> Patent's aren't the problem - price of royalty is.  If Brands is willing

No Patents are a problem. The total future cost, including the
costs of all license negotiations and compliance burdens are
unpredictable and consequently do not make a wise investment.

Futher, companies view patent licenses as assets. The purchase
of an untested non-restricted patent license is like buying a house
on a fault line subject to a native land claim. At worst it will lose
all value. At best you'll be soon be sharing the bathroom.

 Julian Assange        |If you want to build a ship, don't drum up people
                       |together to collect wood or assign them tasks and
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]          |work, but rather teach them to long for the endless
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |immensity of the sea. -- Antoine de Saint Exupery

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