It is time for me to depart.

2017-11-07 Thread Luke Yelavich
It is with an extremely heavy heart that I write to you all to announce my 
departure from free and open source software development. GNU/Linux and free 
and open source software development has been a part of my life for well over 
a decade, some high points being my employment at Canonical for over 9 years, 
and the opportunity to maintain a free software project, Speech Dispatcher.

I care very deeply about GNU/Linux accessibility, and free and open source 
software. I strongly believe that the philosophy behind free software is key 
to a better future for this world. However, I have lacked motivation of late, 
and the current state of accessibility on GNU/Linux, as well as the lack of 
funding for it, has not helped. I also would like to spend more time on other 
tallants I have, which have been neglected somewhat until recently, and are 
more likely to bring in a source of income in the future.

I am sure I will return one day, with renewed motivation, enthusiasm, and a 
desire to contribute again. I am also sure I will be keeping watch on what 
transpires in this community, and since I will still be using GNU/Linux, I 
may still submit a bug fix from time to time for anything that I find 
particularly annoying.

I step down from my positions as Vinux lead developer, and as Speech 
Dispatcher maintainer with pride and joy at what has been achieved. I am 
sorry that I have not fully helped to realize a renewed Vinux distribution 
based on Fedora, but I am sure that no matter what direction the Vinux 
project chooses to go, it will be lead well, and received well by the 

I will be closing my patreon campaign. To those who have supported me 
financially, I thank you deeply. Your support has been much appreciated. You 
know who you are.

I am so grateful for the time I have spent in this community. I have learnt 
much, and have shared knowledge with others, and both the learning and 
sharing have always been a pleasure and a joy. It has also been a pleasure to 
talk to, and work with the free software community at large, but I would 
particularly like to thank a few people.

To Rob Whyte, leader of the Vinux project, I owe a particularly heart felt 
thank you. You have been a rock and confidant when I have needed someone to 
talk to, as well as someone who I could blow off steam with, when things have 
been rough. It has been an honour, and a pleasure, to work with, and get to 
know you. Feel free to contact me any time if you want to chat.

To everybody at Brailcom, particularly Hynek Hanke, Tomas Cerha, and Jan 
Buchal, I would like to thank for having given me the opportunity to maintain 
the Speech Dispatcher project. I had many plans to improve Speech Dispatcher, 
and I am sorry that these were not realized. I am sure the Speech Dispatcher 
project will still be relevant and developed going forward, and I am sure a 
maintainer can be found in the community. I wish that maintainer well.

I also have to thank Canonical for giving me a chance and a job. I had the 
opportunitiy to work with some wonderful people while there, and I am happy 
to have learnt so much, particularly when it comes to building and developing 
a GNU/Linux distribution.

Finally, I would like to thank the community. It has been a pleasure talking 
with you all, bouncing around ideas, discussing functionality, collectively 
digging into problems and solving them together. This last decade would have 
been for nothing if it weren't for all of us, whether we be users, 
developers, helpers, doc writers, etc. For now, I plan to exit for a while, 
and watch from the sidelines, but I do hope to return as a more active 
community member again, in the future.

I wish you all well. You will not be forgotten.

With kindest regards and best wishes.

Re: Orca autostart problem

2017-09-17 Thread Luke Yelavich
On Mon, Sep 18, 2017 at 07:11:17AM AEST, Samuel Thibault wrote:
> Ok, it seems there is also incompatibility with lightdm.

I wonder whether this linked bug is the culpret.

Please check out my Patreon campaign and spread the word.

Re: gnome-orca version policy?

2017-09-17 Thread Luke Yelavich
On Sat, Sep 16, 2017 at 08:45:11PM AEST, Jeremy Bicha wrote:
> Ubuntu's orca has 2 extra patches: one for better Unity support and
> one to use gsettings for new installs. Otherwise, the a11y packages
> are in sync now between Debian and Ubuntu, at least in the Debian VCS.

The GSettings support will eventually be upstream, but Joanmarie wants to 
move Orca to using libpeas first, no idea when that will happen, although 
libpeas has recently been extended to allow python applications to be a 
libpeas plugin host, or at least this has been started, not sure if its 
finished yet.

Please check out my Patreon campaign and spread the word.

Re: updating gcc to 5.0

2017-07-30 Thread Luke Yelavich
On Sun, Jul 30, 2017 at 08:39:29AM AEST, Mark Peveto wrote:
> Hi all,
> I need to update my gcc from 4.9 to 5.0.  I'm told I have hte latest version, 
> but that's not true.  How do I get 5.0?

Why do you think you need to update gcc? Updating gcc is not as simple as 
updating other packages like Orca or LibreOffice.
Please check out my Patreon campaign and spread the word.

Re: The launch of my crowd funding campaign on Patreon.

2017-05-25 Thread Luke Yelavich
On Fri, May 26, 2017 at 12:26:58AM AEST, Sam Hartman wrote:
> Would you mind giving  a breakdown of the top five projects you tend to
> spend time working on?  Linux accessibility for the blind is fairly
> broad and.

Sure, I understand. I left that out of the campaign, because I am trying to 
appeal to as broad an audience as possible, and did not want to overwhelm 
with too much information. Having said that, I will be making some changes to 
try and better cover what I am working on.

I am the maintainer of speech dispatcher, which is used by console and GUI 
users alike. I also contribute to the MATE and GNOME desktops from time to 
time, and that will be increasing now that I am working on Linux 
accessibility full time. I also hope to do more in improving at-spi and 
related projects, and maybe even trying to imporve Qt accessibility as well.


The launch of my crowd funding campaign on Patreon.

2017-05-24 Thread Luke Yelavich
Hi all.
I am writing to let you all know of my newly launched crowd funding campaign 
to continue to work full time on Linux accessibility development. Please 
spread the word if you are able, it would be much appreciated.

If any of you are also able to support financially in any way, it would also 
be much appreciated.



Re: does libttspico-data, libttspico0, libttspico-utils available on debian?

2017-03-30 Thread Luke Yelavich
On Thu, Mar 30, 2017 at 03:54:58PM AEDT, Amirudin wrote:
> Hi,
> So, for debian users, does these packages available on debian?

Yes, you need to enable the contrib repository, and no I haven't tried it on 
Debian myself.


Re: Speech Dispatcher cutting off the end of phrases while using Flite

2017-03-05 Thread Luke Yelavich
On Mon, Mar 06, 2017 at 10:03:45AM AEDT, Devin Prater wrote:
> Oh wow, I didn't know flite worked with Orca! I sure hope this works in
> Fedora, which is what I'll be installing. Thanks for bringing this to my
> attention!

If Fedora builds the flite module, then once this patch makes it into the 
next Speech Dispatcher release and Fedora picks it up, it wil be available.


Re: gnome-speech maintenance

2017-01-24 Thread Luke Yelavich
On Wed, Jan 25, 2017 at 10:34:59AM AEDT, Samuel Thibault wrote:
> If the gnome team doesn't want to maintain the package, the
> accessibility team can take it, yes.

In the mean time, we should really see about porting dasher to Speech 


Re: No sound From Orca after a Strech Install

2017-01-23 Thread Luke Yelavich
On Mon, Jan 23, 2017 at 07:37:05PM AEDT, Colomban Wendling wrote:
> Le 22/01/2017 à 19:02, a écrit :
> > […]
> > I did find a solution to my problem. In the
> > Orca preferences by changing the option from default speech synthesizer
> > to espeak-ng on the Voice tab things work properly. I think that for
> > some reason, on my hardware, no speech synthesizer is selected by
> > default. Can you reproduce this with a fresh install on your hardware?
> I had the same issue on my Sid install after upgrading speech-dispatcher
> (or espeak?) to the version that brought espeak-ng.  I did the same,
> selecting the engine manually, but there definitely seem to be a problem
> somewhere -- for me, at least through an upgrade path.

Oh now you mention it, I know where that problem lies. I'll put a fix into 
the packaging for Debian and get a Debian Dev to upload.


Re: speech-dispatcher and RC bugs

2017-01-17 Thread Luke Yelavich
On Wed, Jan 18, 2017 at 08:48:10AM AEDT, Samuel Thibault wrote:
> That being said, I find #838665 a bit abusive.  I actually had to
> re-read several times "software that imports all installed Python
> modules": how can that be a good idea?!  Now, that being said, AIUI
> speechd_conf is not a python module that programmer would normally want
> to use, so perhaps the simplest way would be to just move that module to
> a private area, and make the only user (spd-conf) load it from there?

In addition, the fies that were in 0.8.6 for the python code are not all 
entirely correct. Seems spd-conf is still broken. I didn't really check fully, 
my python is not the best either. 

Sebastian, could you please have another look at spd-conf? Seems you didn't 
quite get the argparse code correct...


Re: Splitting out the speech-dispatcher flite module into separate package.

2016-11-20 Thread Luke Yelavich
On Mon, Nov 21, 2016 at 04:20:38AM AEDT, Samuel Thibault wrote:
> Why not, indeed. We could then put them in speech-dispatcher's
> recommends or suggests as we see fit. I guess we want espeak-ng as
> recommends, and possibly others as suggests?

That sounds perfectly reasonable. I'll take care of it in the coming week or 


Splitting out the speech-dispatcher flite module into separate package.

2016-11-16 Thread Luke Yelavich
Hey folks.
In Ubuntu we have the flite Speech Dispatcher module split out into a separate 
package, since at the time it was done, we were trying to shoot for fitting 
into a CD footprint. This is no longer something we try to do, but so far as I 
know, espeak supports more languages out of the box, and is more flexible, even 
though some may prefer the sound of flite.

I am wondering whether we should do the same in Debian. In fact I wonder 
whether it makes sense for all modules other than dummy and generic to be in 
their own packages, because as it stands, a module gets run if no modules are 
specifically enabled in the config file.



Re: espeak-ng

2016-11-16 Thread Luke Yelavich
On Thu, Nov 17, 2016 at 08:50:43AM AEDT, Doug Smith wrote:
> Ok, I just received espeak-ng over here and I wonder how to use it.  I have
> both espeak and espeak-ng on here because the install script didn't take it
> off.  Now, I have uncommented the add module line in the
> /etc/speech-dispatcher/speechd.conf and I don't see espeak-ng in the list of
> available synthesizers.  What else do I need to do?

When you say you uncommented the AddModule line, which AddModule line? If for 
easpeak only, then that won't enable espeak-ng. There may in fact not be an 
AddModule line in the config file for espeak-ng, since the default is to 
detect and load all available modules.

I'll check that now, and add it in if it is not present.


Re: Bug#833950: [Pkg-alsa-devel] Bug#833950: libasound2: brltty-espeak stops working with 1.1.2-1

2016-08-11 Thread Luke Yelavich
On Fri, Aug 12, 2016 at 08:18:15AM AEST, Samuel Thibault wrote:
> Luke Yelavich, on Fri 12 Aug 2016 08:04:56 +1000, wrote:
> > On Fri, Aug 12, 2016 at 03:40:03AM AEST, Elimar Riesebieter wrote:
> > > Control: tags +1 pending
> > > 
> > > * Sebastian Humenda <> [2016-08-10 20:30 +0200]:
> > > 
> > > > Package: libasound2
> > > > Version: 1.1.2
> > > > Severity: serious
> > > > Tags: patch
> > > > Justification: breaks system for blind users [RC, stretch]
> > > > 
> > > > After an upgrade to the specified version, BRLTTY starts up with speech 
> > > > working
> > > > (brltty-espeak is using libao -> libasoun2), but speech stops working 
> > > > after
> > > > roughly a minute. The BRLTTY process is still running, but speech 
> > > > cannot be
> > > > brought back, only a restart of BRLTTY fixes this issue. All other 
> > > > playback of
> > > > sound using ALSA works fine. Since it is not related to any changes in 
> > > > BRLTTY
> > > > (tried several stable versions), the issue must be in libasound2. The 
> > > > provided
> > > > patch fixes the issue reliably for me.
> > > 
> > > Thanks for the patch.
> > > 
> > > Jordi, could you please upload?
> > 
> > Has anybody sent this upstream?
> I have sent a mail to alsa-devel but it doesn't seem to have been
> moderated yet.

Ok cool, I should have assumed you would. :)


Re: [Pkg-alsa-devel] Bug#833950: libasound2: brltty-espeak stops working with 1.1.2-1

2016-08-11 Thread Luke Yelavich
On Fri, Aug 12, 2016 at 03:40:03AM AEST, Elimar Riesebieter wrote:
> Control: tags +1 pending
> * Sebastian Humenda  [2016-08-10 20:30 +0200]:
> > Package: libasound2
> > Version: 1.1.2
> > Severity: serious
> > Tags: patch
> > Justification: breaks system for blind users [RC, stretch]
> > 
> > After an upgrade to the specified version, BRLTTY starts up with speech 
> > working
> > (brltty-espeak is using libao -> libasoun2), but speech stops working after
> > roughly a minute. The BRLTTY process is still running, but speech cannot be
> > brought back, only a restart of BRLTTY fixes this issue. All other playback 
> > of
> > sound using ALSA works fine. Since it is not related to any changes in 
> > (tried several stable versions), the issue must be in libasound2. The 
> > provided
> > patch fixes the issue reliably for me.
> Thanks for the patch.
> Jordi, could you please upload?

Has anybody sent this upstream?


Re: MATE chosen by default instead of gnome for blind people [Was: Debian Installer Stretch Alpha 6 release]

2016-05-23 Thread Luke Yelavich
On Mon, May 23, 2016 at 06:33:49AM AEST, Samuel Thibault wrote:
> Mario Lang, on Sun 22 May 2016 21:56:00 +0200, wrote:
> > What I am trying to say is, if a desktop wants to provide Accessibility
> > that is actually useful to users, they will have to invest more time
> > into it then they currently are willing to do.
> Well, perhaps it's not a question of time, but of methodology.
> >  * Do some real usability testing with blind users.
> >Unsupervised solo experiments do often lead to very vague and emotional 
> > results.
> Yes, I'd say that's why the lack of precise feedback for gnome: users
> are simply lost in the new interface, and can't provide anything useful.
> I'm wondering: do gnome maintainers actually make real face-to-face
> testing with blind users?  As Jean-Philippe Mengual said, there is a lot
> of work done on the technical side, perhaps it's just lacking actual
> testing with real users?  I'd say it's perhaps unfair to suggest that
> gnome maintainers need to spend more time than they already do (I don't
> know if we know how much they do), and that the issue is rather that
> there is no face-to-face feedback?

The GNOME design team is regularly working with maintainers to improve
application design. I have been thinking for a while now that someone who
knows Orca well, and who knows how keyboard interraction with widgets should
work, needs to get with the design team, and work out how keyboard navigation
should function with particular widgets, and the way they are layed out in
an application. Some of this work can probably be done within GTK itself,
but certainly most of the work would need doing in the applications. This
side would require someone who has a strong understanding of atk and GTK
interraction, go into the code, and implement the desired outcome for
keyboard navigation, as it is likely the app maintainer isn't sure how to
do that.

GNOME as a whole is also doing away with menus, however I don't think
the equivalent keyboard access is known about widely, and if it is, its
obviously not usable enough, and work needs to be done, probably with the
design team to spec it out.

I also think that the keyboard shortcuts for GNOME shell need investigating,
and maybe adding to. It is currently possible to get to the GNOME top
panel with Super + M, but that lands you in the message tray, and even
though you can get to the rest of the panel from there, its still a clunky
solution. Super + F10 works to get to the app menu, but you have to be in
an app for that to work, you cannot use it on the desktop.


Re: espeakup (actually espeak) and pulseaudio / portaudio [Was: espeakup_0.71-20_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable]

2016-01-03 Thread Luke Yelavich
On Sat, Jan 02, 2016 at 04:32:00AM AEDT, Samuel Thibault wrote:
> As I said, espeak (and thus espeakup) should already be trying to
> use pulseaudio by default. If that's not the case, then it's where
> investigation needs to be done.

One way to force espeak to use PortAudio is to disable PulseAudio automatic 
spawning by default. This used to be adding a flag to 
~/.config/pulseaudio/client.conf or changing the auto-spawn setting in 
/etc/pulse/client.conf, but recently, PulseAudio has gained activation support 
via Systemd, which is what may be used in Debian these days, not entirely sure.


Re: Pluseaudio, speech-dispatcher, and console + graphical screen readers

2015-10-05 Thread Luke Yelavich
On Wed, Sep 30, 2015 at 05:36:44AM AEST, Sam Hartman wrote:
> So, for myself, I'd really like to  be able to use pulseaudio.  Without
> pulseaudio it's very hard to use bluetooth  audio.
> To make that work well, what would need to happen is that we'd need to
> get speech dispatcher to not hold its audio stream in a running state
> when it's not talking.

Currently work is ongoing to refactor the audio code in Speech
Dispatcher. However, this probably could be done even now, and is likely
the way to go given that the new code in Speech DIspatcher has no ETA on
release, as there are other improvements also being made.

I'll see what can be done.


Re: RFS: eviacam

2015-09-15 Thread Luke Yelavich
On Wed, Sep 07, 2011 at 05:36:47AM AEST, Cesar Mauri wrote:
> Hi,
> I've managed to upload eviacam again to mentors site and appears to be
> lintian clean.

Hey folks. We in the Ubuntu desktop team have been contacted by Cesar once
again about getting this into Ubuntu and Debian. It seems that this was
left by the wayside back in 2011. Such things often happen, but perhaps
we can take another look, ahd hoefully get a DD to sponsor this.

Seems this URL doesn't take me to a page where I can download the package
and have a look. Cesar, do you have a recent revision of this package
anywhere? I am not a DD, but I am happy to take a look and comment on how
ready it is for upload to Debian.


Re: Enabling accessibility stack by default in Qt4/Qt5

2015-09-07 Thread Luke Yelavich
On Tue, Sep 08, 2015 at 10:52:46AM AEST, Mario Lang wrote:
> If we are talking about Qt on framebuffers (how cool!), I doubt that it
> would be practical to use if it already "worked".  After all, Orca would
> still need to run in a conventional X session, wouldn't it?  And d-bus
> would need to be convinced to have those two talk to each other.
> And then, all of the orca keyboard based commands would likely no longer
> work, because the current console would be the wrong on.  Or am I
> misunderstanding anything here?

As things currently stand, you are pretty much correct. There are plans 
upstream to decouple Orca from its preferences GUI, which would hopefully make 
it easier to further reduce Orca's dependency on specific toolkit bits in its 

I don't think DBus will be an issue. Capturing keystrokes may be another 
matter, given that currently GUI toolkits like Gtk and Qt have to implement key 
snoopers to allow assistive technologies to get priority over keyboard 
commands. With the move to wayland, I am pretty sure there are plans to move 
this elsewhere, i.e the at-spi registry daemon would be responsible for this. 
As it is, that was the plan way back when, but the XEVI extension for X didn't 
really turn out to be as good as hoped, hense the toolkit key snoopers.


Re: Speech-dispatcher: do any modules/backends support playing sound-icons ?

2015-05-21 Thread Luke Yelavich
On Fri, May 22, 2015 at 06:53:45AM AEST, Sander Eikelenboom wrote:
 Hello Sander,
 Thursday, May 21, 2015, 10:40:24 PM, you wrote:
  Sunday, May 17, 2015, 2:18:38 PM, you wrote:
  Sunday, May 17, 2015, 10:30:31 AM, you wrote:
  Sunday, May 17, 2015, 12:55:55 AM, you wrote:
  Hash: SHA512
  As far as I know, espeak does. The issue is that sond icons are not
  usually included in speech-dispatcher packages by default, and they're
  not usually in linux distribution repositories. I remember actually
  grabbing the sound icons package once, but never got it working. This
  is one area that might need help from distro maintainers. I can
  probably get someone to include a sound icons package in arch if it
  will get at least a little use
  Kendell clark
  Added the Debian sound-icons package maintainer and the Debian 
  Team mailinglist to the CC.
  I'm using Debian Jessie, it has an seperate package for the sound-icons 
  selves and i have it installed:
  $ dpkg -l | grep speech
  ii  espeak1.48.04+dfsg-1  
  amd64Multi-lingual software speech synthesizer
  ii  espeak-data:amd64 1.48.04+dfsg-1  
  amd64Multi-lingual software speech synthesizer: speech data 
  ii  festival  1:2.1~release-8 
  amd64General multi-lingual speech synthesis system
  ii  festival-dev  1:2.1~release-8 
  amd64Development kit for the Festival speech synthesis system
  ii  festlex-poslex1.4.0-5 
  all  Part of speech lexicons and ngram from English
  ii  libespeak-dev:amd64   1.48.04+dfsg-1  
  amd64Multi-lingual software speech synthesizer: development 
  ii  libespeak1:amd64  1.48.04+dfsg-1  
  amd64Multi-lingual software speech synthesizer: shared library
  ii  libflite1:amd64   1.4-release-12  
  amd64Small run-time speech synthesis engine - shared libraries
  ii  libgsm1:amd64 1.0.13-4
  amd64Shared libraries for GSM speech compressor
  ii  libopencore-amrnb0:amd64  0.1.3-2.1   
  amd64Adaptive Multi Rate speech codec - shared library
  ii  libopencore-amrwb0:amd64  0.1.3-2.1   
  amd64Adaptive Multi-Rate - Wideband speech codec - shared 
  ii  libsonic0:amd64   0.1.17-1.1  
  amd64Simple library to speed up or slow down speech
  ii  libspeechd-dev0.8-7   
  amd64Speech Dispatcher: Development libraries and header files
  ii  libspeechd2:amd64 0.8-7   
  amd64Speech Dispatcher: Shared libraries
  ii  mbrola3.01h+1-2   
  amd64Multilingual software speech synthesizer
  ii  python3-speechd   0.8-7   
  all  Python interface to Speech Dispatcher
  ii  sound-icons   0.1-3   
  all  Sounds for speech enabled applications
  ii  speech-dispatcher 0.8-7   
  amd64Common interface to speech synthesizers
  ii  speech-dispatcher-audio-plugins:amd64 0.8-7   
  amd64Speech Dispatcher: Audio output plugins
  ii  speech-dispatcher-festival0.8-7   
  amd64Festival support for Speech Dispatcher
  ii  speech-tools  1:2.1~release-8 
  amd64Edinburgh Speech Tools - user binaries
  Double checked and they are in: /usr/share/sounds/sound-icons/ which 
  with the path in speech-dispatchers espeak.conf file.
  Is there by your knowledge an option on package build-time that could be 
  involved (and is perhaps not enabled) ?
  I will try to switch on some more debugging again, see if it comes up 
  something (can't remember it did last time i tried).
  Thanks for your time !
  Here is my simple python test script:
  #!/usr/bin/env python3
  import speechd
  ssipclient = speechd.SSIPClient('sound-icon-test', 
  But instead of playing the sound of the sound-icon, it reads the name.
  I have set debug to 5 and 

Re: Export gail by default?

2014-10-09 Thread Luke Yelavich
On Fri, Oct 10, 2014 at 06:12:03AM AEDT, MENGUAL Jean-Philippe wrote:
 When one doesn't want to use Orca in gnome, but in MATE or another DE, he
 needs to export gail and GTK_MODULES variables. Does this export has
 consequences for other users (especially GUI users)? If no, couldn't we
 include this export in /etc/profile or /etc/skel so that these are exported
 bx default? Would it be a problem for anyone?

Does Mate's settings daemon ship a directory similar to 
/usr/lib/gnome-settings-daemon-3.0/gtk-modules? If so, we need only ship a copy 
of at-spi2-atk.desktop in that directory, and things should just work.


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Re: Debian Installer Jessie Beta 1 release

2014-08-21 Thread Luke Yelavich
On Fri, Aug 22, 2014 at 09:36:12AM AEST, Samuel Thibault wrote:
 cstrobel, le Mon 18 Aug 2014 22:11:54 -0400, a écrit :
   I installed Jessie using a Braille display.
  Debian-Jessie-DI-b1-amd64-net inst.iso
  I tried to get Orca going like this.
 Ah. Normally Orca should automatically start at gdm and in the user
 session if installation was done with a braille device or speech
 Does anybody in d-accessibility how one is supposed to enable
 accessibility in gdm with some shell script (probably calling some
 gconftool-2 or using some schema)?

You would probably have to set the correct gsettings keys for the login user. 
In Ubuntu I have things set up to set appropriate settings up for lightdm and 
the unity greeter. The gsettings command-line tool can be used to do this. Note 
you do need dbus and dconf installed and working for this to work.


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Re: Using Orca in KDE

2014-04-06 Thread Luke Yelavich
On Sun, Apr 06, 2014 at 06:40:26AM EST, Odd Martin Baanrud wrote:
 I want to test Orca in KDE.

KDE so far as I know, is currently based on QT 4.8, with development of KDE 
moving to 5 in the future. QT 4.8 Linux accessibility support is rather bare 
bones. Some things do work, but many important pieces of functionality like 
interracting and working with text entry fields does not. All current QT Linux 
accessibility efforts are on QT 5 now, and 4.8 is only likely going to see 
important bug fixes for what is already there.

Fortunately, QT 5 ships the QT at-spi plugin out of the box, and from my early 
testing, works quite well. More testing is still needed however, since there 
are still many rough edges.


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Re: How to change GSettings from command-line?

2014-03-20 Thread Luke Yelavich
On Fri, Mar 21, 2014 at 09:43:57AM EST, Jason White wrote:
 It used to work without any manual intervention, and I understand it still
 does in some distributions, so it might be useful to find out how they handle
 the situation.

Ultimately, speech-dispatcher needs a shutdown after timeout mode, where it 
quits itself if no client is connected for a defined period of time. However, 
speech-dispatcher's main loop needs a big rework before that can be done.

On the upside, I have started to work on that for various reasons. I need to 
pick that back up actually.


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Re: solution to the problem of orca and gecko not working in non-gnome environment

2014-03-09 Thread Luke Yelavich
On Mon, Mar 10, 2014 at 10:34:00AM EST, wrote:
 On Sun, Mar 9, 2014, at 07:21 PM, Cyril Brulebois wrote:
  Jason White (2014-03-10):
   I think I've found it with a quick search of the Mozilla repository.
   mozilla/accessible/src/atk/Platform.cpp, line 81:
   81 #if defined(LINUX)  defined(__x86_64__)
   82 libPath.Append(:/usr/lib64:/usr/lib);
   If you change line 82 to
   and rebuild Mozilla, it might work.
  I think that's a very good catch indeed. There are a few other places
  where one can find /usr/lib in *.ccp files in iceweasel, but most of
  them are debug directories, or paths below /usr/lib/mozilla/.
  I suspect it would be nice to have a placeholder/#define somewhere so
  that the proper multiarch directory can be injected from debian/rules;
  depending on how easily I can reproduce the issue, I'll try and get a
  working patch and submit the bug report against iceweasel.
 I appreciate all the helpful replies so far. The thing that seems so
 puzzling to me is why this problem does not occur when running in gnome

Things work properly in GNOME shell because gnome-settings-daemon in 
conjunction with libatk-adaptor does something to inject the recommended GTK 
modules into the environment of GTK apps that get launched. I am not sure how 
this is done, probably an X setting or property somewhere. Libatk-adaptor 
doesn't *do* anything as such, but it provides a .desktop file that lives in 
/usr/lib/gnome-settings-daemon-3.0/gtk-modules that gets read by 
gnome-settings-daemon and acted upon.


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Bug#717768: gconf B-D is obsolete

2013-07-24 Thread Luke Yelavich
tags 717768 pending

On Thu, Jul 25, 2013 at 05:47:09AM EST, Iain Lane wrote:
 Looks like the gconf BD is left over from old times. Apparently
 (according to doko) this causes problems with bootstrapping due to a
 loop with gtk+3.0. Could it be dropped? (Done in Ubuntu already)
 -- System Information:
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   APT policy: (500, 'saucy-updates'), (500, 'saucy'), (100, 'saucy-backports')
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 Foreign Architectures: i386
 Kernel: Linux 3.10.0-3-generic (SMP w/2 CPU cores)
 Locale: LANG=en_GB.UTF-8, LC_CTYPE=en_GB.UTF-8 (charmap=UTF-8) (ignored: 
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Bug#714314: libatk-bridge2.0-0: undefined symbol: atspi_is_initialized

2013-06-27 Thread Luke Yelavich
tags 714314 pending

On Fri, Jun 28, 2013 at 06:22:09AM EST, Nye Liu wrote:
 Package: libatk-bridge2.0-0
 Version: 2.9.3-1
 Severity: important

Thanks for your report.

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Bug#707925: Makefile overrides compiler flags from the environment

2013-05-12 Thread Luke Yelavich
tags 707925 pending

On Mon, May 13, 2013 at 10:03:27AM EST, Jason White wrote:
 Here's a simpler patch for this.

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Bug#707925: espeak: Makefile overrides compiler flags from the environment

2013-05-12 Thread Luke Yelavich
tags 707925 pending

On Sun, May 12, 2013 at 06:27:47PM EST, Jason White wrote:
 Package: espeak
 Version: 1.47.07-1
 Severity: normal
 This is the latest Espeak package from the Git repository (not yet uploaded).
 The makefile overrides CXXFLAGS, hence the flags supplied by debian/rules are
 never applied. In particular, debug symbols are not generated.
 Here's a proposed patch.

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Bug#707925: espeak: Makefile overrides compiler flags from the environment

2013-05-12 Thread Luke Yelavich
Oh right, wasn't really paying attension, just popped them both in. Will do, 

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Re: At-spi and The future (or non-future) of ia32-libs

2012-06-24 Thread Luke Yelavich
On Sat, Jun 23, 2012 at 09:41:38AM EST, Jason White wrote:
 I was also thinking of the larger question, though, of whether AT-SPI 1 and
 the packages which depend on it are still usable in a Gnome 3 environment and,
 if not, whether they should be removed entirely. They'll have to be migrated
 to AT-SPI 2 at some point (upstream, that is) or removed, but I don't know
 when that will be necessary.

Sed packages are not being maintained upstream so far as I know. I had them 
removed from Ubuntu once we completely transitioned to at-spi2 for orca et al, 
because having them around with the old stack was causing various 
upgrade/installability issues.


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Re: xfce accessibility

2012-06-18 Thread Luke Yelavich
On Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 09:24:55AM EST, Samuel Thibault wrote:
 I forgot to mention: as I'm not an Orca user, I have no idea whether
 xfce is actually usable with what is currently accessible.  I can only
 say that it does technically work.

This reflects testing I have done in the past. Its worth noting that XFCE 4.10 
has much better accessibility support, as XFCE upstream have been actively 
trying to improve their accessibility situation, and given they are still using 
GTK2, accessibility in XFCE from a technical point of view should be sound.


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Sonic packaging now in pkg-a11y git.

2011-10-20 Thread Luke Yelavich
Hi folks,
With the change in espeak to use the libsonic library from the sonic package, 
and since Ubuntu is currently carrying a few fixes to the sonic package, I 
decided to move the packaging of this package to the pkg-a11y git repositories 
on alioth, with Bill's blessing. There are currently changes sitting in the 
repo that address all the bugs currently filed against the sonic package in 
Debian, and more improvements, such as multi-arch. Any patches that I made 
against the upstream source have been sent to Bill.

It would probably be worthwhile getting these into Debian, particularly since 
it would allow further work to be done on espeak for d-i, what with needing the 
static library and all. If a Dd could take care of the upload, that would be 
much appreciated.



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Re: Demande pour rejoindre le projet Debian Accessibility Packages

2011-08-18 Thread Luke Yelavich
On Fri, Aug 19, 2011 at 10:13:19AM EST, Samuel Thibault wrote:
 I'm wondering. It was proposed to create a tts team, maybe that would be
 a better idea than moving festival to pkg-a11y.  Considering how many
 people maintain speech syntheses for various reasons completely outside
 accessibility, and how much we'd need to make sure that work on speech
 synthesis is done coherently.
 What do people think?

I agree. Text to speech synthesis is not something needed by those with 
disabilities only, and has many other applications for many others. I think 
Festival and its various pieces, espeak, flite, and even speech-ispatcher as 
the predominant framework for using sed synths should all be maintained by this 

Count me in as interested, and willing to help maintain.


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Re: gnome-terminal 3.0 not accessible

2011-06-19 Thread Luke Yelavich
On Sat, Jun 18, 2011 at 07:08:43PM EST, Kenny Hitt wrote:
 Hi.  Just got upgraded to gnome-terminal 3.0.  As the subject says, it
 isn't accessible.  Will this problem be fixed when the rest of at-spi2 gets 
 unstable?  If not, any suggestions for an accessible terminal in Gnome 3?
 For now, I've downgraded to gnome-terminal 2.30, but that isn't a good long
 term solution.

Do you have libgail-3-common installed? I found for Ubuntu that I had to 
install that package before gnome-terminal would work.


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Re: Missing ~/.local directory

2011-06-14 Thread Luke Yelavich
On Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 11:09:33AM EST, Jan and Bertil Smark Nilsson wrote:
 I just installed Debian Squeeze on a machine using the espeakup 
 installer. It worked very well. However, there is no ~/.local directory. 
 The orca configuration files are in the ~/.orca directory. I thought 
 that the ~/.local directory was introduced some time ago.

What version of Orca is installed? I think if its pre Orca 2.31/2.32, then 
~/.orca was used, but can't remember exactly.


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Speakup dkms package.

2010-07-08 Thread Luke Yelavich
Hi all
I have recently created a dkms variant of the speakup-source package, which I 
intend to put into Ubuntu maverick. For those who are unaware, dkms is a system 
designed to automatically build external kernel modules at package install 
time. For more info, install dkms and read the manpage.

I am writing to see whether having such a package would be worthwhile in 
Debian. Debian does have dkms, and many kernel module packages use it for 
module build/install in Debian, so all the necessary bits are present in Debian 
now. The biggest advantage for users, is that they can install the package, and 
have kernel modules ready to go once the install process has completed. Dkms 
also builds the modules for any newer kernel that is installed, as long as the 
kernel header packages are also installed.

The patch to the speakup package is trivial, and requires minimal maintenance. 
I'll send a patch against speakup git through in another mail. The only 
question is what the binary package should be called. I see the speakup 
namespace is not taken, so perhaps that is appropriate. Alternatively, the 
existing Debian convention can be followed, which is suffixing the package name 
with -dkms or -source. The only questino with that convention is whether users 
will likely be able to find the package should they be interested in using it.

Thoughts welcome.


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Updating at-spi2 packaging.

2010-05-11 Thread Luke Yelavich
Hi all
Since Ubuntu will posibly be making at-spi2 the default for Maverick, I am 
currently working on updating the at-spi2 packages to the 0.3.1 release. If 
there is anybody else currently working on this, please get in touch so we can 
coordinate our efforts.


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Re: yelp in Gnome 2.28

2010-02-23 Thread Luke Yelavich
On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 09:51:51AM EST, Bill Cox wrote:
 Thanks for the tip!  I had not found any current (newer than 2008)
 discussion on the net about webkit accessibility.  However, until this
 important work is done, it's important for developers to know to hold
 off on switching to webkit.  For example, Ubuntu wrote the new
 software-center app with webkit, and therefore the blind can't use it.
  Not only that, they've let gnome-app-install fall into disrepair, so
 that the blind can't even use the old app.

I can tell you that yelp at least has been switched back to using gecko for 
Ubuntu lucid. As for gnome-app-install, I'll investigate to see how its broken, 
and see about fixing it.


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Re: Autostarting orca for a particular user?

2008-09-22 Thread Luke Yelavich
Hash: SHA1

Hi Mario
On Tue, Sep 23, 2008 at 02:54:00AM EST, Mario Lang wrote:
 Can anyone refresh my memories how autostart of orca for a particular
 user is exactly done?  I know there are several ways to hack it,
 but what is it that the assistive technology preferences dialog
 in GNOME changes in ~/ to achieve it?

It depends on the gnome version. If its GNOME 2.22 or earlier, there is a gconf 
key that you have to set, to true; 

If its GNOME 2.24, you have to copy the orca .desktop file from 
/usr/share/applications to ~/.config/autostart.

Hope this helps.

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Re: Autostarting orca for a particular user?

2008-09-22 Thread Luke Yelavich
Hash: SHA1

On Tue, Sep 23, 2008 at 08:55:33AM EST, Willie Walker wrote:
 I believe the gconf key still applies to the recent GNOME as well.  I've 
 contacted some folks more in the know to see what their opinion is on 
 how this should be done.  My opinion is that autostarting assistive 
 technologies should be treated like autostarting any other application, 
 but I might be corrected on this.

Yes this still works, however when examining the orca preferences, the checkbox 
for orca to start at login is not checked, due to the desktop file not being 
where orca expects it to be. In my opinion, gconf keys are a better way to go, 
purely because they allow for much easier customization by distros in the 
configurations they offer.

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Re: Software speech in Debian installer

2008-07-15 Thread Luke Yelavich
Hash: SHA1

On Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 07:15:15PM BST, Samuel Thibault wrote:
 And now that I'm thinking about it again, it's not only the soft synth,
 but also sound drivers that would need to go into the debian installer

Not only that, but the alsa utilities/infrastructure needed to detect/set sound 
volume, etc, all of which requires at a minimum, creating new udebs.

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Re: Orca, liblouis and contracted braille support

2008-03-08 Thread Luke Yelavich
Hash: SHA1

On Sat, Mar 08, 2008 at 11:17:33PM EST, Mario Lang wrote:
 Jason White [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  According to this page:
  Orca supports contracted (Grade II) braille output with the liblouis 
  I think liblouis would be a good candidate for a Debian package.
 Any takers for this one?

I've prepared a package for Ubuntu, however it is not yet in Ubuntu, and 
therefore not in Debian yet, because the license is not DFSG free. Discussion 
on that is on going, and I'll keep people updated with any progress made.
- -- 
Luke Yelavich
GPG key: 0xD06320CE 
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: Cepstral/swift and gnome-speech

2007-05-20 Thread Luke Yelavich
On Mon, May 21, 2007 at 10:34:36AM EST, Mario Lang wrote:
 Ah, very interesting.  I just tried this out myself with the trial
 version, and I am seeing the same problem as you do.  test-speech
 reports no voices.  This might actually be some upstream bug, do you
 know if people are successfully using 0.4.12 with swift?

I have a copy of both 3, and 4. I'll try it with Ubuntu and gnome-speech 
later today, and report back.
Luke Yelavich
GPG key: 0xD06320CE 

Description: Digital signature

Re: gdm and orca?

2007-05-04 Thread Luke Yelavich
On Sat, May 05, 2007 at 08:34:10AM EST, Mario Lang wrote:
 Did anyone manage to get Orca speaking the gdm login dialog box yet?
 I at least managed to get the keymouselistener module working and configured
 to launch orca with Ctrl+o, but then, I only see the
 Welcome to Orca. message and nothing else.

I haven't used Debian in a while, but from what I remember, Debian's 
default GDM configuration is a window with dropdown menus etc correct? 
If not, you will have to change to that type of theme, as the others 
aren't based around a window, but a splash screen, with embedded popup 
menus and text box.

 I'd like to work out the remaining problems and prepare
 a proposed patch for the default GNOME configuration in Debian.

If I get a chance over the next couple of days, I'll throw Debian into a 
virtual session and have a look, and will be happy to help you out, as 
we'd like similar functionality in Ubuntu.
Luke Yelavich
GPG key: 0xD06320CE 

Description: Digital signature

Re: gnome-orca in unstable

2007-04-27 Thread Luke Yelavich
On Fri, Apr 27, 2007 at 09:56:41PM EST, Mario Lang wrote:
 I've just been trying the new gnome-orca 2.18.1 from unstable,
 and it works great!  This is the first version of orca on Debian
 that I've managed to get working flawlessly without any hickups.
 Working with standard GNOME applications seems pretty nice,
 even a bit of firefox does work (although not really comfortably).

You'll find that barring a few refresh/flat review hickups, 
gnome-terminal works brilliantly. I am starting to use it instead of the 
console/speakup. Once the refresh issues are fixed, it will be ready for 
me to switch to full time i think.

 Does anyone know what exactly needs to be done to get to work?
 AIUI, we'd need the java-access-bridge from GNOME.  Anyone working
 on this?

Recent versions of OpenOffice 2.0 work with the standard GTK 
accessibility libs/atk. It works in Ubuntu, but I don't know what Debian 
do to their openoffice package, so its just trial and error at this 
point I would guess.
Luke Yelavich
GPG key: 0xD06320CE 

Description: Digital signature

Re: Problems running

2007-03-28 Thread Luke Yelavich
On Thu, Mar 29, 2007 at 09:37:05AM EST, Jan and Bertil Smark Nilsson wrote:
 I'm trying to install the svn version of Orca on my Debian Unstable. 
 However, I get the following messages:
 Please add the files codeset.m4 gettext.m4 glibc21.m4 iconv.m4 
 isc-posix.m4 lcmessage.m4 PROGTEST.M4 from the /usr/share/aclocal 
 directory to your autoconf macro directory or directly to your aclocal.m4 

Have you got the gnome-common package installed? Just about all GNOME 
projects I've downloaded from svn/CVS, have needed that package.

Luke Yelavich
GPG key: 0xD06320CE 

Description: Digital signature

Re: Extending accessibility support in D-I for Lenny

2007-02-16 Thread Luke Yelavich
On Fri, Feb 16, 2007 at 08:50:39PM EST, Jason White wrote:
 On Fri, Feb 16, 2007 at 09:59:15AM +0100, Samuel Thibault wrote:
  About the upstream support, speakup works with 2.6.  But I've looked at
  the source code, and safety/security issues are clearly still there.
   Have these issues been taken up on the Speakup mailing list with the
  Yes, and it's hard to have patches merged there :(
 That's not good. If they don't deal with the problems then their chances of
 ever having their work merged by Linus are within epsilon of 0.

I personally believe that speakup is a lost cause, for this very reason.

   Also, it was mentioned in a recent mailing list post that Ubuntu
   provides it by default.
   Perhaps the version they are using fixes the issues you're referring
  Clearly no (as it would need a huge refactoring of the source code).
 I suppose that leaves Yasr as the best alternative unless someone fixes

Yes indeed. Unfortunately, the primary developer of SPeakup has a works 
for me attitude, and won't include most things unless someone sends him 
the patches.
Luke Yelavich
GPG key: 0xD06320CE 

Description: Digital signature