Re: fixhrefgz unnecessary when fixing web-browsers in the correct wayR

1997-06-30 Thread Christoph Lameter
On 29 Jun 1997, Karl M. Hegbloom wrote:

>> "Christoph" == Christoph Lameter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>Christoph> This wont work as we already have said again and
>Christoph> again. You are modifying the HTTP protocol with this
>Christoph> and creating a new .html.gz extension in essence. And
>Christoph> sometimes the web browser will get those files
>Christoph> compressed and sometimes not.
>The gzipped files are served as application/x-gzip, and an entry in
>"/etc/mailcap" tells the browser how to uncompress it prior to
>display rendering.  The protocol isn't changed at all.

This is the earlier approach: Again:

I dont have /etc/mailcap on my Win95 workstation nor on my MacOS machines.

And I strongly object to reconfiguring the whole world of Web-Browsers 
just to accomodate reading Debian Documentation.

This is a non-standard extension of the http protocol!

> Please read my earlier post regarding Apache run from `inetd' (or
>better, from `xinetd'), and mod_rewrite.  I think we could set up an
>..htaccess file for "/usr/doc" with some rewrite rules that would make
>it so that if someone clicks a link in a Debian manual, the link will
>be to http://localhost/doc/thing.html and the mod_rewrite will make it
>so `apache' will grab that if it exists or grab thing.html.gz if /that/
>exists, and failing either, will grab, 
>where the similar thing happens; the docs there can be gzipped as

.htaccess is not supported by all web-servers. boa does not support it.

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Re: fixhrefgz - tool for converting anchors to gzipped files

1997-06-30 Thread Craig Sanders
On Sat, 28 Jun 1997, Jim Pick wrote:

> > You are proposing that a web-server is supposed to be searching
> > through the .html code it serves and replace all links referring to
> > .html.gz by .html links?
> dwww does this - it's not trivial. This is definitely not the job of a
> web server.

I agree 100%.

A web server should NOT mess with the content.

If we do this then we will make it difficult (or impossible) to serve .gz
compressed files from debian-based web-servers.  

remember that not all .gz files are compressed documentation that needs
to be decompressed on the fly. e.g. you put the linux kernel source on
your web server for anyone to download. Do you really want apache or
whatever to decompress a 6+MB .tar.gz file on-the-fly while sending it
out to someone?

> So here's my stand:
> - let's munch up the links to point to ".html.gz" files.  Ugly, I know,
>   and a bit of work, but then we don't need to force people to install a
>   web server.  I think it's pretty important that we don't force people
>   to run stuff they don't want.

no, that will make it a pain to download files which are already
compressed.  The "smarts" should be in the web browser.

> - we should compress html, because lots of people (like me) are using
>   Debian on machines with almost no hard drive.
> - Lynx and Netscape work with the compressed links (correct me if I'm wrong),
>   and we could use a web server/dwww combination to allow other browsers
>   to work too.

I think that the correct place for this translation is in the web browser
(as many others have suggested).

modify lynx, mosaic, chimera, etc so that:

 1.  when a NON- .gz link is selected, try to fetch it.

 2.  if it fails, try to fetch .gz version and decompress it.

 3.  if that fails too, report an error to user.

 4.  if the link was pointing to a .gz file then DO NOTHING TO IT.  If I 
 download a compressed file from the net, then i want to save it as
 a compressed file.  I certainly dont want my browser mangling the
 file for me.

point 2. should probably be restricted to localhost or `hostname -d`.  i
don't know.  will have to think some more about it.

It may also be worthwhile doing this for file managers like mc, git,
tkdesk. It would definitely be worthwhile to use less' LESSPIPE feature
to do this.

we can't patch netscape, but that's not our problem. people using
netscape will just have to use dwww (which should be the preferred way
of browsing debian docs anyway).

I can't wait for the Mnemonic project to get off the
extensible, modular, freeware web browser written using the Gimp's GTK
widget set: Heaven! 

I'm getting really tired of netscape 4.0b5 crashing when I do Really
Bad Things like click on a page to select a link or foolishly try to
use it's drag and drop feature (it worked in 4.0b3, crashes almost 100%
of the time under 4.0b5), or leave a netscape window idle for a while
and have it just die for no apparent reason. Netscape is becoming yet
another example of why free software is better than commercial/non-free.


craig sanders
networking consultant  Available for casual or contract
temporary autonomous zone  system administration tasks.

Re: Sub-categorizing the /usr/doc directory.

1997-06-30 Thread J . R . Blaakmeer
On Sun, 29 Jun 1997 11:57:49 -0400 , Joey Hess wrote:
> Karl M. Hegbloom:
> >  I think it would be good to divide the "/usr/doc" directory into sub
> > directories.  It should be divided in the same as the Debian ftp site,
> > and packages should put their documentation into the same slot as the
> > one they got ftp'd from.
> > 
> >  The directory is very large when you have a lot of packages
> > installed, and it takes a lot of processing to open it with a file
> > manager, web browser, or dired.
> I completly agree. I have 434 items in /usr/doc, and that's too many.
> Splitting it up by package section is a very good idea.

Would you take a look at /usr/bin, then? I have 912 items there.

Nowadays I do a 'ls -lrt /usr/doc' when I have updated many packages. Then
I can easily go to another console and look at the changelogs in the
latest changed directories. No need for remembering which packages I
updated, the list is on screen. Splitting up the /usr/doc directory would
only make this more difficult.


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Re: fixhrefgz unnecessary when fixing web-browsers in the correct wayR

1997-06-30 Thread Nicolás Lichtmaier
On Sun, 29 Jun 1997, Christoph Lameter wrote:

> This is a non-standard extension of the http protocol!

 I support your idea of using a WWW server for documentation, but you're
saying wrong things and making people be angry with you.. =)

 The HTTP protocol DOESN'T rely on extensions. No HTTP compliant WWW
browser decides what to do with a file looking in the extension. Think
about a cgi program returning an html file and another cgi program
returning a GIF (counters do this).

 The facts about having a WWW server are (IMO):

  * It isn't slow. We need just a small binary called by inetd, as heavy
as `cat'.

  * It's safe. The debian docs could be accessed through a
non-standard port... and this port could be restricted for use from
localhost only (tcpd, xinetd, a check in the binary...).

  * It's clean. The upstream doc's wouldn't be touched/patched.

  * It's a *lot* more flexible. Think of this: The server could check if
some document exist in the local host, and if it doesn't it would
issue a redirect to the document location in the WWW. It could even
use HTTP features to check if a newer version than the local one
exists and fetching it, and thus maintaining an updated local version.

  * It's small. This system would be smaller than 100kb.

  * It doesn't use resources when it isn't running (since it's started
from inetd).

  * It's network friendly. Somebody could easily browse documentation in
other machines (telling the server to accept non-local connections

Nicolás Lichtmaier.-

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Re: Sub-categorizing the /usr/doc directory.

1997-06-30 Thread Bill Mitchell

On Sun, 29 Jun 1997, Jim Pick wrote:

> One complication I can think of - dselect and the ftp sites have the
> concept of "overrides", where Guy can change the section a package
> is assigned to.  This wouldn't be reflected in the /usr/doc
> directory - of course, this might not really matter.

I think it does matter, as an undesired source of confusion.
It'd be a bad thing to have docs for foo in /usr/doc/utils/foo,
for example, if foo is in section devel and not section utils.

On Sun, 29 Jun 1997, Brian White wrote:

> From a "use" point of view, the user knows what package documentation
> he's looking for when going into /usr/doc, so why does a large directory
> make any difference?
> Let's leave it the way it is.  Splitting it will only make things more
> difficult for users.

someone else (I missed the aqttribution) said:

> > >  The directory is very large when you have a lot of packages
> > > installed, and it takes a lot of processing to open it with a file
> > > manager, web browser, or dired.
> >
> > I completly agree. I have 434 items in /usr/doc, and that's too many.
> > Splitting it up by package section is a very good idea.

I'd agree that a directory with over 400 items in it is probably
excessively unwieldy.

How about creating directories /usr/doc/[a-z], and putting package
doc files into subdirs based on the initial char of the package
name?  That would reduce the unwieldiness of /usr/doc with less
potential for confusion.

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Re: Sub-categorizing the /usr/doc directory.

1997-06-30 Thread Joey Hess
Bill Mitchell:
> someone else (I missed the aqttribution) said:

Me :-)
> > > I completly agree. I have 434 items in /usr/doc, and that's too many.
> > > Splitting it up by package section is a very good idea.
> I'd agree that a directory with over 400 items in it is probably
> excessively unwieldy.
> How about creating directories /usr/doc/[a-z], and putting package
> doc files into subdirs based on the initial char of the package
> name?  That would reduce the unwieldiness of /usr/doc with less
> potential for confusion.

Seems reasonable, though it's a little ugly.

see shy jo

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fiat mode on regarding WWW and documentation

1997-06-30 Thread Bruce Perens
On Sun, 29 Jun 1997, Christoph Lameter wrote:
> This is a non-standard extension of the http protocol!

This is a pretty silly argument. The web server has complete control over
how a compressed document is presented. It can send the document as
"Content-Type: text/html" or as "Content-Type: application/gzip".
The web server can completely hide compression from the browser.

I think we've reached the point of absurdity as far as making browsers
browse Debian documentation directly is concerned. It presents us with
a number of un-resolvable problems:

1. It doesn't allow browsing the Debian documentation from another computer.
   I often run Netscape on Valerie's windows system and use it to read
   documentation served by "boa" on my Debian system. This is something a
   network admin or anyone else who has to know about the system and doesn't
   necessarily have it on their desk might want to do. We should support this
   form of use.

2. It requires hacking of the browsers, or worse, hacking the filesystem, if
   you want to handle compression transparently for all browsers. Ugh!
   Servers handle this so well, let's use them.

3. It forces us to make changes in the system and its tools that have little
   to do with presenting documentation.

So far I'm not convinced by the "let's compress the filesystem" argument.
It doesn't work off of a CD, and it limits the user from using "foriegn"
filesystems that we otherwise fully support.

At this point I'm convinced that dwww should depend on a web server, and
that the server should be able to handle compressed documents. I am willing
to take the (small) hit for "boa" or something else small and fast. I am
willing to support browsers on the system that can browse the documentation
directly, but am not willing to insist that all browsers do so.


Bruce Perens K6BP   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   510-215-3502
Finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP public key.
PGP fingerprint = 88 6A 15 D0 65 D4 A3 A6  1F 89 6A 76 95 24 87 B3 

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Re: fixhrefgz unnecessary when fixing web-browsers in the correct wayR

1997-06-30 Thread Jim Pick

> Hi,
>   Also, 11M may not be a typical install. I get a far higher number:
> __> du -s /usr/doc
> 92026   /usr/doc
>   Uncompressing this is very likely to annoy me.

11M was for my old 386 box (no X installed) - I'm only using about
200M total on that system.  That works out to about 5% of the disk
space.  The system is quite ancient, but it works great as a Linux 
machine.  If you've 92M of documentation - you probably have a much 
larger disk - but the % of space dedicated to documentation is
probably still around 5%.  (My development system has 123M of
docs out of a 2GB filesystem - 6.1%)

I think you'll find that if we compromise, and store most of the
documents in compressed format, except for the HTML documents,
your overall disk consumption will not increase by much (as a
percentage of the overall disk usage) - maybe the percentage of
disk space used for documentation would increase to 7-8% at the 

I'd gladly buy more disk space in order to install more documentation
only packages (if they were available).  Buying disks to store
on-line documentation (even fully uncompressed) is a bargain compared 
to buying off-line books from Tim O'Reilly and company.


 - Jim

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Modula 3 packages

1997-06-30 Thread Stuart Lamble

[please cc any responses to me.]

Is anybody busy working on these? I ask because I'm fairly close to
(hopefully :) creating a working set of rules/control files/etc. for
compiling SRC Modula-3, and associated programs. If all goes well, I
should have them finished within a week or two.

I really, really, really don't have time this semester to maintain
them properly, though ... when November rolls around, I'll be happy
to do so, but before then, I'll be flat out with honours related things
(including the project... joy. Not.. ;) If anybody would be willing to
maintain them properly, I'll be happy to send off a copy of the Debian
files, and appropriate diffs. Otherwise, they'll probably languish in
orphaned obscurity ;)

Oh, yes - one other problem is that the bootstrap compiler is provided
as source code. i386 assembler source, that is. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(last time I tried it - some months back) indicated that SRC M3 is not
really being supported by DEC in any significant way - so it's unlikely
it'll be available for the m68k, Alpha, PowerPC, MIPS, Sparc, ... ports
(unless one of the other bootstrap sets can be used instead.. this might
be possible for the Alpha. I don't know; I only have a 486.)


Stuart. (One time Debian developer, hoping to find the time once his
course is finished to rejoin. :)

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debian-non-US mirrors (was Re: debmake)

1997-06-30 Thread Jim Pick

> I couldnt help but notice that there are no Canadian or even American
> (South or Central) mirrors of debian with the non-us category. 

Actually, I do have one on my server (in Canada):

Canada doesn't have a NSA-like organization that has to protect it's
turf - so the regulations are pretty loose.  The only thing not
permitted is re-exporting crypto stuff that was illegally exported
from the US, AFAIK.


 - Jim

Description: PGP signature

Re: fiat mode on regarding WWW and documentation

1997-06-30 Thread Christoph Lameter
On Sun, 29 Jun 1997, Bruce Perens wrote:

>On Sun, 29 Jun 1997, Christoph Lameter wrote:
>> This is a non-standard extension of the http protocol!
>This is a pretty silly argument. The web server has complete control over
>how a compressed document is presented. It can send the document as
>"Content-Type: text/html" or as "Content-Type: application/gzip".
>The web server can completely hide compression from the browser.

The web-browser does not have complete control about what kind of
decompressors are installed if any. Ok the term I used is probably not
very good. My precision of expression is really lacking ... .
May I would better have said:

This is a non-customary extension to the functionality available in common
web-browsers on non-Linux platforms.

>At this point I'm convinced that dwww should depend on a web server, and
>that the server should be able to handle compressed documents. I am willing
>to take the (small) hit for "boa" or something else small and fast. I am
>willing to support browsers on the system that can browse the documentation
>directly, but am not willing to insist that all browsers do so.

Good. I think the security issue could be taken care of easily since the
developer of boa is a debian developer. We are fortunate to have such
capable people among us! Certainly he might be able to help us with any
functionality we find lacking on the server side.

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Vision of new installation method using webserver

1997-06-30 Thread Christoph Lameter
Since we were talking about including a web-server in the base system here
some thoughts.

I often maintain headless servers. I always have to attach a screen for
the initial install or if something is seriously wrong with the machine.

Lets say I have a new machine fine tuned by the dealer (who put 95 or
something else we dont need on it) in front of me. I'd like to do the

1. Insert Floppy disk and boot
   A) The installation disk will detect frequently used ethernet boards
  and configures an IP address obtained using BOOTP or DHCP. I can
  then usually locate the IP address either via the BOOTP logs on a
  Linux machine or via the NT DHCP display.
   B) The web-server will start running
   C) There is NO user interaction up to this point. Video is not used at

2. I can then use my laptop attached to the ethernet or a nearby
   workstation with any web-browser and connect to the webserver on 
   the new machine

3. Use a web-driven configuration process
   - initial partitioning and formatting
   - running dselect (dwebselect?)

This would simplify the installation process extremely. I could just sent
the installation disk to a customer far away and tell him to insert that
disk into a new machine and I could remotely set it up from home!

I have a customer in Minneapolis for example and I needed someone to do
the initial install before I could take over the system. He put RH on it
since he knew nothing else. I then had to upgrade the system to Debian
via telnet. Uggh.

If the base disks also would include a small textbased web-browser then we
might be able to use the same user interface both for remote and local

Another benefit would be that those machine actually could be ordered
without any video board at all leaving room for more expansion. Right now
we leave a cheap video board in for emergencies.

This move would give us a tremendous advantage over RH in the business
world. If anything is wrong just tell the customer to put in the rescue
disk and we can remotely fix things worldwide (hardware willing to
cooperate of course).

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Re: Vision of new installation method using webserver

1997-06-30 Thread Tim Sailer
In your email to me, Christoph Lameter, you wrote:
> Since we were talking about including a web-server in the base system here
> some thoughts.
> I often maintain headless servers. I always have to attach a screen for
> the initial install or if something is seriously wrong with the machine.
> Lets say I have a new machine fine tuned by the dealer (who put 95 or
> something else we dont need on it) in front of me. I'd like to do the
> following
> 1. Insert Floppy disk and boot
>A) The installation disk will detect frequently used ethernet boards
>   and configures an IP address obtained using BOOTP or DHCP. I can
>   then usually locate the IP address either via the BOOTP logs on a
>   Linux machine or via the NT DHCP display.
>B) The web-server will start running
>C) There is NO user interaction up to this point. Video is not used at
>   all.
> 2. I can then use my laptop attached to the ethernet or a nearby
>workstation with any web-browser and connect to the webserver on 
>the new machine
> 3. Use a web-driven configuration process
>- initial partitioning and formatting
>- running dselect (dwebselect?)
> This would simplify the installation process extremely. I could just sent
> the installation disk to a customer far away and tell him to insert that
> disk into a new machine and I could remotely set it up from home!
> I have a customer in Minneapolis for example and I needed someone to do
> the initial install before I could take over the system. He put RH on it
> since he knew nothing else. I then had to upgrade the system to Debian
> via telnet. Uggh.
> If the base disks also would include a small textbased web-browser then we
> might be able to use the same user interface both for remote and local
> installations. 
> Another benefit would be that those machine actually could be ordered
> without any video board at all leaving room for more expansion. Right now
> we leave a cheap video board in for emergencies.
> This move would give us a tremendous advantage over RH in the business
> world. If anything is wrong just tell the customer to put in the rescue
> disk and we can remotely fix things worldwide (hardware willing to
> cooperate of course).

This is a GREAT idea! A few years ago, I took a look at Plexus
(I think it was written by Tony Samders). It's a complete server
written in Perl. Since we have perl on the resc disk I'll have
to see if I can find another copy. Being all text source based, it
should compress fine to save space.


  Actually, I *do* know everything. I just don't get paid enough to show it.
** Disclaimer: My views/comments/beliefs, as strange as they are, are my own.**

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Re: Vision of new installation method using webserver

1997-06-30 Thread Jim Pick

Sounds slick.  It wouldn't be too hard to do.  It would be slick to
have some more network smarts (like DHCP, and dialup to an ISP) on 
the boot disks (or some variant thereof).

As for configuration via the web - check out the GPL'd Java telnet applet
I've got installed on my webserver (
- a simple solution would be to put that on the install disks, along
with a small web server and some CGI scripts to do the initial
configuration - and bingo, you can configure the machine from any
Netscape or Internet Explorer machine than can talk HTTP, FTP,
and Telnet to it.  (of course, firewalls can be a pain)


 - Jim

Description: PGP signature

Re: fiat mode on regarding WWW and documentation

1997-06-30 Thread Bruce Perens
From: Christoph Lameter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> This is a non-customary extension to the functionality available in common
> web-browsers on non-Linux platforms.

As far as I can tell you could have written it as "we really need a web
server here, unless all web browsers are guaranteed to be able to do
uncompression, and just maybe we need them to do _transparent_ uncompression.

I still have a problem understanding why one would not do all of this in
the server. Sure, using a direct browser is potentially faster, so use one
when you can, don't make everyone use one.

Bruce Perens K6BP   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   510-215-3502
Finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP public key.
PGP fingerprint = 88 6A 15 D0 65 D4 A3 A6  1F 89 6A 76 95 24 87 B3 

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Re: Vision of new installation method using webserver

1997-06-30 Thread Bruce Perens
No, we don't have perl on the rescue disk. However really tiny servers
that handle CGI are probably possible.

Bruce Perens K6BP   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   510-215-3502
Finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP public key.
PGP fingerprint = 88 6A 15 D0 65 D4 A3 A6  1F 89 6A 76 95 24 87 B3 

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