Re: Sources consisting of multiple tarballs

1998-10-16 Thread Stuart Lamble
> On Sat, Oct 10, 1998 at 01:56:06PM +1000, Stuart Lamble wrote:
> > 
> > The bootstrap compiler is distributed (mostly) as assembler
> > source, so they're clearly platform dependant. The sources
> > for the rest of the system are distributed as Modula 3 source
> > code, so they're clearly platform _in_dependant. Unfortunately,
> > the pm3 makefiles are setup in such a way as to require the
> > bootstrap sources to be unpacked as part of the Modula 3 source
> > code tree heirarchy.
> Couldn't you extract the arch dep parts in different subdirectories and move
> them to the correct place in the debian/rules file just before building?
> So you would put all sources in one source package.

I could do that, yes. The main problem is that, as far as I can tell,
there are currently only i386 sources for the arch dependant stuff at
the upstream site (the address for which I've misplaced.. d'oh..)

Doing things this way would entail a new source package each time a
new architecture is bootstrapped. Probably the cleanest way overall,
though, when all's said and done.. and no doubt Guy (or whoever's
currently maintaining the FTP archive) would be happy to assist with
fixing source packages and the like.

Thanks for the suggestion.

Modula 3 packages

1997-06-30 Thread Stuart Lamble

[please cc any responses to me.]

Is anybody busy working on these? I ask because I'm fairly close to
(hopefully :) creating a working set of rules/control files/etc. for
compiling SRC Modula-3, and associated programs. If all goes well, I
should have them finished within a week or two.

I really, really, really don't have time this semester to maintain
them properly, though ... when November rolls around, I'll be happy
to do so, but before then, I'll be flat out with honours related things
(including the project... joy. Not.. ;) If anybody would be willing to
maintain them properly, I'll be happy to send off a copy of the Debian
files, and appropriate diffs. Otherwise, they'll probably languish in
orphaned obscurity ;)

Oh, yes - one other problem is that the bootstrap compiler is provided
as source code. i386 assembler source, that is. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(last time I tried it - some months back) indicated that SRC M3 is not
really being supported by DEC in any significant way - so it's unlikely
it'll be available for the m68k, Alpha, PowerPC, MIPS, Sparc, ... ports
(unless one of the other bootstrap sets can be used instead.. this might
be possible for the Alpha. I don't know; I only have a 486.)


Stuart. (One time Debian developer, hoping to find the time once his
course is finished to rejoin. :)

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Modula-3 packages (Re: Experimental Anon-CVS Access)

1997-12-21 Thread Stuart Lamble
For those on debian-devel: this started with a discussion about various
CVS access methods for those on the Gnome mailing list. It then got
slightly sidetracked to discuss Modula 3 (CVSup is written in M3.)

Jim Pick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>"Thomas G. Lockhart"  writes:
>> We started using CVSup for the PostgreSQL project back in September. We
>> got great support from the developer, John Polstra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>> and it has been working well^H^H^H^H very well for us since.
>Is that the size of Modula 3 the only big problem?

Yes. The other problem -- much smaller -- is that the CVSup makefiles
are very FreeBSD-specific. That's easily got around, though.. they
only invoke m3build for each directory. (AFAICT)

>> The biggest downside is the cost of the first
>> installation: ~200MB to install Modula3! (This is my recollection,
>> and there may be ways to shrink that substantially.)
>That's what's holding me back on Linux - there isn't a Debian package of
>Modula 3, and it looks like a big job to make one up.

It is. Believe me. I've got a preliminary package virtually finished of
Modula 3 -- it's working quite nicely, actually. On and off, it took me
about five or six months to do it (mind you, that was in the middle of
the university year, so it probably would have taken about one month
otherwise.) The only thing that's really holding me back from releasing
it is the problem of producing both libc5- and libc6-based shared
libraries. (Oh, and as yet, I haven't compiled it against libc6.)

If the general consensus is that this isn't a problem, I'll be more
than happy to downgrade (currently running a sort-of-upgraded-to-hamm
system :), and produce the packages.

As for shrinking the ~200MB for Modula 3 -- that's easily done. I
could provide (libc5-based, unfortunately) shared libraries for M3
programs -- libm3, etc. -- which require around 3 or 4MB; or CVSup can
be linked statically (which dramatically reduces that overhead.)

Once I've got M3 working to my satisfaction, it'll go into experimental
(I _definitely_ want feedback from M3 users with regards to how I've
split up the packages). When it's in the main distribution, I'll also
be packaging up CVSup, which should be fairly easy. (especially in
comparison to M3 :-)


  * University closes on Wednesday (24th December), re-opening on
January 5th.
  * I look like starting full-time work on January 12th (assuming all
goes well with various interviews, etc.. I've made it past the
first interview for a job I'm rather interested in.)
  * I _don't_ have any Internet connection other than Monash.
  * My Monash accounts will be (mostly) deleted around the end of
  * I don't know if/when I'll be able to get Internet access from home.
(my father's being a _real_ stick-in-the-mud in this respect -- and
besides, I can't afford a second phone line right now, which, as
far as my father's concerned, is a pre-requisite. Ah, the joys of
living at home with the parents.. :-/ )

The first issue isn't a major hassle. Neither is the second, as I'll
still be able to hop onto university machines for a while. The third
and fourth issues _are_ the hassles at the moment -- I don't know if
I'll be able to keep everything up-to-date.

As things stand, I'm hoping that a colleague will keep open my
accounts on certain systems in the library. If that's the case, it'll
be a simple matter to use those systems to keep in touch until I get
full connectivity through an ISP of some sort. Otherwise...

I'll put copies of the debian/ directory (from the bootstrap compiler
and the Modula-3 sources) on my webpage, and email debian-devel when
it's accessible.

Somebody else wrote, in a subsequent email message:
> I think someone with programming experience and Debian package
> building experience could put together a M3 package with no more
> trouble than doing something like libc6...  non-trivial, but not
> undoable.  If it's not done in two years, I'll take a shot at it.

As I've already said, it's practically done. I'm happy to make my
work available to those who are interested.

Be warned: a lot of the work is done in a number of shell scripts
that make extensive use of sed. They probably should be rewritten
in Perl; I've started doing so, but since I'm also learning Perl
as I go, it'll take some time. :-)

Build time: I have a 486 DX4-100, with 48MB of RAM, and a fair chunk
(2.1G, I think) of (IDE) hard drive. It takes around 3 to 4 hours from
start to finish. (This includes all the shuffling around of files into
the Debian package heirarchy, the generation of diff files, etc.)

Cheers.. Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, etc. to all involved in
the Debian and Gnome projects.

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Re: Bug#16663: lyx: depends on xforms0

1998-01-07 Thread Stuart Lamble
In a private email to me, Gergely Madarasz wrote:
> Btw, I just see the note in the changelog that you dont have time to
> maintain lyx... i could take it over.

Well, that note was accurate at the time I wrote it. :-) I'm about to
start full-time work, so I should have more time to maintain Debian
packages than I did whilst at university.

The key problem is Internet access. I have several accounts, all at
Monash University:

  * Computer center systems ([EMAIL PROTECTED],
[EMAIL PROTECTED]). These will be deleted any time
soon (they're staff accounts, I no longer work as a casual at Monash.)
  * Yoyo account ([EMAIL PROTECTED]). Should last until at
least March, possibly April or May depending on the sysadmin.
  * Novell account ([EMAIL PROTECTED]). Will be disabled at
the end of February.
  * Accounts on Linux systems in the library ([EMAIL PROTECTED]).
Should last indefinitely (I know the sysadmin ;-)

I'm intending to get myself a permanent connection to my home (yes, I'm
addicted to email, amongst other things :-) When that happens, I'll be
picking up again with the project:

  * LyX (if nobody else has taken it over. I'm _sure_ somebody said that
he'd do it..)
  * fsp (it seems to be unwanted, unloved, ... ;-)
  * Modula-3 (compiles into packages just fine with libc5; there are
issues to deal with under libc6.)
  * cvsup (once Modula-3 is working properly.)

I should be back in action within a month or two. As for LyX -- the best
way to proceed would probably be to package 0.11.46 or something of the
sort. (0.12.0pre6, perhaps?)

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Sources consisting of multiple tarballs

1998-10-10 Thread Stuart Lamble
Simple (conceptually) problem:

I'm working on packaging the pm3 Modula 3 distribution for
Debian, and have run into a problem. There are two tarballs
that are available for this: the bootstrap compiler, and the
sources for the rest of the system. Once M3 is up and running,
you can generate a bootstrap compiler for a different platform,
so the system as a whole is not dependant upon a particular
platform (eg: i386 Linux.)

The bootstrap compiler is distributed (mostly) as assembler
source, so they're clearly platform dependant. The sources
for the rest of the system are distributed as Modula 3 source
code, so they're clearly platform _in_dependant. Unfortunately,
the pm3 makefiles are setup in such a way as to require the
bootstrap sources to be unpacked as part of the Modula 3 source
code tree heirarchy.

I don't want to have a source package on the Debian archives that
is platform dependant; that's just silly (and counterproductive:
most of it will be platform independant.) Is it possible to say
to dpkg that "this directory is platform dependant, that directory
is platform independant, so package them up separately to save
space"? Or will I have to bite the bullet and distribute one set
of sources for the i386, and in the future be faced with redundant
source sets for the Alpha and other platforms?

Comments and suggestions are much sought after.

(Status of the packaging? Um... back to square one after ditching
Digital's SRC M3, due to its inability to support glibc..)

Re: /usr/local (again)

1996-09-03 Thread Stuart Lamble

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bruce Perens) wrote:
>What I object to is another question in the postinst. I installed several
>Debian systems last week, and there were too many questions - the effect
>was that you could not let the installation run unattended. What's worse,
>some maintainers have placed questions in the pre-install script - and
>then you get questions all during the installation instead of just at the


Just a suggestion (and probably not a very good one): where a package needs
to ask a question, perhaps it'd be appropriate to have a script
postinst.questions (or some such) which can be run after all the other
packages have been installed and configured? At least that way, all the
questions would bombard you at once, instead of halting installation
halfway through.

By all means, shoot me down in flames if you want to. :-)

(As an incidental aside, the reason I've got a question in the fsp postinst
is that it didn't make a great deal of sense to split fsp into two packages
- fspclient and fspserver, say - when the server is only about 30kB. If
that is wrong, by all means let me know, and I'll correct it; it would be
one way of getting rid of at least one postinst question :-)

Re: Packages to give away

1996-09-18 Thread Stuart Lamble

Michael Meskes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

In case of emergency, I can take over this. (I use it myself, actually ... :-)

Bug#4530: ld cannot find most shared libraries

1996-09-22 Thread Stuart Lamble

David Frey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>This is (IMO) a bug in the upstream sources. (I'm not sure whether this
>>is confined to certain directories or not, especially since libc doesn't
>>have this problem.)
>This is the way ELF-ld functions at the moment (as far as I understand it).
>IMO the programmer's manual (chapter 12) should mention that you should 
>install the -dev packages, if you wish to compile something, since the 
>links are only
>contained in the -dev packages.

Ah. The problem is, I'm using the XFree86 3.1.2D libraries, with the server
currently at 3.1.2Ek (I think; can't remember the exact version.) These
libraries _don't_ come with such symlinks, and they aren't added by ldconfig
at any point. (that, as an incidental aside, is why vim 4.4 - when I get
around to finishing it off, and uploading it - won't have support for X
compiled in: incompatible libraries.)

This behaviour is extremely annoying, especially if I have to install some
other library that isn't available as a Debian package for some reason. (I
don't really have the time to maintain more packages - university work and
all that.) At least I can work around it.


Bug#4594: VIM: no help, no conffiles

1996-09-26 Thread Stuart Lamble

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (J.H.M.Dassen) wrote:
>Package: vim
>Version: 4.4-1
>/usr/doc/vim/vim_tips.txt.gz explains how to make vim function with
>compressed helpfiles (which are gzipped as per the guidelines)
>in the section "Compressing the help files".
>However, this vim package doesn't use this tip:

That'll teach me not to package up something without R'ingTFM :-)

>Also, /usr/doc/vim/changelog.debian.gz says:
>  * redirected global vimrc/gvimrc to /etc
>but the package doesn't include these files at all. It should include
>at least empty versions of them, as conffiles.

Fair comment, I'd guess. I'll fiddle around when I get time; unfortunately,
I've got lab work and assignments coming out of my ears at the moment. :-(
(Ah, university...what fun.)

I appreciate the bug report.

Bug#4594: VIM: no help, no conffiles

1996-09-30 Thread Stuart Lamble

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Wichert Akkerman) wrote:
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (J.H.M.Dassen) wrote:
>> >Package: vim
>> >Version: 4.4-1
>>From the vim development pages:
>Latest News 
>So - which is the latest beta? Please read the (latest) announcement so you
>know what the new features are! Test them all and test them
>thoroughly! Thanks!! Outlook: 
>  Release of vim4.2 to the public 
>So I guess the version should be 4.2-1 instead of 4.4-1?

No, 4.4 was released on Bram's ftp site a little while ago. I elected to
package it up rather than 4.2 because 4.2 has a somewhat more restrictive
copyright ("if you include it on a CD, you should send me a copy", or
words to that effect.) As far as I can tell, 4.4, although considered a
beta, is mainly bugfixes to 4.2.

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XF86 betas (Re: D68K: The next step...)

1996-08-02 Thread Mr Stuart Lamble
llucius wrote:
> Actually, I've not gotten to "The Next Step" yet anyway.  I finally bit 
> the bullet and downloaded XFree86 (whew!), compiled it, and am now going 
> through all the X related packages.

Speaking of X, as a member of the beta team (XFree86), I have access to
the source code for the XF86 betas. Would it be worthwhile setting up
packages for these in the contrib section? In particular, I'm kind of
annoyed that if I want support for my W32p (revision A), I have to go
to 3.1.2E - and it's not available for Debian. Net result: either I
have proper support for my card, and can't install new X-based packages
(dpkg barfs at the postinst and configuration stages), or I'm stuck with
the SVGA server.

Before you ask - no, I am _not_ going to provide the source code to
the betas to the world in general. Nor diffs. (I'm just trying to get
16/24bpp modes going on the cards - and getting nowhere fast, it seems.
Oh well, maybe by Feb next year...)

I'm on a low-fat, high stress diet: coffee and fingernails.

Re: XF86 betas (Re: D68K: The next step...)

1996-08-02 Thread Mr Stuart Lamble
> Mr Stuart Lamble writes:
> >annoyed that if I want support for my W32p (revision A), I have to go
> >to 3.1.2E - and it's not available for Debian. Net result: either I
> >have proper support for my card, and can't install new X-based packages
> >(dpkg barfs at the postinst and configuration stages), or I'm stuck with
> >the SVGA server.
> Not at all.  Install the svga server using dselect.  Put it on hold.
> Get the 3.1.2E server binary, install it, adjust /etc/X11/config.
> I'm doing just this to run the current Mach64 card, since my RAMDAC
> isn't supported by the non-beta 3.1.2.  No problems at all.

Strictly speaking, if you install the 3.1.2E server, you're supposed to
install the 3.1.2D libs as well - 3.1.2D was a complete replacement for
3.1.2, and 3.1.2E is supposed to be a drop-in server replacement for the
3.1.2D server when it expired.

That's what I'm carping on about. :-)

I'm on a low-fat, high stress diet: coffee and fingernails.

Bug#4003: minor typo in dchanges

1996-08-02 Thread Mr Stuart Lamble
Package: dchanges
Version: 3.4

If dchanges finds an old style file name, it gives the following messages:

Deb file ok: libelf-dev_0.5.2-1_i386.deb
Deb file ok: libelf_0.5.2-1_i386.deb
WARNING: old style file name: libelf-0.5.2-1.tar.gz
  should be: libelf_0.5.2-1.deb
WARNING: old style file name: libelf-0.5.2-1.diff.gz
  should be: libelf_0.5.2-1.diff.gz
File ok: libelf_0.5.2-1.changes
2 warning(s) - hit return to continue

The problem with .tar.gz can be fixed by applying the following (trivial :)

--- dchanges.oldWed Jul 31 20:56:47 1996
+++ dchangesWed Jul 31 20:57:36 1996
@@ -477,7 +477,7 @@
   if [ "$TAR_FN" = "${SOURCE}-${VERSION}.tar.gz" ]
stderr  "WARNING: old style file name: ${TAR_FN}"
-   warning "  should be: ${SOURCE}_${VERSION}.deb"
+   warning "  should be: ${SOURCE}_${VERSION}.tar.gz"
stderr "ERROR: Source file incorrectly named: $TAR_FN"
error  "   expected ${SOURCE}_${VERSION}.tar.gz"

unzip_5.12-13 uploaded to master

1996-08-04 Thread Mr Stuart Lamble
Hmm. Forgot to mention that there's a new maintainer. Oh, well.

Date: 03 Aug 96 09:31 UT
Format: 1.6
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: Low
Maintainer: Stuart Lamble <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Source: unzip
Version: 5.12-13
Binary:  unzip
Architecture:  i386 source
 unzip: De-archiver for .zip files
 Uses dpkg-name to move the new .deb file rather than manually moving it;
 fixed lack of multi-architecture support (Bug #3916); added a long
 description (Bug #3693)
 283be7478726af74046fc37c958e65ce  376767  non-free  -  unzip_5.12-13.tar.gz
 61747a13a7163f0f7e9d247189e539d6  5410  non-free  -  unzip_5.12-13.diff.gz
 3a1a2042288e6a1a3e3ae64aadbaba4d  81566  non-free  extra  

Version: 2.6.3i
Charset: noconv


zip_2.01-13 uploaded to master

1996-08-04 Thread Mr Stuart Lamble
Another one that I forgot to mention the new maintainer in...oh, well,
put it down to a late night. :-)

Date: 03 Aug 96 09:37 UT
Format: 1.6
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: Low
Maintainer: Stuart Lamble <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Source: zip
Version: 2.01-13
Binary:  zip
Architecture:  i386 source
 zip: Archiver for .zip files
 Uses dpkg-name rather than manually moving the .deb file; added
 multi-architecture support (Bug #3934); added a long description
 (Bug #3692)
 212592616f41a0802ca3c213b61ff458  232659  non-free  -  zip_2.01-13.tar.gz
 2a1d9db4160065719a8d6fa150d9ad14  5544  non-free  -  zip_2.01-13.diff.gz
 81aa10e764b4038207772ce46b60eaae  59380  non-free  extra  zip_2.01-13_i386.deb

Version: 2.6.3i
Charset: noconv


vim_3.0-6 uploaded to master

1996-08-04 Thread Mr Stuart Lamble
Hopefully, this will be the last modifications made to vim 3.0 - version
4.2 is out (with restrictions on distribution on CDs), and 4.3 is due in
a few weeks (without those restrictions). I'll be upgrading the sources
to 4.3 when it's released.


Date: 02 Aug 96 07:30 UT
Format: 1.6
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: Low
Maintainer: Stuart Lamble <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Source: vim
Version: 3.0-6
Binary:  vim
Architecture:  i386 source
 vim: VI iMproved - enhanced vi editor
 New maintainer; fixed lack of multi-architecture support (Bug #3924);
 added a "Depends" field (now depends on libc5 and ncurses3.0, as it
 should); corrected the permissions of postinst and prerm.
 e0cd25093f4a8889f6f5a4a41ab9d4d3  470134  editors  -  vim_3.0-6.tar.gz
 6c9dbcfd3e864dd448d00114408b49b0  15989  editors  -  vim_3.0-6.diff.gz
 69ae44cfc446937a191785445c5f6bd2  20  editors  optional  vim_3.0-6_i386.deb

Version: 2.6.3i
Charset: noconv


Re: New virtual packages suggestion (make)

1996-08-06 Thread Mr Stuart Lamble
> The problem with this approach is that it breaks everything that assumes  
> that make is the GNU make - for instance, the kernel. And probably several  
> debian.rules files.

It would probably be a fair assumption to say that make, under Linux, is
GNU make: the average user would have this installed. I very much doubt
that anybody, except very serious developers, would have any other version
of make installed.

I don't believe that this sort of a change is necessary.

Windows is not the answer. Windows is the question. Linux is the answer. for all your PC software requirements. ;-)

Re: Bug#4078: lynx should be in `contrib'

1996-08-13 Thread Mr Stuart Lamble
Michael Meskes wrote:
> Ian Jackson writes:
> > No, because packages which depend on contrib packages must go in
> > contrib too.
> Hmm, that wasn't what was said a while ago when we moved xforms.
> I'd like to ask the other developers what they think. While I see th elogic
> behind your approach I still think LyX should be an official part of Debian.
> What happens if I recompile it statically? Would it go into the standard
> tree then?

If you're going to recompile it statically, I beg of you, provide a non-
statically linked version too (in a separate package, perhaps). One of my
major gripes about many programs is that they are larger than they need to
be, because they are statically linked, and I've got the libraries installed
on my system.

I've only got 350MB allocated to Linux...! :-)

Windows is not the answer. Windows is the question. Linux is the answer. for all your PC software requirements. ;-)

Re: CC's on this mailing list

1996-08-15 Thread Mr Stuart Lamble
> Dale Scheetz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > In fact it would be nice if this message didn't go to you twice, but
> > I don't see any easy way to avoid this, short of writing more
> > functionality into the list manager.
> I may have already said this, but for those interested, gnus will
> generally remove duplicates for you if you want it to.  It keeps a
> cache of incoming mail message ID's and can be cofigured to do
> anything you want with the duplicates.  I have it place them in a
> separate mail group which I just trash every now and then.

All very nice, but it dodges the major reason for people disliking duplicate
copies of messages: they pay for their PPP link (or UUCP feed, or whatever).
Identifying duplicates by their message IDs means that you have to download
both messages, unless you can do the filtering at your ISP's end of the link.

I'm not overly concerned personally at the moment - I'm at university, and
the government pays for my feed :-) - but it's generally not good etiquette
full stop.

Windows is not the answer. Windows is the question. Linux is the answer. for all your PC software requirements. ;-)

Bug#4161: dev/idsn instead of isdn in MAKEDEV

1996-08-15 Thread Mr Stuart Lamble
> Package: base
> Version: 1.1.0-14
> the: 
> makedev idsn$no c 45 $no $system
> makedev idsnctrl$no c 45 `math 64 + $no` $system
> should read:
> makedev idsn$no c 45 $no $system
> makedev idsnctrl$no c 45 `math 64 + $no` $system

You mean:

should read:
   makedev isdn$no   c 45 $no $system
   makedev [EMAIL PROTECTED]   c 45 `math 64 + $no` $system

perhaps? :-)

Location for libelf?

1996-08-18 Thread Mr Stuart Lamble
Ok, I've fiddled around, and have reached the stage where I can upload
libelf to master. The one question I have is: should it go into contrib,
or devel? Currently, the library is considered to be in alpha stages -
it's definitely usable, but there you are.

I seem to recall that alpha stuff should go into contrib; but recent
discussion on this list appears to contradict that. Anybody want to come
down one way or the other?

Cheers (and thanks).

Re: Uploaded: mount 2.5l-1

1996-08-19 Thread Mr Stuart Lamble
> Urgency: Low

Where a security fix is involved, shouldn't the urgency be a little bit
higher than "low"? (especially where the problem affects many systems.)

fsp_2.71-3 and libelf_0.5.2-1 uploaded

1996-08-25 Thread Mr Stuart Lamble

I've finally got around to doing these. I'm not entirely sure that
libelf belongs in devel, but since nobody has responded to my queries
on this matter... shrug. Bug me if I'm wrong.


Date: 23 Aug 96 11:07 UT
Format: 1.6
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: Low
Maintainer: Stuart Lamble <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Source: fsp
Version: 2.71-3
Binary:  fsp
Architecture:  i386 source
 fsp: An alternative to anonymous FTP
 - Fixed a typo in fhostcmd.1 (c/o Michael Meskes)
 - all man pages are now compressed with gzip -9
 - added postinst script to automatically add fspd to /etc/inetd.conf
 - added corresponding prerm to disable fspd. :-) (thanks to Michael Meskes
   for his help with these)
 - moved fspd.conf from the examples directory to /etc
 - added /etc/fspd.conf to the (new :-) conffiles listing
 - moved /usr/doc/examples/fsp to /usr/doc/fsp/examples
 - added a changelog (probably not in the right format, though),
 - removed the changes list from the copyright information file.
 3b5519778f783eaffaa6a00c0e3565c5  158691  net  -  fsp_2.71-3.tar.gz
 1348cbec478132d88556d9ab7acc0bea  17400  net  -  fsp_2.71-3.diff.gz
 8ee57ea4d9b6337a934ee6f8df8ae14a  81032  net  optional  fsp_2.71-3_i386.deb

Version: 2.6.3i
Charset: noconv


Date: 24 Aug 96 09:01 UT
Format: 1.6
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: Low
Maintainer: Stuart Lamble <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Source: libelf
Version: 0.5.2-1
Binary:  libelf-dev libelf
Architecture:  i386 source
 libelf-dev: an ELF object file access library (development files)
 libelf: an ELF object file access library
 New packages - added the Debian control files.
 8db6879839857d86c9b92188b2f8a2dd  56314  devel  -  libelf_0.5.2-1.tar.gz
 c1b1205b7dc23a4bc3a8a9c597726498  2376  devel  -  libelf_0.5.2-1.diff.gz
 23bb5fa903aec29b20f881e60a101f98  67034  devel  Optional  
 80d5d2fea886ebbd69d6b47de2d1d61f  51204  devel  Optional  

Version: 2.6.3i
Charset: noconv


Bug#4272: ncftp core dumping

1996-08-27 Thread Mr Stuart Lamble

It didn't core dump on me, but it _did_ start going into an infinite
loop when the xterm reached around 180 columns. On investigation, the
problem appears to be the typedef:

typedef string char[160];

If the xterm is wider than around 160 characters, overruns start to
occur. This is Not a Good Thing(tm). Fixing this is not incredibly
difficult, but it _is_ tedious - I had a quick try yesterday, and
ncftp definitely started core dumping with the quick and dirty fix
I tried. *sighs*

Anybody want to forward this bug report (with this note attached :-)
to the upstream author? (the submitter was correct when he said he
thought it was an ncftp bug - it most definitely is.) In the worst
case, I'll submit a diff around the end of the year. (don't have time
before then to even _think_ about fiddling around with code that's
not mine to worry about. :-)

vim 4.2?

1996-09-13 Thread Mr Stuart Lamble

I've received a few emails since I took over vim, asking if vim 4.2
has yet been packaged in debian format. The stock response has been
that, since 4.2 introduced a condition - "distribute vim on a CD-ROM,
and you should/must send me a copy of that CD-ROM" - I decided not to.
Would it perhaps be reasonable to package up 4.2, and place it in the
non-free section, especially considering that 4.3 (currently in beta
test) will remove that condition?

It's been at least a month since I took over 3.0, and a number of
people are probably getting impatient :-)


Bug#4530: ld cannot find most shared libraries

1996-09-20 Thread Mr Stuart Lamble

Package: ldso
Version: 1.8.2-1

I've recently had problems linking programs non-statically with (e.g.) the
X11 libraries, etc. Static libraries are fine, shared have problems. Upon
investigation, and discussion with a friend, it appears that ld cannot find
files of the form:

etc. - there has to be a symlink for libfoo to be found. Upon
creating such symlinks, everything worked fine. (well, once I got rid of
the /lib/ => /lib/ link, that is :-) Oops. :)

This is (IMO) a bug in the upstream sources. (I'm not sure whether this
is confined to certain directories or not, especially since libc doesn't
have this problem.)

contemplations of libelf

1996-09-27 Thread Mr Stuart Lamble

Well, after a lot of fiddling and hacking and threatening of dpkg, I finally
managed to get libelf compiling with compliant sources. Before I
upload it, though, I want a few things cleared up:

  1) Should I rename the package to "libelf0" (Replaces: and Conflicts: libelf)
 in the same way that libc has libc4 and libc5?
  2) Since libelf has a couple of header files also found in libc (which
 really shouldn't be there IMO, since libc doesn't implement those
 functions), I've added a Replaces: libc. Is this a Bad Thing(tm)? (it
 seemed the right thing to do when I was poking around the policy/
 programmers' manual...)

I'd appreciate responses; I don't want to tread on anybody's toes here...