Re: why bother signing? (was Re: What email encryption is actually in use?)

2002-10-13 Thread Julian Assange

 There have been episodes of spoofing on this list.  If client
 side encryption just worked, and if what is considerably more
 difficult, checking the signatures just worked, there would
 be no bother, hence it would be rational to sign

Not just work but opt out is what you are looking for. If there
are n posters to the list and m people signing, then their are only
n-m spoof targets. As m approaches n, the number of forgeries
rapidly approaches zero as there is no one left worth spoofing who
can be spoofed. But as each individuals chance of being spoofed
approaches zero, the benefit gained by signing also approaches
zero. Consequently unless there are additional costs to non-signing
above and beyond spoof protection there will always be a substantial
number of unsigned messages.

 Julian Assange|If you want to build a ship, don't drum up people
   |together to collect wood or assign them tasks and
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |work, but rather teach them to long for the endless
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |immensity of the sea. -- Antoine de Saint Exupery

Re: Random Privacy

2002-09-30 Thread Julian Assange

This is an old statistical technique.

You need to know ahead of time which answer is more likely and have a
bias in your randomizer. A classic example:

Did you cheat on your wife last year? If you were born
between January and September reverse your answer.

 Julian Assange|If you want to build a ship, don't drum up people
   |together to collect wood or assign them tasks and
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |work, but rather teach them to long for the endless
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |immensity of the sea. -- Antoine de Saint Exupery

Re: Cypherpunks Europe

2002-05-01 Thread Julian Assange

 L** G*** is a nice man. He wrote that the Cult of the Dead Cow
 were a bunch of barely literate mindless American teenage delinquents.

This statement is surprisingly close to the truth. In top black
hat circles CDC people were always viewed as joke. They were loosely
tolerated because they claimed to also share this view and were
incapable of gaining turf.  Their recent attempts at producing
something other than publicity for their drinking antics, while
noble, is clearly the work of idiot savantism.  New recruits may
have some hidden qualities, but all the CDC founders are deeply

 Julian Assange|If you want to build a ship, don't drum up people
   |together to collect wood or assign them tasks and
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |work, but rather teach them to long for the endless
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |immensity of the sea. -- Antoine de Saint Exupery

Re: overcoming ecash deployment problems (Re: all about transferableoff-line ecash)

2002-04-11 Thread Julian Assange

 Patent's aren't the problem - price of royalty is.  If Brands is willing

No Patents are a problem. The total future cost, including the
costs of all license negotiations and compliance burdens are
unpredictable and consequently do not make a wise investment.

Futher, companies view patent licenses as assets. The purchase
of an untested non-restricted patent license is like buying a house
on a fault line subject to a native land claim. At worst it will lose
all value. At best you'll be soon be sharing the bathroom.

 Julian Assange|If you want to build a ship, don't drum up people
   |together to collect wood or assign them tasks and
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |work, but rather teach them to long for the endless
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |immensity of the sea. -- Antoine de Saint Exupery