dhcp-dns problems

1999-09-29 Thread strider

I have a small network @Home and use dhcp to dole out the ip's, I use
the dhcp-dns package so that I can refer to these boxen by name and so
that various network utilities will work. Recently I've started getting
emails to root from Cron saying update packet failed. I know that dhcp-dns
uses the nsupdate command to update the DNS info and I have set up my DNS
stuff to allow this, why is it suddenly not working? I've have had no luck
trying to debug this on my own because I have no  clue where to look. None
of the logs show anything odd and the dhcp-dns scripts seem pretty 
closed-mouthed. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Rahsheen Porter -- StriderZ

Re: dhcp-dns problems

1999-09-29 Thread Craig Sanders
On Wed, Sep 29, 1999 at 12:58:08AM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have a small network @Home and use dhcp to dole out the ip's, I use
 the dhcp-dns package so that I can refer to these boxen by name and
 so that various network utilities will work. Recently I've started
 getting emails to root from Cron saying update packet failed.

have you recently upgraded to the latest bind in potato (8.2.1-1 or

if so, then you need to be aware that the config file location changed
from /etc/named.conf to /etc/bind/named.conf, and the zonefiles
in /var/named now live in /var/cache/bind. make sure you edit
/etc/bind/named.conf to include everything that was in /etc/named.conf

BTW, your message should have been submitted as a bug report and not
posted to debian-devel. debian-devel is for issues related to debian
development, not user support.

craig (package maintainer for dhcp-dns)

craig sanders