Re: [Dbmail] mbox to dbmail converter

2002-12-18 Thread John Heller


Your make does not appear to be pulling in all of the objects on the 
command line. Check the definition of UNIONE_OBJECTS, DIRS and LIB in 
the Makefile. You need to have run first to generate the proper 
Makefile. Its probably better to put the lines I suggested in 
Makefile.concept, then run This will make the changes more 

If it is configured properly, when run the make, you should see a line 
like this

cc -Wall -O2 -D_BSD_SOURCE -D_SVID_SOURCE mb2db.c -o mb2db list.o \ 
debug.o mysql/dbmysql.o dbmd5.o md5.o mysql/dbauthmysql.o mime.o 
config.o \ -L/usr/lib/mysql/ -I/usr/include/mysql/ -lmysqlclient -lcrypto

It may vary slightly depending on where you defined the location of your 
mysql libraries and includes when you ran I am using the 
dbmail-1.0 source.


Jacques Beaudoin wrote:

Thanks John for mb2db.c

When i do the make i get compiling errors
Any idea where to look


[EMAIL PROTECTED] dbmail]# make mb2db
cc -Wall -O2 -D_BSD_SOURCE -D_SVID_SOURCEmb2db.c   -o mb2db
/tmp/ccb3yJbn.o: In function `main':
/tmp/ccb3yJbn.o(.text+0x3e): undefined reference to `configure_debug'
/tmp/ccb3yJbn.o(.text+0x56): undefined reference to `ReadConfig'
/tmp/ccb3yJbn.o(.text+0x62): undefined reference to `_db_pass'
/tmp/ccb3yJbn.o(.text+0x67): undefined reference to `_db_user'
/tmp/ccb3yJbn.o(.text+0x6c): undefined reference to `_db_db'
/tmp/ccb3yJbn.o(.text+0x71): undefined reference to `_db_host'
/tmp/ccb3yJbn.o(.text+0x76): undefined reference to `GetDBParams'
/tmp/ccb3yJbn.o(.text+0x7e): undefined reference to `db_connect'
/tmp/ccb3yJbn.o: In function `processmbox':
/tmp/ccb3yJbn.o(.text+0x137): undefined reference to `auth_user_exists'
/tmp/ccb3yJbn.o: In function `create_folder':
/tmp/ccb3yJbn.o(.text+0x30e): undefined reference to `db_findmailbox'
/tmp/ccb3yJbn.o(.text+0x330): undefined reference to `db_createmailbox'
/tmp/ccb3yJbn.o: In function `process_mboxfile':
/tmp/ccb3yJbn.o(.text+0x3cd): undefined reference to `trace'
/tmp/ccb3yJbn.o(.text+0x522): undefined reference to 
/tmp/ccb3yJbn.o(.text+0x62d): undefined reference to 

/tmp/ccb3yJbn.o(.text+0x6a9): undefined reference to `db_insert_message'
/tmp/ccb3yJbn.o(.text+0x753): undefined reference to 

/tmp/ccb3yJbn.o(.text+0x7da): undefined reference to `db_update_message'
/tmp/ccb3yJbn.o(.text+0x801): undefined reference to `trace'
/tmp/ccb3yJbn.o(.text+0x818): undefined reference to `db_get_mailboxid'
/tmp/ccb3yJbn.o(.text+0x864): undefined reference to `db_set_msgflag'
/tmp/ccb3yJbn.o(.text+0x895): undefined reference to `query'
/tmp/ccb3yJbn.o(.text+0x8a3): undefined reference to `query'
/tmp/ccb3yJbn.o(.text+0x8a8): undefined reference to `db_query'
/tmp/ccb3yJbn.o(.text+0x8bd): undefined reference to `trace'
/tmp/ccb3yJbn.o(.text+0x940): undefined reference to 

/tmp/ccb3yJbn.o(.text+0x9c7): undefined reference to `db_update_message'
/tmp/ccb3yJbn.o(.text+0x9ee): undefined reference to `trace'
/tmp/ccb3yJbn.o(.text+0xa05): undefined reference to `db_get_mailboxid'
/tmp/ccb3yJbn.o(.text+0xa51): undefined reference to `db_set_msgflag'
/tmp/ccb3yJbn.o(.text+0xa88): undefined reference to `query'
/tmp/ccb3yJbn.o(.text+0xa96): undefined reference to `query'
/tmp/ccb3yJbn.o(.text+0xa9b): undefined reference to `db_query'
/tmp/ccb3yJbn.o(.text+0xab0): undefined reference to `trace'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

Dbmail mailing list

[Dbmail] How scalable is it?

2002-12-18 Thread John Heller
Does anybody have any benchmarks or even subjective opinions on how 
dbmail performs when dealing with  large volumes of mail?

I am considering transfering all of our user's mail, including all their 
folders of saved and archived mail to dbmail. This will come to around 
40-50GB, which makes for quite a large messageblks table. I don't have 
enough experience with mysql to know how it will deal with that.

Presumably the more mail that is in the system, the slower things will 
get. I'm not sure this fits with the idea of a 'scalable' system. With 
the system we are using at present (sendmail/procmail/uw-imap), the 
volume of saved mail has no effect on performance, so long as individual 
folders and mailboxes are kept to a reasonable size. I can see that 
dbmail will require less dicipline from users and will cope better with 
those who let their inbox grow to hundreds of megabytes, but is it going 
to get slower and slower over time?

Re: [Dbmail] How scalable is it?

2002-12-18 Thread Philip Warner

At 10:37 AM 18/12/2002 +1100, John Heller wrote:
Does anybody have any benchmarks or even subjective opinions on how dbmail 
performs when dealing with  large volumes of mail?

Subjective opinion is that it works well. But there are at least four 
definitions of large volumes:

1. mail traffic into site
2. client traffic viewing/retrieving mail
3. mail volume preserved on server
4. large IMAP folders

We have about 100-200MB/day incoming, up to several clients accessing mail 
every second, and a low volume of preserved email (up to 5GB, usually 
around 2GB).

We're running PostgreSQL and the server does not even show the load. But, 
as noted elsewhere, it is important to make sure that PostgreSQL is 
configured properly for such a large DB especially if you have high levels 
of transient data.

We did have one inactive account with 86000 messages in INBOX, and that 
took a few minutes to open with IMAP -- but I *think* that's an IMAP 
problem since, even to retrieve the first twelve messages it insisted on 
getting summaries for all of them.

If you choose to use MySQL, the only warning that may be relevant is that 
it does not have great locking, so if you have a large volume of active 
connections you may end up with contention problems (meaning slower 
retrieval/updates etc).

I am considering transfering all of our user's mail, including all their 
folders of saved and archived mail to dbmail. This will come to around 
40-50GB, which makes for quite a large messageblks table. I don't have 
enough experience with mysql to know how it will deal with that.

Neither do I. Assuming you put the effort into configuring postgresSQL 
properly, it should have no problems.

Presumably the more mail that is in the system, the slower things will get.

Why? The only issues I have seen relate to IMAP mailbox sizes.

I can see that dbmail will require less dicipline from users and will cope 
better with those who let their inbox grow to hundreds of megabytes, but 
is it going to get slower and slower over time?

Sadly, this is probably also untrue -- but it may not be DBMail's fault. I 
don't have much experience with IMAP, but what I have seen using Horde/IMP 
suggests that it is not very good at handling large mailboxes.

One of the features that is often overlooked when codsidering DBMail is 
that you get all the advantages of a *real* database

Hope this helps

Philip Warner| __---_
Albatross Consulting Pty. Ltd.   |/   -  \
(A.B.N. 75 008 659 498)  |  /(@)   __---_
Tel: (+61) 0500 83 82 81 | _  \
Fax: (+61) 03 5330 3172  | ___ |
Http://  |/   \|
PGP key available upon request,  |  /
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Re: [Dbmail] How scalable is it?

2002-12-18 Thread Philip Warner

At 11:40 AM 18/12/2002 +1100, Philip Warner wrote:
One of the features that is often overlooked when codsidering DBMail is 
that you get all the advantages of a *real* database

Sorry...send was hit too soon...

One of the features that is often overlooked when considering DBMail is 
that you get all the advantages of a *real* database (at least in the case 
of PostgreSQL), so we have:

- aliases & users as views constructed based on a much more complex set of 
rules relating to user preferences & settings.

- rewrite rules (updatable views) to handle DBMail setting the last_login date

- stored procedures (callable from PHP, Perl etc) for adding & maintaining 
users (basically write the code once, call from anywhere).

- a system of access controls to allow user-management & creation by 
authorized users

- complex usage reports and traffic details

- postfix also uses DB, and again the virtuals are a view constructed based 
on other business rules.

etc etc.

In some sense, DBMail is the starting point for a much more usable and 
functional system of mail handling. You should not just focus on if it will 
be faster (although, making sure it won't be slower is important).

Philip Warner| __---_
Albatross Consulting Pty. Ltd.   |/   -  \
(A.B.N. 75 008 659 498)  |  /(@)   __---_
Tel: (+61) 0500 83 82 81 | _  \
Fax: (+61) 03 5330 3172  | ___ |
Http://  |/   \|
PGP key available upon request,  |  /
and from   |/

[Dbmail] Patch for mysql/dbmysql.c

2002-12-18 Thread Craig Whitmore
Hi there DBMailers..

Below is a patch for mysql/dbmysql.c to make the update of the pbsp table
easier. It uses the command REPLACE which will do an INSERT or an UPDATE
depending of the entry is there or not. This means only 1 SQL query instead
of 2 (1 to see if its there and one to INSERT or UPDATE). The postgreSQL
version hasn't been changed as I don't know if if it has a similar command
as REPLACE that mysql does.

If anyone has any comments on this please let me know. It is based on the
rc3/rc4 but can easily be edited for v1.0

Craig Whitmore

--- dbmysql.c.OLD   2002-12-18 11:27:17.0 +1300
+++ dbmysql.c   2002-12-18 12:51:35.0 +1300
@@ -1529,48 +1529,12 @@
   char timestr[30];
   time_t td;
   struct tm tm;
-  u64_t id=0;

   time(&td);  /* get time */
   tm = *localtime(&td);   /* get components */
   strftime(timestr, sizeof(timestr), "%G-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", &tm);

-  snprintf(query, DEF_QUERYSIZE, "SELECT idnr FROM pbsp WHERE ipnumber =
'%s'", ip);
-  if (db_query_read(query) == -1)
-  trace(TRACE_ERROR,"db_log_ip(): could not access ip-log table
(pop/imap-before-smtp): %s",
-   mysql_error(&read_conn));
-  return -1;
-  if ((res = mysql_store_result(&read_conn)) == NULL)
-  trace(TRACE_ERROR,"db_log_ip(): could not check ip-log
(pop/imap-before-smtp): %s",
-   mysql_error(&read_conn));
-  return -1;
-  row = mysql_fetch_row(res);
-  id = row ? strtoull(row[0], NULL, 10) : 0;
-  mysql_free_result(res);
-  if (id)
-  /* this IP is already in the table, update the 'since' field */
-  snprintf(query, DEF_QUERYSIZE, "UPDATE pbsp SET since = '%s' WHERE
-  if (db_query(query) == -1)
-   {
- trace(TRACE_ERROR,"db_log_ip(): could not update ip-log
(pop/imap-before-smtp): %s",
-   mysql_error(&write_conn));
- return -1;
-   }
-  else
-  /* IP not in table, insert row */
-  snprintf(query, DEF_QUERYSIZE, "INSERT INTO pbsp (since, ipnumber)
VALUES ('%s','%s')",
+  snprintf(query, DEF_QUERYSIZE, "REPLACE INTO pbsp (since, ipnumber)
VALUES ('%s','%s')",
   timestr, ip);

   if (db_query(query) == -1)
@@ -1579,7 +1543,6 @@
  return -1;

   trace(TRACE_DEBUG,"db_log_ip(): ip [%s] logged\n",ip);
   return 0;

Re: [Dbmail] Patch for mysql/dbmysql.c

2002-12-18 Thread Philip Warner

At 02:00 PM 18/12/2002 +1300, Craig Whitmore wrote:

The postgreSQL
version hasn't been changed as I don't know if if it has a similar command
as REPLACE that mysql does.

It doesn't, so no need to worry about that.

Philip Warner| __---_
Albatross Consulting Pty. Ltd.   |/   -  \
(A.B.N. 75 008 659 498)  |  /(@)   __---_
Tel: (+61) 0500 83 82 81 | _  \
Fax: (+61) 03 5330 3172  | ___ |
Http://  |/   \|
PGP key available upon request,  |  /
and from   |/

Re: [Dbmail] mbox to dbmail

2002-12-18 Thread John Heller

The plan is to use mysql.

Eelco van Beek - IC&S wrote:


We once wrote a program to insert 10 Gb of mail into dbmail. The 
program did this in about 50 minutes.

What database are you going to use?

Best regards,


Re: [Dbmail] mbox to dbmail

2002-12-18 Thread


the fastest way to import data is to use a "LOAD DATA INFILE" statement 
in mySQL (for postgresql, use "COPY FROM"). This will bypass a lot of 
overhead. Be sure to remove all indices and all the restraints you can 
for they as well take time. Just add them afterwards, it is a lot 
faster to build up an index for a complete table than to update it time 
after time.

If you're handy with C, look at the code in raw-convert.c. That 
particular bit of code was used to create TAB-delimited datafiles 
(usable by mysql and postgresql); the datafiles where read using COPY 
FROM (it was a postgresql system) to import 10 GB of mail in only 50 

Important postgresql note: you MUST update the sequences afterwards as 
they are not affected by the copy from command (yes i did forget it :-)

regards roel

John Heller heeft op woensdag, 18 dec 2002 om 06:35 (Europe/Amsterdam) 
het volgende geschreven:

The plan is to use mysql.

Eelco van Beek - IC&S wrote:


We once wrote a program to insert 10 Gb of mail into dbmail. The 
program did this in about 50 minutes.

What database are you going to use?

Best regards,


Dbmail mailing list

[Dbmail] postgresql disk usage

2002-12-18 Thread

Hi all,

on of our dbmail-using customers runs a postgresql database containing 
about 10GB of data; there are ~23000 accounts, 5000 of them are being 
accessed regularly. The database is not growing (only POP is run), 
about 2 messages are delivered each day.

The problem is that postgresql keeps on eating disk space - after a 
recent crash (due to running a VACUUM FULL on a near-full disk) a 
backup was restored and the database was shrunk from 65GB to 10GB. 
Since then, postgresql has resumed it's eating functionality, the size 
occupied on disk is now some 46 GB while the database had not grown.

I would like to ask the postgresql experts on this list some advice: 
how to reclaim disk space? For now, each night a VACUUM ANALYZE runs on 
the database. Any chance i can see where exactly postgresql is growing? 
Would re-building the indices help?

regards roel

Re: [Dbmail] postgresql disk usage

2002-12-18 Thread Steve Howe
Hello Roel,

Wednesday, December 18, 2002, 7:23:49 AM, you wrote:

RRIS> Hi all,

RRIS> on of our dbmail-using customers runs a postgresql database containing 
RRIS> about 10GB of data; there are ~23000 accounts, 5000 of them are being 
RRIS> accessed regularly. The database is not growing (only POP is run), 
RRIS> about 2 messages are delivered each day.

RRIS> The problem is that postgresql keeps on eating disk space - after a 
RRIS> recent crash (due to running a VACUUM FULL on a near-full disk) a 
RRIS> backup was restored and the database was shrunk from 65GB to 10GB. 
RRIS> Since then, postgresql has resumed it's eating functionality, the size 
RRIS> occupied on disk is now some 46 GB while the database had not grown.

RRIS> I would like to ask the postgresql experts on this list some advice: 
RRIS> how to reclaim disk space? For now, each night a VACUUM ANALYZE runs on 
RRIS> the database. Any chance i can see where exactly postgresql is growing? 
RRIS> Would re-building the indices help?

Rebuilding indices could help but the space recovered would be

If everything else looks ok, my bet is that you could have orphaned
Large Objects (i.e. BLOBs).

There is a tool named 'vacuumlo' on the contrib dir on the PostgreSQL
distribution that is supposed to help. But these orphaned Large
Objects should not exist; they mean a bug on the code that handles the
database (the Large Object chunks should have been deleted).

Please monitor the catalog table pg_largeobject to check if it's the
cause of the growth.

Best Regards,
Steve Howe

Re: [Dbmail] postgresql disk usage

2002-12-18 Thread Philip Warner

At 11:23 AM 18/12/2002 +0100, Roel Rozendaal - IC&S wrote:

The problem is that postgresql keeps on eating disk space

Have a look at this link:

it is an addition to the PG docs that I wrote recently and which has not 
yet been added to CVS. We had the same problem, and this describes the 
cause & solution. If you like, I can help in a more detailed fashion offline.

I would like to ask the postgresql experts on this list some advice: how 
to reclaim disk space?

Only solution is VACUUM full or backup/restore. However, the above link 
describes how to at least stop the growth. The problems with having a 
too-big database are that VACUUM takes a long time, sequential scans take 
longer and disk space is wasted. It is worth scheduling downtime to fix, 
but only after some statistics are collected.

 For now, each night a VACUUM ANALYZE runs on the database. Any chance i 
can see where exactly postgresql is growing?

VACUUM VERBOSE gives more detailed information (see above link). Also,

select relname, relpages from pg_class

will give you relation sizes. But VACUUM VERBOSE is more likely to give 
more useful information.

 Would re-building the indices help?

Unlikely, unless there are other problems.

The database is not growing (only POP is run), about 2 messages are 
delivered each day.

This means that the most likely problem is as above. Try:

VACUUM VERBOSE messageblks

This will probably show a very large 'Unused' value in the MESSAGEBLKS or 
PG_TOAST_nnn table, where nnn is the OID of the MESSAGEBLKS table.

To collect useful data, run VACUUM VERBOSE every few hours and keep the 
logs; run it often enough to collect a representative usage pattern 
(dbmail-maintenance, day/nigh etc). Once you have that, I can give more 
specific advice about the best settings (or you can use the link above to 
work this out for yourself).

Philip Warner| __---_
Albatross Consulting Pty. Ltd.   |/   -  \
(A.B.N. 75 008 659 498)  |  /(@)   __---_
Tel: (+61) 0500 83 82 81 | _  \
Fax: (+61) 03 5330 3172  | ___ |
Http://  |/   \|
PGP key available upon request,  |  /
and from   |/

Re: [Dbmail] postgresql disk usage

2002-12-18 Thread

Hi Philip, Steve,

The pg_largeobject table is empty, so probably it does not concern  
orphaned BLOB's. The "select relname, relpages from pg_class  order by  
relpages desc" shows:

 relname | relpages
 pg_toast_10945937|  3841293
 messageblks |   215979
 pg_toast_10945937_idx   |59190

What exactly is this pg_toast thing?

I am somewhat reluctant to run a 'VACUUM xxx' right now as it has the  
side-effect of raising the load from ca. 0.7 to ca. 7 and turning the  
database completely irresponsive - it does concern a production machine.

regards roel

Philip Warner heeft op woensdag, 18 dec 2002 om 12:22  
(Europe/Amsterdam) het volgende geschreven:

At 11:23 AM 18/12/2002 +0100, Roel Rozendaal - IC&S wrote:

The problem is that postgresql keeps on eating disk space

Have a look at this link: 

it is an addition to the PG docs that I wrote recently and which has  
not yet been added to CVS. We had the same problem, and this describes  
the cause & solution. If you like, I can help in a more detailed  
fashion offline.

I would like to ask the postgresql experts on this list some advice:  
how to reclaim disk space?

Only solution is VACUUM full or backup/restore. However, the above  
link describes how to at least stop the growth. The problems with  
having a too-big database are that VACUUM takes a long time,  
sequential scans take longer and disk space is wasted. It is worth  
scheduling downtime to fix, but only after some statistics are  

 For now, each night a VACUUM ANALYZE runs on the database. Any  
chance i can see where exactly postgresql is growing?

VACUUM VERBOSE gives more detailed information (see above link). Also,

select relname, relpages from pg_class

will give you relation sizes. But VACUUM VERBOSE is more likely to  
give more useful information.

 Would re-building the indices help?

Unlikely, unless there are other problems.

The database is not growing (only POP is run), about 2 messages  
are delivered each day.

This means that the most likely problem is as above. Try:

VACUUM VERBOSE messageblks

This will probably show a very large 'Unused' value in the MESSAGEBLKS  
or PG_TOAST_nnn table, where nnn is the OID of the MESSAGEBLKS  

To collect useful data, run VACUUM VERBOSE every few hours and keep  
the logs; run it often enough to collect a representative usage  
pattern (dbmail-maintenance, day/nigh etc). Once you have that, I can  
give more specific advice about the best settings (or you can use the  
link above to work this out for yourself).

Philip Warner| __---_
Albatross Consulting Pty. Ltd.   |/   -  \
(A.B.N. 75 008 659 498)  |  /(@)   __---_
Tel: (+61) 0500 83 82 81 | _  \
Fax: (+61) 03 5330 3172  | ___ |
Http://  |/   \|
PGP key available upon request,  |  /
and from   |/

Dbmail mailing list

Re: [Dbmail] postgresql disk usage

2002-12-18 Thread

hi philip,

I just checked your link and executed the query
select count(*) from pg_class where relkind in ('t','r');

it got me a value of 38; the system has default config of  
max_fsm_relations (100) so that shouldn't be the problem either.

regards roel

Philip Warner heeft op woensdag, 18 dec 2002 om 12:22  
(Europe/Amsterdam) het volgende geschreven:

At 11:23 AM 18/12/2002 +0100, Roel Rozendaal - IC&S wrote:

The problem is that postgresql keeps on eating disk space

Have a look at this link: 

it is an addition to the PG docs that I wrote recently and which has  
not yet been added to CVS. We had the same problem, and this describes  
the cause & solution. If you like, I can help in a more detailed  
fashion offline.

I would like to ask the postgresql experts on this list some advice:  
how to reclaim disk space?

Only solution is VACUUM full or backup/restore. However, the above  
link describes how to at least stop the growth. The problems with  
having a too-big database are that VACUUM takes a long time,  
sequential scans take longer and disk space is wasted. It is worth  
scheduling downtime to fix, but only after some statistics are  

 For now, each night a VACUUM ANALYZE runs on the database. Any  
chance i can see where exactly postgresql is growing?

VACUUM VERBOSE gives more detailed information (see above link). Also,

select relname, relpages from pg_class

will give you relation sizes. But VACUUM VERBOSE is more likely to  
give more useful information.

 Would re-building the indices help?

Unlikely, unless there are other problems.

The database is not growing (only POP is run), about 2 messages  
are delivered each day.

This means that the most likely problem is as above. Try:

VACUUM VERBOSE messageblks

This will probably show a very large 'Unused' value in the MESSAGEBLKS  
or PG_TOAST_nnn table, where nnn is the OID of the MESSAGEBLKS  

To collect useful data, run VACUUM VERBOSE every few hours and keep  
the logs; run it often enough to collect a representative usage  
pattern (dbmail-maintenance, day/nigh etc). Once you have that, I can  
give more specific advice about the best settings (or you can use the  
link above to work this out for yourself).

Philip Warner| __---_
Albatross Consulting Pty. Ltd.   |/   -  \
(A.B.N. 75 008 659 498)  |  /(@)   __---_
Tel: (+61) 0500 83 82 81 | _  \
Fax: (+61) 03 5330 3172  | ___ |
Http://  |/   \|
PGP key available upon request,  |  /
and from   |/

Dbmail mailing list

Re: [Dbmail] postgresql disk usage

2002-12-18 Thread Philip Warner

At 12:47 PM 18/12/2002 +0100, Roel Rozendaal - IC&S wrote:

 pg_toast_10945937|  3841293


What exactly is this pg_toast thing?

When a text field is too large to fit on a page, it is written to a 
separate table (one for each real table) in chunks. My guess is that if you do:

select relname from pg_class where oid = '10945937'

you will get 'messageblks'. If so, then the messageblks toast table is the 
culprit (and is about 30GB in size).

If the guess is wrong, let me know the table name...

I am somewhat reluctant to run a 'VACUUM xxx' right now as it has the
side-effect of raising the load from ca. 0.7 to ca. 7 and turning the
database completely irresponsive - it does concern a production machine.

This should not happen. We don't have such a large DB, but the users barely 
notice a VACUUM - do you know which resource is the problem? Disk IO, CPU 
or memory? In Linux, eg, if DMA is not enabled for disks, then high I/O 
stalls the machine - could some similar issue be occurring? Another 
thought: try changing the nice value for the backend doing the vacuum (in 
general this is a very bad idea, but it may reduce the impact of the vacuum 
if it is CPU related).

I certainly understand your desire not to upset a production machine; if 
you are unable to anything else, can you set your next VACCUUM to be a 
VACUUM VERBOSE ANALYZE? That way we can get some idea of the correct 
settings to use to at least stop the growth.

Philip Warner| __---_
Albatross Consulting Pty. Ltd.   |/   -  \
(A.B.N. 75 008 659 498)  |  /(@)   __---_
Tel: (+61) 0500 83 82 81 | _  \
Fax: (+61) 03 5330 3172  | ___ |
Http://  |/   \|
PGP key available upon request,  |  /
and from   |/

Re: [Dbmail] postgresql disk usage

2002-12-18 Thread Philip Warner

At 01:00 PM 18/12/2002 +0100, Roel Rozendaal - IC&S wrote:
it got me a value of 38; the system has default config of 
max_fsm_relations (100) so that shouldn't be the problem either.

Be careful with this. You need to do this for each database (except 
template0). Try '\l' in psql to get a lict of databases, then connect to 
each and run the query - the max_fsm_relations should be the sum of them 
all. 38 is very unlikely to be right. But 100 could still be OK if dbmail 
is the only other DB.

Once you have a value for max_fsm_relations (it's cheap, and the future 
default will be nearer 1000), you need to set max_fsm_pages (I *know* the 
default is too low for your requirments) and the VACUUM frequency.

If you continue to experience VACUUM killing the server, then you may need 
to set MAX_FSM_PAGES very high.

Which OS and version of PG are you running?

Philip Warner| __---_
Albatross Consulting Pty. Ltd.   |/   -  \
(A.B.N. 75 008 659 498)  |  /(@)   __---_
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Re: [Dbmail] postgresql disk usage

2002-12-18 Thread
The only other database is template0, which gives a value of 30 for the 
query; the OS is linux 2.4.5, postgresql is version 7.2.

What MAX_FSM_* settings do you recommend?

Philip Warner heeft op woensdag, 18 dec 2002 om 13:14 
(Europe/Amsterdam) het volgende geschreven:

At 01:00 PM 18/12/2002 +0100, Roel Rozendaal - IC&S wrote:
it got me a value of 38; the system has default config of 
max_fsm_relations (100) so that shouldn't be the problem either.

Be careful with this. You need to do this for each database (except 
template0). Try '\l' in psql to get a lict of databases, then connect 
to each and run the query - the max_fsm_relations should be the sum of 
them all. 38 is very unlikely to be right. But 100 could still be OK 
if dbmail is the only other DB.

Once you have a value for max_fsm_relations (it's cheap, and the 
future default will be nearer 1000), you need to set max_fsm_pages (I 
*know* the default is too low for your requirments) and the VACUUM 

If you continue to experience VACUUM killing the server, then you may 
need to set MAX_FSM_PAGES very high.

Which OS and version of PG are you running?

Philip Warner| __---_
Albatross Consulting Pty. Ltd.   |/   -  \
(A.B.N. 75 008 659 498)  |  /(@)   __---_
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Dbmail mailing list

Re: [Dbmail] postgresql disk usage

2002-12-18 Thread Philip Warner

At 01:00 PM 18/12/2002 +0100, Roel Rozendaal - IC&S wrote:
it got me a value of 38; the system has default config of 
max_fsm_relations (100) so that shouldn't be the problem either.

A simple (heavy-handed) approach would be:

set max_fsm_relations to 1000
set vacuum frequency to daily
get the output of a VACUUM VERBOSE:
psql -c "vacuum verbose" dbmail > vacuum.out 2>&1

grep  "Changed" vacuum.out | grep -v "Changed 0,"

add all the 'changed' values together, double it, and set 
max_fsm_pages to this value.

Bear in mind that (max_fsm_pages*4 bytes) of shared memory will be 
consumed, so if the value is very high it may need kernel config changes 
(Linux it is dynamic).

The reason I say 'double it' is on the assumption that you will have busier 
days. Also bear in mind that you should run a VACUUM ASAP after starting 
the server to build the FSM.

I do strongly recommend that you VACUUM FULL the database (or 
backup/restore), then set a VACUUM VERBOSE running hourly (we do it 
two-hourly, but have a lower load) - and keep the logs to check the 
settings. You may well find that VACUUMing a cleaner database will put less 
strain on your server.

Philip Warner| __---_
Albatross Consulting Pty. Ltd.   |/   -  \
(A.B.N. 75 008 659 498)  |  /(@)   __---_
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Re: [Dbmail] postgresql disk usage

2002-12-18 Thread Philip Warner

At 02:07 PM 18/12/2002 +0100, Roel Rozendaal - IC&S wrote:

What MAX_FSM_* settings do you recommend?

I need to see the output of a VACUUM VERBOSE to know a good answer.

Otherwise, if you can give me an upper limit on the volume of mail received 
each day, we could probably go with that. eg. if you receive 8GB of mail 
each day, and it is all deleted/read/removed by the end of the day, and you 
only vacuum daily, then I would suggest a minimum of 1,000,000 for 
MAX_FSM_PAGES, and I would be inclined to set it to 2,000,000 to be safe 
(this will use 8MB of shared memory). MAX_FSM_RELATIONS is probably OK as 
is, but increasing it to 250 would give you some insurance.

In a high-transience database (email), the basic rule is to set 
MAX_FSM_PAGES to the number of pages you will consume between vacuums; I 
would also recommend a VACUUM VERBOSE be done whenever you restart the 
database server process, to rebuild the FSM.

If you have any scheduled downtime, I do also strongly recommend a VACUUM 
FULL, then try VACUUM and see if it kills the server. If it does not kill 
the server, schedule VACUUM VERBOSE every hour. Once this has run for a 
day, you can set MAX_FSM_PAGES to a much lower value.

Note that to set the MAX_FSM_* parameters you need to restart the 
postmaster; so it might be good to do it all together.

Philip Warner| __---_
Albatross Consulting Pty. Ltd.   |/   -  \
(A.B.N. 75 008 659 498)  |  /(@)   __---_
Tel: (+61) 0500 83 82 81 | _  \
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Re: [Dbmail] ANNOUNCEMENT: DBMAIL 1.0!!!

2002-12-18 Thread Eric Renfro
On Tuesday 03 December 2002 11:38 am, IC&S Helpdesk wrote:
> Yes! Finally :)
> This is the official announcement of dbmail 1.0 stable!
> You can download it at our all new dbmail website (
> Major updates:
> - imap commandline scanner is now fully RFC compatible
> - new server code for both imap and pop servers
> - many little bugfixes
> Give dbmail a testrun and let us know how she runs!

I found one problem with dbmail 1.0's tarball straight off the site.. 
dbmail-smtp couldn't find dbmail.conf, because in main.c, it's looking for 
"dbmail.conf". instead of "/etc/dbmail.conf".
I found this while using exim, and setting the current directory, as usual in 
my setups, to be /tmp. When I set it to /etc, it worked, so I fixed it that 
way in main.c.

Eric Renfro
Myrddin Computers & Designs - CEO/President
Phone:  (512) 527-9111
Fax:(512) 527-9034

Re: [Dbmail] postgresql disk usage

2002-12-18 Thread

Philip Warner heeft op woensdag, 18 dec 2002 om 13:05 
(Europe/Amsterdam) het volgende geschreven:

At 12:47 PM 18/12/2002 +0100, Roel Rozendaal - IC&S wrote:

 pg_toast_10945937|  3841293


What exactly is this pg_toast thing?

When a text field is too large to fit on a page, it is written to a 
separate table (one for each real table) in chunks. My guess is that 
if you do:

select relname from pg_class where oid = '10945937'

you will get 'messageblks'. If so, then the messageblks toast table is 
the culprit (and is about 30GB in size).

If the guess is wrong, let me know the table name...

It is the messageblks table. However, the query
select sum(blocksize) from messageblks;

(which should return the amount of actual data in the table) gives ~10 
GB - so where does the extra 20 GB come from?

I am somewhat reluctant to run a 'VACUUM xxx' right now as it has the
side-effect of raising the load from ca. 0.7 to ca. 7 and turning the
database completely irresponsive - it does concern a production 

This should not happen. We don't have such a large DB, but the users 
barely notice a VACUUM - do you know which resource is the problem? 
Disk IO, CPU or memory? In Linux, eg, if DMA is not enabled for disks, 
then high I/O stalls the machine - could some similar issue be 
occurring? Another thought: try changing the nice value for the 
backend doing the vacuum (in general this is a very bad idea, but it 
may reduce the impact of the vacuum if it is CPU related).

The system has high-speed SCSI disks, a PIII 1.2 GHz processor and 512 
MB of ram - should be sufficient shouldn't it?

I certainly understand your desire not to upset a production machine; 
if you are unable to anything else, can you set your next VACCUUM to 
be a VACUUM VERBOSE ANALYZE? That way we can get some idea of the 
correct settings to use to at least stop the growth.

Philip Warner| __---_
Albatross Consulting Pty. Ltd.   |/   -  \
(A.B.N. 75 008 659 498)  |  /(@)   __---_
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Dbmail mailing list

Re: [Dbmail] How scalable is it?

2002-12-18 Thread Tim Uckun

- complex usage reports and traffic details

- postfix also uses DB, and again the virtuals are a view constructed 
based on other business rules.

etc etc.

In some sense, DBMail is the starting point for a much more usable and 
functional system of mail handling. You should not just focus on if it 
will be faster (although, making sure it won't be slower is important).

What a great post. You should write a whitepaper!. I was thinking it might 
be possible to write triggers to manipulate the postfix text files but I 
did not know you could have postfix read the database directly that's great.

Have you thought of using a non IMAP client for employees which taps into 
the database directly? I was thinking that might be good way to go internal 
employees and it would bypass whatever IMAP slowness there might be.

Tim Uckun
US Investigations Services/Due Diligence

Re[2]: [Dbmail] How scalable is it?

2002-12-18 Thread Jeff Brenton
TU> I was thinking it might be possible to write triggers to
TU> manipulate the postfix text files but I did not know you could
TU> have postfix read the database directly that's great.

If you have configured postfix to use the pbsp for authentication, you
can use it for virtually ANY table within postfix. I use MySQL to
maintain a transport/destination table, so domains can be added
without restarting postfix; postfix checks MySQL tables for both
access-by-mailfrom and access-by-IP. In fact, only the regular
expression filters aren't in SQL tables.

Making it work with PostGRES is not quit as easy as doing it with
MySQL, because PG support isn't in the main postfix CVS tree or
distribution, but it DOES exist.

Jeff Brenton
Engineered Software Products, Inc
Questionable web page:

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Re: [Dbmail] mbox to dbmail converter

2002-12-18 Thread Jacques-Beaudoin
Thanks John

mb2db as compiled ok and i got all my folders in mysql
i think it was the part about

mb2db sould be included in dbmail and always compiled with the
dbmail programs (dbmail-smtp,dmail-pop3detc)
