Re: support for older distributions

2001-05-09 Thread Brian May
 Craig == Craig Sanders [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Craig debian provides mechanisms for easy upgrade between release
Craig versions, and we always have provided that - why complicate
Craig matters with branched sub-releases of old versions?

You say stable is old. That is exactly Russell's point. Some people
want a mostly stable system, but need some up-to-date packages from

I wouldn't suggest going any further back then stable though.

Craig for example, ask yourself: why is libc6-2.2.2-potato1 (or
Craig whatever the potato version would be) any better or
Craig safer than just installing libc6-2.2.2 from woody or sid? 
Craig i can't see how it could be, and all you've achieved is
Craig having two divergent versions of 2.2.2 to support.

I think you missed Russell's point.  That was: compile unstable
packages against stable's libc6. So libc6 would not be included in
this list.

Craig debian is a live distribution, easily upgraded in place
Craig at any time over the internet - why limit yourself to
Craig looking at debian in a way which is more suited to
Craig commercial CD-ROM only closed source systems?

Because some people don't want to upgrade libc6 on a stable system
(ie.  they want a mostly stable system), but require new features of
particular packages in unstable, and are willing to risk the chance
that these new packages may be broken.

Craig IMO, forcing debian into that model is missing a large part
Craig of the point of debian.

Craig potato's been released. woody's getting closer to
Craig freeze. lets move on.

woody's release is still months away (dare I say almost a year?).

Sure, another approach is to compile your own version of the unstable
package, but Russell takes then one step further to have a central
repository for unstable package for stable. Instead of the current
situation of having many different apt repositories, each with
different selections of packages compiled for stable, you would have
one big repository that could be used by everyone.

Re: support for older distributions

2001-05-09 Thread Russell Coker
On Wednesday 09 May 2001 02:32, Craig Sanders wrote:
  Currently there are two usable repositories of Potato packages.
  There's a repository of kernel-related packages to run 2.4.x kernels
  on Potato, and there's a repository of LDAP related packages and other
  things that Wichert is maintaining.
  Both of these are good work, but even combined they don't provide what
  I consider to be adequate support for Potato.
  I would like a version of Potato that is not entirely frozen.  It
  should have updates not only for security reasons but also for
  addition of new programs, and for adding new programs which add
  significant functionality and don't break things (such as Wichert's
  LDAP packages).


 your suggestion would add a huge load of administrative and maintainence
 overhead in order to support a convenient fiction - providing little or
 no real benefit. worse than that, it subverts the only real point in
 having versioned releases - the ability to know what is included in any
 released version.

No.  You can get the potato distribution which has the stable versions of 
software and then selectively apply new versions where you need them.

 you also risk creating greater problems back-porting packages from
 testing or unstable - they would be divergent packages which don't get
 anywhere near the same amount of testing and usage as packages in the
 mainline development cycle.

 for example, ask yourself: why is libc6-2.2.2-potato1 (or whatever the
 potato version would be) any better or safer than just installing
 libc6-2.2.2 from woody or sid? i can't see how it could be, and all
 you've achieved is having two divergent versions of 2.2.2 to support.

I didn't anticipate that anyone would want to back-port something as core as 
libc6.  The idea is that you can run the latest postfix (for example) on the 
old libc6.

-- Bonnie++ hard drive benchmark   Postal SMTP/POP benchmark Projects I am working on My home page

Re: support for older distributions

2001-05-09 Thread Craig Sanders
On Wed, May 09, 2001 at 04:49:04PM +1000, Brian May wrote:
 You say stable is old. That is exactly Russell's point. Some people
 want a mostly stable system, but need some up-to-date packages from

that's a choice people have to make.

you can have an old 'stable' release, or you can have an up-to-date
'unstable' release. there really is no in-between, no matter how hard
you might try to convince yourself otherwise.

if you upgrade one package, you may have to upgrade another...and
another...and if you're going to do that, you're better off upgrading
to the version(s) in unstable because they're more likely to be tested
and debugged by other people than a package recompiled for an old debian

 I wouldn't suggest going any further back then stable though.
 Craig for example, ask yourself: why is libc6-2.2.2-potato1 (or
 Craig whatever the potato version would be) any better or
 Craig safer than just installing libc6-2.2.2 from woody or sid? 
 Craig i can't see how it could be, and all you've achieved is
 Craig having two divergent versions of 2.2.2 to support.
 I think you missed Russell's point.  That was: compile unstable
 packages against stable's libc6. So libc6 would not be included in
 this list.

libc6 was only an example.

if not libc6, then libgtk or libfoo or libbar - or any application or

why is application bar any *more* reliable or trustworthy just because
it is compiled against an old version of libc6 in potato?

it's not. all you're doing is deluding yourself that your system is more
stable than it would be if it was running unstable. the truth is that
it is likely to be *less* stable because that particular combination of
compiler/libraries/application version is less tested than what is in

the sole advantage to this is so that you can lie to your boss and say
we're running the stable release and be telling only a half-truth (or
half-lie...doesn't matter, it's still bullshit)

now it's your system, you can do whatever you want with it. that's not
the point i'm making. i just don't like self-deception being touted as

 Craig debian is a live distribution, easily upgraded in place
 Craig at any time over the internet - why limit yourself to
 Craig looking at debian in a way which is more suited to
 Craig commercial CD-ROM only closed source systems?
 Because some people don't want to upgrade libc6 on a stable system
 (ie. they want a mostly stable system), but require new features of
 particular packages in unstable, and are willing to risk the chance
 that these new packages may be broken.

isn't this what 'testing' was supposed to be for? so that people could
run almost-bleeding-edge systems where packages have had the really
serious bugs discovered and fixed by foolhardy people like me who run

 Craig IMO, forcing debian into that model is missing a large part
 Craig of the point of debian.
 Craig potato's been released. woody's getting closer to
 Craig freeze. lets move on.
 woody's release is still months away (dare I say almost a year?).

it might not take so long if people didn't get distracted by obsessively
backporting rather than moving on to the next release.

 Sure, another approach is to compile your own version of the unstable
 package, but Russell takes then one step further to have a central
 repository for unstable package for stable. Instead of the current
 situation of having many different apt repositories, each with
 different selections of packages compiled for stable, you would have
 one big repository that could be used by everyone.

a fine idea (really, i'm not being sarcastic).

but ALL it is doing is making yet another unstable. 

think about it: that's all it is - just another unstable tree, but with
different versions of stuff.

why bother?


craig sanders [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  GnuPG Key: 1024D/CD5626F0 
Key fingerprint: 9674 7EE2 4AC6 F5EF 3C57  52C3 EC32 6810 CD56 26F0

Re: support for older distributions

2001-05-09 Thread Brian May
 Craig == Craig Sanders [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Craig why is application bar any *more* reliable or trustworthy
Craig just because it is compiled against an old version of libc6
Craig in potato?

It is not so much the new application I was thinking of, but all the
old stable applications that already exist on the system.

So recompiling foo for stable might produce a broken version of
foo. fine. Downgrade or remove the package again. Problem
solved. Nothing lost in the process, except time taken to down load,
recompile and test the package.

But installing a new version of libc6 on a stable system has the
potential for breaking the whole system.

Re: support for older distributions

2001-05-09 Thread Craig Sanders
On Wed, May 09, 2001 at 06:36:30PM +1000, Brian May wrote:
  Craig == Craig Sanders [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Craig why is application bar any *more* reliable or trustworthy
 Craig just because it is compiled against an old version of libc6
 Craig in potato?
 It is not so much the new application I was thinking of, but all the
 old stable applications that already exist on the system.

 So recompiling foo for stable might produce a broken version of foo.
 fine. Downgrade or remove the package again. Problem solved. Nothing
 lost in the process, except time taken to down load, recompile and
 test the package.

 But installing a new version of libc6 on a stable system has the
 potential for breaking the whole system.

ok, i see your point but don't think that libc6 is that much of a
special case - any package has the potential to break the whole system.
admittedly, some (libc6, ldso, bash, etc) more than others...but the
potential is still there.

IMO  IME the biggest risk to a system running unstable is not so much
bugs in libc6 or whatever, it's 1. bugs in package pre,post scripts: a
simple typing error like rm -rf / var/spool/foo can wipe out a system
(not that i've seen this one - i'm just aware of the
i upgrade non-vital systems first); and 2. faulty depends/conflicts or
version mismatch (e.g. apache modules needing to be recompiled for major
releases of apache)

it gets even more interesting when you want an upgraded version of some
application which depends on a newer version of some library which, in
turn, depends on a whole bunch of other stuff including a newer libc6.
what do you do then? do you recompile the whole dependancy chain (incl.
libc6) for potato or do you say bugger it, it's less hassle and less
risk to upgrade to unstable?

at what point does recompiling for stable stop being a convenience for
potato users and start being being a dead-end duplication of unstable?


craig sanders [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  GnuPG Key: 1024D/CD5626F0 
Key fingerprint: 9674 7EE2 4AC6 F5EF 3C57  52C3 EC32 6810 CD56 26F0

Re: support for older distributions

2001-05-08 Thread Brian May
 Russell == Russell Coker [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Russell I would like a version of Potato that is not entirely
Russell frozen.  It should have updates not only for security
Russell reasons but also for addition of new programs, and for
Russell adding new programs which add significant functionality
Russell and don't break things (such as Wichert's LDAP packages).

Another suggestion (one which you may not like, I haven't considered
it in to much detail):

Create a new Packages file for a new distribution (not sure what you
would call it) that lists stable Packages. Then once Y is convinced
that package X from {testing,unstable} runs OK, Y updates the new
Package file to include the new version of X. Any broken package
should not appear in this new distribution.

So it would be sort of like testing, only based around stable, not


Of course, it goes without saying, that you can't copy the new package
into the new distribution until all dependencies have already been
satisfied. Including libc6 + libc6 related packages.

Also, I have not considered multiple architectures either.

Who is Y? What criteria is used?

Re: support for older distributions

2001-05-08 Thread Brian May
 Russell == Russell Coker [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Russell To manage this fully through the Debian system we will
Russell need support in the BTS for reporting bugs to different
Russell people depending on the package version.  Is this
Russell possible?

Another problem which I consider a big issue, I think we need some way
to keep track of different compiled versions.

For instance, if I compile my own version of libx from unstable for my
unstable system, and then run apt-get upgrade, apt will try (under
various different situations) try to install libx-dev from
unstable. However, this is wrong, because even though the version
numbers match, libx-dev may contain static libraries which require the
newer version of libc6. (not to mention different compile time options
that could be used when compiling libx).

So I really think there needs to be some way libx can say:

Package: libx
Build-Id: x

where build is some unique identifier inserted at compile time. This
could be similar to the Message-Id header on this E-Mail. Each time a
package was compiled, it would get a different Build-Id.

And then  libx-dev can say:

Package: libx-deb
Depends: libx (= version [x])

which says libx-dev can only be installed with the libx version that
was built at the same time. Actually, that could be simplified to

Package: libx-deb
Depends: libx (=[x])

as per my definition of build-id, if it is the same, the version must
also be the same. Using this new syntax would only occur for special
cases, eg. most (if not all) -dev packages.

Of course, other methods are also possible (eg. insert depends of libx
into depends of libx-dev), but this is my preferred option.

You might even be able to use this new field to help the BTS tracking
of packages somehow, but I haven't thought too much of this aspect.

Re: support for older distributions

2001-05-08 Thread Russell Coker
On Tuesday 08 May 2001 01:28, Chad C. Walstrom wrote:
 On Mon, May 07, 2001 at 02:45:53PM +0200, Russell Coker wrote:
  I would like a version of potato that is not entirely frozen.
  I am willing to be involved in back-porting packages (there's many
  things that I back-port for my own use and should share).
  Also we have to consider the long-term view of this.  I would
  like to see back-ports to woody being done in a year's time...

 It's not an easy request to address, really.  Opinion is largely
 subjective as to what one would find valuable for potato, and you run
 into the problem of making slushy potato look more like woody.  It's
 a catch 22 if you take it too far.

I agree that it is a matter of opinion as to what is required.  But if 
someone is willing to back-port a package, and to maintain it (fixing any 
bugs that may be reported against it), then why not make room on the archives 
for it?

 I think the long view on this subject focuses less on back-ports and
 more on shorter release cycles.  If we can get release cycles for
 stable down to a year or less, back-ports would simply be less

Even if we get release cycles down to less than a year there will still be 
commercial considerations of the users.  I can't install some serious Linux 
servers for a company and say I'll be back before the end of the year to 
upgrade everything!

 So, contribute your efforts to improving and stabilizing woody, so we
 can get it out the door! ;-)

Actually if it was easier to share work with other people who are forced to 
back-port packages to Potato then I would have more time for working on 
woody.  My aim here is to spend less time working on Potato not more!  The 
more I can work with other people and share the load then the less work on 
Potato I have to do.

On Tuesday 08 May 2001 09:28, Brian May wrote:
 Another suggestion (one which you may not like, I haven't considered
 it in to much detail):

 Create a new Packages file for a new distribution (not sure what you
 would call it) that lists stable Packages. Then once Y is convinced
 that package X from {testing,unstable} runs OK, Y updates the new
 Package file to include the new version of X. Any broken package
 should not appear in this new distribution.

 So it would be sort of like testing, only based around stable, not


 Of course, it goes without saying, that you can't copy the new package
 into the new distribution until all dependencies have already been
 satisfied. Including libc6 + libc6 related packages.

As for woody we are strongly encouraged to compile with the latest libc6 
which means that such packages would never get into potato.  That's just not 

-- Bonnie++ hard drive benchmark   Postal SMTP/POP benchmark Projects I am working on My home page

Re: support for older distributions

2001-05-08 Thread T.Pospisek's MailLists
On Tue, 8 May 2001, Russell Coker wrote:

 But if someone is willing to back-port a package, and to maintain it
 (fixing any bugs that may be reported against it), then why not make
 room on the archives for it?

Would there be any problem to just set up your own Debian-style site with
BTS and apt-able archive, where people can contribute if they want and
where you can semi-automatical merge in upstream (here Debian) updates
(mostly critical bugs and security updates)?

 Tomas Pospisek
 SourcePole   -  Linux  Open Source Solutions
 Elestastrasse 18, 7310 Bad Ragaz, Switzerland
 Tel: +41 (81) 330 77 11

Re: support for older distributions

2001-05-08 Thread Craig Sanders
On Mon, May 07, 2001 at 02:45:53PM +0200, Russell Coker wrote:
 Currently there are two usable repositories of Potato packages.
 There's a repository of kernel-related packages to run 2.4.x kernels
 on Potato, and there's a repository of LDAP related packages and other
 things that Wichert is maintaining.

 Both of these are good work, but even combined they don't provide what
 I consider to be adequate support for Potato.

 I would like a version of Potato that is not entirely frozen.  It
 should have updates not only for security reasons but also for
 addition of new programs, and for adding new programs which add
 significant functionality and don't break things (such as Wichert's
 LDAP packages).


aside from the installer floppies (which aren't relevant for upgrades),
the main significant difference between potato and woody (or between
any versions of debian for that matter) is the version numbers of the
packages included.

the distinction between versions of debian is entirely arbitrary, a
matter of consensus reality rather than actual reality.

your suggestion would add a huge load of administrative and maintainence
overhead in order to support a convenient fiction - providing little or
no real benefit. worse than that, it subverts the only real point in
having versioned releases - the ability to know what is included in any
released version.

debian provides mechanisms for easy upgrade between release versions,
and we always have provided that - why complicate matters with branched
sub-releases of old versions? 

you also risk creating greater problems back-porting packages from
testing or unstable - they would be divergent packages which don't get
anywhere near the same amount of testing and usage as packages in the
mainline development cycle.

for example, ask yourself: why is libc6-2.2.2-potato1 (or whatever the
potato version would be) any better or safer than just installing
libc6-2.2.2 from woody or sid? i can't see how it could be, and all
you've achieved is having two divergent versions of 2.2.2 to support.

debian is a live distribution, easily upgraded in place at any time
over the internet - why limit yourself to looking at debian in a way
which is more suited to commercial CD-ROM only closed source systems?

IMO, forcing debian into that model is missing a large part of the point
of debian.

potato's been released. woody's getting closer to freeze. lets move on.


craig sanders [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  GnuPG Key: 1024D/CD5626F0 
Key fingerprint: 9674 7EE2 4AC6 F5EF 3C57  52C3 EC32 6810 CD56 26F0

Re: support for older distributions

2001-05-08 Thread Jaldhar H. Vyas
On Tue, 8 May 2001, T.Pospisek's MailLists wrote:

 Would there be any problem to just set up your own Debian-style site with
 BTS and apt-able archive, where people can contribute if they want and
 where you can semi-automatical merge in upstream (here Debian) updates
 (mostly critical bugs and security updates)?

I just got my ISP bill for the last month and in one word, ouch!  A good
deal of the bandwidth is used up by the unofficial potato packages I
maintain for uw-imapd and webmin.  I'm not going to stop offering them,
I'll just move them to people.d.o or even sourceforge or somewhere but it
would save users a lot of aggravation if there were one central place for
this kind of thing.


Re: support for older distributions

2001-05-07 Thread Ian Eure
i have libssl  openssh 2.5.2p2 for potato at

On Mon, 7 May 2001, Russell Coker wrote:
 Currently there are two usable repositories of Potato packages.  There's a 
 repository of kernel-related packages to run 2.4.x kernels on Potato, and 
 there's a repository of LDAP related packages and other things that Wichert 
 is maintaining.
 Both of these are good work, but even combined they don't provide what I 
 consider to be adequate support for Potato.
 I would like a version of Potato that is not entirely frozen.  It should have 
 updates not only for security reasons but also for addition of new programs, 
 and for adding new programs which add significant functionality and don't 
 break things (such as Wichert's LDAP packages).
 To manage this fully through the Debian system we will need support in the 
 BTS for reporting bugs to different people depending on the package version.  
 Is this possible?
 Also we need space to maintain the packages (they shouldn't be THAT big).  
 The aim should be that the maintainer of the woody version should not need to 
 be involved in the backports (unless they want to be involved).
 I am willing to be involved in back-porting packages (there's many things 
 that I back-port for my own use and should share).
 Also we have to consider the long-term view of this.  I would like to see 
 back-ports to woody being done in a year's time...

Re: support for older distributions

2001-05-07 Thread Chad C. Walstrom
On Mon, May 07, 2001 at 02:45:53PM +0200, Russell Coker wrote:
 I would like a version of potato that is not entirely frozen. 
 I am willing to be involved in back-porting packages (there's many
 things that I back-port for my own use and should share).  
 Also we have to consider the long-term view of this.  I would
 like to see back-ports to woody being done in a year's time...

It's not an easy request to address, really.  Opinion is largely
subjective as to what one would find valuable for potato, and you run
into the problem of making slushy potato look more like woody.  It's
a catch 22 if you take it too far.

I think the long view on this subject focuses less on back-ports and
more on shorter release cycles.  If we can get release cycles for
stable down to a year or less, back-ports would simply be less

So, contribute your efforts to improving and stabilizing woody, so we
can get it out the door! ;-)

Chad Walstrom [EMAIL PROTECTED] | a.k.a. ^chewie| s.k.a. gunnarr
Key fingerprint = B4AB D627 9CBD 687E 7A31  1950 0CC7 0B18 206C 5AFD

Description: PGP signature

Re: support for older distributions

2001-05-07 Thread Kenshi Muto

At Mon, 7 May 2001 09:51:24 -0700 (PDT),
Ian Eure wrote:
 i have libssl  openssh 2.5.2p2 for potato at

Good job.
If you execute 'dpkg-scanpackages . /dev/null | gzip -9  Packages.gz'
in this directory, we'll be more happy :-)
Kenshi Muto

Description: PGP signature