Re: BIND exploited ?

2002-01-06 Thread Jason Lim

  I have to ask what you would do if your server is a file server with
  lots of big, expensive drives where a company might not be able to
  afford replacing them all?  Would they be happy with backups (keeping
  in mind that any tools used to backup the server might no longer be
  trustworthy)?  How about disk images (made with dd, or something
  similar) of the drives that contain the system stuff?

 OK.  When I described replacing all hard drives I was referring to
 disks with the OS and applications not data files.  Keeping a backup of
 news spool probably doesn't gain you much.  Just use find on the data
 (the copy of find on the freshly installed un-cracked system on new
 disks) to search for suspicious files (SUID, SGID, and executables where
 least expect them).  Also search for files and directories starting in
'.' in
 locations where you don't expect them.  Another thing to check for is
 most recently changed files.  On a web server the content may not have
 changed for a month, any files changed in the last week would be by the

 After copying and removing all suspicious files (make sure you use tar
 cpio not cp so that permissions and time stamps are preserved) then the
 disks will be ready for service again.

 Make sure that boot sectors are wiped as well (on a Debian installation
 install-mbr on every disk that has a partition table).

From my experience, police like data untampered and in exactly the same
form and such when the intrusion occurred. That means the exact same
disks, not a tape backup or something. Sometimes backups can miss stuff,
or as mentione previously, the backup software itself could have been
rooted. Actually, it would be best to make a duplicate of the disk, USE
THE DUPLICATE, and give the police the original. If possible, just yank
the power out of the box... the reason being that if you use 'reboot' or
'shutdown' or others, they usually run though the shutdown scripts, and
within the shutdown scripts the kiddies could've planted something there
as well. You never know. By yanking the power, no software can
write/modify the disks, and they are preserved, more or less.


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: BIND exploited ? -UPDATE

2002-01-06 Thread Jeremy L. Gaddis

You dumbass.  Everybody knows you don't try to fix a compromised
machine.  You take it in stride, wipe the drives and start all
over from a clean install.


Jeremy L. Gaddis [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-Original Message-
From: Ted Knab [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Thedore Knab
Sent: Saturday, January 05, 2002 1:43 AM
Subject: Re: BIND exploited ? -UPDATE

Thanks for your help.

This was not a debian box. Maybe the next one will be.

I think it was updated from an earilier version that was hacked.

I am under the assumption that this server was this way for over 1 year.

[ted@moe chkrootkit-0.34]$ cat /etc/redhat-release
Red Hat Linux release 6.2 (Zoot)

I just started this .edu sys admin job last week. It is fun. I am
finding all types of crazy
stuff that would send most normal people to the nut house. It is an

I don't think I will be able to rebuild this DNS for a few days. I have
other projects that need to be rolled out for .edu political reasons. It
has been rooted
for sometime, so I have a lot of fixing to do.

I told everyone that needs to be informed, but they just don't get the
gravity of the situation.

Since I won't be able to build another, I tried isolating the services.

It also seems more fun to try and fix the broken box.

I think I have most of the cracked services isolated.

Behind door number 1 - less services

A nmap scan from my laptop reveals:

Starting nmap V. 2.54BETA25 ( )
Interesting ports on :
(The 1540 ports scanned but not shown below are in state: closed)
Port   State   Service
21/tcp openftp
23/tcp opentelnet
53/tcp opendomain

This is an improvement over what it looked like this morning:

See your advice helped... :-)

Nmap run completed -- 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 5 seconds

Starting nmap V. 2.54BETA25 ( )
Interesting ports on :
(The 1533 ports scanned but not shown below are in state: closed)
Port   State   Service
21/tcp openftp
23/tcp opentelnet
53/tcp opendomain
79/tcp openfinger
98/tcp openlinuxconf
1024/tcp   openkdm

I found the startup location for the scripts.
The scripts were starting every reboot.

I guess the last time it started was:

[ted@moe chkrootkit-0.34]$ uptime
1:40am  up 154 days,  9:15,  1 user,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

[root@moe /etc]# cat rc.d/rc.local

# This script will be executed *after* all the other init scripts.
# You can put your own initialization stuff in here if you don't
# want to do the full Sys V style init stuff.

if [ -f /etc/redhat-release ]; then
R=$(cat /etc/redhat-release)

... cut

#The Little Bastards Startup scripts #not very complicated
#/etc/.../lsh  31333 v0idzz

checkroot kit did not seem to find anything except a snifer.
This maybe because I did a chmod 0 on a bunch of the binaries I didn't
want starting ever again.

[root@moe chkrootkit-0.34]# ./chkrootkit
ROOTDIR is `/'
Checking `amd'... not found
Checking `basename'... not infected
Checking `biff'... not found
Checking `chfn'... not infected
Checking `chsh'... not infected
Checking `cron'... not infected
Checking `date'... not infected
Checking `du'... not infected
Checking `dirname'... not infected
Checking `echo'... not infected
Checking `egrep'... not infected
Checking `env'... not infected
Checking `find'... not infected
Checking `fingerd'... not infected
Checking `gpm'... not infected
Checking `grep'... not infected
Checking `hdparm'... not infected
Checking `su'... not infected
Checking `ifconfig'... not infected
Checking `inetd'... not infected
Checking `inetdconf'... not infected
Checking `identd'... not infected
Checking `killall'... not infected
Checking `login'... not infected
Checking `ls'... not infected
Checking `mail'... not infected
Checking `mingetty'... not infected
Checking `netstat'... not infected
Checking `named'... not infected
Checking `passwd'... not infected
Checking `pidof'... not infected
Checking `pop2'... not found
Checking `pop3'... not found
Checking `ps'... not infected
Checking `pstree'... not infected
Checking `rpcinfo'... not infected
Checking `rlogind'... not infected
Checking `rshd'... not infected
Checking `slogin'... not found
Checking `sendmail'... not infected
Checking `sshd'... not infected
Checking `syslogd'... not infected
Checking `tar'... not infected
Checking `tcpd'... not infected
Checking `top'... not infected
Checking `telnetd'... not infected
Checking `timed'... not infected
Checking `traceroute'... not infected
Checking `write'... not infected
Checking `aliens'...
/dev/.v0id/ptyq /dev/ptyp /dev/ptypr

Centralized ISP Admin Package

2002-01-06 Thread Gene Grimm

I haven't been able to gleen much about Webmin yet 
as to whether it can support automating common ISP activities distributed among 
multiple servers. Does Webmin or any other package provide a means of logging 
onto a centralized web site (for ISPemployees only) to add radius user 
accounts, Postfix virtual accounts, customer FTP/Web accounts/sites, and DNS 
records where each function (web, mail, DNS, etc) are split among multiple 
machines? As for the DNS, it would have to break this down between adding a 
primary zone and records to one DNS server and creating secondary zones to one 
or more backup DNS servers.

If no such package exists, Iwill 
likelycreateone for our internal use with a central SQL database 
showing the plain text passwords for each individual account and all the 
supporting records. The SQL database will double as billing control and 
configuration master. If anyone has suggestions for this project (presuming 
there is no package available),I would appreciateany constructive 
suggestions on how to implement the design.

RE: BIND exploited ? -UPDATE

2002-01-06 Thread Martin WHEELER

On Sat, 5 Jan 2002, Jeremy L. Gaddis wrote:

 You dumbass.  Everybody knows you don't try to fix a compromised
 machine.  You take it in stride, wipe the drives and start all
 over from a clean install.

Would you mind terribly not airing your oh-so-superior views in public?
With such unbridled arrogance?  I'm sure I'm not the only one who finds
it offensive and not at all representative of the maturity of discussion
expected of this list.
The aim of a self-help list such as this is to help and educate -- not
to sneer and ridicule.

OH -- and would you also mind terribly NOT re-posting the complete
history of the current thread in your public e-mails?  It's a clear sign
of inability to either understand or use the medium properly.

Thank you.
Martin Wheeler [EMAIL PROTECTED] [gpg:1024D/01269BEB 2001-09-29]
   /debian/ msw [EMAIL PROTECTED] [gpg:1024D/8D6B948B 2001-07-04]

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: BIND exploited ?

2002-01-06 Thread Rory Irvine

 Good point!  Having never dealt with the fuzz after being compromised,
 I have to ask what you would do if your server is a file server with
 lots of big, expensive drives where a company might not be able to
 afford replacing them all?  Would they be happy with backups (keeping
 in mind that any tools used to backup the server might no longer be
 trustworthy)?  How about disk images (made with dd, or something
 similar) of the drives that contain the system stuff?

In my experience, the police will have computer crime specialists who'll
know all about dd. In fact, one of the first things they'll ask when you
contact them is whether they can make complete disk images, and they'll
be very happy if you say yes. They'll be happier still if you can
provide tcpdump (or similar) traces of the intruder's activiy
(electronic format is nice, but they'll need a hard copy too, with each
page dated and signed to present to the judge).

Once they've made the disk images, you can format your disks and put them
back into service. You'll still be able to participate in the forensic
examination of those images, though, and (again, in my experience only),
they're very good at respecting privacy concerns - ie. not going
anywhere near the /home partition, etc.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: BIND exploited ? -UPDATE

2002-01-06 Thread Joachim Wieland

On Sat, Jan 05, 2002 at 01:43:24AM -0500, Thedore Knab wrote:
 Starting nmap V. 2.54BETA25 ( )
 Interesting ports on :
 (The 1540 ports scanned but not shown below are in state: closed)

You seem to have only scanned your well-known ports?


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: BIND exploited ?

2002-01-06 Thread Russell Coker

On Sun, 6 Jan 2002 04:08, Jason Lim wrote:
 From my experience, police like data untampered and in exactly the same
 form and such when the intrusion occurred. That means the exact same
 disks, not a tape backup or something. Sometimes backups can miss stuff,
 or as mentione previously, the backup software itself could have been
 rooted. Actually, it would be best to make a duplicate of the disk, USE
 THE DUPLICATE, and give the police the original. If possible, just yank
 the power out of the box... the reason being that if you use 'reboot' or
 'shutdown' or others, they usually run though the shutdown scripts, and
 within the shutdown scripts the kiddies could've planted something there
 as well. You never know. By yanking the power, no software can
 write/modify the disks, and they are preserved, more or less.

Good point.  Also that means not running fsck!  Sometimes there's interesting 
data in files that were deleted but open at the time, fsck will usually 
remove that data while debugfs can get it.

-- Bonnie++ hard drive benchmark   Postal SMTP/POP benchmark Projects I am working on My home page

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: BIND exploited ? -UPDATE #2

2002-01-06 Thread Thedore Knab

How does this sound ?

The system has been rebuilt.

It is running Bind 9.2 chroot version on RH 7.2. Someone else built it. I prefer
Debian or OpenBSD. I will add tripwire and chkroot kit to run as a cron

The harddrives will be saved for further investigation at a later date.

Since the harddrives have been modified in a hack effort to patch the
problem, I don't think it can be used as evidence.

Snort will also be installed on an OPENBSD box at the edge of the nework to monitor the
administrave network, and on the administrative network.


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[OT] help with filtering chars using reg exp in PHP

2002-01-06 Thread sib

hello all,

for the life of me i cant figure out the reg exp PHP manual, can someone please
help me with ereg_replace() or preg_replace() in PHP. i have a string wherein
i want to replace all occurences of characters outside of a-z0-9 with nothing.


A world of Information. The journey begins here. At Home.
Internet Cebu's web based mail.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Best way to duplicate HDs--talk more about rsync+ssh system

2002-01-06 Thread Patrick Hsieh

 3) Add this to authorized_keys for the above account, specifying the
 command that logins with this key are allowed to run. See command= in

I can't find the document about this section, can you show me
some reference or examples? Many thanks.


GPG public key

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

chroot debian environments

2002-01-06 Thread Kevin Littlejohn


I've got a project coming up to create a chroot'ed environment, using
the grsecurity patches for added security, that provides a separate
encapsulated virtual machine for each user or group of users.  I want
to build the environment the users get chroot'ed into using debian
package tools.

What I'm wondering is, what's the best way to start this process? 
Assuming I have a partition set aside (which will be mounted read-only)
to act as the root filesystem for the chroot cage, how do I get the
basic file layout, dpkg, etc installed on it?  I could do a basic debian
install, but that'd include things like a kernel, which I don't need.

Are there any other projects out there that include this sort of thing?

Internet techieObsidian Consulting Group
Phone: +613 9653 9364Fax: +613 9354 2681   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: chroot debian environments

2002-01-06 Thread Jacob Elder

On Mon, Jan 07, 2002 at 03:48:25PM +1100, Kevin Littlejohn wrote:
 What I'm wondering is, what's the best way to start this process? 
 Assuming I have a partition set aside (which will be mounted read-only)
 to act as the root filesystem for the chroot cage, how do I get the
 basic file layout, dpkg, etc installed on it?  I could do a basic debian
 install, but that'd include things like a kernel, which I don't need.

I'd start with debootstrap.

Jacob Elder

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Best way to duplicate HDs

2002-01-06 Thread Patrick Hsieh

 On Tue, Jan 01, 2002 at 08:39:39AM -0500, Keith Elder wrote:
  This brings up a  question. How do you rsync something but keep the
  ownership and permissions the same.  I am pulling data off site nightly
  and that works, but the permissions are all screwed up.
 rsync -avxrP --delete $FILESYSTEMS backup-server:backups/$HOSTNAME
 Some caveats if you want to fully automate this...
   - remove -vP (verbose w/ progress)
   - --delete is NECESSARY to make sure deleted files get deleted from the
   - FILESYSTEMS should be any local filesystems you want backed up (-x
 won't cross filesystems, makes backing up in NFS environment easier)
   - obviously this doesn't preclude a bad guy checking out
 backup-server:backups/otherhostname (use ssh keys, and invoke cmd=cd
 backups/hostname; rsync with whatever daemon options will limit that)
Hello Ted,
Now I know how to use command= in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys2.
Providing I have backupserver and debianclient.
In ~/.ssh/authorized_keys2 of backupserver command= section, what
command should I put to automate the backup procedure between
backupserver and debianclient? I tried:
command=cd /backup; /usr/bin/rsync -av debianclient:/dirtobackup ./

But when I ssh from debianclient to backupserver, it gives me a password
prompt,, so I enter the password, then rsync begins.

I don't understand what command= means.  Does it only specify what
will the server do upon ssh login? Can it specify some commands and
parameters to restrict ssh host pre-specified command ?

   - on backup-server, rotate the backup every 12 hours or whatever.  
 - rsync -ar --delete store/hostname.2 store/hostname.3 
 - rsync -ar --delete store/hostname.1 store/hostname.2 
 - rsync -ar --delete backups/hostname store/hostname.1
 # that could be better optimized, but you get the idea
 I've used this rsync system to successfully maintain up to date backups w/
 great ease, AND restore very quickly...  use a LinuxCare Bootable Business
 Card to get the target fdisked and ready, then mount the filesystems as
 you desire, and rsync -avrP backup-server:backups/hostname /target.  I got
 a 700mb server back online in under 20 minutes from powerup to server
 serving requests (the rsync itself is 3 to 5 minutes).  Making sure you
 do (cd /target; lilo -r . -C etc/lilo.conf)) is the only tricky part.
 Ted Deppner
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]


GPG public key

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Best way to duplicate HDs

2002-01-06 Thread Ted Deppner

On Mon, Jan 07, 2002 at 03:03:12PM +0800, Patrick Hsieh wrote:
- obviously this doesn't preclude a bad guy checking out
  backup-server:backups/otherhostname (use ssh keys, and invoke cmd=cd
  backups/hostname; rsync with whatever daemon options will limit that)
 Now I know how to use command= in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys2.
 Providing I have backupserver and debianclient.
 In ~/.ssh/authorized_keys2 of backupserver command= section, what
 command should I put to automate the backup procedure between
 backupserver and debianclient? I tried:
 command=cd /backup; /usr/bin/rsync -av debianclient:/dirtobackup ./

run the rsync without a command= statement, and do a ps awux | grep rsync
on the target (like I already suggested).  That command or something close
to it will be the basis for your command=

 But when I ssh from debianclient to backupserver, it gives me a password
 prompt,, so I enter the password, then rsync begins.

and ?

 I don't understand what command= means.  Does it only specify what
 will the server do upon ssh login? Can it specify some commands and
 parameters to restrict ssh host pre-specified command ?

command= on the target machine is the command that will be run when the
client successfully authenticates.

Try it yourself.

try a command='/bin/cat /etc/motd', and then ssh target:...  use an
identity key of course.

the ssh commandline will have no effect if a command= is present.

Ted Deppner

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: BIND exploited ?

2002-01-06 Thread Jason Lim
  I have to ask what you would do if your server is a file server with
  lots of big, expensive drives where a company might not be able to
  afford replacing them all?  Would they be happy with backups (keeping
  in mind that any tools used to backup the server might no longer be
  trustworthy)?  How about disk images (made with dd, or something
  similar) of the drives that contain the system stuff?

 OK.  When I described replacing all hard drives I was referring to
 disks with the OS and applications not data files.  Keeping a backup of
 news spool probably doesn't gain you much.  Just use find on the data
 (the copy of find on the freshly installed un-cracked system on new
 disks) to search for suspicious files (SUID, SGID, and executables where
 least expect them).  Also search for files and directories starting in
'.' in
 locations where you don't expect them.  Another thing to check for is
 most recently changed files.  On a web server the content may not have
 changed for a month, any files changed in the last week would be by the

 After copying and removing all suspicious files (make sure you use tar
 cpio not cp so that permissions and time stamps are preserved) then the
 disks will be ready for service again.

 Make sure that boot sectors are wiped as well (on a Debian installation
 install-mbr on every disk that has a partition table).

From my experience, police like data untampered and in exactly the same
form and such when the intrusion occurred. That means the exact same
disks, not a tape backup or something. Sometimes backups can miss stuff,
or as mentione previously, the backup software itself could have been
rooted. Actually, it would be best to make a duplicate of the disk, USE
THE DUPLICATE, and give the police the original. If possible, just yank
the power out of the box... the reason being that if you use 'reboot' or
'shutdown' or others, they usually run though the shutdown scripts, and
within the shutdown scripts the kiddies could've planted something there
as well. You never know. By yanking the power, no software can
write/modify the disks, and they are preserved, more or less.


RE: BIND exploited ? -UPDATE

2002-01-06 Thread Jeremy L. Gaddis
You dumbass.  Everybody knows you don't try to fix a compromised
machine.  You take it in stride, wipe the drives and start all
over from a clean install.


Jeremy L. Gaddis [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-Original Message-
From: Ted Knab [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Thedore Knab
Sent: Saturday, January 05, 2002 1:43 AM
Subject: Re: BIND exploited ? -UPDATE

Thanks for your help.

This was not a debian box. Maybe the next one will be.

I think it was updated from an earilier version that was hacked.

I am under the assumption that this server was this way for over 1 year.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] chkrootkit-0.34]$ cat /etc/redhat-release
Red Hat Linux release 6.2 (Zoot)

I just started this .edu sys admin job last week. It is fun. I am
finding all types of crazy
stuff that would send most normal people to the nut house. It is an

I don't think I will be able to rebuild this DNS for a few days. I have
other projects that need to be rolled out for .edu political reasons. It
has been rooted
for sometime, so I have a lot of fixing to do.

I told everyone that needs to be informed, but they just don't get the
gravity of the situation.

Since I won't be able to build another, I tried isolating the services.

It also seems more fun to try and fix the broken box.

I think I have most of the cracked services isolated.

Behind door number 1 - less services

A nmap scan from my laptop reveals:

Starting nmap V. 2.54BETA25 ( )
Interesting ports on :
(The 1540 ports scanned but not shown below are in state: closed)
Port   State   Service
21/tcp openftp
23/tcp opentelnet
53/tcp opendomain

This is an improvement over what it looked like this morning:

See your advice helped... :-)

Nmap run completed -- 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 5 seconds

Starting nmap V. 2.54BETA25 ( )
Interesting ports on :
(The 1533 ports scanned but not shown below are in state: closed)
Port   State   Service
21/tcp openftp
23/tcp opentelnet
53/tcp opendomain
79/tcp openfinger
98/tcp openlinuxconf
1024/tcp   openkdm

I found the startup location for the scripts.
The scripts were starting every reboot.

I guess the last time it started was:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] chkrootkit-0.34]$ uptime
1:40am  up 154 days,  9:15,  1 user,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

[EMAIL PROTECTED] /etc]# cat rc.d/rc.local

# This script will be executed *after* all the other init scripts.
# You can put your own initialization stuff in here if you don't
# want to do the full Sys V style init stuff.

if [ -f /etc/redhat-release ]; then
R=$(cat /etc/redhat-release)

... cut

#The Little Bastards Startup scripts #not very complicated
#/etc/.../lsh  31333 v0idzz

checkroot kit did not seem to find anything except a snifer.
This maybe because I did a chmod 0 on a bunch of the binaries I didn't
want starting ever again.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] chkrootkit-0.34]# ./chkrootkit
ROOTDIR is `/'
Checking `amd'... not found
Checking `basename'... not infected
Checking `biff'... not found
Checking `chfn'... not infected
Checking `chsh'... not infected
Checking `cron'... not infected
Checking `date'... not infected
Checking `du'... not infected
Checking `dirname'... not infected
Checking `echo'... not infected
Checking `egrep'... not infected
Checking `env'... not infected
Checking `find'... not infected
Checking `fingerd'... not infected
Checking `gpm'... not infected
Checking `grep'... not infected
Checking `hdparm'... not infected
Checking `su'... not infected
Checking `ifconfig'... not infected
Checking `inetd'... not infected
Checking `inetdconf'... not infected
Checking `identd'... not infected
Checking `killall'... not infected
Checking `login'... not infected
Checking `ls'... not infected
Checking `mail'... not infected
Checking `mingetty'... not infected
Checking `netstat'... not infected
Checking `named'... not infected
Checking `passwd'... not infected
Checking `pidof'... not infected
Checking `pop2'... not found
Checking `pop3'... not found
Checking `ps'... not infected
Checking `pstree'... not infected
Checking `rpcinfo'... not infected
Checking `rlogind'... not infected
Checking `rshd'... not infected
Checking `slogin'... not found
Checking `sendmail'... not infected
Checking `sshd'... not infected
Checking `syslogd'... not infected
Checking `tar'... not infected
Checking `tcpd'... not infected
Checking `top'... not infected
Checking `telnetd'... not infected
Checking `timed'... not infected
Checking `traceroute'... not infected
Checking `write'... not infected

Centralized ISP Admin Package

2002-01-06 Thread Gene Grimm

I haven't been able to gleen much about Webmin yet 
as to whether it can support automating common ISP activities distributed among 
multiple servers. Does Webmin or any other package provide a means of logging 
onto a centralized web site (for ISPemployees only) to add radius user 
accounts, Postfix virtual accounts, customer FTP/Web accounts/sites, and DNS 
records where each function (web, mail, DNS, etc) are split among multiple 
machines? As for the DNS, it would have to break this down between adding a 
primary zone and records to one DNS server and creating secondary zones to one 
or more backup DNS servers.

If no such package exists, Iwill 
likelycreateone for our internal use with a central SQL database 
showing the plain text passwords for each individual account and all the 
supporting records. The SQL database will double as billing control and 
configuration master. If anyone has suggestions for this project (presuming 
there is no package available),I would appreciateany constructive 
suggestions on how to implement the design.

RE: BIND exploited ? -UPDATE

2002-01-06 Thread Martin WHEELER
On Sat, 5 Jan 2002, Jeremy L. Gaddis wrote:

 You dumbass.  Everybody knows you don't try to fix a compromised
 machine.  You take it in stride, wipe the drives and start all
 over from a clean install.

Would you mind terribly not airing your oh-so-superior views in public?
With such unbridled arrogance?  I'm sure I'm not the only one who finds
it offensive and not at all representative of the maturity of discussion
expected of this list.
The aim of a self-help list such as this is to help and educate -- not
to sneer and ridicule.

OH -- and would you also mind terribly NOT re-posting the complete
history of the current thread in your public e-mails?  It's a clear sign
of inability to either understand or use the medium properly.

Thank you.
Martin Wheeler [EMAIL PROTECTED] [gpg:1024D/01269BEB 2001-09-29]
   /debian/ msw [EMAIL PROTECTED] [gpg:1024D/8D6B948B 2001-07-04]

Re: BIND exploited ?

2002-01-06 Thread Rory Irvine

 Good point!  Having never dealt with the fuzz after being compromised,
 I have to ask what you would do if your server is a file server with
 lots of big, expensive drives where a company might not be able to
 afford replacing them all?  Would they be happy with backups (keeping
 in mind that any tools used to backup the server might no longer be
 trustworthy)?  How about disk images (made with dd, or something
 similar) of the drives that contain the system stuff?

In my experience, the police will have computer crime specialists who'll
know all about dd. In fact, one of the first things they'll ask when you
contact them is whether they can make complete disk images, and they'll
be very happy if you say yes. They'll be happier still if you can
provide tcpdump (or similar) traces of the intruder's activiy
(electronic format is nice, but they'll need a hard copy too, with each
page dated and signed to present to the judge).

Once they've made the disk images, you can format your disks and put them
back into service. You'll still be able to participate in the forensic
examination of those images, though, and (again, in my experience only),
they're very good at respecting privacy concerns - ie. not going
anywhere near the /home partition, etc.

Re: BIND exploited ? -UPDATE

2002-01-06 Thread Joachim Wieland
On Sat, Jan 05, 2002 at 01:43:24AM -0500, Thedore Knab wrote:
 Starting nmap V. 2.54BETA25 ( )
 Interesting ports on :
 (The 1540 ports scanned but not shown below are in state: closed)

You seem to have only scanned your well-known ports?


Re: BIND exploited ?

2002-01-06 Thread Russell Coker
On Sun, 6 Jan 2002 04:08, Jason Lim wrote:
 From my experience, police like data untampered and in exactly the same
 form and such when the intrusion occurred. That means the exact same
 disks, not a tape backup or something. Sometimes backups can miss stuff,
 or as mentione previously, the backup software itself could have been
 rooted. Actually, it would be best to make a duplicate of the disk, USE
 THE DUPLICATE, and give the police the original. If possible, just yank
 the power out of the box... the reason being that if you use 'reboot' or
 'shutdown' or others, they usually run though the shutdown scripts, and
 within the shutdown scripts the kiddies could've planted something there
 as well. You never know. By yanking the power, no software can
 write/modify the disks, and they are preserved, more or less.

Good point.  Also that means not running fsck!  Sometimes there's interesting 
data in files that were deleted but open at the time, fsck will usually 
remove that data while debugfs can get it.

-- Bonnie++ hard drive benchmark   Postal SMTP/POP benchmark Projects I am working on My home page

Re: BIND exploited ? -UPDATE #2

2002-01-06 Thread Thedore Knab
How does this sound ?

The system has been rebuilt.

It is running Bind 9.2 chroot version on RH 7.2. Someone else built it. I prefer
Debian or OpenBSD. I will add tripwire and chkroot kit to run as a cron

The harddrives will be saved for further investigation at a later date.

Since the harddrives have been modified in a hack effort to patch the
problem, I don't think it can be used as evidence.

Snort will also be installed on an OPENBSD box at the edge of the nework to 
monitor the
administrave network, and on the administrative network.


[OT] help with filtering chars using reg exp in PHP

2002-01-06 Thread sib
hello all,

for the life of me i cant figure out the reg exp PHP manual, can someone please
help me with ereg_replace() or preg_replace() in PHP. i have a string wherein
i want to replace all occurences of characters outside of a-z0-9 with nothing.


A world of Information. The journey begins here. At Home.
Internet Cebu's web based mail.

Re: Best way to duplicate HDs--talk more about rsync+ssh system

2002-01-06 Thread Patrick Hsieh
 3) Add this to authorized_keys for the above account, specifying the
 command that logins with this key are allowed to run. See command= in

I can't find the document about this section, can you show me
some reference or examples? Many thanks.


GPG public key

Re: chroot debian environments

2002-01-06 Thread Jacob Elder
On Mon, Jan 07, 2002 at 03:48:25PM +1100, Kevin Littlejohn wrote:
 What I'm wondering is, what's the best way to start this process? 
 Assuming I have a partition set aside (which will be mounted read-only)
 to act as the root filesystem for the chroot cage, how do I get the
 basic file layout, dpkg, etc installed on it?  I could do a basic debian
 install, but that'd include things like a kernel, which I don't need.

I'd start with debootstrap.

Jacob Elder