Leaving for Kochi airport in the night/morning 3am

2023-09-17 Thread Evangelos Ribeiro Tzaras

I got a small cab picking me up at 3am "tomorrow" .
I'm certainly not going to sleep, 
so it's actually "logical today".

I can take a +1, if there's any interest.
The first person who answers get's it.

See you then (it will be some time before I check my mails again).

It's already payed for.


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Re: DebConf23 Daily Announcement mail - 16th September 2023

2023-09-16 Thread Evangelos Ribeiro Tzaras

On Sat, 2023-09-16 at 22:10 +0530, Stefano Rivera wrote:
> Dear DebConf23 attendees,
> == Book of Condolences ==
> Reminder: the book for Abraham's family is in the silent hacklab on
> the
> second floor of the hotel. It will close after breakfast tomorrow,
> 17th
> September.

Will there be some (high quality) pictures of each page?
What Jonathan wrote on the first page was very beautiful
and I think I'd like to revisit this when I'm back home
and I feel like crying :'(

I have taken a picture of *my* page and I would also love to read what
people after me wrote.

> Thank you,
> Stefano, for the DebConf23 Team

No, thank you and the video team, local team and everyone who
volunteered to make this event happen!

PS: I've CC'ed discuss, as I'm not sure if my email reaches attendees


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Re: Travel coordination

2023-09-15 Thread Evangelos Ribeiro Tzaras

some bonus content:

On Sat, 2023-09-16 at 06:34 +0200, Andreas Tille wrote:
> I was told there is a difference between a small and a big cab. 

One difference is (obviously) in price:
The small cab to the airport should be 1800 IKR
while the large one costs 2800 IKR.

In terms of passengers I was surprised that it was basically
+-1 and the main difference apparently being how much luggage will fit
in the trunk (or wherever the cab driver ends up putting it)

I asked relatively early (~5days ago?)
and maybe I'm not reproducing
what the lady at the reception had said bit by bit,
but this is pretty much how I remember it.


> [1] https://wiki.debian.org/DebConf/23/TravelCoordination

I'm leaving on monday very early in the morning around 3am or 4am
and I would also enjoy to have company *and*, of course, 
split the cost \o/

If you don't want to put your name on the wiki you can
of course also reach out via matrix (preferred) or IRC (fine).


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Re: PSA: I want to do a thing

2023-09-15 Thread Evangelos Ribeiro Tzaras

Sorry this was a stupid idea.
I won't bother you.


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PSA: I want to do a thing

2023-09-15 Thread Evangelos Ribeiro Tzaras
Fellow debianites,

I hope you are all doing well. I'm currently sitting in Chambra and
with everything that has been going on :'(
I want to throw a ... party is not the quite the right word.
But yeah something.

I will see about making this a private area for the evening where we
can get together one more time and do things.

I was thinking that we can get joostvb, joeino and myself to DJ a
little bit (and perhaps others, but these three people I trust when it
comes to music - the live coding thing has always been very awesome, so
yeah. There is also a beamer, so I'm sure joeino can do some awesome

I will be personally responsible for making sure that the room 
will be in a good shape for the DebMed BoF the next morning
on Sunday at 10:30. [0]

Word of warning:
My music will definitely be of the more depressive variety:
NIN e.g. and some german hiphop
(to get some idea of what kind of music I am talking about
have a look at [0][1]).

I find this music to be quite fitting the circumsstances ...

Since this is right next to noisy this should mean that people who do
not wish to join (either because they just aren't in the mood -
perfectly understandable -
or who just value their sleep - again, very understandable)
will not get disturbed.

Please consider though that *outside* and especially on the hallways
you should really be quiet.

More information to follow later.
I'm thinking an appropriate time to start would be 2100.

No dress code!

Ideally we can also cover the one camera
up in the corner (having talked with the hotel about this of course)
so that it is truly a *private* space, as opposed to what appears to be
considered "private".

If anyone has some more ideas, feel free to answer this email
or approach me in person.

[0] https://debconf23.debconf.org/talks/30-debian-med-bof/
[1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZvGBF2thcA

PS: If you haven't already and you are up for it
I want to remind you that there is the Condolences Book in the
silent hacklab. So you may say your goodbyes there


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Re: Photo matters for Kochi

2023-09-14 Thread Evangelos Ribeiro Tzaras
On Thu, 2023-09-14 at 13:38 +0200, Adam Borowski wrote:
> I for one can lend mine (11, 13, 15, 19; size L) to others as I don't
> expect any of us to be so filthy enough that a single wash cycle
> wouldn't fix 

Well, have you seen my ... face?


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Re: Fwd: Party time on 2023-09^2

2023-09-10 Thread Evangelos Ribeiro Tzaras

On Sun, 2023-09-10 at 02:30 -0400, Tiago Bortoletto Vaz wrote:
> Hi there,
> I'm glad to see you're having fun around during the night, but I
> wanted to give
> you some input because this whole thing has a clear potential to
> cause
> annoyance to others.

Yes and in this case not only potential, sorry :(

> I'll give you my own example. We arrived last night with our 1yo baby
> and were
> tragically assigned to #907. 

Ouch. I can definitely see that
#907 was a more than suboptimal room to be put in
at this particular point in time,
especially having just arrived 
(and probably very tired/jetlagged from the travel)
*and* with a small child!

> After tiredly unpacking all our stuff I got to read
> some IRC backlog and decided to move away as soon as I got to know
> there was
> about 20 folks consuming alcohol and making music in the room beside
> ours a few
> minutes before -- and that being only the prelude of something to be
> repeated
> in the coming days.

Point is taken and as I said in the other email
I'll be sure to be as considerate as humanly possible in the future.
One more thing: So this was the first party in my room
and I had already had some premonition that it *may* get out of hand
when I did anounce to debconf-discuss about it happening.

> Please remember that some people prefer to sleep at night, rather
> than hacking
> or partying -- yes yes, even during a Debconf! 

I'm shocked! ;)
Who are these people that you speak of?
(could not resist this stupid joke, sorry!)

> And they even deserve some
> respect :-)

Very much so!
I will be sure to apologize once more in person.

I think we've actually talked a bit this morning and
you may recognize me from talk meistering today at anamundi.

> Anyway, the hotel staff was wonderful and quickly helped us switching
> rooms.

I'm glad that the situation could be resolved and
I hope that you and your family did get a good nights sleep in the end!

> Moreover, they mentioned that many guests complained about your noise
> last
> night. 

This I was actually not aware of: 
My neighbors next door (the other side) were in my room.
And when I apologized the person
staying in the opposite room this morning
they basically smiled and said "it's fine, don't worry".

Of course this does not mean that we didn't overdo it.
We most certainly did.
And while admittedly it was a very fun party.
I should've put more consideration into the people *outside*
of my room.

> It's also important to know that there are many others in the
> building
> that aren't related to the conference.


> I'd rather not make any suggestions to address this issue here, but
> I'm
> counting on the maturity of dear debianites

Some of us are older than others, but yes, absolutely :)

>  and the judgment of the awesome
> orga team on this.

I hope I/we did not cause too much trouble for orga with the hotel!


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Re: Fwd: Party time on 2023-09^2

2023-09-10 Thread Evangelos Ribeiro Tzaras
On Sun, 2023-09-10 at 12:29 +0530, Andreas Bombe wrote:
> On Sun, Sep 10, 2023 at 08:30:35AM +0530, Evangelos Ribeiro Tzaras
> wrote:
> > - *Who* called me room telefone?
> >   You are an absolute legend!
> >   Seeing as I don't know *who* you are
> >   I'm dying to know if you actually came by or not.
> Are you sure that wasn't the reception/staff calling about the noise?
> Anway, they did come by...

Yes, they came by and I've made sure to turn down the volume
and (repeatedly) asked my room guests to keep it down.

Regarding the room telephone:
This was much earlier in the evening and when it is picked up
someone is playing Scatman John [0].

This is the "legend" that I was talking about.

I **do** apologize for the noise and will ensure
that this will not repeat!
I *can* be a very reasonable person, believe it or not (:

Again: Sorry for keeping people from their well deserved sleep!

[0] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hy8kmNEo1i8


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Re: DebConf23 Daily Announcement addendum mail - 9th September 2023

2023-09-09 Thread Evangelos Ribeiro Tzaras

On Sun, 2023-09-10 at 10:53 +0800, xiao sheng wen(肖盛文) wrote:
> Hi,
>   Is there somebody can help take some photo or video for
> "Sponsors' stalls" and "job fail"? and also upload these photo to
> some 
> website?

sure thing!

where and when will the job fair take place?

I *need* to speak with mostlyharmless anyway!


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Re: Fwd: Party time on 2023-09^2

2023-09-09 Thread Evangelos Ribeiro Tzaras
Hello all you beautiful people who came by:

I think it's fair to say that we had a lot of fun \o/

I have two questions though:

- Who the f*** steals my soap?
  Scratch that, I'm reasonably sure I know the answer ;)
  So let me rephrase:
  *Why* did you steal my soap? You sir are a scoundrel!
- *Who* called me room telefone?
  You are an absolute legend!
  Seeing as I don't know *who* you are
  I'm dying to know if you actually came by or not.


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Re: Fwd: Party time on 2023-09^2

2023-09-09 Thread Evangelos Ribeiro Tzaras
Updated information incoming !
On Sat, 2023-09-09 at 06:07 +0530, Evangelos Ribeiro Tzaras wrote:
> Anyone who can crack my devious puzzle and
> who is able to find my room on the 9th floor
> is hereby cordially invited to a private party.

You have to be clever enough to reach 9th floor on your own
(in case you don't live there 
 as your keycard SHOULD NOT give you access).

> Beware though:
>  To get in you will have to give your best Scatman impression.
> Let's skibby-dibidi-badadum together like it's 1996 \o/

This rule will be strictly enforced and additional ones:
- If you go to the toilet you MUST sit down
- A negative Covid test in the last couple of days is a prerequisite
  I don't know how many people will show and
  how crazy/excessive it MAY end up;
  so please be responsible with your and other peoples health

You MAY use the shower to sober up;
but expect that people will turn the shower on will cool water
(this is good for the immune system; I'm only looking out for you! <3 )

> The fridge will be generously stocked,
> but we (the royal "we") will have to make a run to BevCo once more.

it has been done.
**If** you bring any alcohol of your own,
you MUST NOT carry it openly here, but use a bag or sth instead.


> Pondering some more on this idea:
> Do we want to convert floor 9 to the party floor?

Any takers?

> Business hours start around beer o' clock!

Beer o' clock starts roughly at ... say 16:20.
I still want to go for a swim after lunch and do some work prior.

> Also: If someone can bring some (bluetooth) speakers
> that would be great, mkay.
> If I'm DJing it you can expect my good friend:
> King Gizzard and his Lizard Wizard
> @joeino: Maybe you can be persuaded to do another performance:
> You absolutely rock this shit!

This was ACKED.
Can someone bring a longish HDMI cable (2m?)
so that we don't have to bother video team for cables 
(they are busy enough as it is from what I can see!).


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Re: Party time on 2023-09^2

2023-09-08 Thread Evangelos Ribeiro Tzaras
On Sat, 2023-09-09 at 07:41 +0530, Orendra Singh wrote:
> On Sat, 9 Sept, 2023, 6:08 am Evangelos Ribeiro Tzaras,
>  wrote:
> > Probably *sending* as an unpriviliged person to dc-a@l.d.o
> > was never going to work, so let me try again:
> > 
> >  Forwarded Message ----
> > From: Evangelos Ribeiro Tzaras 
> > To: debconf-announce 


> > Also: If someone can bring some (bluetooth) speakers
> > that would be great, mkay.
> I think hotel has already provided the speaker clock try that... 

Indeed I've noticed after waking up that there's this box
that I had already seen and used in other rooms before.

Thanks for pointing it out, I'll tell the bouncer you're cool.


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Fwd: Party time on 2023-09^2

2023-09-08 Thread Evangelos Ribeiro Tzaras
Probably *sending* as an unpriviliged person to dc-a@l.d.o
was never going to work, so let me try again:

 Forwarded Message 
From: Evangelos Ribeiro Tzaras 
To: debconf-announce 
Subject: Party time on 2023-09^2
Date: 09.09.2023 04:43:19

Anyone who can crack my devious puzzle and
who is able to find my room on the 9th floor
is hereby cordially invited to a private party.

Beware though:
 To get in you will have to give your best Scatman impression.
Let's skibby-dibidi-badadum together like it's 1996 \o/

The fridge will be generously stocked,
but we (the royal "we") will have to make a run to BevCo once more.

I don't exactly know when the beer train leaves the station,
but it will be announced in due time in the proper channels.

Pondering some more on this idea:
Do we want to convert floor 9 to the party floor?

Business hours start around beer o' clock!

Also: If someone can bring some (bluetooth) speakers
that would be great, mkay.
If I'm DJing it you can expect my good friend:
King Gizzard and his Lizard Wizard

@joeino: Maybe you can be persuaded to do another performance:
You absolutely rock this shit!


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Re: DebConf23 Daily Announcement mail - 6th September 2023

2023-09-06 Thread Evangelos Ribeiro Tzaras
On Thu, 2023-09-07 at 01:23 +0530, Jonathan Carter wrote:
> However, if your friend needs to maintain some blood-alcohol balance,
> I've been told by the debconf team that it's possible to buy
> additional 
> drinks from the hotel bar to consume later on when their closed.

I will be sure to relay this information. Thanks!


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Re: DebConf23 Daily Announcement mail - 6th September 2023

2023-09-06 Thread Evangelos Ribeiro Tzaras

On Wed, 2023-09-06 at 23:47 +0530, Anupa Ann Joseph wrote:
> Dear DebConf23 attendees,
> Alcohol laws in Kerala are very strict.  Specifically for this hotel,


> it means that you cannot consume alcohol bought outside in public
> areas.  You are free to bring in outside alcohol, but it *must* be
> consumed in your room only, and cannot be distributed in public.  If
> you want to have alcohol in the hacklabs, you will have to buy it
> from
> the bar in the 2nd floor corridor. 

So ... how are we supposed to stay hydrated outside the opening hours?
Asking for a friend.


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Re: DebConf23 Daily Announcement mail - 3rd September 2023

2023-09-05 Thread Evangelos Ribeiro Tzaras

On Sun, 2023-09-03 at 16:44 +0530, Anupa Ann Joseph wrote:
> Dear DebConf23 attendees,


> If you would also like to avoid using water in
> plastic bottles in your room, you can request filtered water in glass
> bottles instead.

I *did* ask at reception about glass bottles for my room this morning, 
but the receptionist had no clue what I was talking about :)

Did anyone try *and* succeed?


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Re: DebConf23 Daily Announcement addendum mail - 3rd September 2023

2023-09-04 Thread Evangelos Ribeiro Tzaras

On Mon, 2023-09-04 at 13:16 +0200, Andreas Tille wrote:
> Hi,
> Am Sun, Sep 03, 2023 at 11:39:53PM +0530 schrieb Anupa Ann Joseph:
> > 
> > Face masks are available at Front desk,
> > https://debconf23.debconf.org/about/covid19/
> Do I need to bring my vaccination card, a copy of it or is it just
> sufficient if I say I'm fully vaccinated?

As a data point: I did not bring a copy of my glorious vaccination
certificate and noone wanted to see this (during FrontDesk

Of course I did mention that I am fully vacccinated (and have also
stated so during my registration).

Further, there are antigen tests available at FrontDesk™ and I believe
it is recommended (or maybe even required - I would definititely
applaud this) to take it upon arrival/registration.


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Re: e-Conference visa information

2023-08-24 Thread Evangelos Ribeiro Tzaras

On Mon, 2023-08-21 at 14:37 +0530, Pirate Praveen wrote:
> On 21/8/23 1:55 PM, Jonathan McDowell wrote:
> > On Mon, Jul 31, 2023 at 01:24:15AM +0530, Pirate Praveen wrote:
> > > On 27/7/23 5:33 PM, Enrico Zini wrote:
> > > > I'm trying to fill the e-Conference visa application. At the page about
> > > > conference details, there are several fields where I need your input for
> > > > the right answers. I'll list here the questions, you may want to put the
> > > > answers also on
> > > > https://debconf23.debconf.org/about/visas/#conference-visa
> > > > or mail them to attendees:
> > > 
> > > See
> > > https://salsa.debian.org/debconf-team/public/websites/dc23/-/merge_requests/73
> > 
> > ...
> > 
> > > > Reference: (what are reference names?)
> > > 
> > > We will provide address of a local team member along with the invitation
> > > letter for this.
> > 
> > I did not receive any reference contact details with my invitation
> > letter.
> You can use the following address
> * Reference Name in India - Praveen Arimbrathodiyil
> * Address - Vattamannappuram P.O., PIN 678601
> * State - Kerala
> * District - Palakkad
> * Phone - 9561745712

I've taken the liberty of providing the same reference for my
e-**Tourist** Visa.
Hope that's fine.


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Re: Reg. Detailed schedule for Debian Conf.

2023-08-07 Thread Evangelos Ribeiro Tzaras

On Mon, 2023-08-07 at 13:47 +0200, Luna Jernberg wrote:
> Hey!
> 13 Aug Last day to submit to proposal be considered for the main
> conference schedule, with video coverage guaranteed.
> so my wild guess is sometime after the 13th of August?

this sounds like a good lower bound guess :)

> Den mån 7 aug. 2023 kl 13:30 skrev SAQUIB AKHTAR :
> > 
> > Hi - Please inform when shall the detail schedule for Debian Conf shall be
> > made available under: https://debconf23.debconf.org/schedule/


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Re: Closing bursaries for DebConf 2023

2023-08-06 Thread Evangelos Ribeiro Tzaras
Hi o/

On Sun, 2023-08-06 at 04:09 +0530, Utkarsh Gupta wrote:
> Hey everyone,
> The bursary team got a ton of requests this time. Rolling out the
> results in 4 batches, we catered to 161 bursary requests - which is
> superb!

Looking forward to seeing lots of old and new faces next month \o/


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Re: Mobian/Debian on mobile Sprint

2022-07-13 Thread Evangelos Ribeiro Tzaras
Hi there!

On Mon, 2022-07-11 at 21:18 +0300, Samuel Pavlovic wrote:
> Would be interesting to see mutual contribution between Droidian and
> Mobian projects, both seem to share a common goal but with different
> directions, Mobian seems to have better support from the main Debian
> project while Droidian has pretty broad device compatibility and
> support

I'll be mostly outside (hacklab or coffee place) and I'll be working on
some packaging things as well as upstream development and other semi-
random things.

While I'm personally only familiar with "linux first" mobile devices,
I'd definitely like to see Droidian in action! 
What kind of devices did you bring?


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Re: DebCamp activities

2022-07-06 Thread Evangelos Ribeiro Tzaras
On Wed, 2022-07-06 at 21:25 +, Holger Levsen wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 06, 2022 at 07:31:26PM +0200, Enkelena Haxhiu wrote:
> > During DebCamp we may have people not involved in Debian who want to attend
> > and get to know the community.
> [...] 
> > Ideas how to implement such a thing are very welcome.
> for the Debian events in Hamburg Gregor proposed and organized daily standup
> meetings at a *regular* time (15:00 localtime) where everyone (who wanted)
> very briefly (in 15s-60s usually) said their name and what they were working
> on or where they needed help or wanted to give help... 

> those were really cool
> and I expect this would also work well for DebCamps. :)



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Washing clothes

2022-07-01 Thread Evangelos Ribeiro Tzaras

I was wondering if there are some wash saloon things available at the premises
(or in the city of Prizren).

If so I could probably pack a little more lightly ;)

Thanks for organizing the event, I'm very much looking forward to it!


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Re: ad-hoc session Linux at the Munich city administration

2020-09-08 Thread Evangelos Ribeiro Tzaras

On 8/28/20 3:57 AM, David Prévot wrote:
> Le 27/08/2020 à 20:22, Jon "maddog" Hall a écrit :
>> Has a day, time and link been decided for the "Update/BoF" on Munich?
> According to the schedule yes (tomorrow). Aug 28 (Fri): 14:00
> https://debconf20.debconf.org/talks/108-ad-hoc-linux-at-the-munich-city-administration/

Sadly I missed it live and the homepage [1] mentions to not expect a video
stream. Are there any records online beside the Etherpad document?


Evangelos Ribeiro Tzaras

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