Re: anyway to determine # rows before fetch loop ends and without seperate count(*)

2005-11-18 Thread Tim Bunce
Let's close this thread now. Thanks.


Re: anyway to determine # rows before fetch loop ends and without seperate count(*)

2005-11-18 Thread listmail
> which ultimately makes the 
> 50 or 
> 60 line script you sent originally about 10 lines or less. (IE by 
> using 
> the array of array setup instead of some convoluted matrix that is 
> structured god know how.
> That means in six months when you (or heaven forbid me) have to 
> maintain 
> your code we don't have to figure what you were smoking to get 
> what you 
> were after and what you personally define as a matrix and how 
> you'd 
> structure and access the data in said matrix, etc etc

Whatever is fueling the need for you to blow things out of such 
proportion?  I suggest that you refrain from trying to insult my or any 
other person's intelligence who come to this mailing list seeking 
help.  You know as well as I do that the original script that I sent 
was executing a push inside a while fetch loop, which is just another 
way to do it ---> big deal. Is that so complicated??? No.  If things 
run efficiently and correctly either way does it really matter?  Did 
you include the number of lines in selectall_arrayref() sub too? -- Who 

My post came about because of a fundamental misunderstanding of what is 
actually going on.  The communication of what I believed to be true 
does not change what is actually happening, although it seems to do 
that for you.  Or is it that you spend to much time wanting to negate 
someone's statements?  I communicated things incorrectly and you sit 
here and speculate these things and make these comments and honestly I 
am only left to wonder who really finds you as beneficial as you think 
that you are.  I know ~I'm~ still learning.  I go back and rewrite my 
subs all the time as my knowledge progresses.

I'm not really sure who'd want you to maintain their code, but rest 
assured you wont ever have to worry about maintaining mine.

Re: anyway to determine # rows before fetch loop ends and without seperate count(*)

2005-11-18 Thread JupiterHost.Net

listmail wrote:
Well I'm not seeing why a number of arrays that each point to arrays 
could not be consider a matrix of arrays when considering one definition 
of the word matrix "Something resembling such an array, as in the 
regular formation of elements into columns and rows".  I dunno, i'm not 

Because the data type of "$results" is an array reference.

Each item in it is also an array refenerence, so instead of confusing 
and overwhelming your self with complex and ominous sounding "matrix"

Just think:

 Ok, $results contains all of my $records, each $record has all of the 
columns I SELECTed.

very simple and intuitive and doesn't sounds like you have to be 
einstein or neo to understand and manipulate it.

trying to argue with you of course.  It is apparent that I truly am 
confused with Perl References again.  I beleive my main mistake could be 

because you're making it too hard on yourself thinking in such abstract 
apocolyptic terms such as "matrix" which relate to computing theory in 
general instead of a well defined paradigm and implimentation of a 
specific component of the given language.

Sure *technically* and array ref that contains other array refs  can be 
considered a  matrix but "an array ref of array refs" not only tells you 
what it is but *exactly* what each part of it is which in turn instantly 
tells you how it needs to be accessed which ultimately makes the 50 or 
60 line script you sent originally about 10 lines or less. (IE by using 
the array of array setup instead of some convoluted matrix that is 
structured god know how.

That means in six months when you (or heaven forbid me) have to maintain 
your code we don't have to figure what you were smoking to get what you 
were after and what you personally define as a matrix and how you'd 
structure and access the data in said matrix, etc etc

using "foreach my $record (@{ $results })" instead of what you've shown 
"for my $record (@{ $results })".  I'll test this later when I get a 

for and foreach are the same thing, foreach just takes up 4 more 
characters so I always use for(), its cleaner IMHO but do what you like :)

RE: anyway to determine # rows before fetch loop ends and without seperate count(*)

2005-11-18 Thread Rutherdale, Will
Read standard books such as _Programming Perl_ by Wall etc. for information
on array references.

Generally references are the most efficient way to pass arrays around or
return them from a function.  Returning an array instead of a reference to
an array means the whole array has to be copied.  Array references avoid
that.  An array reference is not a two-dimensional array.

selectall_arrayref() returns an array reference.

Maybe you still need to work on this issue, but it's off topic for this


-Original Message-
From: listmail [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday 18 November 2005 09:59
Subject: Re: anyway to determine # rows before fetch loop ends and without
seperate count(*)

Well I'm not seeing why a number of arrays that each point to arrays 
could not be consider a matrix of arrays when considering one definition 
of the word matrix "Something resembling such an array, as in the 
regular formation of elements into columns and rows".  I dunno, i'm not 
trying to argue with you of course.  It is apparent that I truly am 
confused with Perl References again.  I beleive my main mistake could be 
using "foreach my $record (@{ $results })" instead of what you've shown 
"for my $record (@{ $results })".  I'll test this later when I get a 
chance and also see how I can include the use of bind variables while 
using this method as well.

I appreciate your help an explanations.

 - - - - - - -  Appended by Scientific-Atlanta, Inc.  - - - - - - -  
This e-mail and any attachments may contain information which is confidential, 
proprietary, privileged or otherwise protected by law. The information is 
solely intended for the named addressee (or a person responsible for delivering 
it to the addressee). If you are not the intended recipient of this message, 
you are not authorized to read, print, retain, copy or disseminate this message 
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RE: anyway to determine # rows before fetch loop ends and without seperate count(*)

2005-11-18 Thread Ronald J Kimball

listmail [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Well I'm not seeing why a number of arrays that each point to arrays
> could not be consider a matrix of arrays when considering one definition
> of the word matrix "Something resembling such an array, as in the
> regular formation of elements into columns and rows".  I dunno, i'm not
> trying to argue with you of course.  It is apparent that I truly am
> confused with Perl References again.  I beleive my main mistake could be
> using "foreach my $record (@{ $results })" instead of what you've shown
> "for my $record (@{ $results })".  I'll test this later when I get a
> chance and also see how I can include the use of bind variables while
> using this method as well.

You can certainly call it a matrix if you want to, but other people may not
know what you mean.  (I didn't, when I read your original post.)  The
standard Perl terminology is to call it an array of arrays.

foreach and for in Perl are completely interchangeable.

These two are the same:
  foreach my $x (@list)
  for my $x (@list)

These two are also the same:
  for (my $i = 0; $i < 10; ++$i) {
  foreach (my $i = 0; $i < 10; ++$i) {

Which you use is merely style/personal preference.


Re: anyway to determine # rows before fetch loop ends and without seperate count(*)

2005-11-18 Thread listmail
Well I'm not seeing why a number of arrays that each point to arrays 
could not be consider a matrix of arrays when considering one definition 
of the word matrix "Something resembling such an array, as in the 
regular formation of elements into columns and rows".  I dunno, i'm not 
trying to argue with you of course.  It is apparent that I truly am 
confused with Perl References again.  I beleive my main mistake could be 
using "foreach my $record (@{ $results })" instead of what you've shown 
"for my $record (@{ $results })".  I'll test this later when I get a 
chance and also see how I can include the use of bind variables while 
using this method as well.

I appreciate your help an explanations.

JupiterHost.Net wrote:

Also very convoluted, all of that can be done with:

my $results = $dbh->selectall_arrayref($sql); # if you only want to 
process a certain amount just LIMIT in your $sql...

I appreciate the response.  I tested selectall_arrayref and as I 
expected, irregardless of the number of rows returned, $results will 
always point to a matrix.  So from what I am seeing, $record->[0] as 

Actualyy its an array reference and each element of the array is an 
array refernce that is the dat areturned by the select.

you have written below would have to be written as $record[0]->[0].  At 

nope. $record is one element of the $results array in the for 
loop,look again:

this point I've come to conclusion that my requirements are causing 
uneccessary complications.  If it wasn't clear, previously I was 
wanting the data from a sql statement with one row returned to be 
stored into an array of columns, otherwise make it an array of 
columns and rows.

Sounds like you want selectall_arrayref() still... did you read it 

my $results = $dbh->selectall_arrayref("SELECT id, foo, bar FROM baz 
WHERE $where");

my $count = @{ $results }; # the number of elements in $results (IE 
the number of rows returned)

for my $record (@{ $results }) { # go through each $record in your 

print "Id $record->[0] has a foo of $record->[1]\n";
print "Id $record->[0] has a bar of $record->[2]\n";

I'll simply go with a matrix always and be done with it.

There's no "matrix" :) you're making it too complex on yourself :)

You have an array ref that you can get the number of rows from *and* 
each record from as an array ref itself, its not nearly as complicated 
or obscure as a "matrix".

my $count = @{ $results };


if($count < 1000) { # or whatever you wanted teh count for...
   for my $record(@{ $results }) {
   # now use the data:
   # $record->[0]
   # $record->[1]

Re: anyway to determine # rows before fetch loop ends and without seperate count(*)

2005-11-17 Thread JupiterHost.Net

Also very convoluted, all of that can be done with:

my $results = $dbh->selectall_arrayref($sql); # if you only want 
process a certain amount just LIMIT in your $sql...

I appreciate the response.  I tested selectall_arrayref and as I 
expected, irregardless of the number of rows returned, $results will 
always point to a matrix.  So from what I am seeing, $record->[0] as 

Actualyy its an array reference and each element of the array is an 
array refernce that is the dat areturned by the select.

you have written below would have to be written as $record[0]->[0].  At 

nope. $record is one element of the $results array in the for loop,look 

this point I've come to conclusion that my requirements are causing 
uneccessary complications.  If it wasn't clear, previously I was 
wanting the data from a sql statement with one row returned to be 
stored into an array of columns, otherwise make it an array of columns 
and rows.

Sounds like you want selectall_arrayref() still... did you read it 

my $results = $dbh->selectall_arrayref("SELECT id, foo, bar FROM baz 
WHERE $where");

my $count = @{ $results }; # the number of elements in $results (IE the 
number of rows returned)

for my $record (@{ $results }) { # go through each $record in your $results
print "Id $record->[0] has a foo of $record->[1]\n";
print "Id $record->[0] has a bar of $record->[2]\n";

I'll simply go with a matrix always and be done with it.

There's no "matrix" :) you're making it too complex on yourself :)

You have an array ref that you can get the number of rows from *and* 
each record from as an array ref itself, its not nearly as complicated 
or obscure as a "matrix".

my $count = @{ $results };


if($count < 1000) { # or whatever you wanted teh count for...
   for my $record(@{ $results }) {
   # now use the data:
   # $record->[0]
   # $record->[1]

Re: anyway to determine # rows before fetch loop ends and without seperate count(*)

2005-11-17 Thread listmail
> > #Here's an example which shows what I am trying to accomplish.  
> If I 
> > can determine the number of rows before pushing the data, this 
> can 
> > simply things for #me when processing the data throught my 
> scripts.  
> > #
> > use warnings;
> > use strict;
> Good good :)
> > use DBI;
> > use DBD::Oracle;
> > 
> > my $sql=q{  select name, location
> > from mytable
> > };
> > 
> > my $dbh;
> > 
> > eval {
> > $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:Oracle:MYDB",
> > 'dbuser', 'dbpass',
> >   {
> >RaiseError => 1,
> >AutoCommit => 0,
> >ora_session_mode => 0
> >   }
> > );
> > };
> > 
> > if ( $@ ) {
> > outprint('end',"$DBI::errstr\n");
> > }
> Hmm, perhaps the oracle specific stuff needs it but why are you 
> evaling 
> that?
> my $dbh = DBI->connect(@DBI_CONNECT_ARGS) or outprint('end', 
> $DBI::errstr); # assumign its die()ing or exit()ing
This was carried over from a larger script by accident, but in case you 
are curious, I eval in order to capture the connect failure and output 
that error info to a Tk text window. Its not neccessary or wanted to 
die in my Tk app because it connects to multiple databases through 
Radio button selection and doesn't run anything automatically on its 
own.  So if you dig get an error,  go troubleshoot and reconnect... 
Anyway nuff said about that

> > my $sth=$dbh->prepare($sql) or die "Couldn't prepare statement: 
> " . DBI-
> > 
> >>errstr;
> > 
> > 
> > $sth->execute or die "Couldn't execute statement: " . DBI->errstr;
> > 
> > my $ary;
> > 
> > while ($ary = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
> > #I need to determine number of rows as this will 
> affect 
> > whether a matrix is used or not
> Also very convoluted, all of that can be done with:
> my $results = $dbh->selectall_arrayref($sql); # if you only want 
> to 
> process a certain amount just LIMIT in your $sql...
I appreciate the response.  I tested selectall_arrayref and as I 
expected, irregardless of the number of rows returned, $results will 
always point to a matrix.  So from what I am seeing, $record->[0] as 
you have written below would have to be written as $record[0]->[0].  At 
this point I've come to conclusion that my requirements are causing 
uneccessary complications.  If it wasn't clear, previously I was 
wanting the data from a sql statement with one row returned to be 
stored into an array of columns, otherwise make it an array of columns 
and rows.

I'll simply go with a matrix always and be done with it.

> my $count = @{ $results };
> $dbh->disconnect;
> if($count < 1000) { # or whatever you wanted teh count for...
> for my $record(@{ $results }) {
> # now use the data:
> # $record->[0]
> # $record->[1]
> }
> }

RE: anyway to determine # rows before fetch loop ends and without seperate count(*)

2005-11-16 Thread Rutherdale, Will
It doesn't work according to the DBI documentation.
>From _Programming the Perl DBI_, p. 223 (for example):
>For SELECT statements, execute simply "starts" the query within the
database engine.  Use one of
>the fetch methods to retrieve the data after calling execute.  The execute
method does _not_ return
>the number of rows that will be returned by the query (because most
databases can't tell in advance),
>it simply returns a true value.
If you are relying on that 'feature' you are asking for trouble.
There have been discussions over this issue on the list before.
-Original Message-
From: Rob Craig [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday 16 November 2005 17:19
Subject: Re: anyway to determine # rows before fetch loop ends and without
seperate count(*)

I am using DBD::mysql and I can get the number of rows by assigning the
result of the execute to a scalar:

my $rows = $sth->execute or die "Couldn't execute statement: " .

maybe this doesn't work with DBD::Oracle?



 - - - - - - -  Appended by Scientific-Atlanta, Inc.  - - - - - - -  
This e-mail and any attachments may contain information which is confidential, 
proprietary, privileged or otherwise protected by law. The information is 
solely intended for the named addressee (or a person responsible for delivering 
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you are not authorized to read, print, retain, copy or disseminate this message 
or any part of it. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify the 
sender immediately by return e-mail and delete it from your computer.

Re: anyway to determine # rows before fetch loop ends and without seperate count(*)

2005-11-16 Thread Dan Scott
On 11/16/05, Rob Craig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  I am using DBD::mysql and I can get the number of rows by assigning the
> result of the execute to a scalar:
>  my $rows = $sth->execute or die "Couldn't execute statement: " .
> DBI->errstr;
>  maybe this doesn't work with DBD::Oracle?
>  Rob

When you execute a SELECT statement in MySQL, it (by default)
immediately returns all of the rows back to you under the covers,
which is why it is able to give you a row count. Woe betide you if
your SELECT statement returns a million rows.

>  #Here's an example which shows what I am trying to accomplish. If I
> can determine the number of rows before pushing the data, this can
> simply things for #me when processing the data throught my scripts.
> #
> use warnings;
> use strict;
> use DBI;
> use DBD::Oracle;
> my $sql=q{ select name, location
>  from mytable
> };
> my $dbh;
> eval {
>  $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:Oracle:MYDB",
>  'dbuser', 'dbpass',
>  {
>  RaiseError => 1,
>  AutoCommit => 0,
>  ora_session_mode => 0
>  }
>  );
> };
> if ( $@ ) {
>  outprint('end',"$DBI::errstr\n");
> }
> my $sth=$dbh->prepare($sql) or die "Couldn't prepare statement: " . DBI-
>  errstr;
>  $sth->execute or die "Couldn't execute statement: " . DBI->errstr;
> my $ary;
> while ($ary = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
>  #I need to determine number of rows as this will affect
> whether a matrix is used or not
>  #a boolean variable $matrix could be returned or a ref
> check done so that the data
>  #processing code can act accordingly
>  #$sth->rows only shows total rows after the while loop
> is processed
>  #Can I accomplish this without a seperate count(*)
> statement?
>  #
>  #push @newary,[ @{$ary} ]; # if more than one row
>  #or
>  #push @newary, @{$ary} ; # single row
> }
> $sth->finish;
> $dbh->disconnect;
> #
> #ActivePerl 5.8.7 813
> #ppm
> #-DBD-Oracle 1.16
> #-DBI 1.48
> No virus found in this outgoing message.
> Checked by AVG Free Edition.
> Version: 7.1.362 / Virus Database: 267.13.3/173 - Release Date: 11/16/2005

Re: anyway to determine # rows before fetch loop ends and without seperate count(*)

2005-11-16 Thread JupiterHost.Net


#Here's an example which shows what I am trying to accomplish.  If I 
can determine the number of rows before pushing the data, this can 
simply things for #me when processing the data throught my scripts.  

use warnings;
use strict;

Good good :)

use DBI;
use DBD::Oracle;

my $sql=q{  select name, location
from mytable

my $dbh;

eval {
$dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:Oracle:MYDB",
'dbuser', 'dbpass',
   RaiseError => 1,
   AutoCommit => 0,
   ora_session_mode => 0

if ( $@ ) {

Hmm, perhaps the oracle specific stuff needs it but why are you evaling 

my $dbh = DBI->connect(@DBI_CONNECT_ARGS) or outprint('end', 
$DBI::errstr); # assumign its die()ing or exit()ing

my $sth=$dbh->prepare($sql) or die "Couldn't prepare statement: " . DBI-


$sth->execute or die "Couldn't execute statement: " . DBI->errstr;

my $ary;

while ($ary = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
#I need to determine number of rows as this will affect 
whether a matrix is used or not

Also very convoluted, all of that can be done with:

my $results = $dbh->selectall_arrayref($sql); # if you only want to 
process a certain amount just LIMIT in your $sql...

my $count = @{ $results };


if($count < 1000) { # or whatever you wanted teh count for...
for my $record(@{ $results }) {
# now use the data:
# $record->[0]
# $record->[1]

Re: anyway to determine # rows before fetch loop ends and without seperate count(*)

2005-11-16 Thread Rob Craig

I am using DBD::mysql and I can get the number of rows by assigning the
result of the execute to a scalar:

my $rows = $sth->execute or die "Couldn't execute statement: " .

maybe this doesn't work with DBD::Oracle?



  #Here's an example which shows what I am trying to accomplish.  If I 
can determine the number of rows before pushing the data, this can 
simply things for #me when processing the data throught my scripts.  
use warnings;
use strict;
use DBI;
use DBD::Oracle;

my $sql=q{  select name, location
from mytable

my $dbh;

eval {
$dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:Oracle:MYDB",
'dbuser', 'dbpass',
   RaiseError => 1,
   AutoCommit => 0,
   ora_session_mode => 0

if ( $@ ) {

my $sth=$dbh->prepare($sql) or die "Couldn't prepare statement: " . DBI-

$sth->execute or die "Couldn't execute statement: " . DBI->errstr;

my $ary;

while ($ary = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
#I need to determine number of rows as this will affect 
whether a matrix is used or not
#a boolean variable $matrix could be returned or a ref 
check done so that the data 
#processing code can act accordingly
#$sth->rows only shows total rows after the while loop 
is processed
#Can I accomplish this without a seperate count(*) 
#push @newary,[ @{$ary} ]; # if more than one row
#push @newary, @{$ary} ; # single row


#ActivePerl 5.8.7 813
#-DBD-Oracle 1.16
#-DBI 1.48


No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition.
Version: 7.1.362 / Virus Database: 267.13.3/173 - Release Date: 11/16/2005

RE: anyway to determine # rows before fetch loop ends and without seperate count(*)

2005-11-16 Thread Reidy, Ron
The short answer is ... No.

The long answer is ...

How could the DBI (or the SQL and/or PL/SQL engine for that matter) know
in advance of getting the data, how much would be retrieved?  According
to the concepts manual, part II, chapter 13 for 10gR2:

In a single-user database, the user can modify data in the database
without concern for
other users modifying the same data at the same time. However, in a
database, the statements within multiple simultaneous transactions can
update the
same data. Transactions executing at the same time need to produce
meaningful and
consistent results.

Given this, there is no way for the DBI to know how much data will be
retrieved by a SELECT statement.

Ron Reidy
Lead DBA
Array BioPharma, Inc.

-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2005 2:27 PM
Subject: anyway to determine # rows before fetch loop ends and without
seperate count(*)

#Here's an example which shows what I am trying to accomplish.  If I 
can determine the number of rows before pushing the data, this can 
simply things for #me when processing the data throught my scripts.  
use warnings;
use strict;
use DBI;
use DBD::Oracle;

my $sql=q{  select name, location
from mytable

my $dbh;

eval {
$dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:Oracle:MYDB",
'dbuser', 'dbpass',
   RaiseError => 1,
   AutoCommit => 0,
   ora_session_mode => 0

if ( $@ ) {

my $sth=$dbh->prepare($sql) or die "Couldn't prepare statement: " . DBI-

$sth->execute or die "Couldn't execute statement: " . DBI->errstr;

my $ary;

while ($ary = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
#I need to determine number of rows as this will affect 
whether a matrix is used or not
#a boolean variable $matrix could be returned or a ref 
check done so that the data 
#processing code can act accordingly
#$sth->rows only shows total rows after the while loop 
is processed
#Can I accomplish this without a seperate count(*) 
#push @newary,[ @{$ary} ]; # if more than one row
#push @newary, @{$ary} ; # single row


#ActivePerl 5.8.7 813
#-DBD-Oracle 1.16
#-DBI 1.48

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