said he will
write a report of the visit.
Cryptome said it will publish a report of the visit, including naming the
agents. Both agents expressed concern about their names being published for
that might lead to a threat against them and/or their families -- one
saying that due to copious personal databases any name can be traced.
Cryptome said the reason for publishing names of agents is so that anyone
can verify that a contact has been made, and that more public information
is needed on how FBI agents function and who they are.
Cryptome noted that on a previous occasion FBI agents had protested
publication of their names by Cryptome.
Cryptome did not agree to report anything to the FBI that is not available
on the website.
Politech mailing list
Archived at
Moderated by Declan McCullagh (
- End forwarded message -

Re: Drunken US Troops Kill Rare Tiger

2003-09-22 Thread Duncan Frissell

On Sat, 20 Sep 2003, Eric Cordian wrote:

> In my opinion, the tiger was worth more than all the US Troops currently
> occupying Iraq.

Maybe the tiger "shot" first.

> If AmeriKKKa freely re-elects Shrub, because Americans admire his bullying
> the rest of the world, and the American people freely support and fund
> such activities as the Pax AmeriKKKana, and unprovoked wars of aggression,
> then it's probably true there are no civilians in AmeriKKKa either.

I'm sure that the opposition shares that view already.  And I may agree.
Unfortunately if true, then that means that "the enemy peoples" are also
all combatants and the US would be justified (as in a naval battle with no
civilians) of ending the whole thing in 30 minutes by applying some
advanced physics to enemy landscapes.  Rough on the oil market though.


Re: National Emergency?

2003-08-21 Thread Duncan Frissell
Nothing much new.  The answer is "forever".

Executive Orders and National Emergencies:
How Presidents Have Come to "Run the
Country" by Usurping Legislative Power


On Thu, 21 Aug 2003, Harmon Seaver wrote:

>So how much of the Constitution gets shredded by Bush's declaration of a
> "national emergency" right after 9/11, and how long can he maintain that. I
> mean, I realize the the Constitution/bill of rights is pretty much gone anyway,
> but ...
> --
> Harmon Seaver
> CyberShamanix

Re: Year in Jail for Web Links

2003-08-14 Thread Duncan Frissell

On Tue, 5 Aug 2003, Eric Cordian wrote:

> An anarchist has been sentenced to a year in jail for having links to
> explosives information on his Web site.  AmeriKKKa is further fucking the
> First Amendment by restricting whom he may associate with in the future,
> and what views he may espouse.

You can't protect people from cowardice.  Jim Bell plead the first time.
Michael Milkin plead.  Bill Gates plead.  Various Arabs plead recently.
If you plead you can't be acquitted unless you can convince a judge to let
you withdraw your plea tough.  Courage.

Prosecutors and cops are allowed to lie to you about their intent.  Know
the law.


Re: Trials for those undermining the war effort

2003-04-01 Thread Duncan Frissell
At 09:06 AM 3/29/2003 -0500, Declan McCullagh wrote:
Tim wrote:
To cut to the chase, several of my former friends are calling me a
traitor and claiming to have reported me to the FBI for my statements
about how the war machine ought to be hacked and undermined.
See below. A so-called "conservative" group is also tossing the term 
traitor about. Often these groups serve as early indictators of what their 
friends in power in the Bush administration think. Remember that Free 
Congress' Weyrich helped push Ashcroft's nomination through the Senate 
when it was in danger of dying...


No need to worry.  Treason prosecutions never happen and sedition trials 
are almost as rare.  Prosecutors hate those charges because they're so hard 
to prove.  They usually pick the easier charges like the new "material 
support for terrorists."  Usually requires acts which "look bad" to a 
jury.  So far everyone's copped to those sorts of charges.  Haven't had a 
full trial and set of appeals.  Too new.  Prosecutors won't pick smart and 
wealthy Christians or atheists who just talk.  Prefer poor Muslims.


RE: U.S. Drops 'E-Bomb' On Iraqi TV

2003-04-01 Thread Duncan Frissell
At 12:43 PM 3/29/2003 -0800, Mike Rosing wrote:
I totally agree.  The US has lost everything in terms of world opinion.
We are morons led by an insane lunatic and the US needs to be dealt with
accordingly.  Once we start invading Syria, the world will retaliate in a
big way.  We're already building excuses to do so, so I won't be supprised
if the US "accidentally" bombs a few targets inside Syria.
Washington are very capable of doing something really stupid and I don't
think they appreciate how much military power can be brought to bear
against them.  If it stays in Iraq, the US has a chance.  If they decide
to make it bigger, the US will be toast.

So when the rest of the world retaliates with all their military power that 
the US fails to appreciate, what strategic war plan does the  rest of the 
world have for handling a couple thousand nukes?  Just trying to figure 
their options?


Re: Porn for neo-conservatives

2003-03-14 Thread Duncan Frissell
Yes, I think it's terrible that tax money is stolen to buy weapons for
public employees.  Very immoral.  That village should be destroyed by
mercs operating on the free market.  Perhaps for the oil companies.  Then
we could judge its morality depending on the guilt of the targets.  As it
is, such activities can only be wrong since those toys are paid for with
stolen funds.


On Fri, 14 Mar 2003, Steve Schear wrote:

> >It is at . Download from the link
> >described thus:
> >
> >Afghanistan
> >AC130_GunshipMed_a.wmv (4,69 Mb). A small village is destroyed (from a
> >AC130 airplane) and everyone is killed mercyless. Men, women, children:
> >from that altittude you are only an infrared spot.
> >
> >Or directly:
> >
> steve

Re: Give peace a chance?

2003-03-06 Thread Duncan Frissell
The Smoking Gun has the complaint and police reports up:

It wasn't the T-shirts.  They were proselytizing other 
customers.  Allegations of verbal disputes.  Discourages shopping.  LLOYD 
CORP. v. TANNER, 407 U.S. 551 (1972) is the controlling SC case.


Re: A prediction

2003-02-19 Thread Duncan Frissell
At 03:24 PM 2/18/03 -0800, James A. Donald wrote:

The Iraq war will, as everyone knows, be launched on the 27 or
28th of february.

I was thinking about 0400 hours (GMT+3) on the morning of the 28th (that 
being "Sunday" in Muslim countries).  Sunday the 2nd is dark of the moon 
and an earlier attack would lead into it nicely.


"Western Civilization didn't invent tyranny, slavery, racism, or the
oppression of women. What it did do is eliminate those evils (to the
extent they have been eliminated). The rest of the world should be damn
grateful and if they're not we should return them to the ancient tyrannies
from which we so recently rescued them. Would serve them right."

Re: Supressed? speech by Sen. Robert Byrd -- Reckless Administration May Reap Disastrous Consequences

2003-02-19 Thread Duncan Frissell
At 05:49 PM 2/16/03 -0500, Declan McCullagh wrote:


I think you're right. It's had some, spotty coverage:

One reason why it may not have been picked up (speaking as a political
journalist, albeit not one who writes about this area) is that it's
not particularly novel: Some Democrats have been saying this for a
while.  Introducing a bill to rescind Bush's war power, calling for
impeachment, endorsing Rep. Paul's legislation, etc. would have been
far more newsworthy, and more than just talk.

The right-wing alternative media covered it.  I saw clips on Fox and heard 
clips on Rush & Sean.  They used it as an opportunity to beat up on 
"KKK-Byrd"  as well as the content of the speech.


"The government is just people."
"People, my eye, they're Democrats."
--The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951) 

Guns & Duct Tape

2003-02-14 Thread Duncan Frissell
Curtis & Kuby on WABC Radio

On WABC radio in NYC this morning, Curtis Sliwa (head of the Guardian
Angels) and Ron Kuby (radical lawyer, communist, and partner of the late
William Kunsler) were chatting about terrorist attack preparations. Ron
repeated his point that guns and plenty of ammo were the most important
part of any emergency survival kit.

Ron's classic quote: "Guns will get you through times of no duct tape
better than duct tape will get you through times of no guns."

Posted by Duncan Frissell to The Technoptimist at 2/14/2003 9:26:27 AM

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Re: The Statism Meme

2003-02-04 Thread Duncan Frissell
On Mon, 3 Feb 2003, Tim May wrote:

> I'm struck by how many of them this year treat civil liberties as gone,
> either as old-fashioned or as just plain ignorable.

I love the frequent use of facial recognition systems on TV as well.
With, of course, no mention of the fact that they don't work.


RE: The Statism Meme

2003-02-04 Thread Duncan Frissell
On Tue, 4 Feb 2003, Blanc wrote:

> Years ago I asked a group of Libertarians at a meeting what they would do if
> a particular politican, who was then running for President, won and turned
> everything into a bona-fide, outright statist state like Russia was at the
> time.  They couldn't adequately answer my question; they couldn't come up
> with any ideas of how to deal with it, what they would do if they suddenly
> were faced with having to live with it.  Maybe they were just being

You mean no one said, "I'd grab the .30-06 and head for the hills"?

We're not quite there yet.  Since no one did it during WWII when the
oppression was greater -- 200,000 internees, rationing, travel controls,
bans on posession of radio equipment, conscription, etc. -- we have some
time to think.


Re: bin Laden, Hanssen, Inslaw Promis, Oh My!

2003-01-10 Thread Duncan Frissell
At 09:58 AM 1/9/03 -0800, Major Variola (ret) wrote:

Greets to the TLA moths flitting to the flame of keywords..

Though the article would be better if it had named the former NJ Governor 
Thomas H. Kean instead of "David H. Kean."


Re: citizens can be named as enemy combatants

2003-01-09 Thread Duncan Frissell
On Wed, 8 Jan 2003, Tim May wrote:

> Fuck the U.S. Fuck it dead. Do it soon.
> This is one of the rulings which completes the shredding of the
> Constitution. Every member of that Court should be killed for their
> crimes against the Constitution.

It's a good thing he was captured by the Feds instead of a militia or a
Private Defense Force of some sort.  Note that such forces are not
required to accept surrenders and can simply kill enemy forces (and
vice-versa of course).  Private citizens are not bound by the Constitution
either of course (it binds only the governments).

The Padilla case will be more important than the Hamdi case because he was
arrested in Chicago rather than Afghanistan.  Under the traditional laws
of war, Padilla (if he is an enemy soldier) could have been executed as a
spy since he entered the country in civilian clothes rather than in
uniform.  All Al-Quida combatants in the US should definitely wear their
uniforms so they can "get off on a technicality" if captured.  I wonder
what an Al-Quida uniform looks like?


RE: JYA ping

2002-10-04 Thread Duncan Frissell

On Fri, 4 Oct 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> We paid a surprise Sunday morning visit to the CIA back entrance, got
> surrounded by HMMVs and spiffy guards with hands on guns, interrogated by a
> swell looking Ms. Security who ran our Duncan Frissell ID card through the
> master file, idled for 1/2 hour observing gaps in the maginot line, and then
> received a heartfelt thanks for cooperating, Duncan, wink.

Aren't you glad that I kept my files vacuumed just for you?  Clean
Team-Dirty Team.  Works every time.


Don't nuke Mecca.  Build a cathedral there instead.

Raise the Fist Webmaster pleads guilty

2002-09-25 Thread Duncan Frissell

RTF Webmaster Pleads Guilty

  RTF Webmaster to be Convicted on Monday, Sept 23rd, Sherman Austin will be convicted on Monday,
  Sept 23rd as he pleads guilty to felony count: 18 U.S.C. 842

  The plea bargain gives Austin a felony conviction with 1
  month in jail, 5 months in a half-way home and 3 years
  supervised release. Austin does not start his sentencing on
  Monday, but will find out the exact date at his court

  The arraignment is at the downtown federal building in Los
  Angeles on 255 east temple on the 3rd floor at 8:30am

Another one of those unfortunate chicken defendants we seem to get. He
would have got a max of 4-5 at trial. So now he has a felony conviction
anyway plus endless parole supervision which gives the Feds way too much
control over you. And he gives up a chance to challenge the "Publish Bomb
Plans" go to jail law.

If you go to trial and lose and do your time you are then free of
supervision. Plus you never admitted any crime. A plea is an admission.
When you are in custody, your cooperation is the only thing you can deny
your captors.

See some of the actual links:

Posted by Duncan Frissell to The Technoptimist at 9/25/2002 1:54:34 PM

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The SSA in Peace and War

2002-09-05 Thread Duncan Frissell

>From Syracuse's invaluable Transactional Records Clearing House site:

  The SSA in Peace and War
  The federal agency with the most international terrorism
  referrals in April was a surprisethe Social Security
  Administration. It recommended 78 individuals be indicted for
  such crimes, compared with only 39 referrals during the month
  from the FBI. The Department of Transportation was third with
  23 new referrals, followed by the INS and Customs. The FBI
  was the source of most referrals for domestic terrorism. See

We warned you that the Social Security Administration would become an
instrument of totalitarian control back in 1935 when it was created. But
you didn't listen

Posted by Duncan Frissell to The Technoptimist at 9/5/2002 2:52:44 PM

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Selling Privacy for ETC

2002-08-20 Thread Duncan Frissell

A Faraday Cage for your EZPass:

EZPass is an Electronic Toll Collection (ETC) system used in the
Northeast. A small white box is attached to your windshield and is
queried by radios in passing toll booths. Your account is debited for the
toll. Your account lists all the booths passed and when so it can be very
useful for law enforcement and civil attorneys (including domestic
relations lawyers). EZPass has already been featured on an episode of Law
and Order. In addition since the system is protected by weak or no
encryption, attackers with radios could extract some information by
querying your EZPass. Perhaps duplicating it to steal tolls from you.

The EZShield is a little box with a drawer to hold your EZPass. According
to the photo, it doesn't increase the EZPass form factor by much. What
you are supposed to do in open the drawer to expose your EZPass only when
you want to use it and keep it enclosed when you don't.

The interesting thing is that EZShield's sellers believe that there is
enough interest in a technological privacy fix that they are willing to
advertise it on mass media. I heard it just before the Rush Limbaugh show
on WABC in NYC.

Posted by Duncan Frissell to The Technoptimist at 8/19/2002 1:52:02 PM

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RE: White House Sounds Call For New Internet Standards

2002-08-01 Thread Duncan Frissell

On Thu, 1 Aug 2002, Lucky Green wrote:

> How about IPv6 with IPSEC?
> --Lucky

Isn't that a creaky, cranky 10-year-old protocol?


A Q&A exchange between me and Eugene Volokh

2002-07-30 Thread Duncan Frissell

A Q&A exchange between me and Eugene Volokh:
[Eugene's responses in square brackets.]

The topic was Gilmore v. Ashcroft -- FAA ID Challenge in which John
Gilmore is suing the Feds to be allowed to fly domestically without ID.

So, does John have a chance?


So it is your view that the Feds can ban anyone (except those wealthy
enough to rent, buy, or build their own aircraft) from flying, for life,
using secret orders, and without any
access to judicial process.

Seems a bit extreme to me.

Could they do the same thing for riding in a car or walking?

What about boats?

[My view is only that they can insist that people show id.]

So if there is a "Don't Fly" list, you would support people being able to
sue to get off it?

[Of course.]

How can they force you to present something that they can't force you to
have in the first place?

[Same reason as for driver's licenses to drive. If you don't want an
identification, that's fine -- but then you won't be allowed to do
certain things where identification is necessary for security reasons.]

I promised that I wouldn't send him any more mail for at least a week but
now the time is up.

One doesn't need a driver's license to ride in a car. The government is
now claiming that you need ID to ride in a commercial aircraft. Since the
development of passports for international travel at the beginning of the
20th century, passports (or other travel documents) have been necessary
to enter other nations. Commercial carriers began to check them on
boarding not for security reasons but because if passengers were refused
entry at their destination the carrier was responsible for their
maintenance and return.

The problem with such ID requirements is not merely that ID is required.
The problem is that the activity can be barred for reasons other than
lack of ID. You will also be banned for your characteristics. After all,
what's the point of requiring ID to fight terrorism if you can't ban
terrorists from flights. Or people who fit a terrorist profile. Or people
who owe child support (drivers licenses, fishing licenses, and passports
are denied to those owing child support).

An ID requirement, when you combine it with online verification and
authorization, creates a federal license requirement to engage in the
particular activity. In the above case, a federal license to fly on a
commercial aircraft. In other proposals, a federal license to take a job,
open a bank account or rent an apartment.

A federal license that can be denied for any reason since it is issued
via a computer analysis system driven by a secret algorithm.

It's a license because the federal government is required to
affirmatively grant you permission before you can do something.

The right to fly is controlled by the Computer Assisted Passenger Profile
System (CAPPS) -- soon to be replaced by the presumably wider-ranging
CAPPS2. At the heart of CAPPS is a secret algorithm that determines
whether you are or may be a terrorist. You can't know what facts or
behaviors cause CAPPS to ban you from a flight since the algorithm is not
for public consumption.

In fact, since the Feds have not set up an administrative procedure for
you to challenge a denial of flight boarding (or any of the future
activities that will be subject to CAPPS2 and similar systems) only those
with the $25K to 100K needed to bring a federal civil suit will be able
to challenge their denials. The Feds require private businesses that deny
you credit to follow an appeals process but don't impose such a
requirement on themselves in the much more significant denials that
CAPPS2 will make. And even for the rich, these court challenges will be
hard to win since the reasons for the denials will be a state secret.

So those who support such ID requirements and such federal licenses
should be required to answer a basic question -- what activities should
be subject to state and federal permission and which activities should

Posted by Duncan Frissell to The Technoptimist at 7/30/2002 10:40:04 PM

Is Latvia Offshore?

2002-07-30 Thread Duncan Frissell

So I wonder. Is Latvia Offshore?

I am in receipt of a fun piece of spam:

  Dear Customer,
  Looking for a superior asset protection and tax management
  tool? Concerned about preserving your wealth in the heart of
  Europe without personal identity disclosure? We have a
  superior solution, which is able to meet the most demanding
  asset protection needs of our prospective customers. Please
  take your time to study this incredible and exclusive
  opportunity at
  Offshore Cirrus ATM card
  Complete anonymity when withdrawing cash
  No ID requirements
  Would cost you just $180

So I wander over to NSI and discover where "the Heart of Europe" is
(OFFSHORE-CARDS.COM) and discover that it is Latvia.

Now it is certainly possible that heroic Latvians could be offering
fabulous anonymous bank accounts and credit and debit cards but how would
one know this in advance. Then there's the fact that the record was
created in May. A bit young. Give it a while to age.

Posted by Duncan Frissell to The Technoptimist at 7/30/2002 9:52:30 AM

Pizza with a credit card

2002-07-30 Thread Duncan Frissell

<>Buying Trouble

In which the Village Voice discusses the use of commercial databases 
including supermarket discount cards in hunting terrorists.

One useful piece of advice:

Don't but pizza with a credit card:
Oddly enough, "one of the factors was if you were a person who frequently 
ordered pizza and paid with a credit card," Ponemon says, describing the 
buying habits of a nation of college students. "Sometimes data leads to an 
empirical inference when you add it to other variables. Whether this one is 
relevant or completely spurious remains to be seen, but those kinds of 
weird things happen with data."

Course all those terrorists buying their pizzas with cash get away clean.


Posted by Duncan Frissell to <>The 
Technoptimist at 7/29/2002 10:19:30 AM

Hollywood Hackers

2002-07-29 Thread Duncan Frissell

Congressman Wants to Let Entertainment Industry Get Into Your Computer

  Rep. Howard L. Berman, D-Calif., formally proposed
  legislation that would give the industry unprecedented new
  authority to secretly hack into consumers' computers or knock
  them off-line entirely if they are caught downloading
  copyrighted material.

I've been reading things like this for a while but I wonder how practical
such an attack would be. They won't be able to hack into computers with
reasonable firewalls and while they might try DOS attacks, upstream
connectivity suppliers might object. Under current P2P software they may
be able to do a little hacking but the opposition will rewrite the
software to block. DOS attacks and phony file uploads can be defeated
with digital signatures and reputation systems (including third party
certification). Another problem -- Napster had 55 million customers.
That's a lot of people to attack. I don't think Hollywood has the troops.


How to Defeat DVD Zone Controls

2002-07-28 Thread Duncan Frissell

 From Ditherati:


"I care more about this than getting myself fired, but the fact is that 
getting myself fired today would have hurt Hewlett-Packard's Linux program."

Open-source guru Bruce Perens, on his courageous decision to keep drawing a 
paycheck instead of teaching conference- goers how to hack a DVD player, 
Wired News, 26 July 2002,1367,54168,00.html

Insteard of going to a conference, you could go to your favorite 
Hypermarche in Belgium or France and buy a multi zone DVD player.  Course 
then you can't use your NSTC tv set to connect it to but that's another 


Re: Are the Feds Wimps or What?

2002-07-23 Thread Duncan Frissell

On Mon, 22 Jul 2002, Optimizzin Al-gorithym wrote:

> >I'm back to not showing ID to get into work just like before the war.
> >
> Well, you showed it to them enough times, they believe you now :-)

Maybe it was the 14 years they'd been seeing me.

I actually didn't show it that much even during the early part of the war.
I often went to the back of the building and entered using the electronic


RE: Are the Feds Wimps or What?

2002-07-22 Thread Duncan Frissell

On Mon, 22 Jul 2002, Trei, Peter wrote:

> Well, the other possible interpretation is that the Feds are not
> black-at-heart, Big Brother, neo Stalinist fascist JBTs
> pouncing on any opportunity to make confetti of the Bill of Rights;
> but rather are actually trying to respond to 9/11 with a minimal
> impact on US Citizens.
> ...but of course, that would be an unpopular interpretation on
> this mailing list.

I agree.  I assume that they have enough on their hands without adding
wholesale oppression.  Takes time. Very expensive.  That's one of the
advantages of an advanced market economy.  Salaries and other operating
costs are high and the wealth of your adversaries is also so high that
unless you're making a profit on the transaction it's hard to "buy" too
much of something even if that something is oppression.

If the activity to be regulated doubles in size, the regulators had better
double in number too or they begin to fall behind.  SEC?  Markets can
adapt to demand changes because the actors are self-financing in the long
run so they scale well.  Government actors aren't self-financed (only
a small number are in charge of theft) so scaling is difficult.  Also
voluntary transactions are easier to complete than coerced transactions
(think prostitution vs. rape) since there is no resistance.

We'll see.


Governments do not become nicer or nastier because of their capabilities
and attitudes.  They become nastier or nicer because of *our* capabilities
and attitudes.

Are the Feds Wimps or What?

2002-07-22 Thread Duncan Frissell

So far the massive crackdown by the Feds that has stripped me of my civil
liberties hasn't managed to do much. They have to work a bit harder.

I'm back to not showing ID to get into work just like before the war.

The states where I choose not to obtain a drivers license have upped
their ID requirements for initial license applications but I already have
one and don't patronize them in any case. They still let foreigners drive
with foreign licenses so I will become a foreigner if they get too

Flight delays only slightly worse than usual (particularly since I mostly
fly internationally and have always shown my passport). Domestic flight
ID fascism is 6 years old this August so no change there.

As far as we know, only a little more than 1000 detained out of a pop of
270 megs. I was expecting that we would at least make WWII levels --
200,000+ out of a population of 132 megs. I guess there could be a few
more internees but they'd be tough to hide. Too many others would note
their absence.

I thinks the Feds are just to wimpy to indulge in actual oppression these
days. At least on a wholesale basis.

Maybe I'm wrong but I need more evidence first.

Posted by Duncan Frissell to The Technoptimist at 7/20/2002 9:06:27 PM

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Re: Tax consequences of becoming a US citizen.

2002-07-09 Thread Duncan Frissell

On Tue, 9 Jul 2002, Tim May wrote:

> Why do you think a person without a green card is exempt from IRS
> jurisdiction?

I assumed that he meant a US non-resident.  Obvi

> Unless one's stay is a short one (see below), income or other money
> earned while in the U.S. (and maybe earned outside the U.S. if the IRS
> can make a nexus case) is taxable. Illegal aliens are supposed to file
> tax returns...and they certainly don't have green cards!
> Here's what Uncle Sam says:
> "You will be considered a U.S. resident for tax purposes if you meet the
> substantial presence test for the calendar year. To meet this test, you
> must be physically present in the United States on at least:
> 1.31 days during the current year, and
> 2.183 days during the 3-year period that includes the current year
> and the 2 years immediately before that, counting:
> * All the days you were present in the current year, and
> * 1/3 of the days you were present in the first year before the
> current year, and
> * 1/6 of the days you were present in the second year before the
> current year.
> --end IRS quote--
> There are some exemptions, for student visa persons and athletes
> competing in games, but basically the idea is that you owe tax on money
> earned in the U.S., regardless of citizenship, green card, or other
> status.
> > or
> > get a US citizenship since you're already in their jurisdiction anyway.
> >
> I think this is terrible advice. Becoming a U.S. citizen exposes a
> person to not only the _current year_ tax scheme but also the "for ten
> years after you leave the U.S." tax scheme. (Yes, any U.S. citizen who
> moves anywhere in the world must, technically, file U.S. tax returns for
> 10 years after leaving. And pay various kinds of taxes, though the
> amount may be different from what he would have paid had he remained in
> the U.S.)
> Also, a person having extensive offshore (outside the U.S.) assets may
> well find his assets are now taxable in the U.S. And for those with
> capital assets not taxed in their home countries (e.g., Germany, Japan),
> this may be quite a shock.
> A U.S. passport buys almost no protection. The U.S. will not defend its
> citizens, only its imperialist interests.
> --Tim May
> "That government is best which governs not at all." --Henry David Thoreau

Re: [OT] why was private gold ownership made illegal in the US? (Re: "to outlaw general purpose computers")

2002-07-02 Thread Duncan Frissell

On Tue, 2 Jul 2002, Adam Back wrote:

> Just curious, but what was the rationale under which private possession
> of gold was made illegal in the US?  It boggles the mind...
> Adam

Eric's comment are correct.

A bit more info.  The US wanted to devalue the $ and substitute a general
gold standard for a government to government gold standard.  The gold
standard price of gold was $20.67/ounce.  By forcing Americans to turn in
their gold before devaluation, the Feds got more gold for less money.
They also wanted the freedom to inflate.  Gold clauses were common in
contracts and they would have made soft money difficult.

As is traditional under US law, gold ownership was banned for US citizens
and permanent residents anywhere on earth.  There were controlled
exemptions for coin collectors, jewelers, and dentists.

Gold smuggling became popular during the Vietnam war and the monetary
crises of the '60s and '70s.

It was re-legalized in January of 1975 (the only decent act of the Ford


Re: Eyes on the Prize...not the Millicent Ghetto

2002-05-14 Thread Duncan Frissell

On Tue, 14 May 2002, Richard Fiero wrote:

> As the article points out, $1 million fits in a briefcase
> nicely but the Euro's largest denomination is 500 which will
> allow $1 million to fit into a purse. From the article:
> " I am not an expert in cryptography, but I think it may take
> quite a while to devise an electronic money that guarantees
> anonymity in the same way that cash does."

Or my favorite 1000 swiss franc notes currently worth about $618 each.


Choate a Spammer or a Victim?

2002-04-23 Thread Duncan Frissell

Has anyone noticed genuine spam wrapped in Choatian wrappers?

Perhaps someone who's good at header analysis can comment.

This is the header of a mailing list sales pitch I retrieved from my trash 
file (where Choate and MattX go.

I also got some porno spam.

Innovation thy name is spam.


Received: by (mbox frissell)
(with Cubic Circle's cucipop (v1.31 1998/05/13) Tue Apr 23 10:26:19 2002)
X-From_: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sat Apr 20 17:33:35 2002
Return-Path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Received: from ( [])
by (Postfix) with ESMTP id AD5DF9029
for <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Sat, 20 Apr 2002 17:33:33 -0400 (EDT)
Received: (from majordom@localhost)
by (8.11.0/8.11.0) id g3KKwsS17398
for cypherpunks-goingout; Sat, 20 Apr 2002 13:58:54 -0700
X-Authentication-Warning: majordom set sender to 
X-Mailsort: cypherpunks
From: "Jim Choate " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sat, 20 Apr 2002 14:57:47 -0600
MIME-Version: 1.0
Subject: SAFELY
Message-ID: <3CC181EB.19337.2529338@localhost>
In-reply-to: <3CA5CC82.15240.6A42ED@localhost>
References: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
X-mailer: Pegasus Mail for Windows (v4.01)
Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit
Content-description: Mail message body
Precedence: bulk
Status: RO

Supremes Legalize Virtual Kiddieporn

2002-04-16 Thread Duncan Frissell

According to WABC at 10:30, the Supremem Court overturned the ban on
virtual or morphed kiddie porn.


Re: Among the Bourgeoisophobes

2002-04-12 Thread Duncan Frissell

Not to mention continent-wide free trade zone since 1790-1803 or so.

Lower taxes.

Relaxed regulatory environment.

Free(er) media and art industry.


On Sat, 13 Apr 2002, Julian Assange wrote:

> > and awe (arrogance), the rejection of superstition (godlessness),
> Europeans certainly don't dislike Americans for Godlessness. The
> extraordinary religiosity (whether over Gods or Presidents) in the
> US is one of the reasons for European frowning over that country.
> Americans would do well to consider its scientific and economic
> successes as primarily stemming from:
>   a) Lack of distruction in WWII
>   b) large graph where the edges speak a common language and common
>  rules.
>   c) A large tax base with substantial centralisation of tax
>  assets.
> --
>  Julian Assange|If you want to build a ship, don't drum up people
>|together to collect wood or assign them tasks and
>  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |work, but rather teach them to long for the endless
>  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |immensity of the sea. -- Antoine de Saint Exupery

Re: One for declan Mc CATOhead,pass it on dec!

2002-04-12 Thread Duncan Frissell

On Sat, 13 Apr 2002, matthew X wrote:

> 700,000 awarded against British American Tobacco.Possible 1,000,000 fine
> for destroying evidence.
> Put that in your pipe and smoke it you cheap shill.

But I thought:  "No opinion a law -- no opinion a crime." ---Alexander

Smoke 'em if you've got 'em.


Re: pre-paid/pay-as-you go cell phone service (Re: all about transferable off-line ecash)

2002-04-09 Thread Duncan Frissell

At 12:47 AM 4/10/02 +0100, Adam Back wrote:
>But from what I saw it was around 4x more expensive.  A SIM with a
>years contract (all paid up front) is pretty easy to obtain for 10 -
>50 pounds depending on number of free minutes included.
> > And some people even like anonymity.
>Yes other things being equal I would find the anonymity aspects of
>buying SIM without contract etc quite cool if there was not such a
>price disparity.

I bought my Nokia a year ago for £29.99 on BT Cellnet from Carphone 
Warehouse.  I had it delivered to my hotel.  Last Christmas I was in 
Ireland and bought a SIM (subscriber identity module) for about 15 Punts 
just before the Euro arrived.

The services were in a Pay As You Go price war during 2000 and 2001 so some 
phone got under 20 quid.  They  stopped doing this towards the end of last 
year and concentrated on subscription services.

The phones are still fairly reasonable.  Cards to feed the phones can be 
bought for cash at any news agent.  You just punch the appropriate menu 
item on the phone and key in the number to add money.  £10 to £50 
denominations with low denominations predominating.

Here's the current Carphone Warehouse catalog for Pay As You Go sorted by 

You can get a SIM for £9.99 and a phone (with SIM) for £39.99 and up 
(mostly up).

Verizon offers a Pay As You Go phone (FREEUP) in the US for 

Unfortunately, US prepay plans don't use SIMs (save for a few 
geographically limited prepay services).  SIMs are advantageous because 
they allow you to easily change numbers without changing phones.  Note that 
some GSM phones are now tracking handsets as well as SIMs so this privacy 
aspect may be disappearing in Europe.


"It doesn't matter what your race, creed, or color is; you can still be a 
son of a bitch."  -- Duncan Philip Frissell 1899-1965

ID & Citizenship Believe it or Nots

2002-04-09 Thread Duncan Frissell

Identification & Citizenship Believe it or Nots

by Duncan Frissell

Last September's attack on the United States vastly increased debate on 
identification, citizenship, and immigration.  For your education and 
amusement, here are some truly strange facts about these topics.
2)  World War II was won by US Army Generals and Navy Admirals who 
commanded armies, air forces, and fleets and possessed and used all manner 
of weapons up to and including nuclear bombs -- all without ever having 
proved their identities to the US government.

8)  One is not required to apply for a Social Security Number.
18) The machine-readable lines on your passport (at the bottom of the page 
that has your picture on it) include space for a National ID number.
21) It is not a crime to be an illegal alien in the US.  It is a civil 
matter.  It is a crime to use fraudulent documents to gain entry.  It is a 
minor offense to evade inspection when crossing the border.  But if you 
overstay your visa, it is not a crime.  You can, of course, be arrested and 
deported but the mere status of being illegally present in the US does not 
constitute a crime.


If you worry that Multinational Corporations or National Governments 
control your life, simply employ a random number generator to determine 
what actions you take. By this simple technological fix, you will guarantee 
that no one (including yourself) is Master of Your Fate and Captain of Your 

Re: DOJ press release: Visa offshore records to be turned over

2002-03-29 Thread Duncan Frissell

At 07:17 PM 3/28/02 -0500, Declan McCullagh wrote:
>VISA International Will Identify People Who Use Offshore Credit Cards to 
>Evade Federal Income Taxes WASHINGTON, D.C.  - A federal court in San 
>Francisco, Calif. on Wednesday issued an order authorizing the IRS to 
>serve a summons on VISA International for offshore credit card 
>records.  The court acted just two days after the Justice

I guess it must be almost April 15th.  As sure as the crocuses bloom in the 
spring, press releases blossom in the Department of the Treasury.   "Al 
Capone, Lou Costello, Willie Nelson  caught by heroic Agents of the 
Infernal Robbery Service.  You may be next."

If I were one of those 2 million offshore card holders I'd really be 
sweating it.  Why I might end up being like one of the 632 Americans 
prosecuted in 2000 for tax 

2 million offshore card holders (plus another 8-10 million non-filers and 
8-10 million filing evaders who *don't* have offshore credit cards) being 
taken down at the rate of 632/year.  It won't be long before they're all in 

3.16 convictions per 100,000 evaders in 2000 vs a murder rate of  6-9 per 

"The IRS's use of levies has continued a long-term slide. Liens, while 
going up somewhat last year, remain extremely low compared with past years. 
IRS seizures have for all practical purposes been abandoned. Tax delinquent 
investigations aimed at both individuals and businesses were down last 
year. (See graph and table.)

The law authorizes the IRS to bring civil suits in federal court against 
recalcitrant taxpayers. In 1992, according to data recorded by United 
States Attorneys, the agency filed 2,519 such actions. In 1999, it filed 
641. (See graph and table.)

An even more serious sanction involves allegations of criminal tax 
violations. According to federal court data, federal tax prosecutionsmost 
of them by the IRSrecently have dropped by more than half1,550 in 1987 
(at its peak), 632 in 2000. (See graph and table.) "


[1] And Satan stood up against Israel, and provoked David to number Israel.
[3} ... but, my lord the king, are they not all my lord's servants? why 
then doth my lord require this thing? why will he be a cause of trespass to 
[7] And God was displeased with this thing; therefore he smote Israel. 1 
Chronicles 21.

Is Illegal Immigration Illegal?

2002-03-27 Thread Duncan Frissell

I'm trying to figure out the answer to what should be a simple
question.  Is it illegal to be Illegal.

I've wandered through various US Code sections:

TITLE 18 > PART I > CHAPTER 75 > Sec. 1546.
Sec. 1546. - Fraud and misuse of visas, permits, and other documents

TITLE 8 > CHAPTER 12 > SUBCHAPTER II > Part V > Sec. 1253. 
Sec. 1253. - Penalties related to removal

TITLE 8 > CHAPTER 12 > SUBCHAPTER II > Part VIII > Sec. 1325.
Sec. 1325. - Improper entry by alien

TITLE 8 > CHAPTER 12 > SUBCHAPTER II > Part VIII > Sec. 1324d.
Sec. 1324d. - Civil penalties for failure to depart

and it looks like there are the normal criminal penalties for forgery
and uttering a false document and a minor misdemeanor charge for
sneaking accross the border but merely a fine for overstaying a visa. 
If you fail to leave after you are ordered to do so you may be
imprisoned but the language is the language of "civil" penalties rather
than "crimes."

Is this correct?

I know that Illegals are usually just subject to deportation and that
this is a civil matter.  (Which is why all the detainees arrested after
September 11th don't have the right to a free lawyer since they are not
charged with any crimes.)

As far as any of you know, are there any "pure crimes" involved in
immigration other than those outlined above?

If not, this should be pointed out in arguments on the topic.