Re: Safely timing out DBI queries

2006-09-19 Thread Chuck Fox
I realize that this is very specific to the database, however, it may be 
possible to set a resource limit at the database level that will prevent 
the queries from consuming too much time.



On Sep 18, 2006, at 6:18 PM, Tyler MacDonald wrote:

Dean Arnold [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Which brings me back to the notion of non-blocking requests.  

many/most client libs do support an async capability, and a OOB
cancel, then it should be possible to standardize the behavior

Attempting to standardize, let alone implement, non-blocking requests
for the current DBI is a far bigger task than the above.

On the other hand, I'd be *delighted* if you, or anyone else, would 

to champion the work.

cheap hack
  Start up a thread to handle the request, which sets a state 
variable on

the statement handle then the request has been processed?
/cheap hack

The problem is not to know when a request is done processing.
The problem is killing requests that are processing for too long.
If you want kill them safely, you may not be able to kill them until 
they're done, which defeats the purpose.
If you kill them unsafely, then the Perl interpreter might be in a 
dirty state, forcing you to thoroughly dispose of it if you want to be 
100% safe.

To kill the requests safely and when you want to, you need 
asynchronous support from the database client APIs and drivers, and 
quite a bit of standardized support code from DBI.


Re: DBD::Sybase misleads me?

2006-06-23 Thread Chuck Fox


The sp_configure option is dynamic, but only affects future connections. It
is an upper limit, and the client has to specifically request the larger
packet size to get it. Otherwise the default 512 byte packet size is used.

In addition to setting the configuration param for max packet size, you 
also need to allocate a number of bytes to the pool of memory from which 
the larger packets are drawn.  This pool of memory is addressed by the 
sp_configure parameter 'additional network memory'.   There is a formula 
to caluclate the actual amount required based on the number of 
connections and the packet sizes required.



Re: Can't connect to Sybase Rep server

2006-03-01 Thread Chuck Fox
One solution would be to install your own error handler and catch the 
17001 and 2056 errors and ignore them.




This is not a very helpful answer, but are you sure this is worth 
trying?  A Replication Server is not an Adaptive Server Enterprise.  
Admittedly they both use the same Tabular Data Stream networking 
protocol, but they have very different command languages.  A Rep 
Server isn't even a database server.  Are you sure it is reasonable to 
expect a DBI driver for Sybase ASE to work correctly with Rep Server?

Maybe Sybperl is the way to go if you want your perl program to talk 
to a Rep Server.

Good luck,


Matthew Persico wrote:

This simple test program:

use strict;
use warnings;
use DBI;
my $dbh = DBI-connect('dbi:Sybase:server=REPP', 'REPP_login',
'REPP_passwd', {RaiseError = 1});
my $dummy = 6;

causes this:

Server message number=17001 severity=10 state=0 line=0 server=REPP
text=No SRV_OPTION handler installed.OpenClient message: LAYER = (1)
ORIGIN = (1) SEVERITY = (1) NUMBER = (183)
Server REPP, database
Message String: ct_options(): user api layer: external error: An error
was returned from the server while setting the options, check the
server message for details.
Server message number=2056 severity=12 state=0 line=0 server=REPP
text=Line 1, character 8: Incorrect syntax with 'select'.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (DEV, uid=8030(persicom) gid=200(develop) depth=0)

using Perl 5.6.1, DBI 1.48 and DBD::Sybase 1.07.

However, when using Perl 5.6.1, DBI 1.37 and DBD::Sybase 1.00, I get
no error message.

What DBI trace flags/envars do I neet to set in order to diagnose this?

Matthew O. Persico


Re: DBD::ODBC, FreeTDS, SQL Server and 'money' column type

2005-07-12 Thread Chuck Fox
Have you tried putting the appropriate money symbol in the front of the 
string ?  Such as $ for US currency.




Hi all.

I'm using the process:

my $sth = $dbh-prepare ( update xxx set a=?, b=?, c=? where d=? );
$sth-execute( $a, $b, $c, $d );

to update data in a SQL Server database. It works fine most of the time,
but if I have a 'money' column type in SQL Server, I get the following

[unixODBC][FreeTDS][SQL Server]Disallowed implicit conversion from data
type varchar to data type money, table 'NUSsql.dbo.EAPosting', column
'EAPTotal'. Use the CONVERT function to run this query. (SQL-)

I've googled around and found that this error occurs if you enclose a
money value in single quotes. There are a couple of problems with this.

Firstly, I'm not quoting the values ... I assume something further up
the chain is. Possibly DBD::ODBC or FreeTDS?
Secondly, I've got a couple of layers of abstraction between getting the
data, processing it, and updating the database, and I really can't (
without some *major* work ) insert convert() functions around things -
particularly since a lot of the stuff I'm doing is supposed to be

I suppose I can convert the data in SQL Server to something else. I
didn't set the table up - I wouldn't have used 'money' anyway, but I'm
not sure what effect changing it now will have.

Anyone encountered this before? Looks like a bug to me.


Re: Connection Issue with DBI::DBD::mysql

2005-06-22 Thread Chuck Fox
Sounds like a windows feature, does user1 have an account on the 
windows host ? are you using any type of firewall or other security 
related software ?


Hi everyone,
   Trying to connect to a MySQL database from a Linux Server using
PERL to a Windows Machine with a MySQL database (5.0.6). I can
connect successfully on the windows box but cannot on the Linux
server! I ran a SQLTRACE (DBD) with the following output:
imp_dbh-connect: dsn =
database=userdb:hostname=, uid = user1, pwd
= user1 imp_dbh-MyLogin: dbname = userdb, uid = user1, pwd =
user1,host =, port = 3307 imp_dbh-mysql_dr_connect:
host =, port = 3307, uid = user1, pwd = user1

imp_dbh-mysql_dr_connect: client_flags = 2

imp_dbh-mysql_dr_connect: -Access denied for user
'user1'@'' (using password: YES) error 1045 recorded:
Access denied for user 'user1'@'' (using password: YES)  

What disturbs me is that the return error comes back with a
different IP address than what I sent out. Anyone have any idea as
to why? That would seem to be the problem with the access denied!
The machine address that issues the connect is but the address 
comming back is totally different.


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Re: storing hierarchical values in db; methods

2005-06-13 Thread Chuck Fox
I have done this in a production environment. 

I have used multi parented relationships. In a static environment this 
is not a big issue. In an environment where constant reparenting occurs, 
along with the attendant woes of widow and orphaned hierarchies, use 
dynamic sql and a cursoring technique and in terms of the table just 
store the parent key and the child key.
In the years since I first did this, CPU and disk speeds have more than 
made up for the cost of constructing the hierarchy on the fly.
There are a number of solutions to this problem. Attached are theory 
behind how I implemented an idea that is quite similar to yours. While 
it was a very interesting problem and the solution is rather elegant, 
maintenance can become a nightmare. Take it from someone who implemented 
this for a table of about a million parent-child relationships. If you 
are interested in a full blown example, please contact me directly.

Your Friendly Neighborhood DBA,



Hi all,

I have question about storing hierarchical values in db. I found some
methods, pick up the first easiest, but I ahve question about that -
have someone coded some methods, or knows some module, which helps me
with this issue ?

Ok, here is infos:

MYSQL tables:
CREATE TABLE `cat_name` (
 `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
 `cat_name` varchar(150) NOT NULL default '',
 PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
 UNIQUE KEY `cat_name` (`cat_name`)

CREATE TABLE `cat_tree` (
 `id` int(9) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
 `parent_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
 `child_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
 PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
 KEY `parent_id` (`parent_id`),
 KEY `child_id` (`child_id`)

input data:

name = 'some name...'
category = 'foo/bar/foo/bar'
name = 'something other...'
category = 'foo/bar/foo/bar'

Perl snippet:

foreach my $cat ( split '/', $hr-{category} ) {
   next if $hash{$cat}++;  #skip duplicates
   $hr-{cat_id} = cat_get($cat) || cat_insert($cat);
   print $hr-{cat_id}, \n;
   #need other functions to store/get (recursive) values into cat_tree

sub cat_get {
   my ($id) = $dbh-selectrow_array(select id from cat_name where cat_name = 
?, {}, shift);
   return ($id);

sub cat_insert {
   my $cat_insert = $dbh-prepare(INSERT INTO cat_name (cat_name) values 
   $cat_insert-execute( shift );
   return $dbh-{'mysql_insertid'};

I don't know if this problem is solved like my code, but it it my
first try. Could anyone helps on this, please ?



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Scott Gray)
Date: 3 Jun 1996 08:02:07 -0400
Subject: Re: recursive to tree conversion?
Organization: VoiceNet Internet Access

Scott Gray [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
There are some *very* nice algorithms for representing hierarchical
structures in a relational database using only base SQL92 features
(without cursors or recursion), which I have had great success with
in the past.  I would recommend reading SQL for Smarties for
some examples.

If there is sufficient interest, I can provide some examples.

Ok, I threw the following together, so I'm not promising that it is
entirely correct, but I hope that y'all find it useful.  It is
written with a heavy slant towards Sybase, for obvious reasons, but
could easily be ported to other platforms.

I know that I said this didn't involve cursors, but this example
minimally involves them, and it should be relatively easy to 
implement it without cursor.


[ snip ]--

Alright, so you wanna know more about representing hierarchies
in a relational database?  Before I get in to the nitty gritty
I should at least give all of the credit for this algorithm
to: _Hierarical_Structures:_The_Relational_Taboo!_, _(Can_
Transitive_Closure_Queries_be_Efficient?)_, by Michael J. Kamfonas
as published in 1992 Relational Journal (I don't know which
volume or issue).

The basic algorithm goes like this, given a tree (hierarchy) that
looks roughly like this (forgive the ASCII art--I hope you are using
a fixed font to view this):

   / \
 / \
   / \
 b c 
/ \   /|\
   /   \/  |  \
  / \ /|   \
 d   e   f gh

(note, that the tree need not be balanced for this algorithm to work).
The next step assigned two numbers to each node in the tree, called left
and right numbers, such that the left and right numbers of each node
contain the left and right numbers of the ancestors of that node 

Re: db or file access?

2005-04-11 Thread Chuck Fox
Sample database code supplied with Sybase stores pics :p

 I'm sure someone somewhere will store them in databases. 

Your Friendly Neighborhood DBA,


Re: install_driver(Sybase) failed: DBD::Sybase initialize:

2005-04-11 Thread Chuck Fox


It appears that your environment is not correctly setup. Check that you have 
sourced in the located at /opt/sybase11.9.2.  It appears that 
DBD::Sybase attempted to call ct_init in the Sybase libs and failed to find it. 
 Check the SHLIB_PATH. Use isql to connect to verify that open client is 
working properly.  Then start digging into the perl code. 

Desai, Anand (HP-GDIC) wrote on 4/11/2005, 8:58 AM:
 I have been struggling to get DBI to work on my server... 
 Here is the code.. 
 #! /usr/bin/perl 
 #use strict; 
 $ENV{SYBASE} = /opt/sybase11.9.2; 
 use DBI; 
 print Here's a list of DBI drivers:\n; 
 my @available_drivers = DBI-available_drivers('quiet'); 
 my $driver; 
 foreach $driver (@available_drivers) 
print $driver\n; 
 foreach $key (sort keys(%INC)) { 
print $key = $INC{$key}\n; 
 my $dbh =DBI-connect(dbi:Sybase:server=crisp, 'sa', '', {PrintError 
 = 0}); 
 die Unablee for connect to server $DBI::errstr 
 unless $dbh; 
 my $rc; 
 my $sth; 
 $sth = $dbh-prepare(select [EMAIL PROTECTED]@servername); 
 if($sth-execute) { 
 while(@$dat = $sth-fetchrow) { 
 print @dat\n; 
   my  $key; 
 and the output is 
 Here's a list of DBI drivers: 
 Sybase = /opt/perl-uxpe/lib/5.8.0/ = /opt/perl-uxpe/lib/5.8.0/ = /opt/perl-uxpe/lib/5.8.0/PA-RISC1.1-thread-multi/ = /opt/perl-uxpe/lib/5.8.0/PA-RISC1.1-thread-multi/ = 
 /opt/perl-uxpe/lib/site_perl/5.8.0/PA-RISC1.1-thread-multi/ = /opt/perl-uxpe/lib/5.8.0/ = 
 /opt/perl-uxpe/lib/5.8.0/PA-RISC1.1-thread-multi/ = /opt/perl-uxpe/lib/5.8.0/ 
 Exporter/ = /opt/perl-uxpe/lib/5.8.0/Exporter/ 
 ExtUtils/ = /opt/perl-uxpe/lib/5.8.0/ExtUtils/ 
 ExtUtils/ = /opt/perl-uxpe/lib/5.8.0/ExtUtils/ 
 ExtUtils/Liblist/ = 
 ExtUtils/ = /opt/perl-uxpe/lib/5.8.0/ExtUtils/ 
 nstall_driver(Sybase) failed: DBD::Sybase initialize: ct_init(1100) 
 failed at /opt/perl-uxpe/lib/5.8.0/PA-RISC1.1-thread-multi/ 
 line 249. 
 Compilation failed in require at (eval 36) line 3. 
 at ./ line 29 
 can someone please help 
 Anand Desai 

Your Friendly Neighborhood DBA,


Re: Mixing select and print statements using DBI, DBD::Sybase

2005-02-10 Thread Chuck Fox
Just spoke to my Sybase Tech Support engineer and she assures me that the 
statements should be coming in the order specified by the SQL.  She suggested 
that the DBD::Sybase implementation may be at the heart of the matter. 

David Goodman wrote on 2/10/2005, 1:20 PM:
 No, select ONE=1 is legitimate transact-sql. 
 --- Michael A Chase [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
  Quoting David Goodman [EMAIL PROTECTED]: 
   Hello Michael: 
   You write: 
   Theoretically yes - at least for queries (select 
   statements). Print and raiserror statements 
   normally be sent back in the same way as you'd get 
   them in isql, but you may be seeing buffering 
   differences where the error handler prints to 
   and your data rows (from fetchrow) are printed to 
   In my case both the messages and the rows are 
   to an array and later printed to a file. So I 
   think that the difference between buffering of 
   and STDOUT is at work. 
   Would you be able to think of an alternative 
   explanation for messages coming back to the 
   handler before the rows arrive? 
  Just a SWAG since I don't use Sybase.  Could the 
  SELECT var=value statements 
  be being processed in the local client instead of 
  the database? 
  Mac :}) 

Your Friendly Neighborhood DBA,


Re: Nested query problem

2004-12-13 Thread Chuck Fox

Michael A Chase tech wrote on 12/13/2004, 9:24 AM:
 On 12/13/2004 06:09 AM, Hardy Merrill said: 
  I realize I'm splitting hairs here, and I'm no database expert, but I'm 
  curious about your answer to this - wouldn't this be even slightly more 
  efficient to write the WHERE clause conditions as most restricting 
  first?  In other words, 
 FROM   feature, 
 WHERE  reporter.attributes_id = ? === most restrictive 1st 
  AND feature.reporter_id =  === next most 
  I was once told (or read?) that it is most efficient to put the most 
  restrictive conditions first in the WHERE - is that right?  I've always 
  tended to put my joins towards the end of the WHERE when I have other 
  criteria that I'm looking for - just curious to know if I've been doing 
  it wrong. 
 The general answer is that it all depends.  A RDBMS builds its search 
 plans based on a lot of factors; the order of the arguments may or may 
 not be one of them. 
For instance, a long time ago in sybase it mattered.  Now the actual order 
doesn't have that much influence. 
 Mac :}) 
 ** I usually forward private questions to the appropriate mail list. ** 
 Ask Smarter: 
 Give a hobbit a fish and he eats fish for a day. 
 Give a hobbit a ring and he eats fish for an age. 

Your Friendly Neighborhood DBA,


Re: Does DBD::Sybase support a way to get the number of rows affected by a statement?

2004-12-09 Thread Chuck Fox
But for DBD::Sybase and most others it only tells you after you have 
fetched/processed the whole result set. 

Matthew Persico wrote on 12/9/2004, 7:56 PM:
 Check the DBI docs -  I seem to remember a generic function to call 
 for all DBDs which should be implemented to work for particular DBDs 
 On Thu, 9 Dec 2004 14:03:57 -0800 (PST), David Goodman 
  I checked that DBD::Sybase documentation and did not 
  find a way to get the number of rows affected by the 
  previous statement. 
  Is there an equivalent for ct_res_info()? Or is select 
  @@rowcount the only way to do it? 
 Matthew O. Persico 

Your Friendly Neighborhood DBA,


Re: Slow connection to Oracle 9i

2004-10-18 Thread Chuck Fox

Without knowing much about Oracle (although I can talk your ear off about Sybase), you 
want to cache connections to the server and set a limit (maybe its 1!) and use this 
pool of connections to connect to your server. 

Major advantage:
No overhead for creating the connection on startup.

Major disadvantage:
Need to goto java afaik.  Apache has some modules written for it to do something 
like this, hit google. There maybe a dbi module that I am unaware of that can provide 
this capability to your webserver via cgi/bin perl. Hit CPAN search. 

Paul Appleby wrote on 10/18/2004, 7:57 PM:
 I realize I may not have been totally clear in my earlier post, which 
 should have said: 
 My CGI application will be called by different visitors to the web 
 site at different  times, but they all connect to the same database 
 using the same connection variables, i.e. the same user/password. 
 Are you saying the first visitor to the web site's connection can be 
 left open  for all the other visitors? How? 
 Perhaps, though you understand it as such without this clarification. 
 On Mon, Oct 18, 2004 at 04:39:25PM -0400, Paul Appleby wrote: 
My CGI application will be called by different users at different 
   times. Are you saying the first user's connection can be left open 
for all the other users? How? 
 Apart from the other (good) advice here, which you should follow first, 
 it is possible, with DBD::Oracle, to 'reauthenticate' a $dbh for a 
 different user. See the reauthenticate method in the docs. 
   Most people with experience with Oracle know that opening oracle 
   is SLOW! 
   Oracle does not appear to consider that a problem, just like they do not 
   consider slow performance for doing DDL a problem 

   Applications that require near real time (OLTP) response times open 
   connections once, and hold open oracle connections across transactions. 
   This is true regardless of the language on the client side.  That is why, 
   for instance, Websphere caches pooled connections in the java world. 


   -Original Message- 
   From: Tim Bunce [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
   Sent: Monday, October 18, 2004 12:06 PM 
   To: Paul Appleby 
   Subject: Re: Slow connection to Oracle 9i 

   On Mon, Oct 18, 2004 at 10:38:23AM -0400, Paul Appleby wrote: 

DBD::Oracle::dr::load_dbnames is only called by data_sources() 
so don't call data_sources() unless you really need to. 

I really do need to call  data_sources() but the time it takes to 
retrieve data, as shown above, using Time::HiRes is only 
0.0100140571594238 seconds. So that's not the issue. 

   dprofpp showed it to take approx the same time as login: 

%Time ExclSec CumulS #Calls sec/call Csec/c  Name 
 21.6   0.090  0.090  1   0.0900 0.0900  DBD::Oracle::db::_login 
 21.6   0.090  0.159  1   0.0899 0.1592 
 21.6   0.090  0.159  6   0.0149 0.0265  main::BEGIN 

   Anyway, I think there's little you can do from DBI to make Oracle 
   connections faster than you already have.  Look to changes on the 
   Oracle side - for which other mailing lists (such as oracle-l) are 
   more suitable. 

   Paul Appleby 
 Paul Appleby 

Your Friendly Neighborhood DBA,


Re: Inserting an Email Address fails.

2004-09-23 Thread Chuck Fox
FROM is a keyword, change the name of the column 

Hamilton, Kent wrote on 9/23/2004, 3:15 PM:
 I'm trying to insert an email address into a mysql database and it seems 
 to fail no matter what I do.  Here are two different cuts at the code, 
 neither of which works and both return pretty much the same error message. 
 sub update_Unprocessed 
 my $From = shift;   # From 
 my $MsgID = shift;  # MsgID 
 my $Subject = shift;# Subject 
 my $Date = shift;   # Date 
 my $Reason = shift; # Reason 
 my $Attachment = shift; # Body or attachment 
 $rows = $dbh-do(INSERT INTO UnprocessedMail SET 
 From = '$From', 
 MsgID = '$MsgID', 
 Subject = '$Subject', 
 Date = \'$Date\', 
 Reason = '$Reason', 
 Attachment = '$Attachment'); 
 if ( $DBI::errstr ) { 
 $errmsg = 'Can not updated UnprocessedMail. Error: ' . 
 $DBI::errstr . \n; 
 if ( $DEBUG ) { 
 print STDERR Can not update UnprocessedMail. 
 Error: $DBI::errstr\n; 
 This produces this error message: 
 Can not update UnprocessedMail. Error: You have an error in your SQL 
 syntax.  Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version 
 for the right syntax to use near 'From = '[EMAIL PROTECTED]', 
 MsgID = 'BB7A3D4475F89F4696DC 
 Changing the subroutine to look like: 
 sub update_Unprocessed 
 my $count = 0; 
 $values[$count++] = shift;  # From 
 $values[$count++] = shift;  # MsgID 
 $values[$count++] = shift;  # Subject 
 $values[$count++] = shift;  # Date 
 $values[$count++] = shift;  # Reason 
 $values[$count] = shift;# Body or attachment 
 $sth = $dbh-prepare(q{INSERT INTO UnprocessedMail 
 (From, MsgID, Subject, Date, Reason, Attachment ) 
 VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )}); 
 if ( $DBI::errstr ) { 
 $errmsg = 'Can not prepare UnprocessedMail. Error: ' . 
 $DBI::errstr . \n; 
 if ( $DEBUG ) { 
 print STDERR Can not prepare UnprocessedMail. 
 Error: $DBI::errstr\n; 
 if ( $DBI::errstr ) { 
 $errmsg = 'Can not update UnprocessedMail. Error: ' . 
 $DBI::errstr . \n; 
 if ( $DEBUG ) { 
 print STDERR Can not update UnprocessedMail. 
 Error: $DBI::errstr\n; 
 Gives me THIS error message 
 Can not update UnprocessedMail. Error: You have an error in your SQL 
 syntax.  Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version 
 for the right syntax to use near 'From, MsgID, Subject, Date, Reason, 
 Attachment ) 
 If I change the insert order it still blows up on the email address, IE if 
 I put MsgID first and the email address last it still dies on the mail 
 I've tried various $sth-quote(), perl quotemeta, qq, q, etc., options.  
 I'm sure it's something very simple and stupid since I don't do this much 
 Can anyone please offer me some help? 

Your Friendly Neighborhood DBA,


Re: UnixODBC

2004-09-07 Thread Chuck Fox
You don't call unixODBC.  You setup a data source for unixODBC, then you reference the 
datasource as if it was a dataserver. I just went through this exercise. The odbc.ini 
and odbcinst.ini need to have the correct entries for the source of your data. The 
name that is created in brackets is the name you pass to DBI. 

Christian Stalp wrote on 9/7/2004, 10:21 AM:
 I tryed to call UnixODBC via DBI. 
 my $data_source = dbi:UnixODBC:refdb; 
 $dbh = DBI-connect ( $data_source, $user, $password ) 
  or die unable to connect !\n; 
 and got : 
 install_driver(UnixODBC) failed: Can't locate DBD/ in @INC (@INC 
 contains: /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.8.3/PA-RISC2.0 /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.8.3 
 /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.3 /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl .) at 
 (eval 1) line 3. 
 Perhaps the DBD::UnixODBC perl module hasn't been fully installed, 
 or perhaps the capitalisation of 'UnixODBC' isn't right. 
 Available drivers: Adabas, DBM, ExampleP, File, Proxy, Sponge. 
 at ./ line 15 
 But there is a in  
 and this directory is part of @INC. you see: 
 [imserv03]/home/STALP  perl -e 'printf %d %s\n, $i++, $_ for @INC' 
 0 /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.8.3/PA-RISC2.0 
 1 /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.8.3 
 2 /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.3/PA-RISC2.0 
 3 /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.3 
 4 /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl 
 5 . 
 Why perl don't except the module? 
 Gruss Christian 
 Christian Stalp 
 Institut für Medizinische Biometrie, Epidemiologie und Informatik (IMBEI) 
 Obere Zahlbacher Straße 69 
 55131 Mainz 
 Tel.: 06131/ 17-6852 

Your Friendly Neighborhood DBA,


Re: how to format query results

2004-08-19 Thread Chuck Fox

Why not try something like testing the var using Posix functions to determine if it is 
a number and then sprintfing ?

Ravi Kongara wrote on 8/19/2004, 6:25 PM:
 I won't be able to use sprintf( ), b'coz column type is not known. Query 
 includes both 
 numeric and character columns.  I may have to check for each column 
 whether it's a NUMBER or not, and then apply 
 sprintf, which i'm not in favour of. Instead if a set number format ( 
 like date format) at session level, number 
 columns are automatically rounded off . 
 Thanks for your quick reply though. 
 Reidy, Ron wrote: 
 The SQL*Plus 'set' commands are used for display purposes only to STDOUT.  To get 
 the correct formatting of variables, use 'sprintf()'. 
 See perldoc -d sprintf. 
 Ron Reidy 
 Senior DBA 
 Array BioPharma, Inc. 
 -Original Message- 
 From: Ravi Kongara [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2004 2:05 PM 
 To: DBI-Users 
 Subject: how to format query results 
 Task: Set the number format to 16 decimal positions for Oracle DBI session. 
 Versions: Perl 5.6.1, DBI 1.42,  DBD::Oracle 1.14, Oracle 8.1.7 on Solaris. 
 I guess Oracle doesn't have  'ALTER SESSION' command for setting Number 
 Format at session level. 
 Basically how can i set those SQLPLUS options ( ex : set numwidth 16 ) 
 in DBI..? 
 Any clues..? 
 Ravi Kumar 
 This electronic message transmission is a PRIVATE communication which contains 
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 telephone (877-633-2436, ext. 0), and then delete it from your system. 

Your Friendly Neighborhood DBA,


Re: DBD::Sybase message suppression....

2004-07-21 Thread Chuck Fox

Install an error handler (perldoc DBD::Sybase) and ignore messages that come back with 
a severity of 0 or 10, (print blah has one of these two levels depending on the 
version of open client.)

Your Friendly Neighborhood DBA,


amonotod wrote on 7/21/2004, 5:32 PM:
  From: Henri Asseily [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Date: 2004/07/21 Wed PM 09:22:07 GMT 
  On Jul 21, 2004, at 2:06 PM, amonotod wrote: 
 Now, if the answer is that I should change the RaiseError to 0, then 
  Try to add PrintError = 0 
 Well, that sounded good, but had no effect on the messages... 
 Thanks for the suggestion, 
 `\|||/ amonotod@| sun|perl|windows 
   (@@)  | sysadmin|dba 

Re: Connection error with DBD-Sybase

2004-06-28 Thread Chuck Fox

You are using the TLI interface file.  You might try using the DNS based 


Eric Wimer wrote on 6/25/2004, 8:33 PM:

  We're running Solaris 2.8 with the Sybase ASE v12.5.1 client installed
  on it. I've confirmed that we can connect to a remote database using
  isql. Our current interfaces file:
  -file starts--
  query tli tcp /dev/tcp \x000207f1a9898202
  master tli tcp /dev/tcp \x000207f1a9898202
  -file ends
  My working isql command:
  isql -P baz -S foo -U bar -D news
  My PWD file in the build directory:
  -file starts--
  # This file contains optional login id, passwd and server info for the
  # programs:
  # You probably don't want to have it lying around after you've made
  # sure that everything works OK.
  -file ends
  I built DBD::Sybase v1.02 using DBI v1.14 with no problems reported.
  However, I get the following errors when I run make test:
  -command starts--
  make test
  PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /usr/local/bin/perl -Iblib/arch -Iblib/lib
  -I/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.6.0/sun4-solaris -I/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.6.0
  -e 'use Test::Harness qw(runtests $verbose); $verbose=0; runtests
  @ARGV;' t/*.t
  t/autocommitCan't call method do on an undefined value at
  t/autocommit.t line 29.
  Test returned status 255 (wstat 65280, 0xff00)
  DIED. FAILED tests 2-4
  Failed 3/4 tests, 25.00% okay
  t/exec..DBI-connect(server=foo;database=news) failed:
  OpenClient message: LAYER = (5) ORIGIN = (3) SEVERITY = (5) NUMBER = (4)
  Server foo, database
  Message String: ct_connect(): network packet layer: internal net library
  error: There was an error encountered while establishing the connection.
  at t/exec.t line 26
  Can't call method prepare on an undefined value at t/exec.t line 30.
  Test returned status 255 (wstat 65280, 0xff00)
  DIED. FAILED tests 2-9
  Failed 8/9 tests, 11.11% okay
  t/fail..Unable for connect to foo: OpenClient message: LAYER
  = (5) ORIGIN = (3) SEVERITY = (5) NUMBER = (4)
  Server foo, database
  Message String: ct_connect(): network packet layer: internal net library
  error: There was an error encountered while establishing the connection.
  Test returned status 255 (wstat 65280, 0xff00)
  DIED. FAILED tests 2-13
  Failed 12/13 tests, 7.69% okay
  t/login.ok 3/3FAILED test 2
  Failed 1/3 tests, 66.67% okay
  t/main..Unable for connect to foo: OpenClient message: LAYER
  = (5) ORIGIN = (3) SEVERITY = (5) NUMBER = (4)
  Server foo, database
  Message String: ct_connect(): network packet layer: internal net library
  error: There was an error encountered while establishing the connection.
  Test returned status 255 (wstat 65280, 0xff00)
  DIED. FAILED tests 2-16
  Failed 15/16 tests, 6.25% okay
  t/nsql..DBI-connect(server=foo;database=news) failed:
  OpenClient message: LAYER = (5) ORIGIN = (3) SEVERITY = (5) NUMBER = (4)
  Server foo, database
  Message String: ct_connect(): network packet layer: internal net library
  error: There was an error encountered while establishing the connection.
  at t/nsql.t line 24
  Can't call method func on an undefined value at t/nsql.t line 29.
  Test returned status 255 (wstat 65280, 0xff00)
  DIED. FAILED tests 2-4
  Failed 3/4 tests, 25.00% okay
  t/place.Unable for connect to foo: OpenClient message: LAYER
  = (5) ORIGIN = (3) SEVERITY = (5) NUMBER = (4)
  Server foo, database
  Message String: ct_connect(): network packet layer: internal net library
  error: There was an error encountered while establishing the connection.
  Test returned status 255 (wstat 65280, 0xff00)
  DIED. FAILED tests 2-11
  Failed 10/11 tests, 9.09% okay
  t/xblob.DBI-connect(server=foo;database=news) failed:
  OpenClient message: LAYER = (5) ORIGIN = (3) SEVERITY = (5) NUMBER = (4)
  Server foo, database
  Message String: ct_connect(): network packet layer: internal net library
  error: There was an error encountered while establishing the connection.
  at t/xblob.t line 26
  Can't call method do on an undefined value at t/xblob.t line 31.
  Test returned status 255 (wstat 65280, 0xff00)
  DIED. FAILED tests 2-6
  Failed 5/6 tests, 16.67% okay
  Failed Test  Status Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of failed

  t/autocommit.t  255 65280 43  75.00%  2-4

Re: Selecting a record froma table where a column might be null

2004-04-30 Thread Chuck Fox

On Thu, 2004-04-29 at 23:20, Chuck Fox wrote:


So column != column when the column contains a null.  How very unusual.  
I would have assumed that null = null, but there I go assuming things 

So why does this work ?

create table foo( i int, c char(10) null )
insert foo values( 1, null )
insert foo values( 2, 2 )
select * from foo where c = null
declare @c char(10)
select @c = null
select * from foo where c = isnull( @c, c )

If you are using Sybase then the default behavior is to allow comparison
to NULL. This is NOT ANSI SQL compliant, and one should use where foo
is NULL instead of where foo = NULL to be on the safe side.
This behavior is controlled by the ANSINULL option - see the SET T-SQL

Michael and others

Thanks for the lesson in non-compliant behavior in one's favorite 
product.  I commonly use this trick to solve the exact problem the 
original questioner posted and assumed the technique would be as 
universal as duct tape.  Sadly, this is not the case.  However, another 
poster, Alan, did resolve the issue in the Oracle fashion with a 
technique that was quite similar in nature.

Try to add nvl function to both side of equal in the where clause.

eg. where nvl(column, '~') = nvl(?, '~')

Bad case of the heart was in the right place, but the head was in the 
wrong db.

Your Friendly Neighborhood DBA,


Re: Selecting a record froma table where a column might be null

2004-04-30 Thread Chuck Fox

On Fri, 2004-04-30 at 15:01, Chuck Fox wrote:




If you are using Sybase then the default behavior is to allow comparison
to NULL. This is NOT ANSI SQL compliant, and one should use where foo
is NULL instead of where foo = NULL to be on the safe side.
This behavior is controlled by the ANSINULL option - see the SET T-SQL


Michael and others

Thanks for the lesson in non-compliant behavior in one's favorite 
product.  I commonly use this trick to solve the exact problem the 
original questioner posted and assumed the technique would be as 
universal as duct tape.  Sadly, this is not the case.  However, another 
poster, Alan, did resolve the issue in the Oracle fashion with a 
technique that was quite similar in nature.

Try to add nvl function to both side of equal in the where clause.

eg. where nvl(column, '~') = nvl(?, '~')

Bad case of the heart was in the right place, but the head was in the 
wrong db.


Note that Sybase (via DBD::Sybase) will NOT accept a placeholder (?)
that does not directly refer to a column, so using something like
   where isnull(?, '~') ...
won't work. Similarly the code snippet mentioned in the DBI docs to
handle NULL parameters
   where foo = ? or (? is null and foo is null)
will NOT work, because Sybase's API can't figure out what type the
second ? refers to.
Ah the fun of writing portable SQL... :-)


Personally, I prefer stored procedures, but I can understand how that 
portability thing can get in the way :-)


Re: Selecting a record froma table where a column might be null

2004-04-29 Thread Chuck Fox

So column != column when the column contains a null.  How very unusual.  
I would have assumed that null = null, but there I go assuming things 

So why does this work ?

create table foo( i int, c char(10) null )
insert foo values( 1, null )
insert foo values( 2, 2 )
select * from foo where c = null
declare @c char(10)
select @c = null
select * from foo where c = isnull( @c, c )

This does not work in Oracle.  A NULL value is the absence of value and cannot be compared to anything (including NULL).

Ron Reidy
Senior DBA
Array BioPharma, Inc.
-Original Message-
From: Chuck Fox [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 29, 2004 3:01 PM
Subject: Re: Selecting a record froma table where a column might be null
You can try reformatting your query like this:

select dns_id
from dmg.do_not_solicit
where dns_prospect_id = isnull( ?, 
dns_prospect_id )
  and dns_area_code = isnull( ? , 
dns_area_code )
  and dns_phone = isnull( ?, dns_phone )
  and dns_zip_code = isnull( ? , 
dns_zip_code )
  and dns_pr_branch = isnull( ? , 
dns_pr_branch )
  and dns_pr_client_nbr = isnull( ? , 
dns_pr_client_nbr )
  and dns_pr_client_status = isnull( ?, 
dns_pr_client_status ) );

This will cause a null parameter to be replaced with column=column which 
is always true and should select the row.


Your Friendly Neighborhood DBA,




I am trying to retrieve a record from a table, and one of the 
parameters in the where clause happens to be null, and the select I am 
doing below in my script,  the id does not come back, although I can 
use TOAD and view the record in the table.  It just happens that the 
branch parameter is NULL.  Is there anyway to do this select with a 
parameter that is NULL in a dynamic fashion?
And I have tried the quote dbi function, but that doesnt seem to work 
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

use warnings;
use strict;
use DBI;
$database_name = nssdev8;

eval { $dbh = DBI-connect(dbi:Oracle: . $database_name,,,{
  RaiseError = 1,
  PrintError = 0,
  AutoCommit = 1
  exit; # exit the program, since error from not connecting to db
 gathering of other variables cut to save space, since it is many 
other selects

my $sth = $dbh-prepare(select dns_id
from dmg.do_not_solicit
where dns_prospect_id = ?
  and dns_area_code = ?
  and dns_phone = ?
  and dns_zip_code = ?
  and dns_pr_branch = ?
  and dns_pr_client_nbr = ?
  and dns_pr_client_status = ?);
  # execute sth3 above
  print dnsid $dns_id\n;
this is end here
this is a sample output of a record that fails
new record here
pros id 477974
areacode 716
phone 4733866
zipcode 14618
client nbr 0
client status P
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at ./ 
line 205.

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Re: Avoiding coding username/password directly into perl script

2004-03-10 Thread Chuck Fox

Hi there,

I figured this would be a pretty common problem, but I didn't see
anything in the FAQ or docs.
We've got a script that uses DBI to connect to SQL Server.

There is a system DSN set up and this already has the username and
password. So do we really need to pass them again, as shown below?
my $db = DBI-connect(dbi:ODBC:$dsn,$db_user_name,$db_password);

We tried the following (removing the username/password parameters),
but we got a connection error.
my $db = DBI-connect(dbi:ODBC:$dsn);

It would be nice (for maintenance) and obviously more secure if we
could pass only the DSN name.
- ML
One approach is to subclass DBI and override the connect method. Put in 
a password/userid retrieval mechanism and then change all your code to 
call your new subclass.



2004-01-14 Thread Chuck Fox

I am an associate of Les Peters, the Perl Monk, contact here. We are 
heavy Sybase users and there may be some possibility of us assisting you 
in getting *nix flavors.  The Windoze and Linux versions of Sybase Open 
Client are available from for free to developers, it just 
requires that you register with them to download and use the software.




Thanks Guys for DBD-Oracle. Could Someone make DBD-sybase 
Available for Perl5.8.2.

I don't have Sybase client libs or Sybase anywhere here.  If someone who is
willing to keep up with versions and build DBD::Sybase with the same version
of DBI that I have, then I'd be willing to put it up on my ftp site with the
other downloads.  That, or, if someone from Sybase is out there, get me a
developer version and permission to post it, I'll do it.



Thanks in Advance.

-Original Message-
From: Jeff Urlwin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, January 12, 2004 6:23 PM
To: 'David N Murray'; 'Fermin, Gennie'
Subject: RE: DBD

I got this same error and have seen others post with the same
problem.  I d/l'd the whole oracle kit (dbd-oracle-1.14, from 
cpan) and built it on my machine, and it works fine (DBI 
doesn't have any .dll dependencies that I'm aware of).  I 
have the full oracle 8.1.4 client installed, MSVC 6 SP3, and 
perl 5.8.2 build 808 (ActiveState) on XP Pro.  The commands I 
used (in a command window) were: vcvars32.bat (configures 
command-line MSVC environment), perl (complained 
about not being able to find Oracle headers), nmake (worked 
despite prev warning), nmake install.

If someone has some info on how I can bundle this up, I'd be
happy to do it.  My concern is with the various pieces that I 
used, however.  I don't really have access to any other 
Oracle clients and I don't know what the DLL hell would look 
like if I tried to ship this.

I already have it bundled and I have it PPM installable.  

Gennie -- I announced this a while back on DBI-Users and DBI-Announce.

If you are running ActiveState build 808 (5.8.2)

ppm install
ppm install




On Jan 9, Fermin, Gennie scribed:



I'm trying to install DBD-Oracle. I get this error msg 

when I run: 

C:\Perl\lib\DBD-Oracleppm install DBD-Oracle.ppd
Error: no suitable installation target found for package 


Does anyone know of documentation on-line that could help 

me? Or has 

anyone come across this error?

Thank you,

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Re: Trying to connect to 2 Sybase database with one 1 script (Intern)

2003-12-11 Thread Chuck Fox



I am trying to connect to 2 sybase databases (actually it is a nco_sql  
I am trying to connect to the these database with use from a sybase client.
When I am just connecting to 1 database, it all works out fine, but when I try to 
connect to 2 databases concurrently it fails:
Error message:

OpenClient message: LAYER = (5) ORIGIN = (3) SEVERITY = (5) NUMBER = (4)
Message String: ct_connect(): network packet layer: internal net library error: Net-Lib protocol driver call to connect two endpoints failed
Operating System Error: Failed to parse address info

The message indicates that the server is down or you are attempting to 
connect to a host/port that is not available, i.e.; routing, bad 
interfaces file, etc...

Do any of you guys know how I can avoid this problem?

Verify that you can connect to both servers with sqsh or isql.  I 
recommend sqsh, available at, as it will allow you to 
connect to both and jump around as well as many additional features.

Alexander Ballamy

Telenor Networks A/S

Office: Snarøyveien 30 J3B
Phone : +47 67 89 43 29
Mobile: +47 99 26 88 25
Fax   : +47 67 89 41 04




Re: DBD::ODBC - SQL Server - odbc_err_handler - inconsistent results

2003-12-11 Thread Chuck Fox



Several days ago, I learned how to use the odbc_err_handler subroutine
provided by DBD::ODBC... in order to capture the 'message' spit out for
non-DDL/DML commands in a SQL Server, such as 'backup' or 'dbcc'.
The first batch of commands tested were a variety of backup commands and
then DBCC CHECKDB... and the output was all in the variable, as
But then I tested a DBCC INDEXDEFRAG in the Query Analyzer it spews
out some output (not much)... but when I run it thru my process, no
output is returned...
Anybody have any clues?  Code snippet below..

did you set dbcc traceon( 3604 ) first ?  Doesn't appear below. The 
traceon ( 3604 ) sends the output to the client, otherwise it falls into 
the error log of the server.


Snippet for connection:
 $dbh_actions =  DBI-connect
   { PrintError = 0,
 RaiseError = 0,
 LongReadLen = 65536,
 odbc_async_exec = 0,
 odbc_err_handler = sub {
   my ($state, $msg) = @_;
   # Strip out all of the driver ID
   $msg =~ s/^(\[[\w\s]*\])+//;
   $err_text .= $msg.\n;
   return 0;
Snippet to execute:

sub just_do_it
 my $command = shift;
 my $sth = $dbh_actions-prepare($command);
 my $rc;
 print ** command in sub: $command \n;
 if ( $sth )
$rc = $sth-execute();  #  This is the 'do it'.
if ( ! $rc )  #  Error
#  Save error messages to email
$err_msgs{GROUP: $group_name - ITEM: $item_id} = 
Command executed:
 #  Save error messages to email 
 $err_msgs{GROUP: $group_id - ITEM: $item_id} = 
Command executed:
 print \nCOMMAND OUTPUT:\n$err_text\n;
 $err_text = '';
 return $rc;



Re: nmaking dbd-mysql errors

2003-11-10 Thread Chuck Fox
Looks like you are missing the c compiler that your make file is 




Please see snippet below. Perhaps someone could advise me where to go from
OS is Win2K

Thanks in advance,


Begin snippet+++

C:\Documents and
Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility   Version 1.50
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corp 1988-94. All rights reserved.
cp lib/DBD/ blib\lib\DBD/
cp lib/DBD/mysql/ blib\lib\DBD/mysql/
cp lib/ blib\lib\
cp lib/DBD/mysql/INSTALL.pod blib\lib\DBD/mysql/INSTALL.pod
cp lib/Mysql/ blib\lib\Mysql/
cp lib/Bundle/DBD/ blib\lib\Bundle/DBD/

   cl -c  -ID:/Perl/site/lib/auto/DBI -IC:\mysql\include  -nologo -Gf -W3 -
   -DVERSION=\2.9003\  -DXS_VERSION=\2.9003\  -ID:\Perl\lib\CORE
'cl' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'C:\WINNT\system32\cmd.exe' : return code '0x1'
End snippet+++
Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
Version: 6.0.537 / Virus Database: 332 - Release Date: 06/11/2003

Re: Stored procedures and DBD::Sybase

2003-11-10 Thread Chuck Fox

I believe that you are misunderstanding what it is that you are 
receiving.  The only output from your commands is the print @c.  This 
comes through the error handler since a print statement is a level 0 or 
level 10 message from the server and not a result set.  Try changing the 
print to a select and then you can receive it as a row result.





I am using DBI v. 1.38, DBD::Sybase v. 1.01 (?), and FreeTDS 0.61.2 to
connect to an MSSQL 6.5 database from a Linux client and I am having
problems retrieving the values of out parameters to a stored procedure
I followed the example in the DBD::Sybase docs modifying for my purpose
as follows:

use DBI;
use DBD::Sybase;
my $dbh = DBI-connect('dbi:Sybase:server=',
   'sa', '', {PrintError = 1, AutoCommit = 1});
$dbh-do('use tempdb');
my $sql = q{
declare @a int
declare @b varchar(10)
exec foo @a output, @b output
declare @c varchar(255)
select @c = @b + ' : ' + convert(varchar(3), @a)
print @c
my $sth = $dbh-prepare($sql);
do {
   while ($d = $sth-fetch) {
   $rt = $sth-{'syb_result_type'};
   print(Iterating: $rt\n);
   if ($rt == DBD::Sybase::CS_PARAM_RESULT) {
   print(found param result [EMAIL PROTECTED]);
   $a = $$d[0];
   $b = $$d[1];
   } elsif ($rt == DBD::Sybase::CS_ROW_RESULT) {
   print(found row result [EMAIL PROTECTED]);
   } elsif ($rt == DBD::Sybase::CS_STATUS_RESULT) {
   print(found status result [EMAIL PROTECTED]);
} while($sth-{'syb_more_results'});
print(Retrieved values $a $b\n);
And received the following output:

Iterating: 4043
found status result [0]
hello : 5
Retrieved values
As I understand the docs, the there should have been a CS_PARAM_RESULT
result set but there was not.  As you see, I even printed out the
results from the sql to make sure the out params were being set.  Am I
doing something wrong or is this a known limitation when using my
configuration.  Perhaps I can use the Sybase Open Client libraries
I help will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

Re: ActivePerl And Sybase

2003-11-05 Thread Chuck Fox

In the future please send your questions to the mailing list.  It has a 
much wider audience than my lonely ( and overly full ) mail box.  My 
comments are in italics.

From the CPAN FAQ:

 Where can I find Perl modules?

Due to the ever increasing number of modules on CPAN, the CPAN search 
engine is possibly a better starting point in your quest for code, 
especially if you already know exactly what you are looking for.

So jump out to one of these links and search up DBI and DBD::Sybase

 How do I install Perl modules?

Installing a new module can be as simple as typing perl -MCPAN -e 
'install Chocolate::Belgian'. The documentation has more 
complete instructions on how to use this convenient tool. If you are 
uncomfortable with having something take that much control over your 
software installation, or it otherwise doesn't work for you, the 
documentation covers module installation for UNIX, Windows and Macintosh 
in more familiar terms.

Finally, if you're using ActivePerl on Windows, the PPM 
(Perl Package Manager) has much of the same functionality as

Additionally, you will need a C compiler to build the DBD for Sybase.  
So in your case you want to perl -MCPAN -e 'install DBI' followed by 
perl -MCPAN -e 'install DBD::Sybase' .  Another option for you is to 
get the source from one of the above links and then manually install 
it.  Manual installation involves unzipping/untarring the source into 
some directory.

Assume you have unloaded DBI into \tmp\DBI
cd \tmp\DBI
perl Makefile.PL
make test
make install
If everything is setup correctly, ie. perl installed correctly, 
environment correct, etc. then you should have a working copy of DBI 
installed into your Perl lib.  Installing DBD::Sybase is quite similar.




i have already Sybase  Open Client in my computer...
but what is the CPAN interface and where can i find it...
please can you tell me the way to install it in details

and thanks

- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, November 04, 2003 8:17 PM
Subject: Re: ActivePerl And Sybase

In addition to the DBD and DBI, you will also need to install Sybase
Open Client or FreeTDS.  In terms of installing perl, use the CPAN
interface to download and install.



I have a WinXP OS and IIS http server.
I have download and install ActivePerl 5.8.
And I want To connect to Database In Sybase Server.

i read some notes and i figure that i should install DBI-1.38 then


Is that right

and how can i install it
should i extract these two file into the perl directory(C:/Perl) or





Re: ActivePerl And Sybase

2003-11-04 Thread Chuck Fox
In addition to the DBD and DBI, you will also need to install Sybase 
Open Client or FreeTDS.  In terms of installing perl, use the CPAN 
interface to download and install.



I have a WinXP OS and IIS http server.
I have download and install ActivePerl 5.8.
And I want To connect to Database In Sybase Server.

i read some notes and i figure that i should install DBI-1.38 then DBD-Sybase-1.01

Is that right

and how can i install it
should i extract these two file into the perl directory(C:/Perl) or what


Re: Escaping single quote in DBI::ODBC

2003-11-04 Thread Chuck Fox
Doubling up the single quotes will effectively escape them


I am attempting to update a SQLServer db and getting an error when the value
contains a quote (apostrophe) as can be seen from the following error

Error is Update contact
information failed, column is asc_contacts.title, value is vp's -1
([Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Line 1: Incorrect syntax
near 's'. (SQL-42000) [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL
Server]Unclosed quotation mark before the character string ''.
(SQL-42000)(DBD: Execute immediate failed err=-1)), occurred at
Subscriber module line 891
Here is the code for the update:

my $rows = $dbh-do (UPDATE asc_contacts set $subscriberhash{$contactvar}
= '$tree-{contact}-{$contactvar}'
 where asc_contacts.contact_id = '$tree-{contact}-{contact_id}')
 or error_handler (Update contact information failed, column is
$subscriberhash{$contactvar}, value is $tree-{contact}-{$contactvar}
$DBI::err ($DBI::errstr), __LINE__);
In reading Paul DuBois's MySQL book he notes the quote() method as a way
around the problem; however, I am not sure if that mechanism will work with
If it is appropriate, I would change the code to:

my $varvalue = $dbh-quote($tree-{contact}-{$contactvar});
my $rows = $dbh-do (UPDATE asc_contacts set $subscriberhash{$contactvar} =
 where asc_contacts.contact_id = '$tree-{contact}-{contact_id}')
 or error_handler (Update contact information failed, column is
$subscriberhash{$contactvar}, value is $tree-{contact}-{$contactvar}
$DBI::err ($DBI::errstr), __LINE__);
Can anyone give me some advice as to whether this will work?

Many thanks.

Bernard Golden


Re: Q: SQL Relay

2003-10-23 Thread Chuck Fox

I couldn't agree with you more !   Stored procedures are always the way 
to go.



On Thursday, October 23, 2003, at 10:09 AM, Tim Bunce wrote:

On Thu, Oct 23, 2003 at 06:50:21PM +1000, Ron Savage wrote:

Hi Folks

Anyone have experience with this:

Funny you should mention that. I've just had an email conversation
with the author (Dave Muse) to suggest that he place the relevant
modules on CPAN.
I'd be very interested in reports of any experience, good or bad,
people may have had with SQL Relay. (Details of versions, or
approximate date, plus what database interface was used would be handy.)

Haven't tried it, but from the (extensive) docs, it only supports 
stored procedures for Oracle. That's a little at odds with its aim of 
improving speed for database querying. I can't use it in my 
environment for this reason.

On a related note, it's amazing that people don't see stored procs as 
being one of the most effective ways to increase query speed, both on 
complex queries and simple ones when called very often.


Re: prepared insert syntax error on exec

2003-10-15 Thread Chuck Fox

The names of the columns in the table cannot be replaced with 
placeholders.   If you have to vary the column names, you will need to 
prepare or preferably do the insert separately for each change of column 
names.  Another option would be to specifiy all the column names in the 
insert statement and put nulls (undef) in the values for the columns 
that are not applicable to this data row.



Hi folks,

can anyone see why this isn't working:

my $cinh=$dbh-prepare(insert into names (nid, ncname, ?) values (?, ?, 
$cinh-execute('nsmacc',1,'test name','ACC01');

produces the error message:

ERROR:  parser: parse error at or near '

nid is an int4 primary key
ncname is a varchar(50) company name
nsmacc is a varchar(5) account number field

Re: Problem with DBD::ODBC misinterpreting CHAR columns as VARCHAR so the DBI ChopBlanks attribute 'not working'

2003-10-14 Thread Chuck Fox

Sounds like the bind did not specifiy the correct property for the 
column.  Its been a long while since I have had to do this, but I beleve 
that there is a property for the column that will specify what to do 
with trailing blanks. It sounds like it currently is set to truncate 
blanks, I believe you want to pad with blanks.



appended is a message I sent to the FreeTDS list earlier on today. I am having 
problems with trailing blanks in CHAR fields despite the DBI ChopBlanks attribute 
being set. I had thought that the type information returned to DBD::ODBC was incorrect 
because of some FreeTDS problem. However, since then I used the isql program and the 
'help' command. The column type is correctly reported as being of type CHAR(30)
any idea why the CHAR(30) should be reported as being a VARCHAR(30)? 
any low-level workarounds for ChopBlanks? I don't want to have fixup all of the data at the application level.

thanks in advance,


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Harrington, Paul
Sent: Monday, October 13, 2003 1:30 PM
To: FreeTDS Development Group
Subject: [freetds] Weird problem with CHAR columns being reported as
VARCHARcolumns with FreeTDS 0.61.2,DBD::ODBC and unixODBC and iODBC
talking to SQL Server 2000,perl 5.8.1 on Solaris
I thought that I was having problems with the ChopBlanks attribute being honored in 
DBD::ODBC as any of my tests with CHAR columns were failing because of trailing 
spaces. However, on checking into it a bit closer, it seems that the columns in the 
result set are being described as varchar rather than char. The retrieved values do 
not contain trailing spaces when I access the database with DBD::Sybase built over the 
same revision of FreeTDS (but -- of course -- going over ct-lib).
any ideas as to why unixODBC and iODBC seem to be interpreting the column as a varchar rather than a char?



The condition (line 2226 of dbdimp.c in DBD-ODBC-1.06) is:
   if (ChopBlanks  fbh-ColSqlType == SQL_CHAR  fbh-datalen  0) {
on checking the DBI trace with freetds, I see:

  colname 14 = nodmst_name, len = 11 (194)
 col 14: VARCHAR  len= 30 disp= 31, prec= 30 scale=0

This is the (section of the) output I get from sp_help for the table.

   no   30
   yes no 
FreeTDS mailing list


Re: where clause

2003-10-01 Thread Chuck Fox
Maybe my MSSql is a little rusty but isn't the wildcard symbol the % and 
not the *  ?



After posting to the newsgroup I thought I should post to the dbi-users mailing list instead.

I am unable to get a where clause to work against MS SQL Server. I get no runtime 
errors, but my recordset is always empty. I have
the latest version from ActivePerl and Win2000. I just installed DBI and DBD-ODBC 
using PPM so they should be current. To debug I am
displaying the SQL string, and if I paste the string into a MS Access query or 
Enterprise Manager it works fine. I did trial and
error with everything I could think of changing syntax and had no success. This is my 
first Perl application employing a database,
and is a test case to see what we can do in Perl rather than Java. Code is pasted 
below. I changed my posting width to 132
characters to avoid wrapping but usually post with 76. If someone could help I'd 
appreciate it. Thanks

  use warnings;
  use strict;
  use DGM;
  use DBI;
  use DBD::ODBC;
  require '';
  my $select = 'SELECT TOP 201 AuUnique, AuRIN, AuCaseID, AuFirstName, AuLastName, 
AuMiddleInitial, AuSSN FROM Authorize ';
  my ($connection, $recordset, @field, @record, $filter, $count, $toomany);
  RecipAuthStart(1);   #this creates %passed from CGI arguments, insures there are no undefs, and writes the HTML header

$passed{'LName'} = 'W';  #this is so I can skip the selection screen
$passed{'queryby'} = 'select+using+name';
  if ($passed{'queryby'} eq 'select+using+RIN') {$filter = WHERE AuRIN LIKE 
  elsif ($passed{'queryby'} eq 'select+using+case') {$filter = WHERE AuCaseID LIKE 
  elsif ($passed{'queryby'} eq 'select+using+name') {$filter = WHERE (AuFirstName LIKE 
'$passed{'FName'}*') AND .
   (AuLastName LIKE 
'$passed{'LName'}*') AND .
   (AuMiddleInitial LIKE 
  elsif ($passed{'queryby'} eq 'select+using+SSN') {$filter = WHERE AuSSN LIKE 
  elsif ($passed{'queryby'} eq 'select+using+all') {$filter = WHERE (AuRIN LIKE 
'$passed{'RIN'}*') AND .
  (AuCaseID LIKE 
'$passed{'CaseID'}*') AND .
  (AuFirstName LIKE 
'$passed{'FName'}*') AND .
  (AuLastName LIKE 
'$passed{'LName'}*') AND .
  (AuMiddleInitial LIKE 
'$passed{'Initial'}*') AND .
  else {problem('Invalid invocation')}
print br.$select.$filter.' ORDER BY AuRINbr'; #debug

  $connection = DBI-connect(dbi:ODBC:RATS,'RATSDefault','none') or problem('Cannot 
connect to database');
  $recordset = $connection-prepare($select.$filter.' ORDER BY AuRIN') or 
problem('Cannot prepare SQL statement');
  $recordset-execute() or problem('Cannot create recordset');
  $count = 0;
  while (@field=$recordset-fetchrow_array) {
 foreach (@field) {$_ ='' unless $_}
 push @record, [EMAIL PROTECTED];
#   $count = @record;
print br$countbr; #debug
  if ($count  200) {
 $count = 200;
 $toomany = 'Too many records were returned for the selection criteria.brChange 
the criteria and do again.';
  else {$toomany = 'brbr'}
  print 'font size=1.5 face=Arialform name=RecipAuth 
  print 'table border=0 cellspacing=4 align=center';
  print 'tr',tdfont($hidden),
  foreach (0..($count-1)) {
 print 'tr',tdfont($record[$_][0]).  #this is not the final display version of 
  print '/table/form/font/body/html';
This is the displayed SQL statement:

SELECT TOP 201 AuUnique, AuRIN, AuCaseID, AuFirstName, AuLastName, AuMiddleInitial, 
AuSSN FROM Authorize WHERE (AuFirstName LIKE
'*') AND (AuLastName LIKE 'W*') AND (AuMiddleInitial LIKE '*') ORDER BY AuRIN
If I remove the where clause and prepare as follows it returns records:
  $recordset = $connection-prepare($select.' ORDER BY AuRIN') or problem('Cannot 
prepare SQL statement');

Re: SQL statement to find and delete double entries

2003-09-22 Thread Chuck Fox

Here is the syntax for doing this in Sybase as a stored procedure.  
Assumption:  id is an int.

   DECLARE @id int, @id_count int, @delete_rows int
   SELECT id, count(*)
   FROM table
   GROUP BY id
   HAVING count(*)  1
   OPEN read_keys

   FETCH read_keys INTO @id, @id_count

   WHILE( @@sqlstatus = 0 )
  SELECT @delete_rows = @id_count - 1
  SET ROWCOUNT @delete_rows

  DELETE table WHERE id = @id

  FETCH read_keys INTO @id, @id_count
Stored procedures are the fastest way to do it.  As the data never 
leaves the server.  Check with your RDBMS on correct syntax for your 
particular db.  The same steps could be done in perl, but the data for 
the select is transmitted to the client and then each delete statement 
is passed, compiled, optimized and then executed.


Chuck Fox
Principal DBA
America Online, INC

The only problem with that approach is that it deletes all of the entries 
and doesn't leave singles behind.  I'd probably do it programatically. 
Grab the results of query 1, store the data in a hash of hashes, then do 
the delete and re-insert.

But I'd love to hear an SQL solution to leaving one copy of each duplicate 

Jeff Seger
Fairchild Semiconductor

Christian Merz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
09/18/2003 08:33 AM
   To: Morrison, Trevor (Trevor) [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Subject:Re: SQL statement to find and delete double entries


the basic idea to find duplicate or multiple values is:
   select id, count(*)
   from table
   group by id
   having count(*)  1;
to delete ALL such values you may do this:
   delete from table where id in
 ( select id
   from table
   group by id
   having count(*)  1
cu, Christian

- Original Message -
From: Morrison, Trevor (Trevor) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, August 16, 2003 6:39 PM
Subject: SQL statement to find and delete double entries

What would be an SQL statement that will find duplicate order numbers in
table and then delete them?



Re: get the messages, not the rows

2003-09-22 Thread Chuck Fox

Sorry to hear about the lack of FLUSHMESSAGE in MS.  I assumed that this 
command was still hanging around, after all, the code base for MS was 
originally Sybase.( many moons and version ago).



On Wed, Sep 17, 2003 at 05:10:21PM -0700, David L. Good [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Tue, Sep 16, 2003 at 02:21:54PM -0400, Chuck Fox [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


The command is for the dataserver that you are using.  I assumed that 
the DBCC command was directed at a MS or Sybase Sql Server.  Whether you 
are using DBD:ODBC or DBD:Sybase the effect is the same, it causes the 
dataserver to flush its buffers out to the application.  DBD:ODBC is 
just a transport mechanism for the dbcc command or whatever command you 
are passing.


OK, but it works fine (no buffering) using DBD::Sybase on Unix platforms
without using the 'SET FLUSHMESSAGE ON', but doesn't when using DBD::ODBC
on Win32.  I'll see if I can give your suggestion a try, though.  It'd be
great if it works!

Hmmm.  Sybase has FLUSHMESSAGE, but MS-SQL Server 2000 does not.  Since I
don't have Sybase's ODBC driver installed (and don't really need to access
Sybase from Windows) I'm kinda stuck.
In any case, I was interested in a solution for SQL Server, so I guess
I'm out of luck :-(

Re: SQL statement to find and delete double entries

2003-09-22 Thread Chuck Fox

The use of a unique clustered index is an interesting solution, however, 
it requires 1.2 times the space currently consumed by the table and 
rewrites the table.  IMHO, unless we are talking a major duplication 
i.e. 90% dupes, creating the clustered index will be slower. 



If you are using Sybase, you can delete duplicate rows from a table
by creating a unique clustered index 'with ignore_dup_row' (and then
dropping it again if you don't want to ignore later duplicate
inserts).  I haven't benchmarked but I think this will be somewhat
faster than a stored procedure.
Anyway, this gets offtopic for the DBI list - if you want to write
some SQL at the client for it, ask an SQL mailing list, and if you
want to get the best performance on a particular RDBMS, ask a list for
that system.

Re: get the messages, not the rows

2003-09-16 Thread Chuck Fox

The command is for the dataserver that you are using.  I assumed that 
the DBCC command was directed at a MS or Sybase Sql Server.  Whether you 
are using DBD:ODBC or DBD:Sybase the effect is the same, it causes the 
dataserver to flush its buffers out to the application.  DBD:ODBC is 
just a transport mechanism for the dbcc command or whatever command you 
are passing.



On Mon, Sep 15, 2003 at 09:23:18AM -0400, Chuck Fox [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


In regards to the buffering, in Sybase and MS there is a set command SET 
FLUSHMESSAGE ON, that will force the buffers to flush from OpenClient to 
the OS.


But the discussion was about using DBD::ODBC, not OpenClient (DBD::Sybase).  
Does it also work with ODBC?


Re: get the messages, not the rows

2003-09-15 Thread Chuck Fox

In regards to the buffering, in Sybase and MS there is a set command SET 
FLUSHMESSAGE ON, that will force the buffers to flush from OpenClient to 
the OS.


Chuck Fox


On Sat, Sep 13, 2003 at 01:08:27PM -0400, Jeff Urlwin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Is there a way to execute an SQL command and get the 
messages, not the records?

I mean, I'd like to run
DBCC CHECKDB ('databasename')
parse the output and add the result to a daily report of my 
servers' health. The question is how do I get the messages.

I'm using DBI+DBD::ODBC and MS SQL Server 2000.

Buried in the DBD::ODBC t/20SqlServer.t is an example.  You need to set an
error handler and set odbc_async_exec.  In there is the snippet that calls
dbcc TRACESTATUS(-1) which runs during the tests (the safest thing I think
I could find to run on generic tests, but I believe DBCC
CHECKDB('databasename') was the reason the original patches were submitted
by David L. Good and included by me...  The only clear documentation is in
the Changes file.  The Changes file also points to a specific file which
calls checkdb...

You don't really need to set odbc_async_exec unless you need to get the
messages as soon as possible after they are generated.  In my case, I wanted
to be able to send an alert as soon as my program saw a DBCC error but still
let the DBCC continue.  Unfortunately, it seems that ODBC buffers the output,
so even with odbc_async_exec set you get the messages in chunks, so an error
could sit in a buffer for quite some time (say, while a really large table
is being DBCC'd) before you'll see it.

use strict;

use DBI;

sub err_handler {
  my ($state, $msg) = @_;
  # Strip out all of the driver ID stuff
  $msg =~ s/^(\[[\w\s]*\])+//;
  print === state: $state msg: $msg\n;
  return 0;
  || die Can't connect: $DBI::errstr\n;
$dbh-{odbc_err_handler} = \err_handler;
$dbh-{odbc_async_exec} = 1;
print odbc_async_exec is: $dbh-{odbc_async_exec}\n;
my $sth;
$sth = $dbh-prepare(dbcc checkdb(model)) || die $dbh-errstr;
$sth-execute   || die $dbh-errstr;



Thanks, Jenda
(And sorry if it's on line XX of the fine manual and I just 
did not find it:) = [EMAIL PROTECTED] === = When it comes  to wine, women 
and song, wizards are allowed to get drunk and croon as much 
as they like.
-- Terry Pratchett in Sourcery



Re: Problem connecting to non-default db

2003-09-11 Thread Chuck Fox



I'm trying to connect to two ms sqlserver 2000 databases with the same schema 
(let's call them 
dbA and dbB) using the following code: 

my $connect_string  = dbi:Sybase:dbname=dbA:server=MyServer; 
$connect_string .= ;host=;port=1433; 

my $dbh = DBI-connect($connect_string, $username, $userpass, {PrintError = 
die Unable for connect to server $DBI::errstr 
   unless $dbh; 

and in my freetds.conf I have: 

   host = 
   port = 1433 
   tds version = 4.2 
   try domain login = no 
   try server login = yes 

I have read access to both dbA and dbB.  However if dbB is my default db and I 
specify dbA as the dbname (as in the example above), or vice versa, when my 
script executes the following: 

Why not just use dbB or whichever is appropriate to the query ?  I 
seem to remember some bug in Sybase DBD that prevented it from 
using/processing the database specified in the connect string.

$sth = $dbh-prepare(select count(*) from array); 
die Unable for connect to server $DBI::errstr unless $sth; 
if($sth-execute) { 
   while(my @dat = $sth-fetchrow) { 
   print @dat\n; 

the data is retrieved from the default db rather than the one I specified (btw, 
yes, i know for sure that the select count(*) from array on both db's should 
return different numbers).  So I think that DBI's only connecting to the 
default db. 

As well, the statment 

print Data sources:  . ($dbh-data_sources()) . \n $DBI::errstr\n; 

prints out no data sources. 

The DBD I'm using is DBD::Sybase running on the freetds library.  My script's 
running on a linux box and the sqlserver 2000 db's are on a windows 2000 adv 
server box. 

So any ideas on how I may get around this problem?  I would really appreciate 
any help. 

Take care, 


Chuck Fox
Principal DBA
America Online, INC

Re: Problem connecting to non-default db

2003-09-11 Thread Chuck Fox

Try just executing use dbA after the connection is made.  Another 
option is to directly reference the db in the query by using select * 
from dbA.dbo.array.  A table can be referenced as tableName or 
ownerName.tableName or as  databaseName.ownerName.tableName.  Insofar as 
the bug, try ugrading to the latest dbd, I believe that 1.01 was just 
released.  We are using 1.0 and the issue with the db disappeared 
there.  I think the fix was in the 0.94 release.




Do you mean replace dbname=dbA with dbname=dbB in my connect string?
I've tried that.  Is there another way to switch the data source to
another db?
Is there any fix for this DBD::Sybase bug?

On Thu, 11 Sep 2003, Chuck Fox wrote:








I'm trying to connect to two ms sqlserver 2000 databases with the same schema 
(let's call them 
dbA and dbB) using the following code: 

my $connect_string  = dbi:Sybase:dbname=dbA:server=MyServer; 
$connect_string .= ;host=;port=1433; 

my $dbh = DBI-connect($connect_string, $username, $userpass, {PrintError = 
die Unable for connect to server $DBI::errstr 
  unless $dbh; 

and in my freetds.conf I have: 

  host = 
  port = 1433 
  tds version = 4.2 
  try domain login = no 
  try server login = yes 

I have read access to both dbA and dbB.  However if dbB is my default db and I 
specify dbA as the dbname (as in the example above), or vice versa, when my 
script executes the following: 


Why not just use dbB or whichever is appropriate to the query ?  I 
seem to remember some bug in Sybase DBD that prevented it from 
using/processing the database specified in the connect string.


$sth = $dbh-prepare(select count(*) from array); 
die Unable for connect to server $DBI::errstr unless $sth; 
if($sth-execute) { 
  while(my @dat = $sth-fetchrow) { 
  print @dat\n; 

the data is retrieved from the default db rather than the one I specified (btw, 
yes, i know for sure that the select count(*) from array on both db's should 
return different numbers).  So I think that DBI's only connecting to the 
default db. 

As well, the statment 

print Data sources:  . ($dbh-data_sources()) . \n $DBI::errstr\n; 

prints out no data sources. 

The DBD I'm using is DBD::Sybase running on the freetds library.  My script's 
running on a linux box and the sqlserver 2000 db's are on a windows 2000 adv 
server box. 

So any ideas on how I may get around this problem?  I would really appreciate 
any help. 

Take care, 



Chuck Fox
Principal DBA
America Online, INC


Re: What to do with UTF-8 data?

2003-09-09 Thread Chuck Fox

I am a Sybase DBA, but in situations like this, I have declared the 
column on the table to be varbinary or binary and stored the data 
directly without conversion.  Don't know if MySql supports this datatype.


Chuck Fox
Principal Database Adminstrator
America Online, INC.


Having looked through the list archives a bit, I see there has been 
lots of discussion over what to do with UTF-8 data, but I can't find 
anything that really helps me out now.

I'm running Perl 5.8.0 with MySQL 3.23.56 (via DBD-mysql).  Since (I 
think) there is no native UTF-8 support in MySQL below 4.1.x, my plan 
was to simply store the bytes of each UTF-8 character in the database 
(either by explicitly converting Perl's UTF-8 strings to sequences of 
octets using Encode::encode_utf8(), or else just letting that happen 
of its own accord as it seems to do :-s), and then convert such octet 
sequences back to UTF-8 strings when retrieving data from the database 
using Encode::decode_utf8().

As long as I store *all* my data in this way, those conversions should 
always succeed.  (encode_utf8() never fails anyway, and decode_utf8() 
will always work here because I'm always feeding it valid data.)

The problem is: How do I trap all input/output to/from DBI to do these 

I can easily do it manually:

   $dbh-do('INSERT INTO foo (bar) VALUES (?)', undef, 
   my @octets_row = $dbh-selectrow_array('SELECT bar FROM foo');
   my $output_utf8str2 = Encode::decode_utf8($octets_row[0]);

but that's way too tedious in practice.  I want to have those 
conversions done for me automatically, perhaps by having specified 
some appropriate encode/decode callbacks for certain hooks.  Do any 
such hooks exist?

If, as I suspect, there are not, then what is the currently 
recommended solution here?

Would it be at all easy to add such hooks, or some other means of 
specifying that I want these conversions done, to DBI as a stop-gap 

- Steve

Re: deadlock errors w/Perl DBD::Sybase and MS SQL 2000

2003-08-28 Thread Chuck Fox
Ahhh, my favorite error code, the infamous 1205.  Obviously the insert 
statement is not the problem, its the trigger that is being called.  
Please provide source for the trigger and perhaps I can help.



I have a small perl script using DBI and DBD::Sybase as well as 
It pops mail for a feedback system, after parsing the message to see 
if it's good or bad it then inserts good messages (customer feedback) 
into a Microsoft SQL 2000 database or if bad inserts them into a MySQL 

Recently the Coldfusion developers and SQL admin's decided to rework 
things and put all the different site feedback tables into one table. 
So I had to change my code to just update this one table with all the 
site feedback.

But since my perl code runs from the crontab sometimes jobs overlap 
and I might be popping mail for more then one site's feedback address 
at a time and thus making multiple inserts into the MS SQL database 
server. Then I get these damn deadlock errors.

What's odd is I never get errors with MySQL, I can have all 11 site 
pop scripts running at the same time inserting bounced messages into 
the MySQL table without problem. But just 2 scripts trying to insert 
good feedback into Microsoft SQL crap out.

Is it my code? The driver? The way our SQL guys built the database?
I just recently added the syb_deadlock_retry = 3 , syb_deadlock_sleep 
= 5 commands hoping that would help, but it did't.

Below is the code and error any insight would be very much appreciated.

Also I am using FreeTDS and have been using the same drivers and 
FreeTDS for 3 years. Without problems.

DBD::Sybase::st execute failed: Server message number=1205 severity=13 
state=50 line=5 server=SQL82 procedure=trg_cleanup text=Transaction 
(Process ID 92) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process 
and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction. at 
./ line 448.
Can't execute the SQL statement: Server message number=1205 
severity=13 state=50 line=5 server=SQL82 procedure=trg_cleanup 
text=Transaction (Process ID 92) was deadlocked on lock resources with 
another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the 
S1000 at ./ line 448.
Segmentation fault

Perl Code in question:

sub insert_good_data {

   my ($dsquery, $data_base, $data_source, $username, $password) = 
   ($dbh)  = DBI-connect($data_source, $username, 
$password, { syb_deadlock_retry = 3 , syb_deadlock_sleep = 5 })
   || die Can't connect: $DBI::errstr;
   $message{to} = substr($message{to},0, 49);
   $message{from} = substr($message{from},0, 49);
   $message{date} = substr($message{date},0, 49);
   $message{subject} = substr($message{subject},0, 49);
   $sql_statement = sprintf INSERT INTO feedback
 (site_id, category, status, to_email, 
message_header, message_subject, from_email,program_name,message_body)
   $sth = $dbh-prepare($sql_statement)
   || die Can't prepare the SQL statement: 
$DBI::errstr $DBI::err \n $DBI::state;
   $sth-execute || die Can't execute the SQL statement: 
$DBI::errstr \n $DBI::err \n $DBI::state;

Get MSN 8 and enjoy automatic e-mail virus protection.