Re: kernel-{image,headers} package bloat

2001-04-22 Thread esoR ocsirF
On Sun, Apr 22, 2001 at 09:59:42PM +1000, Craig Sanders wrote:
  I compile my own kernels, and have for a long time. But it's a pain to
 in that case, a far better solution is a package containing a bunch
 of pre-generated kernel .config files, plus a menu script to copy
 call it kernel-helper and make it depend on kernel-package.
 problem solved.

OK, this all seems very fun and all but wouldn't making the kernel
recompile an automatic process solve the whole kit'n'kabootle?

I haven't tried this but

looks seriously promising, especially as I read somewhere that it may be
included into 2.5.x and future kernels

If this has been considered and discarded for reasons I don't know about
please disregard this message ;)
Frisco Rose By any other name, I would smell the same
EOU Student Physics Instructor  and Nice guy

Physics Mathematics Computer Science

foo = [, quark., strange., charm., quasar., galaxy., \
physics., cs[0-17]., scijou.]
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   where 0 = n  10

Re: rsync mirror script for pools - first pre alpha release

2001-01-05 Thread esoR ocsirF
On Wed, Jan 03, 2001 at 08:13:26PM +0100, Goswin Brederlow wrote:
 Suggestions to the script are welcome, esspecially: How do I make
 debconf popup a checklist like:
 | What distributions should be mirrored? |
 | [ ] potato |
 | [ ] woody  |
 | [ ] sid|
Maybe I am stupid. Wouldn't it be more reasonable to ask for 
 | What distributions should be mirrored? |
 | Dist. Code Name|
 | [ ] Stable(potato) |
 | [ ] Testing   (woody)  |
 | [ ] Unstable  (sid)|

I would like to set up our local partial mirror to run without
attendance through multiple releases. If I hard code the release
candidate name into the mirror script, wont it just break when testing
goes stable?

Frisco Rose By any other name, I would smell the same
Physics  Mathematics  Computer Science

INTACT Director

RFC: pools and catagories of packages

2000-12-28 Thread esoR ocsirF
IANAD, but I would like to suggest an idea that I had. There has been a
lot of interest in getting packages arranged by different
catagorizations, something like the menu. Most ideas that I have seen so
far seem to imply adding new fields to the debs, but his seems like
overkill to me.

Couldn't a new packages be created, something like a Catagories.deb that
contained a databased of entries for each type? like...
and when somebody thought that a package should be added to a catagory
they just submitted a bug against the catagory package. Extra catagories
could be added by bug requests also. This would allow package maintaners
the ability to say where there packages belong but also the users would
be able to feed back into the catagories as well.

This would require some modification to the package front ends and allow
the current system to stay intact without modification.

Frisco Rose By any other name, I would smell the same
Physics  Mathematics  Computer Science

INTACT Director

Re: partial mirroring script (that actually doesn't work)

2000-12-23 Thread esoR ocsirF
I administer a small partial mirror at my school and was trying to get
it to handle stable and testing. I used the script in the previous
meesage in this thread but it actually doesn't work, well not
completely. I had to make a few modifications to it and it populates the
mirror ok but I get nothing under pools. Is this because only sid is
populating the pool? If so are there going to be any packages in the
pool from testing before the next release?

Also is there anyway to check the integrity of a partial mirror? It
would be nice to know that everything is as it should be.

I attached the modified script so that it can be had as a reference.

Does anybody have plans to implement a standard method for partial
mirroring? It would seem that there is a fairly high demand for it.
Also is w.d.o/mirror going to be updated with a pool aware script
anytime soon?

Frisco Rose By any other name, I would smell the same
Physics  Mathematics  Computer Science

INTACT Director

#!/bin/bash -e
# Anon rsync partial mirror of Debian with package pool support.
# Copyright 1999, 2000 by Joey Hess [EMAIL PROTECTED], GPL'd.
# Copyright 2000 by Marco d'Itri [EMAIL PROTECTED].
# Copyright 2000 by Frisco Rose [EMAIL PROTECTED]

FLAGS_VERBOSE=--stats -v

# Flags to pass to rsync. More can be specified on the command line.
# These flags are always passed to rsync:
FLAGS=$@ -rLpt --partial

# These flags are not passed in when we are getting files from pools.
# In particular, --delete is a horrid idea at that point, but good here.
FLAGS_NOPOOL=$FLAGS $FLAGS_VERBOSE --exclude Packages --delete

# And these flags are passed in only when we are getting files from pools.
# Remember, do _not_ include --delete.

# Until debian and debian-non-US are united we need to keep them seperate

# The host to connect to (with rsync package name appended).$ROOT

# Where to put the mirror (absolute path, please):

# Architecture to mirror:

# Should source be mirrored too?

# The sections to mirror (main, non-free, etc):
SECTIONS=main contrib non-free

# The distribution to mirror:
if [ $ROOT = debian ]; then
   DISTS=stable testing
   DISTS=stable/non-US testing/non-US

# Should a contents file kept up to date?

# Should symlinks be generated to every deb, in an all directory?
# I find this is very handy to ease looking up deb filenames.

rsync () {
   if [ $FLAGS_VERBOSE ]; then
  echo ===
  echo rsync $@
   /usr/bin/rsync $@

if [ $SOURCE = yes ]; then

mkdir -p $DEST/$ROOT
HOSTNAME=`hostname --fqdn`


date -u  $LOCK

# Snarf the contents file.
if [ $CONTENTS = yes ]; then
   for DIST in $DISTS; do
  mkdir -p $DEST/$ROOT/dists/$DIST
 $HOST/dists/$DIST/Contents-${ARCH}.gz \

# Download packages files (and .debs and sources too, until we move fully
# to pools).
for type in binary-all binary-${ARCH} $DISKS $SOURCE; do
   for section in $SECTIONS; do
   if [ $type = disks-${ARCH} -a $section != main ]; then continue; fi
  for DIST in $DISTS; do
 mkdir -p $DEST/$ROOT/dists/$DIST/$section/$type
$HOST/dists/$DIST/$section/$type \

# Update the package pool.
# TODO: probably needs to be optimized, we'll see as time goes by..
mkdir -p $DEST/$ROOT/pool
cd $DEST/$ROOT/pool || exit 1
:  .filelist

# Get a list of all the files that are in the pool based on the Packages
# files that were already updated. Thanks to aj for the awk-fu.
for DIST in $DISTS; do
   for file in `find $DEST/$ROOT/dists/$DIST -name Packages.gz | \
  xargs -r zgrep -i ^Filename: | cut -d ' ' -f 2 | \
  grep ^pool/` \
   `find $DEST/$ROOT/dists/$DIST -name Sources.gz | \
  xargs -r zcat | awk '   /^Directory:/ \
  {D=$2} /Files:/,/^$/ \
  { \
 if ($1 != Files:  $0 != ) \
 print D / $3; \
  }' | \
  grep ^pool/`
   DIRS=`dirname $file` $DIRS
   echo $file  .filelist

if [ -e .filelist -a ! -s .filelist ]; then
  echo WARNING: empty .filelist!

# Remove leading pool from all files in the file list.
# The ./ we change it to is there so the 

Re: partial mirroring script (that actually doesn't work)

2000-12-23 Thread esoR ocsirF
Sorry about replying to my own message but there is one little thing 
missing from the script. It doesn't make the codename symlinks to the 
distributions. Here is a fix for that. I put it just before the pools 
get handled.

# Generate the sym links that refer to each of the dists
for DIST in $DISTS; do
   zgrep ^Filename
   $DEST/$ROOT/dists/$DIST/main/binary-$(ARCH)/Packages.gz | \
   head -1 | cut -d / -f 2  $SYMDIST
   ln -s $DEST/$ROOT/dists/$DIST $DEST/$ROOT/dists/$SYMDIS

Frisco Rose By any other name, I would smell the same
Physics  Mathematics  Computer Science

INTACT Director

Re: Boost Windows Reliability!!!!!

2000-12-22 Thread esoR ocsirF
On Sat, Dec 23, 2000 at 01:39:45AM +1100, Daniel Stone wrote:
  On Fri, Dec 22, 2000 at 12:43:03AM +0100, Bas Zoetekouw wrote:
   Hmm, the debian lists get quite a lot of spam lately. Is there anything
   that can be done about this?
 Pardon my French, but this is a fucking stupid idea. Did you ever stop to
 think that there are only a tiny handful of mailers that even think about
 supporting this? And in a half-decent way? If this is implemented in -devel,
 or any Debian lists, it will be one of the, if not the, most stupid
 decisions made.

A possability might be to have a signature key. This is not
significantly different than the extra header idea but it would allow
*any* MUA to work with it. Could be something like a GPG fingerprint or
whatever. Just a thought.

Frisco Rose By any other name, I would smell the same
Physics  Mathematics  Computer Science

INTACT Director

Re: Intent To Split: netbase

2000-08-17 Thread esoR ocsirF
On Tue, Aug 15, 2000 at 06:54:24AM -0700, Joey Hess wrote:
  The question that seems to want to be raised is whether this
   is true? Are people really confused more by having extra commands
   available, or are they confused by _not_ havingcertain commands
 Sounds fine to me.
  The irony is, of course, that the people generally making such
   decisions (like this forum) are rarely a decent sampling of the user
   base, or the hypothetical Joe user. 
 Maybe we should ask our users then?
Greetings from a lurking user,

me user-hat=on
I startef using debian about 3 years ago. One of the first things that I
really liked was bash tab completion. I had to guess at commands because
I didn't know what they were named but, I guessed that the functionality
should be there. One of my first modifications was to add directories of
most(all?) executables to my path. I find it _very annoying_ to NOT get tab
completion on commands that I now know exist when I am on another system. 
me user-hat=off

me sys-admin-hat=on
I now get paid for my knowledge of Gnu/Linux (more specifically Debian).
and the majority of the people that I set up systems for are either
CS students who need to know as much as possible or simple users of
services like email, http, ftp, samba, etc.. Either way, having
everything available is prefered. On machines that users shouldn't have
these commands I simply don't give them user accounts. On less critical
machines, whocares what they do to it, they will learn judicious use
eventually. The *evil* user is an extremly rare animal in my arena 
(academia), at least so far protector-talisman=on. :-)
me sys-admin-hat=off

Hopefully this info is usefull to this debate, if not I apologize.
By the way, kudos to everyone on yet another excellent release of

Frisco Rose By any other name, I would smell the same
Physics  Mathematics  Computer Science

If all the ipv6 addresses were distributed evenly across the planets
surface, there would be roughly 423,354,243,695,259,002,656 per square inch.
And, no, I don't know what this has to do with anything.

Web Page needs updated

2000-08-17 Thread esoR ocsirF
Hello all,
I was going to submit a bug reprt but I wasn't sure which virtual
package the web page was listed under.

The main Debian web page still points to the slink info under
Distribution - Installation Instructions

I am assuming that this is incorrect as potato is now stable. Will
someone please check this out and submit a bug if needed? Thanks

Frisco Rose By any other name, I would smell the same
E.O.U. Student  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (541) 962-2987

X with (g|w|x)dm capable of selecting host at login

2000-08-14 Thread esoR ocsirF
A while back there was mention of developing a display manageer that
could select a host to login to. What ever became of this? 

I am setting up a small group of machines for our physics/engineering
depts. and would like to have this available. Is this still just

My apologies if this is the wrong place to post this to.

Frisco Rose By any other name, I would smell the same
Physics  Mathematics  Computer Science

If all the ipv6 addresses were distributed evenly across the planets
surface, there would be roughly 423,354,243,695,259,002,656 per square inch.
And, no, I don't know what this has to do with anything.
 (Some witty Debian Developer)

Re: X with wdm capable of selecting host at login

2000-08-14 Thread esoR ocsirF
On Mon, Aug 14, 2000 at 02:23:50PM -0700, Philippe Troin wrote:
 In /etc/X11/wdm/wdm-config, add:
   ! Use our chooser
   DisplayManager*chooser: path-to-chooser
 Start X with X -indirect localhost and voila.

Ok, this sounds like like what I am looking for but, I seem to be brain
dead. If I modify the wdm-config as noted and resart wdm via

# /etc/init.d/wdm resart

I just get the normal login. Which I assume is the correct behavior for
wdm since I haven't started X as noted (and yes the chooser is installed). 
So I

# /etc/init.d/wdm stop
# X -indirect localhost

and I get an X background with a mouse cursor but no wdm panel. I, once
again, assume that this is the correct behavior. So I am now thinking,
do I pass these options to X via the /etc/X11/wdm/Xservers file? If so
the syntax is beyond me at the moment. I would like to think that I am
not as dumb as a bag of hammers but facts tend to implicate me as so
being :-/

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Frisco Rose By any other name, I would smell the same
Physics  Mathematics  Computer Science

If all the ipv6 addresses were distributed evenly across the planets
surface, there would be roughly 423,354,243,695,259,002,656 per square inch.
And, no, I don't know what this has to do with anything.

Re: X with wdm capable of selecting host at login

2000-08-14 Thread esoR ocsirF
On Mon, Aug 14, 2000 at 09:19:41PM -0400, Jonathan D. Proulx wrote:

 this means either:
 there are no host on the local subnet which are willing to let you
 connect via XDMP or some thing is scrod in your config files (like wdm
 is looking at xmd's config or some other random weirdness).
 I've always found Linux XDMP (well XFree86 I guess) to be kind of
 tempermental, I don't know where you're machine is network wise, but
 if there's any Solaris boxen available try:
 X -indirect

OK I tried 

X -indirect
and it just resarts over and over but, if I do

X -query 
I get the myXhost wdm login panel. This would indicate to
me that XDMP is functioning from myXhost. I think my problem is that I
dont have any way to start wdm once X has started. I am assuming that
the correct thing to do was to just start X by hand and not try to start

Frisco Rose By any other name, I would smell the same
Physics  Mathematics  Computer Science

If all the ipv6 addresses were distributed evenly across the planets
surface, there would be roughly 423,354,243,695,259,002,656 per square inch.
And, no, I don't know what this has to do with anything.

Re: Release-critical Bugreport for March 31, 2000

2000-04-01 Thread esoR ocsirF
Caution, IANAD. Just tring to help

Package: cricket (debian/main)
Maintainer: Matt Zimmerman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  56948  cricket depends on non-existant package

Package: (pseudo)
Maintainer: Guy Maor [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  60707  cricket depends on a nonexistent package

Shouldn't these be merged?

Frisco Rose By any other name, I would smell the same
E.O.U. Student  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (541) 962-2987

Science Journal Ed. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
EOU Hoke Center 307 (541) 962-3787
La Grande, OR. 97850

OT: Transmeta

2000-03-21 Thread esoR ocsirF
On Mon, Mar 20, 2000 at 09:15:02PM -0800, Scott Simmons wrote:
 Note: Since this message is of a commercial nature, we cleared it
 with Wichert Akkerman first and we're also donating $1000 to
Wowzers! Wouldn't it be swell if every commercial email that made it to
this list was also accompanied by a cool grand. 

Sorry for this intrusion by an IANAD. I just couldn't resist. :-)

Frisco Rose By any other name, I would smell the same
E.O.U. Student  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (541) 962-2987

Science Journal Ed. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
EOU Hoke Center 307 (541) 962-3787
La Grande, OR. 97850