Re: changed ownership of / by mistake...

2005-11-19 Thread Cameron Patrick
Gilles wrote:

>  dpkg --get-selections | perl -ane 'print $F[0], " " if $F[1] =~ /^install/' 
> and press enter...
> [Note/WARNING: I did not test this!]

I've done something very similar to repair a system after filesytem
corruption.  It worked quite well.  But if ownership is screwy, dpkg
may have problems running.  I'm also not sure that this will fix /etc
since dpkg tends to want to keep user changes there.

Can you boot into Knoppix (or similar) and start chowning files back
to root?

Note that not all files should be root:root; on my laptop:

# find /etc -not -user root -or -not -group root
[I've annotated the output to include the users and groups of things]
[... more ppp peers - these are all root:dip ...]
/etc/bind/ [more files here, mostly root:bind]
/etc/cups/ppd/* [all files here are root:lpadmin]
/etc/exim4/passwd.client [root:Debian-exim]
/etc/chatscripts/provider [root:dip]
/etc/shadow [root:shadow]
/etc/gshadow [root:shadow]
/etc/at.deny [root:daemon]

There are a bunch of files in /var with non-root:root ownership too.
Did you interrupt chown before it got to /var or would a list there
also be useful?

Obviously the list of what things are not root:root depends on what
packages you have installed but hopefully this should be a fairly
typical desktopish system.


Description: Digital signature

Display changed: LCD off/on" problem

2005-11-19 Thread Emmanuel Guiton


Yes, I solved the problem.
It's linked to the kmilo software. Follow these instructions (that I 
found at, but you can 
find many other sources by googling) to fix it:

Having switched to KDE, I got an annoying flashing screen periodically 
that says "Display Changed LCD on/off". This appears to be a bug in 
kmilo, which is a daemon run by kded to support the special keys on the 
keyboard (browser launch, etc). While these keys worked under Gnome, 
they do not work under KDE so I disabled kmilo for now. This is done by 
editing /usr/share/services/kded/kmilod.desktop and changing it so the 
following lines are set to false:


- Emmanuel

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2005-11-19 Thread Goswin von Brederlow
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lennart Sorensen) writes:

> On Fri, Nov 18, 2005 at 03:45:52PM +0100, Goswin von Brederlow wrote:
>> No point in that. Put / (including /boot) on raid1. Do the same for
>> swap. And then put everything else on lvm on raid5 (/var, /usr, /home,
>> /mnt/data, ...).
> I put swap on lvm.  Although I run lvm on raid1 (only 2 disks).
> Len Sorensen

Don't you run the risk of having to swap something out while pvmove
has locked down the lvm then? Or other binaries that lock.


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Re: changed ownership of / by mistake...

2005-11-19 Thread Gilles

> (logged in as root) and I entered:
> # chown -R craig:craig /*


Hopefully there is a Debian tool to repair this...  But I don't 
know it.  So better first wait for someone more knowledgeable
than I, before attempting the brute method:

Short of reinstalling the whole system as a last resort, I would
try to reinstall all the packages.  The following command

 dpkg --get-selections | perl -ane 'print $F[0], " " if $F[1] =~ /^install/' > 

gives you a file containing a line that lists all the package
currently installed.  You then cut-and-paste that line right 
at the end of this command:

 apt-get --reinstall -u install 

and press enter...
[Note/WARNING: I did not test this!]

Good luck,

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: X86_64 on Shuttle-XPC ST20G5

2005-11-19 Thread Thomas Drillich
Am Samstag, 19. November 2005 07:36 schrieb Cameron Patrick:
> Andrew Sharp wrote:
> > what a PITA.  I've got an ATI X300SE PCIe on my system, came right up
> > with X when I installed etch, it works fast and furious, I didn't have
> > to do anything except answer a couple of questions from debconf (or
> > whatever) when it was installing.
> > To get 3d working, it's a bit of work regardless of which you choose.
> > For for fast and easy as pie 2d, ATI just works.
> FWIW this has also been my experience.  With an X300 (and Radeon <= 9250)
> you should have 3D acceleration too - thanks to the capital-F Free drivers
> written by ATI and included as part of the kernel/Xfree/Xorg.  The
> low-end Radeons and Intel i8xx/i9xx are my graphics chipsets of choice
> for this reason.

isn't x300 newer (advanced) than x200 ?
what is your setup of your graphics in xorg.conf ?

I've heard that the newer beta driver from shall support
the realtech alc880 chipset.

btw. the answer I got from shuttle support was  approximately translated :
"Do not use such exotic chipsets like ati or nvidia on linux, use intel"  ;-))

mit freundlichem Gruss -- regards

Thomas Drillich
Heugasse 4 / D-55116 Mainz / Germany
fon +49 (0)6131 570 26 21
fax +49 (0)180 506 033 437 443

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Re: How to install nvidia driver

2005-11-19 Thread Tony Power
Problem solved!
It was enough to set:
Option  "IgnoreEDID"  "1"
As suggested by Corey.
Thank you all ;)On 11/18/05, Corey Hickey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Tony Power wrote:> Hi Lennart!> Well, I tried that but my LCD turned very colourful, like it was melting.Heh. My laptop's LCD melts in black and white when I try to use softwaresuspend.> And, yes, the log says something about EDID on the syncs.
> I'm attaching my X log and my X config file.> If anyonone can help, I appreciate that.> Thank you.I don't know if this will help, but I had to use a custom modeline on myToshiba laptop to make it work right at 1400x1050. The nvidia driver was
reading the EDID as (if I recall correctly) 1360x1050 and there was anannoying black bar at the right hand side of the screen.Try making these modifications to your xorg.conf:1. Set HorizSync to 29-49 (according to the EDID info in your log that
is correct).2. Set VertRefresh to 60 (as far as I know that's correct for all or atleast most LCDs).3. In your "Monitor" section, insert the following modeline:Modeline "1280x800_60.00"  
83.46  1280 1344 1480 1680  800 801 804 828-HSync -VsyncMy email program is going to break that up, but the "-HSync -Vsync" ispart of the same Modeline. For reference, I generated that with "gtf
1280 800 60" and changed the +Vsync to -Vsync because that was necessaryfor my laptop. If it doesn't work for yours you can try switching themaround.4. In your 24-bit "Display" subsection, change "1280x800" to
"1280x800_60.00" to reference the custom modeline.5. In your nvidia "Device" section add:Option "IgnoreEDID 1"If all this doesn't work, you can try asking on the Linux forum.-Corey--To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact 

changed ownership of / by mistake...

2005-11-19 Thread Craig Hagerman
Hi all,

I am in need of some BIG help. I am an idiot! I did something stupid
on my home server. I wanted to change the owner and group of all the
files within a folder to myself (craig). I was already in directory
(logged in as root) and I entered:

# chown -R craig:craig /*

instead of
# chown -R craig:craig ./*

I realized this right after but wasn't sure how to undo what I had
done. when I checked out
# ls -l /

sure enough everything showed up as craig:craig. Tonight I tried to
see what had happened and tried to su to root and got an error message
saying I couldn't do that. (I can log in as root remotely via ssh
still.) I figured this had to do with the BIG change of ownership. I
figured that I should try to change everything to owner root as a
start. But for some reason
# chown root /*

DOESN'T work! (note - I was logged in as root when I tried this). I
tried to change just a single directly(/etc), or a single file
(/bin/su)... with the same result. I enter
# chown root /etc
# chown root:root /etc/

and it returns without error, but with no changes made. I also tried
changing some files to staff group  only to be told this group
does not exist. It always did before and it is still there in
/etc/groups. hmmm

I restarted, and now X doesn't work properly. X does load and starts
up gnome, but it fails at some point. I get a terminal in the corner,
I can move the mouse and click on an error mesage, but I can't use
that terminal, and no other gui elements show up (task bar etc).

I tried booting into a live CD of Ubuntu amd64 and then repairing
things via a chroot - but that won't let me change ownership either.

I tried to do something like this:
# mv /etc /etcOLD
# cp -R /etcOLD /etc

Which DID give result in ownership:group being root:root. But the gui
system is still unusable. NOTE- the underlying system seems to work. I
can use a shell (CMD-ALT-F2) and I can log in via ssh.)


Can anyone suggest how I might be able to fix all the screwing up I have done?
Is there anyone to put permissions and ownership back the way it
"should" be? On my mac computer there is an option to "repair
permissions" which I would love to have on Linux but don't think it

Any help at all would be MUCH appreciated.

Craig Hagerman

Re: X not start after dist-upgrade

2005-11-19 Thread Craig Hagerman
On 11/9/05, Ian Crawford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> -- Forwarded message --
> From: Ian Crawford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Nov 8, 2005 11:12 AM
> Subject: Re: X not start after dist-upgrade
> To: Santiago Kci <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I had the same experience this weekend.  The problem is that udev requires a
> newer kernel than the installer.  I grabbed the latest kernel out of apt and
> that fixed everything.

I had the same (or similar?) problem about a month ago. I now think
that udev was the source of all the problems, but apt-get update
fucked everything up for a short while - no X (after upgrading to
Xorg), no internet. I removed udev and discovered that it (or
something) had also removed all MY entries from /etc/modules which was
the reason for internet not working, nvidia not getting loaded etc.
gg... At least it was OK in the end.
