Re: Julia Child was a Spook

2002-04-07 Thread matthew X

 weasl...You have so completely missed the point here that it's almost 
comical. The fact that we provide aid and encouragement to the nazi-like 
Israeli's is but a small part of our problem...

Whats this 'we' whiteman? Do cypherpunks have a country? Is crypto-anarchy 
providing aid to Israeli's? The Internet itself is now bigger outside norte 
america than in and has been for a year or so,the gap is widening.To remain 
UScentric and anarcho-ignorant will make this site more of a laughing stock 
than it already is.Get with the (global) program.
Its the enviroment stupid.

Re: Julia Child was a Spook

2002-04-07 Thread Jim Choate

On Sat, 6 Apr 2002, F. Marc de Piolenc wrote:

 Nonsense. If you can't see any difference between terrorists and
 résistants you are either wilfully ignorant or confused.
 A terrorist strikes symbolic targets, preferably undefended ones. A
 résistant strikes at the occupying power.
 Of course it is possible for one and the same person to be both - it is
 behavior that defines the terrorist. So when an al-Quaida member takes
 on a US patrol, he may define himself as some kind of soldier in that
 encounter. It doesn't change the fact of his complicity in the murder of
 innocents, which makes him a terrorist as well.

And who might those symbols be for? The 'occupying power' per chance?


 The law is applied philosophy and a philosphical system is
 only as valid as its first principles.
James Patrick Kelly - Wildlife

Re: CDR: Re: Julia Child was a Spook

2002-04-07 Thread jamesd

On 7 Apr 2002 at 13:31, F. Marc de Piolenc wrote:
 I'm sorry you've bought the terrorist line that it's all about 
 US support for Israel. I know better. We could withdraw from the 
 Middle East tomorrow, and all that would change would be the 

Possibly, but what does it benefit the US to hang around in the 
middle East?  Why are we sending very large sums of money and 
loads of arms to Israelis, who hate us venemously, to Egyptians, 
who hate us maniacally, to Saudis, who hate us suicidally, money 
that enrages the rest of the middle East, and the subjects of 
Egypt, and Saudi Arabia even more?

Now one might suppose there is some benefit to assisting Kuwait, 
which is sitting on a large lake of oil, and whose citizens merely 
hate us irrationally.  Israel, and Palestine however, are mostly 
of significance due the extreme sacredness of three rocks, and the
extreme sacredness of a large pile of municipal fill stacked up by
Herod. One of those rocks is probably not even the genuine thing,
since the crusaders broke most, and presumably all, of the real
thing up for souvenirs. 

 James A. Donald

Re: CDR: Julia Child was a Spook

2002-04-06 Thread F. Marc de Piolenc

Nonsense. If you can't see any difference between terrorists and
résistants you are either wilfully ignorant or confused.

A terrorist strikes symbolic targets, preferably undefended ones. A
résistant strikes at the occupying power.

Of course it is possible for one and the same person to be both - it is
behavior that defines the terrorist. So when an al-Quaida member takes
on a US patrol, he may define himself as some kind of soldier in that
encounter. It doesn't change the fact of his complicity in the murder of
innocents, which makes him a terrorist as well.

Marc de Piolenc

Major Variola (ret) wrote:
 [Ed: amusing that sleeper agents who infiltrated occupied
 territories are
 glorified by the winner of that conflict.. but when the US is the
 occupier, the
 resistance agents are terrorists..]

Re: Julia Child was a Spook

2002-04-06 Thread Morlock Elloi

 A warrior - whether guerrillero, risistant or regular - attacks his
 adversary directly and seeks to damage him, preferably enough to take
 him out of action.

Apparently you assume that males forced by economics or guns into
government-supplied uniform and/or operating machinery that delivers ordnances
that kill the other side are somehow more direct adversary than fodder
producers (pregnant females) or service industry workers feeding labor force at
home that produces weapons ?

The fallacy of this assumption becomes obvious after some history reading: in
all wars the main objective is to beat the enemy into submission and make it
stay there for a long time, and that is achieved by killing as many as possible
as cheaply as possible (read unsuspecting and unarmed). In later years,
killing of so-called civillians is called sending a message to the leader.

The propaganda for domestic consumption is, of course, slightly different -
surgical strikes and similar.

 A terrorist attacks a target conveniently designated by him as SYMBOLIC
 of his chosen adversary; the target is preferably unsuspecting and
 undefended. The ultimate purpose is to frighten his adversary, or

Dresden. Hiroshima. Pharmaceutical complex in Somalia. Refugee camps in middle
east. Downtown Belgrade. Tiananmen. All effected by massively organised armies
against defensless targets.

It's all economics, stupid.

(of original message)

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