packaging updates/changes/customization for woody's release

2001-05-07 Thread Ivan E. Moore II as our Release guy prepares to set a freeze date (probably about a
month away) I have to prepare for the time when I can no longer upload except
for RC bug fixes.  You probably will have or will soon enough notice I'm doing
more work in customization of the packages.  Things like menu work, conf file
modifications, lots of cleanup, and other things like that.  Most of this
work is going ino the 2.2 packages however I'm commiting some of these to
the 2.1 packages as well.  

   You all are probably wondering if 2.2 will end up in woody.  Looking at
the timeline and guestimation dates I would say no.  But also knowing how
things go with releases and timelines it's entirely possible.  I'm shooting
for 2.2 to be in woody.  All of my focus is currently on the 2.2 packaging.

I'd like all of you who have done some sort of customization of your KDE
installations to look over it and figure out what bits would be good for
Debian.  What parts would enhance the KDE default installation.  What things
need to be changed, disabled by default, enabled, by default, etc.  
Let's act like we have until June 1st to get all customization and packaging
problems fixed (not that that's going to be the freeze date) and let's see
if we can get all those fixed.



Ivan E. Moore II
GPG Fingerprint=F2FC 69FD 0DA0 4FB8 225E 27B6 7645 8141 90BC E0DD

Re: KDE upgrade from potato to Woody

2001-05-07 Thread Ivan E. Moore II

 I have potato KDE 2.1.1 and potato X3.3.6. I want AA, an from all
 the posts it seems to me that my best option is to dist-upgrade to
 My question is: Do I need to upgrade my KDE as well, and if yes,
 what to put my sources list for this to happen? Here is what i have: potato main crypto stable main contrib non-free
 Do I just have to change potato to woody, and stable to unstable?
 Is this correct?

If you are planning on completely upgrading to woody then all you have to
do is remove the lines from your sources.list file.  KDE is
in woody so the packages will be upgraded as well.


Ivan E. Moore II
GPG Fingerprint=F2FC 69FD 0DA0 4FB8 225E 27B6 7645 8141 90BC E0DD

Re: _long_ pause when starting up KDE

2001-05-07 Thread Ax
Dne p 4. kv?ten 2001 17:07 Jens Benecke napsal(a):

 when I start up KDE on my laptop, for about 10-15 seconds during
 initalizing devices, my computer does not do ANYTHING. No CPU load, no
 hdd activity, no network activity.  This doesn't happen on any of my other
 KDE machines.

Got same problem here, it turned out to be artsd-related problem. try playing 
w/ it.

   Vaclav Hula


Od sochy k svobod? je hodn? daleko...
[Hobit - Mravenci]

Re: Lost kmail password?

2001-05-07 Thread John Gay

Thanks! I'll give it a try tonight! The wife and daughter are about to kill me
for this.


 John Gay

directory size limit?

2001-05-07 Thread David Bishop

Is there a limit to how large a single directory can be??  I was copying a 
large number of iso's into a directory to be shared via samba on my local 
network (one of those virtual cd programs for the kid's games), converting an 
NT box to linux+smb, when I ran into a problem.  About a dozen iso's into it, 
the copy process stopped, claiming the drive was full.  Except df says 35% of 
the 35gig drive is being used.  And I can copy the iso's into other 
directories just fine.  But any attempt to write more into that one fails 
with the disk full error.  All me attempts at searching the net for file 
directory size limit just brought back the old 2.1 gig limit for a single 
file, which I have not reached at all.  It's also not an inode problem, as 
there are about 50 files in there total, well under the ext2fs limit.  And 
just to make sure, I deleted everything in there, recopied the files, and it 
bombed out in the same directory.  Anyways, if anyone has run into this 
limit, please tell me, and if it's something else stupid, please tell me that 
too :-)



P.S. While this isn't *directly* kde-related, I was using konq to copy the 
files...  :-P

Re: directory size limit?

2001-05-07 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
 P.S. While this isn't *directly* kde-related, I was using konq to copy the 
 files...  :-P
hmmm - does it work without konq?
if not, i would strongly suggest a file system check. many programs
report disk full (i guess, that's what the kernel says) when the
file system was found to be corrupted (look at your syslog).


best regards

Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
Nothing is fool-proof to a sufficiently talented fool.

Re: packaging updates/changes/customization for woody's release

2001-05-07 Thread Bruce Sass
On Mon, 7 May 2001, Ivan E. Moore II wrote:

   I'd like all of you who have done some sort of customization of your KDE
   installations to look over it and figure out what bits would be good for
   Debian.  What parts would enhance the KDE default installation.  What
  My vote goes on configuring /usr/share/applnk as config files, so that they
  don't get clobbered by an upgrade. (i.e. moving them to /etc/kde2/applnk or

 then you have to deal with left over files (*.dpkg-old, etc...) which if
 not removed will cause duplication in menus and KDE doesn't like duplication.
 I'll attempt this one more time.  The last time I tried this it caused alot
 of problems unrelated to the Debian conffile bits.

Please don't do it.  I modify every single .desktop file that comes
from KDE (all those langs I'll never use are a significant waste of
disk space and processing time) and it is not fun doing an upgrade
when they are all conffiles.  What concerns me the most though is that
when you start using your own files in preference to the defaults it
is easy to lose updates to the defaults that should be propagated into
the tweaked files.

I think this should be handled much like Debian's menu system does
it... one dir has the defaults, another has the overrides.  i.e.,
Build /usr/share/applnk instead of installing into it.

  I like to configure file extensions and associations globally, so each new
  user can start XMMS with *.ogg, mplayer/aviplay for *.avi (not the KDE
  player), mswordview for *.doc, gvim for *.tex, and so on.

I don't see why /usr/share/mimelnk couldn't be constructed also; aside
from being accessed indirectly, it is like applnk in form and

I keep thinking that having all the kdebase applnk and mimelnk files
in their own package would be good... but that is probably just
coming from wanting to fiddle with them in isolation.

- Bruce

Re: AA with potato (strictly)

2001-05-07 Thread Martin Juhlin
söndagen den  6 maj 2001 22:33 skrev Jens Benecke:
 On Mon, May 07, 2001 at 05:13:38AM +1000, Rob Weir wrote:
   You can only do antialiasing if you do NOT use the NVIDIA drivers (the
   commercial ones). They cannot do it yet.
  I'm using the binary NVIDIA drivers from NVIDIA, with a TNT-1, under
  X4.0.2 w/AA with no problems at all.  Is this what you mean?

 Yes, One of the NVIDIA developers said so in a mailing list (don't remember
 where). If you got it running, please tell me how - I only get segfaults as
 soon as I use an AA'able font or try QT_XFT=1 or enable AA in the control

It works for me (I think :-), in woody and a geforce 2 mx ...  Qt_XFT=1 
kwrite doesn't complain ...I just followed the instructions. A short resume :

* install nvidias drivers.
* Change “nv” to “nvidia” in XF86Config-4 
* I load the following modules in XF86Config-4
Loaddbe   # Double buffer extension
SubSection  extmod
Optionomit xfree86-dga   # don't initialise the DGA 


* restart your x-server
* test it and enable AA-support in control center

I do however just run xfs, and not any xfs*tt servers. It have perhaps 
something to do with it. I do have two problems, kde studio for some reason 
doesn't reconize true type font in it's editor window, it doesn't look good 
when it trying to use the old ones. My second problem is konsole, there I 
must run “QT_XFT=0 konsole” (from a konsole :-/ ) to get the font correct.

My selection of fonts in control center is “georiga”, “courier new”, 
“georiga”, georiga”, comic sans ms”, “century schoolbook”, “arial” 
and I have “times new roman” in konqueror.

I hope it helps

potato kde2 install dependency: libkmid

2001-05-07 Thread Whit Blauvelt
A problem today - wasn't a problem last week. Not a file available as a
standard potato file. Also, since it's for midi, and some of us not only
don't have midi support but have a visceral hatred of midi ... what the heck
is kde doing demanding it? Never mind, but if install task-kde is going to
work again on potato this library needs to be provided in potato-usable


PS: This is seriously foobared. Pardon my French, but the unstable version of
that midi library does _not_ install on Potato.

Re: scroll wheel

2001-05-07 Thread Guillermo Castro
Hash: SHA1

I've been using my mouse wheel in KDE 2.x, and I don't have imwheel 
installed. The only thing I needed was to configure XF86Config-4 to handle 
the mouse wheel:

Section InputDevice 
Identifier  Generic Mouse 
Driver  mouse 
Option  CorePointer 
Option  Device/dev/psaux 
Option  Protocol  ImPS/2 
Option  ZAxisMapping  4 5 

The two relevant options are the protocol, which most be compatible with the 
wheel, and the ZAxisMapping, which tells X to map the wheel. 

I have an intellimouse from MS, and I use the wheel as the middle button (so 
I don't have to emulate the third buuton)

Most KDE applications respond to the wheel (konqueror, kmail, konsole, etc.)

Hope this helps.

On Sunday 06 May 2001 17:29, James Smith wrote:
 Does anyone know of a way to get a scroll wheel on a mouse working in KDE
 without using an external program like imwheel?

 James Smith

- -- 
Guillermo Castro[EMAIL PROTECTED]
eMonterrey  Monterrey NL, Mexico
Public key:
Version: GnuPG v1.0.4 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


arts(d) and near crashes

2001-05-07 Thread Jaye Inabnit ke6sls


I wanted to share my experience with system performance. I have been seeing 
performance issues with various apps under KDE2. Seems like it always is 
involved with arts(d). I've finally reached the point where I am not starting 
the demon on startup and will live without sound events.

I want to say that my system goes into a tail spin of swappage, yet I'm 
completely unconvinced that it's a memory issue. My mouse will move but out 
of sync with the pointer (so it's useless) and the keyboard is still there, 
but will not work to provide a 3 fingered salute.

I was able to get to my root console once and issue init 1 which allowed me 
to keep my uptime (just over 40 days). This lock up was after I attempted to 
print a document from StarOffice5.2 and I had xmms running with the arts 
pluggin. It took nearly 15 minutes of attempting to leave x to get back to 
the console.

The second and third quirks were after I attempted to use noatun to play an 
ogg formated speech from RMS. During these events, my keyboard would no 
longer function. The first time, I stayed for about 20 minutes but wasn't 
getting out of x and couldn't kill x. I used the reset button and started 
into 45 minutes of e2fsck'ing which took two shots (but it lived!). The 
second time I was able to use my other box to ssh in and become root long 
enough to do a shutdown -r now. It took 27 minutes to boot after I issued the 
command, but the kernel didn't give up!

I recall some others were having major issues with noatun and here it has 
never played nice but did play. 

System is stable potato with kde2.1.2. A 450pIII with 128MB Dimms.

I'm not sure why kde went with the arts concept yet, but I'll browse the site 
and see if known arts(d) issues are present. I wanted to drop the list a note 
explaining at least my experience here. Now I have to seek out an ogg player 



Jaye Inabnit\ARS ke6sls/TELE: USA-707-442-6579\/A GNU-Debian linux user
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] WEB: ICQ: 12741145
If it's stupid, but works, it ain't stupid. SHOUT JUST FOR FUN.
Free software, in a free world, for a free spirit. Please Support freedom!

It's getting even uglier

2001-05-07 Thread Whit Blauvelt
Okay, so I try to install kde2 onto Potato by dselect, select everything to
do with kde, it appears to install (except for some reason libssh096 is
currently not available on non-us), but startx kde2 does not do more than
start an X screen with a single terminal in the corner and some unstable
cursor control.

If someone can suggest how to overcome this, it would save me from the wrath
of my girlfriend, whose system is disabled because of this (she wanted
Konqueror). The last couple of Potato-KDE2 installs I did went so damn


Re: scroll wheel

2001-05-07 Thread David Bishop

On this subject, has anyone found something for Linux that replicates the 
functionality of UniversalScroller ( which 
duplicates Logitech's Mouseware.  Basically, clicking and holding the middle 
mouse button allows you to scroll up and down using normal mouse movements.  
It's nice enough that I prefer to use it even when I have a (true) scroll 
mouse (which I don't at the moment).  I've done some 'net searches and 
haven't found anything.  



On Monday 07 May 2001 10:58, Guillermo Castro wrote:
 Hash: SHA1

 I've been using my mouse wheel in KDE 2.x, and I don't have imwheel
 installed. The only thing I needed was to configure XF86Config-4 to handle
 the mouse wheel:

 Section InputDevice
   Identifier  Generic Mouse
   Driver  mouse
   Option  CorePointer
   Option  Device/dev/psaux
   Option  Protocol  ImPS/2
   Option  ZAxisMapping  4 5

 The two relevant options are the protocol, which most be compatible with
 the wheel, and the ZAxisMapping, which tells X to map the wheel.

 I have an intellimouse from MS, and I use the wheel as the middle button
 (so I don't have to emulate the third buuton)

 Most KDE applications respond to the wheel (konqueror, kmail, konsole,

 Hope this helps.

 On Sunday 06 May 2001 17:29, James Smith wrote:
  Does anyone know of a way to get a scroll wheel on a mouse working in KDE
  without using an external program like imwheel?
  James Smith

 - --
 Guillermo Castro  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 eMonterreyMonterrey NL, Mexico
 Public key:
 Version: GnuPG v1.0.4 (GNU/Linux)
 Comment: For info see


Uhmm: kdm-config kdmrc Xsetup (potato)

2001-05-07 Thread Achim Bohnet
Hallo Ivan,

just updated KDE 2 from on a potato box and the
kdm ( changes confused me a bit:

1) Distinction between local Xserver and remote X-servers is gone

ds02[0] /etc/X11/kdm # grep _0 kdm-config
DisplayManager._0.startup:  /etc/X11/kdm/Xstartup_0
ds02[0] /etc/X11/kdm # grep _0 kdm-config.dpkg-dist
ds02[1] /etc/X11/kdm #

This would certainly disappoint the X-Terminal users I serve here ;)

2) kdmrc does not contain the KDE 2 session type anymore.  kdmrc diff give:


3) a typo in new /etc/X11/kdm/Xsetup
   (should be Xsetup_0 IMHO. See 1 above)

+rm /var/run/xconsole$
+  fi
^-- 'r' missing

4) Last but not least Xsetup starts at the kdmdesktop at the end
   but /usr/share/doc/kde/HTML/en/kdm/kdmdesktop.html  Tells me
   that kdmdesktop is obsolete and ignored by kdm.

  To me vi is Zen.  To use vi is to practice zen. Every command is
  a koan. Profound to the user, unintelligible to the uninitiated.
  You discover truth everytime you use it.

Re: Uhmm: kdm-config kdmrc Xsetup (potato)

2001-05-07 Thread Ivan E. Moore II
 1) Distinction between local Xserver and remote X-servers is gone
 ds02[0] /etc/X11/kdm # grep _0 kdm-config
 DisplayManager._0.startup:  /etc/X11/kdm/Xstartup_0
 ds02[0] /etc/X11/kdm # grep _0 kdm-config.dpkg-dist
 ds02[1] /etc/X11/kdm #
 This would certainly disappoint the X-Terminal users I serve here ;)

I don't truely understand this.  I'm following the upstream X format for
handling all of this.
 2) kdmrc does not contain the KDE 2 session type anymore.  kdmrc diff give:

the default kdmrc should *not* contain anything except for default and
failsafe as you can install kdm without kdebase or any other wm/sm.  The
new kdm menu-method allows for automatic creation of the System Type list
if you have menu installed and have enabled it.  (man kdm.options)

 4) Last but not least Xsetup starts at the kdmdesktop at the end
but /usr/share/doc/kde/HTML/en/kdm/kdmdesktop.html  Tells me
that kdmdesktop is obsolete and ignored by kdm.

what does running kdm without kdmdesktop running do for you?  I'll tell ya,
it gives you the background colors.  Not it is not needed for kdm to function
or at least it doesn't seem like it, but if you want kdm to look nice you
need to run it...however that is a configuration file so you can disable it
if you don't want it ran.



Ivan E. Moore II
GPG Fingerprint=F2FC 69FD 0DA0 4FB8 225E 27B6 7645 8141 90BC E0DD

Re: packaging updates/changes/customization for woody's release

2001-05-07 Thread Achim Bohnet
On Monday 07 May 2001 20:36, Jens Benecke wrote:
 On Mon, May 07, 2001 at 09:41:24AM -0600, Ivan E. Moore II wrote:
I'd like all of you who have done some sort of customization of your
KDE installations to look over it and figure out what bits would be
good for Debian.  What parts would enhance the KDE default
   My vote goes on configuring /usr/share/applnk as config files, so that
   they don't get clobbered by an upgrade. (i.e. moving them to
   /etc/kde2/applnk or something)
 Here, I meant mimelnk of course. applnk is created by the menu tools, isn't
  then you have to deal with left over files (*.dpkg-old, etc...) which if
  not removed will cause duplication in menus and KDE doesn't like
  duplication.  I'll attempt this one more time.  The last time I tried
  this it caused alot of problems unrelated to the Debian conffile bits.
 Hm... the last time I asked about this in KDE they promised in the 2.x
 versions there would be a way of merging more than two lnk (applnk,
 mimelnk, etc) directories into one common menu / association structure.
 That way you were supposed to get global pre-installed /usr/share/applnk,
 global customized /etc/kde2/applnk (put an empty file there to hide the
 global pre-installed entry with the same name), and your own
 $KDEHOME/share/applnk and all would merge together. 
 Did anything happen there? That would be the ideal solution ...

KDE 2 introduced the env variable KDEDIRS that list dirs like PATH.
(details are in kstddir.h)
Not sure if this help because debian has no common root like /opt/kde2


   The other solution would be to provide default applnk files in
   /etc/skel, but I think that is a kludge. For now I have symlinked
   /usr/share/applnk to /etc/kde2/applnk but that's a kludge IMHO, and I
   don't know if it breaks the next update.
  just moving the files into /etc doesn't make them conffiles.
 I know ;) but I have /usr mounted read-only and that was the only way to be
 able to change the stuff without having to remount all the time.
 Jens Benecke Dann nimm lieber gleich Pattex!
 Na, ob das was hilft - der Hersteller ist schließlich eine 
  Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung :-) (-- aus dem Usenet) - Die kostenlose Mitfahrzentrale für ganz Europa
  To me vi is Zen.  To use vi is to practice zen. Every command is
  a koan. Profound to the user, unintelligible to the uninitiated.
  You discover truth everytime you use it.

Re: scroll wheel

2001-05-07 Thread G. L. `Griz' Inabnit

On Monday 07 May 2001 10:58, Guillermo Castro wrote something to this effect:
 Hash: SHA1

 I've been using my mouse wheel in KDE 2.x, and I don't have imwheel
 installed. The only thing I needed was to configure XF86Config-4 to handle
 the mouse wheel:

 Section InputDevice
   Identifier  Generic Mouse
   Driver  mouse
   Option  CorePointer
   Option  Device/dev/psaux
   Option  Protocol  ImPS/2
   Option  ZAxisMapping  4 5

 The two relevant options are the protocol, which most be compatible with
 the wheel, and the ZAxisMapping, which tells X to map the wheel.

 I have an intellimouse from MS, and I use the wheel as the middle button
 (so I don't have to emulate the third buuton)

 Most KDE applications respond to the wheel (konqueror, kmail, konsole,

 Hope this helps.


I saw this post and began following it with GREAT interest, as my 
hasn't working in X11 for quite some time now. But, even after editting the
/etc/X11/XF86Config-4, it's still not working.

- -- This is cut directly from XF86Config-4 --

Section InputDevice
Identifier  Generic Mouse
Driver  mouse
Option  CorePointer
Option  Protocol  ImPS/2
Option  Device/dev/psaux
#   Option  Emulate3Buttons   true
Option  ZAxisMapping  4 5

I do NOT have imwheel installed.
I'm running UNSTABLE (SID)

Any hints, ideas, help, thoughts, etc? :--)

- --
   OutCast Computer Consultants of Central Oregon
 (541) 504-1388
 Via IRC at;
   Via ICQ: UIN 138930

Failure is not an's bundled with Microsoft

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Re: packaging updates/changes/customization for woody's release

2001-05-07 Thread Bruce Sass
On Mon, 7 May 2001, Ivan E. Moore II wrote:

  Please don't do it.  I modify every single .desktop file that comes
  from KDE (all those langs I'll never use are a significant waste of
  disk space and processing time) and it is not fun doing an upgrade
  when they are all conffiles.  What concerns me the most though is that
  when you start using your own files in preference to the defaults it
  is easy to lose updates to the defaults that should be propagated into
  the tweaked files.

 And this could save you a ton of work.  How often do you have to remove
 all those lines from every .desktop file...during *every* upgrade.  By
 conffile'ng all of them you will only have to do your modifications when
 one of the .desktop files change...which doesn't happen that often in

Last time you tried it I ended up having to confirm that I wanted to
keep every .desktop file I customized every time I upgraded (just
like I have to confirm I want to keep my kdmrc every upgrade), it is
far simpler to do:
cd /usr/share
rfl applnk apps mimelnk services servicetypes templates
# of course I've scripted it :)

  I think this should be handled much like Debian's menu system does
  it... one dir has the defaults, another has the overrides.  i.e.,
  Build /usr/share/applnk instead of installing into it.

 it's done this way already.  /usr/share/applnk is primary,
 $HOME/.kde/share/applnk  is secondary.

It is not the same.  There is no way for the sysadmin to override a
systemwide [DesktopEntry] like a sysadmin can override a default menu

 Either way you will still have the same problem your talking about...the
 wasted space.

Not really...
I would delete the default KDE entries after the upgrade.

I like to configure file extensions and associations globally, so each 
user can start XMMS with *.ogg, mplayer/aviplay for *.avi (not the KDE
player), mswordview for *.doc, gvim for *.tex, and so on.
  I don't see why /usr/share/mimelnk couldn't be constructed also; aside
  from being accessed indirectly, it is like applnk in form and

 This here is the same thing...except I don't see a reason for anyone messing
 with any of these files except to add new files or in your case remove
 all the extra i18n tags.

Here's some...
- all too often the solution to a problem is rm -rf ~/.kde
- or rm -rf ~/.kde/share/applnk
- each user must beef up the mimetypes KDE apps recognize themselves,
  that should be done at the system level (but if you do, the next
  upgrade will wipe it out)

  I keep thinking that having all the kdebase applnk and mimelnk files
  in their own package would be good... but that is probably just
  coming from wanting to fiddle with them in isolation.

 why?  What would you gain from having them in a seperate package?

...coming from wanting to fiddle with them in isolation.
i.e, put the hypothetical kde-applnkmimelnk-pkg on hold and impose my
own handling on the situation - I'm not asking for it! - it just pops
into my head every now and then, for a minute or so.  :)

Regarding the KDE main menu, this is what is currently happening...

there are seven sources for the K menu:
- KDE default .desktop files
These are installed into /usr/share/applnk, overwriting any
tweaks done by the sysadmin.
- kappfinder .desktop-s
Installed in /usr/share/apps/kappfinder/apps, tweaks are
history after an upgrade.
- sysadmin generated .desktop-s
Dropped in /usr/share/applnk, maybe symlinks into applnk.
- user generated .desktop-s
Dropped in ~/.kde/share/applnk, maybe symlinks into applnk.
- Debian menu entries
Installed into /usr/lib/menu, no need to tweak these.
- sysadmin generated menu entries (new stuff and tweaks)
Place in /etc/menu, overrides stuff in /usr/lib/menu
- user generated menu entries (new stuff and tweaks)
Place in ~/.menu, overrides {/usr/lib,/etc}/menu stuff

there are two views of the K menu:
- system's
/usr/share/applnk - ksycoca - K
- user's
/usr/share/applnk + ~/.kde/share/applnk - ksycoca - K

to generate /usr/share/applnk:
- KDE defaults are installed in /usr/share/applnk
- sysadmin's menu entries merged with the Debian menu
- Debian menu is translated to .desktop format
- KDEized Debian menu linked into /usr/share/applnk

to generate ~/.kde/share/applnk:
- kmenuedit
- kappfinder
- add a button to the panel

If the KDE .desktop files were installed into (say)
/usr/lib/kde/share/applnk, and the sysadmin could put stuff into (say)
/etc/kde2/overrides/share/applnk, and /etc/menu-methods/kdebase
(or whatever would be appropriate) did a simple merge of the two
applnk directories (stuff in /etc/.../applnk wins -- that would be
similar to what Debian's menu system does.

to generate /usr/share/applnk would become:
- sysadmin's .desktop entries merged with KDE defaults
- KDE 

Re: packaging updates/changes/customization for woody's release

2001-05-07 Thread Ivan E. Moore II
  And this could save you a ton of work.  How often do you have to remove
  all those lines from every .desktop file...during *every* upgrade.  By
  conffile'ng all of them you will only have to do your modifications when
  one of the .desktop files change...which doesn't happen that often in
 Last time you tried it I ended up having to confirm that I wanted to
 keep every .desktop file I customized every time I upgraded (just
 like I have to confirm I want to keep my kdmrc every upgrade), it is
 far simpler to do:
   cd /usr/share
   rfl applnk apps mimelnk services servicetypes templates
   # of course I've scripted it :)

like I said before...last time I tried this there were a ton of other problems
which stacked up and caused other problems...dominoes effect.

don't use kdmrc as an example..I have been doing alot of work in regards to
kdm lately and it's not a good example.  When was the last time you had
to confirm something like:  /etc/kde2/kuriikwsfilterrc or klipperrc

You will be able to override anything I do to these conffiles without even
touching the conffiles if you wish.  Write a script that will parse all
the files under /etc/kde2/applnk/* (for example) and gathers the differences
between them and your files and updates your files which you would drop under
/usr/share/applnk.  Your files under /usr/share/applnk will overwrite those
that are in /etc/kde2/applnk.

the same will go with mimelnk, services, and servicetypes.

   I think this should be handled much like Debian's menu system does
   it... one dir has the defaults, another has the overrides.  i.e.,
   Build /usr/share/applnk instead of installing into it.
  it's done this way already.  /usr/share/applnk is primary,
  $HOME/.kde/share/applnk  is secondary.
 It is not the same.  There is no way for the sysadmin to override a
 systemwide [DesktopEntry] like a sysadmin can override a default menu

see above.

  Either way you will still have the same problem your talking about...the
  wasted space.
 Not really...
 I would delete the default KDE entries after the upgrade.


 Here's some...
 - all too often the solution to a problem is rm -rf ~/.kde

 hmmm...I've only done that twice in the past year...I think that's pretty
good since I've been running alpha/beta software for most of that.

 - or rm -rf ~/.kde/share/applnk

now this I've done more often...but this is usually because I end up testing
something for someone else.

 - each user must beef up the mimetypes KDE apps recognize themselves,
   that should be done at the system level (but if you do, the next
   upgrade will wipe it out)

so this here would be ok to conffile but not applnk?  they both have the
same amount of translations.

   I keep thinking that having all the kdebase applnk and mimelnk files
   in their own package would be good... but that is probably just
   coming from wanting to fiddle with them in isolation.
  why?  What would you gain from having them in a seperate package?
 ...coming from wanting to fiddle with them in isolation.
 i.e, put the hypothetical kde-applnkmimelnk-pkg on hold and impose my
 own handling on the situation - I'm not asking for it! - it just pops
 into my head every now and then, for a minute or so.  :)
 Regarding the KDE main menu, this is what is currently happening...
 there are seven sources for the K menu:
 - KDE default .desktop files
 These are installed into /usr/share/applnk, overwriting any
 tweaks done by the sysadmin.
 - kappfinder .desktop-s
 Installed in /usr/share/apps/kappfinder/apps, tweaks are
 history after an upgrade.
 - sysadmin generated .desktop-s
 Dropped in /usr/share/applnk, maybe symlinks into applnk.
 - user generated .desktop-s
 Dropped in ~/.kde/share/applnk, maybe symlinks into applnk.
 - Debian menu entries
 Installed into /usr/lib/menu, no need to tweak these.
 - sysadmin generated menu entries (new stuff and tweaks)
 Place in /etc/menu, overrides stuff in /usr/lib/menu
 - user generated menu entries (new stuff and tweaks)
 Place in ~/.menu, overrides {/usr/lib,/etc}/menu stuff
 there are two views of the K menu:
 - system's
 /usr/share/applnk - ksycoca - K
 - user's
 /usr/share/applnk + ~/.kde/share/applnk - ksycoca - K
 to generate /usr/share/applnk:
 - KDE defaults are installed in /usr/share/applnk
 - sysadmin's menu entries merged with the Debian menu
 - Debian menu is translated to .desktop format
 - KDEized Debian menu linked into /usr/share/applnk
 to generate ~/.kde/share/applnk:
 - kmenuedit
 - kappfinder
 - add a button to the panel

  - update-menus

 If the KDE .desktop files were installed into (say)
 /usr/lib/kde/share/applnk, and the sysadmin could put stuff into (say)
 /etc/kde2/overrides/share/applnk, and /etc/menu-methods/kdebase
 (or whatever would be 

And uglier

2001-05-07 Thread Whit Blauvelt
Since Potato wasn't happy on the target system, what the hey, went to
upgrade it to Woody and xfree4. Make the change in sources, run apt-get,
only gets half-way there, run dselect, not much better, run dselect and get
fvwm, suddenly it decides it's really going to upgrade a bunch of stuff. It
was after that I added xfree4, which seems to go okay, but now there's not
even startx on the system.

Okay, found and installed the package with startx, now it chokes because it
can't find the 'fixed' font. And anXious just exits quickly ... eh, where
are the alternatives to get X actually configured here?

I like Debian based on other experiences, but this should not be such a
bear, just getting a working install on a reasonably standard system that
took Mandrake just fine a year ago (despite which I've no fondness for
Mandrake - it was just a way to test and learn what was wrong with it).

Can someone recommend a clear route to get Woody up with xfree4 and kde2? I
can't waste another day on this, but would be happy to wipe and spend
another couple of hours on it if I thought that would result in the system
being up and clean.


update/upgrade broke licq

2001-05-07 Thread JC Portlock
Hi y'all,

Apt-get updated and upgraded my potato box last night.  I didn't notice 
till just now that Licq is no longer on the K-menu and when I try to 
run it in konsole I get this:

Dir=~ pts/2$ licq
16:54:51: [WRN] Licq: Ignoring stale lockfile (pid 22052)
licq: error in loading shared libraries: 
/usr/local/lib/licq/ undefined symbol: 

The prompt doesn't return until I kill the licq pid.  Is this an easy 
fix? (hopefully)

Oh, the stale lockfile (pid 22052) refers to a pid assigned to licq 
under a previous attempt to run it.


JC Portlock KE6UME
ICQ# 14481033
Professionals built the Titanic, but Amateurs built the Ark.
Good judgment comes from experience,
and a lot of that comes from bad judgment.

Re: AA with potato (strictly)

2001-05-07 Thread Andrej Marjan
On Sun, May 06, 2001 at 04:15:24PM +0200, Jens Benecke wrote:
  My card is OK (NVIDIA TNT2 M64 - it does the antialiasing under
 You can only do antialiasing if you do NOT use the NVIDIA drivers (the
 commercial ones). They cannot do it yet.

Yes they can. At least version 0.9.769 can (the latest drivers that the
debian installer grabs). They support the X render extension.

Change is inevitable.  |  A n d r e j M a r j a n
Progress is not.   | [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: And uglier

2001-05-07 Thread Rogerio Brito
On May 07 2001, Whit Blauvelt wrote:
 Okay, found and installed the package with startx, now it chokes
 because it can't find the 'fixed' font. And anXious just exits
 quickly ... eh, where are the alternatives to get X actually
 configured here?

I had this happen to me in a distant past. Perhaps my solution
also applies to your case? It was to just reinstall
xfonts-base (apt-get --reinstall install xfonts-base).

Cross your fingers.

Hope this helps, Roger...

  Rogerio Brito - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -