從 CLE 移植過來的新套件:qe-0.0.34 仿 PE2 文書處理器

2000-01-06 Thread Anthony Fok
[EMAIL PROTECTED]@從 CLE 移植過來的新套件:qe-0.0.34 已經包裝好,上傳至 Debian 
尚在 Incoming 中。因為首 freeze 的 deadline 已至, qe 多不會納入 Debian 2.2
裏,但將會在 Debian woody (將來的 2.3) [EMAIL PROTECTED] SRPM
包裝者小虫兄。  ^_^   有興趣的朋友可以在以下網址找到 qe_0.0.34-1_i386.deb


Package: qe
Priority: optional
Section: editors
Installed-Size: 204
Maintainer: Anthony Fok <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Version: 0.0.34-1
Depends: libc6 (>= 2.1.2), libncurses5, libstdc++2.10
 /etc/qe/qe.pro 481adef1f4fe8c2e601fea00ddeedb46
 /etc/qe/qe.hlp 0e20f35677a54ed2f6d89f0bbb5ac3d1
Description: A PE2-like text full-screen color text editor
 qe is a PE2-like full-screen color text editor.  It's called "qe"
 because the letter "Q" comes after "P".  Like PE2 on DOS, QE is a great
 editor for both English and Chinese (Big5 or GB) text.  Features include:
  * Optional Big5 Chinese interface.
  * User-definable macros and keyboard settings.
 Author: Jiann-Ching Liu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Home Page: http://www.cc.ncu.edu.tw/~center5/product/qe/  (Big5 Chinese)
 http://members.xoom.com/linux4tw/qe/   (English)

Anthony Fok Tung-LingCivil and Environmental Engineering
[EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]University of Alberta, Canada
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Keep smiling!  *^_^*
Come visit Our Lady of Victory Camp -- http://come.to/olvc

Re: xcin input method

2000-01-06 Thread thhsieh
On Wed, Jan 05, 2000 at 02:16:13PM -0700, Anthony Fok wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 05, 2000 at 09:13:57AM +0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > 是的,我正計畫要改寫 gen_inp, 看能否也加入行列 30 的這項需求。
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] 30 just work
> > 就好了。目前還沒有腹案,有人可以提供建議嗎? :-))
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]@[EMAIL PROTECTED] patch,基本上已經符合行列30 
> 的「字」輸入規格,
> 解決了 w[0-9] 符號輸入和 "t" 鍵入「的」字、 "t1" 鍵入「隨」字
> 等問題。不過可能有點不正規,不知您喜不喜歡,加上我的 C 編程水平
> 實在有限,祈請參閱指正。 ^_^  不過,現在用行列30打中文打得很順就是了。 ^_^
> (gen_inp.patch 和 array30.patch)。(嘻嘻,I [EMAIL PROTECTED] ^_^)

非常感謝! 我發現這年頭要偷懶真的起來越容易了 :-)) 我會參考您的 patch

> [EMAIL PROTECTED] xcin 使用的
> array30.tab 下載,不過我猜是給 xcin2.3 使用的版本。也許可以跟他們說說
> 最新版本中 GNU/Linux 下對行列輸入法的支援實情。

我見到您寄給行列科技的信了 :-)) [EMAIL PROTECTED] :-))
真是謝謝 :-))

> > 來給我?我都很樂意加入。
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]@從 Unihan.txt 
> 可以產出帶調的廣東話和客家話輸入法,當然也可以無調的。
> 建議:聲調多半用 [1-9] (廣東話九聲,不過其實其中三聲為入聲,可以說是
> 重覆了,所以有人也說廣東話六聲),有時加個 "." 當輕聲符號……嗯,如果
> 沿用 gen_inp [EMAIL PROTECTED] gen_inp 裏加入「聲調」的
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] *.cin 檔,用戶可以按 alt-ctrl-?? 鍵
> toggle 帶調或無調輸入模式。  ^_^  我自己很少用拼音式的輸入法,不知
> 其他人意見如何?  ^_^

這個可以列如考慮,但不見得使用 alt-ctrl-?? 鍵,也可能就直接設定在
xcinrc 裏頭,看是否要開啟聲調模式。

[EMAIL PROTECTED]@連串 keystroke 的最後那個鍵囉!

> [EMAIL PROTECTED]@如果您想要這些可從 Unihan.txt 
> 產出的輸入法,我遲些有空時可以試試。
> ^_^

呵呵! 看來我又偷懶成功了! 謝謝您囉 :-))

> > 另外,我在想在 xcin [EMAIL PROTECTED] .cin 檔?是不
> > 是應該將大部分的 .cin [EMAIL PROTECTED] tarball, 而主程式的那個
> > tarball 只放幾個最常見的 table (如 cj.cin) 或根本不放任何 .cin
> > table? 大家可以給我意見嗎?
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]@也有道理。我貪方便,不想把 array30.cin 分出來。 
> 不過,有個想法,大可以設個 arbitrary 的 threshold 值,例如 1 MB,
> 如果 xcin 的 tarball 超過 1 MB,就把各個 .cin 檔分出來,只保留其他
> 最常用的。


如果要弄的話,我可能等到 gen_inp 大修改之後,那時 cin2tab 也會修改,
.cin 的格式會改變,正是抽出來的時機 :-))

> [EMAIL PROTECTED]@有道理。  ^_^  不知 TurboLinux Chinese 
> 三劍俠(于明儉、方漢、陳向陽)
> 的 chinput 對這些問題的處理如何?聽說他們有智能拼音的。其他功能我就不知道了。
> 只是他們的 .cit/.tit 檔跟 cxterm 和 Emacs [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> 排序,沒有簡碼等等,打起來非常不順。  ^_^

這幾天我與 turbolinux [EMAIL PROTECTED] justiny 通 mail, 很抱歉我實在有
[EMAIL PROTECTED] IMdkit support multi-locale
XIM server, 就可以對各種 locale 的 client 輸入,無論如何 xcin 一
[EMAIL PROTECTED]@點能夠突破,那真是千萬之喜 :-))

法,也是架構在 XIM 上的,聽起來相當有趣 :-))

> [EMAIL PROTECTED]@對了,我從 TLC 那裏「借」了他們的 zh_CN.GBK 來用,雖然說是 
> alpha 版,
> 但似乎也相當不錯,您們在 CLE 有沒有興趣加個 zh_CN.GBK 的 C 和 X locale
> 資料檔?如果您不想麻煩找他們的 .src.rpm,我可以把那些 .src.rpm 裏面相關
> zh_CN.GBK 的檔案放上網頁上。If so, please let me know.  ^_^  (I need to
> organize them first.  :-)

有那個 xim client 可以顯示 GBK 內碼的? rxvt 可以嗎?


Re: xcin input method

2000-01-06 Thread Anthony Wong
|> [EMAIL PROTECTED]@¦³¹D²z¡C  ^_^  ¤£ª¾ TurboLinux Chinese 
|> ªº chinput ¹ï³o¨Ç°ÝÃDªº³B²z¦p¦ó¡HÅ¥»¡¥L­Ì¦³´¼¯à«÷­µªº¡C¨ä¥L¥\¯à§Ú´N¤£ª¾¹D¤F¡C
|> ¥u¬O¥L­Ìªº .cit/.tit Àɸò cxterm ©M Emacs [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|> ±Æ§Ç¡A¨S¦³Â²½Xµ¥µ¥¡A¥´°_¨Ó«D±`¤£¶¶¡C  ^_^
|³o´X¤Ñ§Ú»P turbolinux [EMAIL PROTECTED] justiny ³q mail, «Ü©êºp§Ú¹ê¦b¦³
|[EMAIL PROTECTED] IMdkit support multi-locale
|XIM server, ´N¥i¥H¹ï¦UºØ locale ªº client ¿é¤J¡AµL½×¦p¦ó xcin ¤@
|[EMAIL PROTECTED]@ÂI¯à°÷¬ð¯}¡A¨º¯u¬O¤d¸U¤§³ß :-))

justiny À³¬O¤_¥ý¥Í§a¡C

[EMAIL PROTECTED] xim server ´N¯à support ¦hºØ locale, ¤p§Ì»{¬° IMdkit
(©ÎÀ³¬O»¡ XIM protocol) ¦n¹³¤w¸g¦³³o¼Ëªº¤ä´©¡C¤p§Ì¼gªº lamerpad¡Ð
[EMAIL PROTECTED] xim server (¼È®É¥u¬Oª±²¼©Ê½è), ¥i¦]À³ xim client ªº
locale [EMAIL PROTECTED] xim server ¥i¦P®É¹ï kterm,
crxvt-big5, crxvt-gb µ¥°µ¿é¤J¡C
¤£ª¾¦³¨S¦³»~¸Ñ©~¤h©Î justiny ªº·N«ä©O? :>

p.s. ftp://ftp.debian.org.hk/debian-incoming/lamerpad_0.1.tar.gz

Anthony Wong.   [ E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] / [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]

Re[2]: xcin input method

2000-01-06 Thread hashao
Hello thhsieh,

Thursday, January 06, 2000, 10:09:13 AM, you wrote:

tlot> 有那個 xim client 可以顯示 GBK 內碼的? rxvt 可以嗎?

正確使用 xlocale ,XIM, Fontset or XOM 的程序在有 GBK locale, xlocale
和正確的字型後都可以支持吧﹖不用在 client 端特別改進。
現有的字型可能只有TLC的有GBK 字型吧﹖或者把 MS 的
TTF 直接拿來用。

rxvt 的 CJK 是 hack ﹐可能目前不能很好的支持 GBK ﹐但是
國際化的 GTK+ or Gnome 程序應該都沒問題。

Best regards,
 hashaomailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: xcin input method

2000-01-06 Thread thhsieh
On Thu, Jan 06, 2000 at 10:33:00AM +0800, Anthony Wong wrote:
> justiny 應是于先生吧。
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] xim server 就能 support 多種 locale, 小弟認為 IMdkit
> (或應是說 XIM protocol) 好像已經有這樣的支援。小弟寫的 lamerpad-
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] xim server (暫時只是玩票性質), 可因應 xim client 的
> locale [EMAIL PROTECTED] xim server 可同時對 kterm,
> crxvt-big5, crxvt-gb 等做輸入。
> 不知有沒有誤解居士或 justiny 的意思呢? :>
> p.s. ftp://ftp.debian.org.hk/debian-incoming/lamerpad_0.1.tar.gz

正是。能否請問您,來自不同 locale 的 XIM client 的 request, 要如何判斷
它是屬於那個 locale?

謝謝您的回答。我會去抓您的程式回來參考 :-))


Re: xcin input method

2000-01-06 Thread Anthony Wong
On Thu, Jan 06, 2000 at 10:43:17AM +0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
|On Thu, Jan 06, 2000 at 10:33:00AM +0800, Anthony Wong wrote:
|> justiny À³¬O¤_¥ý¥Í§a¡C
|> [EMAIL PROTECTED] xim server ´N¯à support ¦hºØ locale, ¤p§Ì»{¬° IMdkit
|> (©ÎÀ³¬O»¡ XIM protocol) ¦n¹³¤w¸g¦³³o¼Ëªº¤ä´©¡C¤p§Ì¼gªº lamerpad¡Ð
|> [EMAIL PROTECTED] xim server (¼È®É¥u¬Oª±²¼©Ê½è), ¥i¦]À³ xim client ªº
|> locale [EMAIL PROTECTED] xim server ¥i¦P®É¹ï kterm,
|> crxvt-big5, crxvt-gb µ¥°µ¿é¤J¡C
|> ¤£ª¾¦³¨S¦³»~¸Ñ©~¤h©Î justiny ªº·N«ä©O? :>
|> p.s. ftp://ftp.debian.org.hk/debian-incoming/lamerpad_0.1.tar.gz
|¥¿¬O¡C¯à§_½Ð°Ý±z¡A¨Ó¦Û¤£¦P locale ªº XIM client ªº request, ­n¦p¦ó§PÂ_
|¥¦¬OÄÝ©ó¨º­Ó locale?

IMOpenStruct structure ¤¤ªº member 'lang' (a XIMStr structure) °O¿ý¤F
client ªº locale¡C¥i°Ñ¦Ò³B²z XIM_OPEN ªº¨ç¦¡ XIMOpenHandler¡C

¦Ñ¹ê»¡¦b XIM ªº½dÃ¥§ÚÁÙ¬O·s¤â, ¦³¿ùªº½Ð«ü¥¿¡C
ÁÙ¦³¡A©~¤h¼gªº¦³Ãö XIM »¡©ú¤å¥ó¹ï§Ú½s¼gµ{¦¡ªº®É­Ôµ¹¤©¤F«Ü¦hªº«ü¤Þ¡A
«D±`·PÁ¡A§_«h¥i¯à²{¦b§ÚÁÙ¦bºN¯Á¤¤ :>

Anthony Wong.   [ E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] / [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]

Re: xcin input method

2000-01-06 Thread ÃiÃiÂy¤H
¡i ¦b thhsieh. [EMAIL PROTECTED]: ¡j
: ¥¿¬O¡C¯à§_½Ð°Ý±z¡A¨Ó¦Û¤£¦P locale ªº XIM client ªº request, ­n¦p¦ó§PÂ_
: ¥¦¬OÄÝ©ó¨º­Ó locale?

¦b IMdkit ¸Ì, ¨C­Ó XIM_OPEN request ªº IMOpenStruct [EMAIL PROTECTED]
lang.name ªº field, À³¸Ó¥i¥HÀ°¨ì§A :p

¡° ¨Ó·½ ¡À e-Fever BBS ¢I bbs.e-fever.dhs.org ¡À 
[From: bbs.e-fever.dhs.org]

xcin and libtabe

2000-01-06 Thread Anthony Wong
Hi all,

As xcin in Potato is, and libtabe is 0.1-pre8, by
refering to the following mail, should we (take the risk) to use the
development version of xcin?

- Forwarded message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

Date: Thu, 6 Jan 2000 10:37:11 +0800
Subject: Re: xcin 2.5.4

I think you are using xcin-2.5.1-4. Then you have to install
libtabe-0.1-pre5. Please note that you cannot use newer version
of libtabe. If you want to use newer version of libtabe, you
have to use the under-development xcin found in:


and please get the newest version of xcin.

- End forwarded message -

Anthony Wong.   [ E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] / [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]

zh_HK.Big5 locale

2000-01-06 Thread ÃiÃiÂy¤H
Hello everyone,

I have prepared a Hong Kong locale definition. It's available at:


It contains 3 files, zh_HK, BIG5_HKSCS, XLC_LOCALE. To use them:

- make the directory /usr/lib/X11/locale/zh_HK.Big5, copy XLC_LOCALE into
  that directory, and edit /usr/lib/X11/locale/locale.dir accordingly.

- make sure you have i18ndata installed

- compile the locale using localdef:
localedef -f BIG5_HKSCS -i zh_HK -u mnemonic.ds zh_HK.Big5

- try it by export LANG=zh_HK.Big5 / setenv LANG zh_HK.Big5 etc.

The main difference of this from zh_TW.Big5 (apart from NT$ -> HK$ :p),
is that the Big5 code range has been extened from 0xA040-0xF9FE to
0x8140-0xFEFE, which includes then ETen range, as well as the Hong Kong

Note that this is not enough to be able to use HKSCS: fonts with HKSCS
characters are needed; if using xfs-xtt, xfs-xtt also needs to be patched.
Even with all that, for some reason, it still doesn't work with GTK...

However, since HKSCS itself is still a non-standard extension to Big5,
is this a right thing to do?
¡° ¨Ó·½ ¡À e-Fever BBS ¢I bbs.e-fever.dhs.org ¡À 
[From: bbs.e-fever.dhs.org]

Re: zh_HK.Big5 locale

2000-01-06 Thread hashao
Hello ÃiÃiÂy¤H,

Thursday, January 06, 2000, 12:21:48 PM, you wrote:

Ã> Hello everyone,

Ã> I have prepared a Hong Kong locale definition. It's available at:

Ã> http://spacehunt.e-fever.dhs.org/hklocale.tar.gz

Great to hear that!

Ã> Note that this is not enough to be able to use HKSCS: fonts with HKSCS
Ã> characters are needed; if using xfs-xtt, xfs-xtt also needs to be patched.
Ã> Even with all that, for some reason, it still doesn't work with GTK...

I wonder what the license status for the HKSCS reference font. Since
it is provided by the Hong Kong SAR government, we have a chance to
use it as a free (Freedom) font. Then the font for the extended
charset could be extracted and ported to Linux. Maybe there should be
a seperated font class for the HKSCS in xlocale, this I am not sure.

Ã> However, since HKSCS itself is still a non-standard extension to Big5,
Ã> is this a right thing to do?

I think it is a good thing. One of our goal is to provide convenient
Chinese environment under Linux. A lot of HK users will benefit
from this locale right now. Beside, it will not be hard to
update to the standard later on.

my 2 cents.

Best regards,
 hashaomailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: xcin input method

2000-01-06 Thread thhsieh
On Thu, Jan 06, 2000 at 10:58:38AM +0800, Anthony Wong wrote:
> IMOpenStruct structure 中的 member 'lang' (a XIMStr structure) 記錄了
> client 的 locale。可參考處理 XIM_OPEN 的函式 XIMOpenHandler。



Re: zh_HK.Big5 locale

2000-01-06 Thread Anthony Fok
On Thu, Jan 06, 2000 at 02:24:35PM +0800, hashao wrote:
> Hello 懶懶獵人,
> Thursday, January 06, 2000, 12:21:48 PM, you wrote:
> ? Hello everyone,
> ? I have prepared a Hong Kong locale definition. It's available at:
> ? http://spacehunt.e-fever.dhs.org/hklocale.tar.gz
> Great to hear that!

[EMAIL PROTECTED]@糟糕,避無可避,今次想偷懶也不行。是時候再包新版的 locale-zh
了。(我可以偷賴幾天嗎?  ^_^)

[EMAIL PROTECTED]@雖然 new-maintainer 尚未重開,但有興趣作 Debian [EMAIL 
請往下面填寫資料,也許 Anthony Wong 和我可以 "sponsor" 您們。 ^_^


[EMAIL PROTECTED]@(唉,東東,你包了幾天的 .deb [EMAIL PROTECTED] ^_^)


Anthony Fok Tung-LingCivil and Environmental Engineering
[EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]University of Alberta, Canada
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Keep smiling!  *^_^*
Come visit Our Lady of Victory Camp -- http://come.to/olvc

Re: xcin input method

2000-01-06 Thread Anthony Fok
On Thu, Jan 06, 2000 at 10:36:56AM +0800, hashao wrote:
> rxvt 的 CJK 是 hack ﹐可能目前不能很好的支持 GBK ﹐但是
> 國際化的 GTK+ or Gnome 程序應該都沒問題。

[EMAIL PROTECTED]@so desu ka (??) [EMAIL PROTECTED] X 底下,不知怎的,
zh_CN 的 X locale 必須設


若為 True,則 GTK+/Gnome 不會顯示 GB 字出來。我上星期用了 CLE 的
*.po -> *.mo 轉了 GB 碼,究竟中文字全不見,原來就是這個 use_stdc_env
在搗蛋。這個 tip 是 chinput 裏的說明的(又要謝謝 TLC 三劍俠),
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 有什麼功用?我更不知。  ^_^


Anthony Fok Tung-LingCivil and Environmental Engineering
[EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]University of Alberta, Canada
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Keep smiling!  *^_^*
Come visit Our Lady of Victory Camp -- http://come.to/olvc

Re: xcin input method

2000-01-06 Thread Anthony Fok
On Thu, Jan 06, 2000 at 10:09:13AM +0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> 非常感謝! 我發現這年頭要偷懶真的起來越容易了 :-)) 我會參考您的 patch
> 我見到您寄給行列科技的信了 :-)) [EMAIL PROTECTED] :-))
> 真是謝謝 :-))
> 呵呵! 看來我又偷懶成功了! 謝謝您囉 :-))

我製 .deb 也有點累了,希望後生可畏,青出於藍而勝於藍,後來居上吧!
(哈,可以退休了。  ^_^)

> 這個可以列如考慮,但不見得使用 alt-ctrl-?? 鍵,也可能就直接設定在
> xcinrc 裏頭,看是否要開啟聲調模式。
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]@連串 keystroke 的最後那個鍵囉!

[EMAIL PROTECTED]@也可以,這樣也比較簡單。 ^_^

> > 不過,有個想法,大可以設個 arbitrary 的 threshold 值,例如 1 MB,
> > 如果 xcin 的 tarball 超過 1 MB,就把各個 .cin 檔分出來,只保留其他
> > 最常用的。
> 如果要弄的話,我可能等到 gen_inp 大修改之後,那時 cin2tab 也會修改,
> .cin 的格式會改變,正是抽出來的時機 :-))

[EMAIL PROTECTED]@其實,我希望不抽更好,不過見到 http://input.foruto.com/
列出數十多種中文輸入法,如果真的都移植上 xcin 來,那就真的非分不可。
快倉六也可支援 xcin 了,不過只有 smartcj6.tab 下載,是對應 xcin2.3
的,因為版權問題不明,所以他們沒有放原 .cin 檔出來。唉……

[EMAIL PROTECTED]@話說回來,自然碼也有自己的網站,似乎不是公開授權的,不知 xcin
裏真的可以放 zhiranma 嗎? (BTW, is it "ziranma" or "zhiranma"?)
抑或使用者自製的對照表,不受限制?(那就 Boshiamy 也可以放進 xcin 裏面?)
不知這些公司是 copyright 了他們自己的 data 還是 copyright/patent 了
他們的輸入法的 "idea"?

> > [EMAIL PROTECTED]@有道理。  ^_^  不知 TurboLinux Chinese 
> > 三劍俠(于明儉、方漢、陳向陽)
> > 的 chinput 
> > 對這些問題的處理如何?聽說他們有智能拼音的。其他功能我就不知道了。
> > 只是他們的 .cit/.tit 檔跟 cxterm 和 Emacs [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > 排序,沒有簡碼等等,打起來非常不順。  ^_^
> 這幾天我與 turbolinux [EMAIL PROTECTED] justiny 通 mail, 很抱歉我實在有
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] IMdkit support multi-locale
> XIM server, 就可以對各種 locale 的 client 輸入,無論如何 xcin 一
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]@點能夠突破,那真是千萬之喜 :-))

[EMAIL PROTECTED]@讓我想起……雙橋、南極星、加盟等等隨意轉換編碼那個工具箱。 ^_^
從 ZWinPro 的圖片看到,他們已經有這個功能,也可以隨意轉換字型。
可惜,Anthony Wong 和我下載了回來,但可能包裝錯誤,在 Debian 下使用
不盡成功,畢竟自己的功力實在……太遜了。 ^_^

justiny = yumj = 于明儉 Justin Yu
danf (?) = Daniel Fang = 方漢
seanc = Sean Chen = 陳向陽


> 至於智能拼音我是不知道,但他有提到他們好像要發展手寫板之類的輸入
> 法,也是架構在 XIM 上的,聽起來相當有趣 :-))

Kanjipad -> Lamerpad?  ;-)  在 Debian 2.2 上有了,相信
Anthony Wong 會有更詳盡的解釋。  ^_^

> 有那個 xim client 可以顯示 GBK 內碼的? rxvt 可以嗎?

X Window... 暫時沒有字型,也許要向 TLC 借了。(zh_pcf?) 在
ftp.turbolinux.com.cn [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ^_^
把可以轉換 CMEX 那套,但比較麻煩就是了。

[EMAIL PROTECTED]@zh_CN.GBK 的 C locale 已經安裝在 Debian potato 的 
版了。0.9 來自 CLE, 0.05 來自 TLC.  ^_^  暫時 hashao 的 zh_CN.GB2312
和陳向陽的 zh_CN.GBK [EMAIL PROTECTED] gnomecal 裏會把 Mon Tue
等寫成 一 二 三 等,似乎稍為更中文化。  ^_^  C 那個 locale,我懶找,不寄了,
煩請 apt-get source locale-zh (如果 apt-get 版本夠新),或者

或您就近的 FTP site,下載:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] KB。解開後,zh-localedata-0.9/localedata-zh-0.05/ 目錄裏面的
就是 TLC 所用的 C locales 了,有 GBK 也有 Big5 的呢!不過不是
CLE/glibc2/Debian 那個,還要請您們(東翰兄和小虫兄)研究比較,也許可以跟
TurboLinux Chinese 可沒有什麼可貢獻,只懂得「偷」他們的 SRPM 來用。  ^_^

[EMAIL PROTECTED]@X 底下的 zh_CN.GBK 還未納入 Debian 的 XFree86 3.3.5 套件中,
我偷賴,未寄 patch 給 Debian XFree86 的大大 Branden 嘛! ^_^
因為我家中的 modem 慢,所以我「善用」Debian 的設備,把 ftp.turbolinux.com.cn
的 XFree86 SRPM 下載至 xia01.kachinatech.com 和 faure.debian.org,
再用 alien -g 拆開來,取了 patch 的部份回來,放進
xfree86-3.3.5-Gem_TLC.tar.gz(Gem,玫寶也,「執到寶」嘛!)  ^_^

[EMAIL PROTECTED]@如果其他 debian-chinese [EMAIL PROTECTED]|樂意
轉寄給您的,那就不用去 ftp.turbolinux.com.cn 下載 40多 MB 回來了。  ^_^


Anthony Fok Tung-LingCivil and Environmental Engineering
[EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]University of Alberta, Canada
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Keep smiling!  *^_^*
Come visit Our Lady of Victory Camp -- http://come.to/olvc

Re: xcin and libtabe

2000-01-06 Thread Anthony Fok
[EMAIL PROTECTED]@已經上傳了!噢,我只給 Shao Zhang 回了信,沒有在這裏回報。 ^_^
以下是新版的 changelog.Debian:

xcin ( unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream release: xcin-2.5-2103, which comes after xcin-2.5.1-4.
  * [debian/control]:
  - Depends on locale-zh.  Thanks to suggestion from Shao Zhang!
  - Revised font dependencies.
  * [src/Cinput/gen_inp/gen_inp.[ch]]: Added hack to improve Array30.
  (I know, I am *so* selfish.  :-)
  * [/etc/xcinrc]: Added settings for all the zh_CN.GB2312 input
  methods.  If you think the order of the hotkeys are non-standard,
  please tell me.
  * Added a symlink "pinyin_b5" to "pinyin" to temporary avoid namespace
conflict.  Thanks to Shao Zhang and Tung-Han Hsieh for advice.  :-)
  * Added some quick-and-dirty example scripts such as et24 and gb24
which I use personally to start up xcin-2.5 and rxvt-2.6.  Feel
free to adapt them to your needs.  :-) Note that eventually I would
like to consolidate them to one or two scripts instead of the many
that I have now.  :-)  (Added this paragraph to README.Debian too.)

 -- Anthony Fok <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Wed,  5 Jan 2000 16:56:28 -0700

都打得很順啊!(各個=行列30) ^_^  咦,為什麼想用 alt-ctrl-6 時

xcin: 警告: bimsphone: TSI_FNAME: cannot open data file: /usr/share/tabe/tsi.db
xcin: 警告: 無法載入輸入法: bimsphone, 略過。

[EMAIL PROTECTED]@呀呀呀!我在 /etc/xcinrc 設錯了路徑!!!又要再 
我不依!嗚嗚~~~  ^_^


On Thu, Jan 06, 2000 at 11:36:18AM +0800, Anthony Wong wrote:
> Hi all,
> As xcin in Potato is, and libtabe is 0.1-pre8, by
> refering to the following mail, should we (take the risk) to use the
> development version of xcin?
> - Forwarded message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
> Date: Thu, 6 Jan 2000 10:37:11 +0800
> Subject: Re: xcin 2.5.4
> I think you are using xcin-2.5.1-4. Then you have to install
> libtabe-0.1-pre5. Please note that you cannot use newer version
> of libtabe. If you want to use newer version of libtabe, you
> have to use the under-development xcin found in:
> ftp://xcin.linux.org.tw/pub/xcin/xcin/devel/
> and please get the newest version of xcin.
> - End forwarded message -
> -- 
> Anthony Wong.   [ E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] / [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]

Anthony Fok Tung-LingCivil and Environmental Engineering
[EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]University of Alberta, Canada
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Keep smiling!  *^_^*
Come visit Our Lady of Victory Camp -- http://come.to/olvc

Re: zh_HK.Big5 locale

2000-01-06 Thread ÃiÃiÂy¤H
Hi hashao,

: Ã> Note that this is not enough to be able to use HKSCS: fonts with HKSCS
: Ã> characters are needed; if using xfs-xtt, xfs-xtt also needs to be patched.
: Ã> Even with all that, for some reason, it still doesn't work with GTK...

I just found out this afternoon that GTK calls XmbTextListToTextProperty,
which in turn uses glibc2.1's iconv(), so therefore the Big5 module in
gconv-modules needs to be modified as well ...

: I wonder what the license status for the HKSCS reference font. Since
: it is provided by the Hong Kong SAR government, we have a chance to
: use it as a free (Freedom) font.

>From http://www.digital21.gov.hk/chi/hkscs/download.html:
> ¯S°Ï¬F©²¤£«OÃÒ³o³n¥ó©ÎÀɮצb¨ä¥Î³~¥H¥~ªº¥\¯à¡Bªí²{
> ©M¹ï¬Y¯S©w¥Øªºªº¾A¥Î©Ê¡C°£ªk¨Ò­n¨D¥~¡A¥ç¤£¹ï¦]¨Ï¥Î
> ©Î¤£¯à¨Ï¥Î³o³n¥ó©Ò±a¨Óªº¥ô¦ó·l®`©M·l¥¢­t¤W³d¥ô¡C

That was all I could find. It's not very clear whether it's free...

: Then the font for the extended
: charset could be extracted and ported to Linux. Maybe there should be
: a seperated font class for the HKSCS in xlocale, this I am not sure.

Yes, the .TTE font provided by the SAR Government can be extracted as 
a bitmap font, or it can be used directly as a normal TrueType font.
To be able to do that though, HKSCS should be defined as a separate font
class, and xfs-xtt needs to be modified too..

: Ã> However, since HKSCS itself is still a non-standard extension to Big5,
: Ã> is this a right thing to do?
: I think it is a good thing. One of our goal is to provide convenient
: Chinese environment under Linux. A lot of HK users will benefit
: from this locale right now. Beside, it will not be hard to
: update to the standard later on.

That's true, all the data in the locale definition files were generated
by a few simple scripts :p

¡° ¨Ó·½ ¡À e-Fever BBS ¢I bbs.e-fever.dhs.org ¡À 
[From: 185_1user171.ctimail]

Re: zh_HK.Big5 locale

2000-01-06 Thread Anthony Fok
On Thu, Jan 06, 2000 at 04:21:48AM +, 懶懶獵人 wrote:
> However, since HKSCS itself is still a non-standard extension to Big5,
> is this a right thing to do?

[EMAIL PROTECTED]@那個爛 Big5,本來就不是什麼標準,而 Big5+ 又不知怎的沒有人用,
Big5e 不知命運如何。至少 HKSCS 全港人仕都樂意採用,所了增加了 HKSCS
支援當然是好事。目前的問題和挑戰,就是:將來的 Unicode 3.0 或新版
用有這些字嗎? zh_??.Big5* 仍暫時之計,長遠還是希望用 Unicode。
Big5 有這麼多種 varieties, BIG5toUCS 這類的轉碼表,我也不知道哪個才
算正統了。(Unihan 裏的 Big5 沒有任何倚天字或其他延伸碼,我又不服。 ^_^)
不理啦,希望香港的語言及編碼專家能積極把香港字集放進 Unicode 就是了,
否則 HKSCS 裏的字會變孤兒……


Anthony Fok Tung-LingCivil and Environmental Engineering
[EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]University of Alberta, Canada
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Keep smiling!  *^_^*
Come visit Our Lady of Victory Camp -- http://come.to/olvc

Re: zh_HK.Big5 locale

2000-01-06 Thread ÃiÃiÂy¤H
: On Thu, Jan 06, 2000 at 02:24:35PM +0800, hashao wrote:
: > Hello ÃiÃiÂy¤H,
: > Thursday, January 06, 2000, 12:21:48 PM, you wrote:
: > Ã> Hello everyone,
: > Ã> I have prepared a Hong Kong locale definition. It's available at:
: > Ã> http://spacehunt.e-fever.dhs.org/hklocale.tar.gz
: > Great to hear that!
: [EMAIL PROTECTED]@ÁV¿|¡AÁ×µL¥iÁסA¤µ¦¸·Q°½Ãi¤]¤£¦æ¡C¬O®É­Ô¦A¥]·sª©ªº locale-zh
: ¤F¡C¡]§Ú¥i¥H°½¿à´X¤Ñ¶Ü¡H  ^_^¡^

¨º»ò§Ö´N®³¥h¥] .deb? §ÚÁÙ¨S½T©w¬O§_¦³¿ùªº³á!

oh, ¹ï¤F: XLC_LOCALE ¸Ì ct_conversion ¨º¦æªº 9efe À³¸Ó¬O 7efe :p

: [EMAIL PROTECTED]@ÁöµM new-maintainer ©|¥¼­«¶}¡A¦ý¦³¿³½ì§@ Debian [EMAIL 
: ½Ð©¹¤U­±¶ñ¼g¸ê®Æ¡A¤]³\ Anthony Wong ©M§Ú¥i¥H "sponsor" ±z­Ì¡C ^_^
:   http://www.internatif.org/bortzmeyer/debian/sponsor/

Åý§Ú¥h¬Ý¬Ý.. :p
¡° ¨Ó·½ ¡À e-Fever BBS ¢I bbs.e-fever.dhs.org ¡À 
[From: 185_1user171.ctimail]

Re: zh_HK.Big5 locale

2000-01-06 Thread Anthony Wong
On Thu, Jan 06, 2000 at 01:08:36PM +, ÃiÃiÂy¤H wrote:
|Hi hashao,
|: Ã> Note that this is not enough to be able to use HKSCS: fonts with HKSCS
|: Ã> characters are needed; if using xfs-xtt, xfs-xtt also needs to be patched.
|: Ã> Even with all that, for some reason, it still doesn't work with GTK...
|I just found out this afternoon that GTK calls XmbTextListToTextProperty,
|which in turn uses glibc2.1's iconv(), so therefore the Big5 module in
|gconv-modules needs to be modified as well ...

Oh... what happens if the version of glibc is < 2.1 ?
Besides, it's really a good idea if we can start to extend the Big5
module in glibc's gconv to include all the HKSCS chars.

Anthony Wong.   [ E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] / [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]

Re: zh_HK.Big5 locale

2000-01-06 Thread ÃiÃiÂy¤H
: On Thu, Jan 06, 2000 at 04:21:48AM +, ÃiÃiÂy¤H wrote:
: > However, since HKSCS itself is still a non-standard extension to Big5,
: > is this a right thing to do?
: [EMAIL PROTECTED]@¨º­ÓÄê Big5¡A¥»¨Ó´N¤£¬O¤°»ò¼Ð·Ç¡A¦Ó Big5+ 
: Big5e ¤£ª¾©R¹B¦p¦ó¡C¦Ü¤Ö HKSCS ¥þ´ä¤H¥K³£¼Ö·N±Ä¥Î¡A©Ò¤F¼W¥[¤F HKSCS
: ¤ä´©·íµM¬O¦n¨Æ¡C¥Ø«eªº°ÝÃD©M¬D¾Ô¡A´N¬O¡G±N¨Óªº Unicode 3.0 ©Î·sª©
: ¥Î¦³³o¨Ç¦r¶Ü¡H zh_??.Big5* ¤´¼È®É¤§­p¡Aªø»·ÁÙ¬O§Æ±æ¥Î Unicode¡C
: Big5 ¦³³o»ò¦hºØ varieties¡A BIG5toUCS ³oÃþªºÂà½Xªí¡A§Ú¤]¤£ª¾¹D­þ­Ó¤~
: ºâ¥¿²Î¤F¡C¡]Unihan ùتº Big5 ¨S¦³¥ô¦ó­Ê¤Ñ¦r©Î¨ä¥L©µ¦ù½X¡A§Ú¤S¤£ªA¡C ^_^¡^

*sigh* ³o´X¤Ñ§Ú¦b¤½¥q¹ïµÛ¦n´X­Ó¤£¦Pªº Big5 table .. ¦³ Unicode ªº, ¦³
X ªº, ¦³ M$ ªº, ÁÙ¦³¤½¥q¥»¨­ªº.. +_+

: ¤£²z°Õ¡A§Æ±æ­»´äªº»y¨¥¤Î½s½X±M®a¯à¿n·¥§â­»´ä¦r¶°©ñ¶i Unicode ´N¬O¤F¡A
: §_«h HKSCS ùتº¦r·|ÅÜ©t¨à¡K¡K

Digital21 ¨º­Ó ISO 10646 table .. ¤£ª¾¬O§_¯uªº¬O ISO standard..
¡° ¨Ó·½ ¡À e-Fever BBS ¢I bbs.e-fever.dhs.org ¡À 
[From: 185_1user171.ctimail]

Re: zh_HK.Big5 locale

2000-01-06 Thread ÃiÃiÂy¤H
¡i ¦b [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Anthony Wong) [EMAIL PROTECTED]: ¡j
: On Thu, Jan 06, 2000 at 01:08:36PM +, ÃiÃiÂy¤H wrote:
: |Hi hashao,
: |
: |I just found out this afternoon that GTK calls XmbTextListToTextProperty,
: |which in turn uses glibc2.1's iconv(), so therefore the Big5 module in
: |gconv-modules needs to be modified as well ...
: Oh... what happens if the version of glibc is < 2.1 ?

This I'm not entirely sure .. but since too many things in potato are
linked against glibc 2.1 already (X, xfs-xtt, GTK, ...), I can't try it..

: Besides, it's really a good idea if we can start to extend the Big5
: module in glibc's gconv to include all the HKSCS chars.

I've briefly looked at gconv's source before I left the office today ..
it's not a simple array like in xfs-xtt :P But it shouldn't be too hard.
I'll try it tomorrow.
¡° ¨Ó·½ ¡À e-Fever BBS ¢I bbs.e-fever.dhs.org ¡À 
[From: 185_1user171.ctimail]

Re: xcin input method

2000-01-06 Thread informer

> ³o´X¤Ñ§Ú»P turbolinux [EMAIL PROTECTED] justiny ³q mail, «Ü©êºp§Ú¹ê¦b¦³
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] IMdkit support multi-locale
> XIM server, ´N¥i¥H¹ï¦UºØ locale ªº client ¿é¤J¡AµL½×¦p¦ó xcin ¤@
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]@ÂI¯à°÷¬ð¯}¡A¨º¯u¬O¤d¸U¤§³ß :-))


About MD5 System Passwd Encryption

2000-01-06 Thread ¡¸ SPIRIT ¡¹
½Ð°Ý Debian ¯à§_¨Ï¥Î MD5 [EMAIL PROTECTED] System password ªº½s½X¤è¦¡¡H
¡° ¨Ó·½ ¡À e-Fever BBS ¢I bbs.e-fever.dhs.org ¡À 
[From: 205user167.ctimail3.]

Re: About MD5 System Passwd Encryption

2000-01-06 Thread Anthony Wong
On Thu, Jan 06, 2000 at 04:03:28PM +, ¡¸ SPIRIT ¡¹ wrote:
|½Ð°Ý Debian ¯à§_¨Ï¥Î MD5 [EMAIL PROTECTED] System password ªº½s½X¤è¦¡¡H

¥i¥H¡CSlink ¤£²M·¡¡A¦ý potato ¬O¥i¥Hªº¡C

Anthony Wong.

Re: xcin input method

2000-01-06 Thread ºÎÅ\]°h´²¡I
¡i ¦b [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Anthony Wong) [EMAIL PROTECTED]: ¡j
: [EMAIL PROTECTED] xim server ´N¯à support ¦hºØ locale, ¤p§Ì»{¬° IMdkit
: (©ÎÀ³¬O»¡ XIM protocol) ¦n¹³¤w¸g¦³³o¼Ëªº¤ä´©¡C¤p§Ì¼gªº lamerpad¡Ð
: [EMAIL PROTECTED] xim server (¼È®É¥u¬Oª±²¼©Ê½è), ¥i¦]À³ xim client ªº
: locale [EMAIL PROTECTED] xim server ¥i¦P®É¹ï kterm,
: crxvt-big5, crxvt-gb µ¥°µ¿é¤J¡C
: ¤£ª¾¦³¨S¦³»~¸Ñ©~¤h©Î justiny ªº·N«ä©O? :>
: p.s. ftp://ftp.debian.org.hk/debian-incoming/lamerpad_0.1.tar.gz

¶â§Ñ°O¤F»¡, debian package ¦b

Anthony Wong
¡° ¨Ó·½ ¡À e-Fever BBS ¢I bbs.e-fever.dhs.org ¡À 
[From: localhost]