Re: faking WMD evidence

2003-03-26 Thread Bill Stewart
At 11:59 AM 03/25/2003 -0800, Eric Murray wrote:
Apparently the CIA and MI6 have been faking WMD evidence for quite a while:

That's why Friends of Bush like Richard Perle refer to Seymour Hersch, the 
author, as
"Hersch is the closest thing to a terrorist that the USA has".

And the problem isn't just that the evidence is faked,
or faked spectacularly badly, or that they've been using it to
lie to people who can then tell what they might perceive as the truth
to other people (like Congress or Bush), it's that they've
apparently lost track of who's lying to whom,
like the OLD Reagan/Bush administration occasionally did.
It's one thing for Dubya to lie to the US public on purpose,
but it's really tacky for his henchpersons to forget
whether they're asking him to lie or not.
From Hersch's article:

"One senior I.A.E.A. official went further. He told me,
'These documents are so bad that I cannot imagine
that they came from a serious intelligence agency.
It depresses me, given the low quality of the documents,
that it was not stopped. At the level it reached,
I would have expected more checking.'"
"On March 14th, Senator Jay Rockefeller, of West Virginia,
the senior Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee,
formally asked Robert Mueller, the F.B.I. director,
to investigate the forged documents."
Yeah, like that'll not only get lots of cooperation out of all the spooks,
but I'm sure it'll also result in the FBI being highly motivated to probe 
and tell Congress everything it finds out...  At least when the KGB
investigated other parts of the KGB, they could find out who lied,
who knew they lied, and shoot them all to cover up their tracks.

Re: faking WMD evidence

2003-03-26 Thread Tim May
On Tuesday, March 25, 2003, at 04:51  PM, Bill Stewart wrote:
Yeah, like that'll not only get lots of cooperation out of all the 
but I'm sure it'll also result in the FBI being highly motivated to 
probe deeply
and tell Congress everything it finds out...  At least when the KGB
investigated other parts of the KGB, they could find out who lied,
who knew they lied, and shoot them all to cover up their tracks.
When the KGB or GRU discovered such behavior, the M.O. was to strap the 
offender onto a plank and then slowly push him feet first into an 

I would recommend the same thing for the FBI, CIA, DIA, ONI, and NSA 
directors, except they all have earned such treatment.

Why doesn't a freedom fighter do something bold like fly a loaded 
jetliner into the Pentagon?

Oh, you mean someone tried that?

--Tim May
"The Constitution is a radical is the job of the 
government to rein in people's rights." --President William J. Clinton

faking WMD evidence

2003-03-25 Thread Eric Murray
Apparently the CIA and MI6 have been faking WMD evidence for quite a while: