Re: [darcs-devel] Bug Reports

2006-07-03 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
> Were the emails being held up or are we just having a
> buggy day?

The former.


darcs-devel mailing list

[darcs-devel] Bug Reports

2006-07-03 Thread Zachary P. Landau

Were the emails being held up or are we just having a
buggy day?

Zachary P. Landau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPG: gpg --recv-key 0xC9F82052 |

Description: Digital signature
darcs-devel mailing list

[darcs-devel] [issue216] Darcs bug: Invalid Pending

2006-07-03 Thread Gareth Smith

New submission from Gareth Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Hi - I don't know which of you folk this is more appropriate for, so I
thought I'd let you both know. (thauvin - you're listed as the mandriva
darcs package maintainer at 

$ darcs --exact-version
darcs compiled on Feb 23 2005, at 15:05:58

$ rpm -qf /usr/bin/darcs 

Google tells me that there's a much newer mandrake package (the package
I'm using seems to be the default mandriva 10.2 one), so I'll be
upgrading to that anyway - but it said to report the bug, so here you

I just tried a darcs pull, and got the following output:

Shall I pull this patch? (1/1) [ynWvxqadjk], or ? for help: y
We have conflicts in the following files:

Fail: bug in darcs!
There was an attempt to write an invalid pending!
If possible, please send the contents of _darcs/pending_buggy along
with a bug report.

There seems to be no file named "_darcs/pending_buggy", but there is a
"_darcs/patches/pending_buggy", so I'm attaching that.

I have changed Url.hs, so that conflict was kindof expected.

files: pending_buggy
messages: 756
nosy: droundy, smith, thauvin, tommy
status: unread
title: Darcs bug: Invalid Pending

Darcs issue tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

[New features for URL plugin 
 Added a few features:
   - When looking for URLs in contextual messages, strip off trailing
 characters such as periods, commas, NUL bytes, etc ... as they 
 are most likely part of the context and not the URL.
   - Added a list of ignored substrings that are matched against
 contextual messages.  If any of these are found, the plugin 
 does not bother looking for URLs.  This is a safe-guard against
 2 lambdabots with the URL plugin that happens to fetch a page
 title containing a URL.  It also can be used to prevent responding 
 to lisppaste messages.
   - Finally, limit the length of page titles to 80 characters to prevent
 bad guys spamming the channel.
] {
hunk ./Plugin/Url.hs 156
--- | Utility function to remove potential suffixes from a string.
--- Note, once a suffix is found, it is stripped and returned, no other
--- suffixes are searched for at that point.
-stripSuffixes :: [String] -> String -> String
-stripSuffixes []   str   = str
-stripSuffixes (s:ss) str
-| isSuffixOf s str   = take (length str - length s) $ str
-| otherwise  = stripSuffixes ss str
--- | Utility function to check of any of the Strings in the specified
--- list are substrings of the String.
-areSubstringsOf :: [String] -> String -> Bool 
-areSubstringsOf = flip (any . flip isSubstringOf)
-  isSubstringOf s str = any (isPrefixOf s) (tails str)
hunk ./Plugin/Url.hs 76
-  limitLength s 
-  | length s > maxTitleLength = (take maxTitleLength s) ++ " ..."
-  | otherwise = s
hunk ./Plugin/Url.hs 69
-   (return . 
-("The title of that page is \"" ++) . 
-(++ "\"") .
+   (return . ("The title of that page is \"" ++) .  (++ 
hunk ./Plugin/Url.hs 59
-return $ stripSuffixes ignoredUrlSuffixes $ kind ++ url
+return $ kind ++ url
hunk ./Plugin/Url.hs 30
--- | List of strings that, if present in a contextual message, will
--- prevent the looking up of titles.  This list can be used to stop 
--- responses to lisppaste for example.  Another important use is to
--- another lambdabot looking up a url title that contains another 
--- url in it (infinite loop).  Ideally, this list could be added to 
--- by an admin via a privileged command (TODO).
-ignoredStrings :: [String]
-ignoredStrings = 
-["pasted",   -- Ignore lisppaste
- "HaskellIrcPastePage",  -- Ignore paste page
- "title of that page"]   -- Ignore others like me
--- | Limit the maximum title length to prevent jokers from spamming
--- the channel with specially crafted HTML pages.
-maxTitleLength :: Int
-maxTitleLength = 80
--- | Suffixes that should be stripped off when identifying URLs in
--- contextual messages.  These strings may be punctuation in the
--- current sentence vs part of a URL.  Included here is the NUL
--- character as well.
-ignoredUrlSuffixes :: [String]
-ignoredUrlSuffixes = [".", ",", ";", ")", "\"", "\1"]
hunk ./Plugin/Url.hs 20
-contextual  _ _ _ text= do 
-  alive <- readMS
-  if alive && (not $ areSubstringsOf ignoredStrings text)
-then case containsUrl text of
-   Nothing  -> return []
-   Just url -> getPageTitle url
-else return []
+contextual  _ _ _ text= do alive

[darcs-devel] [issue215] darcs reports a bug in darcs, "pending has conflicts"

2006-07-03 Thread Georg Bauhaus

New submission from Georg Bauhaus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:


I was moving files around. Looking at whatsnew -s I noticed that
the trunk/test subdirectory was marked 'R'. This was a surprise
as I had thought I had added the directory, and had
moved a file to trunk/test. However, this might have come

Anyway, here is as much of the session as I could
recover, and the file pending_buggy. I'll have a snapshot of
the directory, in case it's of some use.

Thanks for darcs.


files: darcs-bug-session-20060225.txt, pending_buggy
messages: 752
nosy: bauhaus, droundy, tommy
status: unread
title: darcs reports a bug in darcs, "pending has conflicts"

Darcs issue tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

move ./trunk/test_binsearch.ada ./trunk/test
hunk ./trunk/ada_tok.adb 1
-with Ada.Strings.Wide_Maps.Wide_Constants;
-package Ada_Tok is
-   -- Description of Ada tokens, and tokenization
-   use Ada.Strings.Wide_Maps;
-   -- some characters are covered by Ada 95 character sets
-   -- already. Add at least some more.
-   greek_letters: constant WIDE_CHARACTER_SET :=
-   WIDE_CHARACTER'val(16#03C9#)),
- -- greek small letters
-   WIDE_CHARACTER'val(16#03A9#))
-   -- greek capital letters
-   letters: constant WIDE_CHARACTER_SET :=
- -- Letters occuring in identifiers.  Some of the non-ASCII
- -- characters are included. The intent is to include at least
- -- those that are used somewhere in wikibook-ada.
- Wide_Constants.letter_set
- or to_set(WIDE_CHARACTER_RANGE'(WIDE_CHARACTER'val(16#0100#),
- WIDE_CHARACTER'val(16#017E#)))
- -- some more European characters
- or greek_letters;
-   digit: constant WIDE_CHARACTER_SET :=
- -- characters occuring in numeric literals
- to_set("0123456789#aAbBcCdDeEfF");
-   identifier: constant WIDE_CHARACTER_SET :=
-  --  a span of characters making up either a number or an identfier
-  letters or digit or to_set("_");
-   -- NOTE: `delimiter_1` must include `operator_1`
-   operator_1: constant WIDE_CHARACTER_SET :=
-  -- single character operators
-  to_set("&*+/<=>-");
-   operator_2: constant array(1..4) of WIDE_STRING(1..2) :=
-  -- two-character operators
-  ("**", ">=", "<=", "/=");
-   delimiter_1: constant WIDE_CHARACTER_SET :=
-  -- single character delimiters
-  to_set("&'()*+,./:;<=>|!-");
-   delimiter_2:  constant array(1..10) of WIDE_STRING(1..2) :=
-  -- two-character delimiters
- (">=", "..", "**", ":=",
-  "/=", ">=", "<=",
-  "<<", ">>", "<>");
-end Ada_Tok;
rmfile ./trunk/ada_tok.adb
hunk ./trunk/has.bdy 1
-with Ada.Text_IO;
-with binary_search;
-function binary_search_s(es: SORTED_LIST; item: ELEMENT) return BOOLEAN is
-  mid: constant INDEX := (es'first + es'last) / 2;
-   begin
-  if es'length = 0 then
- return False;
-  elsif es'length = 1 then
--- Ada.Text_IO.put_line("return with value of es(es'last) = item:"
---& BOOLEAN'image(es(es'last) = item)
---& " at"
---& INDEX'image(es'first));
- return es(es'last) = item;
-  elsif es(mid) < item then
- return binary_search_s(es(INDEX'succ(mid) .. es'last), item);
-  else
- return binary_search_s(es(es'first .. mid), item);
-  end if;
-   end binary_search_s;
rmfile ./trunk/has.bdy
hunk ./trunk/has.spc 1
-   type INDEX is range <>;  -- for simplicity, include only integer types
-   type ELEMENT is private;
-   type SORTED_LIST is array(INDEX range <>) of ELEMENT;
-   with function "<"(a, b: ELEMENT) return BOOLEAN is <>;
-   with function "="(a, b: ELEMENT) return BOOLEAN is <>;
-function binary_search_s(es: SORTED_LIST; item: ELEMENT) return BOOLEAN;
-   -- ! post: `item` is present in `es`
rmfile ./trunk/has.spc
addfile ./trunk/test/asnip-test_kw_search.ada
addfile ./trunk/test/asnip-testing.bdy
addfile ./trunk/test/asnip-testing.spc
addfile ./trunk/test/driver.ada
addfile ./trunk/test/test_binsearch.ada
adddir ./trunk/test
addfile ./trunk/test/asnip-test_kw_search.ada
--  if container'length = 0 then
-- return False;
--  else
-- j := container'first;
-- k := container'last;
-- -- ! assert j <= k
-- mid := (j + k) / 2;
-- while j < k loop
--if container(mid) < item then
--   j := INDEX'succ(mid);
--   k := mid;
--end if;
--mid := (j + k) / 2;
-- end loop;
-- -- ! assert: j = k
-- return container(k) = item

[darcs-devel] [issue214] adds to binaries

2006-07-03 Thread Jamie Becker

New submission from Jamie Becker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

please add \.pyc$ to _darcs/prefs/binaries. .pyc is the byte-code compiled 
versions of .py files that are cached when a file is initially interpreted by 
the python interpreter.

Great stuff!

messages: 751
nosy: droundy, jamie, tommy
status: unread
title: adds to binaries

Darcs issue tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

darcs-devel mailing list

[darcs-devel] [issue213] pull on locally created repos causes a bug

2006-07-03 Thread Matthias Fischmann

New submission from Matthias Fischmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:


as darcs asked me politely to report this, here you go.  I just

  - created a local repository,
  - added a few files and recorded the patch,
  - compiled a few of these files and did a 'whatsnew',
  - patched the boring file to exclude latex temp files from the
output (and called 'setpref boringfile' a few times on the way and
still haven't got it eat the regexps I was giving it, if you want
to help me there i'd be very greatful).
  - and called a 'darcs pull', just to see what happens.

here is the output of the last action:

$ darcs pull
darcs: bug in darcs!
Impossible case at Pull.lhs:194 compiled 12:00:18 Feb 17 2006
Please report this to [EMAIL PROTECTED],
If possible include the output of 'darcs --exact-version'.

i guess this is one of those 'nobody would do such a stupid thing'
things, but an error message like 'you cannot pull because you just
created this repo on this spot' would be less 'buggy' still.

see attachment for exact version.

thanks, regards,

files: darcs-exact-version
messages: 750
nosy: droundy, fis, tommy
status: unread
title: pull on locally created repos causes a bug

Darcs issue tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

darcs compiled on Feb 17 2006, at 12:04:26
# configured Fri Feb 17 11:44:30 CET 2006


[Update dateparser test with CVS style dates.
Eric Kow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>**20060120233434] 

[Add time zone support for CVS date parsing. (issue104)
Eric Kow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>**20060120233327

[remove TODO from three passing tests in
Tommy Pettersson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>**20060211183857] 

[new TODO test for better message on directory conflict when pulling
Mark Stosberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>**20051124003621] 

[test suite: fix some glitches in directory creation/removal
Tommy Pettersson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>**20060130012803] 

[Detect dates which overflow.  Throw a more helpful error message.
Eric Kow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>**20060211194521
 An example of a date which overflows is "105 years ago" on my system.
 For reference: The "problem" is not so much Haskell's System.Time, but
 in the underlying C library.  System.Time uses Integer to represent
 ClockTime, so theoretically this number can be as big as we want.
 However, the function addToClockTime makes a call to 'mktime' (time.h)
 to get a value for the number of seconds elapsed since 1970.  And this
 value is of a fixed-size type (time_h).  If the number of seconds
 overflows, mktime returns -1 to indicate an error.  This is detected by
 System.Time and propagated up as a user error "Time.toClockTime: invalid

[Correct dateparser test's self-cleanup.
Eric Kow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>**20060129210701
 The dateparser test was not properly removing its own tmp directory,
 causing it to be a pain when using the tests/tests_to_run mechanism.

[Remove '4 score, 7 years ago' from dateparser test.
Eric Kow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>**20060129210635] 

[ only tries to delete tmp if it exists
Jason Dagit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>**20060114021327] 

[All perl tests use cleanup at beginning instead of rm_rf
Jason Dagit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>**20060114021114
 rm_rf will give an error (causing test to fail) when the directory is
 missing.  Use cleanup instead as it will not give an error.

[Added author to darcs record commandline in
Jason Dagit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>**20060114021017] 

[Corrections to bugfix for (RT #466)
Eric Kow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>**20060108225411
 The bug fix for case insensitive filesystems was incorrect because
  1. canonicalizePath does not canonicalise the same filename with
 different cases into the same entry
  2. RT #466 affects case sensitive and case insensitive file 
 systems alike (i.e. the bug description was wrong)
  3. canonicalizePath is not available in ghc 6.2.2
 This correction also has the advantage of being much simpler and closer
 to what David Roundy suggested on the bug tracker.  We remove the old
 file from the slurpy so that it doesn't get mistaken for the new file.  

[only create log file when a long comment was requested
Zachary P. Landau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>**20060108181034] 

[Extended date matching functionality. 
Eric Kow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>**20051228210942
 (issue31 and RT #34)
 Now accepts ISO 8601 intervals (mostly) as well as a larger subset of
 English (including times like "yesterday at noon").
 Note: also includes corrections to ISO 8601 date/time parsing, using
 a more elegant technique of building dates up. 

[Partial implementation of iso 8601 dates
Eric Kow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>**20051228123040
 (issue31) - first step 
 reluctant to implement (ambiguous!): 
   * years >   
   * truncated representations with implied century (89 for 1989) 
   * time intervals -- this might be good t

[darcs-devel] [issue212] Bug in Darcs

2006-07-03 Thread Esteban Manchado Velázquez

New submission from Esteban Manchado =?iso-8859-1?Q?Vel=E1zquez?= <[EMAIL 

Hi all,

I set up two repositories yesterday, to play a little with Darcs and try
to understand how the conflict system worked. I'm sending attached both
repositories, for reference (I guess they'll be helpful). If I can provide
more information or help in anything, just tell me.

The last command output (and version, at the end) was:

- 8< -
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/tmp/darcs/hello-world-branch$ darcs pull
Pulling from "/home/zoso/tmp/darcs/hello-world-mainline"...

Thu Apr 13 13:53:09 WEST 2006  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  * Remove bloat
Shall I pull this patch? (1/1) [ynWvpxqadjk], or ? for help: y
darcs: bug in darcs!
in function reconcile_unwindings
Original patch:
merger 0.0 (
merger 0.0 (
hunk ./hello.rb 3
-puts "New sensation"
+puts "New sensation, new sensation"
merger 0.0 (
hunk ./hello.rb 7
+class Test
+def initialize
+@foo = :bar
merger 0.0 (
hunk ./hello.rb 5
+puts "Another, important phrase"
merger 0.0 (
hunk ./hello.rb 3
-puts "Another brick in the Wall"
+puts "New sensation"
merger 0.0 (
hunk ./hello.rb 3
+puts "Another brick in the Wall"
hunk ./hello.rb 3
+puts "You're just another thing'"
merger 0.0 (
merger 0.0 (
merger 0.0 (
merger 0.0 (
merger 0.0 (
merger 0.0 (
hunk ./hello.rb 1
+#!/usr/bin/ruby -w
hunk ./hello.rb 1
+#!/usr/bin/ruby -w
hunk ./hello.rb 3
-puts "Hello, World!"
+puts "Hello, World, Once more!"
hunk ./hello.rb 1
-puts "Hello, World!"
+#!/usr/bin/ruby -w
+puts "Hello, World, again!"
merger 0.0 (
merger 0.0 (
hunk ./hello.rb 3
-puts "Hello, World!"
+puts "Hello, World, Once more!"
merger 0.0 (
hunk ./hello.rb 1
+#!/usr/bin/ruby -w
hunk ./hello.rb 1
+#!/usr/bin/ruby -w
hunk ./hello.rb 2
+require 'nsbb'
hunk ./hello.rb 1
-puts "Hello, World!"
+#!/usr/bin/ruby -w
+puts "Hello, World, again!"
merger 0.0 (
merger 0.0 (
merger 0.0 (
merger 0.0 (
hunk ./hello.rb 3
-puts "Hello, World!"
+puts "Hello, World, Once more!"
merger 0.0 (
hunk ./hello.rb 1
+#!/usr/bin/ruby -w
hunk ./hello.rb 1
+#!/usr/bin/ruby -w
hunk ./hello.rb 2
+require 'nsbb'
merger 0.0 (
merger 0.0 (
merger 0.0 (
hunk ./hello.rb 1
+#!/usr/bin/ruby -w
hunk ./hello.rb 1
+#!/usr/bin/ruby -w
hunk ./hello.rb 3
-puts "Hello, World!"
+puts "Hello, World, Once more!"
hunk ./hello.rb 1
-puts "Hello, World!"
+#!/usr/bin/ruby -w
+puts "Hello, World, again!"
merger 0.0 (
merger 0.0 (
hunk ./hello.rb 2
+require 'nsbb'
merger 0.0 (
hunk ./hello.rb 3
-puts "Hello, World!"
+puts "Hello, World, Once more!"
merger 0.0 (
hunk ./hello.rb 1
+#!/usr/bin/ruby -w
hunk ./hello.rb 1
+#!/usr/bin/ruby -w
hunk ./hello.rb 4
-puts "Hello, World, Once more!"
-puts "New sensation, new sensation"
-puts "Another, important phrase"
Please report this to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
If possible include the output of 'darcs --exact-version'.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/tmp/darcs/hello-world-branch$ darcs --exact-version
darcs compiled on Jan 15 2006, at 11:05:33
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ darcs --version
1.0.5 (release)
- >8 -

It's the current Debian package for Sid, BTW (1.0.5-3).

FWIW, I just checked with (linked
from, and the result is
the same, apparently:

- 8< -
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/tmp/darcs/hello-world-branch$ 
~/tmp/darcs-1.0.6-static-linux-i386 --exact-version
darcs compiled on Mar  1 2006, at 03:01:57
# configured Wed Mar  1 02:53:45 CET 2006
./configure --prefix=/afs/ LDFLAGS=-static 
--no-create --no-recursion


[bump version to 1.0.7pre1
Tommy Pettersson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>**20060301000323]

[show 1.0.6 as latest stable source on web page
Tommy Pettersson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>**20060301000158
 Forgot this, again :-/

[TAG 1.0.6
Tommy Pettersson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>**20060228111841]
- >8 -


messages: 749
nosy: droundy, tommy, zoso
status: unread
title: Bug in Darcs

Darcs issue tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

darcs-devel mailing list

[darcs-devel] [issue210] Try to open a bug

2006-07-03 Thread David Glasser

New submission from David Glasser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

As suggested, try to open a bug via email and see if it works.


messages: 747
nosy: droundy, glasser, tommy
status: unread
title: Try to open a bug

Darcs issue tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

darcs-devel mailing list

[darcs-devel] [issue194] Trapped error: Out of Memory during "darcs wh -ls"

2006-07-03 Thread Juraj Hercek

New submission from Juraj Hercek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:


I would like to report a bug which occurs regularly. Here is the test 
case to reproduce the bug:

$ darcs --version
1.0.6 (release)
$ mkdir bug_test
$ cd bug_test
$ darcs init
$ dd if=/dev/zero of=./big_file bs=1M count=2048
2048+0 records in
2048+0 records out
$ darcs wh -ls
darcs: out of memory (requested 2148532224 bytes)
$ cat /proc/meminfo | grep "Mem\|Swap"
MemTotal:  2073756 kB
MemFree:769664 kB
SwapCached:  0 kB
SwapTotal:   0 kB
SwapFree:0 kB

I guess the session above contains enough information. If not feel free 
to contact me.

Have a nice day,
Juraj Hercek

messages: 726
nosy: droundy, juhe, tommy
status: unread
title: Trapped error: Out of Memory during "darcs wh -ls"

Darcs issue tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

darcs-devel mailing list

[darcs-devel] [issue209] bug in darcs

2006-07-03 Thread Doug Coleman

New submission from Doug Coleman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Please let me know if I can help you solve this issue or if it has
already been resolved.


Shall I pull this patch? (51/51) [ynWvpxqadjk], or ? for help:
darcs: bug in darcs!
in function reconcile_unwindings
Original patch:
merger 0.0 (
merger 0.0 (
merger 0.0 (
hunk ./Factor/native/factor.c 52
-   char *image;
-   CELL ds_size = 128;
-   CELL cs_size = 128;
-   CELL generations = 2;
-   CELL young_size = 2 * CELLS;
-   CELL aging_size = 4 * CELLS;
-   CELL code_size = CELLS;
-   CELL literal_size = 128;
-   CELL args;
-   CELL i;
+   init_args = cons(tag_object(from_c_string(line)),init_args);
hunk ./Factor/native/factor.c 52
-   char *image;
+   char *image = NULL;
merger 0.0 (
merger 0.0 (
hunk ./Factor/native/factor.c 68
-   //if(!image)
-   //return usage();
-   init_factor("factor.image", //image
+   if(!image)
+   return usage();
+   init_factor(image,
merger 0.0 (
hunk ./Factor/native/factor.c 111
-EXPORT void SetEnvironmentVariable(char *line)
+void SetFactorVariable(char *line)
merger 0.0 (
hunk ./Factor/native/factor.c 106
-EXPORT void SetImage(char *image_)
+void SetImage(char *image_)
merger 0.0 (
hunk ./Factor/native/factor.c 96
-   init_code_size = code_size ? code_size : init_code_size;
+   init_code_size = code_size ? *code_size : init_code_size;
+   //asm("push %esi");
+   //asm("push %ebx");
+   //asm("pop %ebx");
+   //asm("pop %esi");
+//asm("mov %0, %%esi" : : "m" (esi));
+//asm("mov %0, %%ebx" : : "m" (ebx));
merger 0.0 (
hunk ./Factor/native/factor.c 93
-   init_generations = generations ? *generations : init_generation;
+   init_generations = generations ? *generations : init_generations;
merger 0.0 (
hunk ./Factor/native/factor.c 88
+   //int ebx, esi;
+//asm("mov %%esi, %0" : "=m" (esi));
+//asm("mov %%ebx, %0" : "=m" (ebx));
merger 0.0 (
hunk ./Factor/native/factor.c 85
-EXPORT void InitDll(int *ds_size, int *cs_size, int *generations, int
ze, int *aging_size, int *code_size)
+void InitDll(int *ds_size, int *cs_size, int *generations, int
*young_size, int
 *aging_size, int *code_size)
merger 0.0 (
hunk ./Factor/native/factor.c 68
-   if(!image)
-   return usage();
-   init_factor(image,
+   //if(!image)
+   //return usage();
+   init_factor("factor.image", //image
merger 0.0 (
hunk ./Factor/native/factor.c 50
-static int usage()
+int usage()
merger 0.0 (
hunk ./Factor/native/factor.c 50
-int main(int argc, char** argv)
+static int usage()
+   printf("Usage: factor  [ parameters ... ]\n");
+   printf("Runtime options -- n is a number:\n");
+   printf(" +Dn   Data stack size, kilobytes\n");
+   printf(" +Cn   Call stack size, kilobytes\n");
+   printf(" +Gn   Number of generations, must be >= 2\n");
+   printf(" +Yn   Size of n-1 youngest generations, megabytes\n");
+   printf(" +An   Size of tenured and semi-spaces, megabytes\n");
+   printf(" +Xn   Code heap size, megabytes\n");
+   printf("Other options are handled by the Factor library.\n");
+   printf("See the documentation for details.\n");
+   printf("Send bug reports to Slava Pestov
+int run_main()
+   if(!image)
+   return usage();
+   init_factor(image,
+   init_ds_size * 1024,
+   init_cs_size * 1024,
+   init_generations,
+   init_young_size * 1024 * 1024,
+   init_aging_size * 1024 * 1024,
+   init_code_size * 1024 * 1024,
+   init_literal_size * 1024);
+   userenv[ARGS_ENV] = init_args;
+   platform_run();
+   critical_error("run() returned due to empty callstack",0);
+   return 0; /* can't reach this */
+#ifdef BUILD_DLL
+EXPORT void InitDll(int *ds_size, int *cs_size, int *generations, int
ze, int *aging_size, int *code_size)
+   init_ds_size = ds_size ? *ds_size : init_ds_size,
+   init_cs_size = cs_size ? *cs_size : init_cs_size;
+   init_generations = generations ? *generations : init_generation;
+   init_young_size = young_size ? *young_size : init_young_size;
+   init_aging_size = aging_size ? *aging_size : init_aging_size;
+   init_code_size = code_size ? code_size : init_code_size;
+EXPORT void SetImage(char *image_)
+   image = strdup(image_); // hidden malloc
+EXPORT void SetEnvironmentVariable(char *line)
hunk ./Factor/native/factor.c 50
+void usage(void)
+   printf("Usage: factor  [ parameters ... ]\n");
+   printf("Runtime options -- n is a number:\n");
+   printf(" +Dn   Data stack size, kilobytes\n");
+   printf(" +Cn   Call stack size, kilobytes\n");
+   printf(" +Gn   Number of generations, must be >= 2\n");
+   printf("

[darcs-devel] [issue208] Darcs 1.0.6: "darcs pull" gives internal error on a fresh branch

2006-07-03 Thread Manuel Moos

New submission from Manuel Moos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Not really important since it is a nonsense operation, but darcs insists 
that it's a bug that should be reported, so here we go.

Steps to reproduce as a console log:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ mkdir t
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/t$ darcs init
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/t$ darcs pull
darcs: bug in darcs!
Impossible case at Pull.lhs:194 compiled 11:27:12 Apr  5 2006
Please report this to [EMAIL PROTECTED],
If possible include the output of 'darcs --exact-version'.

darcs --exact-version says:

darcs compiled on Apr  5 2006, at 11:28:49
# configured Tue Feb 28 07:02:39 EST 2006
./configure --no-create --no-recursion


[TAG 1.0.6
Tommy Pettersson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>**20060228111841]

This is on an AMD 64 running Kubuntu Hoary Hedgehog, darcs is compiled 
with the binary x86_64 tarball build of ghc version 6.4.1. If that matters 

Great program, BTW.

messages: 745
nosy: droundy, moos, tommy
status: unread
title: Darcs 1.0.6: "darcs pull" gives internal error on a fresh branch

Darcs issue tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

darcs-devel mailing list

[darcs-devel] [issue207] bug in darcs! in function reconcile_unwindings

2006-07-03 Thread Henrik Hjelte

New submission from Henrik Hjelte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

On darcs 1.0.7pre1. 
Best wishes, Henrik Hjelte

darcs --exact-version
darcs compiled on Mar  1 2006, at 03:01:57
# configured Wed Mar  1 02:53:45 CET 2006
./configure --prefix=/afs/ LDFLAGS=-static
--no-create --no-recursion


[bump version to 1.0.7pre1
Tommy Pettersson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>**20060301000323]

[show 1.0.6 as latest stable source on web page
Tommy Pettersson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>**20060301000158
 Forgot this, again :-/

[TAG 1.0.6
Tommy Pettersson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>**20060228111841]

darcs: bug in darcs!
in function reconcile_unwindings
Original patch:
merger 0.0 (
merger 0.0 (
merger 0.0 (
merger 0.0 (
merger 0.0 (
hunk ./src/components/window.lisp 70
-(<:as-html (window-component.inline-javascript window)
+(<:as-is (window-component.inline-javascript window)
hunk ./src/components/window.lisp 70
-(<:as-html (window-component.inline-javascript window)
+(<:as-is (window-component.inline-javascript window)
hunk ./src/components/window.lisp 58
-  :type "text/css"))
-(when (window-component.first-inline-javascript window)
-  (<:script :type "text/javascript"
-(<:as-is (window-component.first-inline-javascript window
-(when (window-component.javascript window)
-  (dolist (js (ensure-list (window-component.javascript window)))
-   ;; most browsers (firefox, safari and ie at least) really,
-   ;; really, really don't like empty script tags. The "" forces
-   ;; yaclml to generate a seperate closing tag.
-   (<:script :type "text/javascript" :src js "")))
-(when (window-component.inline-javascript window)
-  (<:script :type "text/javascript"
-(<:as-is (window-component.inline-javascript window)
+  :type "text/css"))
+(dolist* ((type value) (window-component.javascript window))
+  (ecase type
+ ;; most browsers (firefox, safari and ie at least) really,
+ ;; really, really don't like empty script tags. The "" forces
+ ;; yaclml to generate a seperate closing tag.
+ (<:script :type "text/javascript" :src value ""))
+ (<:script :type "text/javascript" (<:as-is value))
merger 0.0 (
hunk ./src/components/window.lisp 59
+(when (window-component.first-inline-javascript window)
+  (<:script :type "text/javascript"
+(<:as-is (window-component.first-inline-javascript window
hunk ./src/components/window.lisp 58
-  :type "text/css"))
+  :type "text/css"))
+(when (window-component.first-inline-javascript window)
+  (<:script :type "text/javascript"
+(<:as-is (window-component.first-inline-javascript window
merger 0.0 (
merger 0.0 (
hunk ./src/components/window.lisp 58
-  :type "text/css"))
-(when (window-component.first-inline-javascript window)
-  (<:script :type "text/javascript"
-(<:as-is (window-component.first-inline-javascript window
-(when (window-component.javascript window)
-  (dolist (js (ensure-list (window-component.javascript window)))
-   ;; most browsers (firefox, safari and ie at least) really,
-   ;; really, really don't like empty script tags. The "" forces
-   ;; yaclml to generate a seperate closing tag.
-   (<:script :type "text/javascript" :src js "")))
-(when (window-component.inline-javascript window)
-  (<:script :type "text/javascript"
-(<:as-is (window-component.inline-javascript window)
+  :type "text/css"))
+(dolist* ((type value) (window-component.javascript window))
+  (ecase type
+ ;; most browsers (firefox, safari and ie at least) really,
+ ;; really, really don't like empty script tags. The "" forces
+ ;; yaclml to generate a seperate closing tag.
+ (<:script :type "text/javascript" :src value ""))
+ (<:script :type "text/javascript" (<:as-is value))
merger 0.0 (
hunk ./src/components/window.lisp 70
-(<:as-html (window-component.inline-javascript window)
+(<:as-is (window-component.inline-javascript window)
hunk ./src/components/window.lisp 70
-(<:as-html (window-component.inline-javascript window)
+(<:as-is (window-component.inline-javascript window)
hunk ./src/components/window.lisp 67
+ (<:script :type "text/javascript" (<:as-is (js:js* value
merger 0.0 (
merger 0.0 (
merger 0.0 (
hunk ./src/components/window.lisp 59
+(when (window-component.first-inline-javascript window)
+  (<:script :type "text/javascript"
+(<:as-is (window-component.first-inline-javascript window
hunk ./src/components/window.lisp 58
-  :type "text/css"))
+  :type "text/css"))
+(when (window-component.first-inline-javascript window)

[darcs-devel] [issue206] Impossible case at Pull.lhs:194 compiled 14:33:41 Apr 15 2006

2006-07-03 Thread Attila Lendvai

New submission from Attila Lendvai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/var/www/darcs/cl-l10n$ darcs --exact-version
darcs compiled on Apr 15 2006, at 14:34:51
# configured Tue Feb 28 07:02:39 EST 2006
./configure --no-create --no-recursion


[TAG 1.0.6
Tommy Pettersson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>**20060228111841]

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/var/www/darcs/cl-l10n$ darcs pull
darcs-bin: bug in darcs!
Impossible case at Pull.lhs:194 compiled 14:33:41 Apr 15 2006
Please report this to [EMAIL PROTECTED],
If possible include the output of 'darcs --exact-version'.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/var/www/darcs/cl-l10n$

- attila

(alias 101 on irc &no 'its not lisp code :)

messages: 743
nosy: attila.lendvai, droundy, tommy
status: unread
title: Impossible case at Pull.lhs:194 compiled 14:33:41 Apr 15 2006

Darcs issue tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

darcs-devel mailing list

[darcs-devel] [issue205] weird forcing bug in replace

2006-07-03 Thread Chris Lesner

New submission from Chris Lesner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

$find bin -type f | xargs darcs replace --force useage usage
plink: unknown option "-O"
Skipping file 'bin/instance/.instanceXmlToDiff.swp' which isn't in the
realdarcs.exe: bug in darcs!
weird forcing bug in replace.
Please report this to [EMAIL PROTECTED],
If possible include the output of 'darcs --exact-version'.
$darcs --exact-version
darcs compiled on May 14 2006, at 15:38:56
# configured Sun May 14 15:29:40 USMST 2006
./configure --disable-mmap


[TAG 1.0.7
Tommy Pettersson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>**20060513171438]

messages: 741
nosy: chris.lesner, droundy, tommy
status: unread
title: weird forcing bug in replace

Darcs issue tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

darcs-devel mailing list

[darcs-devel] [issue203] Bug report

2006-07-03 Thread David K. Hess

New submission from David K. Hess <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

This is subjective, but I believe that darcs mv should mention "-- 
case-ok" when the source and destination only differ in case rather  
than just error out saying the destination already exists. Folks that  
don't know about --case-ok may resort to remove and add instead which  
is not desirable.


David K. Hess
Verscend Technologies, Inc.

messages: 738
nosy: dhess, droundy, tommy
status: unread
title: Bug report

Darcs issue tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

darcs-devel mailing list

[darcs-devel] [issue204] darcs pull: bug in darcs (impossible case)

2006-07-03 Thread Katerina Barone-Adesi

New submission from Katerina Barone-Adesi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

% darcs pull
darcs: bug in darcs!
Impossible case at Pull.lhs:194 compiled 17:03:36 May  7 2006
Please report this to [EMAIL PROTECTED],
If possible include the output of 'darcs --exact-version'.

% darcs --exact-version
darcs compiled on May  7 2006, at 17:08:51
# configured Tue Feb 28 07:02:39 EST 2006
./configure --no-create --no-recursion


[TAG 1.0.6
Tommy Pettersson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>**20060228111841]

messages: 739
nosy: droundy, katerinab, tommy
status: unread
title: darcs pull: bug in darcs (impossible case)

Darcs issue tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

darcs-devel mailing list

[darcs-devel] [issue201] Out of memory (big file in working directory)

2006-07-03 Thread Juraj Hercek

New submission from Juraj Hercek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:


I'm seeing this bug from past versions till now, so I decided to report 
it. Here is the way how to trigger the bug:

$ darcs --version
1.0.7 (release)
$ mkdir bug_test
$ cd bug_test
$ darcs init
$ dd if=/dev/zero of=./big_file bs=1M count=2048
2048+0 records in
2048+0 records out
$ darcs wh -ls
darcs: out of memory (requested 2148532224 bytes)
$ cat /proc/meminfo | grep "Mem\|Swap"
MemTotal:  2074524 kB
MemFree:869652 kB
SwapCached:  0 kB
SwapTotal:   0 kB
SwapFree:0 kB

I would expect this output:

$ darcs wh -ls
a ./big_file

Instead of this one:

darcs: out of memory (requested 2148532224 bytes)

If you need more information, feel free to contact me.

Kind regards,
Juraj Hercek

messages: 735
nosy: droundy, juhe, tommy
status: unread
title: Out of memory (big file in working directory)

Darcs issue tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

darcs-devel mailing list

[darcs-devel] [issue202] Feature request: --last= optional argument for Darcs rollback

2006-07-03 Thread Adam Fine

New submission from Adam Fine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:


I noticed "darcs rollback" lacks a --last=NUMBER optional argument,
the sort that unrecord et. al. have.

Could have used it today, and I think it's generally a nice argument
and useful for rollback in particular.


messages: 736
nosy: adamfine, droundy, tommy
status: unread
title: Feature request: --last= optional argument for Darcs rollback

Darcs issue tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

darcs-devel mailing list

[darcs-devel] [issue199] Bug in 1.0.7 (release)

2006-07-03 Thread benjamin.franksen

New submission from benjamin.franksen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:


this happened when I tried to pull on a repo that was never pulled 
before, and also not created with 'darcs get':

aragon: .../BII-Controls/head > darcs pull 
darcs: bug in darcs!
Impossible case at Pull.lhs:194 compiled 10:17:51 May 15 2006
Please report this to [EMAIL PROTECTED],
If possible include the output of 'darcs --exact-version'.
aragon: .../BII-Controls/head > darcs --exact-version
darcs compiled on May 15 2006, at 10:19:22
# configured Sat May 13 19:49:56 EDT 2006
./configure --no-create --no-recursion


[TAG 1.0.7
Tommy Pettersson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>**20060513171438] 


messages: 733
nosy: anonymous, benjamin.franksen, droundy, tommy
status: unread
title: Bug in 1.0.7 (release)

Darcs issue tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

darcs-devel mailing list

[darcs-devel] [issue198] darcs get --to-match extremely slow

2006-07-03 Thread Andrew McGregor

New submission from Andrew McGregor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

When I do something like:

darcs get --verbose --to-match "hash  
20050421043628-8498e-6fac25ad05cf9a870c0eee854fb4ff386a271268" /home/ 
Repos/unstable/ /home/andrewm/test

at the "Writing working directory" stage darcs takes many minutes and  
does several GB of IO... yet:

  zcat /home/Repos/unstable/_darcs/patches/ 
20050421043628-8498e-6fac25ad05cf9a870c0eee854fb4ff386a271268.gz | wc
   27731  105819  771252

the patch is only 771kB, and consists entirely of 131 new files.  The  
target repository is empty to start with, the source repository  
contains 282 patches totalling 255MB gzipped.


messages: 732
nosy: andrew, droundy, tommy
status: unread
title: darcs get --to-match extremely slow

Darcs issue tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

darcs-devel mailing list

[darcs-devel] [issue196] Problem with darcs remove and darcs add of file that differs in case

2006-07-03 Thread David K. Hess

New submission from David K. Hess <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

I'm not sure if this is still possible in the latest release, but if:

1) you do a darcs remove and then a darcs add of a filename that  
differs in case only
2) you record the patch and darcs happesn to place the addfile before  
the rmfile in the patch
3) the patch will fail when darcs get is done to a case insensitive  
file system (i.e. Linux to Windows over ssh)

Suggest ordering rmfiles above addfiles in the patch when the  
filename differs in case.


David K. Hess
Verscend Technologies, Inc.

messages: 728
nosy: dhess, droundy, tommy
status: unread
title: Problem with darcs remove and darcs add of file that differs in case

Darcs issue tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

darcs-devel mailing list

[darcs-devel] [issue194] bug in darcs

2006-07-03 Thread Daniel Stutzbach

New submission from Daniel Stutzbach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

While doing a push, darcs died and told me to submit the following
information.  If there's a simple workaround that will let me complete
the push, that would be very much appreciated.  Let me know if there's
any further information I can provide.

The machine I'm pushing from is an AMD Opteron running Linux.  The
machine I'm pushing to runs Solaris.

The Opteron's --exact-version is:

darcs compiled on May 15 2006, at 00:35:04
# configured Mon May 15 00:29:05 CEST 2006
./configure --with-static-libs


[TAG 1.0.7
Tommy Pettersson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>**20060513171438] 

The Solaris machine's is:

darcs compiled on Mar  4 2006, at 21:34:19
# configured Tue Feb 28 07:02:39 EST 2006
./configure --no-create --no-recursion


[TAG 1.0.6
Tommy Pettersson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>**20060228111841] 

and the output of the command is:

Pushing to ""...

Fri Oct 28 21:14:54 PDT 2005  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  * Changes to h2cdf and d2cdf for greater accuracy
Shall I push this patch? (1/?)  [ynWvpxqadjkc], or ? for help: 

Sat Oct 29 01:47:17 PDT 2005  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  * Bugfix for  Removed a
Shall I push this patch? (2/?)  [ynWvpxqadjkc], or ? for help: 

Sat Oct 29 10:56:34 PDT 2005  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  * Bugfix for h2cdft in
Shall I push this patch? (3/?)  [ynWvpxqadjkc], or ? for help: 

Sat Oct 29 13:35:10 PDT 2005  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  * Fixed h2cdft so d2cdft works correctly
Shall I push this patch? (4/?)  [ynWvpxqadjkc], or ? for help: 

Sun Oct 30 10:56:12 PST 2005  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  * Added pickler support; added strptime()
Shall I push this patch? (5/?)  [ynWvpxqadjkc], or ? for help: 

Sat Dec  3 13:45:14 PST 2005  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  * Added get_start_time to tools
Shall I push this patch? (6/?)  [ynWvpxqadjkc], or ? for help: 

Fri Dec  2 11:46:41 PST 2005  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  * Updated Infinity to work on Windows
Shall I push this patch? (7/?)  [ynWvpxqadjkc], or ? for help: 

Fri Dec  2 11:47:34 PST 2005  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  *, part 1
Shall I push this patch? (8/?)  [ynWvpxqadjkc], or ? for help: 

Fri Dec  2 11:53:43 PST 2005  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  * Moved stuff out of, now in
Shall I push this patch? (9/?)  [ynWvpxqadjkc], or ? for help: 

Fri Dec  2 12:29:14 PST 2005  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  * Added for crawler backwards compatibility
Shall I push this patch? (10/?)  [ynWvpxqadjkc], or ? for help: 

Fri Dec  2 16:56:43 PST 2005  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  * Made less path-sensitive
Shall I push this patch? (11/?)  [ynWvpxqadjkc], or ? for help: 

Fri Dec  2 16:56:53 PST 2005  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  * Made import of parse_tools optional
Shall I push this patch? (12/?)  [ynWvpxqadjkc], or ? for help: 

Tue May 16 15:20:16 PDT 2006  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  * Added many new cases to parse_tools and made more robust
Shall I push this patch? (13/?)  [ynWvpxqadjkc], or ? for help: 

Sun May 21 11:02:33 PDT 2006  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  * Ported gnutella analysis tools to 64-bit
Shall I push this patch? (14/?)  [ynWvpxqadjkc], or ? for help: 
darcs: bug in darcs!
in function reconcile_unwindings
Original patch:
merger 0.0 (
merger 0.0 (
hunk ./ 710
+scale = 1.0/(total+gap)
merger 0.0 (
merger 0.0 (
hunk ./ 717
+pairs = sorted(pairs)
merger 0.0 (
hunk ./ 708
-def h2cdf(pairs):
+def d2cdf(d): return d2cdft(d)[0]
+def cdf2ccdf(lst):
+if len(lst) == 2 and type(lst) == type(()):
+lst, total = lst
+return [(x, 100.0-y) for x, y in lst] + [[], [], [total]]
+return [(x, 100.0-y) for x, y in lst]
+def h2cdft(pairs):
hunk ./ 708
-def h2cdf(pairs):
+def h2cdf(pairs, gap=0):
hunk ./ 671
-def eq_e(x,y):
-epsilon = 0.01 * min(abs(x),abs(y))
-if abs(x - y) <= epsilon: return True
-return False
-def fcdf(values):
-values = list(values)
-cdf = [(values[i], (i+1)*100.0/len(values)) for i in xrange(len(values))]
-count = 0
-i = 0
-while i < len(cdf)-2:
-if eq_e(cdf[i][0], cdf[i-1][0]) and eq_e(cdf[i][0], cdf[i-2][0]) or \
-   eq_e(cdf[i][1], cdf[i-1][1]) and eq_e(cdf[i][1], cdf[i-2][1]):
-del cdf[i]
-count += 1
-i += 1
-return cdf 
-Infinity = float('Infinity')
-except ValueError:
-Infinity = float(10**10)
-def d2cdft(d):
-return h2cdft(d.items())
-total = sum(d.values())
-n = 0
-keys = sorted(d.iterkeys())
-rv = [(keys[0], 0.0)]
-for v in sorted

Re: [darcs-devel] Darcs crashes on GHC repository

2006-07-03 Thread Anders Höckersten
On Mon, 03 Jul 2006 18:45:53 +0200, Patrick McFarland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

On Monday 03 July 2006 12:17, Simon Marlow wrote:

On 03 July 2006 17:15, Patrick McFarland wrote:
> On Monday 03 July 2006 09:33, Simon Marlow wrote:
>> [ posting on behalf of [EMAIL PROTECTED], who tried to post the
>> message earlier but it doesn't seem to have shown up, so here it is,
>> just in case it got swallowed.  Also Simon submitted bugs to
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED], which appear to have been lost, so I created tickets
>> manually. ]
> Look, no offense, but how do we know this isn't some sort of
> Microsoft war against open source?
> "Oh, look, theres a bunch of bad bugs in Darcs, and it stops software
> development! Quick! Switch to a Microsoft solution, and all will be
> well!"
> Microsoft has done that before, how do we know you're not doing this
> now?

Are you serious??!

Yes, and this isn't a troll either. I'm sorry, but I don't trust people  
microsoft email addresses, and a lot of people in the foss community  

Do I have to go get the mutating penguin troll ad Microsoft put out a few
years back?

Patrick, no offense, but before you start throwing paranoid accusations at  
Microsoft employees on a public mailing list, why don't you check out what  
those people actually work with? Simon Peyton-Jones and Simon Marlow are  
well-publicised researchers working for Microsoft Research, and one of  
their main accomplishments just so happens to be GHC, by far the most  
popular Haskell compiler. GHC is most likely the compiler used to compile  
the version of Darcs you are using, and it also happens to be free of  
charge and open source (under a BSD-style license).

Frankly, I think Simon Peyton-Jones and Simon Marlow deserve a lot more  
respect than you have treated them with, and I hope you are man enough to  
admit your mistakes and apologise to them.

Anders Höckersten

Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client:

darcs-devel mailing list

Re: [darcs-devel] Darcs crashes on GHC repository

2006-07-03 Thread Jason Dagit

I would rather not see this mailing list turn into a debate forum for
political/social/economic/legal issues (unless they are very directly
related to darcs, such as what license darcs should be released

Please continue this discussion elsewhere.

Thank you for your cooperation.

On 7/3/06, Patrick McFarland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Monday 03 July 2006 14:07, Juliusz Chroboczek wrote:
> >> posting on behalf of [EMAIL PROTECTED],
> >
> > Look, no offense, but how do we know this isn't some sort of Microsoft
> > war against open source?
> Simon Peyton-Jones is above this sort of suspicion.
> While it is regrettable that he should have chosen to work for Microsoft,
> he is someone whom we know and trust fully.

Someone needs to post a list of Microsoft employees that, otherwise then being
apart of the borg, are good guys so this sorta thing doesn't happen again. Or
better yet, why doesn't someone just hire our stranded brethren so they don't
have to suffer the injustice of working for such company?

Patrick McFarland ||
"Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids,
we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and
listening to repetitive electronic music." -- Kristian Wilson, Nintendo,
Inc, 1989

darcs-devel mailing list

darcs-devel mailing list

Re: [darcs-devel] Darcs crashes on GHC repository

2006-07-03 Thread Patrick McFarland
On Monday 03 July 2006 14:07, Juliusz Chroboczek wrote:
> >> posting on behalf of [EMAIL PROTECTED],
> >
> > Look, no offense, but how do we know this isn't some sort of Microsoft
> > war against open source?
> Simon Peyton-Jones is above this sort of suspicion.
> While it is regrettable that he should have chosen to work for Microsoft,
> he is someone whom we know and trust fully.

Someone needs to post a list of Microsoft employees that, otherwise then being 
apart of the borg, are good guys so this sorta thing doesn't happen again. Or 
better yet, why doesn't someone just hire our stranded brethren so they don't 
have to suffer the injustice of working for such company?

Patrick McFarland ||
"Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids,
we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and
listening to repetitive electronic music." -- Kristian Wilson, Nintendo,
Inc, 1989

darcs-devel mailing list

Re: [darcs-devel] Darcs crashes on GHC repository

2006-07-03 Thread Patrick McFarland
On Monday 03 July 2006 14:17, Ian Lynagh wrote:
> For those who are unfamiliar with the cast, Patrick has the dubious
> honour of being the only (non-spammer) I've had to ban from the #darcs
> IRC channel.

Yup, and I don't let you represent darcs at large, either, otherwise I would 
have quit recommending darcs to everyone I know years ago. Funny how that 

Patrick McFarland ||
"Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids,
we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and
listening to repetitive electronic music." -- Kristian Wilson, Nintendo,
Inc, 1989

darcs-devel mailing list

Re: [darcs-devel] Darcs crashes on GHC repository

2006-07-03 Thread Patrick McFarland
On Monday 03 July 2006 14:10, Anders Höckersten wrote:
> Patrick, no offense, but before you start throwing paranoid accusations at
> Microsoft employees on a public mailing list, why don't you check out what
> those people actually work with? Simon Peyton-Jones and Simon Marlow are
> well-publicised researchers working for Microsoft Research, and one of
> their main accomplishments just so happens to be GHC, by far the most
> popular Haskell compiler. GHC is most likely the compiler used to compile
> the version of Darcs you are using, and it also happens to be free of
> charge and open source (under a BSD-style license).

Ugh, what an unfortunate place of employment then. How does that even work? 
Doesn't the contract they sign to work at Microsoft prohibit them wokring on 
open source?

Patrick McFarland ||
"Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids,
we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and
listening to repetitive electronic music." -- Kristian Wilson, Nintendo,
Inc, 1989

darcs-devel mailing list

Re: [darcs-devel] Darcs crashes on GHC repository

2006-07-03 Thread Ian Lynagh
On Mon, Jul 03, 2006 at 12:45:53PM -0400, Patrick McFarland wrote:
> On Monday 03 July 2006 12:17, Simon Marlow wrote:
> > On 03 July 2006 17:15, Patrick McFarland wrote:
> > > On Monday 03 July 2006 09:33, Simon Marlow wrote:
> > >> [ posting on behalf of [EMAIL PROTECTED], who tried to post the
> > >> message earlier but it doesn't seem to have shown up, so here it is,
> > >> just in case it got swallowed.  Also Simon submitted bugs to
> > >> [EMAIL PROTECTED], which appear to have been lost, so I created tickets
> > >> manually. ]
> > >
> > > Look, no offense, but how do we know this isn't some sort of
> > > Microsoft war against open source?
> > >
> > > "Oh, look, theres a bunch of bad bugs in Darcs, and it stops software
> > > development! Quick! Switch to a Microsoft solution, and all will be
> > > well!"
> > >
> > > Microsoft has done that before, how do we know you're not doing this
> > > now?
> >
> > Are you serious??!
> Yes, and this isn't a troll either. I'm sorry, but I don't trust people with 
> microsoft email addresses, and a lot of people in the foss community don't. 
> Do I have to go get the mutating penguin troll ad Microsoft put out a few 
> years back?

For those who are unfamiliar with the cast, Patrick has the dubious
honour of being the only (non-spammer) I've had to ban from the #darcs
IRC channel, while the Simons at Microsoft are the principal authors of
the only compiler capable of building darcs.


darcs-devel mailing list

Re: [darcs-devel] Darcs crashes on GHC repository

2006-07-03 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
>> posting on behalf of [EMAIL PROTECTED],

> Look, no offense, but how do we know this isn't some sort of Microsoft war 
> against open source?

Simon Peyton-Jones is above this sort of suspicion.

While it is regrettable that he should have chosen to work for Microsoft,
he is someone whom we know and trust fully.


darcs-devel mailing list

[darcs-devel] Re: [issue190] crash in function new_ur

2006-07-03 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
From: Juliusz Chroboczek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, 03 Jul 2006 20:03:05 +0200
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
--text follows this line--
Simon P.-J. :

> I understand your solution A as follows.  
> In the main reposiitory:
>   darcs diff -p 'The offending patch' > patchfile
> Transport 'patchfile' to the variant repository.  Then:
>   patch < patchfile
> Now record this patch and push it back to the main repository
>   darcs record (with patchname 'Duplicate offending patch')
>   darcs push -a

Not quite.

In the variant repository,

  darcs diff -u --patch='The offending patch' > patchfile

In the main repository

  patch -p1 < patchfile
  -- fix merge conflicts
  darcs record -a

In the variant repository

  darcs unpull --patches='The offending patch'
  darcs pull

However, you may find out that the last darcs pull fails (up to
symmetry, it's the same commutation as the one that failed in the
first place).  If so, I suggest that you discard the variant
repository and rebuild it from scratch.

In order to avoid spurious merge conflicts, you will have to make sure
that every person who ever pulled from the variant repository either
unpulls the (now obsolete) patch, or does a fresh darcs get.  My
solution to this issue is to put a human-readable warning in


Hope this helps,


darcs-devel mailing list

Re: [darcs-devel] Darcs crashes on GHC repository

2006-07-03 Thread Patrick McFarland
On Monday 03 July 2006 12:17, Simon Marlow wrote:
> On 03 July 2006 17:15, Patrick McFarland wrote:
> > On Monday 03 July 2006 09:33, Simon Marlow wrote:
> >> [ posting on behalf of [EMAIL PROTECTED], who tried to post the
> >> message earlier but it doesn't seem to have shown up, so here it is,
> >> just in case it got swallowed.  Also Simon submitted bugs to
> >> [EMAIL PROTECTED], which appear to have been lost, so I created tickets
> >> manually. ]
> >
> > Look, no offense, but how do we know this isn't some sort of
> > Microsoft war against open source?
> >
> > "Oh, look, theres a bunch of bad bugs in Darcs, and it stops software
> > development! Quick! Switch to a Microsoft solution, and all will be
> > well!"
> >
> > Microsoft has done that before, how do we know you're not doing this
> > now?
> Are you serious??!

Yes, and this isn't a troll either. I'm sorry, but I don't trust people with 
microsoft email addresses, and a lot of people in the foss community don't. 

Do I have to go get the mutating penguin troll ad Microsoft put out a few 
years back?

Patrick McFarland ||
"Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids,
we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and
listening to repetitive electronic music." -- Kristian Wilson, Nintendo,
Inc, 1989

darcs-devel mailing list

Re: [darcs-devel] Darcs crashes on GHC repository

2006-07-03 Thread Patrick McFarland
On Monday 03 July 2006 09:33, Simon Marlow wrote:
> [ posting on behalf of [EMAIL PROTECTED], who tried to post the
> message earlier but it doesn't seem to have shown up, so here it is,
> just in case it got swallowed.  Also Simon submitted bugs to
> [EMAIL PROTECTED], which appear to have been lost, so I created tickets
> manually. ]

Look, no offense, but how do we know this isn't some sort of Microsoft war 
against open source?

"Oh, look, theres a bunch of bad bugs in Darcs, and it stops software 
development! Quick! Switch to a Microsoft solution, and all will be well!" 

Microsoft has done that before, how do we know you're not doing this now?

Patrick McFarland ||
"Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids,
we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and
listening to repetitive electronic music." -- Kristian Wilson, Nintendo,
Inc, 1989

darcs-devel mailing list

Re: [darcs-devel] [issue190] crash in function new_ur

2006-07-03 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek

Both bugs 190 and 191 are a problem with commuting mergers.

As you doubtless know, Darcs works by commuting patches around.  While
we do believe that the commutation rules that Darcs uses are correct,
we have no proof of that fact.  What is more, we do know that they are
not complete -- commutation does fail in some cases.

What you see is commutation failing.  While this is a bug, it is not
critical: nothing has been corrupted, but the merge cannot complete.

I have encountered this situation exactly twice in two years' working
with Darcs.  I solved the problem once by doing a manual merge (darcs diff
followed with patch), and once by manually hacking a repository.  Both
solutions are suboptimal, for various reasons, I recommend the first
one as being simpler.

I may be wrong, but I fear that the only person competent to fix this
problem is David.  I wouldn't hold my breath -- I recommend going
ahead and doing a manual merge.


darcs-devel mailing list

[darcs-devel] [issue192] Serious Darcs bugs, GHC team in trouble

2006-07-03 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek

New submission from Juliusz Chroboczek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

David, Ian,

Could you please urgently have a look at bugs 190 and 191?  Various
people called Simon are getting rather nervous.



messages: 716
nosy: droundy, igloo, jch, simonpj, tommy
status: unread
title: Serious Darcs bugs, GHC team in trouble

Darcs issue tracker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

darcs-devel mailing list

[darcs-devel] Darcs crashes on GHC repository

2006-07-03 Thread Simon Marlow
[ posting on behalf of [EMAIL PROTECTED], who tried to post the 
message earlier but it doesn't seem to have shown up, so here it is, 
just in case it got swallowed.  Also Simon submitted bugs to 
[EMAIL PROTECTED], which appear to have been lost, so I created tickets 
manually. ]

Dear Darcs developers

As you know, we switched GHC to Darcs some while ago, which makes Darcs 
absolutely mission-critical to GHC.  But I've encountered two serious 
Darcs crashes recently (two different internal consistency errors not 
seg-faults).  I reported the first to [EMAIL PROTECTED], but had no 
response.  I managed to work around it by abandoning that repository 
altogether, and manually applying patches to a fresh copy.  But it was 

The second one is only today; I've just sent off a bug report to the 
address above.  I would really appreciate advice about how to work 
around it.

The situation (in both cases) couldn't be simpler. I'm working on a 
variant of GHC.  I have accumulated a bunch of patches in my variant 
repository.  I wanted to pull patches from the main repository, but 
Darcs crashed.  'darcs check' reports that the repository is consistent.

I'd *really* appreciate some help with this.  Please.  Both are 100% 
reproducible, and are 100% show-stoppers.   Thanks!


darcs-devel mailing list

[darcs-devel] [issue190] crash in function new_ur

2006-07-03 Thread Simon Marlow

New submission from Simon Marlow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

We can supply failing repositories on request.

sh-2.04$ darcs --exact-version
darcs compiled on May 30 2005, at 11:54:13
# configured Mon May 30 11:48:37 USMST 2005
sh ./configure --disable-mmap --target=mingw


[update web page to reflect new stable release (1.0.3)
Tomasz Zielonka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>**20050524225643] 

[TAG 1.0.3
Tomasz Zielonka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>**20050524215127] 
sh-2.04$ darcs pull
This is the GHC darcs repostory (HEAD branch)

For more information, visit the GHC developer wiki at

Wed May 17 16:42:04 GMT Daylight Time 2006  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  * Improve pretty-printing slightly
Shall I pull this patch? (1/94) [ynWvpxqadjk], or ? for help: y

Wed May 17 16:43:04 GMT Daylight Time 2006  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  * Comments only
Shall I pull this patch? (2/94) [ynWvpxqadjk], or ? for help: y

Wed May 17 16:43:49 GMT Daylight Time 2006  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  * Improve pretty-printing
Shall I pull this patch? (3/94) [ynWvpxqadjk], or ? for help: y

Wed May 17 16:44:49 GMT Daylight Time 2006  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  * Retain INLINE pragma information during indirection-shorting
  During indirection-shorting, we were dropping the InlinePragInfo,
  although were were carefully retaining strictness info etc.  
  I think this is a long-standing bug.
Shall I pull this patch? (4/94) [ynWvpxqadjk], or ? for help: y

Wed May 17 16:47:10 GMT Daylight Time 2006  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  * Spelling correction
Shall I pull this patch? (5/94) [ynWvpxqadjk], or ? for help: a

darcs.exe: bug in darcs!
in function new_ur
Original patch:
merger 0.9 (
merger 0.0 (
hunk ./compiler/iface/IfaceSyn.lhs 633
--- gaw 2004
merger 0.0 (
hunk ./compiler/iface/IfaceSyn.lhs 589
-rhs= unfoldingTemplate unfold_info
-unfold_hsinfo |  neverUnfold unfold_info   -- The CoreTidy phase retains
unfolding info iff
- || has_worker = Nothing   -- we want to expose the 
unfolding, taking into account
-   -- unconditional NOINLINE, etc. 
 See TidyPgm.addExternal
- | otherwise   = Just (HsUnfold inline_prag (toIfaceExpr ext 
+inline_hsinfo | isAlwaysActive inline_prag = Nothing
+ | no_unfolding && not has_worker = Nothing
+   -- If the iface file give no unfolding info, we 
+   -- don't need to say when inlining is OK!
+ | otherwise  = Just (HsInline inline_prag)
merger 0.0 (
hunk ./compiler/iface/IfaceSyn.lhs 577
-unfold_info = unfoldingInfo id_info
+unfold_info  = unfoldingInfo id_info
+rhs = unfoldingTemplate unfold_info
+no_unfolding = neverUnfold unfold_info
+   -- The CoreTidy phase retains unfolding info iff
+   -- we want to expose the unfolding, taking into account
+   -- unconditional NOINLINE, etc.  See TidyPgm.addExternal
+unfold_hsinfo | no_unfolding = Nothing 
+ | has_worker   = Nothing  -- Unfolding is implicit
+ | otherwise= Just (HsUnfold (toIfaceExpr ext rhs))
+  Inline prag  --
merger 0.0 (
hunk ./compiler/iface/IfaceSyn.lhs 548
-  wrkr_hsinfo,  unfold_hsinfo] 
+  inline_hsinfo, wrkr_hsinfo,  unfold_hsinfo] 
merger 0.0 (
hunk ./compiler/iface/IfaceSyn.lhs 580
-unfold_hsinfo |  neverUnfold unfold_info 
- || has_worker = Nothing
+unfold_hsinfo |  neverUnfold unfold_info   -- The CoreTidy phase retains
unfolding info iff
+ || has_worker = Nothing   -- we want to expose the 
unfolding, taking into account
+   -- unconditional NOINLINE, etc. 
 See TidyPgm.addExternal
hunk ./compiler/iface/IfaceSyn.lhs 417
-%* *
-   Converting things to their Iface equivalents
-%* *
-tyThingToIfaceDecl :: (Name -> IfaceExtName) -> TyThing -> IfaceDecl
--- Assumption: the thing is already tidied, so that locally-bound names
---(lambdas, for-alls) already have non-clashing OccNames
--- Reason: Iface stuff uses OccNames, and the conversion here does
---not do tidying on the way
-tyThingToIfaceDecl ext (AnId id)
-  = IfaceId { ifName   = getOccName id, 
- ifType   = toIfaceType ext (idType id),
- ifIdInfo = info }
-  where
-info = case toIfaceIdInfo ext (idInfo id) of