Re: [dabo-users] cryptoKeyDES

2010-10-10 Thread Nate Lowrie
On Sun, Oct 10, 2010 at 12:19, Carey Gagnon  wrote:
> Sorry Jacek. I appreciate your patience and you help but I just don't get
> it. I'm new to python (a hack really) I learn as I go. That's why Dabo's
> appwizard has been so great, I didn't have to take the time to learn any
> language 1st.
> Too bad this cryto stuff wasn't taken further than a mention in the Pycon
> tutorial. I learn best with working examples I can tear apart .
> I'll keep hacking away and hopefully, like with many other things I've
> learned about python/Dabo, I'll eventually stumble onto the solution.


I just thought I would throw out that I could never get it to work
quite right either and the app would always use the built-in simple
crypt function.


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[dabo-users] Setting individual row sizes on dGrid

2010-10-22 Thread Nate Lowrie
Is it possible (even at a wx level), to set row sizes individually on the
dGrid?  I have a string field that I want to display in a column.  The
values associated with that field are strings that have a differing number
of lines in them.  I would like to size the rows to show only the necessary
lines.  Most of the rows only have 1 line in them but some would have
upwards of 5, which looks ugly in the grid with fixed sizing.



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Re: [dabo-users] MySQL

2010-10-28 Thread Nate Lowrie
On Thu, Oct 28, 2010 at 05:24, Fraser Burns  wrote:

> Is this best done within dabo or at a python level?
> Once we have it in MySQL it is all dabo thereafter.

I would do it with SqlAlchemy and SqlALchemy-migrate. You can define the
conversion over several chunks to make sure it works right and run them all
together when your ready.  Also, you can create tables and move data in a
pythonic way instead of having to code SQL.  You will still have to hand
write the scripts, but it should be easier.



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Re: [dabo-users] Very strange issue under Python2.6

2010-11-10 Thread Nate Lowrie
2010/11/10 Jacek Kałucki 

> Użytkownik Fraser Burns napisał:
> > Does it make any difference if you:
> >Create Sizer
> >Create panel
> >Append panel
> >   before creating and appending various objects ?
> >
> Hi.
> Yes, it makes difference, but now it's even stranger.
> Here is modified code:
> Now, everything works fine, until I toggle radio button.
> After this, it crashes again.
> Seems like evil is dRadioButton related.

If you remove the dRadioButton widgets from the form, does the problem go
away in both configurations?



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Re: [dabo-users] Wiki

2010-11-18 Thread Nate Lowrie
On 11/18/10 9:08 AM, Ed Leafe wrote:
> There are times you would call the layout() method of an inner sizer, 
> but those are mostly for performance-based reasons.
This is normally done if you are updating the controls in the particular 
sizer.  For example, suppose you have controls to take a pounds and 
ounces or kilograms input.  The user can select the input that they 
want.  On a selection change, you would hide the one set of controls and 
show the other set.  Since the controls are taking up the same amount of 
space in the parent sizer, you only need to render that size that has 
this controls on it.

Another example is using a dPageFrameNoTabs control and rendering each 
page initially when it's shown.  This approach helps speed up the 
initial form loading greatly.


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Re: [dabo-users] Dabo on Windows

2010-12-03 Thread Nate Lowrie
On Fri, Dec 3, 2010 at 15:45, Paul McNett  wrote:

> On 12/3/10 11:51 AM, Ashish wrote:
> >File "C:\dabo\dabo\lib\datanav\", line 642, in requery
> >  self.pageFrame.GetPage(0).requery()
> > SystemError: unknown opcode
> >
> > I created the app using AppWizard. The query on the first page is fine
> but
> > get the error when querying other forms. Now I get the error after going
> > back to the original form that worked earlier. This is happening only on
> > Windows. Everything works fine on Linux.
> >
> >
> > Platform: Win
> > Python Version: 2.7 on win32
> > Dabo Version: Version 0.9.3; Revision ~6201
> > UI Version: on wxMSW
> My only guess is that there's something about Python 2.7 that isn't playing
> well.
> What versions of things do you have on Linux?
> The latest Python I've tested Dabo with is 2.6.5.
> I have issues with 2.7 on Windows and *nix.  I see the XXX OptCode lines
and then error out inside the wx module with a unicode error.  I suggest
that you stick with 2.6.6 and wx 2.8.11 for now.  wx 2.9.x doesn't play well
with Dabo at the moment.



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Re: [dabo-users] Recommendations for free and commercial icon/image sets licensed for commercial use?

2010-12-08 Thread Nate Lowrie
On 12/7/2010 2:44 PM, John Fabiani wrote:
> On Tuesday, December 07, 2010 11:01:18 am wrote:
>> Any recommendations for free and commercial icon/image sets
>> licensed for commercial use?
>> I've seen some really high quality icons/images in open source
>> software lately, but I suspect most of these image sets are GPL
>> in nature, thus (in my interpretation) not available for use in
>> commercial products.
>> Thanks,
>> Malcolm
> I disagree with your interpretation.
> If they are open source then just provide the source and copy right.  It's my
> understanding after doing both you can do as you please - including using the
> icons in commercial products.
I think the general consensus is that GPL is not compatible if you embed 
it but LGPL and certain CC formats are.  To be safe, put the icons file 
tree exactly like it is with attribution/licensing info into your 
resource tree and load it dynamically at run time.  You may want to 
check out these links though there is surprisingly scant info about it.  
Not sure if licensing is affected by distributing the icon in an 
installer or not.


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Re: [dabo-users] destroying dialogs?

2010-12-17 Thread Nate Lowrie
On Fri, Dec 17, 2010 at 09:54, John Fabiani  wrote:
> Thanks Ed!  I have never relase() any of my dialogs.  I guess I'll have to
> review my code base.

Always call release unless you plan on reusing the same dialog
instance multiple times.  I've run into memory issues when I don't
call release.


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Re: [dabo-users] Any More being done on this?

2011-01-05 Thread Nate Lowrie
On Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 20:12, Carey Gagnon  wrote:
>>         Assuming your dDateTextBox has a RegID of 'datetext', and this code
>> is at the form level:
>> btn = dabo.ui.dBitmapButton(self, Picture="path/to/image.png",
>>        OnHit=self.datetext.showCalendar)

Just to throw this out, we may want to consider wrapping the wx
DatePickerCtrl in the future and using that implementation.


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[dabo-users] Handling Parent-Child-SubChild relationships

2011-02-01 Thread Nate Lowrie
I have a situation where I have following relationship in the database:
   - orders
- order_line_items is a child of orders
- order_line_item_options is a child of order_line_items

When I create a new order, the following happens:

1) new orders records
2) Add a line item to the order, which adds a new record to
order_line_item and a few records to order_line_item_options
3) Add another line item to the order

When 3 occurs, we haven't saved anything yet.

What I am seeing is when number 3 happens, the order_line_item bizobj
moves it's pointer to the new record, the order_line_item_options
bizobj requeries because it is a child of the order_line_item bizobj,
and the new records I added for the first order_line_item are erased
by the requery.

Now, should I be doing it this way?  If so, then we should probably be
preserving the sub-child records.  If not, what is the best way to
approach it? I can store them temporarily and create them after I save
the order and order_line_items records.  The problem goes away if I
save the order first because I can save the order line items and their
options as need be, but it doesn't make sense to force the user down
that path for this data.


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Re: [dabo-users] Handling Parent-Child-SubChild relationships

2011-02-01 Thread Nate Lowrie
2011/2/1 Jacek Kałucki :
> Użytkownik Paul McNett napisał:
>> One thing that keeps me from wanting to do this is that you didn't make it a 
>> patch
>> against a specific revision, but rather attached a whole script 
>> file. That
>> will make it tough to diff and just focus on what is changed to solve this 
>> specific
>> problem. When I download it and diff it, I'll also see lines not pertaining 
>> to your
>> changes at all, but lines that are different in my base version versus your 
>> base version.
> I modified my code since I posted it lately.
> I will send you patch against current version tomorrow, Ok?

Attach it to the ticket and I will test it against my system and applications.


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Re: [dabo-users] Handling Parent-Child-SubChild relationships

2011-02-03 Thread Nate Lowrie
2011/2/1 Nate Lowrie :
> 2011/2/1 Jacek Kałucki :
>> I modified my code since I posted it lately.
>> I will send you patch against current version tomorrow, Ok?
> Attach it to the ticket and I will test it against my system and applications.


Just a reminder to attach the patch to the ticket.


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Re: [dabo-users] CodingGuidelines

2011-02-17 Thread Nate Lowrie
On 2/17/11 8:46 AM, Ed Leafe wrote:
> On Feb 17, 2011, at 6:47 AM, Werner F. Bruhin wrote:
>> or even nicer (in the final doc):
>> def  someComplexMethod(self,val, val2):
>>  """
>>  This is a very complex method. In order for you to understand
>>  what it's doing, I need to explain a lot of the steps involved, so
>>  that's why this docstring is so long.
>>  :param val: an explanation for val
>>  :param val2: what is val2
>>  :rtype: a list of strings or whatever
>>  If one includes some code, prefix it with two columns and a blank line 
>> and indent it::
>>  x = someComplexMethod(x1, x2)
>>  Followed by a blank line and optionally some more stuff.
>>  """
>   As long as this is used sparingly, it's fine. In the case of 'complex' 
> methods, it can be useful, but I detest documentation that exhaustively 
> documents every parameter as if it were Java. The parameter names should be 
> as self-documenting as possible, and the types should be either obvious or 
> not important.
>   As a corollary, if the method is so complex that it needs a book to 
> explain it, that's more of a flag for refactoring than a call for a better 
> docstring. I am particularly guilty of this, as I tend to write code that 
> reflects my understanding of the process, rather than in a way that I can 
> best explain to others. Look at to see what I mean. ;-)
I agree. Code should always be self documenting and a long docstring 
like that really clutters things up... If the code and the unit tests 
for the code can't explain itself, refactor...


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[dabo-users] Tab order on panels

2011-03-02 Thread Nate Lowrie
I have a form on a panel.  During the course of form entry, the user
can add additional controls to the form.  When the controls are added
to the form, they are added to the end of the tab order.  I would like
to set their tab order to somewhere in the middle.  Is this possible
and if so, how do I do it?


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Re: [dabo-users] Tab order on panels

2011-03-02 Thread Nate Lowrie
On Wed, Mar 2, 2011 at 15:26, Ed Leafe  wrote:
> On Mar 2, 2011, at 3:05 PM, Nate Lowrie wrote:
>> During the course of form entry, the user
>> can add additional controls to the form.  When the controls are added
>> to the form, they are added to the end of the tab order.  I would like
>> to set their tab order to somewhere in the middle.  Is this possible
>> and if so, how do I do it?
>        Add the controls, and then for all controls that should come after 
> them in the tab order, call control.bringToFront(). That should re-arrange 
> the z-order of the controls, which is what I believe that wxPython uses for 
> tab order.

This works ok in my situation.  I was hoping there was a way to set
the tab order explicitly.


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Re: [dabo-users] extra gray area in dGrid

2011-03-21 Thread Nate Lowrie
On Sun, Mar 20, 2011 at 20:19, Bor-rong Chen  wrote:

> Hi,
> It seems that there is always an extra gray area (the header row) in
> the upper right corner of a dGrid table.
> Is it possible to remove it or at least change its color to white?
I notice this too.  It's been there since the automatic sizing was



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[dabo-users] custom business rules requirement

2011-04-01 Thread Nate Lowrie
I have a bizobj for an addresses table.  The addresses are tied to 
customers, orders, and some other places in the system.  The business 
requirement is that we persist old address data for customers so that 
the addresses tied to orders don't change.  When a user edits an 
address, if there are any changes, I need to be able to make a copy of 
the data as a new record with the is_active field set to true and then 
revert the old record and set it's is_active field to false. I would 
like to define this at the bizobj level and I think it should go after 
validation but before the save completes.

Does this sound reasonable and if so, would any of y'all have a code 
snippet for something like this?


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Re: [dabo-users] custom business rules requirement

2011-04-02 Thread Nate Lowrie
On Fri, Apr 1, 2011 at 17:03, Paul McNett  wrote:

> On 4/1/11 12:56 PM, Nate Lowrie wrote:
> > I have a bizobj for an addresses table.  The addresses are tied to
> > customers, orders, and some other places in the system.  The business
> > requirement is that we persist old address data for customers so that
> > the addresses tied to orders don't change.  When a user edits an
> > address, if there are any changes, I need to be able to make a copy of
> > the data as a new record with the is_active field set to true and then
> > revert the old record and set it's is_active field to false. I would
> > like to define this at the bizobj level and I think it should go after
> > validation but before the save completes.
> >
> > Does this sound reasonable and if so, would any of y'all have a code
> > snippet for something like this?
> I've always handled this by having address fields at the order level, that
> get copied
> from the customer record when the order is created...

I don't really have this option because I am interfacing with a legacy
system that operates in the above manner.



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Re: [dabo-users] cascading dropdown controls selections

2011-04-07 Thread Nate Lowrie
On Thu, Apr 7, 2011 at 10:22, John Fabiani  wrote:
> Hi,
> I have always had issues with dropdowns selection determining the a second
> control.  Now I have need to have fours dropdowns and each of the dropdowns
> data (or Choices) will depend on the preceding dropdown selection.  Does
> anyone have a suggestion on how best to deal with my requirement?


I would disable the controls that aren't populated yet. Populate the
first control.  Then, have event handlers for each dropdown to
populate the next one and enable it.  If the user changes the first
dropdown, the event handler should repopulate the second dropdown and
disable the rest, essentially forcing the process to start over.


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Re: [dabo-users] Putting two different reports in one .pdf file

2011-04-15 Thread Nate Lowrie
On 4/15/11 3:02 PM, Sibylle Koczian wrote:
> Hello,
> after reading the documentation I thought I could get two reports in one
> file like this:
> pdfName = "myreps.pdf"
> rw = ReportWriter()
> with open(pdfName, "w") as outFile:
>   rw.ReportFormFile = "myform_1.rfxml"
>   rw.OutputFile = outFile
>   # for testing
>   rw.UseTestCursor = True
>   rw.write(save=False)
>   # repeat for myform_2.rfxml, at the moment left out
> reportUtils.previewPDF(pdfName)
> But if I try that, I get a message from Adobe Reader that the file
> "myreps.pdf" couldn't be opened, because the file type isn't supported
> or the file is corrupted (this is my translation of the german error
> message). And if I omit "save=False" in the call to rw.write(), I get no
> error message, but Adobe Reader shows an empty page.
> All this using
> Platform: Win
> Python Version: 2.7.1 on win32
> Dabo Version: Version 0.9.3; Revision ~6557
> UI Version: on wxMSW
> No change with Python 2.6.6, everything else the same.
> Creating and showing either one of the reports using the file name as
> rw.OutputFile property and rw.write() works as expected, so the reports
> themselves seem to be correct. But I want to get them into one file and
> print them on one page, without resorting to a separate PDF Editor, if
> at all possible.
> How should I do it?

If you are on linux, you can generate the 2 reports as separate pdfs 
(myform_1.pdf and myform_2.pdf) with the ReportWriter and then combine 
them by running:

subprocess.Popen(["gs",  "-q",  "-sPAPERSIZE=letter", "-dNOPAUSE", 
"-dBATCH", "-sDEVICE=pdfwrite", "-sOutputFile=myform.pdf", 
"myform_1.pdf", "myform_2.pdf"])


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Re: [dabo-users] Application set up - intelligence

2011-05-09 Thread Nate Lowrie
On Sun, May 8, 2011 at 16:55, Stef Kariotidis  wrote:
> Greetings to the list from a newbie and thanks for the creation of Dabo,
> This is my first time posting to the list so please bare with me
> considering the following questions...
> I would like to ask two things:
> 1) I develop an application who monitors networked machines  and i use
> SQLite to save the state of the networked machines over time and some
> statistics. I also have some modules
> to handle the monitoring process and the logic of the app. My question
> is, where is the right place to put the logic of the application in
> respect to the Dabo application? I know that the database information
> (***. cnxml) goes to db directory and that the modules that handle the
> queries (bizobjs go to their directory (biz)).
> Where is the right place to put the database file (***.sqlite) and the
> rest of the python modules which are the logic of the application?

I normally put the database file in the db folder as well.  You can
put the python modules in the Lib folder (or at least that's what I

> 2) I want to create a drop down box (combo box?) with intelligence
> enabled; more specifically as the user types in, the control searches
> data from a database table suggesting entries,
> after finding the correct entry the user presses  or  to
> accept the value and goes on with the rest of data entry.

I would actually use a dTextBox and extend it so that the key down
event renders a search which triggers a pop-up menu with the
suggestions.  The user can continue entering data or press the down
arrow or tab to navigate into the pop-up menu and select an
intelli-sense entry.  You may want to take a look at the dEditor code
for how it does intelli-sense with the editor window.


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[dabo-users] bizobj question

2011-06-28 Thread Nate Lowrie
I have a parent bizobj for orders.  As part of the validation, I want
to check the child bizobj for order line items to see if at least one
line item exists, otherwise we will fail validation.  Is this
supported within the framework and if so, is there an easier way grab
the child bizobj than the getChildBizobjByDataSource method?


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Re: [dabo-users] bizobj question

2011-06-28 Thread Nate Lowrie
On Tue, Jun 28, 2011 at 15:27, Paul McNett  wrote:
> On 6/28/11 12:01 PM, Nate Lowrie wrote:
>> I have a parent bizobj for orders.  As part of the validation, I want
>> to check the child bizobj for order line items to see if at least one
>> line item exists, otherwise we will fail validation.  Is this
>> supported within the framework and if so, is there an easier way grab
>> the child bizobj than the getChildBizobjByDataSource method?
> In the parent bizobj's initProperties():
> """
> self.bizOrderLines = BizOrderLines(...)
> self.addChild(self.bizOrderLines)
> """
> Now you have an easy reference to the child.
> In the validation:
> """
> valid = self.bizOrderLines.RowCount > 0
> """

I have been handling all of the bizobj child connections in the Form.
This makes much more sense.  You recommend using the parent bizobj's
_connection property in the child constructor?


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Re: [dabo-users] water marks

2011-07-06 Thread Nate Lowrie
On 7/6/11 3:27 PM, John Fabiani wrote:
> On Wednesday, July 06, 2011 10:39:50 am John Fabiani wrote:
>> On Wednesday, July 06, 2011 10:37:32 am Paul McNett wrote:
>>> PageBackground
>> Oh thanks
>> Johnf
> I'm getting the string 'xpr error>>' printed
> Does that mean reportwriter can't find the pic?
Normally that's what it means.  Did you place it in the resources folder?



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[dabo-users] Getting the old field value in Bizobj validate method

2011-07-19 Thread Nate Lowrie
I know I've asked this before but for the life of me I can't find it.
In the validation method of the bizobj, how do I 1) see what fields
are changed and 2) compare an old field value to the current field


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Re: [dabo-users] Getting the old field value in Bizobj validate method

2011-07-19 Thread Nate Lowrie
On Tue, Jul 19, 2011 at 13:31, John Fabiani  wrote:
> On Tuesday, July 19, 2011 10:24:15 am Jacek Kałucki wrote:
>> What about dBizobj.getRecordStatus() method?
> Or
> self.bizobj.oldVal('fieldName')

Thank you both.  These 2 methods are what I am looking for.


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Re: [dabo-users] log INSERT statements

2011-10-26 Thread Nate Lowrie
On 10/26/2011 12:35 PM, John Fabiani wrote:
> That's nice. Maybe it should be on the wiki.

Definitely.  We need a logging page in general.


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Re: [dabo-users] dMaskedNumBox

2011-11-03 Thread Nate Lowrie
On 11/3/2011 12:27 PM, Paul McNett wrote:
> On 11/3/11 5:01 AM, melkarth0 wrote:
>> I'm writing a Dabo application that stores monetary numeric fields in 
>> european format (decimal comma, thousands point), and JacekK's 
>> (ticket #1315) seems a good solution for input. What is 
>> the completion status of this module? I see it's not included in the 
>> framework distribution right now, but has it any serious issues? Apparently, 
>> it works fine for me. Thanks in advance.
> I'd love to build it in as a feature of dTextBox instead of adding yet another
> textbox class. Same with dDateTextBox. However, that will take a lot of work 
> and none
> of us seem to have the time right now, so therefore I'm supportive of adding 
> Jacek's
> class as dabo.ui.dMaskedNumBox.
> There are a number of features in that class that would be nice to add to 
> dTextBox as
> well.
> Jacek, would you like to do the honors of adding this?
-1 from me on including it into dTextBox. I think that it should be a 
separate class that sub-classes the base textbox class to add in the 
functionality.  I don't like that we muddy up the base class with 
special handlers for special cases.

+1 for the addition as a separate class.


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[dabo-users] Production problem with granchild bizobj

2011-12-03 Thread Nate Lowrie
I have a problem with a production bizobj set I need help with.

I have the following structure:
Order Line Items
 Order Line Item Options

In order line items, I have a unit price with options as a virtual 
field.  The code for the field function is below.

 def _getUnitPriceWithOptions(self):
 price = 0.0
 for record in self.orderLineItemOptionsBizobj.getDataSet():
 price += float(record["price"])
 return price + float(self.getFieldVal("unit_price"))

My problem is that I expect the order line item options bizobj to get 
requeried for each line when the order line items are scanned through 
when they are loaded into the grid.  This is definitely not happening 
and it was working a bit ago.  As a result, the options for the first 
line item are being applied to all line items and options for all the 
other line items are ignored because the bizobj never requeries on the scan.


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Re: [dabo-users] Production problem with granchild bizobj

2011-12-07 Thread Nate Lowrie
On 12/6/2011 5:08 PM, Paul McNett wrote:
> There are potentially two things going on here. First, you mentioned a grid. 
> Grids
> get the values to display by calling biz.getFieldVal(fld, row), IOW they send 
> the row
> number to getFieldVal. By default, getFieldVal() won't update the children in 
> this
> case, so the grid will show the wrong calculated value if the calculation 
> relies on
> the children. To override this, you change your VirtualField definition from 
> this:
> class MyBiz(...):
> def initProperties(...):
>   self.VirtualFields["myfield"] = self.getMyField
> to:
>   self.VirtualFields["myfield"] = {"func": self.getMyField, 
> "requery_children": True}
> The second thing could be an unintended consequence of recent changes, so if 
> you try
> the above and see no improvement, please let us know.

The change in the virtual field did it.  I was using the grid as you 
said and the orders object would also automatically update the total, 
but would grab the orderline subtotals using getDataSet(), which I 
assume has the same update issue as getFieldVal().  It would also make 
sense that when I opened my edit forms the bizobj would requery as normal.

Thanks for the help.


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[dabo-users] Programatically sizing rows in grid

2011-12-09 Thread Nate Lowrie
I have a grid for order lines.  Some order lines have options on them 
and each option is an addition line in the field.  I would like to be 
able to dynamically set the row height for a particular row based on the 
number of lines in the description.  How can I set the height for a 
specific row?  I see that there is a property called SameSizeRows that I 
can set to false, but I am not sure how to programatically set that 
specific row.  Also, if I have different sized rows, is the value of 
RowHeight now invalid?


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Re: [dabo-users] drag and drop scheduler/calendar

2011-12-20 Thread Nate Lowrie
On Mon, Dec 19, 2011 at 10:39, John Fabiani  wrote:

> On Monday, December 19, 2011 09:12:09 AM Ed Leafe wrote:
> > On Dec 19, 2011, at 9:06 AM, John Fabiani wrote:
> > > It looks like I may have to develop a drag and drop scheduler/calendar
> > > for a client.  Does anybody have something that will provide a starting
> > > point.  I just need to associate a name with a time slot - drag from
> > > the name list to the calendar.
> >
> >   Look into the DroppedTextHandler property of the calendar.
> >
> >
> > -- Ed Leafe
> Thanks - fast response!  I'll need that for sure.

Also, you may want to check to see if there  there is a wx equivalent.  Not
sure off the top of my head if there is one.

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[dabo-users] Report Page Size

2011-12-28 Thread Nate Lowrie
Is there any way to change the Page Size in the report designer?


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Re: [dabo-users] Report Page Size

2011-12-28 Thread Nate Lowrie
On 12/28/2011 2:36 PM, Paul McNett wrote:
> On 12/28/11 8:33 AM, Nate Lowrie wrote:
>> Is there any way to change the Page Size in the report designer?
> Yes. Look in the Report Object Tree, Page|Size. Default is "letter" but you 
> can set
> it to a tuple like:
> ("3 in", "5 in")
> for a 3"x5" page size. Also see the Orientation property, which swaps the 
> width and
> height.
> Paul
> ___
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Found it.  Is there a vertical alignment property for strings?
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[dabo-users] Report with 2 columns

2011-12-28 Thread Nate Lowrie
I am doing a report and I would like to have 2 columns in landscape 
mode.  In the first column I want to put the ReportBegin section, then 
do a column break and start the rest of the report in the second 
column.  Is that possible and how would I do it?


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Re: [dabo-users] Report Page Size

2011-12-28 Thread Nate Lowrie
On 12/28/2011 5:20 PM, Paul McNett wrote:
> On 12/28/11 12:37 PM, Nate Lowrie wrote:
>> Found it.  Is there a vertical alignment property for strings?
> No. The y property specifies the baseline for the string. y's and g's have 
> descenders
> that will drop below the baseline.
> Do you have a use-case for specifying "middle" for strings where we'd figure 
> that out
> using this formula:
> if alignment == "middle":
>   y += (fontSize/2)
> elif alignment == "top":
>   y += fontSize
> Paul
> ___
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Here is my use case. Currently if I specify a border for a cell, the 
text bleeds into the border on the bottom.  If I could middle align the 
text and make the cell a little bigger I could solve that problem.  My 
solution now is using rectangles instead and it's a hack.

Also, it would come in handy if you were word wrapping text, but I have 
to word wrap manually too.


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Re: [dabo-users] Report with 2 columns

2011-12-28 Thread Nate Lowrie
On 12/28/2011 5:34 PM, Paul McNett wrote:
> On 12/28/11 1:11 PM, Nate Lowrie wrote:
>> I am doing a report and I would like to have 2 columns in landscape
>> mode.  In the first column I want to put the ReportBegin section, then
>> do a column break and start the rest of the report in the second
>> column.  Is that possible and how would I do it?
> Try r7041 that I just committed, which adds ReportBegin.ColumnBreakAfter 
> property. I
> see that the ReportBegin (like the page headers/footers) are page-wide not
> column-wide so just make sure your content in the ReportBegin section is 
> contained to
> the left hand side of the page.
> It should work with r7041 but let me know if not.
> Paul
> ___
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Why are ReportBegin and PageHeaders page-wide only?  That explains the 
really messed up formatting I was getting...


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[dabo-users] Report: Break group on more than one variable

2011-12-29 Thread Nate Lowrie
I need a group expression in a report to start a new group when any of 3 
different variables changes.  Can I specify that in the expr property 
and if so, what is the syntax?


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Re: [dabo-users] Report: Break group on more than one variable

2011-12-29 Thread Nate Lowrie
On 12/29/2011 2:34 PM, Paul McNett wrote:
> On 12/29/11 9:31 AM, Nate Lowrie wrote:
>> I need a group expression in a report to start a new group when any of 3
>> different variables changes.  Can I specify that in the expr property
>> and if so, what is the syntax?
> I usually use a tuple, such as:
> (self.Record.customer_id, self.Record.order_id, self.RecordNumber)
> Paul
> ___
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Great.  Also, can I repeat a certain group a set number of times based 
on a field?  Or would I have to expand it out in SQL to multiple row sets?


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Re: [dabo-users] Report: Break group on more than one variable

2011-12-29 Thread Nate Lowrie
On 12/29/2011 2:34 PM, Paul McNett wrote:
> On 12/29/11 9:31 AM, Nate Lowrie wrote:
>> I need a group expression in a report to start a new group when any of 3
>> different variables changes.  Can I specify that in the expr property
>> and if so, what is the syntax?
> I usually use a tuple, such as:
> (self.Record.customer_id, self.Record.order_id, self.RecordNumber)
I take back my previous statement.  The tuple in the expr property 
doesn't work for me.
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Re: [dabo-users] Report: Break group on more than one variable

2011-12-29 Thread Nate Lowrie
On Thu, Dec 29, 2011 at 15:28, Nate Lowrie  wrote:
> On 12/29/2011 2:34 PM, Paul McNett wrote:
> > On 12/29/11 9:31 AM, Nate Lowrie wrote:
> >> I need a group expression in a report to start a new group when any of 3
> >> different variables changes.  Can I specify that in the expr property
> >> and if so, what is the syntax?
> > I usually use a tuple, such as:
> >
> > (self.Record.customer_id, self.Record.order_id, self.RecordNumber)
> I take back my previous statement.  The tuple in the expr property
> doesn't work for me.

Nevermind.  The designer choked on the change I made and therefore
didn't make it. It works now.


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Re: [dabo-users] Pass parameters to main form

2012-01-02 Thread Nate Lowrie
On 1/1/2012 9:00 PM, Ed Leafe wrote:
> On Jan 1, 2012, at 7:22 PM, OKB (not okblacke) wrote:
>>  What you mention about passing information before the form instance
>> is created, though, makes me wonder a bit about the bigger picture.  I
>> suppose it's true that I want to pass information before the instance is
>> created, but that's only because Dabo hides the instance creation inside
>> its own innards.  It doesn't much matter to me whether I pass my
>> information when I create the app instance, or when I specify the app's
>> main form, or when I do app.start().  But, as far as I can tell, at none
>> of those three places is there a way to pass information in.  Is there
>> some other place to do it?  What would it mean to pass it in after the
>> instance is created?  It seems like that would mean passing it in once
>> the GUI app is already up and running, but that defeats the purpose of
>> passing it in order to influence initialization.
>   Like I said above, I don't believe that anyone has ever suggested this 
> approach to customization before. The only thing even close would be forms 
> that read some sort of .ini file or similar when they are created, but that 
> doesn't seem to be what you're doing. You want to be able to create the app 
> with parameters and have the form receive them. Maybe we could add a 
> MainFormParameters property to dApp that would take a dict of params, and 
> these would be passed to the MainFormClass when it is instantiated as its 
> kwargs.
>   Paul, I'm hoping that you'll chime in here with any thoughts on this 
> approach.
I know I have been doing this on my dialog forms for years to 
automatically pass in the bizobj.  I just override the init method.  
Probably not the best solution, but it works for me.

There are some other ways to approach this. You could make the panel 
list a property on the form and set it outside of the init method.  This 
would require an extra line but decouples things a bit and is more 
flexible.  If I am not mistaken, you can also not pass it into the 
constructor and the property setting logic will properly pick it up.

The last way to do this is to use a plugin manager like Yapsy to manage 
the panel set for you.  Your form would look for the plugin manager on 
instantiation and find all of the panels and add them to the form.  I am 
actually moving this way for most all my applications and am almost 
there.  The nice part about this is you can now have a standard 
application template and you just add panel plugins.  Makes everything 
very convenient.  However, fair warning, this will be a good bit more 
work to get up an running than the other methods.



I also have
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Re: [dabo-users] Report: Break group on more than one variable

2012-01-02 Thread Nate Lowrie
On 12/30/2011 12:30 PM, Paul McNett wrote:
> On 12/29/11 11:57 AM, Nate Lowrie wrote:
>> Also, can I repeat a certain group a set number of times based
>> on a field?  Or would I have to expand it out in SQL to multiple row sets?
> Give me a real-world example to understand what you are doing. Not sure what 
> you mean
> by 'repeat a group'. The group will print as long as the group expression 
> evaluates
> identically to the prior record. Theoretically, you should be able to repeat 
> the same
> group as long as there's a non-matching record in between, but I'm not sure 
> that's
> even what you were getting at.
My real world example was printing out kit BOMs with an order packing 
slip based upon order lines.  So, if they ordered 3 of kit A and 5 of 
kit B, the report would get the order line/product/product bom 
de-normalized table and be able to repeat the group on Kit A 3 times and 
Kit B 5 times.

I have since abandoned the approach and made it simplified.  I just do a 
single product BOM based upon a product/product bom de-normalized 
bizobj. If I need to generate kit BOMs with a packing slip, I 
programatically scan the list and gen the report the needed amount of times.


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[dabo-users] Report Designer Center Group vertically on page

2012-01-02 Thread Nate Lowrie
Would it be easily possible to have a vertical alignment property on the 
group band?  I really just need centering vertically, but it might as 
well be a full alignment property.  Basically, if I print a group and 
the group breaks to go to the next page, I have all of this space below 
the group.  For certain reports I want to be able to center that group 
on the page between the header and the footer bands so that equal 
amounts of whitespace are on the bottom and top.


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Re: [dabo-users] Arabic support

2012-01-27 Thread Nate Lowrie
On 1/26/2012 1:13 PM, Paul McNett wrote:
>> the problem when i tried the Report Designer arabic text becomes
>> squres when previewed...i think it's from ReportLab ...
> It is because by default reportlab (and dabo report designer) uses Type 1 
> Times,
> Helvetica, and Courier fonts. These fonts don't have very many special 
> characters
> defined at all, so they are only really useful as default fonts for American 
> English
> countries.
> You'll have to find a TrueType font or fonts that support the characters you 
> want to
> print, put them in your app's resources/ directory, and tell reportlab about 
> them.
> Add a '' script in your application's home directory, with 
> these
> contents:
> {{{
> import os
> from reportlab.pdfbase import pdfmetrics
> from reportlab.pdfbase.ttfonts import TTFont
> def registerFonts(homedir):
> for fname in os.listdir(os.path.join(homedir, "resources")):
>   name, ext = os.path.splitext(fname)
>   if ext == ".ttf":
> #print "registering %s..." % name
> pdfmetrics.registerFont(TTFont(name, os.path.join(homedir, 
> "resources", fname)))
> }}}
> And somewhere in the initialization of your application ( file or dApp
> subclass, for instance) make the call:
> {{{
> from registerFonts import registerFonts
> registerFonts(app.HomeDirectory)
> }}}
> And now, in your reports, modify Reports.Defaults.FontName to be the name of 
> the true
> type font you want your objects to use by default. Or, modify each string 
> object
> individually.

I suggest we integrate this script into dabo so in the future all you 
have to do is drop the font into the resources directory.


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Re: [dabo-users] KeepAliveInterval slowing app down

2012-06-13 Thread Nate Lowrie
On Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 10:06 AM, Paul McNett  wrote:
> On 6/13/12 4:43 AM, Nathan Lowrie wrote:
>> I wanted to use the KeepAliveInterval property to prevent a MySQL
>> connection from going away.  When I set the property in the dConnectInfo
>> object (I am dynamically creating connections), the result is a 30 second
>> load time compared to 2 seconds without the property.  It also makes the
>> entire app unusable and slows down anything with bizobj access.  I tried
>> increasing the time on the sleep call in the worker thread but it didn't
>> help.
>> Any thoughts?
> Line 603 of dabo/dabo/db/ looks like the likely problem: the 
> thread is
> basically running in a tight loop (once every 1/10 of a second). Pretty sure 
> that was
> just a typo. Try increasing that to something like 300.
> That whole worker thread should be rewritten to sleep for the 
> KeepAliveInterval IMO.
> Looks like I wrote this in Jan. 2009 and I don't ever remember actually using 
> it,
> although I've been meaning to get some sort of keep alive working in my app. 
> In my
> defense I was still heavy in the fog of chemotherapy when I wrote that.
> Anyway, play around with that sleep interval and if it improves things, 
> please commit
> your changes.

I'll rewrite it to use the keepAliveInterval as the sleep duration and
to move the object creation out of the while loop.  I had changed the
interval to 1 but it didn't do anything noticeable.


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Re: [dabo-users] KeepAliveInterval slowing app down

2012-06-13 Thread Nate Lowrie
On Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 2:11 PM, Paul McNett  wrote:
> On 6/13/12 11:01 AM, Nate Lowrie wrote:
>> I'll rewrite it to use the keepAliveInterval as the sleep duration and
>> to move the object creation out of the while loop.  I had changed the
>> interval to 1 but it didn't do anything noticeable.
> FYI:
> """
> If you let two threads use a connection simultaneously, the MySQL client 
> library will
> probably upchuck and die. You have been warned.
> """
> --
> IOW, if dabo is in the middle of a transaction on that connection object, and 
> the
> keepalive kicks in...

I'll bet that this is the reason why it was barfing...  Do we have a
way of checking if the connection is being used?


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Re: [dabo-users] KeepAliveInterval slowing app down

2012-06-14 Thread Nate Lowrie
On Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 3:55 PM, Paul McNett  wrote:
> I could picture how we'd insert one (in execute(), flag a timestamp; in the 
> keep
> alive thread, only run something over the connection if a significant amount 
> of time
> has passed since the last execute().
> But no, I don't think there's any such thing at the moment.


Just added this in the latest commit.  Did wonders for performance.


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Re: [dabo-users] Class Designer problem, selecting DB connection

2012-06-17 Thread Nate Lowrie
You don't want to use the web update if you are running subversion trunk. Just 
do an svn update...



On Jun 17, 2012, at 8:09 PM, David McNab  wrote:

> Oh, by the way - how do I run the "web update"?
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Re: [dabo-users] Stock-Chart (candlestick type)

2012-06-26 Thread Nate Lowrie
On 6/26/2012 7:45 AM, Vineet Deodhar wrote:
> Is it possible to draw candlestick type chart in dabo?
> (I have read that it is possible using matplotlib, but haven't gone into
> the details of it).
should get you started.  Note, it's in wxPython but since Dabo wraps 
wxPython it should work fine if you want to use dabo widgets. is an Open Source platform that 
sounds exactly like what you need. Note that it is based on wxpython and 
matplotlib.  You should be able to extract a fair bit from that code.



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Re: [dabo-users] simple way to set grid row color

2012-09-16 Thread Nate Lowrie
Does BackColor automatically override the AlternatingRowColor?



On Sep 15, 2012, at 1:04 PM, Ed Leafe  wrote:

> On Sep 15, 2012, at 10:41 AM, John Fabiani  wrote:
>> In Fox, you can set the row background color.  Is there an easy to set 
>> the background color of a row based on a field in the row (record) in dGrid?
>BackColor is a property of a Column, so you would have to set the 
> DynamicBackColor for all the columns in the grid to the same function.
> -- Ed Leafe
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Re: [dabo-users] simple way to set grid row color

2012-09-16 Thread Nate Lowrie
Also, I think John is looking for a specific row, not a column. For instance, 
you have a grid of Account Recievable and want to color red the order rows that 
are past 30 days.



On Sep 15, 2012, at 1:04 PM, Ed Leafe  wrote:

> On Sep 15, 2012, at 10:41 AM, John Fabiani  wrote:
>> In Fox, you can set the row background color.  Is there an easy to set 
>> the background color of a row based on a field in the row (record) in dGrid?
>BackColor is a property of a Column, so you would have to set the 
> DynamicBackColor for all the columns in the grid to the same function.
> -- Ed Leafe
> ___
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Re: [dabo-users] oddball report

2006-10-10 Thread Nate Lowrie

I viewed them both yesterday and had no problems.  Although, with the
screencast in the zip file, the last 30 seconds or so the video turned to
all red  I haven't tried viewing the west coast download, but all of the
screencast on that page were working as of yesterday


Nate Lowrie

On 10/10/06, Paul McNett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Rick Graves wrote:
> I am wondering whether the report designer can handle
> putting colored boxes on the page.  In landscape
> orientation, I need to make a step pyramid of colored
> boxes, with 4 rows, one box on the top row and 4 boxes
> across the bottom row.

You mean like (warning: view with mono font):
   |   |
   |   |
 |   |   |
 |   |   |
   |   |   |   |
   |   |   |   |
|   |   |   |   |
|   |   |   |   |

If so, yes, it can handle that.

> On a real report, the color of each box will be data
> driven, but for a first trial run, static colors will
> do.  Also, on a real report, there would be some text
> in each box.

No problem.

> This would be a one page (one pyramid) per table row
> type report.

So either make the detail band be the height of the page, or make a
group on the pk of the table with StartOnNewPage=True.

> If the report designer can handle this, I would
> appreciate some suggestions on getting started steps.

If I have time today (50/50 chance), I'll see if I can whip up a quick
example report.

> If the report designer overview covers this, I
> apologize, but I have so far not been able to view
> them both (I have seen part but not all of the first
> one).  I have tried them on two Win XP computers, both
> of which with just-installed shock flash player
> updates (and each on different ADSL "broadband"
> services).  The zip version of the first one does not
> play at all for me on either machine, but I was able
> to get through some of the first one from the west
> coast alternative download.

Weird. Can other people please try viewing these screencasts and let us
know if they have trouble too? Maybe we should post our screencasts to
Google video or YouTube instead...

pkm ~

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Nathan Lowrie
Student Intern
Sandia National Laboratories

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Re: [dabo-users] portland - common interface for GNOME and KDE

2006-10-12 Thread Nate Lowrie

I think right now the Dev track is to keep with WxWidgets
(specifically wrapped as WxPython) (and eventually Tk and Qt) because
it is cross platform and produces nice native GUIs on a variety of OSs
(Paul, Ed, correct me if I am wrong about this).  The problem with
Portland that I see is that it only applies to linux and X windows.  I
think it would be best to wait and see if is established as a standard
GUI kit like GTK.  The last problem I see is that it doesn't have
Python bindings, which is a major hinderance.

My $.02.  Take it for what it's worth.


Nate L.

On 10/12/06, Carl Karsten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

For all I know I may be creating spam here, cuz all I know is what is below and
what I saw when I clicked the link and thought, "no time to get into this, but
maybe dabo folks would like to know."  so here you go.

Carl K

The OSDL has released Portland 1.0, its set of common interface for GNOME and
KDE. Because Portland will be found in many Linux distros, such as Debian,
Fedora and SUSE, it could help solve some of the forking problems that we're
seeing on the desktop. Let's hope that the Linux community embraced Portland,
and that other distros climb on board -- because that, in turn, will encourage
third-party app development.

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Nathan Lowrie
Systems Engineer
Sandia National Laboratories

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Re: [dabo-users] ReportDesigner mystery dependency

2006-10-12 Thread Nate Lowrie

PIL refers to the Python Imaging Library I do believe.  You can
download it from

Hope this helps


Nate L.

On 10/12/06, Rick Graves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I tried getting into the ReportDesigner for a first
crack at the oddball report.  I got a missing
dependency message saying I needed reportlab and PIL.
I found python-reportlab and installed that.  I do not
know what PIL is.  I even did a google search


But that came up blank.  (I get one hit for


so I think the search is OK.

Where do I find PIL?



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Nathan Lowrie
Systems Engineer
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Re: [dabo-users] py skills

2006-11-10 Thread Nate Lowrie
SPE is a great editor.  I use it myself.  Sometimes it's not as stable
as I would like it to be but that is to be expected.  Stani put alot
of work into it.  It is still lacking in some features that I enjoy in
other editors, but since SPE is tightly intergrated with several
wonderful python utilities, it more than makes up for some of it's
faults.  Oh, a word of caution.  Really be careful using the
autocompletion features here because sometimes they can be innacurrate
on your own classes.

If you have OS X, look in TextMate.  Ed turned me onto it when I was
looking into the screencasts a couple of months back and it is
absolutely fantastic.  I love the autocompletion and the macro

On Windows, if you don't want a heavyweight editor like SPE, check out
Crimson Editor.  Not nearly as good as TextMate but one of the best
lightweight editors for windows.

On every editor, make sure that you DO NOT use spaces instead of Tabs
and that you are not converting spaces to Tabs on opening.  That will
screw you up so bad and it's a major source of frustration for

Debuggers are not really all that nessecary given Python is an
interpretted language.  Also, in the case of Dabo you can bring up a
command window and do an interactive debugging session as your program
is running.  It is a very powerful feature.

I have never programming in VFP so I cannot recommend a course of
actions for learning python other than to begin coding and lookup the
syntax for various things when you need them.  That is how I learned
to code in Python.

The advantage of using Dabo for GUI programming is that the GUI code
is more "Pythonic" in nature (in other words, less cryptic).  The
spaghetti strand nature of GUI code has been significantly reduced by
the Dabo wrapping.

Hope this helps.


Nate L.

On 11/10/06, Carl Karsten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I found a guy to teach "us" python: Andrew Harrington
> (click a few links - that page doesn't do him
> justice) He was at the chipy meeting, saw the dabo presentaion, liked it and
> hopes to be at Tuesdays fun.
> The "us" is pretty much VFPers that want to use Dabo.
> I asked him if he was for hire, "yes.  what you want to learn?"  A:"we know
> and stuff.  want to get into Dabo.  let me get back to you."
> I have been plugging thought he O'reilly Learning Python book.  for the most
> part, I get it, but it has taken me over 2 months and I am only 1/2 way
> though
> it.  I also started (which I highly recommend) but
> the
> progress is ... glacoral.
> I think a 2 day high rpm drink from the fire hose blast will be worth the
> $100
> or so.  It will also help some of of the others past the daunting "I don't
> know
> where to start, and I don't have time to plug though a 300 page book."
> So, any idea what I should tell him?
> Also, I know I asked before, but I can't find the answer (can't remember
> where I
> asked) - what are you guys using for editors/IDE/debuggers?  I am thinking
> that
> may be as important as learning the syntax.  I am really liking SPE.
> Carl K
> ___
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Re: [dabo-users] py skills

2006-11-10 Thread Nate Lowrie
On 11/10/06, Ed Leafe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Nov 10, 2006, at 5:21 PM, johnf wrote:
>   When I get a chance to start to tackle integration of the tools, I
> plan on, um..., "borrowing" a lot of Stani's ideas.  ;-)

Don't you mean "Daboizing"..

On the editor note, I also like the bookmark, macro, snippet,
subversion integration, etc.  that TextMate brings to the table.  I
especially like the snippets because you can implement in a Dabo IDE a
set of snippets for inserting standard Dabo controls, etc.

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Re: [dabo-users] py skills

2006-11-10 Thread Nate Lowrie
A snippet is a piece of text that you would like to insert in your
document. It can include code to run at insertion time, variables
(like selected text), tab stops/placeholders for missing information
(which you can tab through after insertion) and perform
transformations on the data which you enter in the placeholders.

If you look at the screencast "An over-the-shoulder look at Dabo
Development" found at
you can Ed using a snippet to insert a property into code.


Nate L.

On 11/10/06, johnf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Friday 10 November 2006 14:53, Nate Lowrie wrote:
> > snippet
> OK what is a snippet?
> John
> ___
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Re: [dabo-users] Re: py skills

2006-11-11 Thread Nate Lowrie
I agree with the notion of passing up learning WxPython in favor of
the Dabo UI.  WxPython is definitely not Pythonic in nature and it
will tend to screw people up syntax wise.  I will tell you right now
that the Dabo UI works for almost all the jobs that you can think of.
The Notable exception is widgets that provide graphing capabilities,
which, given the target audience of Dabo, doesn't seem like a bad
thing to add considering that matplotlib has a set of WxBindings.
However, if the need is pressing for a widget with functionality not
present in Dabo, send an email to the Dabo Dev list an we'll see about
adding it.

As far as addon's in Python for app development it all depends on what
app you are doing.  PyUSB, PyParrallel, and PySerial are used for
interfacing with external device through IO ports and I personally use
them alot with the Dabo ui.  The xml parsers are a handy alternative
to database storage.  Learning the os module is a must if you want to
work with paths and directories in the os.  PyMedia is used to play
different types of audio files.  The string module contains some nifty
string manipulation functions.  The struct module facilitates the
packing of data into binary form.  The list goes on and on.  As you
become more familiar with Python, you will discover that if the
functionality you are looking for is missing in the core modules, you
probably can find it by googling because the number of Python modules
is truely amazing.

Also, for distribution of your applications, it is very important to
become familiar with distutils, and setuptools isn't a bad module


Nate L.

On 11/11/06, Carl Karsten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Peter Decker wrote:
> > On 11/11/06, Carl Karsten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >> I figure the same applies to the GUI choices: get a handle on the ones 
> >> Dabo uses.
> >
> > Yes and no. Dabo uses wxPython, but you really are not at an advantage
> > learning how wxPython does things, because it is very un-Pythonic.
> > It's really a very thin wrapper around a C++ project, and as a result
> > looks more like C++ than Python. Probably the biggest reason I was
> > attracted to Dabo initially was that the code looked like Python code!
> >
> > I'd say you'd be better off just focusing on the way that dabo.ui works.
> I want a taste of what I will need when (i think) the dabo.ui doesn't work and
> (i think) I need to debug.  which (i think) will never happen, right? :)
> >
> >> Now I have a better question:  what 'add-ons' should we become familiar 
> >> with?
> >
> > That's a harder question. It all depends on what sort of app you want
> > to create. I know people on the Python list who work with science
> > research projects and they are into programs like numpy, matplotlib,
> > numeric, and other math, science and plotting libraries. Others do
> > nothing but web programming, and so they focus on Django, TurboGears,
> > and other web frameworks. I do a lot of small desktop GUI apps, so
> > Dabo, especially dabo.ui, is just what I need.
> >
> er, what 'add-ons' should we become familiar with to better our app 
> development
> with Dabo experience?
> >> I am thinking spend 3/4 of the time leaning 'basic python' and gear it 
> >> towards
> >> the last 1/4: using the things that dabo uses.  The 3:1 ratio may even be 
> >> more
> >> like 7:1. figure 16 hours total, 2 hours skimming over the stuff that we
> >> shouldn't ever need to worry about seems about right.
> >
> > It's probably going to be a curve than a ratio. You'll spend more time
> > initially getting Python and its syntax down, and then once you're
> > familiar with that, the stuff built with Python will be more
> > understandable.
> With regards to a 16 hour class.  what happens after that is anyone's guess.
> Carl
> ___
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Re: [dabo-users] Re: py skills

2006-11-11 Thread Nate Lowrie
On 11/11/06, norman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Choosing a tool for RAD DB development, a tool like VPF or Filemaker, imposes 
> this kind of limited spectrum. Sometimes (speaking for Filemaker here) one is 
> frustrated by the limits but those limits, that framework does allow one to 
> get on with the job,
> Norman
I am not sure that I believe this statement applies to Dabo.  With the
Dabo Framework,  you are only limited by your imagination.  With the
same framework, you can create a complete music player, Microsoft
Office substitute, Programming IDE (the Dabo IDE is built on the Dabo
Framework),  Scientific Data Acquistion Unit, Configuration manager
for an USB device, etc.  Dabo is Python based and you can easily use
both standard library and third party modules to get all of the
specific functionality that you need.  That's the beauty of Python and
the Dabo Framework is built to extned that functionality.


Nate L.

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Re: [dabo-users] Re: py skills

2006-11-13 Thread Nate Lowrie
On 11/13/06, Henning Hraban Ramm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Even if the number of Python modules is really amazing, for Perl
> there are a lot more, also in "exotic" areas. E.g. I had to write my
> own moon phase calculation as I moved my calendar generator from Perl
> to Python...
I have used Perl and like it for small script but the problem with Perl is
that it doesn't scale well.  I have seen enterprise type applications
written in Perl that have quickly become a massive pile of code that is hard
to follow and maintain.  For that reason I like Python, even if the number
of modules out there is less that Perl's.  Not that I am trying to start a
flame war, but I just don't see Perl as a language that can handle the types
of things Dabo is trying to accomplish.

I agree with all of the statements though.  re does give a productivity
boost.  I guess the answer to a set of core add-ons to learn when first
learning Python is os, os.path, sys, and re.  As far as builtin language
syntax, learning the string, list, dictionary, and file IO syntax and
available methods are invaluable.  Learn conditional syntax, Error handling
syntax, OO syntax, and inheritance in addition to all of the above mentioned
and you should have a strong core foundation of Python.

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Re: [dabo-users] Dabo Zope Zwiki and Plone?

2006-11-18 Thread Nate Lowrie
On 11/18/06, Ed Leafe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Nov 18, 2006, at 11:53 AM, Steven Holt wrote:
> > How does Zope compare with Dabo?  I understand that Dabo is a stab at
> > implementing the database functionality of VFP in python.  Is Zope
> > simply a completely different implementation of database functionality
> > in python?  It seems much more to be more web server oriented.
> Zope/Plone are web application servers. Dabo is a desktop
> application framework. They really don't compare at all, except that
> they are all written in Python.
> > I also see that the Dabodev's wiki is run in zwiki and there is a
> > message that access has been modified due to spamming so I'm wondering
> > if this is being done under plone or some other methodology.
> I just changed the ability to edit a page to only authenticated
> users. If someone wants to edit the wiki, they just let me know and I
> add a basic login for them.
> > Is there any downside to zwiki or any other wiki software anyone
> > particularly prefers?  I'm particularly interested in systems that are
> > SEO friendly as a primary evaluation criterion, which is what
> > brought me
> > to Plone in the first place.
> Frankly, I already had Zope running, so when I wanted to add a
> wiki,
> ZWiki seemed like an obvious choice. So far it's been fine.
> > Finally, is there a way for Plone to play nice with Dabo rather than
> > Zope or is there simply no compelling reason to want it to do so?
> > Sorry if these questions are horribly naive and too far off topic.
> The questions are fine. The confusion lies in the fact that
> everyone
> is creating web-based tools, and nobody is paying attention to
> desktop development. While web apps are much sexier these days, there
> are still large numbers of businesses who run on desktop apps, and
> who don't want web apps, no matter what you can do with AJAX, etc.
> We have focused on the desktop. The others are pretty much all
> focused on the web.

As much as people predict that web application will take over Desktop apps,
this is a trend that I just don't see happening.  Desktop applications will
always remain.  Because of applications like Zope and Djanago, I think that
people have a large misconception of python being a web oriented language
like PHP.  Before Dabo came along, I could develop Desktop Application just
as quickly as I could develop in C# with .NET.  These apps ran just as well
as there counterparts and for the most part I didn't have to change a single
line of code to get them to be cross platform.  Now that Dabo has come
along, productivity in building the GUI and linking it to a database has
skyrocketed.  Even if you just use the GUI section without the other two,
Dabo is and will continue to be the premiere framework in Python for
deployable enterprise level applications.

Zope and Django are great products in themselves (I personally use them),
but Dabo fills a void that Python was lacking for many years.

-- Ed Leafe
> --
> --
> ___
> Post Messages to:
> Subscription Maintenance:

My $.02.


Nate L.

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Re: [dabo-users] Dabo Zope Zwiki and Plone?

2006-11-19 Thread Nate Lowrie
Definitely worth a look.  If you don't find functionality in the GUI that
you can get with a wx control, send an email to Dabo-dev and we'll see what
we can do about adding the control to Dabo.  When WxPython 2.8 comes out, we
should even have some new widgets to wrap.  Just another word of caution to
use WxPython 2.6.x until Dabo has been fixed for use in 2.7 and 2.8.


Nate L.

On 11/18/06, Peter Decker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 11/18/06, Nate Lowrie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > As much as people predict that web application will take over Desktop
> apps,
> > this is a trend that I just don't see happening.  Desktop applications
> will
> > always remain.  Because of applications like Zope and Djanago, I think
> that
> > people have a large misconception of python being a web oriented
> language
> > like PHP.  Before Dabo came along, I could develop Desktop Application
> just
> > as quickly as I could develop in C# with .NET.  These apps ran just as
> well
> > as there counterparts and for the most part I didn't have to change a
> single
> > line of code to get them to be cross platform.  Now that Dabo has come
> > along, productivity in building the GUI and linking it to a database has
> > skyrocketed.  Even if you just use the GUI section without the other
> two,
> > Dabo is and will continue to be the premiere framework in Python for
> > deployable enterprise level applications.
> >
> > Zope and Django are great products in themselves (I personally use
> them),
> > but Dabo fills a void that Python was lacking for many years.
> Right on! This is exactly what I've been feeling. I've worked with raw
> wxPython for several years because that was the only way to do a
> desktop app, PythonCard was nice, but you still had to deal with
> wxPython's ugly code. Wax looked good, but I never felt that Hans
> really had his heart in it. Dabo, though, is the first and only thing
> that I've found that has focussed on desktop apps that can be written
> using Pythonic code.
> --
> # p.d.
> ___
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Re: [dabo-users] Re: empty subclass of all framework classes

2006-12-11 Thread Nate Lowrie
On 12/11/06, Ed Leafe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Dec 11, 2006, at 9:55 AM, Carl Karsten wrote:
> > I need to know if Ed/Paul want to use the pattern.  Ed has done it,
> > so I don't
> > need to implement it for him to understand it.  I think Paul gets
> > it, but
> > doesn't understand the value of it.
> The i-layer was the best solution for the problem, given VFP's
> object model. Python has a very different model, and the i-layer
> pattern is not the best solution by a long shot.

I agree with Ed on this one.  See below for reasoning.

Take a look at the ClassDesigner code; specifically, the
> file and the
> files. This is more the pattern that should be used for developer-
> level modifications to the framework. Write a mixin that supplies the
> needed mods, and instead of creating hard-coded subclasses, generate
> the classes on the fly.

A good example of this would be the dRefectorMixin class that I just wrote.
I wanted to be able to add some utility function to various forms, panels,
and dialogs, so I wrote some functions for stuff like creating a Sizer with
various controls and labels from a passed tuple.  Makes sense for me because
I code GUIs by hand but for someone using the class designer they will never
touch it.  So it's in a mixin file.  I think that this would go in your
i-class files but then you have to duplicate the code for every class you
want.  For me, I just have to change the declaration of my class from class
MyForm(dabo.ui.dForm): to class MyForm(dabo.ui.dForm, dabo.ui.dRefactorMixin):
and the MyForm class instantly inherits those functions in addition to the
dabo ones.  If you are worried about the dabo functions overriding your
functions, put the mixin file before the dabo control in the declaration.
SVN the latest development code and look at dRefactorMixin or any of the
other Mixin files and you should get an idea.

The reason the i-layer was used was VFP could only inherit from one class
and not the two or more that I showed above.  With only one class to derive
inheritance from, it made it impossible to use Mixin files as a solution and
thus the i-layer was born as a solution.  Since Python has multiple
inheritance builtin to it's object model, it makes no sense to use an

I'm sure that if I grokked metaclasses better, I would probably want
> to go that route instead, based on what I know about them. But that's
> beyond my skills at the moment.
> -- Ed Leafe
> --
> --
> ___
> Post Messages to:
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Re: [dabo-users] Unable to open database file.

2006-12-12 Thread Nate Lowrie
On 12/12/06, Paul McNett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Carl Karsten wrote:
> > Any idea how many people are running on Win?
> No idea, but I run on Windows XP, and the app I'm developing targets
> Windows machines only.

I run Win, Mac, and Ubuntu systems, but the apps I develop get almost
exclusive use on Windows machines, because that's what people are
familiar with.  I'd be willing to bet that an overwhelming
majority of applications are run in windows, but since dabo users are
developers and generally more tech savvy, I think that the numbers are
more even with the people that actually develop the apps.

> > The few times I tried, I got frustrated trying to get all the discrepancies
> > installed.
> Really? In my experience, Windows is the easiest because of binary
> installer availability for just about everything. Well, apt-get is
> actually easier because it is scriptable, but is it really rocket
> science to download and install Python, wxPython, reportlab, PIL, and
> mysqldb and/or pysqlite on Windows?

You can get Python, wxPython, PIL, and pysqlite bundled under
Enthought Python with one installer.  That leaves reportlab and any
other databases you want to support.  And the pages for each of those
programs is at the top of the first page on Google, so you don't need
to search.

I do agree that apt-get is easier.  Heck, even using Synaptic is
easier (Apt GUI).  But, I do think that perhaps windows is the easiest
to to distribute applications under because of the Dabo Runtime

> Anyway, the original poster is running fine on Windows, but
> intermittently has problems opening his sqlite database file, so this
> discussion is kind of a tangent.
> --
> pkm ~
> ___
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Re: [dabo-users] installing deps on win

2006-12-12 Thread Nate Lowrie
On 12/12/06, Carl Karsten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Paul McNett wrote:
> > Carl Karsten wrote:
> >> Any idea how many people are running on Win?
> >
> > No idea, but I run on Windows XP, and the app I'm developing targets
> > Windows machines only.
> >
> >
> >> The few times I tried, I got frustrated trying to get all the discrepancies
> >> installed.
> >
> > Really? In my experience, Windows is the easiest because of binary
> > installer availability for just about everything. Well, apt-get is
> > actually easier because it is scriptable,
> Interesting use of "easiest" to describe the thing that is not "easier" :)
> > but is it really rocket
> > science to download and install Python, wxPython, reportlab, PIL, and
> > mysqldb and/or pysqlite on Windows?
> apparently.  some of it may come from having to do with splunking each web 
> site
> to find and pick the dl.
> as opposed to: click, scroll down,
> cut/paste one line:
> sudo apt-get --yes install python-reportlab python-wxgtk2.6 subversion
> python-pysqlite2 python-mysqldb
> done.

Remember though that even if tossed in an Ubuntu interface, most
Windows users will give up after 10 minutes because it's something
they aren't used to.  I agree that it's easier (3 years ago I would
have laughed at this because I was in dependency hell then.) but
most people are so ingrained in the windows that they don't want
anything else (not that they would actually use dabo in itself).  For
developers like us, it's far easier, more stable, and more productive
to run a *nix or especially a MAC than windows.  I find that while on
my MAC, my production rate is 2-3 times better than windows because of
the way the system is setup and the tools that are available to me.

Either way, you are presented with several install options so take
your pick of OS and run with it.

> Hmm, what is PIL?

Python Imaging Library.  Rather handy library for image manipulation routines.

> >
> > Anyway, the original poster is running fine on Windows, but
> > intermittently has problems opening his sqlite database file, so this
> > discussion is kind of a tangent.
> >
> Thread drift is discouraged?  :)

I guess no questions are discouraged cause that would only be a
detriment in the end.  But like Paul and/or Ed (I can't remember who)
mentioned on the Dev List, multiple issues/questions in a single
thread tend to make answers and replies for everything in the thread
harder to read and follow.  I am guilty of this too.

> ___
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Re: [dabo-users] App Wizzard

2006-12-12 Thread Nate Lowrie
On 12/12/06, Brian Snipes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, 2006-12-12 at 15:12 -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Are you running the AppWizard from the command line?  If so are there
> > any error or log messages?
> >
> > Robert
> >
> > > -Original Message-
> > > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Joe Brown
> > > Sent: Tuesday, December 12, 2006 10:00 AM
> > > To: Dabo Users list
> > > Subject: [dabo-users] App Wizzard
> > >
> > >
> > > I was excited to learn about the app wizard.
> > >
> > > Kudos!
> > >
> > > I was a bit disappointed I ran the app wizard.
> > >
> > > Using a postgreSQL database, I made no progress.  The wizard
> > > stops at "press Finish to create your application"  and
> > > pressing finish results in having to ability to press finish again.
> > >
> > > It successfully found my imaging table in the database and
> > > makes it to the finish line, but refuses to cross it.  :-(
> > >
> > > Cancel exits and I can go back, but it won't generate a .py
> > > file larger than 0 bytes in size.
> > >
> > > daborun 0.7
> > > postgresql 8.1
> > >
> > > -Joseph
> I don't know if this will help or not.  I just downloaded 0.7.1 from
> to see if I could reproduce his error and got a different
> error than Joe's.  I can finish the AppWizard and when I run the
> created .py file with daborun.exe I get:

For now, the best thing to do is svn the latest dev code.  The
framework is stable and has for the large part remained unchanged, but
the IDE apps are still in Beta (I think, still, they are very young)
and constantly being changed.  I only work on the UI section, but Paul
and Ed might be able to tell you if this is fixed already.

> C:\Program Files\Dabo Runtime\ide\wizards\AppWizard\cancerlit>"c:
> \Program Files\
> Dabo Runtime\daborun.exe"
> APPENDING C:\Program Files\Dabo Runtime\ide\wizards\AppWizard\cancerlit
> ARGS ['c:\\Program Files\\Dabo Runtime\\daborun.exe', '']
> PATH ['c:\\Program Files\\Dabo Runtime', 'c:\\Program Files\\Dabo
> Runtime\\libra
>', '"C:\\Program Files\\Dabo Runtime\\ide\\wizards\\AppWizard\
> \cancerlit"'
> ]
> CURDIR C:\Program Files\Dabo Runtime\ide\wizards\AppWizard\cancerlit
> self.prg: cancerlit
> self.module: None
> Dabo Info Log: Tue Dec 12 16:24:27 2006: 0 database connection
> definition(s) loa
> ded.
> Dabo Info Log: Tue Dec 12 16:24:27 2006: User interface already set to
> 'wx', so
> dApp didn't touch it.
> Dabo Info Log: Tue Dec 12 16:24:27 2006: wxPython Version: wxMSW
> (unicod
> e)
> EXECFILE ERROR 'Clients' object has no attribute 'dbapiCursorClass'
> C:\Program Files\Dabo Runtime\ide\wizards\AppWizard\cancerlit>
> Brian
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> ___
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Re: [dabo-users] dabo irc channel?

2006-12-16 Thread Nate Lowrie
I doubt it, at least at this point.  Ed and Paul have there hands full
developing already, and I support them whenever I have time.  I would
say until more developers come on or if a bunch of users want to take
up the effort, it won't happen.  An IRC channel would only be useful
if some experienced users of Dabo were on there to answer people's

If you want to take the initiative and start one, by all means go for
it.  Just make sure that it doesn't go dead.


Nate L.

On 12/17/06, sheila miguez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is there any call for a #dabo irc channel? allows groups
> to register and create permanent channels.
> --
> sheila
> ___
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Re: [dabo-users] competing python installations

2006-12-18 Thread Nate Lowrie
Sorry this is a little late...

On 12/16/06, sheila miguez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have ActivePython and a cygwin install of python. When I installed
> the packages required by dabo they went into the ActivePython
> distribution, but when running python scripts the /usr/bin/env calls
> the cygwin install. which is annoying. I've been specifying the other
> python directory by hand.
> What could I do to avoid this problem without uninstalling the cygwin
> package? (doing that would screw with some dependencies)?

Go to your cygwin root directory and in that directory is a folder
called bin.  You should find an executable called python.exe, which is
what cygwin runs when you run "python..." from the cygwin window.
Just change that an link to the Active Python installation.

> Speaking of cygwin, should I be on the lookout for any weirdness
> caused by the alternate way of specifying path names or is that
> handled gracefully by python? (e.g. c:\home vs /cygdrive/c/home)

Cygwin's unix style naming convention gets automatically converted
upon execution.  So, even if you type /cygdrive/c/home, cygwin will
pass the program "c"\home".  It is all transparent to the program.

> --
> sheila
> ___
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Re: [dabo-users] dabo irc channel?

2006-12-18 Thread Nate Lowrie
On 12/18/06, Ed Leafe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Dec 18, 2006, at 2:36 AM, Dario Lopez-Kästen wrote:
> >> Dabo is still young and fragile.  It wouldn't take much to blow
> >> the good will
> >> and support we currently have.
> >
> > I fail to see how a semi-active irc channel would have that effect; i
> > think it is an exageration of preceived risks.
> I've heard flimsier arguments that people have used to reject Dabo
> without even looking at it. But I don't think that such people would
> have contributed much anyway.
> > Nevertheless, is there an alternative channel name that could be
> > agreed
> > upon, for those that really do want to hang out on irc?
> I'll be honest: I've never used IRC very much, and it's been several
> years since I did. But I did download a client yesterday, and I
> promise to get a Dabo IRC channel set up on freenode in the next day
> or two. Today's a bit tight (picking up #1 son from college for
> winter break), but if you don't hear anything by Wednesday, please
> give me a shout here.

Guess I should apt-get a irc client then.Good way to get back into
the swing of irc.  Any suggestions for a client?

> -- Ed Leafe
> --
> --
> ___
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Re: [dabo-users] dabo irc channel?

2006-12-18 Thread Nate Lowrie
On 12/18/06, Paul McNett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ed Leafe wrote:
> >   I'll be honest: I've never used IRC very much, and it's been several
> > years since I did. But I did download a client yesterday, and I
> > promise to get a Dabo IRC channel set up on freenode in the next day
> > or two. Today's a bit tight (picking up #1 son from college for
> > winter break), but if you don't hear anything by Wednesday, please
> > give me a shout here.
> I've been scared to get into IRC simply because of my addictive behavior
> with email: yet another thing to keep up with may have me coming up for
> air to find out my 7-month-old is all of a sudden 4 years old.

One of the reasons why I hardly ever play video games or never in my
life will join a social site like MySpace...

> --
> pkm ~
> ___
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Re: [dabo-users] ln on ntfs

2006-12-18 Thread Nate Lowrie
On 12/18/06, Carl Karsten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Joe Brown wrote:
> > This is way off topic, but something I know a little about.
> In this journey of discovery, we found that  cygwin's ln command makes a .lnk
> file, which is like a link, but isn't.

There are no links in Windows.  Just shortcuts..Another one of
Microsoft's annoying non-compliance features.

> Now you know(tm).
> Ck
> ___
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Re: [dabo-users] how to use .cdxml file

2006-12-19 Thread Nate Lowrie
On 12/19/06, Carl Karsten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Paul McNett wrote:
> > Carl Karsten wrote:
> >> Paul McNett wrote:
> >>> Carl Karsten wrote:
>  I am also guessing I will enjoy coding new AZ code to create .cdxml 
>  files that
>  look like the DataNav? stuff it currently creates.  have you or started 
>  down
>  that path and run into snags?
> >>> Please try to get something working. It really shouldn't be *that*
> >>> difficult.
> >> What sort of somethings are you referring to?
> >
> > I believe you snipped out the context, but maybe I did. I meant tweaking
> > your appwizard output to load in a CD-designed cdxml of a panel that
> > contains the widgets for your edit page.
> >
> >
> >> I have a functioning "Products Form" that should be just fine.  I have a
> >> "Events" Form that needs to be made pretty, and moving things around by 
> >> changing
> >> py source code doesn't seem as efficient as using the Class Designer to 
> >> make an
> >> cdxml.
> >>
> >> The cdxml concept seems like something worth investing time in.
> >
> > Yes, I agree, but it is still in active development and thus unstable.
> > Those of us that need to get projects out *now* need to code the UI by
> > hand, and will probably need to for the foreseeable future. And the
> > truth is, I've always had a soft spot for coding by hand.
> >
> > With Python, it actually isn't as inefficient as one might think it
> > would be to code the UI by hand (and you get a much better feel for what
> > is going on).

Well said.  When I came from C++, Python syntax and code looked
remarkably like the psuedo code I wrote for C++.  It really is high
level and easy to do.  And remember, Practice makes perfect

> I pretty much have no idea what is going on when I tried to edit by hand.  It
> was more of a "lets see what this does?" run, cringe, repeat.
> > The edit/test cycle is really very fast if you set up your
> > environment properly:
> >
> > 3 terminal windows: 1 for interacting with Python directly, 1 for
> > navigating the filesystem to locate the files to edit, 1 for running the
> > module you are working on for testing.
> >
> > 1 editor window with multiple tabs for editing multiple source files.
> sounds like SPE, which I love in spite of its isms. :)

SPE is nice, but I prefer to do something similar to what Paul does.
3 Bash windows and TextMate (Emacs, Vi, BBedit, etc.) is a lot more
stable and faster than SPE.  I find that it often would get bogged
down with over a dozen tabs open.

> >
> > Alt+Tabbing back and forth, editing and running. Don't launch the entire
> > app when you are working on the design of the edit page for your Events
> > form. Write testing code in a 'if __name__=="__main__"' block to just
> > instantiate the panel in a raw form.
> That is a good idea.
> >
> > Less mousing, more keyboarding works the best for me. But I do concede
> > that our "target" market is probably 99% against me here.
> >

I would have to disagree.  I think that more people hand code Dabo UI
stuff than you think.  This should increase as more WxPython
developers make the switch to Dabo.  As far as I see it, you have VFP
developers, which are visual developers, and you have people coming
from other Python modules which generally prefer to hand code.

> We need to stop coding and do more market research.  or maybe the other way
> around.   I get those two mixed up all the time.
> Carl K
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Re: [dabo-users] ClassDesigner:Select Connection to Use Problem-still

2007-01-10 Thread Nate Lowrie
Install Cygwin and you get a bash like terminal and svn support.  I
used to use tortoiseSVN but now I just use the command line utility.

On 1/10/07, Ed Leafe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Jan 10, 2007, at 2:38 PM, johnf wrote:
> > I have not used SVN on windows but a google search reveals
> >
> I was going to recommend TortoiseSVN - it's the easiest way to use
> Subversion on Windows. It integrates into Windows Explorer, so you
> can do everything from the regular file manager in Windows.
> Perhaps this could be a wiki topic in itself, but I think
> TortoiseSVN is simple enough for anyone doing programming to figure
> out without much extra help. The URLs for the repository are in the
> wiki doc:
> -- Ed Leafe
> --
> --
> ___
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Re: [dabo-users] ClassDesigner:Select Connection to Use Problem-still

2007-01-10 Thread Nate Lowrie
Very much true but I HATE that god awful POS.

On 1/10/07, Paul McNett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Nate Lowrie wrote:
> > Install Cygwin and you get a bash like terminal and svn support.  I
> > used to use tortoiseSVN but now I just use the command line utility.
> You don't even need to install cygwin. The subversion client works well
> even with the comparatively cripped Windows command shell.
> --
> pkm ~
> ___
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Re: [dabo-users] ClassDesigner:Select Connection to Use Problem-still

2007-01-10 Thread Nate Lowrie
On 1/10/07, Paul McNett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Nate Lowrie wrote:
> > Very much true but I HATE that god awful POS.
> I hate that god awful OS... :)
> But, installing cygwin can take all night, so I just wanted to offer an
> alternative.

Very much true.  Part of the problem is the lack of useful systems
programs on windows, otherwise we wouldn't need to install all that.

I wish the world would wise up and go Mac or *NixSigh, guess I
could be thrown in the nuthouse for thinking that.

> --
> pkm ~
> ___
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Re: [dabo-users] ClassDesigner:Select Connection to Use Problem-still

2007-01-10 Thread Nate Lowrie
On 1/10/07, johnf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wednesday 10 January 2007 11:20, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > Thanks for the suggestions but still no luck.  Up
> > uninstalled the ansi wxpython and install the
> > unicode and still same error.  I also tryed
> > Johns's suggestion of saving my connection file
> > first using, then opening it up and
> > selecting it.
> >
> > Should I update my python to 2.5?
> >
> > Ed suggestioned that I update to the Subversion
> > code for the daboide.  How exactly do I use
> > Subversion, I have never used it before?  do I
> > have to install a subversion program to download
> > the files?
> >
> > thanks,
> >
> > phil
> >
> >
> > ___
> > Post Messages to:
> > Subscription Maintenance:
> I decided it would be a good experience to install Python2.5, dabo (svn) and
> all that was related or required on windows XP.
> Here are my steps.
> installed python2.5 from the python org.   Used their install routine for
> win32.
> Installed setuptools.  Again used the win32 install routine.
> installed wxPython 2.6.  I had to google to find wxPython 2.6 but it's still
> available.  Careful, dabo is not currently working with wxPython 2.8 which is
> stable version available from wxPython.
> Installed SVN using
> downloaded dabo (using SVN) - download the daboide too
> created a dabo.pth file in the site-packages folder.
>  Mine was "G:\dabo" in the file.
> cd to daboide
> ran python
> And it worked.  Tested the create connection and it worked.  Created the
> screencast and it worked.

Glad you got it working.  Should have been simple on windows, though I
found it harder than Linux.  On a Linux system, instead of creating a
dabo.pth file I just use a symbolic link, but since there is no such
thing on non-conforming windows, use the path instead.

A note with TortoiseSVN: Sometimes the update symbols in the explorer
window are not displayed correctly.  It would be a good idea to
refresh the explorer window from time to time.

> --
> John Fabiani
> ___
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[dabo-users] Wiki

2007-01-16 Thread Nate Lowrie
I started editing the wiki and am doing major data swaps.  If you are
trying to look up stuff on the wiki I apologize if I moved it.  I am
reordering it into a more logical structure that is easy to follow.
Should be done in a few hours.


Nate L.

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Re: [dabo-users] User contributed screenshots

2007-01-18 Thread Nate Lowrie
On 1/18/07, Simen Haugen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> A picture says more than a thousand words...
> Would people contribute screenshots of applications created with dabo if
> we create a wiki page for this?

There is a wiki page for this.  Look for Screenshots under the General
Infomation About Dabo category...

> I think this would be a great way of showing what dabo can do.
> --- StripMime Report -- processed MIME parts ---
> multipart/alternative
>   text/plain (text body -- kept)
>   text/html
> ---
> ___
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Re: [dabo-users] New Wiki Design

2007-01-18 Thread Nate Lowrie
On 1/18/07, Ed Leafe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've been fooling around with some designs for the Wiki, and finally
> have something to show for review. The URL is:
> Please note that this is a copy of the main wiki site, so any
> changes you make here will *not* be preserved. Play around with the
> pages, and post any feedback you have here on this list.

I like it.  +1

Maybe we can get the subtopics on the side in a column?

> -- Ed Leafe
> --
> --
> ___
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Re: [dabo-users] Installing without SQLite

2007-01-19 Thread Nate Lowrie
On 1/19/07, Joshua Kramer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> Is there any way to install without SQLite support?  I don't happen to
> have SQLite in the Python I'm running and, since I'm only ever going to
> use Postgres anyway, would like to use PsycoPG as the sole DB driver.

The current version of Dabo uses SQLite as it's manager of preferences
in the UI layer.  The only way install without SQLlite support is use
an earlier version of Dabo.  I don't see this as being much of a

> Cheers,
> -Josh
> ___
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Re: [dabo-users] Wiki switch

2007-01-19 Thread Nate Lowrie
On 1/19/07, Ed Leafe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> After looking at the two wikis, I saw no reason to delay switching
> to the new style, so it's official.

With the content sorted, I would say that the site now looks

+10 for wiki overhaul.

> -- Ed Leafe
> --
> --
> ___
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Re: [dabo-users] Wiki switch

2007-01-19 Thread Nate Lowrie
We really need to get the subtopics working though.

On 1/19/07, Peter Decker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 1/19/07, Ed Leafe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Just finishing up. Guess I should have sent that email when the
> > switch was complete.
> Just took a look at the new site for the first time, and I really like it!
> --
> # p.d.
> ___
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Re: [dabo-users] Best way to contribute nitpick fixes

2007-01-24 Thread Nate Lowrie
On 1/24/07, Ted Roche <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What's the optimal way to contribute nitpicky little fixes to dabo? If
> I've got a couple of typo-fixes in the AppWizard for the US-English
> version. I could:
> 1. Just post email here.
> 2. Enter a tracker bug that someone else has to look up, get source,
> make change, test change, check in
> 3. Submit a patch file directly (how?) diff?
> 4. Get subversion access and do #2 myself
> What's the best way to fix these nits as much by myself as possible
> and let you guys keep working on the hard stuff?

Number 4.  Remember, we can always revert revisions if something is
screwed up.  For nitpick changes like that, you can commit to the
trunk.  For something bigger, like slashing up the DataNav, create a

> --
> Ted Roche
> Ted Roche & Associates, LLC
> ___
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Re: [dabo-users] Best way to contribute nitpick fixes

2007-01-24 Thread Nate Lowrie
On 1/24/07, Ted Roche <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 1/24/07, Paul McNett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Best way is #4. I've just enabled that option for you.
> >
> Thanks. I've used svn for a couple of projects and am familiar with
> the commands. However, I'm not sure about remote access to the dabo
> repository. Do I need to set up anything on my end to authenticate? Is
> there a wiki page for this?

When you do a commit it will automatically ask for your user/password.
 You need to do some additional configuration if you use a proxy.

> --
> Ted Roche
> Ted Roche & Associates, LLC
> ___
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Re: [dabo-users] So where does everyone place dabo?

2007-01-24 Thread Nate Lowrie
On 1/25/07, Echo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Now that I am on Gentoo, I'm not sure where would be a good idea to
> place things that I checkout from svn like Dabo. Back on windows, I
> put it all in c:\python. Where does everyone who is on linux put it?

I have mine in \home\solodex, which is my user's home folder.  Then,
find your python installation and put a dabo.pth file in it pointing
to where you put it.  This allows my to use python as a Dabo module
and be able to access it easily from the command line and programs.
This is also what paul does.

> --
> -Echo
> ___
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Re: [dabo-users] Editcontrols for int, float

2007-01-29 Thread Nate Lowrie
On 1/29/07, Paul McNett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Uwe Grauer wrote:
> > Are editcontrols for ints and floats just missing currently?
> > Or how do we use existing controls for these datatypes?
> dTextBox can handle editing ints and floats. dSpinner does a slightly
> nicer job with ints. As far as I know, nobody has made a floatspinner yet.

Andrea Gavana has a floatspinner control but I don't know if it was
integrated into 2.8..

> --
> pkm ~
> ___
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Re: [dabo-users] Re: RFC: Intro to Dabo slideshow

2007-01-29 Thread Nate Lowrie
If your looking for groups to market to, try WxPython developers.
That's where I came from.  They might not care as much about the DB
and Biz layers, but the UI layer to them will be far more of a reason
to switch.  I can think of quite a number of people (myself included)
that were looking for a more Pythonic GUI package and dabo seems to be
the answer.

On 1/29/07, Ted Roche <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 1/29/07, johnf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Most of the Linux users
> > are not business app programmers.  So many miss the importance of Dabo.  The
> > biggest problem I have is keeping peoples interest in the project.  Several
> > have expressed an interest after a demo but soon lose interest.  This tells
> > me that the learning curve is still very high and requires a need or itch
> > that needs scratching to keep the interest.
> >
> > What do you think the demographics were in your group with respect to their
> > interest in Linux?
> Well, I'm fortunate that this is a *Python SIG* of the LUG so many
> more of the attendees are developers rather than sysadmins. Many are
> used to more scripting situations or web-based situations, but some
> are former Delphi, C++, Lisp programmers who appreciate what is
> involved. Few are front-line end-line line-of-business application
> developers, though...
> --
> Ted Roche
> Ted Roche & Associates, LLC
> ___
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Re: [dabo-users] Re: RFC: Intro to Dabo slideshow

2007-01-29 Thread Nate Lowrie
On 1/29/07, Peter Decker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 1/29/07, Nate Lowrie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > If your looking for groups to market to, try WxPython developers.
> > That's where I came from.  They might not care as much about the DB
> > and Biz layers, but the UI layer to them will be far more of a reason
> > to switch.  I can think of quite a number of people (myself included)
> > that were looking for a more Pythonic GUI package and dabo seems to be
> > the answer.
> Seconded! I can create GUI apps in about 1/4 the time using the
> dabo.ui than it took me to do similar things with plain wxPython. The
> API is way more Pythonic, and is so much more consistent that I don't
> spend all my time looking through the wx docs to find some obscure
> event constant or whatever.

I hear you on the documentation partHopefully we will get a rich
documentation and demo structure.  Do you use the Class Designer or
code by hand?  I was wondering what people (besides me) coming from a
WxPython background did in regards to using the visual tools.

> --
> # p.d.
> ___
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Re: [dabo-users] Re: RFC: Intro to Dabo slideshow

2007-01-29 Thread Nate Lowrie
On 1/30/07, johnf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Monday 29 January 2007 10:04, Ted Roche wrote:
> > On 1/29/07, johnf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Most of the Linux users
> > > are not business app programmers.  So many miss the importance of Dabo.
> > > The biggest problem I have is keeping peoples interest in the project.
> > > Several have expressed an interest after a demo but soon lose interest.
> > > This tells me that the learning curve is still very high and requires a
> > > need or itch that needs scratching to keep the interest.
> > >
> > > What do you think the demographics were in your group with respect to
> > > their interest in Linux?
> >
> > Well, I'm fortunate that this is a *Python SIG* of the LUG so many
> > more of the attendees are developers rather than sysadmins. Many are
> > used to more scripting situations or web-based situations, but some
> > are former Delphi, C++, Lisp programmers who appreciate what is
> > involved. Few are front-line end-line line-of-business application
> > developers, though...
> I find that many of LUGers are admin types and lot's are geeks who's main
> interest is programming and music.  But the programmers are not developing
> business app's.

Maybe we need a Dabo demo that is an Audio player.  It interfaces with
PyMedia and uses a database backend to keep track of the library and
playlists..  Definitely doable and quite easily.

> --
> John Fabiani
> ___
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Re: [dabo-users] Ideas for PyCon session

2007-02-04 Thread Nate Lowrie
On 2/5/07, Ed Leafe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm preparing my session for this month's PyCon?, and thought I'd
> ask for some input from people who are not as thoroughly immersed in
> Dabo as I am. Specifically, I'd like to hear your ideas and
> observations about what it is about Dabo that either first attracted
> you to it, or that created the Aha! moment when you realized that
> this might be a truly useful tool for you. My thinking is that since
> I have to limit my talk to a short period of time, which means that
> I'll have to skip some things, if I can get a better idea as to what
> grabs people best, I will be sure not to drop that from the talk.

I was attracted to Dabo solely for the UI layer.  I have not even
touched the other tiers yet.  The UI layer is so attractive for users
coming from a different GUI toolkit because of the ease of use.  I
guess a talk on what the UI layer alone is capable of doing would be
what I would like to see.  The UI layer is often times left out in
favor of App Wizard or DB demos.  By itself it would be a very nice

My $.02.

> If you need Wiki access, just ask.
> -- Ed Leafe
> --
> --
> ___
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Re: [dabo-users] Ideas for PyCon session

2007-02-05 Thread Nate Lowrie
On 2/4/07, Ed Leafe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Feb 4, 2007, at 11:20 AM, Nate Lowrie wrote:
> > I was attracted to Dabo solely for the UI layer.  I have not even
> > touched the other tiers yet.  The UI layer is so attractive for users
> > coming from a different GUI toolkit because of the ease of use.  I
> > guess a talk on what the UI layer alone is capable of doing would be
> > what I would like to see.  The UI layer is often times left out in
> > favor of App Wizard or DB demos.  By itself it would be a very nice
> > product.
> >
> > My $.02.
> Could you possibly list a few ideas of you mean by this? On the
> wiki, so I can keep it all organized?

Every question is answered on the wiki page now.  I refined the ideas.
 Let me know what you think.

> Imagine you were showing the Dabo UI layer to someone. Where would
> you start? What do you think would be the thing that would grab
> someone's attention? For example, some of the capabilities of the
> dGrid class can't really be appreciated unless you've struggled with
> the native wx.grid.Grid class.
> -- Ed Leafe
> --
> --
> ___
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Re: [dabo-users] Ideas for PyCon session

2007-02-05 Thread Nate Lowrie
On 2/5/07, Ed Leafe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Feb 5, 2007, at 1:11 PM, Nate Lowrie wrote:
> > Every question is answered on the wiki page now.  I refined the ideas.
> >  Let me know what you think.
> I agree with most of your points. However, what I'm really looking
> for are examples that I can add to the talk. It's one thing to say
> "you should compare X to Y", but it's another to explain just what
> aspects of X to compare to Y.
> There are a zillion things in dabo.ui. Given the time constraints,
> what do you suggest that I focus on?

I would focus on ease of adding events, regID, dataSource/dataValue,
drawObjects (maybe not because of infrequent usage, though I find
myself using them more than I thought), and property settings.  They
seem to be some of the major time savers that dabo offers.

Maybe create a simple application that calculates area for various
geometries (circle, square, triangle should be good).  I think that
you can demonstrate all of the above plus layout (w/ or w/o Sizers) in
a quick enough way.  This covers basic widgets (I think I'd use only
dForm, dPanel, dTextBox, dLabel, and dDropDownList).  You can mention
something about the more advanced widgets at the end.

I think that will wet an appetite sufficiently enough and can be
covered in an hour...If you want to do a comparison to another
language, it could be done, but the more I think about it if you are
targeting a GUI developer audience I think that they will be able to
compare the readability, maintainability, and conciseness of the code
to whatever language that they use and make the link that dabo would
help them.

Is this sufficient?  I guess I could code the app if you don't have
time but it should be simple enough.


Nate L.

> -- Ed Leafe
> --
> --
> ___
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Re: [dabo-users] Ideas for PyCon session

2007-02-05 Thread Nate Lowrie
On 2/5/07, Ed Leafe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Feb 5, 2007, at 3:21 PM, Nate Lowrie wrote:
> > I think that will wet an appetite sufficiently enough and can be
> > covered in an hour
> I have a grand total of 35 minutes. My last two public presentations
> ran about 4 hours and 1.5 hours, so the issue isn't filling up the
> time; it's what to leave out!

Thought an app to calculate area and perimeter might be a good simple
demo app so I wrote one.  Might be something to use to explain various

> -- Ed Leafe
> --
> --
> ___
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Re: [dabo-users] Why is DataSource case significant?

2007-02-07 Thread Nate Lowrie
On 2/7/07, Uwe Grauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ed Leafe wrote:
> > On Feb 7, 2007, at 12:17 PM, Uwe Grauer wrote:
> >
> >> It's not python, it's a string.
> >> So this hasn't necessarily to do with python.
> >> But it was just a question.
> >> If it is a string we could document it, so users don't have to guess
> >> about it.
> >>
> >> I will document it if there is a reason that it is case significant.
> >
> >   By default, everything in Python is case-sensitive. You might be
> > better off documenting those few instances where it isn't.
> >
> > -- Ed Leafe
> Again, DataSource in bizobj is a string and not a python name.
> So i will ask again:
> Why is the string for DataSource case significant?

To keep it consistent with the DataSource field for UI widgetsThe
UI widgets must have a case sensitive DataSource because the string
that goes in there can point to another UI control whose name is case
sensitive.  If you make the field non-case sensitive then you have an
inconsistency across Dabo.

> Why is the string for tablename not case significant?
> Why don't you want that the doc's are explicit on things like this?
> Just try to answer my questions!
> Uwe
> ___
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Re: [dabo-users] Why is DataSource case significant?

2007-02-07 Thread Nate Lowrie
On 2/7/07, Uwe Grauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Nate Lowrie wrote:
> > On 2/7/07, Uwe Grauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> Ed Leafe wrote:
> >>> On Feb 7, 2007, at 12:17 PM, Uwe Grauer wrote:
> >>>
> >>>> It's not python, it's a string.
> >>>> So this hasn't necessarily to do with python.
> >>>> But it was just a question.
> >>>> If it is a string we could document it, so users don't have to guess
> >>>> about it.
> >>>>
> >>>> I will document it if there is a reason that it is case significant.
> >>>   By default, everything in Python is case-sensitive. You might be
> >>> better off documenting those few instances where it isn't.
> >>>
> >>> -- Ed Leafe
> >> Again, DataSource in bizobj is a string and not a python name.
> >> So i will ask again:
> >> Why is the string for DataSource case significant?
> >
> > To keep it consistent with the DataSource field for UI widgetsThe
> > UI widgets must have a case sensitive DataSource because the string
> > that goes in there can point to another UI control whose name is case
> > sensitive.  If you make the field non-case sensitive then you have an
> > inconsistency across Dabo.
> You don't mean the name of another UI control but the DataSource of
> another UI control?

I mean that the name of another UI control can go in the DataSource
field.  The are examples of this in simpleDemo3 and the Conversion
app.  Ed did answer the question right, just didn't elaborate on why
this is the case.

> I only noticed that the docs are not explicit on this.
> That was the reason i asked.
> Answers like "By default, everything in Python is case-sensitive." are
> no real answers to the question.
> Sorry, but i think if the docs are explicit, there is no reason to ask.
> Uwe
> ___
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Re: [dabo-users] Learning by doing = bad?

2007-02-14 Thread Nate Lowrie
On 2/13/07, Ed Leafe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Feb 12, 2007, at 9:58 PM, johnf wrote:
> > With regard to the dabo API doc's.  I am going to find something
> > that will
> > help me discover how to use some object and what objects might be
> > related.
> > Just like you see when using VFP help.  Something that will provide
> > easy
> > lookup  - along with examples.  It will also need exceptions and
> > current
> > bugs.  Like when I couldn't figure out how to set all the controls
> > on a form
> > to read only - and it turned out to be only a bug I was dealing
> > with.  That
> > needed to be documented.  When Ed gets around to the Dabo editor/
> > IDE I could
> > see the help doing that for us.  We could request that each feature
> > entered
> > by the development team have examples of use and info on it's use.
> > BTW I
> > realize this is not easy and will require us to walk many miles to
> > get it
> > done.  But I'm sure this will serve Dabo well in the end.
>Compiling such a resource is the problem, of course. We have
> exhaustive API documentation, but unless you know what you're looking
> for, it's close to useless in helping you solve a development problem.
>What I have been looking to provide all along is a set of "How do I
> do XXX?" questions along with practical answers, where 'XXX' is some
> common programming issue. Until now, I've relied on my own
> recognition of such questions coinciding with my having enough
> available time to follow up on them; several screencasts have
> resulted from such questions. But it isn't fair to ask someone to sit
> through a series of 10-minute screencasts to find out if it will
> answer their particular question. So I'm creating a formal "How To"
> documentation center in the Wiki.
>The page is

Didn't we already have How To Pages for both the Framework and the IDE
tools?  Are we moving these and the existing how tos under the new

>I'm asking you and everyone else to just add your questions there. I
> don't care if it seems trivial or silly or whatever; if it's causing
> a problem for you, it will probably cause a problem for someone else,
> too. I have set it up so that both Paul and I will get an email
> whenever that page is changed, so that we can both have a crack at
> helping out quickly.

Can you set it up to email me as well?  I will see about responding to
UI related Q's

>My hope is that over time this will become the central place for
> practical questions and answers. Everyone should still feel welcome
> to ask questions here on this list, but if something is asked that it
> seems should be obvious, it will end up on the HowTo page as well,
> since that means that others can benefit, too.

> -- Ed Leafe
> --
> --
> ___
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Re: [dabo-users] Learning by doing = bad?

2007-02-14 Thread Nate Lowrie
On 2/12/07, johnf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have noticed how difficult it has been to get my head around many
> parts of Dabo.  Don't get me wrong!  It is NOT that I think there is anything
> wrong with Dabo.  In fact I think what Ed and Paul have done is unique and
> very powerful.  It's more that I think my past experiences lead me to the
> wrong conclusions with respect to programming within Dabo.  It could also be
> that I have little time to spend on learning with having to feed my family
> and all.
> As many of you know I have been programming for twenty years.  I have only
> used a few languages (C, C++, Pascal and VFP).  For the last 15 years I have
> used only VFP and a little Pascal.  Like Paul, I went in search of a
> replacement for VFP.  I found Python which I thought was very readable.  But
> what I didn't understand was how to use the language.  I have read several
> books on Python which tell you about the syntax and few simple solutions to
> programming problems.  But in no way do they help with what is happening in
> Dabo.  I think I'm not alone.

Dabo is essentially a library so I wouldn't expect knowing Python
syntax to help out with knowing what functions to call.  However,
knowing Python is essential to writing Dabo applications, especially
when writing a backend.

> The thinking in Dabo is very different from VFP.  I don't say that lightly.
> I'm not talking about syntax - but about thinking!  For example I have never
> heard of "Mix-ins".  For those of you who haven't heard of  "Mix-ins" a great
> article is at'm sure it could
> be done in VFP but I don't recall anybody doing it or calling it a Mix-in.  I
> guess using VFP just didn't require that I discover how to create "Mix-ins".
> And where in the books was I to read about this python idiom and (more
> importantly) how they work and what they provide.  Wrong books - maybe.  So
> because of the available idioms of python - someone designed a "Mix-in".  I
> don't believe in my wildest of dreams that I would have considered creating a
> Mix-in.  But now I have to understand them.

Don't know what the VFP thinking is.  However, Mix-ins are just
multiple inheritence.  You should have been exposed to this in C++.

On another note, why is this relevant for the average user?  They just
need to use Dabo and not peer under the hood.

> What has been really strange is I have been able to still use Dabo and add to
> Dabo.  In fact I added  Postgres support.  I did this by doing not reading.
> Oh, for sure I copied and read other's code.  But instead of reading how to
> do something I just reviewed the actual results of my actions.   I kept
> thinking I'll understand how the code works and use the knowledge to write my
> programs.  But I have to admit it has been slow in coming.
> Now I have created a lookup dialog form that works (at least so far).  That
> was like pulling teeth.  I first started with a form generated from the
> ClassDesigner as a proof of the concept.  Then I created a Class to get it
> done.  That's when I really started to learn.  It has taken several days for
> me to get the class to work correctly.I'm sure some of what I posted on
> the mailing list points to my lack of understanding and knowledge.  Paul
> would say but did you check the API doc's.  I did Paul and to be truthful I
> got little from them (more later).  Ed would say what about the demo's.  They
> helped a little.  They are either way to simple or don't address what I was
> looking for - normally that is something very simple.  Ed's screencast were
> very helpful and of course the list is also.  But in the end it was a fight.
> The biggest problem for me was determining what functions, properties, and
> attributes was available for any object.  That is where Dabo's API should have
> helped.  But I found them confusing and lacking examples.  Also like a
> dictionary you have to know how to spell the word - you have to know what you
> are looking for.  So for me a combination of reading code, reading
> tracebacks, demo's, and dabo's API worked.

What do you expect from an OS project that is still under development?
 I think that Dabo is one of the better documented OS projects.  I
know that the lack of documentation is frustrating.  However, I will
say that it will get better...

> I don't think I'm alone here.  For example when I asked a dabo developer (not
> Ed or Paul)  who has provided some major changes to Dabo how to call a form
> using a cdxml file he responded that he didn't have a clue.   When I ask
> another developer how to use datasets I got a similar answer - although there
> is a nice write up on the wiki.  This is NOT a negative statement about
> either developer.  It just reflects the situation Dabo is in - lots of power
> little in the way of teaching tools.

I think that Dabo is so feature rich that there will be need for a lot
of documentation, samples, tutorials, a

Re: [dabo-users] Understanding rfxml

2007-02-21 Thread Nate Lowrie
On 2/21/07, Rich Shepard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, 21 Feb 2007, Ed Leafe wrote:
> > I used the term loosely to mean the whole reporting mechanism.
> Ed,
>I don't mind writing the .rfxml if there's documentation on what it should
> contain. It's probably not that much more time than learning the
> ReportDesigner, and I'll know exactly what's there and why.
>FWIW, I gave up on the GUI designers for wxPython and find it sufficiently
> quick to use emacs; don't like GUI IDEs, either. Of course, I write in
> LaTeX, too. As a long-time touch typist who started using computers long
> before WIMPs, I prefer to keep my hands on the keyboard and use the
> trackball only to switch the virtual console in which I'm typing. :-)

I am the same way you are, except I grew up with WYSIWYGs.  People
just don't realize the quickness of things like Latex and hand coding.
 Rich, have you switched to a Dvorak layout yet?  Don't like Emacs
though.  Prefer Kate, BBedit, or TextMate.  I think that I would like
to know this syntax as well, for I plan on using it for an up and
coming project.  Also, is there a way to embed latex in the report?

> Rich
> --
> Richard B. Shepard, Ph.D.   |The Environmental Permitting
> Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc.|  Accelerator(TM)
>  Voice: 503-667-4517  Fax: 503-667-8863
> ___
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Re: [dabo-users] Newbie with questions...

2007-02-28 Thread Nate Lowrie
On 2/28/07, Uwe Grauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ed Leafe wrote:
> > On Feb 27, 2007, at 9:19 PM, Michael Hipp wrote:
> >
> >>> This is still uncharted territory, mainly because nobody has looked
> >>> into it yet. I suppose we would take what wxPython uses and perhaps
> >>> clean it up a bit, but until then, you still have the full wxPython
> >>> printing mechanism available to you.
> >> Unfortunately I find the wx printing framework to be a bit like
> >> programming in
> >> assembler. It is a "low level" tool shall we say. ReportLab has
> >> spoiled me.
> >>
> >> At present I'm having pretty good success using ReportLab with
> >> Ghostscript to
> >> to print the resulting PDF. But Ghostscript seems a bit rickety at
> >> times.
> >
> >   Do you have ideas about a better way to approach this? If anything,
> > Dabo is about finding that 'better way'.
> >
> > -- Ed Leafe
> Maybe at one point in time we could support printing with the help of
> OpenOffice.
> There is UNO (Python-UNO bridge):
> But i don't think that it is the right time for this now.

Is it really that bad that we don't support printing?  We support PDF,
various image formats, html, xml, and various text file formats for
export already.  It takes about the same amount of time to export one
of those, open it up in a reader, and print it as it will to format
and print it directly from the Dabo app.  My opinion, but I don't see
the need since we can generate files that look professional and can be
printed from a host of reader apps.

My $.02

> Uwe
> ___
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