Re: Intel Adds DRM to New Chips part 2

2005-06-09 Thread Peter Gutmann

>it seems now intel say there is no DRM in there chips.

No, it's very careful to say that there is no *unannounced* DRM in their
chips, in the same way that we have had no undetected penetrations of our


Re: /. [Intel Adds DRM to New Chips]

2005-06-07 Thread sunder

DiSToAGe wrote:

not a backdoor, we forget to much that every system is only 1 and 0
through electricity and physical circuits. If you can make them you can
watch them (with time and monney i agree). Perhaps thinking that datas
(certs, instructions) can be "hidden" behind a physical thing is only a
dream ? I ask myself if not every cryptosystem where you must have
something "hidden" or "physically not accessible" in point of the
process is not sure ?


In theory the above is absolutely correct.  In practice, it's extremely 
difficult to properly implement an accurate enough emulator, however as 
an emulator writer you have far more advantages than disadvantages 
despite the 10-100x in slowdown.  (Speaking from personal experience - 
no, nothing on the kind of scale we're talking about here.)  You can 
always have your virtual CPU decide that when it sees a certain 
instruction, to disobey it.  For example, when it sees a checksum check, 
to decide to jump around it and so forth.

Gotta love it when you can fool a program into thinking that 2+2=5 and 
that everything is still A-OK with that!  ;-)

If you can interface with real (protected) hardware, you might even be 
able to get around public key schemes with the emulator.  HP/Agilent 
made some wonderful logic analyzers, which are very useful against 
ancient hardware (think Motorola 68K chips at around 5MHz) too bad 
nothing in the GHz range is (cheaply?) available out there, but there's 
lots that can be done.

What can be done?  For example, if you have something like Palladium or 
whatever it's called these days, you an always build a machine that has 
custom RAM that can change at the flip of a switch - sort of like the 
old EEPROM emulators, but with RAM chips that can be flipped to a ROM 
instead.  You flip a switch after the DRM core has validated your BIOS 
and operating system, and at some point once the CPU cache gets drained, 
it winds up running code that it did not boot, code which you've written 
to do *OTHER* things for example - simply change the IRQ vectors to 
point to your code and you've taken over...  Mind you, all this is 
easier said that done, but it is possible to implement.

Remember, security is a chain, and each (media?) player out there is a 
link in that chain.  It only takes one broken player to wipe out your 
entire investment in that DRM pipe dream. 

Any employee with access can leak the master keys and the game is over.  
Any wily hardware hacker with plenty of time on his hands can take a 
shot at reverse engineering any (media) player to the point of cracking 
it, etc.  In the end, it's a waste of time and money for the makers of 
DRM as there's enough interest that someone somewhere will break it at 
some point in the near future. 

You can play cat and mouse games by watermarking the output with the 
serial # of the player in order to lock out cracked players, but the 
attacker only has to break more than one player (perhaps two different 
models so they get both serial # and model #) and compare the resulting 
outputs from the same movie to figure out which bits contain the 
watermarks.  XOR is very nice for figuring this out. :-)

None of this worries me, because I don't give a rats ass about copying 
movies or what not.  Couldn't care less about it.  I'll wait for the 
shit to make it to HBO, it's usually not worth watching the waste of 
Hollywood plotless overhyped crud anyway, so why worry about copying 
it?  The few titles that are worth watching, are also well worth buying, 
and after a few months they can be had for under $20, so why bother?

What is cause for worry is that it's quite _possible_ for Intel or other 
chip manufacturers to insert backdoors in their hardware which someone 
will go through the trouble of discovering, which does put everyone at 
risk.  No matter how good your operating system and firewall rules, if 
your network card (and drivers) decide to bend over upon receiving a 
specially crafted packet, you're owned just the same. 

Mind you, I've never run across anything close to this, except perhaps 
the old F00FC7C8 bug in the original pentium (which really was a DOS, 
not a back door) and the old UltraSparc I in 64 bit mode multiuser 
hole.  The Pentium IV hyperthreading bug is something recent to worry 
about along the same line of thought.

Sadly, you haven't got much choice in this matter, you have to assume 
that you can trust the hardware that you run on (unless you're willing 
to make your own and have the resources to do so, etc.)

Re: /. [Intel Adds DRM to New Chips]

2005-06-02 Thread DiSToAGe
interesting talk about economic elements ...

I believe that in every human new work (new creation, or new hack), the
men who make the work do things to help others make the work faster and
easier. So with time, if a few people can hack some drm machine, it will
be more easier and more cheaper for others to make the same thing. And
in economic with time the price of goods goes down. So in the beginning
perhaps the drm system will be good because too expensive to hack for
main people. But with price falling and methods easier to do, more
poeple will do it. And begin to share hacked files to others. So the
parallel "black market" of illegal files will rise again. So with times
people macking the drm stuff must either change it, or make it more
complexe to rise the price again ... But it seems that the time to
dismount a system is quicker than the time to change or make a new
one ... except if you make a big structural change ...

Le jeudi 02 juin 2005 à 11:34 -0400, John Kelsey a écrit :
> Right.  This has to happen if you want the basic DRM model to work.
> The big thing to understand here is that the content protection people
> are okay with the model of the world where a relatively small number
> of pirates with a lot of capital and expertise can crack out content
> and make copies for sale.  They already live in that world, and the
> analog hole makes it genuinely impossible for them to get out of it.
> The world that they want to avoid living in is the one where the only
> capital required to become a major pirate is a PC.  
> The difference here is in two parts:  When pirates have to have a lot
> of capital, they have to charge for their pirated works.  So the
> difference isn't "pay $15 for a new CD or just do download it," it's
> "pay $15 for a new CD or pay $3 for a new CD."  And then the pirate
> has to worry about getting paid, which means dealing with some kind of
> (in practice traceable) payment protocol if he wants to do business
> online.  And shutting down pirates who have $500,000 invested in their
> business actually makes some financial sense--you can spend a few
> thousand dollars shutting them down without spending yourself into
> bankruptcy.  
> By contrast, the world in which every PC owner can be a pirate is much
> nastier for the content owners.  Being a pirate is so easy that the
> resulting ripped music files are made available for free, just as part
> of someone joining a P2P network or some such thing.  That means the
> user gets a decision like "Buy a CD for $15, which I will then want to
> rip so I can put it on my laptop and MP3 player anyway, or just
> download it for free."  The pirates aren't charging anything, so they
> don't have to worry about getting paid or being traced by their
> payment mechanism.  And enforcement actions against pirates in this
> world are comically inefficient--you end up spending thousands of
> dollars to shut down one 14 year old with a PC, and all the money you
> can spend doesn't really have much impact on the problem.  You're left
> trying to make examples of a few people, which makes you look like
> bullies, and which is unlikely to work all that well anyway.  
> Right.  The critical issue here is whether a random user can just
> download some software to defeat the DRM.  If it costs lots of money
> to extract the DRM secrets, there's some question of whether the
> people who spent that money will release the keys into the wild for
> free.  And many schemes have at least some notion of revoking keys
> that have been released into the wild, so that your new CDs don't play
> with the hacked DRM server.  
> The point of all this isn't to stop determined pirates--that's
> impossible because of the analog hole.  The point is to stop casual
> piracy.  That seems at least possibly doable to me.  (The big question
> is whether the existence of non-DRMed copies of lots of content will
> make it possible to just *ignore* the DRMed stuff.)

"Perhaps one day "computer science" will, like Yugoslavia, get broken up
into its component parts. That might be a good thing. Especially if it
meant independence for my native land, hacking."
(hackers and Painters) [ Paul Graham ]

Re: /. [Intel Adds DRM to New Chips]

2005-06-02 Thread Adam Back
On Thu, Jun 02, 2005 at 11:05:30AM +0200, DiSToAGe wrote:
> I have read infos that say that audio and video drivers will be in the
> trusted chain. If your hardware system is used by an os (i.e. win) on
> which you can't create drivers, and only industry signed drivers can be
> used you can't bypass this by hacking drivers ...


> My though is the hardware drm can be reverse engineered ? If you use
> cert on your DRM you must put cert and private keys on your DRM chip ...

No the private key would be generated on the chip at manufacture, and
a signed certificate of it inserted by the manufacturer.

> So you can make a "soft drm" that use all the instructions of the
> reverse engineered hard drm, you but the reverse engineered private
> key, certs on your soft drm. 

It is feasible in the following way to make a soft drm.  

Step1. Get yourself a software controlled key signed by the hw
manufacturers.  Either:

1a. extract an already signed one out of the DRM hardware on your
machine by hardware hacking.

1b. find an insider at the manufacturing plant to sign a key actually
in the control of software;

1c. obtains the CA key used to do the signing (probably rather hard,
obviously they'll be trying to keep that one secure in tamper
resistant hardware with no key export function).

Step2. share the key, or setup a service to falsely authenticate
pure software DRM as hardware DRM with your key.

Now to stop you sharing this key directly or making a p2p DRM auth
server, they have to revoke the key.

I believe their revocation model is a bit weak from what I read of the
specs a while back.  They have a kind of challenge:

- to avoid criticism of privacy invasion, they have to make the thing
anonymous (or at least pseudonymous with lots of pseudonyms)

- however you can't blacklist a truly anonymous challenge-response.

(There was a protocol from Ernie Brickell with this kind of problem.)

Depending on what the final details are therefore their revocation
model might be weak.

> (so seems happy futur, something you buy and use but don't own ?)

Yes.  It is outrageous for the RIAA/MPAA and hardware companies to be
trying to foist this stuff on people.

The other way is to find a buffer overflow or such in one of these
privileged signed drivers and then you can inject code/or bypass DRM
restrictions in pure software.  They might at some point giving you
signed AND encrypted drivers so you can't even reverse-engineer them,
but I would say you have a right to know and control what is running
on your machine.

Another even more powerful buffer overflow would be one in the
supervisor / mini-OS that is hosting the Trusted Agents in ring -1.


Re: /. [Intel Adds DRM to New Chips]

2005-06-02 Thread John Kelsey
>Sent: Jun 2, 2005 5:05 AM
>Subject: Re: /. [Intel Adds DRM to New Chips]

>I have read infos that say that audio and video drivers will be in the
>trusted chain. If your hardware system is used by an os (i.e. win) on
>which you can't create drivers, and only industry signed drivers can be
>used you can't bypass this by hacking drivers ...

Right.  This has to happen if you want the basic DRM model to work.
The big thing to understand here is that the content protection people
are okay with the model of the world where a relatively small number
of pirates with a lot of capital and expertise can crack out content
and make copies for sale.  They already live in that world, and the
analog hole makes it genuinely impossible for them to get out of it.
The world that they want to avoid living in is the one where the only
capital required to become a major pirate is a PC.  

The difference here is in two parts:  When pirates have to have a lot
of capital, they have to charge for their pirated works.  So the
difference isn't "pay $15 for a new CD or just do download it," it's
"pay $15 for a new CD or pay $3 for a new CD."  And then the pirate
has to worry about getting paid, which means dealing with some kind of
(in practice traceable) payment protocol if he wants to do business
online.  And shutting down pirates who have $500,000 invested in their
business actually makes some financial sense--you can spend a few
thousand dollars shutting them down without spending yourself into

By contrast, the world in which every PC owner can be a pirate is much
nastier for the content owners.  Being a pirate is so easy that the
resulting ripped music files are made available for free, just as part
of someone joining a P2P network or some such thing.  That means the
user gets a decision like "Buy a CD for $15, which I will then want to
rip so I can put it on my laptop and MP3 player anyway, or just
download it for free."  The pirates aren't charging anything, so they
don't have to worry about getting paid or being traced by their
payment mechanism.  And enforcement actions against pirates in this
world are comically inefficient--you end up spending thousands of
dollars to shut down one 14 year old with a PC, and all the money you
can spend doesn't really have much impact on the problem.  You're left
trying to make examples of a few people, which makes you look like
bullies, and which is unlikely to work all that well anyway.  

>My though is the hardware drm can be reverse engineered ? If you use
>cert on your DRM you must put cert and private keys on your DRM chip ...
>So you have somewhere memory (rom or else) where you have this private
>and cert datas. So with good tools you can read what are the bits in
>this DRM. 

Right.  The critical issue here is whether a random user can just
download some software to defeat the DRM.  If it costs lots of money
to extract the DRM secrets, there's some question of whether the
people who spent that money will release the keys into the wild for
free.  And many schemes have at least some notion of revoking keys
that have been released into the wild, so that your new CDs don't play
with the hacked DRM server.  

The point of all this isn't to stop determined pirates--that's
impossible because of the analog hole.  The point is to stop casual
piracy.  That seems at least possibly doable to me.  (The big question
is whether the existence of non-DRMed copies of lots of content will
make it possible to just *ignore* the DRMed stuff.)


Re: /. [Intel Adds DRM to New Chips]

2005-06-02 Thread DiSToAGe
(thanks for interesting answer)

I have read infos that say that audio and video drivers will be in the
trusted chain. If your hardware system is used by an os (i.e. win) on
which you can't create drivers, and only industry signed drivers can be
used you can't bypass this by hacking drivers ...

My though is the hardware drm can be reverse engineered ? If you use
cert on your DRM you must put cert and private keys on your DRM chip ...
So you have somewhere memory (rom or else) where you have this private
and cert datas. So with good tools you can read what are the bits in
this DRM. So you can make a "soft drm" that use all the instructions of
the reverse engineered hard drm, you but the reverse engineered private
key, certs on your soft drm. All this goes on a "emulated" drm part on
your os emulator. So booting the os believe that it is hard, because all
instructions are the same, certs is the same, and private key can be
used by your soft drm to en/crypt drm files ...??? We see that with time
almost all can be reverse engineered, can it be the same with hard drm
systems ??

(so seems happy futur, something you buy and use but don't own ?)

Le mercredi 01 juin 2005 à 18:09 -0400, Adam Back a écrit :
> [could you use CPU emulator to bypass these motherboard and CPU based
> DRM systems].
> Answer: no.  They have but private keys inside the DRM hardware, and
> signed the corresponding public key with a CA that they control.  That
> plus some hashing/bootstrapping etc of the startup and some other code
> allows them to ensure that an emulated version of the same software
> could not provide a valid signature + cert that a DRM content provider
> would accept.
> They also have models where the video card and/or monitor are in the
> trust model -- and there are secured high bandwidth channels between
> DRM provider and CPU, and CPU and graphics card/decoder.
> There is also a model for software called "Trusted Agents" that
> actually run on your CPU but are in a ring -1 (below ring 0) that you
> can not debug.
> Another possibility is read the stuff out of RAM or video RAM.
> Midterm they can fix that also with on the fly RAM encrypt/decrypt.
> But I still say it's futile and stupid, because people will hack the
> digital display, tap into the graphics card, hack video card drivers
> etc and re-encode.  (Rip-once copy anywhere).  Worst case people will
> A2D from the display "telesync" style.
> Adam

"Perhaps one day "computer science" will, like Yugoslavia, get broken up
into its component parts. That might be a good thing. Especially if it
meant independence for my native land, hacking."
(hackers and Painters) [ Paul Graham ]

Re: /. [Intel Adds DRM to New Chips]

2005-06-02 Thread Eugen Leitl
On Thu, Jun 02, 2005 at 11:05:30AM +0200, DiSToAGe wrote:

> I have read infos that say that audio and video drivers will be in the
> trusted chain. If your hardware system is used by an os (i.e. win) on
> which you can't create drivers, and only industry signed drivers can be
> used you can't bypass this by hacking drivers ...

The code running in the trusted sandbox isn't magic, so if it's complex
enough there will be vulnerabilities (not a problem in theory, but in

> My though is the hardware drm can be reverse engineered ? If you use

My thought is, can cryptosystems be broken? Not by 31337 h4x0rs, obviously.

> cert on your DRM you must put cert and private keys on your DRM chip ...

Not you -- somebody else. Generated on board, probably, or generated
externally, and loaded into the hardware.

> So you have somewhere memory (rom or else) where you have this private

So far, so good.

> and cert datas. So with good tools you can read what are the bits in
> this DRM. So you can make a "soft drm" that use all the instructions of

If you mean by good tools 100 k$ worth of hardware (and a skilled operator)
to read out the state of bits on die, after etching away the enclosing, 
you're correct. 

Why do you think a system designed to contain and keep a secret will contain
a convenient backdoor? 

> the reverse engineered hard drm, you but the reverse engineered private
> key, certs on your soft drm. All this goes on a "emulated" drm part on
> your os emulator. So booting the os believe that it is hard, because all
> instructions are the same, certs is the same, and private key can be
> used by your soft drm to en/crypt drm files ...??? We see that with time
> almost all can be reverse engineered, can it be the same with hard drm
> systems ??

Eugen* Leitl";>leitl
ICBM: 48.07100, 11.36820
8B29F6BE: 099D 78BA 2FD3 B014 B08A  7779 75B0 2443 8B29 F6BE

Description: Digital signature

Re: /. [Intel Adds DRM to New Chips]

2005-06-02 Thread Adam Back
[could you use CPU emulator to bypass these motherboard and CPU based
DRM systems].

Answer: no.  They have but private keys inside the DRM hardware, and
signed the corresponding public key with a CA that they control.  That
plus some hashing/bootstrapping etc of the startup and some other code
allows them to ensure that an emulated version of the same software
could not provide a valid signature + cert that a DRM content provider
would accept.

They also have models where the video card and/or monitor are in the
trust model -- and there are secured high bandwidth channels between
DRM provider and CPU, and CPU and graphics card/decoder.

There is also a model for software called "Trusted Agents" that
actually run on your CPU but are in a ring -1 (below ring 0) that you
can not debug.

Another possibility is read the stuff out of RAM or video RAM.
Midterm they can fix that also with on the fly RAM encrypt/decrypt.

But I still say it's futile and stupid, because people will hack the
digital display, tap into the graphics card, hack video card drivers
etc and re-encode.  (Rip-once copy anywhere).  Worst case people will
A2D from the display "telesync" style.


On Wed, Jun 01, 2005 at 06:47:56PM +0200, DiSToAGe wrote:
> it seem more compagny are going to put protection and drm in hardware,
> to avoid bypassing or cracking it. I ask myself from times about such
> systems bypassing with emulators use. The role of an emulator is to work
> "as" a real cpu. What would be the usability of such an emulator with
> cpu-drm enabled emulation ? The emulator work with real instructions of
> drm-cpu, the os belive as a real one. But the emulation software can
> give access of such drm datas to softwares running in the host os to
> access or modify them. What people here that certainly have better
> experiences than me in crypto think about such system ? Is it a possible
> flow in new drm protected systems ?
> -- 
> "Perhaps one day "computer science" will, like Yugoslavia, get broken up
> into its component parts. That might be a good thing. Especially if it
> meant independence for my native land, hacking."
> (hackers and Painters) [ Paul Graham ]

Re: /. [Intel Adds DRM to New Chips]

2005-06-02 Thread Eugen Leitl
On Thu, Jun 02, 2005 at 12:26:09PM +0200, DiSToAGe wrote:

> yes, with "you" I meen "you being an hardware maker"

Yes, the hardware maker hides the secret in a bit of tamperproof hardware you
buy. That's the whole idea of digital restriction management -- taking away
things you could do with the hardware and data you paid for. 

If it wasn't for the tremendous abuse potential that this functionality 
just begs for, DRM would be actually be a good solution for motivating 
customers to reimburse content creators, and ensure sustainability of 
the creative process.

Would. In some alternative universe, somewhere. Where the cow leaped over the
moon. Not in this universe.

> > Why do you think a system designed to contain and keep a secret will contain
> > a convenient backdoor? 
> > 
> not a backdoor, we forget to much that every system is only 1 and 0
> through electricity and physical circuits. If you can make them you can

Every system is only made from some 100-odd different atoms.

> watch them (with time and monney i agree). Perhaps thinking that datas

The point of a tamper-proof storage for secrets is that it takes ridiculous
amounts of work to break it open, and to extract the secret in one piece. 
And you'll only get that *one* secret. So much easier to exploit
the analog hole (but watch out for watermarks).

> (certs, instructions) can be "hidden" behind a physical thing is only a
> dream ? I ask myself if not every cryptosystem where you must have

The stone you stubbed your toe upon is also just a dream. Still hurts,
doesn't it?

> something "hidden" or "physically not accessible" in point of the
> process is not sure ?

All of cryptography is based on keeping secrets. The hiding secrets in
tamperproof hardware angle is that everybody owns safes but not their 

Sounds ridiculously difficult to sell, doesn't it? It helps if you lie about
it, and paint the safes in gaudy colors, and make them useful for lots of
other, pretty and shiny things.

But the lying about it bit is crucial.

Eugen* Leitl";>leitl
ICBM: 48.07100, 11.36820
8B29F6BE: 099D 78BA 2FD3 B014 B08A  7779 75B0 2443 8B29 F6BE

Description: Digital signature

Re: /. [Intel Adds DRM to New Chips]

2005-06-02 Thread DiSToAGe
Le jeudi 02 juin 2005 à 09:27 +0200, Eugen Leitl a écrit :
> My thought is, can cryptosystems be broken? Not by 31337 h4x0rs, obviously.

with time each, but not the general crypto "philosophy" ?

> > cert on your DRM you must put cert and private keys on your DRM chip ...
> Not you -- somebody else. Generated on board, probably, or generated
> externally, and loaded into the hardware.

yes, with "you" I meen "you being an hardware maker"

> Why do you think a system designed to contain and keep a secret will contain
> a convenient backdoor? 

not a backdoor, we forget to much that every system is only 1 and 0
through electricity and physical circuits. If you can make them you can
watch them (with time and monney i agree). Perhaps thinking that datas
(certs, instructions) can be "hidden" behind a physical thing is only a
dream ? I ask myself if not every cryptosystem where you must have
something "hidden" or "physically not accessible" in point of the
process is not sure ?

"Perhaps one day "computer science" will, like Yugoslavia, get broken up
into its component parts. That might be a good thing. Especially if it
meant independence for my native land, hacking."
(hackers and Painters) [ Paul Graham ]

Re: /. [Intel Adds DRM to New Chips]

2005-06-01 Thread DiSToAGe
Le samedi 28 mai 2005 à 21:53 +0200, Eugen Leitl a écrit :
> Link:
> Posted by: Zonk, on 2005-05-28 17:37:00
>from the get-you-where-you-live dept.
>Badluck writes "Microsoft and the entertainment industry's holy grail
>of controlling copyright through the motherboard has moved a step
>closer with Intel Corp. now embedding [1]digital rights management
>within in its latest dual-core processor Pentium D and accompanying
>945 chipset. Officially launched worldwide on the May 26, the new
>offerings come [2]DRM -enabled and will, at least in theory, allow
>copyright holders to prevent unauthorized copying and distribution of
>copyrighted materials from the motherboard rather than through the
>operating system as is currently the case..." [3]The Inquirer has the
>story as well.
> References

it seem more compagny are going to put protection and drm in hardware,
to avoid bypassing or cracking it. I ask myself from times about such
systems bypassing with emulators use. The role of an emulator is to work
"as" a real cpu. What would be the usability of such an emulator with
cpu-drm enabled emulation ? The emulator work with real instructions of
drm-cpu, the os belive as a real one. But the emulation software can
give access of such drm datas to softwares running in the host os to
access or modify them. What people here that certainly have better
experiences than me in crypto think about such system ? Is it a possible
flow in new drm protected systems ?

"Perhaps one day "computer science" will, like Yugoslavia, get broken up
into its component parts. That might be a good thing. Especially if it
meant independence for my native land, hacking."
(hackers and Painters) [ Paul Graham ]

RE: /. [Intel Adds DRM to New Chips]

2005-05-31 Thread Tyler Durden

Eugen Leitl wrote...

   from the get-you-where-you-live dept.
   Badluck writes "Microsoft and the entertainment industry's holy grail
   of controlling copyright through the motherboard has moved a step
   closer with Intel Corp. now embedding [1]digital rights management
   within in its latest dual-core processor Pentium D and accompanying
   945 chipset. Officially launched worldwide on the May 26, the new
   offerings come [2]DRM -enabled and will, at least in theory, allow
   copyright holders to prevent unauthorized copying and distribution of
   copyrighted materials from the motherboard rather than through the
   operating system as is currently the case..." [3]The Inquirer has the
   story as well.

"Contrary to expectations, however, sales of the chip have been suprisingly 
low, with zero interest shown by major PC manufacturers. One major PC 
industry executive, who wished to remain anonymous sated: "There are 100s of 
millions of people trading files every day throughout the globe. I'm going 
to start using this chip and give up that market because...?"

OK, Gov officials will eventually start trying to introduce laws mandating 
such technologies be used, but by then it's going to come down to a battle 
of lobbies: The Entertainment industry vs Telecom+PCs++Software. Which can 
pump dollars into Senatorial hands faster?


Re: /. [Intel Adds DRM to New Chips]

2005-05-31 Thread Eugen Leitl
On Sat, May 28, 2005 at 11:26:28PM -0400, Tyler Durden wrote:

> (Continued)
> "Contrary to expectations, however, sales of the chip have been suprisingly 
> low, with zero interest shown by major PC manufacturers. One major PC 
> industry executive, who wished to remain anonymous sated: "There are 100s 
> of millions of people trading files every day throughout the globe. I'm 
> going to start using this chip and give up that market because...?"

What actually seems to be happening is that chipset DRM is being deployed 
though not on a wide scale yet, and but for game consoles in a facultative
version. Of course, such dormant DRM can be activated with subsequent software
upgrades (watch the sneaky software-DRM games Cupertino plays).

The billion dollar question is: will users let themselves lock in into the
DRM prison, just because of a dangling premium content carrot, and the "I
gots your IP, my lawyers 0wnZ0r Ur 455" litigation stick?

We're going to see soon, as HDTV on BluRay&Co is going to be that experiment.
The next-generation signal lanes to display devices are encrypted, so there's
only the analog hole left to the naive user.

Online activation of software is already quite widespread, so it seems
customers are willing to accept restriction to ownership and use.

> OK, Gov officials will eventually start trying to introduce laws mandating 
> such technologies be used, but by then it's going to come down to a battle 
> of lobbies: The Entertainment industry vs Telecom+PCs++Software. Which can 
> pump dollars into Senatorial hands faster?

The entertainment industry has an order of magnitude less funds, but seems to
spend them far more efficiently. Also, the Far East market is increasingly
supplying itself, so Hollywood has less and less angle there. Let US and EU
get the crippleware, while the rest of the world gets swamped with plaintext
pirated copies (a single break is enough).

Eugen* Leitl";>leitl
ICBM: 48.07100, 11.36820
8B29F6BE: 099D 78BA 2FD3 B014 B08A  7779 75B0 2443 8B29 F6BE

Description: Digital signature

Re: /. [Intel Adds DRM to New Chips]

2005-05-31 Thread Justin
On 2005-05-28T21:53:52+0200, Eugen Leitl wrote:
> Link:
> Posted by: Zonk, on 2005-05-28 17:37:00
>from the get-you-where-you-live dept.
>Badluck writes "Microsoft and the entertainment industry's holy grail
>of controlling copyright through the motherboard has moved a step
>closer with Intel Corp. now embedding [1]digital rights management
>within in its latest dual-core processor Pentium D and accompanying
>945 chipset. Officially launched worldwide on the May 26, the new
>offerings come [2]DRM -enabled and will, at least in theory, allow
>copyright holders to prevent unauthorized copying and distribution of
>copyrighted materials from the motherboard rather than through the
>operating system as is currently the case..." [3]The Inquirer has the
>story as well.

Is slashdot really a news source?  How about posting one of the articles
cited instead.

Unable to correct the source of the indignity to the Negro, [the Phoenix,
AZ public accommodations law prohibiting racial discrimination] redresses
the situation by placing a separate indignity on the proprietor. ... The
unwanted customer and the disliked proprietor are left glowering at one
another across the lunch counter.  -William "Strom" Rehnquist, 1964-06-15

Re: /. [Intel Adds DRM to New Chips]

2005-05-31 Thread Tyler Durden

Eugen Leitl wrote...

Online activation of software is already quite widespread, so it seems
customers are willing to accept restriction to ownership and use.

Well, that's an interesting phenomenon. In industrialized nations where the 
price of software is fairly low compared to the wages, people seem somewhat 
willing to pay. At least, we don't see ticket sales for big movies going 
down at all. So it could be that people will eventually voluntarily release 
control, as long as the consequences (ie, prices) aren't too high. On the 
other hand, the whole P2P phenomenon is not happening simply because people 
don't want to pay. Stupid industry execs will probably continue churning out 
the same stupid shit they always did and P2Pers will find some way around 
their "protection" if needs be.