Bug#848105: [rt.cpan.org #119235] Bio/Coordinate/Pair.pm removed from BioPerl in version 1.00070001

2016-12-15 Thread Andreas Tille
On Thu, Dec 15, 2016 at 12:40:01PM -0500, Chris Fields via RT wrote:
> Just a last minute addition, I'm checking in with Lincoln to see if I can 
> attempt a new Bio-Graphics CPAN release (I am apparently still listed as a 
> co-maintainer on PAUSE).

OK, if you would confirm that Bio-Graphics could be brought into a state
that it works with Bio-Coordinate I would reconsider my plan to switch
the Debian packages back to the old series of BioPerl since this would
have been the safest way to ensure that all depenencies in Debian will
work properly. 

Kind regards



Bug#848105: [rt.cpan.org #119235] Bio/Coordinate/Pair.pm removed from BioPerl in version 1.00070001

2016-12-15 Thread Andreas Tille
Hi Chris,

On Thu, Dec 15, 2016 at 10:08:53AM -0500, Chris Fields via RT wrote:
> It's now on CPAN:
> https://metacpan.org/pod/Bio::Coordinate

Thanks a lot for the quick confirmation.
> I had actually pushed a release out a month ago but it apparently didn't 
> index correctly (it needed a module with the same name as the distribution).  
> Let me know if this works!

I just noticed that the issue with libbio-graphics-perl is even more
complex than just a missing Bio::Coordinate.  I noticed that other
packages that are depending from libbio-graphics-perl are failing to
build[1].  May be the only quick solution is to revert the bump of
BioPerl version for the moment (= before the next stable release of
Debian) and try upgrading later.

I'll keep you informed if I might find any problem with Bio::Coordinate.

Just for the sake of interest: Is there any specific reason to outsource
Bio::Coordinate from BioPerl?

Kind regards


[1] https://bugs.debian.org/848236


Bug#848105: [rt.cpan.org #119235] Bio/Coordinate/Pair.pm removed from BioPerl in version 1.00070001

2016-12-14 Thread Andreas Tille
Hi Chris,

On Wed, Dec 14, 2016 at 11:57:50PM -0500, Chris Fields via RT wrote:
> I will work on a separate CPAN release of Bio::Coordinate modules.  A key 
> issue may be that Bio::Graphics would need a release to add 
> Bio::Coordinate::Pair as a direct dependency, if it isn't already present.

Thanks for your quick response.  Would you mind giving us a notification
once Bio::Coordinate would be available?  This would help fixing the bug
in the Debian bug tracking system.  Do you have a rough estimation of the
time you might need for this?

Kind regards

